Rotary stepper cardio twister reviews. One of the best exercise equipment for training is a cardio stepper: what is it, how it works, types

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


It has become even easier to train endurance, coordination and strength at home, to make your figure more beautiful. Increasingly, rave reviews about the Cardio Twister appear on the network, the use of which helps to quickly get rid of overweight, you just need to regularly follow the instructions for use. The compact device has won the love of many beginner athletes because it is affordable and multifunctional.

Stepper, Cardio Slim - here are a few more names for this mechanism. The design is a stable base with pedals that slide up and down. To maintain balance and develop the muscles of the upper body, a rotary control lever is provided. The Cardio Twister is made of durable materials, thanks to which it can withstand loads up to 110 kg. The device is designed for different levels of training - it has seven modes of operation. The microcomputer keeps track of time, calories burned, steps and repetitions.

The Cardio Twister simulator has the following advantages:

  • Makes the contours of the body attractive: tightens the hips, buttocks, abdomen, biceps and triceps, models the muscles of the shoulders.
  • Improves flexibility, adds strength and endurance. Twister strengthens the heart, develops the lungs.
  • The Cardio Slim stepper allows you to develop a complex workout with a good load on the body, which includes turns and inclinations with narrow, wide grip, squats, twists.

How to do cardio twister

The advantages of this simulator were appreciated by many buyers. Attractive cost, small size and ease of use conquer thousands of users. The stepper has few disadvantages:

  • The Twister machine is not designed for too much overweight.
  • Users note the inconvenient location of the screen.

If these disadvantages of the simulator do not bother you, you can at any time look through the catalog of manufacturers and buy a suitable mechanism in the online store. To lose weight effectively and not injure yourself, you need to warm up before class. Special attention give to the ankles, the inner and front of the thigh, the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the lower back. It is advisable to conduct classes on the Cardio Twister every day, the duration is at least 30 minutes, beginners should start with 10-15 minutes. Move at a low intensity, gradually increasing it to the limit.

Exercises on Cardio Twister

Having unpacked the simulator, you will find a pleasant surprise - two discs with a set of exercises. True, they are English language, so not everyone will be able to understand some of the subtleties of the task. To get a toned athletic figure, do the following exercises on Cardio Twister:

  • The basic task is steps with turns. Get on the Twister simulator and start walking - press your feet on the pedals. With each step, turn the body to the right and left.
  • Depending on which muscle you want to train, tense it during the movement. If it's abs, use it as you twist your torso. Would you like to raise your arms? Then, with the force of the biceps or triceps, rotate the lever of the Twister simulator.
  • To burn fat, you must set the mode to "Fast". You will walk easily and quickly, and you will not feel too much resistance from the pedals of the simulator. At this speed, running with parallel work of the upper body is easily imitated.
  • Cardio training in the "Slow" mode is aimed at pumping the muscles of the whole body, the main emphasis is on the legs. To diversify your workout, do a deep squat in motion, straight and cross twisting of the body, wide-range body turns, swinging your arms.

Regular fitness on the simulator, combined with a diet, constant proper nutrition will help you get great results. The first modifications will be visible after a week of classes, and after a month, pleasant changes will become apparent to others. Photo of your taut figure will please the eye and keep the enthusiasm for further improvement.


The cardio stepper simulator is not equally useful for everyone. Before ordering a mechanism, you should consult with your family doctor. If this is not possible, study the following contraindications for training on the Cardio Twister:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.);
  • pathology of the joints, musculoskeletal system;
  • severe curvature of the spine;
  • recent injuries, fractures.

A rotary stepper is distinguished from a conventional stepper by a handle that rotates from side to side added to the design.

This seemingly insignificant detail greatly expands the capabilities of the cardio machine - it becomes a great alternative to the classic option for exercising both at home and in the fitness room.

Cardio Twister, or Cardio Slim with a handle, relatively recently appeared on sports markets, has already won a whole army of fans in all countries of the world. Let's find out why.

What does a rotary mechanism mean and what are its features?

The design of the cardioslim almost 100% copies the classic stepper. Only one feature modifies it - the rotating handle, thanks to which he received the name of the rotary stepper. The presence of a lever allows you to perform movements of a mixed, bidirectional nature on the simulator. Classic stair climbing is combined with torso twists like when you spin a hoop. All this gives a uniform load on both the top and bottom of the body, due to which.

What muscles are working?

  • leg muscles, gluteal muscles.
  • Muscles of the arms, shoulders and back.
  • The press, and especially the oblique abdominal muscles, which are inaccessible to many simulators - it is their tone that affects the formation of a thin, graceful waist.

That is, in the end, we see that in the process of doing exercises on the Cardio Twister, all the main muscle groups of our body are actually worked out.

Attention! Before you get on the simulator, you must definitely do a warm-up and: basic steps, stretching the oblique muscles of the abdomen, hips, lower back. Increase the intensity of the load in stages, do not be deceived by the seeming simplicity and ease of working on the simulator.

5 benefits of training on this simulator

  1. Axiom of any physical activity is: than more muscle works, the more efficiently calories are burned and the more excess weight can be reset. half hour regular classes 3 times a week will give impressive results in the first month. And by the end of the second, thanks to the improvement of metabolism, it is possible, standing on the scales, to miss 5-10 kg of weight. classes and the benefits of a stepper for health and weight loss.
  2. Women who do not want to have a muscular figure and do not set themselves the task of achieving a Schwarzenegger relief will find their ideal in the Cardio Twister. Its goal is to tone up and, legs, waist, abs, arms and back.
  3. Cardioslim refers to simulators for the heart. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, without which the general improvement of the body is impossible.
  4. The overall endurance of the body increases, and multidirectional movements help to improve coordination of movements.
  5. Affordable price, stylish design, lack of bulkiness- qualities due to which this simulator is firmly established in houses and apartments. Training is convenient and interesting - while doing it, you can simultaneously listen to music, watch TV without the slightest loss for the effectiveness of the lesson.
Important! Special fitness tests prove that a person of an average level of physical fitness, exercising on a cardio twister, spends much more calories, or on a treadmill due to the inclusion of more muscles in the work.

What is the best exercise machine for home?

Despite the fact that TV shops, online stores, and specialized sites are full of offers, making a choice is sometimes difficult. Advice - either try it personally (in the hall or at friends' houses), or, after looking at a specific model from the photo, read all the possible reviews about it. An article about will help you in choosing. In the meantime, about the most popular steppers with a turning handle among our people.

1. Cardio Twister Titan

The simulator is a creation of engineers from Titan Deutschland GmbH (Germany). Made of high quality steel, has a height of 1 m 22 cm and a weight of 15 kg. It has:

  1. convenient lever for adjusting resistance (7 levels) and speed;
  2. a solid, not flimsy design, soft handles and pedals that slow down slip;
  3. equipped with a built-in mini-computer (on the monitor - time, calories, number of steps);
  4. load capacity - maximum 120 kg.

According to the description, in addition to the bottom, the obliques, the center of the back and the triceps of the arms thanks to the recommended exercises - a variety of twists, twists and swings.

The cost is from 5000 rubles.

2. Cardio Twister (Cardio Slim)

Rotary stepper from the Bradex company (Israel). Execution combines high-strength steel and plastic. It has:

  1. load intensity adjustment (7 difficulty levels);
  2. anti-slip pedals and comfortable soft handles;
  3. strong, reliable construction and stylish design;
  4. video disc, diet and workout plans;
  5. withstand weight up to 110 kg.

The cost is from 4000 rubles.

3. Cardio Slim

This model belongs to the brand Cardi (China). It has:

  1. a microcomputer for monitoring the efficiency of classes (resistance levels - 7, the monitor shows time, calorie consumption, number of steps);
  2. system with load control "mechanics";
  3. a solid frame, a massive base, anti-slip pedals with a smooth ride, a dynamic soft steering wheel;
  4. easy to assemble, requires little storage space (no more than 1 sq. m);
  5. height 122 cm, weight 15.2 kg,

The cost is within 6000 rubles.

4. Rower Twister KCR-2800

The product of another Chinese brand is Star Shaper. It has:

  1. sensor with reflection of indicators: step count, training time, calorie consumption, speed of steps per minute;
  2. 7 degrees of loading;
  3. frame made of high-strength steel;
  4. rubberized embossed pedals, soft handlebars with a turning angle of up to 30o; compact and concise: height 117 cm, weight 13.3 kg;
  5. withstands weight up to 90 kg.

The cost is from 5100 rubles.

5. "Twister" HS-5022

Universal simulator from the House Fit company (USA). It has:

  1. light weight (14.4 kg), conciseness and stable design;
  2. non-slip platform pedals;
  3. computer with one display;
  4. functions of counting steps, training time, calorie costs;
  5. workout parameters scanner;
  6. height 1 m, weight 15 kg;
  7. user weight limit - 110 kg.

The cost is 5500-6500 rubles.

Important! When choosing any stepper, consider how many kg this or that model can withstand. And ask the seller or read the instructions for how to lubricate it so that the pedals go down smoothly.

Disadvantages of this type

For all its many positive features, the cardio twister has some disadvantages. They are seen mainly by experienced athletes and coaches, and they share their observations with beginners:

  1. A small pedal travel reduces the intensity of training. For its growth, you will either have to increase the speed, or extend the time of classes.
  2. The upper lever requires some skill in handling- it is often rotated by the arms, and not by turning the body and waist.
  3. The pedals of the cardioslim are located slightly inward, the socks seem to be close together, and the movement of the legs may seem uncomfortable.
  4. The sequence of movements is a bit unnatural for a human- in ordinary life, we do not walk, twisted, with our hands up. Therefore, it is difficult for beginners to keep the rhythm - focusing on the steps, you can go astray with the turns - and vice versa.
  5. The design of the simulator makes it almost completely straighten the arms in the elbows, while the back naturally leans slightly forward, which means

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Today, there are a huge number of simulators that you can use to improve your body. But the question remains, which simulator to choose. Many people buy a simulator in order to build up muscle mass and acquire the necessary relief of the body. You can use it for complex training, it will help you develop respiratory system!

Exercises on the Cardio Twister and reviews of doctors about its beneficial effect

We will help you choose a trainer. Today we will dwell in more detail on what it is. Consider its characteristics, reviews about it and application.

What is a Cardio Twister machine?

Such a cardio twister simulator has the appearance of a treadmill. The only thing is that it has a number of advantages. Firstly, walking on it not only shakes the legs, but also makes it possible to work the muscles of the arms and the press. The back muscles are also involved. Using this simulator, you can easily pump up your embossed body. It does not take up much space, it is easy to disassemble and transport. You can also practice on it and develop your heart.

What is a Cardio Twister machine

While you are working on the simulator, the walls of blood vessels contract very quickly, and therefore the work of the heart stabilizes, it works without interruption. That is why it has the word cardio in its name. All doctors recommend using this particular simulator.

Its price is fully consistent with the quality. Before exercising on the simulator, consult your doctor for help. If he allows you, feel free to start classes. Start your classes with just half an hour a day. Three days a week will suffice. You will burn classes to increase to an hour a day and four times a week. The main thing is not to reboot your body. The doctor will also select for you those that will suit you personally. He will create a whole range of exercises to help cure your disease. It is better not to start it yourself, you need permission and help from a specialist. So be sure to contact him.

Where can I buy a Cardio Slim machine?

Let's consider in more detail where and how you can buy a simulator. Basically, it's pretty easy. It is available to almost everyone and everywhere. You can find it in a specialized store. There are some types of trainers out there. The consultant will be able to tell you about all of them, advise, give characteristics.

It is very convenient to pick up a simulator there, you will see it and consider it. You can go to your hospital. Usually the doctor will be able to order the simulator there. There is also a pharmacy option. It's on sale there. You can also buy a trainer online.

There are many sites that offer their simulator. But here it is better to contact a trusted site that will not deceive. The site has the characteristics of simulators, reviews about them. If you find a simulator, order it. Delivery required. It is paid separately.

How can I buy a Cardio Slim machine

You must select a delivery option. This can be done by mail or courier. You will also need to pay an initial fee. It is usually around ten percent. As for what price. It corresponds to the quality and what is the use of the simulator. It costs five thousand rubles. It's inexpensive relative to what you get in return. The result is worth it. So just get it and get the result that you never even dreamed of. It will be simply stunning.

What are the mistakes of using the Cardio Slim simulator

One of those reviews is that the result is not always what was promised. This is due to common mistakes in using the simulator. Some say that you are doing, and the effect is not as good as you would like. This may be due to the fact that you are not doing it right and making mistakes.

What are the mistakes of using the Cardio Slim simulator

To avoid this, you can see the photo. It shows the technique of performing exercises. There is also the option of watching training videos, they will show you how to do it correctly. And you can ask the instructor for help, he will tell you what mistakes you have. Consider the most common mistakes that almost everyone makes.

The main mistake is the back does not fit snugly, it is round in shape. The back should be even, then the effect will be better, all the muscles of the back will work. You can not strongly press your hands to the body. If you work in this position, then the muscles will not be used correctly and the result will not be at all what you expect and want. And the last is the elbows bent. So the muscles will also not work correctly. The effect may be negative. If you do not follow these mistakes, then the result will simply shock you, and you will be very pleased with it.

Cardio Twister is a unique simulator, using which you can not only get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible, and make your figure fit and slender, that is, the way you want to see it.

This is a stepper simulator that works by training all muscle groups.


It is quite effective, and at the same time, easy to use. Exercise helps to get rid of excess weight, make muscles stronger and fit, increase stamina, make metabolism more active and coordinate your movements.

This type sports equipment equipped with a built-in computer that will report information about the elapsed time, calories burned and the number of steps taken, which will help you keep training process under constant control.

When doing cardio twister, you need to do only one smooth, but vigorous movement.

At this time, the following are being worked out:

  • internal and outer side hips;
  • buttocks;
  • press;
  • torso.

The simulator will help to give the necessary shape to the back muscles, forearms, arms and chest, and will perfectly strengthen the muscular frame as a whole. Besides the fact that the training process is certainly very useful, it is also surprisingly pleasant.

Principle of operation

The main load during exercise falls on the legs and gluteal muscles. Top part the torso also takes part, since, using the inventory, it is necessary to rotate the body.

The simulator is easy to use, it equally distributes the load on the entire body, while some of the other devices help to train only a certain muscle group.

The upper part is not static. It consists of a main axis and a handle. The bottom part is the fixed base along with the pedals.

The device has a digital screen displaying the following parameters:

  1. Exercise time.
  2. The number of steps taken.
  3. The number of calories burned during this time.

The display starts when a person steps up on the pedals. If there is no operation after a few minutes, the machine switches off automatically.

Below is a panel of resistance levels, of which there are seven. It is possible to set any specific load.


  1. The weight of the device is 16 kilograms, that is, it is quite light and can be moved around the house.
  2. The height is just over one meter.
  3. The device is designed for a weight of not more than 120 kilograms.
  4. The pedals have a special anti-slip coating.
  5. The handles are very soft and comfortable to hold.

How to practice?

First of all, you need to stop thinking that daily ten-minute workouts will allow you to achieve the desired effect, and you will immediately lose weight.

Although all muscle groups are involved during the exercise, this does not negate the fact that you will obviously have to sweat, and at least a quarter of an hour a day. This is the only way you can count on getting rid of the hated kilograms.

Before buying a simulator, try it right in the store in order to make sure that it will be convenient for you to use it personally. To many people, it seems uncomfortable due to the rather short pedal travel.

Classes on this device are aerobic training, therefore, during the exercise, you need to carefully monitor the pulse, and try to keep it at 50% of the figure that comes out when you subtract your age from the number two hundred and twenty.

If you do not exercise so intensively, it may be ineffective, and if you bring the load level to the maximum, you can significantly overload the body, so it is not recommended to do this, especially if you are new to this business.

Be sure to warm up before you start exercising on the device. Rotate your hips, arms and knees. This will warm up your joints.

While warming up, slightly pull the spinal muscles, and only after that begin to move on the apparatus itself. Choose the resistance based on the characteristics of your own body so that you can endure a twenty-minute workout and maintain the desired heart rate.

If you really want to lose weight, use the recipe book that comes with the cardio twister. There you will find various helpful tips on how to prepare healthy, low-calorie foods.

Combine daily physical activity with a balanced diet, do not overeat and eat only natural and healthy foods. So your weight will be able to decrease naturally.

What muscles are working?

The calf muscles are mainly loaded. Such a simulator for the buttocks and thighs is good.

The press trains less, but the load is still felt, especially when the exercises are performed correctly.

A cardio twister is a stepper equipped with handles. On such an apparatus, a greater number of muscle groups are tensed.

  • legs;
  • hands;
  • press;
  • chest muscles;
  • back muscles.

By exercising in this way, you can pump up the biceps and strengthen the abdominal muscles, hips and back.

How much weight can you lose?

Exercising every day for 25-40 minutes, gradually increasing the level of physical activity, after a couple of weeks it is possible to notice that the legs and hips have become more elastic, the buttocks are tightened, and it begins to go away.

With a parallel one month, it is possible to get rid of 5-6 extra pounds, make the stomach, legs and arms pumped up.

Cost, pros and cons

Today, a cardio twister can be found in almost every sports store, or ordered online and delivered to your home. Different sellers set different prices, you can buy a device from someone for 2700 rubles, somewhere the price reaches four thousand.


  1. It takes up little space, which means it is comfortable for being in a small apartment.
  2. Fits perfectly into the interior.
  3. Special care for connections is not required.
  4. Exercising on the simulator is easy.
  5. Low cost.
  6. Existence of seven levels of loading.
  7. If used in combination, a good result is possible.
  8. You can train your muscles.
  9. Unlike some other devices, it also allows you to use the oblique muscles of the abdomen.
  10. Increases overall stamina.
  11. The effect can be noticed quite quickly.
  12. Completely safe when used correctly.


  1. Some are not satisfied with the mandatory sequence of movements when performing exercises.
  2. The pedals are located a little "inward", which can cause discomfort when moving your feet.
  3. Experienced athletes say that even the most high level load on this simulator may be insufficient.

Cardio twister - and training of the cardiovascular system, aimed at working out the muscles of the body, legs and hips. The principle of operation is based on walking, the simulator resembles or an ellipsoid. The difference is the presence of a moving axis, with the help of which it is worked out lateral muscles press. When you step with your left foot, the body moves to the right and vice versa, respectively.

The cardio twister will suit people who need to burn body fat and achieve weight loss without gaining muscle mass.

Cardio twister consists of a main body, two pedals, a movable axis, 2 handles and a display that shows: the number of steps, exercise time, calories burned. The screen with data works when actions with the simulator begin, it does not have additional on-off buttons. If you stand on it and do not exercise, the display will not work. Below the screen is a panel with difficulty levels, there are 7 in total, the last one can be done by a well-trained woman, but it will seem easy to athletes.

Most simulators have the following characteristics:

  • Weight about 16 kg;
  • The height is a little over a meter;
  • Non-slip pedals;
  • Soft handles that do not leave blisters.

When choosing, pay attention to the company that released it, more expensive - sometimes it doesn’t mean better, there are reviews on the Internet for each manufacturer, carefully study them before buying. Some simulators have low build quality and break after one or two months of active use.

Remember that for weight loss, simulators must be used in conjunction with proper nutrition, they even include a collection of recipes.

Twister or ellipsoid?

And the cardio twister is similar in terms of the principle of exercising the load on the body. Both involve the muscles of the chest, back, arms, legs and hips, both are based on walking and train endurance.

Elliptical Trainer

  • Burns up to 900 calories per hour of active work;
  • Works all muscle groups;
  • Contains training programs, different levels of difficulty;
  • You can deal with people with problems of the musculoskeletal system and obesity, there are no weight restrictions.
  • High price;
  • Periodically, you need to tighten the parts and take care of the simulator;
  • Bulky, takes up a lot of space in the house.

Cardio twister

  • Compact;
  • There are 7 degrees of difficulty;
  • Works out the muscles of the back, abs, legs;
  • The price is up to 8 tr, which is acceptable for a simulator.
  • Weight restrictions - up to 110 kg;
  • Tall people are sometimes not comfortable exercising;
  • Sometimes assembled not qualitatively;
  • Training levels are not suitable for everyone, sometimes too easy.

Cardio twister for weight loss is slightly inferior in functionality elliptical trainer, but much more attractive than the latter in price. Also a significant advantage of the twister is its compactness and ease of movement.

How to conduct a lesson?

The instructions for use say that classes of 10 minutes will bring noticeable result, this idea should be discarded. Cardio workouts give an effect after half an hour of active work, before that time the body is dehydrated and carbohydrates are burned. To reduce the time of work on the simulator, it is recommended to do a light warm-up of the whole body.

Minimum warm-up complex contains:

  • head turns;
  • head rotation;
  • Rotation of the arm in the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • Tilts of the body to the right-left-forward-backward;
  • Tilts to the legs;
  • Straight and side lunges;
  • Ankle rotation.

At runtime main program exercises for weight loss, monitor the pulse, let it lie within the boundaries of 220-age in years. Avoid food and coffee for an hour or two before and after training. During exercise on the simulator is allowed to prevent dehydration.

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The duration of the training varies, depending on the level of the practitioner. It is enough for beginners to do exercises for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week, at 1-3 degrees of difficulty, for advanced ones - 40 minutes each, 3-5 times, at level 3-5. people with good physical training it is advised to practice for about an hour, 3-5 times a week, at level 5-7. Watch how you step, you need to step from the heel, as when running.

Exercise program

  1. Basic step. Stand on the simulator, place your hands shoulder-width apart, lean lightly on the handles. Step your left foot and turn your body to the right at the same time, then return to the starting position, make a movement right foot and turn your torso to the left. Do the exercise at an accelerated pace for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Squat Starting position, as in the previous exercise. Bend your knees, lower yourself down so that the hip muscles make an angle close to 90 with the calf muscles. Move using the basic step. Do the exercise at an accelerated pace for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Hand exercise. Take the position of the basic step, lower one hand down, start walking. During the step, raise and lower your arm up, through the bend in the elbow. It will turn out like this: a step with the left foot - the arm goes from a free position to a bent at shoulder level, a step with the right foot - the arm straightens up and drops to the shoulder joint.
  4. Twisting. Take a starting position, move your hands closer to the center of the steering wheel. Start walking, try to keep the steering wheel in its original position, do not allow it to turn left and right. Such an exercise models, also gives a load on the hands. Do the same as the previous ones, in fast mode, 2-3 minutes.
  5. Inclined twists. Stand on a cardio twister, put one hand in the center, lower the other to your waist. Start walking, while turning the body to the side, reverse hand. That is, if the right hand lies in the center, then twisting is done to the left. If the exercise seems easy to you, then add side bends to it.
  6. Chest rotation. Lean on the steering wheel with your palms, transfer part of your body weight to it. While walking, push off from it, tensing your arm muscles. Watch how you step on the pedals of the simulator and pulse.
  7. Exercise for oblique muscles. Stand on the simulator, put your hands on the handles so that they are shoulder-width apart. Start walking as in exercise 1, while adding tilts to the side. Step with your right foot - lean to the right and vice versa, respectively.

It is difficult to do the weight complex immediately, without preparation. Start with the first 4 exercises, bring to the desired time and gradually add the remaining 3. Don't forget about breathing recovery and a hitch after training. Cardio trainers load the cardiovascular system, so after a workout you need to cool down. It is recommended to use it as a hitch, then the muscles will get a beautiful shape.


Special contraindications for weight loss using this method No, but it is worth consulting a doctor for the following groups of people:

  • Pregnant women and women after childbirth;
  • Hypertension patients;
  • Having problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Having problems with the respiratory system;
  • People with diseases of the joints, ligaments and musculoskeletal system.

Slimming simulators are designed for weights up to 110–120 kg, therefore they are not automatically suitable for training obese patients.


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