Where does the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen originate? How to pump up the press: exercises for home and gym

Important components of an excellent sports figure in girls are slim stomach hic, the male half has a relief press. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are responsible for their formation. The more developed they are, the thinner the female waist, and the V-shaped torso is more pronounced for men. In addition to the aesthetic function, the development of this muscle group plays a huge role in holding the internal organs in the desired position.

Anatomy of the oblique muscles of the abdomen

This muscle group divided into 2 types of muscles: internal, external. The internal one runs under the external oblique muscle, so it is not noticeable.

The main functions of the oblique abdominal muscles are:

  • rotation of the body, spine
  • trunk flexion
  • keeping the torso upright

Lateral muscles abdomen are involved in the formation of a muscular corset, which is very important for correct posture.

Oblique muscle training program

It is important to consider the following: most people have a fat layer in the abdomen. It is difficult to get rid of it with exercise alone. Therefore, do not forget about proper nutrition. In the menu, protein foods should prevail over carbohydrate foods. And it is better to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to zero.

In the first months of training, it is unlikely that you will be able to complete the required number of repetitions. Experienced athletes recommend giving their best to the maximum, but not overloading the muscles so as not to injure them. Add one repetition to each workout. If 10 repetitions were performed in the last lesson, then in next time- 11. In addition to gradually increasing the load, observe the correct performance of each exercise. Don't forget to warm up. It will prepare the muscles for stress.

How to pump the oblique muscles of the press, using the exercise "tilts with a dumbbell"

Starting position: the back is straight, the legs are set slightly wider than the shoulders, we fix the hands behind the head. We proceed to tilt the body to the right and left sides alternately. Make sure that the body does not lean forward or backward. As soon as the abdominal muscles are no longer receiving the proper load (a feeling of "burning"), complicate the task by adding a dumbbell.

Technique: the back is straight, the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, we remove one hand behind the head, in the second we take a dumbbell. Tilts are made in the direction in which the projectile is located in the hand. We do the same with the other hand.

How to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the exercises "raising the body to the sides"

We lie down on our side in a special simulator, fix our legs under the rollers, we clasp our hands behind our heads. We proceed to raise the torso up, straining the lateral abdominal muscles. Repeat the same process on the other side.

On a note! If you do not have a special simulator, then the exercise can be carried out on horizontal bench, and fix the legs with straps or attract a partner to hold them.

Pumping the oblique abdominal muscles using a horizontal bar

Hanging on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to bend the legs until an angle of 90 degrees with the body is formed. The task is to touch the crossbar with your knees. We do not take out our knees in front of us, but we direct them alternately to the sides (for example, first to the left, then to the right).

Advice. You can complicate the exercise as follows: perform lifting to the sides of straightened legs, trying to touch the crossbar with your fingertips.

How to pump the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the slopes with the neck

We take the neck in our hands and lay it on our shoulders, we put our legs a little wider than our shoulders. Choose the mass of the neck depending on the level physical fitness. Untrained people can start with a 10 kg bar, experienced with 20 kg. We proceed to tilt the body to the sides, holding the ends of the projectile with both hands. It is important to control that the body does not deviate forward or backward.

How to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the machine with the upper block

The exercise is also called "lumberjack". We stand sideways to the simulator, take hold of the handle with both hands and perform movements that imitate the work of an ax. We pull the handle from the right shoulder diagonally to the left leg. We carry out similar movements on the other side.

How to build oblique abdominal muscles at home

In most cases, home workouts mean the absence of sports equipment and exercise equipment.

Therefore, especially for you, we have selected a number of effective exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles:

  • side crunches- carried out in the supine position on the floor. We lay on the right side, we remove our hands behind the head (the head should not touch the floor). When lifting the torso, exhale, when returning to its original position - inhale. Having reached the top point, it is important to linger for 3-4 seconds and only then lower the body back. We do the same on the other side
  • "Lumberjack" - an exercise similar to the one proposed above, only instead of a simulator we use a sandbag. 1.5-2 kg is enough for a woman, 5-6 kg for a man. We set our legs shoulder-width apart, keep the body straight, the bag is on an outstretched arm above the right shoulder, the second hand is on the belt. Straining the side press, we try to smoothly lower the load diagonally, tending to the left thigh. We return to the original position. We do the same on the other side
  • inclinations of the body - we set the legs slightly wider than the shoulders, the arms are directed strictly upwards. We perform torso forward bends, slightly twisting the press and trying to touch the toes of the left foot with the right hand. Then we start pumping the other side

Tip: do not forget that only high-quality training will bring positive results. It is best to go to the first time Gym, where the coach will show and teach how to properly perform this or that exercise, and also select individual complex workouts.

How to pump oblique abdominal muscles in a short time

It is difficult to pump the oblique muscles of the abdomen quickly, because muscle growth does not happen in one or two days. Behind a short time and under intense loads, you can only injure the muscles. If you want to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles and make your abs even more powerful and attractive, then we recommend that you take your time in this matter, but do everything gradually and wisely, without unnecessarily loading the muscles.

popular and effective exercises To date, for training the side press are:

  • lifting the body with a turn - the exercise can be done anywhere (simulator, floor, bench). The technique for its implementation is described above. 3 sets of 9 reps
  • lateral twists - to maintain balance, in the process of performing lateral twists, bottom hand you have to hold on to your knee. Lifting should be carried out only with the help of the oblique abdominal muscles. 3 sets, 10 reps
  • turns on the horizontal bar - you need to hang on the crossbar and begin to describe the “rainbow” with your feet. The floor cannot be touched. We perform 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions

If you perform only one of the exercises presented, then you will not achieve a positive result. To achieve the goal, it is important to perform all 3 exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, periodically alternating them with each other.

Pumping oblique abdominal muscles with professionals

We swing the oblique abdominal muscles - the best exercises from Yuri Spasokukotsky

We perform slopes with one dumbbell to work out the oblique abdominal muscles. When the dumbbell is in the right hand, the left side of the body is trained, and vice versa. Not recommended to take big weight, otherwise you will pump yourself up with massive oblique abdominal muscles, respectively, the waist will become noticeably wider. In the process of performing torso tilts, we try to keep the pelvis motionless.

Tip: You should train with only one dumbbell. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the exercise is lost specifically for the oblique abdominal muscles.

Secrets of the perfect press from Denis Gusev - a selection of the best exercises

  • lateral leg raises in the hang - in the starting position we grab the crossbar with our hands at the width of the shoulder level. Holding your breath, we perform leg lifts at the same time turning them in one direction. Slowly return to the original position. We carry out the required number of repetitions, first in one direction and then in the other. Throughout the exercise, the body should not swing, otherwise the side press will not receive a quality load.
  • twisting with lifting the body on a bench with a negative slope - we sit down on incline bench with a slope of 15-30 degrees, we start the legs behind the rollers. Do not apply inertia during body lifts. The pace of training is smooth. Upon returning to starting position do not touch the bench with your back
  • lifting legs from a prone position on a bench - we lie down on a bench, grab the stop with our hands. Legs should be raised to a 90 degree angle. hip joint. When returning to the starting position, do not touch the floor with your feet.
  • during training, make sure that the pumped muscle group is always in tension
  • avoid long "rest" between repetitions
  • go to the gym at least 1-2 times a week
  • increase the load gradually
  • alternate the exercises presented with each other
  • make sure to rest your muscles
  • start your workout with a warm-up part ( treadmill, exercise bike, simple tilts and turns of the torso).

This surprisingly simple question - how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles - baffles many fitness beginners. Yes there, experienced too!

But the oblique muscles are very aesthetic when proper development and are very important in most active sports - martial arts, wrestling, games, running, etc. The fighter will not be able to inflict strong blows and move away from the attack if he does not have developed oblique muscles. It's hard to imagine strong wrestler with undeveloped press and oblique muscles. What is there! It is difficult to imagine just a healthy person with weak abdominal muscles. The health of the spine, overall strength, and overall human health largely depend on the state of the oblique muscles, on their uniform development (left and right).

Let's try to figure out how to pump up oblique muscles. But first, a little anatomical digression.

How are the oblique abdominal muscles

The oblique muscles are two pairs of flat muscles that lie on the sides of the abdominal cavity. There is an internal oblique muscle and an external oblique muscle on each side of the body. And they are located very interestingly, as if crosswise. And this makes a lot of anatomical sense. See drawing.

External oblique muscle - m. obliquus externus abdominis

The external oblique muscle with its upper part is attached to the so-called aponeurosis (white line of the abdomen). This is a connective tissue seal that runs in the middle of the abdomen and performs a mechanical function. The aponeurosis creates a vertical groove in the middle of the abdomen, visible in good relief. With its lower end, the external oblique muscle is attached to various fascia of other muscles and the ilium of the pelvis. Yes, yes, this is the same bone that strongly sticks out on the sides of the pelvis in people with poorly developed oblique muscles and suffering from excessive thinness. The direction of the muscle fibers is forward-up and back-down.

The external oblique muscle, with unilateral tension, rotates the torso in the opposite direction from itself. For example, if the left external oblique muscle is tensed, the torso turns to the right.

With a bilateral contraction of the external oblique muscle (i.e., both external oblique muscles contract), the torso leans forward.

Internal oblique muscle - m. obliquus internus abdominis

It lies under the external oblique muscle and serves to turn the torso in its direction. The direction of the muscle fibers is forward-down, back-up. With its anterior end, the external oblique muscle is attached to the thoracolumbar fascia, the iliac crest, and the inguinal ligament. The posterior end of the muscle is attached to the lower ribs, the connective tissue sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle. The lower posterior bundles enter the muscle that lifts the testicle (lat. - m. cremaster). Now you understand how important it is to pump up oblique muscles?

Oblique muscles and body movements

Now let's figure out what body movements are performed during the work of the oblique muscles. Thus, we will figure out what exercises need to be done to develop the oblique muscles.

Torso twists left and right

If your body turns to the right, the right internal oblique muscle and the left external oblique muscle contract. Conversely, if the body turns to the left, the left internal oblique muscle and the right external oblique muscle contract. Got it?

Torso sideways

Leaning to the left stretches the right oblique muscles (both internal and external). At the same time, both left oblique muscles are reduced.

Similarly, when tilting to the right, the left oblique muscles are stretched and the right ones are reduced.

Holding and lifting weights with one hand

If you take a dumbbell in your left hand and stand straight, your right oblique muscles will tighten.

When you press the dumbbell with your left hand up, the right oblique muscles tighten.

And when you contract the rectus abdominis muscle, pumping the press, you strain both external oblique muscles.

Of course, the work of the oblique muscles is not limited to tilting and turning the torso. They can be involved in complex complex movements of the body, working in conjunction with other muscles, or acting as body position stabilizers. But to understand their functions, I believe, the described movements are quite enough.

How to pump oblique muscles?

Of course, oblique muscles should be trained from the very beginning of training so that they are noticeably manifested. They themselves will not grow, because in ordinary life and in ordinary training programs they usually don't get enough attention. Crunch alone is not enough. In addition, these muscles are important practical value when lifting weights, in the formation of correct posture, sexual health, etc.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen develop easily in people with a wide pelvis and other predisposition factors. This general rule fitness - the more powerful the bones, the larger the muscles in this place. If you have a narrow pelvis, this is the main reason why oblique muscle growth is not visible. But this has an advantage - the waist is much thinner. In addition, the oblique muscles are still quite easy to pump up.

If the obliques grow poorly, I admit that you are using the wrong exercises. Or you're doing them wrong. Or not enough. Or you don't do it at all. When specializing in oblique muscles, it is necessary to train them with two to three exercises for 3 sets each three times a week. You should also pay attention to exercises with weight. Multiple repetitions (more than 15) do not necessarily lead to the growth of the oblique muscles.

Another factor that interferes with oblique pumping may be insufficient flexibility in the waist, which makes it difficult to do exercises with sufficient amplitude. The problem is solved by the development of flexibility.

In general, oblique muscles are easy to pump up. The main thing is to know what and how to do.

Now let's move on to the exercises. Certainly the best and most efficient.

Exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen

Here I will just briefly talk about the most beneficial exercises for the oblique muscles. And you, after reading my explanations above, already understand why these exercises. So?

Side bends with a dumbbell in hand

These are the usual standard side bends with a dumbbell in hand. They took a dumbbell in their hand, laid the other behind their heads. Bent straight to the side while inhaling. We returned to the starting position on the exhale. It is necessary to perform 10-15 tilts in each direction, respectively, shifting the dumbbell to the other hand.

Do not use a dumbbell weighing more than 20 kg. The oblique muscles from this exercise already grow beautifully. Especially if you perform the exercise clearly, with maximum amplitude.

Axial torso rotations

This is an inertial exercise. That is, when it is performed, the waist muscles receive a load due to the resistance of the inertia of the rotation of the body. It increases noticeably if you spread your arms to the sides.

The exercise is simple. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides, start turning left and right with full amplitude (orient yourself according to the comfort of sensations). Be sure to make sure that when the torso rotates, the pelvis does not make too noticeable turns, otherwise there will be no use from such rotations. You can breathe freely. Usually perform 50-100 such rotations per set.

Great exercise, but not everyone succeeds. It requires noticeable flexibility in the waist. However, the more often you try to do it, the better it will turn out.

Lie on your back, pull your legs to your stomach. Feet on the floor. The knees are closed. Lower your knees to the left to the floor. In this twisted position, try to lift the body, lifting the shoulder blades off the floor. Exhale while lifting. After completing 10-20 lifts, change the position of the legs to symmetrical, and perform the same number of repetitions.

Side plank exercise

This static exercise. It is necessary to take the position shown in the first photo. Then you need to raise the pelvis so that the body and legs form one line. And then you just need to hold the body in this position for 20-60 seconds. You can breathe freely. Do not forget to perform the exercise for the second half of the body, turning around on the other side.

Tapered rotations

One of the most useful exercises for the entire waist. Tension rolls through all the muscles of the abdomen and lower back without exception. Skews work great. The exercise is performed carefully, in a slow manner. Hands can be held at the waist, on the chest, behind the head or above the head, depending on the level of training. Perform at least 10 rotations in each direction per set. The amplitude must be wide. It is especially important to lean forward strongly. In the last photo, I did not fulfill this requirement, but I recommend doing it.

April 11, 2016

beautiful figure implies a flat stomach and thin waist. This statement is true for everyone, so doing oblique abdominal exercises is useful and important for both men and women.

However, in pursuit of a harmonious body, gym goers often forget to do exercises for the lateral press, and in fact they help to form the perfect silhouette.

The desire for a thorough study of the press is commendable and leads to noticeable results, so it is important to pay full attention to the entire abdominal region.

The oblique muscles of the press perform 2 important functions:

  1. Aesthetic. The lateral muscles form a beautiful silhouette, create a strong, toned torso (sagging folds on the sides of the body negate the entire effect of the press cubes), visually stretch the figure, and in women they also become the key to a thin waist.
  2. Supportive. This function is important for the body as a whole, because strong oblique muscles support the spine according to the principle of a natural corset and directly affect human health.

IN Everyday life the side press is almost not loaded, and the depth of its location does not allow you to work on it together with other muscle groups. Therefore, you will have to specifically work on this area.

Exercises for the oblique muscles of the press give their results!

During training of the oblique abdominal muscles:

  • The figure becomes strong, toned and slim,
  • Given that proper nutrition and the proper load on the whole body, the “sides” disappear, the folds are eliminated, the lumbar region is losing weight.
  • As a pleasant bonus, a good posture appears, the whole body becomes more resilient and stronger.

Separately for girls: when working with the oblique muscles of the press, remember the principle of "necessity and sufficiency." Without proper attention, this zone will not get rid of the folds on the sides, however, excessive loads will lead to the formation of an H-silhouette without a pronounced waist.

Effective exercises for the side press

You can work out the oblique muscles of the abdomen in three different provisions- standing, sitting and lying down.

This variety allows you to train in any conditions: you no longer need to wait until the desired simulator is free, because this time will be well spent, even if literally a square meter of space in the hall remains free.

And by combining several positions in one workout, even very lazy muscles that are difficult to tame can be effectively developed.

Starting position - standing

EXERCISE 1. Tilts to the sides.

  1. We get up: legs slightly apart, back straight, hands on the back of the head.
  2. We tilt the body to the right until a feeling of tension in the left side. We return back.
  3. Similarly, tilt the body to the left until a feeling of tension in the muscles in the right side.
  • Number of approaches: 3.

EXERCISE 2. Sliding slopes along the body.

  1. We get up: calm stance, back straight, hands free.
  2. We put the right hand on the belt, with the left we slide along the body to the foot. Feeling the muscles on the right side, we take the initial stance.
  3. A similar tilt to the right side - the left hand on the belt, the right hand slides along the body to the heel.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 8 tilts in each direction.

Advice: You can enhance the effect of this exercise by taking a dumbbell in your working hand (the one that slides along the body), the second hand remains on the belt. For girls, the weight of the dumbbell should not exceed 1.5 kg.


  1. Starting position: wide stance, back straight.
  2. We lean forward, trying to touch the right foot with the left palm. We return back.
  3. The next slope is done to the opposite leg.
  • Number of approaches: 3-4.
  • Number of times: 8-12 in each direction.

Advice: when performing the exercise, try to work exclusively with your lower back and abs, without helping yourself with your hips.


To perform this exercise on the oblique muscles of the press, you will need support: the back of a chair, swedish wall or any other object that you can hold onto tightly.

  1. Starting stance: stand with your left side to the support, keep your legs together.
  2. Doing right foot swing sideways with maximum amplitude, securing yourself with your left hand (hold on to the support).
  3. Turning to the right side, we repeat the swings with the other leg.

Number of approaches: 3.
Number of times: 10-15 swings in each direction.

Specificity: not only the oblique muscles of the press work here, but the hips with the buttocks.


Starting position - lying

This complex is performed on a yoga mat or travel mat.


This exercise, which develops the oblique muscles of the abdomen, is quite difficult for beginners, but very effective exercise for the whole body. Due to the special tension of the side press, it is considered very effective.


  1. We lean on the palm and side of the foot.
  2. The palm is strictly under the shoulder, the whole body is tense and stretched into a string.
  3. We make sure that the waist with the hips does not sag down or arch up.
  4. We linger in this position for as long as possible, first from 20 seconds, gradually bringing the time to 2 minutes.
  5. Repeat on the other side.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Time: Start at 20 seconds and gradually build up.


  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. The head lies flat, the palms rest on the floor, we look at the ceiling.
  2. Pressing the head and arms, we tear off the pelvis and legs from the floor, and do twisting to the right and left.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 8 twists in each direction.

EXERCISE 3. Side crunches.

They can be performed in three different ways or combined with each other.

Option number 1. We lie down on the left side, the body is straight, the legs are pressed to the floor, upper arm behind the head, the lower one is straight ahead. We raise the head and shoulders up, performing lateral twists (the amplitude is small, there is a pause at the top point). Then we go back.

Option number 2. Raise up tightly pressed to each other legs. We hold our legs at the top for a few seconds, then lower them.

Option number 3, for an advanced level. Raise your legs and head chest simultaneously. As we inhale, lower them down. In this option, you can lean on your forearm so as not to overstrain the muscles of the neck.

  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 10-15 on each side.

Advice: these exercises greatly increase the oblique muscles of the press, so girls striving for a thin waist need to stretch this area after the complex.

+ Options

EXERCISE 4. Diagonal twists.

  1. Starting position: the right hand lies on the back of the head, the left hand is directly on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the legs are slightly bent at the knees.
  2. We pull the right elbow to the right knee, at the top point we linger for a couple of seconds.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. We do the required number of approaches, change the position and repeat all over again.
  • When performing the exercise, it is better to use a gymnastic mat.
  • The hand lying on the abdominal muscles remains there constantly until the exercise is completed.
  • Number of approaches: 3.
  • Number of times: 8 in each direction.


  1. We lie down on our back, bend our knees at a right angle and raise them. We put our palms on the back of the head.
  2. We rise (the lower back remains pressed to the floor), with the left elbow we stretch to the right knee.
  • After completing 10 pairs of “elbow to knee”, rest for 10 seconds. This is one approach.



Starting position - sitting

Despite its apparent simplicity, this method is very effective and gives good results.

  1. We sit on the edge of a chair or bench, firmly resting our feet on the floor. The back is straight, hands in the castle at the back of the head.
  2. Exhale: moving only with the muscles of the lower back, turn the body to the left. Inhale: turn straight.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

Advice: even more effective if you use a bodybar or a barbell bar. It fits on the trapeze of the shoulders, hands hold the bar in this position. Perform turns slowly and smoothly.

  • The number of repetitions in each exercise starts at 10 and increases as the load increases.
  • Approaches - from 3 to 5.

And at the end, a bonus video with a few more effective exercises for the oblique muscles of the press 😉

  • The whole complex is performed as a whole, and is divided into parts.
  • When the complex is included in the training program, perform 3-4 exercises in one workout, changing them from program to program - this will eliminate the addictive effect, and the muscles will constantly be in good shape;
  • Before starting classes, do an active warm-up to warm up and light articular gymnastics;
  • After class, a mandatory stretching, this consolidates the effect of training, helps to reduce pain and forms the correct silhouette;
  • When performing any exercise on the abdominal muscles, it is important to exclude food 1.5 hours before class and within 1 hour after. It is recommended to drink a glass of water no earlier than 15 minutes after training;
  • To effect from strength exercises affected the burning of fat, more vegetables and protein foods should be included in the daily diet, and high-calorie muffins and sweets should be discarded;

The oblique muscles of the abdomen play a key role in the normal movement of the human body, but, unfortunately, not all of us have them fully developed. In order to correctly start working on a particular muscle group, it is very important to know its structure, and the next step is to start selecting the appropriate exercises to form a full-fledged workout.

Anatomy of the oblique abdominal muscles of men and girls

In men and women, the anatomical structure muscle tissue is no different. But due to individual characteristics and level sportswear appearance The press is different.

The oblique abdominal muscles are located on both sides of the body, are responsible for its rotation and are stabilizing muscles, since they stabilize the spine. It is thanks to the oblique muscles of the abdomen that the spine can fully perform its functions, and also all our organs remain in the correct position.

It is very important to strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen and for the sake of maintaining beautiful posture. Any movement of our torso originates precisely in these muscles, and then a signal is already sent to the rest of the necessary muscle groups. If you do not pay due attention to the development of the oblique abdominal muscles, over time you can observe such a negative consequence as asymmetry in the waist. To avoid this, let's figure out what the oblique abdominal muscles consist of and what they are responsible for.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen consist of the external oblique and internal oblique muscles.

Internal oblique abdominal muscle

This broad flat muscle, located under the external flat muscle, originates at the outer parts of the inguinal ligament and ilium. Consists of several bundles of fibers. The upper bundles are attached to the cartilage adjacent to the lower ribs. They are located from bottom to top. The lower bundles have both upper and lower directions.

With a unilateral contraction, the internal oblique muscle, together with the external muscle of the opposite side, turns the body in the same direction and lowers the ribs. If the contraction of the internal oblique muscle is bilateral, then it pulls the chest down and flexes the spine (with a fixed position of the chest, the pelvis rises - also due to the contraction of the internal oblique muscle).

External oblique abdominal muscle

The external muscle is located above the internal and provides twisting and bending of the body. When shortening the right external muscle there is a twisting of the body to the right, with a contraction of the left - to the left. As for the internal muscles in this process, the opposite side is included in the work - turning to the left helps to provide the right internal oblique muscle and vice versa.

Also, the external oblique muscle helps to tilt the trunk forward, and it is thanks to this muscle that we can lift and carry heavy objects.

The external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen are the only muscles that are in tension when a person is standing - they support the trunk in an upright position and help maintain balance.

The external muscle has eight large teeth, the first five - the upper ones - are located in the anterior serratus muscle, and the remaining three are adjacent to those teeth that belong to the broadest spinal muscle.

The best exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen

For maximum development of the abdominal muscles, do not forget about the exercises for working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen, since they form the coveted thin waist, directly affect the overall health of a person and perform the function of a corset.

Since the oblique abdominal muscles are deep enough and are minimally loaded in everyday life, we will consider a set of exercises that focus our attention on the development of the oblique abdominal muscles.

You can pump the oblique abdominal muscles while standing, lying down and sitting, which allows you to combine various exercises and pump up as many muscles as possible.

Side bends without extra weight

The best exercise for girls, because the lack of weights will not allow you to pump muscles, which means it will protect you from unwanted thickening of the waist.

  1. Starting position - legs are slightly wider than shoulders, head and back are straight, hands are wound behind the head.
  2. On inspiration, we tilt to the right, stop tilting the body when tension is felt in the left side. When tilted to the right, the muscles contract on the right and lengthen on the left.
  3. On exhalation
  4. Again we tilt to the left until we feel tension in the opposite side.
  5. We return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the required number of times until the end of the approach.

It is advisable to perform 3 sets of 8-12 times in each direction.

Video: tilts to the opposite leg without additional weight

By doing this exercise it is important to focus on stretching the obliques and bending as low as possible, as this will provide a stronger stretch and subsequent contraction of the muscles. It is also very important to keep the abs static throughout the exercise - this will help the spine to take a stable position.

  1. We take a dumbbell or any other extra weight at least 1.5 kg in the right hand.
  2. Feet shoulder-width apart, head straight, free hand behind the head or on the belt. Keep extra weight neutral grip with a hand at the hip.
  3. We remove the deflection in the lower back due to the slightly forward pelvis. This will be the starting position.
  4. As you exhale, slowly tilt to the right until you feel tension on the left side.
  5. We return to the starting position.
  6. We do the required number of repetitions in one direction, after which we change the position of the hands.
  7. We do the appropriate number of repetitions to the left side.

When performing slopes along the body with a dumbbell, it is very important to focus on stretching the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

It is advisable to do 3 sets of 8 repetitions in each direction.

You do not need to take dumbbells in both hands at the same time, since the second weighting agent will facilitate the process of returning to the starting position and the exercise will lose some of its effectiveness.

Video: sliding slopes along the body with a dumbbell

Video: How to pump oblique abdominal muscles with sliding slopes along the body with a dumbbell

Tilts to the opposite leg

The well-known exercise "Mill" is also considered useful for the development of the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

  1. Starting position - straight back, legs in a wide stance, straight arms apart.
  2. We make a tilt and try to reach the left leg with the right hand.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. We do the same with the left hand, but we reach for the right leg.
  5. We again take the starting position.
  6. We repeat the required number of inclinations to each leg.

It is advisable to do 8-12 repetitions in each direction in each of the 3 sets.

During the slopes, you can not help yourself with your hips, it is very important to work precisely with the lower back and abdominal muscles. Otherwise, the exercise will lose its effectiveness.

Video: bending to the opposite leg

For next exercise we need some kind of support. It can be a wall, the back of a chair or something else.

  1. Starting position - we stand with the right side to the support, hold on to it with the right hand, put the left on the belt, put our legs together.
  2. We perform a side swing with the left leg, lifting it up as much as possible.
  3. We accept the starting position.
  4. We do the required number of repetitions to the left side, after which we turn our left side to our support and do the same to the right side.

On each swing we exhale, when returning to the starting position - inhale.

During such leg swings, in addition to the oblique abdominal muscles, the hips and gluteal muscles are also included in the work.

Video: performing side swings with legs

The side plank is an advanced version of the classic plank. Consider the option of a side plank on the forearm.

  1. We lie down with our right side on the floor or rug, straighten up.
  2. We substitute the elbow under the shoulder, put the palm on the surface. The shoulder and elbow should be perpendicular to the floor. The left hand can be on the belt, behind the head or stretched up. The gaze is directed straight ahead.
  3. We stretch our legs, feet on top of each other or the upper one is in front of the lower one.
  4. We rise on the elbow, maintain balance at both points - at the elbow and the side of the foot.
  5. We do not allow the pelvis to fall down, we try to keep the body in one straight line all the time.
  6. After the time has elapsed, lower the body to the floor.

For the first time, you can stand in the side plank for at least 15-20 seconds, but, if desired, try to increase the time with each workout.

Video: side plank options

Lateral twists, subject to a small amount subcutaneous fat, very effectively help to achieve beautiful curved lines on the sides of the press.

  1. Starting position - we lie down on the mat, bend our knees, put our hands behind our heads.
  2. We take our knees to the right so that the right knee lies on the floor. The right hand can be placed on the left side to feel the contractions of the muscles in the process of twisting, or left behind the head along with the left.
  3. On the exhale, we tighten the abdominal muscles and twist the body, lifting the shoulders up.
  4. Inhaling, we return to the starting position.
  5. We do the necessary number of times to complete the approach.
  6. We change the position of the knees - now the left knee should lie on the surface, and the right knee should be on top.
  7. We repeat the same with the same number of repetitions.

We do 10-15 repetitions for each side for 3 sets.

Video: side crunch technique for abs workout

Turns of the body while sitting or standing with a barbell or gymnastic stick

It is worth noting that when using a small weight in this exercise, the muscles are not fully involved in the work, and performing turns with a large weight can be traumatic. Therefore, we recommend that you rotate the housing as warm-up exercise and with low weight. There is no fundamental difference in whether we perform body turns while sitting or standing.

  1. Starting position - the back is straight, we take additional weight (barbell or gymnastic stick), we start it behind the back to fix the back, grab the edges with our hands, the gaze is directed forward.
  2. We perform turns of the body with maximum amplitude. We do not turn our head along with the body - this can lead to dizziness. Keep your back straight.
  3. After required amount repetitions stop, return to the starting position, put the weight in place.

It is desirable to perform turns intensively for 2–3 minutes (about 100 turns in each direction). While twisting, we exhale, when returning to the center - inhale.

Video: an overview of the implementation of rotations of the body with a gymnastic stick

Recommendations for performing exercises on the oblique muscles of the abdomen

  • You should not build your workout with the expectation of developing exclusively oblique abdominal muscles, since they are involved in many movements and exercises.
  • When you include the suggested exercises in your training complex it is advisable to perform 3-4 exercises, after which - at the next workout - replace them with others. This will allow the muscles to always be in good shape and will not let them get used to the same loads.
  • Do not train oblique muscles daily, as they need time to recover. It is advisable to give them such an opportunity once every two or three days.
  • It is very important to do a little warm-up before starting a workout to warm up the muscles. After training, it is necessary to do stretching, which will ensure the correct formation of the silhouette and relieve you of pain after physical exertion.
  • An hour and a half before training, it is recommended to refrain from eating, as well as an hour after it.

Exercises on the oblique abdominal muscles play an important role in the formation beautiful press and strengthening general health a person, since these muscles are a significant part of the muscular corset and affect the health of the spine and the normal functioning of internal organs.

The abdominal muscles are located between the chest and pelvis and limit the abdominal region. The abdominal muscles play an important role in the movement, stabilization and support of the trunk. This muscle group includes the rectus (the most superficial) muscle, the external oblique, the internal oblique, and the transversus abdominis (the deepest of these four muscles).

The abdominal muscles perform various functions:

Produce flexion, tilt and rotation of the thoracolumbar.

Stabilize and hold the spine in a vertical position.

Protect internal organs abdominal cavity.

Increase intra-abdominal pressure, facilitating the process of evacuation with relaxation of the sphincters.

The simultaneous tension of the muscles of this group increases the density of the abdominal wall, which acts as a framework, due to an increase in pressure in the visceral and pleural cavities (see p. 289). These muscles help support the spine, especially when lifting and carrying loads.

Insufficient voltage abdominal muscles puts a lot of stress on the spine. Atrophy of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall is often accompanied by an increase in the abdomen, which, in turn, provokes pelvic anteversion (see p. 209).

A tendinous band formed by converging muscle aponeuroses and running along the midline.

The rectus abdominis is a superficial muscle of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. It is formed by eight muscle bundles interconnected by tendon bands.

The tone of this muscle helps to stabilize the spine and reduce the belly protruding forward, thereby correcting the shift in the center of gravity anteriorly.


Outer surface of V-VII ribs.

The xiphoid process of the sternum.

Place of attachment


Flexion of the thoracolumbar spine.

Retroversion of the pelvis.

Forced exhalation.

The external oblique muscle of the abdomen is a superficial muscle of the anterior and lateral wall of the abdominal cavity and partially of the chest. Its upper fibers are attached to the ribs, and the aponeurosis is involved in the formation of the white line of the abdomen. Due to the orientation of the fibers, the muscle is actively involved in the rotation of the body.


Seven last ribs.

Place of attachment

Iliac crests.


Tilt of the pelvis.

Retroversion of the pelvis (bilateral contraction).

A combination of tilting the thoracolumbar spine (towards the contracting muscle) and turning (to the opposite side).

Forced exhalation.

The internal oblique muscle of the abdomen is the muscle of the second layer of the abdominal wall, located between the external oblique muscle and the transverse muscle. Like the external oblique muscle, it is actively involved in the rotation of the body.


Iliac crests.

Place of attachment

The outer surface of the four lower ribs.


Tilt of the pelvis.

Retroversion of the pelvis (bilateral contraction).

Flexion of the thoracolumbar spine (bilateral contraction).

Combination of tilt and rotation of the thoracolumbar spine towards the contracting muscle.