A set of exercises for all groups. A set of exercises for all muscle groups: recommendations from experts

Often, beginners cannot build a working program for themselves that could bring wonderful results. How to choose a set of exercises for all muscle groups? Oddly enough, doing this is quite simple. Read more about the principles of selecting exercises later in our article.

Basic exercises

They involve several joints, which is an impeccable advantage during a mass-gaining cycle. This type of work is much more demanding. muscle groups than doing isolated exercises. Training for all muscle groups must necessarily include basic movements, which will make you stronger and more voluminous (in terms of muscle mass). It is quite logical to conclude that the load of more muscles better develops the muscles in general. Such movements include squats, bench presses, deadlifts, By the way, if you have extra finances (50,000 and more than rubles), then you can purchase a professional simulator for all muscle groups (its photo is below).

The main principles in training

First of all, the progression in loads is very important - this will make your muscles develop in size and strength indicators. Of course, if you do not increase the working weights, then the muscles will not need to grow. If you are working out without a personal trainer, we strongly recommend that you keep a diary in which to record all your results. So you get the opportunity to systematically increase the load in training, amounting to effective complex to all muscle groups.

The next principle is microperiodization, the essence of which is the alternation of heavy and light workouts. What's the point in that? The fact is that it takes about 1 week for the muscles to fully recover, after which there is supercompensation (growth muscle fibers). However, this state of affairs only applies large groups(back, chest, legs), while small ones (arms, deltas) lose the effect of such a long rest. Therefore, the alternation of heavy and easy weeks in gym justified. When you make up your set of exercises for all muscle groups, be sure to consider this fact.

Training split

So, here is the first one for all muscle groups, which is ideal for athletes with a level above the initial one:


  1. Breast
  • bench press bench (4 x 10);
  • bench press with dumbbells on the horizontal. (3 x 12);
  • weighted bars (3 x max);
  • "butterfly" (3 x 15).
  • lifting dumbbells standing (3 x 10);
  • "hammers" (3 x 10);
  • Scott simulator (3 x 8).
  1. Back
  • deadlift (4 x 8);
  • (3 x 10);
  • top pull (3 x 12).

2. Triceps

  • (3 x 10);
  • bars (3 x max);
  • push-ups between benches (3 x 20).
  • squats (4 x 10);
  • extension and flexion of the legs (3 x 15 for each exercise, which are performed in a superset);
  • lunges (3 x 12-15 on each leg).
  • overhead press (3 x 8);
  • swings (3 x 12).

This is a fairly effective program for all muscle groups, which will allow you to build mass and increase strength.


CrossFit is a circular view strength training, in which several exercises are performed with a minimum rest time (or no rest at all) for 5-10 minutes. This is an excellent program for all muscle groups, since the exercises are multi-joint in order to involve more muscle groups in the work. In addition, movements are performed in this sport and with own weight. Finally, do not forget that CrossFit often combines strength and cardio workouts. What do we get as a result? An athlete who decides to take up crossfit tries to develop strength and endurance as much as possible in one workout. Nevertheless, it has long been proven that combining diverse loads will not give you the greatest achievements in either. On the other hand, such athletes get universality, reaching the "golden mean" between the above concepts. Agree that this is more than enough for real life. That is why crossfit methodology training is carried out in the army, the Ministry of Emergencies, etc.

A set of exercises for all muscle groups in crossfit can be as follows:

  1. Reverse - 15-20 reps.
  2. Standard push-ups - 20 reps.
  3. Burpee - 10 reps
  4. Running - 30 minutes.

The first 3 points do 3 circles, after which we move on to running.

  1. Squats - 30 reps
  2. Push-ups with cotton - 15-20 reps.
  3. Leg raises on the press lying down - 20 reps.
  4. Jumping on the bench (stool) - 15 reps.
  5. - 100 rep.

We do 2-3 circles with a break of 5-7 minutes.

  1. Sprint - 400 meters.
  2. - 10 rep.
  3. Jumping on the box (from 40 to 50 cm high) - 6 reps.
  4. Mahi kettlebells / dumbbells - 15-20 reps.
  5. Push-ups on uneven bars - 20-25 reps.

We do 2 circles.

  1. Squats with a barbell - 10 reps.
  2. Burpee - 10 reps
  3. Taking on the chest from the hang - 10 reps.
  4. Turkish rise - 8 reps.
  5. Rowing machine - 200 meters.

We do 2-3 circles with a 5-minute rest.

We are finishing a set of exercises for all muscle groups, moving on to the last training day.

  1. Push shvung from the chest - 8 reps.
  2. Deadlift - 10 reps.
  3. Barbell ejection - 10 reps.
  4. Fast run - 200 meters.
  5. Twisting - 25 reps.

We do 2-3 circles.

As you can see, for beginners, the complex is quite difficult, but it will allow you to develop good strength and endurance, as well as significantly increase muscle mass with a balanced diet and adherence to the regimen.

Workout for all muscle groups for girls

For those girls who have just decided to work out in the gym, working out the entire top or bottom of the body in 1 workout will work great. The same applies to those who simply cannot visit the gym more than 2 times a week. The principles of training are not very different from those of men. Progression in loads, microperiodization, adherence to a balanced diet and regimen - all this must be present without fail. What set of exercises for all muscle groups is most suitable for the fair sex? First of all, these are squats (it is better to do with small weights, but with a large number of repetitions), pull-ups with a counterweight, all kinds of traction, bench presses and leg lifts on the simulator and others). In general, the movements and their set during training remain similar to the male version, however, of course, it is necessary to reduce weights and the number of approaches. Equally important is the implementation of available exercises on lightweight (female) type simulators. Charging for all muscle groups before starting training is another important aspect. This is especially true for girls who have more sensitive joints, and therefore are more susceptible to injury. Do stretching and various aerobic movements - this will help disperse the blood throughout the body.


There is no good or bad training programs because each person is individual. This fact does not allow choosing a universal complex that would work equally well for all athletes. However, the above programs are great for many, especially beginners and intermediate athletes. Swing, improve yourself and achieve your goals!

Bodybuilding and fitness require a lot of physical effort. Few people get to do quality exercises at home, because there are many distractions around. Being engaged in the gym and feeling the competitive spirit, I want to work better and more efficiently. Motivated in the hall and constant instructions, criticism and praise from the lips of the coach. The very presence of a coach and strangers around keeps you in good shape and eliminates the possibility of “filoning” and feeling sorry for yourself when performing difficult exercises. Few people can work intensively at home. Once you start exercising in the gym, feeling the pleasant pain in your muscles and the presented mood (from the release of hormones into the blood), you will look forward to the next workout to get better. The main point of the effectiveness of training and achieving the desired result is the correct execution of the exercise technique. Your goal is beautiful and healthy body? Then you are right to us. We have a large collection on our website! Choose any!

How important is exercise technique?

Yes Yes Yes! Especially if it's in the gym. By exercising regularly in the gym, you can refuse to exercise at home so that the muscles have time to recover between workouts. Having a gym at home equipped with several simulators, you can perform exercises at home.

There are many benefits to working out at home:

  • the opportunity to practice at a convenient time
  • cost savings
  • saving travel time
  • no queue to the simulator.

By scheduling classes, increasing the load and intensity of exercise, you will succeed and achieve your goal - the perfect body!

Exercises with technique

Those who are serious about training at home, the maximum volume useful information can scoop in the section. It details the various exercise options (without equipment and with equipment), correct execution which allows you to achieve best results. Using only dumbbells for training, you can effectively and quickly pump all muscle groups, thereby making the body fitter, more attractive and healthier.

You can choose exercises for training according to several criteria:

  • muscle group
  • inventory
  • complexity
  • type of exercises (isolation and basic).

The filtering system in the section containing exercises) is clear and convenient. This makes it possible to quickly and easily choose the most convenient and useful exercises specifically for you. The section also contains a rating of popular exercises to perform at home, which have the maximum result (the rating is based on user votes).

Start training right now!

stereotype start new life from Monday, from the first day or from the new year is long out of date. If you want to start doing something - start right now! We tried to make the section as convenient as possible - for each exercise, the execution technique is spelled out in detail. Allow to achieve results and motivate advice professional trainer posted on the exercise page. Videos and photos with explanation of the technique minimize the erroneous execution of exercises. Learn and get started now!

Just a couple of weeks of systematic training and you will become addicted to them. Fitness and physical exercise each time they will bring more pleasure and will become necessary like water, air and food.

Get started right now and get closer to your goal!

Today I thought about the availability of fitness in the hall, and this is not about the money side of the issue (although this is also important), but about the availability of free time for a full-fledged lesson. Someone has work, children, fatigue, and so on, there can be any number of reasons, but this does not mean that taking care of yourself and your body should be shelved. Someone sets a goal for himself to lose weight, someone - to maintain the existing shape, someone - to get a "dream press". To achieve any goal, especially in sports and fitness, it is simply necessary discipline !!! In everything - nutrition, training, sleep, rest. If there is a goal, discipline, desire - fitness at home, that is, classes at home will bring you the desired result. This form of training can be a great alternative to group fitness or gym classes.

The result of any classes, in principle, requires regularity, discipline, willpower. Try to make sports a part of your life, 365 days a year, and not seasonal forays. After all, we simply have to look great always, whether it is a frosty winter or a hot summer. If we convinced you to start exercising at home, we will help you with this!

To begin with, you should use as many muscle groups as possible in training, that is, include exercises for all major muscle groups: back, legs, arms, abs.

So, let's begin!!! You already know what you need before each lesson do a workout, so to speak, prepare the body for the upcoming work. This will take an average of 10-15 minutes, maybe more, it is desirable that it be something energetic - dancing, jumping rope and without it, cardio equipment will do, and finally, turn on any aerobics video and repeat the movements, you can take it in your hands dumbbells, weights or water bottles. After the warm-up, we will start the exercises. Below is a set of exercises for the main muscle groups.


  1. I.P. - standing, back straight, knees slightly bent! the press is tense, arms with dumbbells are lowered down. We perform dumbbell raises up to shoulder level, arms straight, slightly bent at the elbows. On the rise, we exhale.

  1. I.P - the same, the elbows are pressed to themselves, the arms with dumbbells are lowered down. We carry out the lifting of the dumbbells up to the shoulders, while the elbows do not tear off the body. We perform an exhalation lift.

Note: do not lean forward, keep the press in tension, knees slightly bent.

We perform 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions, dumbbells - 1.5 - 2 kg.

  1. For this exercise, you need a support (chair, sofa, armchair). We put our hands behind our backs on a support, we put our feet on the floor on our heels, we tear our socks off the floor, our knees are bent. We go down, bending our elbows! Try to keep your elbows narrower, closer to you. We go down - inhale, on the rise - exhale.


  1. We lie down on our stomach, put our legs wide, put our palms to our temples, elbows to the sides, lower our head, look at the floor. We perform body lifts up, do not tear our legs off the floor, try to bring the shoulder blades together at the top. On the rise, inhale, exhale down.

We perform 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

  1. For this exercise, you also need support - better, of course, a bench, a sofa. Leaning on the right knee and right hand, the left leg on the floor, set aside a little to the side and the arm with the dumbbells lowered down. The position should be comfortable for you, the torso is parallel to the floor. We carry out the lifting of the left elbow up - back, we exhale at the top. We perform 15-20 repetitions and change position. Working on both hands is one approach, those need to be done 3.


  1. Naturally, the royal exercise is squats. This exercise we will perform with dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg. The main thing in squats is to do them correctly, the support should be on the heels, the knees should not go beyond the toe. Depth can be different, depending on preparedness. It is best to put a book or something like that under the heels for the correct technique. So, we raise our hands with dumbbells up, now we sit down at the same time and lower our hands down, almost touching the floor. The main thing is that you keep your back straight, do not stoop, for this you need to look forward !!!? We take the pelvis back as much as possible. During execution, try to work with your buttocks, feel them and strain at the end point (imagine that you need to pinch your lovely booty leaf))). Sit down - inhale, exhale - at the top. Throughout the exercise, try to keep the press in good shape.

  1. I.P - standing, in the hands of a dumbbell. This exercise will consist of four movements: lunge with the right foot forward and to the side, with the left foot, lunge with the right foot back and the same with the left. During execution, try to tilt the body closer to the knee, look forward and do not round your back. Move forward with support on the heels and try, as it were, to push off the floor and return to I.P.

All 4 movements are one repetition, these need to be done 10, in 3 sets.

  1. I.P. - standing, we put our legs wide, feet to the sides, we take dumbbells in our hands. We put our hands forward (arms are straight), keep our back straight, the abdominal muscles are in good shape, sit down to parallel with the floor (knees as far as possible to the sides) and linger for at least 30 seconds. You can also perform a more complex option + to everything, stand on your toes and linger. Your legs will thank you.

The difference between this exercise and the 1st is that it is static. We squat with dumbbells extended and stay in this position for as long as possible! We perform 3-4 sets of 30 seconds or more.


It's no secret that body fat in the abdomen, they are not removed from abdominal exercises, unfortunately. They disappear from common work in general and proper, clean nutrition. Since the beauty of your tummy directly depends on quantity subcutaneous fat in this area. In general, the abdominal muscles are the “exhalation” muscles, if you can call them that. When you perform any exercise, exhale actively - your abdominal muscles work, and the fat burning process is more active, do not forget about it. In general, I would alternate abdominal exercises with the plank exercise in one approach.

Doing fitness at home always try to think and feel the muscles you are working on, use them as much as possible, think about each movement and, most importantly, take your time, remember that technique is most important. And my dear girls, avoid all these exercises for oblique muscles, all kinds of tilts to the sides with dumbbells (so popular now on the Internet), from this your waist will only become wider. In general, unfortunately wasp waist It's more genetics. But any waist will thank you if you give up "sweets, chocolates, etc."!

In order not to fork out for the gym, spending your last savings, work out at home. The set of exercises presented in this article will help you get rid of extra pounds as soon as possible. Consider the most effective exercises to all muscle groups.

How and when to train

Before classes, you should purchase at least a standard set of equipment, for example, dumbbells. Without them, there is no point in exercising at home: you won’t be able to load yourself enough, and it will be very expensive to buy other shells.

Dumbbells will help pump absolutely all muscle groups. In addition, you can choose the required weight or buy a universal tool with the ability to change the configuration.

It is also necessary to build a horizontal bar. This is easy to do: screw a metal pipe or wooden stick in the doorway. If possible, build a horizontal bar by welding and then attaching the frame to the wall. If you do not have the skills of a welder, then you can connect parts using bolts and nuts.

Beginners should clearly define why they need training at home: only for weight loss or muscle building. The first option is quite real, but the second is more doomed to failure. Of course, if you live in a large house, there is an opportunity to equip a sports corner with high quality or there is a playground nearby, then maybe something will work out. But often at home it is impossible to achieve an effect comparable to exercising in the gym.

A set of exercises at home will definitely help:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • pump up a little;
  • improve physical state in general, endurance;
  • prevent the occurrence of certain diseases associated with an inactive lifestyle.
  1. You do not need to perform exercises at a chaotic time, there should be a clear schedule both by day and by hour.
  2. Introduce new exercises into your workout routine all the time. This will not allow the body to get used to the loads and will not allow you personally to lose interest in sports.
  3. Buy even if not expensive inventory, but at least not the cheapest. It is always more pleasant and convenient to work with high-quality things, any athlete will prove this.
  4. Beginners often neglect proper nutrition, and experienced athletes are literally obsessed with it. Start exercising according to all the rules, given a healthy diet. About him in more detail.

How to quickly remove the sides and stomach: exercises at home

To make the stomach flat will help:

Press: exercises for girls at home

Hanging on the horizontal bar for pumping the press is hardly suitable for girls, so you should consider lighter exercises.

Abs exercises for men at home

For men, all the above exercises are suitable, the only clarification:

  • to pump upper press, perform more twisting;
  • for pumping lower press home exercises with leg raises are suitable;
  • and to work out the oblique muscles, do twisting with turns.

Additionally, you can mention the exercise called "bicycle" and standard push-ups. They also work well on the abdominal muscles.

  1. The standard exercise is lunges. When doing them, it is important to strain gluteal muscles as well as thighs. Having made a lunge, fix for a few seconds in this position. The load on each leg is 10-15 repetitions.

  2. Also, don't forget the side lunges. Here you need to sit down to the maximum, although not all beginners are capable of this. For a more effective home workout, use dumbbells.

  3. Next exercise for legs - squats with weights. It is important that the back is always straight (this is the only way the legs will experience maximum load).

  4. Lie on your stomach, bend your arms, rest your elbows on the floor. Lift up alternately each leg, fixing the position for 5 seconds.

  5. Raise your leg from a side plank position. Once in a side plank position, slowly lift your top leg. This leg exercise is especially effective when practicing at home.

  1. Lie on your back. Squeeze the fitball or ball between your legs with all your strength. After - relax.

  2. Lie on your back again, arms along the body. Straighten one leg, and bend the other and place it perpendicular (crosswise) to the first. Raise your straight leg very slowly, then lower it just as slowly. Do the same, but only with the second leg.
  3. Exercises for frogs "high chair". Lean against the wall with your back, and then sit down so that the corner is in knee joints was 90 degrees. You need to stay in this position for at least 10 seconds.

  4. Lie on your stomach on a bench so that your legs hang down. Lower them slowly, first down and then up.

Exercises for slimming sides at home

  1. At the top, we have given regular and side lunges for the legs, but there are also cross ones that perfectly pump the hips. Squatting, you need to do a cross step as shown in the picture.

  2. Jumps, and not only standard ones. There are many variations of the exercise: on one leg, with a rope, to the sides, on steps, etc. It is only important to monitor the number of jumps - at least 30 times.

  3. Place a chair in front of you, use it as a support. Slightly leaning forward, take back first the right leg, and then the left.

  4. Standing on all fours on your elbows and knees, lift your legs as high as possible, each in turn.

Exercises for the inner thigh

Back exercises at home

Circuit training was invented by scientists at the University of Leeds back in 1953. Its principle is delightfully simple: you select 8-10 exercises and perform one after the other. Then you rest for a couple of minutes and repeat all over again.

The exercises take the basic ones: squats, lunges, twists ... Everyone can do them, and at the same time they make a lot of muscles work, so for a short time pumping the whole body. And if they are done without rest and at a fairly fast pace, this is also good workout for the heart, and the ability to lose weight - the pulse easily rises to the fat-burning zone, 60-70% of the maximum.

“Circuit training is wonderful because it is a kind of constructor,” says Yanina Sabirova, master of sports in bodybuilding, personal trainer fitness club Janinn Fitness. “You can choose the details of the exercises as you wish and combine them as you need, depending on your level of training and the goals that you are pursuing.”

If you are not in good shape yet and you can't do eight to ten exercises in a row, cut them down to five or six. “Rest between them for at least 30-40 seconds: for example, you can switch to walking so that the pulse does not drop sharply,” advises Yanina Sabirova. “But make sure that the total class time is no more than 45 minutes: circuit training is a serious load, it should not be long.”

If you feel like you're underperforming, on the contrary, add exercises - there can be up to 12 of them in a circle - and perform without a break. Play with speed. Forget about the number of repetitions and focus on time: try pushing up or sitting down for the maximum number of times in 30 seconds. Another option is to take dumbbells or put weights on your legs. But at the same time, do it at a calm pace: in a hurry it is easy to break the technique, and with weights it is more dangerous than with your own weight.

If you want to lose weight and have enough endurance, alternate strength exercises with cardio: 30-45 seconds, do not just walk, but run in place with a high knee lift or, for example, jump rope.

If you have a fitness goal put in a circle of exercises that will help achieve it. Let's say you want to strengthen your leg muscles so you can run a marathon or walk proudly down the beach in a swimsuit. “Then do side jumps, jumps from a squatting position,” recommends Yanina Sabirova. “I don’t know of exercises that would do a better job of this.”

But first, try to master the circuit training proposed by the instructor of the LIVE! Alexander Mironenko.

Perform all exercises 20 times, sequentially moving from one to another. Having done all 8 exercises, that is, having completed the circle, rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat all over again. Make 3 to 5 such circles. Perform the complex three times a week, but not day after day: you should have one day of rest after class.

1. Half toe squats

Initial position. To perform a lunge: one foot one step in front of the other, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent. Arms bent at the elbows, palms above shoulder level.

Performance. Sit down while inhaling, straightening your arms. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

3. Push-ups

Initial position. Sitting on a chair, hands next to the hips rest on the edge of the seat.

Performance. Push your pelvis forward and slide off the chair. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself down. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

5. Twisting

Initial position. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor at the width of the pelvis.

Performance. As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders, while inhaling, return to the starting position.