Lena miro exercises. Lena Miro: Effective exercises for the buttocks

If you don’t know who Lena Miro is (as, for example, I stumbled upon these exercises on the net by accident), be sure that you will spend the next few minutes in the Internet “stash boxes”.

The personality of Miro has become one of the most discussed topics on the Runet, and the amount of materials available will make you leave real space for a while.

It is important to know that Lena Miro, aka Elena Mironenko, is a Russian blogger who openly provokes her readers into heated discussions and open conflicts. She promotes a healthy lifestyle in its toughest manifestations - daily enhanced fitness training and exceptionally healthy nutrition.

A woman with a couple of extra pounds, in her opinion, is a “cow” that needs to stop “eating”. By the way, the presentation of thoughts in a rough form is Miro's corporate style, which is criticized by fellow bloggers. Many marketers believe that this is just an image created for the mass PR of Elena Mironenko as a writer. It is for this reason that Lena Miro regularly updates LiveJournal, Twitter and Instagram with posts that cause outrage and at the same time attract the attention of followers.
She is the author of the books "I'll lose weight for you", "LJ...oops!" and "I was fat too." Has anyone read?

Think a few extra pounds won't spoil you? Take a look at Lena Miro's blog, learn a lot of interesting things about yourself!
In her books, Lena not only explains how bad it is to be fat and lethargic. Lena shows her readers the way to a new body and a new life!

“You don’t know what to do - download it ..!”
Just try to follow this advice! Your life will quickly change for the better! And exercises from Lena Miro will help you

Bulgarian split squats for super pop s - a very effective complex exercise on lower part body. Dries the legs and tightens the buttocks. The exercise is great for doing at home.

Slopes on the block
We work on the buttocks and rear surface hips.

Hyperextension "super-ass"
We tighten the buttocks using a bench for hyperextension. Proper execution this exercise allows you to work out the buttocks and biceps of the thigh well, while minimizing the load on the lower back. During the performance of this exercise, the place of transition of the buttocks to the biceps of the thigh is also perfectly worked out.

Stretching the buttocks! Deadlift
Exercise for the buttocks, which will save you from hanging priests: o)
The video also describes the main mistakes when performing this exercise.

Hack squats for beautiful priests
The reverse hack squat is a great exercise for a round and toned booty.

Stepper: two in one. We lose weight, making the ass beautiful!
Stepper - the best trainer for combustion excess fat. As a bonus, the stepper allows you to work out the muscles of the buttocks, make the ass elastic and round.

Yes, yes, I read some publications here ... Needless to say, Lena Miro, of course, is a scandalous person ... But her training is good! In the end, we can’t communicate face-to-face with her: o) ...
So we are engaged and proud of the elastic booty!

January 29th, 2014 08:03 am

Workout plan for a busy woman

If the number of workouts I had was reduced to 2-3 per week (and this was the case when I plowed in the office 12 hours a day), I would distribute them correctly.

When you leave the office at 9 pm and there is less vigor in you than in a sweaty sock, there is no point in dragging yourself into the gym. Recovery is just as important training process, as well as loads. If you do not recover after a workout, it will only harm you. What you do in such conditions can be called exhausting work, but not fitness. Remember, during the war, women dug trenches? They didn't have any other options. Yes, women performed a feat every day, but did their heroic work for wear and tear make them more beautiful? No, but women then had other tasks. So training in the mode of lack of sleep and reduced tone will not decorate you, but only weaken the immune system and add bruises under the eyes.

But you are lucky: you have me. Let's look at different situations.

1) From Monday to Friday, you hang around in the office with overtime, come out of there - nothing.

Training on Saturday and Sunday is a must. Sleep well and blow into the hall. Break the workout into top and bottom: Saturday - arms, back, chest; Sunday - legs, buttocks, abs. If the bottom is heavy, then on Saturday - a full body workout with one complex exercise for the lower part at the end, and on Sunday - cardio and stretching.

If, in addition to weekends, sometimes you manage to get into the gym 1 time in the middle of the week, then let it be a complex workout for the whole body, and on weekends - either “top” and “bottom”, or another complex and cardio. Depends on the type of figure.

2) You can afford 2 workouts per week with at least a day between them.

Two compound workouts. They can be different: circular, interval, supersets, according to the classical scheme. The main thing is to work out all muscle groups in a workout.

3) You can consistently afford 3 workouts per week with an interval of at least two of them - per day.

If two out of three workouts are in a row, and your training experience is less than 6 months, then one of the two consecutive workouts is “fullbody”, the second is cardio. The third is fullbody.

If the experience of classes is more than 6 months, you can afford splits.

They may be different. For example, top and bottom. Then in one week you will get two workouts for upper part body, and one - to the bottom, and the next - on the contrary: two "bottoms" and one top.

There is a nuance here. My experience of watching trainees in the gym shows that ladies train their legs and buttocks more willingly than their backs and arms. She herself is like that. Previously, with three workouts a week, I took two under the bottom, one under the top. Now my opinion has changed. I consider it expedient not to interrupt the chain "top-bottom-top-bottom-top-bottom".

Advanced at three workouts a week can afford a more complex split. You need to build it, starting from the type of figure. This one, for example, is suitable for everyone, but for "pears" - only he is a hit: 1) legs, buttocks, abs; 2) chest, deltas, triceps; 3) back, rear deltas, biceps.

“Pears” I would not recommend split “top-bottom” at all. Even two leg workouts a week twice a month for "pears" is too much. But, in general, for this type of figure, “fullbody” is ideal with one complex exercise for the lower part, regardless of the length of training.

4) You can train three days in a row. For example, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

If the experience of classes is less than 6 months, then two "full body" with cardio between them.

Advanced - splits. She gave one of the examples. The principle is simple: in training we work out one big muscle group combined with a small Today - one, tomorrow - another, and not two days in a row "back + biceps". And not two large groups in one workout, such as “back + chest”.

You can do 20 exercises per workout at the club, which costs 120 thousand per year.

However, if you gave your all in the gym, mutilated yourself there to the state of a dirty, sweaty sock lying on the floor, and then scored for 2 weeks of training, you will not achieve progress.

This is not fitness. This is not body building. This is an unstoppable fuss.

Your appearance will noticeably change for the better only on the condition that you train regularly (every other day) for at least three months.

Three months regular workouts- the minimum that is necessary for you to see the result in the mirror.

For the first tangible result, you do not need any Gym, nor any complicated program.

Perform these 4 exercises every other day in 3-4 sets for 3 months, and you will significantly change your shape for the better, provided that you do not mess with nutrition.

1. Push-ups from the floor.

With them you will pump all the bundles of deltas, triceps and pectoralis major, as well as hook the press and buttocks.

Photo: sportwiki

If your arms are weak, do push-ups from your knees first.

2. Boat.

Back + arms + buttocks.

Photo: healthyshrub.com

You can stretch your arms forward.

3. Squats.

Photo: trendymods.com

Buttocks + press.

Play with your feet.

Well, you can and should finish the workout with a targeted exercise for the press.

4. V-twisting.

Photo: hubpages.com

I love this exercise for the fact that it works the abdominal muscle to its full length.

Nothing but these 4 exercises initial stage no need. And then, in conditions that are not the best for training, you can maintain your existing shape with them for several months.

Remember: the secret of success is stability. So achieve it - this longed-for success!

Name today Lena Miro not heard, probably just lazy. The girl confidently occupies a leadership position among the most popular and scandalous personalities of the modern Runet. A successful fitness blogger and writer, Lena Miro has recently gained not only a huge number of fans, but also enemies.

Biographical information

The real name of the blogger known as Lena Miro is Elena Mironenko. She hails from Belgorod region from the city of Stary Oskol. Lena gave birth here in 1981 on June 24th. Little is known about her childhood and parents, as Lena prefers not to share such information.

Lena has a higher education - she studied at Voronezh University and received a diploma as a translator-linguist there. Also the girl finished Cambridge College of Learning . This became possible since she lived in the UK for some time. In particular, in 2003 she was one of the organizers of a disco in London, created specifically for Russian-speaking emigrants from the Baltics in England. Upon arrival in Russia, she worked as a translator for some time, then actively engaged in literary work.

Fitness in the life of Lena Miro

Sports have always occupied one of the most important places in the life of Lena Miro. The owner of a toned luxurious figure, Lena actively promotes fitness in her books and blogs. Exactly sports achivments and made the popular Miro famous in wide circles today. Despite criticism, she actively shares advice with her followers, demonstrating, as a result, numerous photos of her muscular figure.

Lena, not at all embarrassed, declares that in today's time being fat is a shame. Therefore, he always gives practical advice to those who want to put the figure in order. Those who want to quickly lose weight with the help of exercise, she advises cardio loads, which must be performed on an empty stomach in the morning. Elena is against exercising in the gym with a lot of weight, as she considers them detrimental to a feminine figure.

As for nutrition, here Lena is just as categorical. the best way get rid of fat and excess fluid she considers drying (* at the same time warns that drying has a negative effect on the condition of the skin of the face). Lena Miro is also a supporter healthy eating with a predominance of protein foods.

Bloglife of Lena Miro

In 2010 Lena Miro started her blog in LiveJournal. After a short period of time, he became very popular, first of all, among those who wanted to lose weight or pump up a figure. Over time, Lena began to write on a variety of and, above all, scandalous topics.

Her writing style is always brash and direct, and her blog posts often resonate with the public. Lena most often raises popular topics and is not afraid to express her opinion in a rather harsh manner.

A special piquancy in many of her judgments is made by the fact that she is an active member of the party. "United Russia" and a supporter of the policy of V. V. Putin. However, despite frequent criticism, the popularity of the blog does not fade away. In 2013, he had over 11,000 subscribers. At the same time, Lena herself was awarded the title "Antihero LiveJournal".

In addition to LJ, Lena Miro actively communicates on instagram ( icon-instagram /lenamyro/) Twitter( icon-twitter /LenaMyro), Facebook ( icon facebook /lena.myro.5) In contact with ( icon-vk /lena.miro) and YouTube( icon-youtube /FitnessLenaMiro) . Not a bad set, right?

Literary creativity

As Lena herself admits, she needed the blog only for promotion. his first book "Malvina and cattle". Then, from the pen of a young and self-confident writer, such books as “ School: Childhood is over», « Two mojitos in the rain», « School: entertaining physical / Werewolf with a pointer". Almost all books are autobiographical in one way or another. In addition, Lena Miro is the author of the book " I was fat too”, where he gives weight loss experiments based on his own experience.

Personal life

About my personal life scandalous blogger Lena Miro prefers not to speak. But sometimes some information slips in her blog. For example, she wrote about her millionaire husband named Zabelin. However, fellow bloggers proved that this was just Lena's invention, but in fact she is a friend and cohabitant of journalist Andrei Shmarov. The fact that Shmarov is much older than his girlfriend gave the news a special piquancy.

1) Quadriceps - burn through “multi-repetition”: from 20 repetitions in the approach. Bulgarian split squats -- great exercise for the specified purpose. After the approach, put your hand on the quadriceps: you should feel that it has warmed up.

2) Biceps of the thigh - stretch. Can -- deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells, Can -- slopes on the block. "Pumping" it purposefully with a decent weight is not worth it. The "clogged" muscle is shorter than the stretched one. Legs will be slimmer if their back surface is pulled rather than squeezed.

3) Calves - do not purposefully work out: they get enough cardio load.

4) Do not work out the outer and inner thighs purposefully: they receive enough load during squats and bench presses. It's better "under" than "over". I’ll explain why: all exercises aimed at “pumping” outer surface hips, load the waist area. Does a woman need an increase in waistline, even if it is made at the expense of muscles, not fat? It is also dangerous to work out the inner surface of the thigh in isolation: you “overdo it” a little - and already unnecessary massiveness due to the inflated muscle, which visually reduces the length of the leg.

5) Buttocks - load with squats in the “medium rep”, and “finish off” with an isolated “multi-rep”.

Now about the order in which I do the exercises:

1) Quadriceps. Loaded with Bulgarian split squats, they turn on less during squats aimed at working out the buttocks.

2) Squats in Smith for 8 reps on one or two legs. I know that deep ones work out the buttocks better, but there is a nuance: the deeper you sit, the more my lower back turns on personally. You, too, I think. Therefore, I sit down to the parallel of the hips with the floor: not higher, but not lower.

3) Superset: leg extension in the simulator / leg curl in the simulator. "Multi-reverse", without interruption between sets. Everything must be on fire. I consider this a light respite before the leg press.

4) Leg press. Here, to the maximum, I turn on the buttocks and, again, for 8 repetitions.

5) isolated exercise on the buttocks. For example, a donkey kick without weight, with cuffs or with a lower block.

6) "Sumo" or "plie" with a dumbbell. "Sumo" loads the buttocks more, "plie" perfectly works out the inner surface of the thigh. I alternate.

7) Deadlift on straight legs or tilts on the lower block to stretch the back of the thigh. I try to take the pelvis as far back as possible, and squeeze the buttocks at the top point. As soon as I feel that the lower back is turned on more than necessary, I take less dumbbells.

Do not rush to put it into practice frantically. Not the fact that my principles will suit you. Questions - welcome!

LJ Marketing Director ordered to insert buttons into useful posts, threatened to curse if I didn't do it. So press.