Oksana Fedorova's green diet. Oksana Fedorova's diet: the secrets of a slim figure after childbirth Oksana Fedorova's diet

“Move, faster, come on, come on! Legs up and down, up and down…” An energetic female voice commands from the speakers of the music center: “Come on, push it! Imagine what you want to be. One more, one more time, don't be lazy!..” I hear this, and somehow straighten my shoulders myself. Oksana laughs and stretches out on the gym mat. One o'clock in the afternoon, the TV presenter works hard in the gym. Oksana began to restore her figure in September of this year, when her daughter Liza was one month old. Three times a week for an hour, Fedorova performs a proprietary set of 10 exercises, which she chose for herself together with the coach and thanks to which she quickly returned to form after the birth of Fedor. Each exercise is repeated at least 100 times in a row. Plus stepper: walks for 15 minutes 4 days a week. And for an incentive in the gym, she turns on a disk on which a woman counts the rhythm and spurs the star.

The first result - in November, Oksana came out of the decree. And she returned to her usual work schedule: regular shooting in "Good night, kids!", Work in a charitable foundation. Ahead of New Year's lights, concerts - it's time to return to the ideal form!

The son is copying us

- Oksana, I see that you have nothing left to your “native” size 44!

- Yes, 15 kilograms have already gone. But I need to lose about the same amount, I dream of getting close to the 42nd! Now the weight will start to come off faster. I just stopped breastfeeding my daughter. And was able to return to diets. Excluded fish, meat, all fatty and junk food. And yes, I don't care for baking!

What is left on your menu?

- For breakfast at 8 in the morning - oatmeal on the water or a protein omelette. I put the yolk on a hair mask so that it does not disappear. For lunch at two o'clock - vegetable soup, for example, pumpkin. During the day - a banana, vegetables and 1.5 liters of water. At six or seven in the evening I have dinner: I can bake broccoli, cauliflower with cheese or make a salad ...

“Before your second pregnancy, you told me that you love to have dinner with your husband when he comes home from work. Did the family tradition have to be abandoned?

I try to eat early so as not to be tempted by something forbidden. And I drink tea with Andrey. And then I can afford a little sweet - honey or dark chocolate. By the way, now I set the table for three: our son Fedya, he is now a year and nine months old, loves to sit with us for company.

- Is your son jealous of Lisa?

- Only when I carry my daughter in my arms for a long time. Then Fedya pulls me by the clothes, demands attention. He is now at such an age - he likes to copy us. For example, I affectionately call my daughter Lizunya - and he too. I remembered that every evening my sister “walks” surrounded by her favorite toys on a rug that I spread for her on the floor. And just imagine: yesterday, around six, he began to push me: “Lizuna needs a rug!” He lay down next to her and let's slip your cars instead of rattles. I tell him: Lizunya is still small, she will grow up, you will play together, and you will protect her ... And recently I saw how my dad and I were doing exercises - I immediately ran up: “Dad, show me!” Well, come on, I say, let's shake the press. Pushing, puffing - until it works. But he's trying!

I can't be alone

- Do you and your husband discuss how children are like you?

- Yes! Fedya at first was more like dad, and after a year my features appeared. And my son's eyes are green. And Lizunya is a copy of dad, with huge gray-blue eyes. Waiting for her teeth to start cutting. Here it is already! Fedya's first tooth came out at seven months. But girls develop faster. It's still too early for her, of course. Andrei, however, recently could not resist - he brought Liza a beautiful dress from a business trip. For growth. I appreciate when he pays attention to children: plays, communicates with them. Fedya asks: “Dad, take a plane ride!” Andrey picks him up and spins him high in the air. And the son laughs with joy!

- You say that you notice your features in Fed ... Did he inherit the love of music?

- And how! When I play the piano, it fits. Sometimes he himself opens the lid, sits down and let's knock on the keys! I'm going to invite a teacher to resume classes interrupted a year ago. At the same time, we will try to work out with Fedya. music lessons, singing, breathing exercises help to get rid of internal clamps, suggest how to achieve harmony, how to learn to understand your body, and, finally, cultivate taste. I love listening to classical music. She covers.

- In November, for the first time after the birth of Lisa, you and Andrei went on vacation together ...

– Yes, we flew to Vienna for four days. I agreed to this, because I called the work - it was necessary to resolve the issues of the charitable foundation. But I managed to do everything on the first day, and the next three days my husband and I devoted to each other. The second day of the mini-vacation we slept in the room. All day! And only on the third day did they go for a walk along the boulevards and squares, tasted the Viennese duck, visited the opera - watched "Love Potion". When I am at home, the children take up all my free time, and it is almost impossible to be alone or alone. It's good that my mother and nanny help me. Thanks to her, I started to get some sleep. Since I stopped breastfeeding Lisa, I have been resting for eight hours. And if the daughter accidentally wakes up in the morning, her mother comes up to her - gives her water to drink, lulls her to sleep. Earlier, before marriage, I could think about how best to plan the weekend. And now they fly by in one breath.

- Two happiness - is not the limit?

- I completed the minimum program. And I think we won't stop there. But you need to take a break. For a woman to give birth to children one after another is a colossal burden. Not even physical, but moral. Fatigue accumulates, and it takes time to recover ...

Have already decided how you will celebrate New Year?

- We want to celebrate in our "town", together with friends - neighbors in the village. Let's have a party. For me recent years ten New Year was a lost holiday - I worked at corporate parties. Although, of course, they met cheerfully - with colleagues. This year I took only pre-holiday corporate parties. And I will spend the night from the 31st to the 1st and the New Year holidays with my family. So interesting - will Fedya like the holiday? After all, he will meet him consciously for the first time. Until the age of three, of course, I won’t take him to Christmas trees in theaters. But at home we will arrange everything, as in a fairy tale: with Santa Claus, gifts, a Christmas tree in the yard, we will launch fireworks on the street ... I catch myself thinking that I myself am waiting for the New Year with a feeling of long-forgotten magic.


We take the starting position: hands behind the head, legs in a half-bent state. We raise upper part body, and then return to the starting position. We count loudly and perform all exercises 100 times. I pump the press 200 times.


Lie on your back, hands behind your head. We bend the left leg at the knee and throw the right leg on it. We strain the oblique abdominal muscles and raise the left shoulder. We bend to the right knee. And so 100 times. We change the leg.


We lean on the left hand and the leg bent at an angle of 90 degrees. With the right foot diagonally perform swings. Then we change the leg. We do 100 swings with each leg.


We are on our knees, hands resting on the floor. Raise one leg parallel to the floor. Then bend it at an angle of 90 degrees. We strain the buttocks. We straighten the leg. We do the exercise 100 times on one leg and 100 on the other.


Lie down on your back, arms to the sides. Slowly raise your legs at an angle of 60 degrees and gently lower, returning to the starting position. In all exercises, we breathe in the rhythm of the count. We do 100 times.


From a supine position, we stand on the "bridge". Bending your legs, press your feet to the floor, stretch your arms along the body with your palms down. While inhaling, we raise the pelvis as high as possible, we strain the buttocks. As you exhale, lower your back down. And so 100 times.


The right and left arms are bent at the elbow. Right leg half-bent at the knee, and the left leg - we have it on top - we stretch and lower it up and down. Then we change position: we lie down on the right side and work with the left foot. We perform 100 times.

9. Exercise for the spine, abdomen, hips // Photo: Nikolay Temnikov


We stand at a distance of 45 cm from the wall, the feet are parallel to each other. We bend our knees, take the pelvis back, as if we are sitting on a low stool. Hands behind the back, hold on to the "machine". We squat 100 times.


Tightly cling to the machine. We perform diagonal leg swings. 100 times with each leg. In this case, the back is straight. It is important to feel how the muscles of the back and waist work.

Oksana Fedorova is a real beauty. TV presenter, model, title holder "Miss St. Petersburg", "Miss Russia" And "Miss Universe" always had a great figure. Having a height of 178 cm, when she was a model, Fedorova weighed only 51 kg. She, as a model, periodically had to lose weight. However, the most serious test awaited the star after pregnancy.

Oksana is the mother of two kids: Fedya and Elizaveta. During pregnancy and after giving birth, Fedorova gained quite a lot of extra pounds. She looked like she had doubled her size. However, Oksana was able to cope with this problem - the presenter managed to get rid of more than 15 kg.


The star has taken up fitness. She trained hard to a sweat. First of all, her fitness program included a large number of exercises for the abdominal muscles. Here we note that such training will not help drive fat. But Oksana returned to shape after pregnancy and childbirth, so she needed to restore the tone of her abdominal muscles. With this exercise, of course, coped.

Photo "before and after" Oksana Fedorova's weight loss.

In addition, Fedorova's program included complexes for the legs and buttocks, as well as stretching. The star believes that the latter perfectly develops joints and helps to get rid of internal clamps. In addition, many women experience back problems after giving birth. Stretching is able to get rid of these unpleasant sensations.

Fedorova did not forget about skin care. She regularly visited the traditional Russian bath and steamed with an oak broom, and after that she dived into the icy water. Such procedures perfectly tone the skin and prevent it from becoming flabby and losing elasticity, which is especially important when you have to lose weight. big weight. To fight cellulite, Ksyusha resorted to massage and body wraps.

Ration Fedorova

During weight loss, Oksana Fedorova did not resort to strict diets. She acted carefully and wisely.

  • First of all, the star stopped eating at night. She also refused flour, although she was very fond of such dishes, such as dumplings, pizza and pasta. Excluded Fedorov and marinades, canned foods and sweets.
  • Fedorova began her day by drinking a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. After a while, I drank kefir. And only an hour later I had breakfast.
  • In addition, Oksana tried not to eat too much in the second half of the day, while in the first (more precisely, until 13.00) she allowed herself almost everything she wanted.
  • After dinner, the star preferred to eat mostly protein foods. These are boiled eggs, vegetables, fish (her presenter eats at least four times a week), seafood (Ksyusha loves them very much), steamed meat. Fedorova also eats cottage cheese, to which she can add some fruit.
  • Before pregnancy, Fedorova could afford very late snacks, and they did not turn into extra centimeters at the waist. However, after giving birth, Oksana adjusted her diet and shifted the last meal to 19.00.
  • One day a week, the star made unloading and ate only soaked unsalted rice, as well as buckwheat with kefir.

Oksana Fedorova in ordinary life.

On ordinary days, Fedorova's menu looked like this.

For breakfast the star ate cottage cheese, scrambled eggs or porridge. I allowed myself a cup of coffee and, if I wanted, one caramel.

had dinner Oksana with fish and vegetable salad, as well as soup. It can be meat, but it is better also vegetable.

Dinner The stars consisted of a salad and a glass of juice.

Oksana was well aware that it was not easy to withstand the restrictions. Therefore, she developed three methods of dealing with common culinary temptations.

  1. Sweet. If you want something like this, the presenter advises to dissolve a spoonful of honey in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. Thanks to this, the level of sugar in the blood will rise slowly, and you will no longer want sweets. Is your hand reaching for a chocolate bar? Allow yourself this delicacy, just do not eat it all at once, but savor it in tiny pieces.
  2. Hunger. Often it stays even if you eat a heavy meal. In such cases, you need to be patient for 10 minutes, and the desire for the supplement will pass. However, this does not apply to snacks - they should not be skipped. According to Fedorova, at least once a day, between "big" meals, you need to "intercept" something.
  3. Fast food. Fedorova says she understands fast food lovers: there is something attractive about it. Oksana believes that from time to time you can afford such food. Only a little and really from time to time. One portion of catastrophic harm to the figure will not cause. According to Oksana, the whole danger of such food lies in the fact that often the matter is not limited to one serving: you want more and more. Therefore, the most important thing is to know when to stop and not to go overboard.

Thanks to such an integrated approach, Oksana Fedorova got rid of excess weight. Now she can only keep the figure in excellent condition. That in the presence of effective recipes, which, moreover, do not harm health, is not at all difficult.

Oksana Fedorova is a famous model and TV presenter in our country. She has always distinguished herself perfect figure, which, by the way, she managed to keep even after giving birth. What is the secret of this famous Russian beauty? And how does she get rid of extra pounds?

Diet Fedorova

The diet of Oksana Fedorova is not one of the most correct and rational nutrition programs. As you know, Oksana previously regularly took part in various beauty contests, so she could not afford a single extra kilogram. And according to some sources, she previously adhered to the usual buckwheat diet.

She steamed one glass of cereal with boiling water and ate ready-made buckwheat for 4-6 meals during the day. However, she did not add any oil or salt to the porridge. Together with buckwheat, she drank 1 liter of kefir per day.

On such a strict diet, Oksana "sat" from 5 to 9 days. She managed to drop from 3 to 5 kg! The result is stunning, but it is very difficult to keep it after, and therefore she often had to adhere to such a nutrition plan.

But on the Internet there is another version of the beauty of Oksana Fedorova. Previously, she was the face of the Russian Shaping Federation, which may mean that she could stick to the popular for shaping girls, which excludes the use of protein, complex carbohydrates and fats.
This is necessary in order to reduce muscle mass and not fat. Although he with such a diet goes involuntarily.

As you can see, different sources talk about different ways to lose weight. Someone even talks about the fact that Oksana is so slim and beautiful just because she regularly visits a plastic surgeon.

However, Oksana herself claims that Fedorova's diet does not exist. She just leads healthy lifestyle life and visits the gym every day. She eats simply. In the morning (until 12 noon) she can afford anything. And in one of the interviews, Oksana said that “anything” is cottage cheese, yogurt and fruits. In general, her breakfast is not too high-calorie and “correct” in terms of nutrition.

For lunch Russian star always eats vegetable soup and stewed or baked vegetables. But Oksana is not satisfied and tries to eat by the hour. At night, she tries not to overeat, and she generally forgot about the existence of alcohol, although she was seen more than once with a glass of champagne at various parties.

Such nutrition simply does not allow you to gain overweight, and if we also combine it with physical activity, you can lose a lot of weight.
But lately, Oksana has noticeably gained weight and it is very difficult to say that she eats in this way. Maybe we are just being deceived? And Oksana really got everything from “nature”?

Although if you delve into star diets and carefully listen to all the beauty tips from various celebrities, you can say that they all eat right and everyone was born beautiful from birth.

But back to Fedorova Oksana. Her figure is really amazing even now, when a few extra pounds have been added. And the whole secret is, according to Oksana, to love yourself for who you are and be happy! And all rigid diets bring severe harm to health, and diseases will not help us become happier than we are now.

Therefore, do not trust the various methods of losing weight from Oksana Fedorova, which are posted on the Internet. Because they just don't exist! Even if Oksana adheres to some kind of diets, then certainly not her own “composition”.

Video about the diet of Oksana Fedorova

are very popular among girls and women. And this is quite natural.

Firstly, we have before our eyes the live result of this diet, as we see what results a famous actress or singer has come to. Secondly, when during the diet, when it becomes completely unbearable, the psychological factor works - after all, “SHE” could, so I can too.

The diet of Oksana Fedorova, a TV presenter, singer, former fashion model and just a charming and beautiful woman, was no exception and has already managed to win fans.

Oksana frankly admits that extra pounds have a bad property to “stick” to her rather quickly. In the fight against them, she adheres primarily to the following rule - to fight against overweight you need to start at the moment when you find the first couple of extra kilos, because when there are five or more, everything will be much more difficult.

In connection with the pregnancy and the birth of a child, Oksana scored excess weight, but quickly came into shape. Well, how did she manage to do it, and we will reveal her diet. So, how did Oksana Fedorova lose weight after giving birth?

First, it should be noted that it is necessary to combine diet with physical activity. In this case, it will be more effective, and hardly anyone will argue with the benefits of sports in the process of losing weight.

But let's get straight to the diet. The girl has long excluded all products that stimulated the appearance of extra pounds in her. These are flour products, pasta, sweets, pork and all fatty meats, as well as potatoes. This approach is generally supported by many nutritionists, since the listed products are harmful carbohydrates and really play an important role in rapid weight gain.

The next moment is a protein-rich breakfast. However, it should also be lightweight. Oksana, for example, eats fat-free cottage cheese and yogurt for breakfast. She categorically does not recommend excluding such a meal as breakfast from her menu, because as a result, by the middle you will develop just a “wild” feeling of hunger and you will dream of an African safari, where a whole elephant will be offered for lunch.

Lunch consists of a light vegetable salad and soup. For dinner, a piece of lean boiled or steamed meat with stewed vegetables as a side dish is suitable. Oksana completely excluded bread from the diet, and replaced sweets with dried fruits, raisins and nuts.

This is how it looks like daily ration Oksana Fedorova.

But in the life of every woman there are emergency cases when it becomes necessary to quickly and effectively get rid of a few extra pounds. For this case, Oksana has saved secret weapon in the form of a green diet.

The green diet allows you to lose up to 5 kilograms in two weeks without harming the body. And its recipe is simple - all these days you should eat vegetables and fruits only green. These can be green apples, kiwis, cucumbers, green grapes, etc.

The advantage of this diet is that you can eat them in unlimited quantities, which means that you will not feel hungry, and the lack of diversity in nutrition as well. In addition, green foods contain all the necessary amino acids in large quantities. They bind fat molecules and help accelerate their breakdown.

Another property of green foods is the removal of excess fluid from the body, and, as you know, puffiness is also a cause of obesity.

Well, after the holidays, when it is so difficult to resist temptations, be sure to arrange for yourself fasting days. Leave only apples, kefir, cucumbers and green tea on the menu.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in the diet of Oksana Fedorova. And we just want to wish you success and determination. Since the result should be aimed with all thoughts and body.

"Star" weight loss methods are always of interest to fans. Firstly, this is an incentive to revise your own menu and give up bad habits. Secondly, some secret secrets and new stunning techniques are almost always expected from the stars.

The figure of Oksana Fedorova is the subject of sighs of many women. She was able to quickly return to form after the birth of her first child, her son Fedor. Surprisingly, some time after the appearance of the second child - the daughter of Elizabeth, the weight of the TV presenter quickly began to decline.

Oksana Fedorova makes no secret of how she managed to lose 15 kg. The basis of nutrition is the rejection harmful products and healthy principles.

Prohibited Products

There are no products on the TV presenter's menu that definitely harm the figure:

  • Fat meat;
  • Pasta;
  • Bread (you can use bread instead);
  • Sweets and confectionery;
  • Canned and pickled foods;
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Oksana eats several times during the day, and dinner always pumps up 3 hours before bedtime. The girl loves to sit with her husband in the evening while he has dinner. However, she herself drinks tea at this time, but she can afford to eat a little honey or a piece of dark chocolate.

TV presenter diet

The following diet helped her lose weight by 15 kilograms:

  1. TV star breakfast consists of oatmeal, welded on water. Another option is a protein omelet (egg yolks, according to Oksana herself, are used to strengthen hair).
  2. At lunchtime, the TV presenter eats vegetable soup, for example, pumpkin.
  3. Dinner is vegetables. It can be broccoli baked under a cheese crust, or a vegetable salad.
  4. During the day, snacks consisting of vegetables or a banana are suggested. Every day, the beauty and TV presenter consumes at least one and a half liters of clean water, and Oksana also drinks a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning.
  5. Once a week, a fasting day is supposed, during which you can eat soaked rice without additives or buckwheat with kefir.

Physical exercise

A sports lifestyle helps to maintain such a magnificent figure, like Oksana Fedorova. The girl works out three times a week gym, where she performs a set of exercises selected by her specialist. The exercises are not too difficult, however, it is supposed to be performed at least 100 times! For example, a TV presenter tries to do 200 times by lifting the torso to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Other exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs, hips and back.

As you can see, in the diet of the TV presenter, there are no intricate recipes. healthy eating and sports - the basis of a lifestyle that allows you to control weight. As Oksana says, you need to start losing weight when you have gained 2 kilograms. If the weight is already exceeded by 5 kilograms, it becomes increasingly difficult to lose it.