The best exercises for people who don't like grueling workouts. How to avoid overtraining, or why exhausting yourself in the gym is harmful

Before each workout, do a warm-up for the joints and dynamic stretching to warm up and activate the muscles. After training, also do not forget about, Special attention focus on the muscles that worked.

1. Bodyweight training

This workout is suitable for those who do not have access to free weights at all. It helps to work out the muscles of the arms and chest, hips and buttocks, pump endurance.

This seemingly easy complex becomes a real challenge if you perform it many times and do not rest between sets.

  • Sprint 200 meters.
  • 10 pushups.
  • 10 climbing exercises.

Perform the complex as many times as you can in 15 minutes, try not to rest between exercises.

2. Training to work out the main muscle groups

It's a hard workout that hits the triceps and pecs, hamstrings and core, builds endurance, and just leaves you exhausted in a puddle of sweat. In addition to push-ups, there are only two exercises in this workout.

  • burpee
  • Jump Squats

Structure of the complex

  1. 50 burpees.
  2. 50 jump squats.
  3. 40 pushups.
  4. 40 jump squats.
  5. 30 burpees.
  6. 30 jump squats.
  7. 20 pushups.
  8. 20 jump squats.
  9. 10 burpees.
  10. 10 jump squats.

It's okay if you can't do 40 push-ups or jump-ups in a row. Just do until muscle failure, then rest a bit and continue. The main thing - do not delay the rest, the complex should be very intense.

3. Workout with lunges and pull-ups

If you have a horizontal bar, try this workout. It combines exercises on the upper and lower parts of the body: pull-ups pump the muscles of the arms and back, and lunges in motion - the hips and buttocks.

Pull-ups can be performed with any grip, strict or swinging. If you don't know how to pull up yet, you can use rubber bands or do eccentric pull-ups.

Walk 15 meters lunges, then do pull-ups. Start with 10 pull-ups and reduce the number of pull-ups in each subsequent set: 15-meter lunges → 10 pull-ups → 15-meter lunges → 9 pull-ups → 15-meter lunges → 8 pull-ups and so on until one.

If you want to load your legs better and have access to free weights, you can do lunges with light dumbbells or a barbell plate raised above your head.

4. Workout with dumbbells

Each of the exercises pumps several muscle groups at once, so this workout helps keep the whole body in good shape and does not take much time.

  • Reverse lunges, 10 reps on each leg.

  • Squats with dumbbell press up, 10-12 reps.

  • Dumbbell bench press with one arm, 10-12 reps per arm.

  • Standing dumbbell row, 10-12 reps.

Complete 2-3 circles. Rest between exercises - no more than 30 seconds.

If you don't have a bench press, do the same exercise on the floor.

5. Second workout with dumbbells

Training pumps the muscles of the core, buttocks and rear surface hips, back, chest and triceps.

  • Romanian deadlift with dumbbells - 12-15 repetitions.

  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you and to the sides - 12-15 repetitions. Two lifts - one in front of you, one to the sides - count as one repetition.

  • Dumbbell plank row - 10-12 reps.

  • Push-ups - until muscle failure.
  • Dumbbell bench press - 10-12 reps.

Finish off by doing a superset of 20-30 jump squats or rock climbing exercises, rest for 30 seconds, and then on one leg or arm for as long as you can.

6. Plyometric training

For this workout, you will need dumbbells and an elevation. Be sure to warm up before exercising to prepare your body for the plyometric load.

  • Stepping up the hill with dumbbells: 4 sets of 4-6 reps with each leg. As a hill, you can use a stable chair, a bench in the park, a cabinet in the gym.

  • Jumping on a high pedestal (or other hill) - 4 sets of 4 reps.
  • Jumping over an obstacle - 4 sets of 4 jumps. As an obstacle, you can use dug tires, emphasis in the gym, or some other low objects that you can jump over.

Rest two minutes between sets.

7. Training with basic equipment

For this workout you will need basic set equipment that can be found in any gym: barbell, dumbbells and horizontal bar. If you are exercising at home, you can replace the barbell with dumbbells.

The workout is divided into three parts, in each of them you need to complete three circles.

Part 1

  • Lunges in motion with a barbell on the back, 10 reps on each leg.
  • Plyometric push-ups, 5-10 reps.
  • Box jumps, 5-10 reps. If there is no elevation, do long jumps.

Part 2

  • Bulgarian split squats with dumbbells, 10 reps per leg.

  • Burpees, 10 reps.
  • Pull-ups, 5 reps.

Part 3

  • Jumping out with a change of legs from a lunge, 10 repetitions on each leg.
  • Romanian deadlift, 10 reps.

Of course, such workouts will not help you pump up a mountain of muscles, but they are quite suitable for maintaining a good physical form and endurance muscle tone and cardiovascular health.

Also this great option for when you need to keep fit, but there is no way to go to a good gym.

PEOPLE take up training too hard mainly for two reasons. Some believe that the more, more often and longer they exhaust themselves with exercises, the faster and more reliably they will lose weight. For others, classes seem feasible and also enjoyable, so they keep increasing and increasing the load, trying new workouts, etc.

Excessive exercise leads to the so-called "overtraining syndrome". But it must be understood that overload" is a relative concept. Someone (and far from professional athletes) 15–20 km of running every day is normal, because they have been running for a long time and came to these kilometers gradually. And for others, 5 km of running is too much, after 5–6, overtraining does not even occur.

How to find out?

Overtraining can be earned in absolutely any form of physical education, from exercises with dumbbells to walking. The symptoms are always the same:

Muscle weakness. In other words, even the usual loads seem heavy, arms and legs move more slowly, there is not enough strength. Often the desire to go to training and bring it to the end disappears. A person takes his own lethargy for laziness and struggles with it, alas, destroying his own health.

Decreased appetite and insomnia. The first for those who are losing weight, out of ignorance, seems to be a plus. However, this, alas, is not the decrease in appetite that allows you to comfortably and. This is a nervously excited or, conversely, inhibited state in which a person “lives on coffee”, eats only chocolates and at the same time literally “cannot put any normal food into himself”.

emotional stress. The person is depressed, irritable, worried over trifles, afraid of hypothetical failures.

Frequent colds, viral infections (herpes), fungus, sudden allergies. If they appeared to you for the first time or were there for a long time, but worsened, you should think: what has changed in your life? Perhaps you began to use public transport more often, feel cold, there have been changes in personal life? It is worth sinning for overtraining if you have recently been training more than other beginners, or if you have significantly increased the load some time ago. As a rule, during overtraining, there is not one symptom from those described above, but several.

Increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. They can be caused not only and not so much by overtraining. However, if there are other symptoms, and most importantly - the pulse and pressure "jump" obviously during or after training, it's definitely time to reduce the load.

How to prevent?

Overtraining most often lies in wait for those who exercise irregularly, "in a ragged rhythm" and at the same time tend to "catch up on lost time." For example, only on the weekend and during this day he tries to drive away everything that he overate during the week.

The second in the risk group are lovers of excessive power loads. Of course, everyone has their own "excess". It is believed that increasing the weight of weights by more than 20-40% per week can lead to overtraining, although, of course, everyone is individual.

In general, sports science believes that overtraining syndrome is more often caused by attempts to dramatically increase strength, speed, sharpness, and other explosive qualities. Endurance classes, that is, low and medium intensity, are safer.

So let's try to give some practical advice how to avoid overtraining:

When training for endurance, start with half an hour and extend the time by no more than 5-10% per week. Even with such gradualness, the lesson should not last more than 1.5 hours.

Start with weights equal to household weights: dumbbells should not be heavier than a bottle of water, a bag of groceries. Increase the weight gradually, by 10% per week.

If you can't do 3 times a week, do at least one. It's still better than lying on the couch. But don't try to do as much in this one time as other people do in 3 workouts! Even if you are used to training 4-5 times a week, and suddenly had to drop to two, each of these sessions should be no more than 10-15% longer or harder than usual.

Pay close attention to your subjective feelings. You should not indulge your laziness, but if the reluctance to train arises when you have stressful circumstances: work rush at work, stress in your personal life, you have had an illness or you are going through menopause, listen to yourself. It’s not worth quitting workouts at all, but making them half as short or lighter, or even replacing them with walks, can be useful.

Professional coaches say: “Better to undertrain than overtrain.” By following this advice, you will reach where best results than if you exhaust yourself and test your health for strength.

At first, going to the gym seems like an unpleasant, routine and onerous duty. But once you get into what is called “getting into it”, you will understand why people love to play sports so much and want to achieve more serious results than before.

Three workouts a week will not be enough for you. You will have a desire to work even harder and with more dedication.

And now you are already becoming obsessed with sports and cannot live without it.

You think that the more often you do exhausting workouts, the better.

However, you must understand - in excessive physical activity more harm than good.

Today I will talk about 8 negative consequences of overtraining and excessive passion for sports.

1. Deterioration of personal relationships

An obsession with exercise causes you to isolate yourself from family, friends, and social life.

You don't even insure anyone gym, because they are too focused on a rigid set and rep plan.

2. Failure at work or school

Work and study in the list of priorities fade into the background.

Training becomes the main business of life.

If it were up to you, you would do the exercises in an office or classroom.

It is difficult for you to focus on professional activities or lectures if you have previously failed in the gym.

A weakened body is most susceptible to injury.

Excessive and exhausting training can lead to tendon and ligament sprains, dislocations and fractures.

You are also likely to experience frequent pain in the muscles and other parts of the body.

4. Heart failure

Moderate exercise strengthens and heals the heart.

But constant fatigue from too much exercise can weaken it.

You will cause even more damage to this vital organ if you do not eat right.

5. Weakened immune system

As you know, during sleep, the body is restored, and cells are renewed.

Overtraining interferes with these processes, and exhaustion leads to a weakening of the immune system.

You become more prone to colds, headaches, fevers, and other illnesses.

6. Amenorrhea

People who exercise too much eventually burn large amounts of fat.

When this happens to women, it can lead to the absence of menstruation for several cycles.

If amenorrhea is repeated too often, the woman may become infertile.

7. Insomnia

Moderate physical exercise can improve sleep.

However, if you have insomnia or trouble falling asleep, then you are clearly overdoing it.

During exercise, the body is stressed, and cortisol begins to be produced in it.

This hormone prevents relaxation and immersion in healthy sleep.

8. Depression

If you abuse training, you become like a drug addict.

You cannot live normally because you are literally dependent on them.

Without exercise your mood drops, and the case may end in depression and low self-esteem.

Thus, the meaning of sports is lost, because you do it to be healthy, and not weak and depressed.

If you observe an addiction to training, then you need to take certain steps to solve the problem.

Don't wait for your body and mind to suffer from your own actions.

How often do you train?

Do you think it can be harmful?

There are many debilitating circuit training from different coaches, but we decided to write about the craziest one. The word insanity is translated from English - madness. This training has become a real breakthrough in the world home fitness. Insanity includes a huge amount of jumps, and you simply won't have time to rest.

Appearance of Insanity

Training is really not easy. Your body becomes as hardy as possible, and clothes can be squeezed out after such loads. The man who came up with Insanity is called Sean T, he was a star athletics, received a sports education and even taught dance. Based on his experience and knowledge, Sean has developed the most insane workout, the results of which can motivate anyone. Designed for the stars effective workouts quickly went to the people.

People first learned about Insanity exercises in 2009. The training cycle is designed for 60 days and includes 6 workouts per week. Yes, after such insane loads you will be able to rest for just one day. It is in two months with the help of this program that you must make a real transformation of your body.

First month

A daily workout will take you about 30 minutes, but at first, many are able to hold out only 3-4 minutes, because the load is, to put it mildly, intense. In order for the body to be able to withstand all 30 minutes, it is recommended to add 30 seconds a day. Each week you have 6 workout options.

The very first day begins with the Fit Test workout, which can include a huge amount of jumps, such as jumping out of the crouch, jumping arms, jumping forward lunges and many other options. The Fit Test also complements a huge amount of ab exercises, most of which involve active leg work.

In addition, the Insanity complex includes cardio days and, of course, strength training. Cardio workouts are divided into several types at once, suffice it to say that even after the so-called recovery cardio, all those involved cannot immediately rise from the floor. Power training includes jumping from one foot to another, various lunges with leg raises, as well as several static loads.

Between the two months of brutal training, there is a recovery week, which includes various cardio exercises performed at moderate intensity.

Second month

After the first month, the load increases, and this is logical, because Insanity provides that you give everything 100% without a trace. The specifics of the exercises remain the same, however, the time of daily training is no longer 30 minutes, but all 50-60. In the second month, you can already meet such a workout as the Max Interval Circuit. Sean Tee considers her to be one of the most violent in the entire complex. Max Interval Circuit consists of many not the most difficult exercises, but the intensity with which they need to be performed inspires real fear. There is practically no time for rest in this workout.

Currently sports centers offer their clients a wide variety of fitness programs. Most visitors aim to keep in shape, be in good shape and lose weight, choosing intense loads for this. It is believed that in combination with proper nutrition, great physical activity gives the most effective result. However, experts are in a hurry to dissuade such ardent supporters from exhausting themselves: physical training are most productive if they take place in a moderate mode.

Scientists say that the belief that exhausting exercise is the only right way leads to health problems.

Scientists were able to prove this with the help of research. One group of volunteers was asked to run on a treadmill three times a week for 30 minutes for eight weeks. According to the compiled program, the participants in the experiment did not need to strain, but gradually increase the load. In the second group of people, with sedentary work, were also asked to run, but in a more intensive mode. They needed to constantly increase the load. All volunteers were examined before and after the experiment.

In both groups, the participants had increased physical endurance. But in the second group, the level of tension from exercise remained the same as at the beginning of the experiment, which generally had a negative impact on health. But the participants of the first group continued their exercises with pleasure, which made it possible to improve indicators of weight, pressure and mood.

The conclusions of scientists are such that exhausting training, forming physical endurance, is harmful to health. It has also been proven that if a person enjoys, then it is less likely that he will not engage in the future.