Eye of rebirth 5 Tibetan exercises alexander kurbatov. "Whirlwinds" and "chakras" of Tibetan gymnastics

You can tell a lot of interesting things about Tibetan gymnastics. This miraculous set of exercises was described by Peter Kelder in the book The Eye of Rebirth, which was edited in 1938. After that, this gymnastics gained immense popularity. Later, many different translations of this method appeared. For example, "Five Tibetan pearls." The exercises of this gymnastics received such a name due to the fact that their number is 5 ritual positions - “The Eye of Rebirth”. They are recommended for everyone who wants to rejuvenate and strengthen the body, as well as stabilize and calm. As mentioned above, the names this complex a lot of. You will understand this by reading this text.

In general, for longevity, it also includes the sixth exercise. However, it is performed only when the practitioner leads a certain and restricted lifestyle. As a result, only 5 Tibetan exercises that affect the state of the physiological and energy structure have gained wide popularity. Further on this in more detail.

5 Tibetan exercises "Eye of rebirth"

This will not take much time to complete. It will take about 20 minutes to complete 5 Tibetan exercises. This is not so much for a daily complex. While 5 exercises will help you achieve incomparable lightness and stability in the state of the body. They will also make it possible to always be in shape.

Indeed, perfect and enough simple complex is Tibetan gymnastics. These exercises should be carried out immediately, in stages, moving from one to another. Let's consider each in more detail.

First exercise

It is necessary to stand up straight and begin to rotate around its own axis in a clockwise direction. This is done before the appearance of slight dizziness. For beginners, 3-5 turns will be enough. This exercise, as well as the whole complex, involves the implementation of a leisurely increase in load.

In this case, symptoms of severe dizziness and nausea should not be allowed to appear. You need to train properly and hard. And after about 10 days it will be easier for you to spend this gymnastics. Since the condition of the vestibular apparatus will improve. The ideal option will reach 21 turns.

Second exercise

At this stage of the gymnastics, you should lie on your back on a hard surface. Then you need to stretch your arms along the body, placing your palms on the floor. After that, you need to raise your head, pressing your chin to your chest. In this case, the legs must be raised up, without lifting the buttocks from the floor. If you have good stretch, then in this case, the legs can be pulled up to the head. This is done until the knees begin to bend. After that, you need to slowly lower your legs.

Then you need to relax and do 3-5 more similar lifts. Daily training, you should bring the exercise up to 21 times.

Third exercise

Tibetan gymnastics "Revival" is also beneficial for the spine. This is a true fact. You should definitely try this exercise. After that, you will feel all its benefits.

First you need to kneel, placing them at the width of the pelvis. After that, you need to put your hands under the buttocks. Then you need to tilt your head back, straighten your chest and bend your spine forward. In this case, it is worth resting your hands on your hips. Next, return to the starting position. Press the chin to the chest. Initially, it is worth starting with 3-5 approaches, and within two weeks, bring it up to 21 times.

Fourth exercise

To implement it, you need to sit on a hard surface and stretch your legs so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. In this case, the back should remain straight. Closed palms should be placed on the sides on the floor.

In this position, you need to lower your head down and press your chin to your chest. Then you should lift up and forward the torso, taking a horizontal position. IN given state you need to linger for a few minutes, and then slowly return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest. This action, like all of the 5 exercises Tibetan monks, should be brought to 21 repetitions. This is considered the best option.

Fifth exercise

In this action, the starting position will be a specific position. It consists in the emphasis lying on a hard plane, while it is required to bend the back. In this position, it is necessary that the pads of the toes rest on the floor. The palms should be on the surface and pointing forward. Hands and feet in this case are placed shoulder-width apart. After that, you should tilt your head back, and then take the angular position of the body in the upward direction. At the same time, the legs should be straightened. In two weeks, it is necessary to bring this action also up to 21 times.

Regularity is the key to success

The specified complex "5 exercises of Tibetan monks" should be performed every day. This should become a kind of ritual for you. Initially, for some, doing the same activities may seem monotonous and boring. However, in reality, after a while, everything will turn out to be quite simple process. You just need to get used to performing the indicated complex “Five Tibetan Pearls” in the morning of every day. These exercises will not take much time. All you need is about 20 minutes. After that, the Five Tibetans gymnastics will become easy and familiar. These exercises will be the same integral process as the procedure for washing and brushing your teeth.

The undoubted advantage of these actions is that they do not take much time. At the same time, with their help, you can quickly wake up from sleep, as well as recharge your positive mood and energy for the whole day. Although initially it may seem that the Five Tibetans gymnastics are physical exercises. However, in reality, these are ritual actions that can endow human body necessary life force. Therefore, you should carefully study these 5 Tibetan exercises and perform them in the order indicated.

Operating principle

To understand how these rituals affect human longevity and health, one should pay special attention to the long-standing explanation described by Peter Kelder in The Eye of Rebirth. It consists in the fact that human body has seven centers. They are also called vortices. In a healthy body, their rotation is very fast. But if their speed decreases and the movement of vortices slows down, then body aging occurs. As a result, the person becomes decrepit and sickly. In a word, when all the vortices rotate at a high and equal speed, the organism remains healthy. This is the principle of the Five Tibetan Exercises complex. However, if one or more of them slow down, then the person will immediately feel. As a result, diseases will develop and the aging of the body will accelerate.

Where are the magnetic centers (vortices)

According to Tibetan theory, their location is as follows:

  • two of them take up space in the brain. One is deep in the forehead. The second is in the back of the brain. These vortices are designated "A" and "B";
  • the location of one is at the cervical base. Namely, in the throat. This is vortex "C";
  • 1 is placed on the right side of the body. That is, opposite the liver approximately in the waist area. This is the "D" vortex;
  • one is located in the genital area. This vortex is labeled "E";
  • two - in the knees. That is, one for each. They are designated "F" and "G".

In general, the location of these vortices should be outside the body. However, when they slow down, they cannot even reach its surface. The only exceptions are two vortices, which are located in the area of ​​the knees. From this it should be taken into account that in order to restore health, youth and vitality to a person, it is necessary to unwind these vortices. To do this, you will need these 5 Tibetan exercises. Each of them individually can also be useful. However, to achieve a tangible result, it is necessary to perform all five Tibetan exercises.

There are no contraindications to these actions. However, there are certain points that require special attention. They will help to avoid various injuries and problems, as well as achieve the greatest efficiency. They are as follows:

For whom and for what is the sixth ritual necessary?

As already stated above, all 5 exercises of Tibetan monks are aimed at restoring the vitality of the body. Also, with their help, a person will look much younger. This is a true fact. However, to achieve a more significant result, it is necessary to perform the sixth ritual. At the same time, I would like to immediately note that this action will be absolutely useless if positive results are not achieved in the implementation of these five exercises. We should not forget that this may take about a couple of years of regular performance of these actions. Sometimes it takes 3-4 years. And, perhaps, the most important condition in order to proceed to the sixth ritual action, is that you should completely exclude or severely limit your sex life. This is due to a certain fact. Namely, the fact that the direction of the last ritual is focused on transforming a person into vital forces. This exercise can be done at any time. However, it can be carried out only when an excess of sexual energy appears and strong desire take advantage of it. In this case, this exercise should be carried out.

To do this, stand straight, exhale all the air from the lungs. Further it is necessary, without inhaling, to lean forward. Then you need to rest on your knees with your palms. After that, you should exhale the air remaining in the lungs. Then, without inhaling, you need to return to a vertical position. After that, you need to raise your shoulders and press your hands on your hips. Then you need to retract the stomach to the limit. This should expand your chest. It is necessary to hold this position for as long as possible. Then you should inhale through your nose. And then you need to exhale through your mouth. At the same time, you need to simultaneously relax and release your hands so that they hang down along the body. Then several times you need to quickly and deeply inhale and exhale. This cycle should be repeated 3 times. This is necessary to direct upward the arisen sexual energy.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the regular implementation of these 5 Tibetan exercises will allow even the elderly to achieve a stunning result in rejuvenation and health promotion. All you need to do is follow the steps above. At the same time, one should not forget that they also strongly affect the state of health and appearance own bad habits. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them.

Many who care about their physical and spiritual condition are looking for various techniques, which will help get rid of, as well as strengthen, give them tone. Today we will talk about the interesting ones that came to us from Tibet. You will learn what the Eye of Rebirth is, what the 5 are aimed at, and whether they are of any real use.

What it is

Let's start the discussion with what the Eye of the Renaissance is, why exactly five, and for whom they are suitable. The eye of rebirth is 5 Tibetan gymnastics that are designed to improve general state, as well as normalize many processes in, including digestion.

This complex is also called the "5 pearls of Tibet", which is directly related to where these came from. Before talking about each of them, it is worth finding out who spread this knowledge, and whether the usual one can really bear the fruits described above.

A certain Peter Kelder in 1938 (1939) published under the title "The Eye of the Renaissance", which described the ritual Tibetan monks. They helped the latter maintain their level of vitality, as well as improve their general physical condition.

Little is known about the author himself. Peter Kelder was not an outstanding scientist or writer, and all information about him boils down to the fact that he is the author of the above-mentioned book. Calder also has 2 more books that talk about the secrets of the eternal.

Many readers wondered how this one could find out such information if the monks who use this technique lead an ascetic image, while once again not disclosing their secrets.

Did you know? The book describes not 5, but 6 exercises, but the sixth is not popular for the reason that it is intended for those who have decided to embark on the path of spiritual perfection. It involves change as well as goals. At the same time, interrupting exercise 6 is fraught with serious consequences for the soul, so few people practice it.

There is an opinion that the described exercises were invented by the author himself, and referred to the Tibetan monks for the reason that most of the exercises that came to us from the East are effective and really help to improve the physical and mental state.

However, it is impossible to confirm or refute the above, since everyone who used the technique was divided into two “camps”. Some said that the Tibetan Eye of the Renaissance is a panacea, others - ordinary gymnastics, which is not capable of miracles.

Five Tibetan pearls (exercises)



Tibetan monks involve doing familiar exercises that have been slightly modified. The fourth option can be called a "direct bridge". It will be difficult to perform it for people who have or have low muscle tone in their hands.
First you need to sit on the surface, stretching out your togas in front of you as if you are going to stretch. The legs need to be slightly apart so that they approximately repeat the width of the pelvis. Toes point up.

Important! If you have weak brushes, then wrap them with an elastic bandage before performing.

As in the case of the previous exercises, in this one the head is also tilted forward so that the chin touches the sternum. After you have taken the starting position, you need to release all the air from the lungs. After that, slowly tilt your head back, as in the “prayer” position. Next, also slowly lift the torso up, becoming a bridge.

At the same time, the position of the arms and legs does not change, and the head remains thrown back. While lifting the body, you need to take a slow breath, expanding chest. In the final version, the torso and hips should be in the same plane (the hips continue the torso, forming a line), and the shins should be perpendicular to the hips.
At the top point, you need to strain everything that you used in lifting up. After that, you should return to the starting position. During the return, you should slowly exhale the air.


A difficult exercise that requires good tone in the legs and arms, as well as the absence of serious problems with the spine.

To take a starting position, you need to remember school lessons, namely the moment when you did it wrong, pressing your legs and pelvis to the floor, holding upper part body on outstretched arms. It is this pose that is the original, with minor improvements.

The chest bulges forward, going beyond the line of the arms. Feet and pelvis do not touch the floor, you must keep lower part body on the balls of the toes. The fingers on the hands should be closed, and the brush should be directed forward.

The arms are only straight, not pressed against the body. The pelvis slightly does not reach the line of the arms, which runs approximately in the lumbar region.
After taking the starting position, you need to throw your head back as far as possible so that it touches the shoulder blades (or the space between them).

Important! The legs should be placed slightly wider than the shoulders, approximately in line with the arms.

Next comes the most difficult step, which must be done slowly. Lowering the chin to the sternum, raise the pelvis so that it is the top. In the process of execution, you need to slowly transfer the weight to the feet, completely in contact with the floor, and stretch your arms along the body so that they are located behind the head.

As a result, the front part looks like a curved line, and the back part looks like a straight line. The transition occurs in the pelvic region, where an acute angle is formed.

As for breathing, it will be slightly unusual. In the initial position, we need to exhale to the maximum at the moment when you stick out the chest forward.

At the moment of raising the pelvis, you need to take a slow breath, and then hold it at the peak point. In the process of returning to the starting position, you should exhale smoothly, which is synchronized with your actions.

Precautionary measures

  1. You should not force yourself and your own, exhausting him with exercises. It is written above that the five Tibetan pearls are gymnastics, not weightlifting. Accordingly, after completing all the approaches, you should feel lightness and a surge, and not heaviness and loss of all strength.
  2. You definitely need to take a break. Between performing individual actions, be sure to take a break, let yours rest. It is best to normalize during a break. To do this, slowly raise your hands up as you inhale, and lower as you exhale.
  3. Think about your weaknesses. If you have problems with the spine, then it does not hurt to put on a fixing belt before performing this or that exercise. If you have problems with your wrist or knees, then use an elastic bandage.
  4. If you have that limit motor activity, then be sure to consult your doctor before starting a course of exercise.
  5. Don't try to do sets quickly. All movements are performed slowly, not for the reason that the author wanted to, but because fast execution can injure you, especially since everyone has their own level physical training.

Did you know? Some Buddhist hermits take the path that involves them being walled up in a small building. They are deprived of fellowship, light, and also fresh air. The only thing they get is water and food, but only once a week. In such conditions, the monk constantly experiences hunger, thirst, and lack of oxygen.

Now you know what the five exercises of Tibetan monks are, how they are useful, and how they should be performed. Don't forget what's in front of you physiotherapy, which is supposed to heal you, not cripple, so strictly adhere to the instructions, and do what you can do without trying to do everything at once.

A sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition are the main factors that disrupt and suppress energy flows. This leads to early aging of the body and all kinds of diseases. internal organs. A complex of five Tibetan exercises (pearls) “Eye of Rebirth” is aimed at restoring vitality and internal balance.

For millennia, Tibetan monks have kept it a secret. Only in 1938, with the release of the book of the same name by Peter Caldder, did the amazing technique become available throughout the world. Millions of people have learned about the existence of 19 energy centers concentrated in the joints. The ability to independently launch flows, muffled by diseases and an unhealthy lifestyle, helps to improve well-being and rejuvenate the body. Let's look at the five pearls of Tibet useful exercises.

Description. Advantages and disadvantages

"Eye of Rebirth" is not just a charge. It is something like a belief or even a spiritual practice. If you sincerely believe in the effectiveness of classes and conscientiously perform all the exercises, you will certainly feel a surge of strength and vital energy. Nevertheless, do not forget about the presence of contraindications.

Positive effect

The secret of longevity and good health of Tibetan monks lies in their lifestyle. An integral part of it is the daily training of the body, spirit and energy flows. Benefit Tibetan gymnastics The "Eye of Rebirth" can be described by four main points.

  1. The musculoskeletal system. Tibetan yoga helps to cope with scoliosis and osteochondrosis. At regular performance there is a decrease in pain caused by arthritis.
  2. reproductive system. In women who regularly engage in this practice, the menstrual cycle normalizes and the likelihood of conception increases. In men, erectile function is normalized.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract. The stool is normalized, the absorption of nutrients from food improves. Given the high calorie costs of training, we can conclude that they are useful for losing weight.
  4. The immune system. Increased resistance to colds. Eliminates congestion in the nasal sinuses and bronchi.

The complex contributes to the development of willpower. It is recommended for people struggling with bad habits. Within two or three weeks regular classes cravings for nicotine and alcohol are significantly reduced.


If you have health problems, a rash approach to training can harm the body. Classes are not recommended for children and the elderly, as well as in some cases:

  • increased body temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • the risk of a heart attack;
  • spinal hernia;
  • period;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Some trainers and yoga practitioners are convinced that the "Eye of Rebirth" is not intended for women. They explain this by the fact that the complex was designed by male monks, taking into account their physiological features. Nevertheless, gymnastics is equally useful for both sexes.


Tibetan gymnastics "Eye of Rebirth" can be performed once or twice a day. It is best to practice before sunset, otherwise insomnia may occur due to a surge of energy. Also, be mindful of the length of your workout. To start, three repetitions for each exercise are enough. Add two reps every week until you reach 21.

"Spinning Energy"

Peculiarities. The first exercise of the "Five Tibetans" complex is aimed at unwinding energy whirlwinds. It will speed up the circulation of flows and give strength to the further execution of the program.

How to do

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart so that the position is stable.
  2. Spread outstretched arms to the sides. The palms should be directed to the floor.
  3. Keeping the position, rotate around you in a clockwise direction.
  4. If you feel dizzy, stop. Without changing position, listen for the continued movement of the vortices.

During the exercise, not only bodily sensations are important, but also the inner mood. Listening to the movement of energy whirlwinds, let yourself be guided by the fact that your body is being cleansed, becoming healthier and stronger.

"Return of the Force"

Peculiarities. This exercise has two opposite effects on energy flows. On the one hand, it significantly increases the speed of rotation of the vortices. On the other hand, it is designed to stabilize them.

How to do

  1. Lie on your back. Hands should be extended along the body and tightly pressed to it.
  2. Lift your head off the floor and press your chin to your chest as tightly as possible.
  3. Raise your straight legs slowly up without lifting your pelvis off the floor. At the same time, take a deep, long breath.
  4. When you feel that you can no longer lift your legs without bending your knees and lifting your pelvis, slowly return to the starting position. At the same time exhale slowly, completely emptying the lungs.
  5. Lie quietly until your muscles relax.

As you do the exercise, try to feel how with each inhalation and exhalation you pass energy through you. In between repetitions, imagine how, as the muscles relax, the body is filled with vitality.

"Connection of body and mind"

Peculiarities. The third of the five Tibetan rituals is aimed at working out the central energy axis. The ascending flow passes along the spinal column, and the descending one - in the region of the sacrum.

How to do

  1. Get down on your knees, keeping your torso straight.
  2. Rest your palms on rear surface hips, and lower the chin to the chest.
  3. Having released all the air from the lungs, it is necessary to tilt the head far back, while bending the lower back and pushing the chest forward.
  4. Return to the starting position, slowly filling the lungs with air.

Control your breathing. You need to inhale through the nose, launching the energy of the surrounding world inside. Accompany the exhalation with the sound "Heh!". This symbolizes that together with the air you are throwing into the atmosphere all the negativity that has accumulated inside.

"Energy shower"

Peculiarities. The fourth technique of Tibetan monks' gymnastics involves creating the effect of an "energy swing". By tensing your muscles during the exercise, you start the movement of energy through the body. When you relax, you muffle this activity.

How to do

  1. Sit with your legs stretched forward, slightly spreading them apart.
  2. Press the chin to the chest with force.
  3. With your palms firmly rest on the floor on the sides of the buttocks, the position is with your fingers forward.
  4. Tilt your head back, lift your body. Bend your legs at the same time at the knees.
  5. Leaning on the hands and feet, lift the body off the floor. body area from shoulder girdle to the knees should be parallel to the floor.
  6. Straining all the muscles, stay in this position for a few seconds.
  7. After relaxing your muscles, slowly return to the starting position.

If the body is weakened, do a simplified version of the exercise. It is enough just to raise the pelvis above the floor. Each time, try to lift the body above the floor higher and higher. And in a couple of weeks you will be able to do the reception in full force.

"Energy Balancing"

Peculiarities. Exercise trains not only the spirit, but also physical endurance. In terms of technique, the last exercise is the most difficult and requires maximum concentration.

How to do

  1. Lie face down on the floor.
  2. Place your palms under your hips, bend strongly in the lower back and lift the body, leaning on outstretched arms.
  3. Slowly change the position of the body so that the pelvis is at the top, and the legs and body form an acute angle.

Despite the fact that the exercise is static, it takes a lot of energy. Returning to the starting position, catch your breath. Start repetition only when breathing is restored.

Uddiyana bandha or 6 pearl

Peculiarities. In fact, Tibetan gymnastics contains not five, but six exercises. But the latter is not included in basic complex. You need to start it no earlier than you perfectly master the five previous ones. The second condition is the desire for self-improvement and spiritual growth, which implies the rejection of intimate life, which takes too much energy.

How to do

  1. Stand up straight and take a deep breath. At the same time, squeeze the sphincters and tighten the muscles of the perineum.
  2. Bend over, resting your palms on your hips, and exhale sharply.
  3. Straighten up, filling the lungs and pulling the stomach in as much as possible. Press your chin to your chest.
  4. Exhale slowly. When the air in your lungs runs out, you can relax.

The step to mastering the sixth exercise of the Tibetan complex should be deliberate. If you are not ready to completely abandon your intimate life, it is better not to take up this matter.

Gymnastics rules

Tibetan gymnastics must be approached with all responsibility. Only by following the recommendations and rules, you can achieve good health and a powerful energy charge. Consider five key points.

  1. Don't stop exercising. If you are interested in the Tibetan "Eye of Rebirth", be prepared for the fact that you will always have to deal with it. Exercises produce a cumulative effect, but when canceled, it is not saved. Energy flows can degrade even more than in the initial state.
  2. Relax at the end. After completing the last exercise, lie down for a while with your eyes closed so that the energy flows harmonize. Play some soft music to help you relax.
  3. Start water activities. After training, it is recommended to take a warm bath or shower. If you don't have time, just rub your skin with a damp towel.
  4. Don't feel uncomfortable. Do exactly as many repetitions of the exercise as your body allows. Overvoltage is not allowed.
  5. Take breaks. Rest before starting a new exercise. Stand up straight, put your hands on your belt and wait for your breath to recover.

Despite the fact that training cannot be interrupted, circumstances do not always allow the program to be completed. Therefore, it is allowed to periodically take breaks of one or two days.

Speaking of Tibetan gymnastics, you can hear the negative opinions of doctors, but positive reviews of people. They are mainly due to the fact that many patients see this complex as a panacea for all ailments. As a result, precious time may be lost in the treatment of serious diseases. Still, unlike Tibetan monks, we live in new era and simply must enjoy its achievements. Also, some skeptics argue that the improvement in well-being after training is nothing more than the result of self-hypnosis. Maybe it is, but what's wrong with that? If exercise gives you good mood and excellent well-being is already a success.

Gymnastics Five Tibetan pearls"became known to me about 10 years ago, when my yoga teacher recommended it as a way to accumulate energy, improve and rejuvenate both the physical and energy body. My review This practice is for everyone. I started using 5 eye of rebirth exercises, How morning exercises to cheer up in the morning and tune in to the day ahead.

The effect of this short practice exceeded all expectations: the body comes to life, strength is added, mood improves. According to the feedback of my students, they began to receive the same results. Therefore, I am full of confidence that this practice is indeed " Tibetan pearl ”, leading to a revival, and deserving of your attention.

It is important to remember that you need to do it daily. As the body begins to slow down the aging process, rejuvenation mechanisms are launched. You can miss no more than 1 day per week. If you miss more, reduce the number of repetitions.

For example, somehow I missed 2 days - so I reduced the number of repetitions from 21 to 17 times. And then again gradually increased their number.

It was not for nothing that I dwelled on this moment in such detail, because this practice is energetic, and we are launching serious and important things. Once I had to miss 3 weeks after a course of hirudotherapy, I immediately caught the difference (considering my age - 50 years old) that my body began to fail.\

in detail each exercise and recommendations for performance and health are described in the following article:

Therefore, I urge you to treat these practices with full responsibility. Discipline comes first.

Of course, you can not work on yourself, not make efforts, and live carefree. But I think that you have come to my blog and are reading these lines for a reason. So, you are a woman who strives for perfection, and I think that you care about how you look and how you feel.

Personally, my dream is that at the age of 90 my husband admires me and compliments me).

Read and watch the step-by-step guide for performing 5 exercises of Tibetan monks in the video lesson.

Eye of rebirth 5 exercises video

And of course, for a complete understanding and correct execution simple and effective exercises who returned health and youth to millions of people, I strongly recommend reading and studying the book by Peter Calder "Eye of Rebirth" the ancient secret of the fountain of youth . You can download this book in electronic form and read it on a computer or tablet.

But personally, I love paper books. They carry their warmth and energy. I think toYou can buy this book in the store. ANDor order online.

For example, on "Ozone": Book 1 and / or Book 2.

Every day requires from us the maximum return, the implementation of our plans, energy and vigor. It is known that morning exercises are called that precisely because they give a surge of energy for the whole coming day. Due to our busyness, it is impossible to allocate more than 15-20 minutes for it, moreover, when choosing morning complex exercises, we choose the one that will provide a surge of strength for the whole day, give energy, take care of the muscles, flexibility, and the condition of the spine.

Alternatively, the Eye of the Renaissance complex may be perfect. You may have heard of him, or perhaps even read the books of Peter Kedler or his successor, Christopher S. Kilham.

The complex consists of five simple exercises and does not require special training. It can be done at home, which is very convenient. You can also choose the time of classes at your discretion. In addition, the complex is suitable even for people with a weak level of physical fitness. Old age is also not a contraindication for exercise! On the contrary, exercises will bring a surge of strength and energy, which is especially valuable in this case, returning and prolonging the feeling of youth.

For achievement maximum effect after each of the five exercises, a simple "intermediate breathing" should be performed. In fact, it can be considered an integral part of the complex.

Intermediate breathing:

Stand straight, hands on hips, feet together. Take a breath, long and deep. Exhale through your mouth, rounding it in an "o" shape. Repeat breath.

Now let's talk about the five basic exercises. What do they give?

It is believed that they contribute to filling the body with vitality, due to the free passage of energy through the chakras. Exercises involve the main muscle groups, strengthening them and leading to tone.

Just 10 minutes - and you are filled with vivacity! Yes, for this a short time. You can start with three repetitions of each exercise if you are not in the best physical form, have not been engaged for a long time or are not young. Every week, for example from Monday, you should increase the number of repetitions by one or two, finally bringing them to 21. Why so many and not more? Because the expected energy effect is achieved with just such a number of repetitions.

Complex "Eye of the Renaissance":

Exercise 1.

Stand straight, spreading your arms to the sides (Fig. 1.1). The fingers are connected, the palms are facing down. In this position, start rotating clockwise. Without interruption, repeat the turn the required number of times (maximum 21). After completing the rotation, stand straight, hands on the hips, legs together (Fig. 1.2). After that, perform intermediate breathing, repeating it 2 times.

Picture 1.


Be careful at first. If you are afraid of dizziness, try this method: fix your eyes on the wall or on any stationary object at eye level, make a half turn with your eyes closed, on the opposite wall (or stationary object at eye level) open your eyes again, fixing your eyes, and thus do required amount repetitions.

Over time, thanks to this exercise, your vestibular apparatus will be strengthened, and rotations will not bring any discomfort.

Exercise 2

Take a lying position on the carpet. Straighten your legs, with the ankles touching. Stretch your arms along the body, palms to the floor (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.

Inhaling through your nose, in one smooth movement raise your head, trying to touch your chin to your chest, and lift straight legs, trying to form a right angle or, if possible, a little more (Fig. 3). Make sure that your lower back does not come off the floor.

Figure 3

While exhaling, return your legs and head to the starting position and then relax for a second. Repeat the exercise as many times as needed. Inhale - when lifting the head and legs, exhale - when lowering.

Perform intermediate breathing, repeating it 2 times.


If your lower back is bothering you and you don't want to load it, move your hands under the buttocks, transferring the load to the abdominal muscles.

Exercise 3

Starting position - on your knees, the balls of your toes are in contact with the floor. Between the knees - about 10 cm. Place your palms under the buttocks. Straighten your back, press your chin to your chest (Fig. 4.1).

Inhaling through your nose, arch your back, tilting your head back as far as possible, but so as not to cause yourself discomfort (Fig. 4.2). Deviating, lean on your hands.

Figure 4

While exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise the required number of times, performing it rhythmically and without jerking.


If this is the first time you have started to perform the complex, do not immediately force backbends, perform them with an amplitude that is comfortable for you.

Exercise 4

Sit up straight, stretch your legs out in front of you. Palms - flat on the floor, near the hips. Try to touch your chest with your chin (Fig. 5).

Figure 5

Inhaling through your nose, lift your hips. In this case, the legs are bent at the knees and you lean on the feet and hands, while throwing your head back. Thus, your arms and legs will be perpendicular to the floor, and your body will be parallel to it (Fig. 6).

Figure 6

As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.

Perform intermediate breathing.


Choose a surface on which the soles of your feet will not slip. The feet and hands during this exercise should remain in the same position, movements are made at the expense of the shoulders.

Exercise 5

Starting position: sit on the floor, the emphasis is on the palms of the hands and the pads of the toes. The distance between the legs is about 60 cm, the same is between the arms. The head is thrown back (Fig. 7).

Figure 7

Inhaling through the nose, lift the buttocks while pressing the chin to the chest. Do not bend your arms and legs. In this case, the body will be a regular triangle (Fig. 8).

Figure 8

As you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position, making sure that the body is in contact with the ground only with the balls of your toes and palmar surfaces hands Smoothly repeat the exercise the required number of times.

Perform intermediate breathing.


Having completely finished the whole complex, lie down on the floor. Relax and rest for one to two minutes. Breathing should be calm and easy. Observe your new sensations.

A few tips:

1. Exercise on an empty stomach or three hours after eating to avoid possible nausea in this case.

2. Adjust the increase in the amount yourself, based on your well-being. The main thing is not so much the number of repetitions as the daily exercises and the accuracy of their implementation. Refer to the description and drawings, they will help to achieve understanding.

3. On the Internet, you can find videos dedicated to the Eye of the Renaissance complex. For example, here it is: