What to choose weekend fitness or homework? Weekend Fitness: Is there any point in training only on weekends and how to organize them to get the maximum effect of Weekend Fitness.

The catalog contains information about Weekend Fairs held in all administrative districts. The catalog contains information about operating sites, indicating the administrative district, district and address landmark of the site location; working hours on weekdays and weekends; the number of trading places.

In order to provide residents and guests of the capital with high-quality food and agricultural products, as well as to support domestic agricultural producers, weekend fairs have been created and are operating in the city of Moscow.

Trading at weekend fairs is popular among Russian farmers and entrepreneurs. Thousands of farmers and entrepreneurs from about 50 regions take part in weekly weekend fairs Russian Federation, mainly from the regions included in the Central Federal District.

In order to attract more direct manufacturers from Russian regions to weekend fairs in Moscow and to achieve accessibility for the population of goods sold here, trading places at weekend fairs are provided free of charge.

At each weekend fair 70% off total trading places for the group of goods "vegetables and fruits" are provided to individuals who run a peasant (farm) economy, personal subsidiary farming or are engaged in gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry.

According to the established procedure, three trading sessions of the weekend fairs are held from the beginning of April to the end of November.

24 days before each trading session, within 15 calendar days, application campaigns are held, during which individuals who run a peasant economy, personal subsidiary plots or are engaged in gardening, horticulture, as well as individual entrepreneurs and legal entities from this year submit electronic applications for participation at weekend fairs through the "Services" section on the Official website of the Mayor of Moscow (https://www.mos.ru/).

Those wishing to take part in weekend fairs in the city of Moscow through the "Catalogue of services" on the specified website are invited to go to the "Business" section, where to select the "Retail and public catering" subsection, in which there is a tab "Get a place at the weekend fair in Moscow".

Electronic applications for participation in weekend fairs in the city of Moscow are submitted from any geographical point from computers, tablets or smartphones with Internet access.

If the applicant does not have access to the Internet, the application can be submitted independently at any of the centers of public services "My Documents" in Moscow. Each of them has an electronic services zone, where computers with free Internet access are installed. You can find the addresses of the centers on the official website md.mos.ru

At the end of the application campaigns, the register of decisions is posted on the official website of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow dtu.mos.ru, as well as the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Fairs": fair.mos.ru, and notifications are sent to " personal accounts» applicants on the portal of public services of the city of Moscow.

Weekend fairs carry out their activities in modern presentable arched and tent structures that meet the requirements for organizing trading activities in the capital appearance, quality of materials, safety and convenience for participants and visitors of fairs.

Weekend fairs in the city of Moscow operate in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 04.05.2011 No. 172-PP “On approval of the procedure for organizing fairs and selling goods (performance of work, provision of services) at them”.

Weekend fairs provide for the sale of exclusively agricultural products and food products produced on the territory of the member states of the Customs Union. The sale of goods of the non-food group is provided for at regional fairs, as well as at specialized fairs.

Up-to-date information about the activities of weekend fairs in Moscow is available on the official website of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow: dtu.mos.ru.

Do you know what?

Since 2016, the authority to organize weekend fairs has been exercised by the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Fairs", formed by the order of the Government of Moscow dated December 23, 2015 No. 758-RP.

In connection with the creation of the State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Fairs” and the transfer of authority to organize weekend fairs to it in 2016, a multi-stage system for monitoring the activities of fairs was introduced, which made it possible to quickly identify and eliminate shortcomings.

The following websites were used in preparing the materials: www.mos.ru and www.dtu.mos.ru

Enough rest for muscle recovery important point workouts. Overtraining is of no benefit. Returning to action after such an assault will not be easy, and the time spent on recovery will nullify all achievements.

The effectiveness of fat burning directly depends on muscle mass. In order for the metabolic rate to be high during the week, you need to have a sufficient amount of muscle. So the body will need to support them with a large amount of energy, and fat will be spent better. The intensity of this process increases the power load, which causes the muscles to intensively renew and grow after training.

During the week, you will also need to perform simple strength exercises, which will complement the load in the hall.

You don't have to make your own training plan. First of all, a club specialist must assess your physical capabilities and health status. After that, according to your goals, the coach will make a complex. It is also better to do it under his control. The intensity of training, in any case, will be high.

Natalia Trohimets

Fitness is key Have a good mood And taut figure. Slimness makes you feel better and more confident. What does weekend fitness mean? In this case, there are two options. One includes weekend classes, as needed. Another option is training with a special subscription.

This method is called weekend fitness. In any case, these two options imply classes only for the weekend. Is there any sense in this at all? Is it necessary to practice in gym? Is it possible to achieve an effect by exercising within the walls of your own home? What to choose weekend fitness or home workouts in a comfortable environment?

It is worth starting with the fact that such a subscription costs much less than another. But in this case, it is still recommended to give preference regular workouts in a week. Weekend classes are very good, but not always. After a hard week of work, I want to relax. Therefore, going to training on Saturday or Sunday, you simply do not want to do anything. It is much more effective to visit the gym during the week.

After work, of course, there is no desire to go anywhere else. But overcoming your laziness is still much easier. So, fitness on the weekend carries the risk of eating a large amount of junk food. The fact is that on vacation, few people think about how much to eat. Therefore, if a trip or a picnic is planned for the weekend, then there will be no sense from the lesson. In addition, training on Saturday and Sunday can turn into a wild appetite later. After all, the body was overloaded with work throughout the week.

In addition, the concentration at work is sharply reduced. After a weekend like this, it will be difficult to work all week. The body will hardly rest. This is very bad. Bad mood and chronic fatigue, that's what happens. But, it doesn't always happen that way.

If a person is not overloaded at work, leads an active lifestyle, then this will not be difficult. In all other cases, it is better to distribute the load throughout the week. After all, seriously losing weight, in this way, is unlikely to succeed. So what to do? What to give your preference?

It should be noted that in order to keep the body in shape, weekend workouts are enough. But if we are talking about weight loss, and specific, then this is not enough. Two peaks of increased activity on the weekend will not bring the desired result. Here you can't do without dieting.

This will be even more difficult, because most firms work late. Refusing food after a busy day at work is very difficult. You can limit yourself to something light, but this will not bring the desired saturation. Therefore, following the strictest diet, and a couple of weekend workouts can still help.

As for homework. Much more effect will be from daily training. Even 30 minutes every day can quickly move a person towards his dream. In this case, we mean tightened and slender body. It is believed that comparing these two species and comparing them with each other is still stupid. Each person chooses something for himself. So, it is recommended to alternate classes at home with workouts in the fitness room. Perfect option it's daily self-study and weekend fitness. This will allow you to achieve the desired result very quickly.

The main thing is not to overdo it at the very beginning. Indeed, without the habit of living in such a rhythm it will be very difficult. Another important aspect. If a person nevertheless decided to study in these two ways at the same time, then you need to know one nuance. You can not quit training abruptly, even if the effect appears quickly! The body is able to get used to the loads and a sharp rejection of them will return everything back. Simply put, a quick effect with the same speed can return.

So, first you need to decide what a person should get as an output. If the figure requires an easy adjustment, then weekend fitness is what you need. Two workouts a week is enough. This is ideal for sculpting the body. If there is a desire to lose weight and, moreover, very seriously, then there is not much different system.

In order to achieve a good effect, you need to practice at least 3 times a week. In this case, it is quite possible to combine weekend workouts and homework. Fitness classes at home are also good, but in their own way. Such power loads can effectively and quickly burn fat. Most importantly, do not try to lose more than 1 kg per week. In general, it all depends solely on the weight of the person. Again, sometimes kilograms are not important.

First of all, you need to follow the parameters! After all, sometimes a thin person can weigh a lot. Full, on the contrary, little. It all depends solely on the structure of the bone. What can be chosen as homework? Anything can be here. It is quite possible to do fitness at the weekend in the gym and do similar exercises at home. The simplest leg swings, press swings, and so on will also do. It all depends solely on the person and his desires.

You can combine two types of training. For example, on weekends go to the fitness room, and on weekdays practice callanetics or oriental dances. Anything can be used as home exercises. The main thing is not to forget that any workout should be accompanied by a competent cardio load! If a person has just begun his journey to losing weight, then classes should not be more than 2-3 times a week. What to include in cardio? This is where running is perfect.

And it is not necessary to go to the nearest forest or stadium. You can open the windows in the room, just run in place. This also has a good effect! If you don't like running at all, you can try aerobics or belly dancing. These exercises are not difficult at all and everyone can learn them on their own. On this moment Very popular view cardio is brisk walking. In general, there are many options. The main thing for the first days of training is not to overstrain the body. Otherwise, there will just be some discomfort. Especially if the person has not been involved in any sport before.

Summing up, it is necessary to highlight the most important. Which option to choose is up to the individual to decide. No need to immediately chase a stunning result. Everything should be gradual and without a huge load on the body. Classes should not exceed 30 minutes if they are held daily. If classes are held in the fitness room, then no more than 2 hours, taking into account two workouts per week.

Any exercise should include strength and cardio loads. This combination will make it possible to good result. That's all. Weekend fitness or home workouts, everyone decides for himself. One more thing, if the choice fell on gym, then you need to conduct classes with a trainer. Individual program a good helper in matters of weight loss. Physical activity has a positive effect on the body and the body as a whole. The main thing is not to postpone your transformation until Monday or the beginning of a new month!