We make trainers. We create simulators for the home with our own hands according to simple drawings

Find out how at home with minimal cash costs you can design the perfect simulator for the development of all the muscles of the body.

The content of the article:

Many people would like to go in for sports, but due to different reasons they can't start attending the gym. It could be lack of free time or shyness. We will not talk now about the reasons that may prevent you from starting to train, since there can be many of them. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to make a simulator with your own hands.

Of course, it is very difficult to make many simulators, although it is theoretically possible. Take for example a treadmill, which you can also do yourself, but this will require serious financial and time costs. Perhaps, if you want to have this cardio machine, it's easier to buy it. But some types of sports equipment and shells can be made independently. After reading this article, you will learn how to make a simulator with your own hands.

Creating simulators for your own gym

In order for you to be able to effectively engage in bodybuilding at home, you will need not the most sophisticated equipment and several sports equipment. They can be made independently if desired. If you go into the gym and pay attention to the people training in it, then beginners often occupy the simulators, and more experienced athletes actively work with barbells and dumbbells.

To effectively pump all muscle groups, these two sports equipment is quite enough for you. But at the same time, you should remember about the need for progression of the load. An incline bench is also of great importance for achieving the desired result.

If we talk about dumbbells, it is much easier to make a couple of collapsible shells on your own and in this case you do not need welding. Benches, on the contrary, are easier to make two - horizontal and at an angle of 70 degrees. You should also remember about the barbell rack, and here you can make one with the ability to change its height or two. In the second case, the height racks should be designed for bench press and deadlift.

It is also desirable to make a horizontal bar and bars. Of all the necessary equipment for your gym, they are the easiest to manufacture. And the last product to think about is a weight belt. At a certain point, it will no longer be enough for you to work only with own weight body on the horizontal bar and additional load will be required. In this situation, the best solution is a belt.

So, let's sum it up and see what we need to create our own home gym:

  • Vulture.
  • A pair of dumbbells.
  • Universal pancakes d with the same mounting hole for the barbell and dumbbells, although you can make them separately for each of the shells.
  • Horizontal bar, preferably wall-mounted or outdoors.
  • Bars are wall.
  • Rack for a rod with a possibility of regulation of height or two fixed.
  • Punching bag optional.
  • Rope.

How to make a simulator with your own hands?

You can quickly find drawings of the necessary equipment on the Internet. However, you should visit a sporting goods store and look at some machines to get an idea of ​​their design. Now we will look at the most simple equipment and find out how to make these simulators with your own hands or where you can get them.

Bars and horizontal bar

It is quite difficult and quite expensive to make a strong and safe horizontal bar on your own and install it in a room. Thus, it can be recommended to purchase bars with a horizontal bar in the online store. Installing a horizontal bar on the street is also not the best solution, since in winter period you will not use it, but training is necessary. They will cost you between $60 and $70.

As we have already said, it is better to give preference to a wall horizontal bar, rather than installing it in a doorway. In this case, you can safely use a wide grip. Bars are also worth taking wall-mounted in order to save space. However, there is also a variant of the horizontal bar and bars, so to speak, 2 in 1. You can even take Swedish wall, which has its advantages, but this equipment will cost more.

Barbell and dumbbells

For the manufacture of dumbbells, barbells and racks, you will need materials, and this is the main problem. Sometimes on the net you can find recommendations on the possibility of using Concrete for the manufacture of disks. However, this material is significantly inferior to steel and cast iron, so it is still not advisable to use it. However, steel pipes are not cheap and this should also be remembered. Here are some tips on how you can get this material as cheaply as possible:
  • Place ads in the newspaper of your city about the purchase of old dumbbells, barbells and weights. There is a high probability that these sports equipment is in someone's basement and is not used.
  • Go to the scrap metal collection point.
  • Ask for help from relatives or friends who work at the enterprise.

By the way, you most likely still have to turn to someone working at the enterprise. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to make pancakes and vultures at home. The enterprises have special machines and the process of making pancakes or vultures will be noticeably simplified.

Punching bag

Compared to other necessary equipment, making a punching bag is the easiest. As a material, you can use ordinary shopping bags (at least three pieces). After that, insert them into each other, and you just have to fill them with filler.

However, it is best to make a pear bag from a dense material, and fabric is much easier and cheaper to find compared to iron. The length of the punching bag should be about 1.3 meters, well, you probably know its shape. You can fill the pear with sand or small sawdust. You can mount the pear to the wall, but for this you need to make a special bracket. The best option seems to be its attachment to the horizontal bar.

Other sports equipment

With a jump rope, everything is extremely simple and you should buy it, and not do it yourself. It should also be said that in many power movements you can use an expander instead of a barbell. This sports equipment is inexpensive and can be purchased at any specialized store. But you need to make dumbbells, because without them, training will not be as effective.

You can see for yourself that making a simulator with your own hands is not very difficult, and the main problem is finding the necessary materials. If you have access to various materials and machines, you can create a great gym yourself.

Today we talked about how to make simple simulators with your own hands. But if you wish, you can make more complex ones. And for this, in many cases, you can even get by with wood, although metal structures are much more reliable. You can find a large number of drawings on the Internet various kinds simulators and the whole thing is just the availability of free time and materials with machines.

How to make your own Strongman simulator using welding, see this video:

Many understand that maintaining their physical state using sports is important, but not everyone can go to the gym due to various circumstances. The only solution for such people will be the manufacture of simulators with their own hands. Below you will find tips for creating various exercise equipment at home.

It should be noted that some simulators at home are simply impossible to do. Unless, you are a mechanic and have a large number of machines in your workshop. For the manufacture of such sports equipment as Treadmills, exercise bikes, etc., it will take a lot of nerves, time and money. But there are also pluses. For example, you can customize the simulators for yourself, while making them no less high quality than purchased ones. Consider the main bodybuilding simulators. They are essential for the development of muscle mass. To equip a "home rocking chair", you will need:
  • Barbell. It can be replaced with metal or PVC pipe. It should weigh approximately 15 kg. To meet this parameter, pour lead into the pipe and wait until it hardens.
  • Dumbbell bars with threaded threads for large nuts. They can be ordered from a locksmith.
  • Pancakes for the bar, at least 4 pieces. It is desirable to make them suitable for both dumbbells and barbells.
  • Horizontal bar. Can be made from pipes. It is recommended to hang it in the yard or on the wall.
  • Bars. Attach to the wall.
  • Barbell rack suitable for deadlift and bench press.
  • Punching bag. We will talk about this a little later.
Now let's take a closer look at the manufacture of dumbbells. The main problem is the lack of good material. Basically, dumbbells are made of steel and cast iron. Some advise concrete, but it is less dense and crumbles quickly. However, concrete dumbbells are easier to make at home. To do this, create a container in the form of a pancake for a dumbbell and fill it with a mixture of cement, sand and water. If you are going to make them from metal, it is better to contact a turner. Drawings of dumbbells can be downloaded on the Internet. For a punching bag, you will need shopping bags. Put them one inside the other, fill them with stuffing and wrap them with tape. The main thing is that the layer of bags is strong. A more complicated way is to sew a pear from tarpaulin or tarpaulin. After buying such a fabric, it is given to the seamstress. The pear should be in the shape of an elongated sausage, at least a meter high. The best option the fillings are sand and small wood chips (tyrsa). You need to hang the pear using a special bracket. To make the bracket, you will need iron beams. Weld them to each other. The horizontal bar can be made from metal pipes. It is desirable to provide a wide grip. To do this, you will have to carry out welding work. It is best to place the horizontal bar on the wall, and not in the doorway, as many sites advise, as it is more convenient and practical. You can also make a horizontal bar and bars 2 in 1, which will help you save time and money. So interesting sport equipment can be folded, turning into bars and a horizontal bar.

Horizontal bar

Let's start with the simplest thing - this is a horizontal bar. To create it, you don’t need much, each apartment has a special place where the horizontal bar fits perfectly. To do this, you need one crossbar and a couple of hooks, but it is better to weld the metal frame and attach it well. You can also tie a rope to the horizontal bar, which will greatly expand your capabilities.

Punching bag

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of a punching bag, so let's get straight to the point.

If we consider a completely budget option, then you can take 4-5 plastic (woven) bags, put them together (one to one) and fill them with sand, then wrap the whole thing well with wide adhesive tape or simple electrical tape.

You can go the other way and do one to one. We will need a kerza or tarpaulin, if the fabric is still thin, then we fold it in several layers until you feel that it can withstand the load. We sew a pear for ourselves, for a room, but it’s better not to make a small one, since we need to fill it and give it the necessary weight, the approximate length is 1.3 m, you choose the thickness yourself.

It is worth noting about the weight, if you have prepared a strong bracket, and you are sure that it will hold the load, then the best weight for a pear will be 50-80 kg. And do not forget to sew fasteners on the pear itself.

Dolinov's home simulator can replace physical exercise co sports equipment and reduce training time. It is used in hospitals and at home. Installation of this simulator does not require effort and cost. The necessary elements can be found at home for everyone. If there are no accessories for the simulator, you can buy them cheaply at a hardware store.

According to the creator's calculations, 10 minutes of training on this simulator can replace 120 squats, 300 tilts and 200 twists. Anyone can assemble the design of the simulator at home.

The simulator develops the following muscle groups: chest, abdominal muscles, arms, legs, and heart. At the same time, the load on the body is minimal.

What will be needed?

For assembly you need:

  1. A rope with a diameter of 5-7 mm. For this, climbing equipment or a car tow rope of a suitable diameter is suitable.
  2. Single block with a diameter of 25-30 mm in the amount of 2 pieces;
  3. Belt tape (sling) 5 cm wide - 140 cm. Polyurethane tubes are suitable instead.
  4. Screw half ring for fastening. Needed to mount the treadmill to the wall.
  5. Matches and scissors. These elements are needed for cutting the rope and singeing the ends. It is important to singe the ends of the rope, as without this it can unravel.

Step-by-step instruction

In this design, the main element is the rope. The rope is cut in half, and the ends are cauterized so that it does not unravel. Next, the rope is inserted into the block.

Belt tape will be needed to create loops. IN original version of this simulator, special tubes act as loops. In this case, it will be more convenient to use a belt tape. It must be cut into 4 pieces of equal size. The ends of the ribbon also need to be singeed so that it does not unravel. After the tape is sewn along the long side, forming a tube. You can sew the ribbon on a sewing machine. To strengthen the structure, you can use rivets at the junction of the tape on both sides.

Instead of a belt tape, tubes made of polyurethane or other soft materials can be used.. An important requirement is their strength. Due to friction, polyurethane materials can wear out quickly. To replace them, you will have to untie the knot. Otherwise, there are no differences from the belt tape. If there is such a tape at home, then you can use it. If it is not there, then you can find something similar polyurethane tubes, they are also suitable.

After the resulting tube from the belt tape is put on a rope. The rope must be tied into a knot. In the event that the knot turned out to be fragile, then you can make a loop and fix it with a sewing machine. You need to make 4 such loops, two for the arms and legs.

The last step is to fix two ropes with a length of 30 cm with a double knot. In this form, the simulator is complete. It remains to fix the simulator.

Fixing the Dolinov simulator is carried out in a spacious place. To do this, a hole is drilled in the wall, a dowel is driven into it and a half ring is screwed in. Thus, the simulator will be securely fixed and withstand the load.

You can mount the simulator in a chipboard plate so as not to drill holes in the wall. In this case, you need to make sure that the chipboard can withstand the load.

If there is no desire or opportunity to drill holes, then the same belt tape can be used instead of a screw. From the tape you need to make a tube, which should be worn, for example, on the Swedish stairs, if there is one. Independent blocks are attached to the tape, which should already be put on the pipe or ladder. You can fix the simulator on any protruding element of the apartment. May also fit

Today, stores sell any Sports Equipment. But, having seen the price for it, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhand-made design appears, especially if the hands are in order. One ten-kilogram pancake for the bar costs more than 18 dollars, not to mention serious equipment. Making home exercise equipment is not difficult, if you wish, you can even put production on stream by opening your own business.

Homemade simulators in terms of functionality are not much different from factory ones, the main thing is desire. Of course it can't be done homemade simulators without spending at all: you need to buy hardware, for fastening, a metal pipe, etc. But, the price in this case is incommensurable with the one that is asked for purchased analogues.

It will not be possible to make complex simulators at home such as treadmills, bicycle and rowing structures, but the simplest ones: benches, racks, barbells will not be difficult.

To assemble a homemade bodybuilding simulator, you need to choose the simplest in design, productive for building strength and muscle mass, and reliable. The simulators do general principle- lifting weights with the involvement of specific muscle groups.

In the fitness center, you can see that novice athletes train on simple machines, and experienced guys devote most of their time to training with barbells and dumbbells, which, when used correctly, make any part of the body work. To do this, you need to choose the right exercises and weight.

But you still need a bench for the bench, preferably with an adjustable back.

You can’t do without bars or a horizontal bar - home-made simulators that are even easier to make than the above-described metal inventory.

It is worth thinking about the design for hanging homemade weighting agents, Without which muscle mass increase is impossible. A backpack will do for this, but the weight distribution will be wrong. Something can be attached to the legs, but it is inconvenient to train with this something. The right choice there will be a belt.

Conclusion: for regular serious exercises at home, you will need such home-made simulators listed below.

What are the forms of vultures

  1. Barbell. They come in various forms, and at least one is needed at home. A long standard straight neck weighs 20 kg, a short one is twice as light (it is desirable to have one). Choose between EZ-shaped and W-necks needed depending on the exercises chosen to perform. A homemade neck is made from a pipe, so it differs from the standard parameters.
  2. Two dumbbell necks, which have a thread for a large nut at the ends.
  3. Pancakes. For beginners, provided that the holes for the barbell and dumbbells are universal. There are enough of them: 4 pieces of five-kilogram, 2 - ten-kilogram, 2 - twenty-kilogram. It's in ideal, since pancakes are more expensive than other equipment. In the worst case, you need the same weights that are hung on a dumbbell and a barbell. The weight of the dumbbell is determined based on the possibility of performing 8-10 repetitions of each of the exercises. As practice shows, for beginners, 4 five-kilogram pancakes are enough for dumbbells.
  4. For a homemade simulator - a horizontal bar, wall or street options are preferable, and not in a doorway.
  5. The bars will fit the same wall-mounted ones, which are easier to install.
  6. It's tedious to have two separate racks: one for the bench, one for the deadlift, or one with the ability to choose positions.
  7. Skipping rope, which is needed for cardio training.
  8. Punching bag.

With these homemade simulators, you can equip a full-fledged gym at home.

Where to find trainers

As mentioned above, simulators can be bought or made by yourself. You will have to go to sports shops to at least see them and have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you have to do.

There are no problems with the drawings of homemade simulators - they are easy to find on the Internet or use those presented below.

Buy bars or use homemade

The question is debatable: some recommend buying it in a store, others advise building a home-made simulator, which is both cheaper and not inferior in terms of reliability. Adherents of purchased equipment make the following arguments: bars and a horizontal bar together cost up to $ 60, but home-made simulators will also need materials, i.e. You won't win much financially. It is desirable that the horizontal bar is suitable for wide grip. The bars are foldable - they are the preferred option, because they do not take up much space. However, they cost more.

Another solution is to buy bars and a horizontal bar of a 2 in 1 design or a Swedish wall, on which you can do additional exercises(it comes with a board for the press). It costs twice as much, but they have more advantages.

We make a homemade barbell and dumbbells

The most difficult thing they face when making home-made exercise equipment at home: benches, racks for barbells, barbells, dumbbells, lack of materials - cast iron and steel.

Concrete, which is also sometimes advised, will not work well, because the density of concrete is half that of steel. In addition, it crumbles, it does not look aesthetically pleasing. Well, buying steel is expensive, especially new round timber and sheets.

Where to find material:

  1. You can place an advertisement in the newspaper about the desire to buy parts of collapsible dumbbells and weights. Or stick them on poles. You can buy it much cheaper, because someone they serve to prop up the door. To negotiate with the seller, the price must be higher than at scrap metal collection points, but less than it costs (used) on the World Wide Web.
  2. Go to metal collection points, where older people often bring unnecessary “piece of iron”. Suitable material can be found here favorable prices, it is even possible to exchange twice the amount for another ferrous metal.
  3. Ask friends and relatives. Maybe someone wants to happily part with unnecessary sports equipment.

If you don’t have the skills, then it will be difficult to make a neck from a pipe and a pancake from sheet metal at home, but you can contact a locksmith at an enterprise with metalworking machines who will carve everything you need for a small price.

Homemade simulator for home - punching bag

This homemade simulator is easier to make than those that have been described so far. With some effort, you can get a pear of acceptable quality. The easiest way to make this homemade simulator is to use a shopping bag made of polypropylene or jute fabric. You will need 3 bags. The bags are inserted one into the other, stuffed and wrapped to give shape and strength with electrical tape or tape. The bag can be sewn from dense fabric: tarpaulin or tarpaulin. If you don’t have the appropriate skills, give the fabric for sewing a pear to a seamstress - it’s not expensive. The length of a pear, shaped like a sausage, is at least a meter, or even 1.3 m. Not only dimensions are important for a home-made simulator, but also weight, fastening (bracket, rope, chain).

You also need to take into account the strength of your blow. The optimal weight is 60-80 kg, and the minimum is 40 kilograms.

Small sawdust (tyrsa), sand are suitable as a filler. It’s expensive to buy a special filler to make the walls soft, so it’s easier to wrap the pear with rags, of which there are enough in the house, or with foam rubber.

How to attach a pear:

  • It is easier to do this with a bracket, as shown in the figure. A wall horizontal bar and a Swedish wall are suitable for this. The bracket can be made by yourself if welding is available.
  • It is problematic to attach a homemade pear to the ceiling. If a pavilion or a separate room is allocated for classes, it is tied to a beam or other ceiling structure. In summer, a strong tree will help solve the problem. Keep in mind that boxing requires space.

Video: Do-it-yourself punching bag

What else do you need for a home gym

A jump rope is an inexpensive but useful inventory, so it’s worth having it in your home gym. If there is no bar, replace with an expander: rubber or spring, which differ in the strength of the load given. They are not expensive, so you should just buy them in the store.

It is proposed to make a hand rest from an old chair (as in the figure), for which an elbow stand is attached to the reverse side at an angle of 30 degrees. Performing an exercise for biceps, they sit down with their legs apart, facing the back of the chair. Having shown imagination, which knows no bounds for our people, it is easy to come up with other options.


As it became clear, you can design home-made simulators with a little work. And it's worth it, given the "space" prices for factory sports equipment. If the material is available, then you can even set up a business, since there is and will be a demand for home-made equipment. Everyone joins the sport more people who think about health, and the aesthetic appearance is not as important to them as the availability and reliability of home-made simulators.

Video: Gym Houses