Breed of horses from the company Schleich. Shire mare figurine

It can be said that the domestication of the horse brought man to new level. It became easier for him to cultivate the land, more profitable to engage in trade and more convenient to travel. Each line of activity put forward its own requirements for the strength, endurance, speed and appearance of animals. So there were different breeds of horses.

Heavy horses occupied a special niche. With their help, it was possible to move various goods over long distances. Powerful handsome men easily withstood the weight of knights in combat attire. In addition, they were used as a traction force in production and construction. One of the most famous breeds of heavy trucks originates in medieval England - the Shire horse. Let's try to consider this breed in more detail.

How it all began

Connoisseurs of the history of England claim that the first mention of large and hardy horses, which became the ancestors of a new breed, are found in 1066. Most likely, they came to the country during the reign of William I, called the Conqueror. But exact information about this has not been preserved.

To develop a special breed of local producers with Fladr and Friesian horses. This work was carried out for several centuries, and its result exceeded the wildest expectations.

Further development of the breed

Many rulers of England were interested in breeding horses. So, for example, King Henry II, who took the throne in 1154, ordered the import of large horses from Flanders into the country to improve the breed.

The government of Henry VIII owns the first state acts prohibiting the breeding of heavy draft breeds, whose height is less than 154 cm. To increase growth, it was recommended to cross Shires with German, Belgian and Dutch breeds.

A significant role in the development of the "great horses" was played by Queen Elizabeth, who ascended the throne in 1558, she also demanded that the government increase the number of heavy trucks.

In order to achieve optimal breed parameters, breeders were forbidden to let representatives into the tribe whose parameters were less than the lower limit of measurements. This was monitored, and starting from the 17th century, breeders could be punished for such non-compliance. When exported outside of England, horses were also carefully controlled. It was forbidden to export individuals with insufficient growth even to Scotland and Ireland.

In 1878, a stud book was published, in which the ancestor of the new breed was indicated. This honor went to a stud stallion with a funny nickname Blind Horse. From this point on, the Shire breed is tracked in detail.

Most likely, the ancestor of the breed was not blind, it's just the owner's imagination, but some historians claim that such a defect took place.

Actually, in 1878, a society of horse breeders specializing in breeding shires was organized. And in 1880, a special studbook was established, in which important information about the breed was stored. As soon as the English heavy truck became the subject of special exhibitions, foals, mares and adult stallions selected for shows began to be recorded in the studbook.

It is interesting to note that the English heavy trucks did not immediately acquire their name. First there was the name Great Horse, which translates as "great horse". Later, the breed began to be called Old English and English. In the 18th century, the name "English black" and "Lincolnshire giant" were common. Then the name “shire” was assigned to the breed, which can be translated as “border” or “county”.

The appearance of stallions

Shire horses stand out as special Breeders paid great attention to this moment. According to the standard, stallions can be of three colors:

  • black;
  • bay;
  • grey.

A small amount of white spots is permissible in the color. It can be an arrow on the muzzle from the forehead to the tip of the nose or white stockings.

Stallions according to the breed standard cannot be less than the following parameters:

  • height at the withers - from 173 cm and above;
  • permissible horse weight - from 900 kg (on average it is 1100-1200 kg);
  • girth chest starts at 215 cm (average - 255 cm);
  • metacarpus of the forelimb - at least 25 cm in girth.

By the pastern they judge general development skeleton and tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the animal. This is the part of the leg between the wrist and the pastern (the pastern). The structure of the pastern is different in horses of different directions. Heavy trucks are characterized by a rounded shape, on which the tendons do not loom, but are palpated.

Appearance of mares

For the purity of the breed appearance and becoming mares also matters, but some liberties are allowed here. So, for example, you can add a roan to the three main suits. In addition, the number of white marks is not so strictly regulated. There may be more of them than is acceptable for stallions.

When measuring the parameters of mares, it is always taken into account that they are somewhat smaller and lower. In this case, the minimum height of the horse is counted from 163 cm at the withers.

Distinctive features of the exterior

In addition to height, weight and chest girth, there are a number of features of the breed's exterior. All representatives are characterized by a massive head with a wide forehead. The nose has a characteristic hump. The ears are not too large, rather medium in size. All Shire horses have a short neck with a high output, strong short back, muscular shoulders and steep shoulder blades. The breed is characterized by a long and wide croup with a high-set tail.

Horses have a lush cascading mane. It can be long or medium, often the owners braid special braids for beauty. different kind. Sometimes ribbons or colored threads are woven into them. Some owners prefer decorative haircuts for their pets' manes. Since Shire horses often participate in competitions and exhibitions, great importance is attached to the appearance of the mane.

Particular attention is paid to the legs. They should be long, strong and powerful. Lush and shaggy friezes grow on the carpal and hock joints, giving the breed a special glamor. The hooves must be large enough to support the weight of the animal. Most often they are completely hidden under the so-called brush (frieze).

Intrabreed types

Historically, within the breed, animals are divided into several types. Shires raised by Yorkshire horse breeders have a leaner build and more endurance. Animals raised in Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire have more pronounced brushes on their legs and a more bony build.

Far export attempts

On the territory of Europe, the breed took root perfectly, which led to its high popularity. But in 1853, several Shires were taken to America. Transporting animals was quite costly and difficult, so the United States until 1880 was not particularly interested in importing English heavy trucks. However, the European breed in America competed with the local Percheron heavy trucks. Since about 1910, horses have not only been imported into the country, but also bred locally. During this period, almost 80% of the total world population of shires was grown in the United States.

Shires were brought to the territory of Russia only for the purpose of breeding and improving local heavy breeds. So, for example, Shire blood is present in Vladimir heavy trucks. Their characteristics were better, but this was not enough for the "English" to oust the domestic "strong men".

world record holder

The Shire is considered the largest horse in the world. This breed holds records for height and weight. Even average representatives amaze the imagination with their size and power. What can we say about the recognized champion! The world record belongs to the largest shire named stallion had a height at the withers of 219 cm, and the weight of the horse exceeded 1520 kg. The record was set in 1846, initially the foal was named Samson, but then his nickname was changed.

The birthplace of the record holder is Toddington Mills, Bedfordshire.

Notable representatives

Thanks to accurate accounting and complete lists exhibition animals, the names of the most prominent representatives of the breed of those times have come down to us:

  • Lincoln 1345.
  • Machless 1509.
  • William Conqueror 2343.
  • John Bull 1180.

These stallions became the progenitors of a large number of breed champions. They gave several lines of exhibition representatives with a powerful article and solid growth.

Today, the stallion Cracker is considered the largest shire in Europe. According to 2007 data, his height is 198 cm, and his weight exceeds 1200 kg. Cracker's homeland is Lincolnshire. In the world, the largest is the shire from Australia, Noddy (in some sources, Nobby). His height is 205 cm.

How to care for an English heavy truck

It cannot be said that the content of the shire is very different from the content of other hard draft breeds. Since the animal is large, it requires more feed. Hay and fresh grass per day takes up to 17 kg. Record-breaking horses require more than 25 kg of feed per day. Concentrated top dressings are rarely used, dressings for forcing growth are not used at all. Herbal flour and cake can be used as concentrates. The daily dose of such top dressing is about 7 kg. Shires love apples, beets and carrots. It is important to remember to give the horse clean water.

Mane and tail grooming is essential for this breed. If the animal has long friezes on its legs, then they are also regularly washed and combed out. For hygiene procedures, special shampoos and conditioners are used. Braiding keeps the mane and tail from tangling.

As with other breeds, shires require cleanliness in the stable. It is important that the bedding in the stall is dry. With insufficient care, the legs of animals are prone to biting midges. This problem is especially common in horses with coarse and coarse hair in the friezes. For the prevention of biting midges, horses' feet are washed, dried and crushed with small sawdust. After some time, the sawdust is combed out of the friezes.

The animal must be able to move daily. Be sure to take long walks and subject to reasonable stress.


Shires have a surprisingly docile disposition. This horse is not afraid of work, it will obediently follow any command. Discontent and irritation are extremely rare. Kindness, loyalty and obedience are the main character traits of the animal.

Riders representing horses at shows and competitions know that it takes strength and confidence to handle such a horse. Giants easily carry loads, their tread is smooth and measured, but putting them into a gallop is not an easy task. And given the power, it is also dangerous. In addition, it is quite difficult to stop a galloping shire, so such experiments are carried out infrequently.

How are things today?

Technological progress has put English heavy trucks on the brink of survival. Their population has dropped critically. There are only a few hundred Shires in Europe today. For this reason, purebred Shire foals are highly valued by connoisseurs. Each of them is recorded and tracked.

Breeders are doing their best to increase the number of livestock and preserve the breed, but this is not an easy job. Until now, a stud book is being maintained, in which all foals are entered according to the three-stage principle. The main section is reserved for purebred offspring.

For "half marriages" there is a special classification. Offspring (fillies) from a registered stallion and unregistered mares are classified in category "A". Next, this new filly is covered by a registered stallion, and their offspring (fillies) go into category "B". A "B" filly is covered by a registered stallion and this offspring is considered a purebred. Only mares of purebred origin are allowed for selection.

To prove paternity, each foal is subjected to a DNA test, on the basis of which it is entered into a certain category.

How the approach to the use of the breed has changed

A strong and hardy Shire horse was able to carry a large load on its back. Such a horse in the 16th century proved to be indispensable in military operations, since chain mail, armor and weapons were of considerable weight. However, the uniforms of the military gradually changed, and went down in history, the need for heavy trucks for the army became less.

The 19th century gave impetus to the development of agriculture and trade. Shire main labor force on farms, in ports, on railway. Heavy harnesses moved both along city roads and outside the cities.

With the advent of cars, trucks and trams, it became unprofitable to raise and feed heavy draft horses. Small farmers have switched to more economical breeds. This almost caused the complete destruction of the breed, which has lost its appeal. However, thanks to the enthusiasts of their work, the breed has survived.

Today Shire is a horse whose price is comparable to elite horses. In Russia, the cost of an English heavy truck is about 1 million rubles. The breed is used for exhibitions and competitions. Often thoroughbred stallions participate in promotions and filming commercials. Shira gained particular popularity among manufacturers of beer products. They are harnessed to promotional carts loaded with beer kegs.

However, all this does not mean that the horses have lost the skills of agricultural and cargo work. They can easily pull a carriage, a loaded wagon and a plow. Individuals that are not suitable for breeding work can be found on farms and private backyards.

Shire horses are very hardy, strong and at the same time graceful. It is impossible not to love such animals, they delight with their appearance and mind.

English Shire breed heavy trucks are the largest and most powerful horses on the planet. The ancestors of these horses were faithful fighting friends of the knights. They were not chosen by chance. The horses had to carry a warrior clad in armor for a long time. Caring owners considered it their duty to protect the horse with iron armor. Imagine what strength you need to have to withstand such a load!

Shire is a knight's horse. Representatives of the breed are large and powerful.

Shires are characterized by a weighty large head with a luxurious mane, a voluminous strong forehead and a nose with a hump typical of this breed. A short, powerful neck passes into a strong back with powerful shoulders and shoulder blades. This is followed by a voluminous and massive croup with a high-set tail. Muscular legs with wide pasterns are decorated with long and lush brushes - friezes.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, the Shire horse breed is represented by three main colors:

  • bay;
  • crow;
  • gray.

Mares are also characterized by a roan color.

It is not excluded the presence of light spots. For example, white line, running from the forehead along the nose, and shaggy white friezes. The average height of horses is from 1.66 to 1.76 m at the withers. Large specimens reach 1.85 m.

Horses have a powerful head with long bangs, massive croup and high growth.

Originality of character

Shires are distinguished by kindness, balanced, calm disposition. They are peaceful, obedient and accommodating. They are characterized by loyalty, lack of nervousness and fearlessness. These qualities made horses indispensable for medieval battles and tournaments. After all, a warhorse should not be afraid of the roar of weapons, the cries of angry warriors and the swing of blades.

English strongmen obediently drag laden wagons and plows. They fulfill any requirements of the owners - they do not have patience. Strength is needed to control such a horse. Shire is difficult to disperse into a gallop, the best option gait for him - gait.

It is difficult to disperse Shires into a gallop, gait is preferable.

History of the breed

This English heavy truck has deep historical roots. It is believed that for the first time his ancestors were brought to England from Holland in the 13th century by order of Prince John. In the 16th century, intensive work began to improve the breed. During the reign of Henry XVIII, it was decided to ban the breeding of heavy trucks whose height was less than 154 cm.

Under Queen Elizabeth, the number of draft horses increased significantly. Only those specimens whose growth exceeded the permissible minimum went to the tribe. Local English mares were crossed with Flemish, Friesian and German stallions. The Frisians gave the English Shires freedom of movement, speed and flexibility. The legacy of the leisurely Flemings was more evident in the appearance of animals - they acquired a black color.

The black suit of the Shires is from the Flemings.

By the beginning of the 17th century, heavy armor was abolished, and the soldiers moved to graceful, frisky horses. But the growth of industry and agriculture did not allow the good-natured giants to remain out of work. From now on, their main purpose was the transportation of heavy loads and work in the field.

Horses acquired their present appearance in the 18th century. At that time they were bred in all regions of England. In Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Derby and other counties, breeders named this breed differently. The following names are known: "Great Horse", "Big English Black", "Shire".

A large heavy horse was actively used in agriculture and in the transport of goods.

The founder of the breed is considered to be a horse that lived in the village of Packington from 1755 to 1770. His owners gave him the nickname "Blind Horse". It is not known what made them do it - real problem with the vision of a horse or some other reason. When the Shire Stud Book was established by the Horse Breeding Society in 1878, this horse was honored to be registered as the ancestor.

Intrabreed types

Individuals that were born in different parts of the country had their own characteristics. Representatives of Yorkshire were distinguished by a wiry physique, and horses from Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire - a massive skeleton and lush friezes.

Lush friezes are considered an ornament of the breed.

Breeding and selection

At the beginning of the 20th century, shires appeared in Russia. For the needs of industry and agriculture, it was required new breed horses capable of carrying heavy loads and adapted to local climatic conditions. Breeders noted that shires require much more food than representatives of other breeds. Their offspring were effective only under the condition of abundant feeding, the volume of which was three times the usual norm.

Difficulties were caused by the selection of a mare to cover with a Shire stallion. Her height had to correspond to the dimensions of a powerful male, otherwise there was a risk of getting offspring with a disproportionate physique. For these reasons, Russian breeders preferred Scottish Clydesdales. But still, among the ancestors of the Vladimir heavy trucks there is blood and English ancestors.

Conquest of America

Shire horses first crossed the Atlantic in 1853. But they began to be brought to America en masse only at the end of the 9th century. Emigrants turned out to be serious rivals to local heavy trucks - percherons. Transportation across the ocean was difficult and unprofitable. Therefore, horse breeders began to breed the English breed on the spot. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of shires grown in America amounted to 80% of the world population.

Famous representatives of the breed

The famous Mammoth horse deserves special attention. The foal was first named Samson - the name of the legendary strong man. But when he grew up, it was decided that this name was not suitable. At the withers, the growth of this giant was 2.19 m. It is considered the largest heavy truck of all that existed in the world.

Among modern Shires, the stallion Cracker is considered the tallest in Europe. His height at the withers is 1.98 m. The Australian Noddy, who is 2.05 m tall, holds the world championship.


Representatives of this breed are registered in the stud book, divided into three categories. The first section - "Main" - includes purebred individuals. The offspring resulting from the union of a thoroughbred stallion and an unregistered mare are entered in the second - "A". Foals born from a female from category "A" and a purebred stallion are registered in the third section - "B". And only the descendants of a mare from the last category and a male from the first section are considered purebred shires.

In breeding work with shires, strict rules are followed.

On the brink of extinction

The development of industry led to the fact that in the middle of the twentieth century the number of heavy trucks decreased. There was a serious danger of the complete disappearance of this breed. And only the dedication of the breeders helped to rectify the situation and restore the population.

Nuances of care

Animals require much more food than other breeds. They are given from 17 to 25 kg of hay or fresh grass per day, apples, carrots, and beets are included in the diet. Horses love fresh fruits and vegetables.

Regular grooming of the mane, tail and friezes is required. To prevent tangling, they are combed and braided. For washing use special shampoos and conditioners. To avoid problems with biting midges, the horse's legs are washed and sprinkled with sawdust, and then small shavings are combed out of the wool. Animals need daily walks and exercise.

The mane and friezes of the Shires require enhanced care. Horses should be bathed and brushed regularly.

Modern realities

The cost of horses of this breed reaches 1,000,000 rubles. The owners take care of the horses, so they practically do not use them for hard work. Modern shires participate in exhibitions and competitions. Animals are involved in the reconstruction of historical events, during festive processions, filmed in commercials and films. But this does not mean that the English heroes cannot, like many years ago, carry goods and carry plows. Even today they remain powerful, hardworking and obedient giants, possessing exceptional kindness and devotion.

Horses are Schleich's most popular figurine series. It includes more than 50 breeds of horses, a stable, riders and accessories for riding.

The designers and artists of the company managed to convey the character and characteristics of each horse breed with maximum accuracy. Each figurine has the characteristic proportions of the body, muscles, color, mane, tail. This is achieved due to the fact that before the production of each model, experts carefully study the appearance, habits and anatomy of real animals.

In addition to adult horses and foals, the series includes accessories for riding and equestrian competitions (show jumping), horse harness, feeding kits and even a stable building.

Schleich horse figurines

This is one of the most diverse sections in the assortment of the German company Schleich. Of course, the equestrian club is the place where the most the best representatives horse families. Here are just some of the breeds that you will find on the pages of the catalog:

  1. Appaloosian riding foal Schleich 13862
  2. Appaloosian horse mare Schleich 13861
  3. Mare Dartmoor Pony Schleich 13873
  4. English thoroughbred foal Schleich 13857
  5. English thoroughbred horse mare Schleich 13855
  6. English thoroughbred stallion Schleich 13856
  7. Holstein foal Schleich 13860
  8. Holstein gelding Schleich 13859
  9. Holstein mare Schleich 13858
  10. Mare Morgan Schleich 13870
  11. Stallion Morgan Schleich 13869
  12. Horse foal (Quarter) Schleich 13854
  13. Mare Quarter Schleich 13852
  14. Stallion Quarter Schleich 13853
  15. Welsh pony mare Schleich 13872
  16. Welsh pony stallion Schleich 13871

Each of these breeds has its own characteristics, its own color. By tradition, almost every species is made in the form of a mare, horse and foal. Just imagine what an interesting corner little fans of equestrian sport can collect by combining all these horses in different ways.

Stable Schleich

Of course, no beautiful horse can do without experienced and skillful riders, so smart in their jockey uniforms. And animals need to be looked after: they need to be fed and combed. Yes, and how not to throw a front blanket over your favorite horse, not to put on a beautiful saddle and a nice bridle before walking? Just for lovers total immersion In the gaming atmosphere we offer, for example:

  • Figures of riders and riders - both separately and complete with horses;
  • Capes, saddles and bridles;
  • Sets for care, feeding (brushes, food, buckets, pitchforks and much more).

Schleich Riders

How interesting it is not just to play with horse figures, but to arrange whole competitions! And all owners of Schleich toys have such an opportunity. Choose what you like - a wide range provides you with such an opportunity. Here are just some of the kits and accessories:

  • Riding arena with corral, obstacles, canopy with a roof;
  • Horse obstacles;
  • Stable with corral, stall, feed and other parts for horses;
  • Large equestrian tournament with an arena, obstacles, a pedestal and prizes for participants;
  • Awards for winners.

Shire, or Shire breed of horses, figurine from Schleich, with a label.

Figurine from the series Pets Schleich (Schleich, Germany). A very beautiful white horse, the mane of this horse is especially remarkable - it is beautifully braided. And the tail is also braided. And the very breed of these horses is very unusual, they seem to be from a fantasy world.

Shire horses are giants, gentle and respectable. They have the intelligence and complaisance of a saddle horse, and these qualities are combined in him with the strength of two draft horses walking in a team.

Shire horses are giants even among heavy trucks, and compared to draft horses they are incomparably larger, this is conveyed by the Schleich figurines. In the photo - a horse and a rider, an overview.

The series "Pets" by the German company Schleich presents all the animals that surround us at home or in the country. With the help of individual elements, you can create entire farms, zoos, living corners. Touching cats, rabbits, pigs, lambs, horses and cows, other little animals will impress even adults.

All figures are made of high quality materials (rubber plastic, toys are dense, do not break), with maximum accuracy and hand-painted. They do not cause allergies, the figures have no smell.

According to their purpose, horse breeds are divided into heavy, draft, trotting, riding. The Shire breed is heavy-duty.

Horses of draft horse breeds are usually large, massive, with a large head and well-developed muscles. The most famous breeds of this group are the Barbancon, bred in Belgium, the Shire breed, bred in England, the Percherons (French district of Perches). From domestic breeds - Vladimir heavy; Russian heavy-duty and Soviet heavy-duty.

Since this horse is a heavy truck, the figurine is quite large, larger than the figurines of horses of draft breeds (the Schleich figurines are accurately scaled).

Shire, or Shire (wide) breed of horses

This is a giant in the ranks of heavy trucks. Before the mass appearance of locomotives, Shires pulled wagons behind them.

Shire is the oldest and largest of the heavy trucks, a descendant of a prehistoric forest horse that lived in northern Europe, the direct heir to a large war horse The Middle Ages, whose noble fate was to carry a brave (and very heavily equipped) knight to the battlefield.

Shire - the largest horse in the world, it can reach 2 meters at the withers and weigh about a ton! By its name, the Shire, or Shire, breed owes to the English counties, in the names of which there is often a suffix "shire", it is in these counties that the shires are grown.

This breed was endangered in the 50-60s of the XX century, but it is the pride of Great Britain, and today even representatives royal family are actively involved in the preservation of this breed, even harnessing them to carriages for ceremonial trips.

Shire most often wears white "stockings" on all four legs.