Types of resistance rowing machines. Rowing machines for home and gym

A sedentary lifestyle leads to problems with posture, stoop, curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis. The rowing machine helps fight existing diseases, prevents the occurrence of new ones, and makes the posture straight.

The rowing machine is a metal frame with a soft seat. On the sides there are two levers that imitate the work of oars. The movements are carried out with the help of a flywheel.

The role of the load is performed by hydraulic or gas shock absorbers. The level of resistance is usually adjustable.

For classes, a person takes the position of a rower, takes hold of the levers, pulls them towards him. It puts in effort. Regardless of the type of simulator, the principle of operation is the same - the recreation of rowing movements.

Types of rowing machines

The products are intended for home use. They are simple, easy to assemble, inexpensive, and effective with regular use.

During operation, there is noise, an uneven course, reminiscent of a real rowing. Such devices are suitable for novice athletes and amateurs who find it difficult to select a load.

The functionality of the devices allows you to choose the load, the training program, determines the results. The mechanism works without unnecessary noise.

During transportation and storage, the product is protected from moisture. It is recommended to use the device in a heated room at a temperature of +10 to +35.

Intense loads are created by the weight of the flywheel. The heavier it is, the greater the resistance and the smoother the ride. The cost depends on the configuration.

Professional devices. The movements depend on the resistance to the airflow created by the fan. Devices are intended for training athletes, holding competitions in the hall.

Cast home gym are practically not used, because they make a lot of noise, take up a lot of space, and are very expensive.


Load system

The effort of the athlete is counteracted by the work of the pneumatic cylinder. The device works autonomously, electricity is not required. The load is controlled by the air valves of the cylinder.

A mandatory maintenance point is lubrication, replacement of rubber seals and gaskets on the piston head.

As a counterforce to the athlete, standard magnets are used, acting by spontaneous attraction. This mechanism works autonomously without electricity or other type of power supply.

The load is set by the user as needed. Requires periodic maintenance.

The most realistic imitation of boat rowing. The resistance is created by a standard magnetic mechanism. An additional load is formed by a pneumatic spring in the frame.

The handles of the device are equipped with magnets for increased resistance. The frame of the simulator is sprung, so the user constantly keeps the balance.

The frame structure is unstable due to the air strut equipment. The training process is complex but effective. The movable frame allows you to work out more muscles.

The resistance force is provided by a water cylinder. The principle of operation is similar to air, but with a difference in the way the load is generated. The counteraction creates compression of the liquid in the working chamber.

The appliance does not require an electrical connection to function. Regular maintenance keeps the appliance working properly.

The mechanism operates due to the force of magnetic attraction. The process depends on the magnetic induction arising from the conductor. The design is simple, does not require constant care, connects to a 220 volt network or runs on battery power.

The load varies quite widely, since the electromagnet allows the slightest fluctuations to change.

The ability to adjust the display image according to the intensity of movement of the rowing oars. The training process becomes more varied and exciting.

Folding design

The structure is assembled with little effort, the use of special tools is not required. The process takes several minutes.

Wheels for transportation

The rollers installed on the unit will help to move it along sports ground or room. After determining the location of the simulator, the wheels are replaced by fixed stops.

Adjustable feet

Compensators for uneven floors make the simulator more stable, which guarantees safe use. To adjust the design, a hexagon or a classic open-end wrench is used.

Programs and information

Special programs make training targeted, allow you to work out certain muscle groups.

Popular destinations:

  • development of muscle strength (the action of the apparatus is aimed at strengthening the necessary muscle zone of the body),
  • work on the cardiovascular system,
  • improvement of body tone,
  • reduction in body volume.

Workout time

Standard equipment on many models. This option controls the exact duration of the sets. To start counting, the timer button, which is located on the control panel, is pressed.


The machine counts the number of strokes of the rowing handles and converts them into the footage passed during the workout. It is based on the metric system of measurement, if necessary, an estimated distance in miles or yards is set.


The equipment controls the intensity of the movements of the rowing handles. Based on this information, the speed of the virtual vessel is entered. Measurements are given in the metric system, if desired, the value in nodal speed is adjusted.

Stroke rate

The device controls the number of cycles of movement of the handles. Finishing the training approach, the athlete gets acquainted with the results - total strokes.

Pulse measurement

The device includes a sensor that transmits the athlete's heart rate in real time. The sensor itself is usually built into the handle of the simulator. Some models provide a chest arrangement. The information is displayed on the screen.

Recovery test

The hardware-software complex calculates the estimated time that the user needs to recover physical form after training.

The data is based on the received information about the number and intensity of training approaches.

The option makes classes more effective, as it informs the athlete about the time needed to rest.

Weight Limit user

The design of each model is designed for a certain body weight of the user. If this value is observed, the use of the unit is safe.

If allowable weight exceeded, structural elements fail. The threshold value is determined by the following values: up to 100 kg, up to 120 kg, up to 140 kg and above.



Full operation of the simulator is carried out when connected to a household electrical network. The device does not depend on other batteries, which reduces the cost compared to other types of equipment.


Uninterrupted use of the simulator is feasible thanks to the battery included in the product package. The power supply is charged when needed, using the mains connection.

What muscles work on a rowing machine

When exercising, it is important to know which muscles are working. This will eliminate the load on problem joints, prevent injuries.

  • upper body - muscles of the back, chest of the arms;
  • lower body - legs, buttocks.

With the observance of the technique of performing movements, all muscles are trained evenly.

Children's rowing machine

Distinctive features of children's devices are a solid frame, a soft seat, and a braided handle that is pleasant to the touch. Products are characterized by increased safety and stability.

Ideal for use in child care facilities. Devices turn sports into an exciting game.[

  • Monotonous workout movements.
  • Large dimensions of the product.
  • Incorrect exercise technique leads to back injuries.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Violation of cerebral circulation.
  • Discogenic sciatica.

  • strengthening respiratory system organism.
  • Improving the work of the heart and the condition of blood vessels.
  • Improving the nutrition of body cells.
  • Normalization of blood circulation.
  • Increase in overall endurance.
  • Immunity boost.
  • Alignment of the hormonal background.
  • Posture correction.
  • Development of spinal flexibility.
  • Stabilization of the nervous system.
  • Regular exercise improves the condition of the skin, it is rejuvenated due to the production of collagen.

How to choose a rowing machine

  • A metal mount to the lever will last more reliably and longer than a plastic one.
  • The dimensions of the simulator depend on the free space in the room. If space is limited, choose compact folding models.
  • The presence of adjustable parts: control of the height of the seat, the length of the rowing levers, footrests.
  • The number of load levels allows you to increase energy consumption gradually, which has a beneficial effect on the result of training.
  • The console equipped on the device will report information about the pulse, the frequency and number of strokes performed, the distance traveled, the time of classes, the number of calories burned.

Electromagnetic models are equipped with a computer, where they are created and stored individual programs workouts. Some devices report overload.

  • The Body Fat function in some models reports calories burned, analyzes the effectiveness of training.
  • Length. The parameter must match the user's height. If the simulator will be used by several people, then the details must be adjusted.

  • Consult your doctor before starting exercise.
  • The product is intended for use by adults. Do not allow children to play with the machine.
  • Stop exercising immediately if you experience discomfort, chest pain, or trouble breathing.
  • Hair and clothing should not hang loose to avoid getting caught in the mechanism.
  • Before each use, inspect the instrument for damage.
  • Keep children and animals away from the appliance. The exception is special children's simulators.
  • If you hear a noise or crackle, stop exercising.
  • Do not exceed the user weight limit.
  • Take special care when turning the appliance on and off.
  • Use the unit under the recommended conditions.
  • Check that bolts, nuts, pins, screws and other fasteners are tight.

Do not attempt to modify or repair the equipment yourself as this may result in personal injury.

Computer problems

If you're having trouble with your computer, try the following tips:

  1. Press the reset button.
  2. Restart your computer. To do this, remove the batteries for 15 minutes, then reinstall and turn on the screen.
  3. Replace or charge batteries. Replace batteries. To do this, remove the battery cover on the rear panel. Install the batteries correctly, observing the polarity. Then replace the cover.


  • In order for the seat, monorails and casters to move properly, they are regularly lubricated with oil-based products.
  • It is recommended to service the parts every 1-2 months. Special attention given to tightening threaded connections.
  • Do not use corrosive or abrasive products to clean the surfaces. Wipe the machine with a damp sponge to remove dust and dirt.

    Do not allow dust to get into the mechanism.

  • Install the simulator in free space, the distance to the walls should be at least 0.5 meters.
  • Place the unit on a level surface.
  • Wear comfortable, ventilated clothing.
  • Shoes must fit.
  • Drink water while exercising to avoid dehydration.
  • Before training, a warm-up is necessarily carried out, and after - recovery.

  • Keep your back straight throughout the exercise, and reach a 45-degree angle when bending over.
  • The movements are performed smoothly and evenly, the hips, buttocks, and not the back are tensed.
  • Keep your knees relaxed even with increased load, otherwise there will be problems with the vessels.
  • Classes are best done daily at the same time of day.
  • The recommended training time is no more than an hour.
  • Do not keep sources of electromagnetic radiation near electronic equipment.

The official service life of rowing machines from various manufacturers varies from 1 year to 7 years.

To provide warranty repairs, accompanying documents (receipt, warranty card) are kept. Compliance with the recommendations for using the device will help to avoid problems in operation and maintenance.

Installation and connection of the simulator is carried out by specialized organizations.


Joint production of Russia and Taiwan. The Ammity ORM 5000 rowing machine is especially popular among the company's products.

It works from aeromagnetic load, is equipped with an on-board computer that displays the training time, distance traveled, load level, calorie consumption, pulse status. The user has 34 programs, including:

  • fast start,
  • 12 workout programs,
  • 4 pulse-dependent settings,
  • pulse recovery,
  • 15 competition modes,
  • user program.

Pulse is measured chest strap. Among the pleasant things are compensators for uneven floors, transport rollers, a folding frame. Warranty 5 years. When registering on the site, the warranty is extended by 2 years.

The trademark is owned by a Swedish company. Affordable price is ensured by mass production of a small number of models. The rowing machine is represented by the APPLEGATE R10 M model.

The device creates a constant muscle tone, forms a strong muscle corset, and has a general health benefit.

The rails are made of aluminum and the seat has bearings that slide easily during exercise. The training computer reports time, distance, calories, number of swings.

User weight - up to 130 kg. The frame is warranted for one year and extended for two years.

The head office of the company is located in the UK, the production of goods is carried out in China. The Body Sculpture BR-2200H rowing machine is designed for home use.

The mechanism is foldable, so it takes up little space. The steel frame supports the user's weight up to 120 kg. The simulator works without jerks due to reliable hydraulic cylinders. This guarantees smooth and soft movements.

The display will inform you about the time of classes, the number of strokes, strokes per minute, calorie consumption. The information is updated every 6 seconds. Each user chooses the appropriate load.

Particular convenience is provided by adjustable pedals, changing the angle of inclination, rotating handles.

The modern effective TF 403-B1 exercise machine strengthens muscles of a back and a press. The feature is represented by a hydraulic type loading system. This prevents injury.

The external design is fashionable, and the use of the simulator becomes comfortable and convenient. The display shows the duration of the workout, the number of actions performed.

The Hasttings Wega R1 model has a wide range of programs and powerful drag force. The operation of the device is silent, which is especially important for home use. 12 programs of various loads, 4 pulse-dependent programs.

Custom settings include taking into account personal characteristics: age, gender, weight, pulse.

The exercise machine is equipped with the bright display with the indicator of the movement. It accurately indicates the point of movement of the athlete during the exercise. The programming process is accessible, as the panel is equipped with a small number of buttons and the Russian language.

The features of the product are an anatomical seat, wide pedals with adjustable leg locks, a comfortable handle, and power.

Russian manufacturing company sports equipment. Among the simulators, rowing products stand out. The HouseFit DH-86025 delivers an accurate simulation of a rower's oars.

The console indicates the duration of the workout, distance, speed, stroke rate. The simulator is compact, weight - 16 kg. Battery powered.

More massive device DH-8615 is designed for training the whole body. It has an eight-level load. The display shows information about time, speed, distance, calories. Users up to 120 kg are engaged on a folding structure.

Model R99 can withstand weight up to 130 kg. Mains powered. The functionality includes 12 programs, which is typical for all rowing devices of the brand.

The user can operate the training time, distance traveled, swing speed, heart rate measurement, stroke rate, recovery test. The cost of the simulator is average.

The R9 unit is characterized by an attractive design, modern display. The weight of the athlete increases to 135 kg. The mass of the device is 44 kg, the price is high.

Expensive Infiniti Fitness R200 can withstand user weight up to 160 kg, the design itself weighs 60 kg. Load levels are regulated by 16 values.

There is no official Russian site.

Model IRRW04D is designed to strengthen the back and press. The scan mode captures important training parameters: time, number of strokes, calories burned, distance traveled.

The computer runs on batteries. The design is completed with the aluminum handles rotating by 360 degrees. Legs protect the floor from damage.

The popular 7406RR device is considered the most convenient to use due to the simplicity of the mechanism and functionality. High-quality system of rollers ensures the noiselessness of the device.

The large comfortable saddle is characterized by a thoughtful anatomical shape. The screen will notify the user about the distance, the number of strokes, the time of classes, the calories burned.

German manufacturer of goods for sports and recreation. Rowing machines are characterized by a unique design, safe manufacturing technology. The cost of products varies from medium to high, but the quality matches the price.

A simple Favorit trainer is suitable for beginner athletes. The load is controlled mechanically. Targeted programs lead forward and backward countdown of time, distance, calories.

The display shows 5 parameters, controls the value of the pulse, and a special “fitness test” function evaluates the state of the body after exercise.

Special comfort is provided by an improved pulse control clip and compensators for uneven surfaces.

The German brand is made in China and Taiwan. The rowing machine is represented by the Typhoon HRC model. The electromagnetic load system is controlled electronically and 15 preset programs.

The multifunctional black and white display will inform you about the main parameters of the workout. 12 established profiles are aimed at developing speed qualities and endurance.

There is an option to create your own settings or compete with a virtual opponent. The cost of the product is average. Warranty - 2 years.

The Spirit Fitness CRW800 rowing machine is a professional product that targets the major muscle groups in the body. The structural elements of the frame are made of high quality steel.

The display is characterized by pleasant LED light, the console is adjustable. The maximum user weight is 205 kg.

The functionality includes 12 preset programs, 16 resistance levels, display of distance, calorie consumption, training time, heart rate. The cost is high. Warranty - 2 years.

The brand of the American-Taiwanese corporation. Manufactures home and professional devices. The SPORTOP R600P model is designed to strengthen the heart, develop endurance, load the lower back.

The blue backlit display will show the number of strokes, time, calories, distance, pulse. 12 modes include 7 preset programs, cardio control, 4 own profiles. The load is regulated by 16 levels.

The R700 rowing machine is offered by the company as perfect option to develop the strength and endurance of the body. The load is evenly distributed to all muscle groups.

In a short period of classes, weight is reduced, the figure improves, muscles become stronger, flexibility of the spine and joint mobility increase. The design develops, is located in limited space.

The American brand is the only manufacturer of rowing machines on the water. Appearance appliances is different from the usual ones, also the cost of production is more expensive.

The resistance is based on a patented system. Everything is like in real rowing, the load increases from the speed of the strokes. The rhythmic sound accompanies the smooth, natural movements of the rower.

The structure is made of natural wood. The built-in display controls body parameters: speed, frequency, load, calories, distance, pulse, time.

It is possible to connect to a laptop to save the results of the workout. Some models are made of stainless steel.

The rowing machine is a unique machine designed for aerobic training, during which almost all the muscles of the body are involved in the work. Differs in a combination of power and cardio loads, exercise safety, inclusion large groups muscle to work and high calorie expenditure during intense exercise.

Differences between rowing and other cardio machines

The basic principle of the rowing machine is to perform intense rowing movements, in which the muscles of the upper and lower body are loaded. Unlike other cardio equipment such as treadmill, an exercise bike, a stepper and an ellipsoid, a rowing machine intensively loads, first of all, the muscles of the back and arms, and only secondly, the muscles of the legs.


In terms of size, rowing machines are classified as compact equipment, but usually have a long, narrow base. Recently, extremely compact equipment has also appeared, for example, the new rowing machine from Life Fitness has a length of only 195 centimeters. Small dimensions allow you to train on a rowing machine even in a small room, and you can store it in an upright position.


The rowing machine is one of the safest cardio machines, which has practically no special contraindications. It refers to equipment with a gentle load level and can be used by users of various levels of training. In modern machines such as the Row GX™ (link), the ergonomic handles take stress off the forearm, wrist and hand and allow you to train without the risk of damage to small muscles, joints and tendons.

Unique Options

With high resistances, the rowing machine allows you to conduct strength training for muscle growth and strength development, with intensive training, the simulator works as a cardio equipment. This unique combination allows the rower to be used for different types loads, which is very convenient, for example, when using it at home.

Muscles involved in rowing

The rowing machine is one of the leaders among cardio equipment in terms of the number of muscles involved during a workout. Rowing exercises include complex integration movements that consistently include various groups muscles, which allows for highly functional individual or group exercises on the simulator.

What are the main muscles involved in rowing?

  • back muscles
  • Unlike other cardio machines, during classes in which the main load falls on the muscles of the legs, on the rowing machine, first of all, it is loaded top part body and her biggest muscle block is the back muscles.

    Classes on the rowing machine allow you to create a serious load on the muscles of the back, which allows not only to maintain the tone of such large muscles as the latissimus dorsi, but also to strengthen other muscles, including those responsible for posture. At the same time, it is important to remember that the load on the back assumes the absence of serious problems with the spine, so if they are present initially, it is better to choose other cardio equipment, for example, a recumbent exercise bike, which relieves the load from the back.

  • Shoulder muscles and shoulder girdle
  • When exercising on a rowing machine, almost all muscles of the shoulder and shoulder girdle are included in the work, including the biceps and triceps shoulder (biceps and triceps), deltoid muscle (delta).

  • pectoral muscles
  • The muscles of the chest receive less load compared to the muscles of the back, shoulder and shoulder girdle, but also participate in the work, which allows you to keep them in good shape with regular exercises.

  • leg muscles
  • The muscles of the legs during rowing receive a significantly lower load than during classes, for example, on a treadmill, but they also participate in the work.

  • Abdominal muscles
  • The rowing machine perfectly develops the muscles of the core, including the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, especially when the exercise is performed correctly - during the movement, the abdominal muscles must be kept a little tense. At the same time, it is also important to know the measure - a strong retraction of the abdomen knocks out breathing and does not allow you to train effectively.

Types of rowing machines

There are three main categories of rowing machines depending on the type of resistance - water, magnetic and air.

  • Air rowing machine
  • At the heart of the machine is the resistance created by the airflow through the built-in fan blades that drive the flywheel. Accordingly, depending on the traction force, the resistance force changes.

  • Magnetic rowing machine
  • It uses a magnetic braking system that does not create friction, therefore it is characterized by maximum noiselessness.

  • Water rowing machine
  • A simulator that simulates the movement of a boat on water. The most natural type of trainer, virtually silent - you will only hear the sounds of the water to complete the illusion real workout on the river.

Cardio Favorites

Rowing machines have not yet won such recognition as other cardio equipment in Russia, but gradually they are beginning to receive well-deserved recognition. Such equipment is perfect both for use in the home gym, combining compactness, versatility, affordability and safety, and for commercial fitness centers, allowing you to diversify the cardio zone and the zone group training universal equipment for strength and cardio training.

Rowing favorites

Rowing machines have not only common features, but also unique ones, among them there are also both favorites and outsiders. One of the undisputed leaders in rowing machines is the Life Fitness Fitness Row GX™ rowing machine. The secret to its success lies in the combination of the benefits of rowing and the features found in all Life Fitness equipment, such as excellent biomechanics, maximum safety and smoothness of movement, durability designed for the most intensive commercial use and an easy-to-understand display with all the necessary training data.

To narrow down your search, decide what kind of sports equipment is right for you.

Rowing machines for home are:

  • Mechanical. Plus - low price, minus - it is difficult to achieve smooth movements. A premium-class mechanical rowing machine at a relatively low cost can include a wide range of options and serve as a whole mini-complex.
  • Magnetic. Works silently. The design provides smooth movements without jerks - it is both convenient and safe. The load must be adjusted manually.
  • Electromagnetic. To all the advantages of magnetic models, one more thing is added - a mini-computer. Being engaged on such a rowing machine, you can use best programs training for muscle building, weight loss and other goals.

We offer models of all kinds - take your pick!

Buy a rowing machine for home from us

We are offering to you:

  • A wide range of models - economy and premium, for beginners and professionals, adults and teenagers, with any set of options.
  • The opportunity to buy a rowing machine with fast delivery in Moscow and Russia. Customers from the capital can also order assembly.
  • Different variants choice of payment.
  • Professional advice. If you can't decide which rowing machine to buy, contact the experts. They will select the best options based on your wishes and budget.
  • Company guarantee for all simulators.

Not only an online store works for you, but also a showroom. Visit it if you want to test the rowing machine for home before buying.

Water rowing machines don't leak

The water tank is made of molded glass. It is shock-resistant, cracks will not appear, even if you accidentally drop the simulator on its side. The hole where the liquid is poured is tightly latched. No matter how you turn the simulator, water will not spill.

Do not break under a load of 120 kg or more

To prevent the frame from cracking under heavy load, it is made of very durable materials:

  • Steel and anodized aluminum. Steel makes the simulator stronger, treated aluminum protects it from corrosion, peeling of the coating.
  • Solid ash/oak. The wood is treated with 2-3 layers of varnish to protect the equipment from minor scratches and moisture.

Takes up no more space than a regular chair

Water rowing machines can be stored upright. After training, pick it up and put it behind the closet - it won't bother you anymore.

On semi-professional models there are wheels for transportation. They make it easier to move the simulator around the house.

Develop more than 85% of the muscles in the body

Rowing machines with water are bought to develop endurance, strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms, back, and abs. The hardiest part of the body is the legs. They receive 60% of the entire load, the rest goes to the less enduring muscles of the body and arms.

All movements in rowing are performed smoothly, without jerks due to water resistance. Therefore, people with sore ankles, hips, knees, and spine can exercise on the simulator.

What model did you like?

Discuss your choice with our manager. He will tell you which machine will be the best solution for you and why. Our online store sells rowing machines with water load at manufacturer's prices, wholesale and retail. Goods are delivered to any city in Russia.

There is a wide variety of rowing machines on the market based on different principles of operation (types of resistance). We can distinguish hydraulic, magnetic, air and water resistance. Such a variety is easily explained from the position of a manufacturer, each of which has its own scientific and technical potential, production capacities, technologies (patents), etc.

Usage different technologies leads to different end results. Rowing training provides the user with a lot of benefits, but only if the rowing machine allows you to recreate the natural rowing movement. All types of resistance aim to recreate this movement, but many do it so mechanically and with such a failure to recreate natural dynamics that it is worth noting. Therefore, to consider rowing machines of different types, you must first consider what they imitate, i.e. real rowing.

Contrary to popular belief, rowing, like other aerobic exercises, is not based on resistance. You don't change resistance when you run, swim, or ski. Rowing (and others aerobic training) based on intensity. You train at the intensity you need, and your speed (as well as the "speed" of the equipment) is equivalent to the intensity of your work. If you increase the intensity, then the speed will increase. The intensity limit is you, your physiology, the ability to achieve and maintain the required level of load.

rowing and aerobic species sports natural (natural for a person), self-regulating nature of the pace:

  • When rowing, the boat does not impose resistance on you, it is you that impose work on the boat. If you increase the work, the speed of the boat will increase, but it will not become easier to row. The rower's work is absorbed by the drag of the boat moving through the water;
  • Hard work leads to more speed, but also more resistance. The speed increases, the braking (resistance) of the water also increases, the rower works harder to maintain speed.
Arises self-regulating effect, which allows the athlete to perform work with any intensity. The boat responds to the applied work.

When rowing, the oar does not move through the water. It is “stopped” by water, and the rower moves the mass of the boat and the crew through this fulcrum. Any slippage means wasted energy as the boat is not moving forward. Therefore, when rowing, the team does not work to overcome the resistance. The team works to speed up the mass of the boat and the crew. An important factor is that the mass remains constant throughout the stroke - from start to finish - which means that the resistance also remains constant. This allows the rower to use all three main muscle groups to move the boat forward. If the resistance changed throughout the stroke, this would lead to rapid fatigue of individual muscles and an overall decrease in efficiency. Therefore, assuming that rowing 2000 m is harder than running, it should be borne in mind that rowing also works more muscles.

Another important factor is the smoothness of the stroke. Due to the physical properties of water, resistance during rowing occurs instantly, therefore, in principle, the stroke is constant, there is no end and no beginning. The movement of the handle is identical to that of a bicycle chain, there is no stop. Such smoothness, on the one hand, ensures the efficiency of movement, and on the other hand, a guarantee of safety, since the rower does not experience a shock load on the joints.

Thus, in rowing, several critical important moments: self-regulation of resistance, constant mass (resistance) throughout the stroke, smoothness and constancy of the stroke

Hydraulic trainers

resistance in hydraulic simulators is created by cylinders (pistons) that are filled with oil or other substance. Resistance arises due to compression (pressure) of the cylinder or piston. Most have two pistons - one for each hand, resistance adjustment (and a separate one for each hand). They take up little space and are slightly quieter than air ergs. But that's where their benefits end. Hydraulic rowers do not even close to a natural rowing motion due to the lack of synchrony between the work of the hands and feet, so they are little appreciated in the "rowing world". The load is unevenly distributed, the main part falls on the hands. At the same time, as the oil in the pistons heats up, the resistance decreases. Such simulators require constant care, and in order to reduce vibration and noise, it will be necessary to lay a mat.

Magnetic trainers

Magnetic trainers use a magnet or a combination of magnets and air resistance and operate by varying the distance between the magnets and the rotating flywheel. They have adjustable resistance, are silent and not whimsical in use. But they, like hydraulic simulators, have one significant drawback that crosses out all the advantages. Magnetic resistance does not allow to recreate correct technique and natural rowing motion. The smoothness of the stroke in a magnetic simulator is often worse than in an air one.

Air ergometers

resistance in air ergometers created by using air flowing through the flywheel. The flywheel located inside is connected by a chain to the handle. When you pull the handle, you spin the flywheel that creates the wind: the more the handle is pulled, the more wind is created, the more wind, the more difficult it becomes to pull the handle, i.e. resistance increases. So the resistance level is related to how fast you row. Air trainers have a damper on the flywheel that regulates resistance: by closing the damper, you prevent air from moving, creating more "vacuum" inside the flywheel and reducing resistance. But this type of resistance also has disadvantages.

Rowing on air ergs "requires" the user to overcome resistance, and by the middle of the movement, as soon as the resistance has been overcome, the load disappears: there are stages of acceleration / deceleration of movement. As a result, the load is distributed unevenly, individual muscles work harder and get tired faster, which reduces the effectiveness of training and increases the risk of injury. In real rowing, where the mass of the boat and the crew (and hence the drag) are constant, there is no such negative effect.

It is no secret that the physical properties of water differ from the physical properties of air: water is 800 times denser than air, it reacts differently to the applied force, etc. The air mechanism is simply not able (at least at this stage of technical development) to imitate physical properties of water. Therefore, air ergometers are not able to fully recreate the effect of self-regulation of resistance, which is present in real rowing.

Another negative moment is the jerk at the beginning of the stroke, which puts a shock load on the back. When rowing in a boat, there is no such jerk, since the water ensures smooth movement throughout. While air ergs are smoother than hydraulic rowing, they are no match for real rowing.

It is noteworthy that the adjustment of resistance in air flywheels is necessary due to the imperfection of the design, as it is an attempt to reduce the negative effect of the above three negative points.

In addition, air resistance is the noisiest of all. When stroked, the flywheel with the blades sets in motion, but in addition to resistance, there is wind and noise of the air being cut. In addition, air rowers often use a chain, which causes a clicking sound. It seems that you are not rowing, but sawing.

The inevitable conclusion

Because of the physical properties of water, the resistance and dynamics of rowing can be most accurately recreated by machines based on water resistance. But not all water resistance machines are equally effective.

The first person to not only realize the benefits of water resistance, but to use that knowledge, was John Duke, a member of the US national rowing team. John realized that only water resistance could recreate the exact physical dynamics of a moving boat, which is a sure (if not the only) way to get the physiological benefits and aesthetic pleasure of rowing. This idea was embodied in the world's first water resistance rowing machine, called