Grit workout. Grit Strength or high-intensity group training: what is it and who needs it

As we said, our latest posts will be a bit mixed since they were interrupted by the May holidays. Our interactive infographic "" was released on Monday, yesterday we again remembered about and brought to your attention several videos with simple exercises and today we return to strength training, and talk about another option for high-intensity training - Grit Strength.

We have already touched on the topic of training, today we will talk about another high-intensity interval training - Grit Strength. This is a whole direction that includes 10 training options: BODYATTACK ™ , BODYBALANCE ™ , BODYCOMBAT ™ , BODYJAM ™ , BODYPUMP ™ , BODYSTEP ™ , BODYVIVE ™ , RPM ™ , SH'BAM ™ and CXWORX ™ .

The duration of training is from 30 to 55 minutes (it all depends on the intensity).

BODYATTACK™- cardio training that develops endurance and strength.

BODYBALANCE™ is a mixture of yoga, tai chi and Pilates, and teaches you to control your breath, develop flexibility and a sense of balance.

BODYCOMBAT™ is a mixture of exercises from various martial arts - karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi and muay thai.

BODYJAM™ It's an easy dance workout!

BODYPUMP™- this is work with pumps (sports equipment). The workout is an alternation of various exercises with low weight, but a lot of repetitions, and is great for "burning" extra centimeters at the waist;)

BODYSTEP™- a rather unusual step training with simple choreography.

BODYVIVE™- training with the use of special balls. One workout is aimed at working out a specific muscle group.

RPM™- training on exercise bikes according to a special program.

SH'BAM™ suitable for lovers modern dance and Latins.

CXWORX™ is working on upper part body: back, abs and buttocks.

To teach these programs, you need to get special certificates, and the training series are updated every 3 months, but some trainers study the programs on their own and offer trial workouts to their clients.

Personally, I attended two workouts - BODYBALANCE ™ and BODYPUMP ™, since they do not require any special equipment, and you can do them in any sports club. At first it was quite difficult, because literally after 10 minutes you already start to suffocate, but over time this problem went away and, most importantly, these classes significantly affected the running results - it became easier to run and breathing practically did not go astray.

We keep repeating that the body should develop harmoniously. It must be strong and flexible, but running alone cannot give this. That is why many runners try to set aside at least two days a week for strength training. If you are interested in these workouts, there are videos with full-fledged workouts on the network (the easiest way is to repeat the dance directions, but it’s better to do strength exercises exclusively under the supervision of a trainer, at least the first few workouts). And for those short on time, there are Tabata or the 7-Min Workout mobile apps (link to them in our interactive infographic).

We hope that you can find at least 10-15 minutes in your busy schedule for strength training;)

Reading time: 7 minutes

Grit is a super intense workout from Les Mills for maximum fat burning, improved physical endurance and increased muscle strength. If you only want 30 minutes to fantastically improve your shape, then Grit workouts are the perfect tool for you to achieve these goals.

What is the Grit Program?

Grit is the one with which you will improve your body in a short half-hour session. Coaches Les Mills included in this program the craziest exercises for gaining a stunning figure in a short time. In just 30 minutes you will spend 400 kcal: not every full hour workout will provide you with such a high calorie burn. With Les Mills Grit Workouts, you'll transition to new level your physical readiness.

Grit one of latest programs Les Mills, one of the most effective and one of the most difficult. HIIT training gives fast and high quality results: you will burn calories for several hours after training, increase aerobic endurance, achieve muscle tone, build long muscles and burn fat from all problem areas. And that's not all the benefits of the Grit program. Read more about the effectiveness of HIIT training in the article:

Now let's take a closer look at the content of the program itself. The Grit complex includes 3 types of workouts: Cardio, Strength and Plyo ( cardio, strength and plyometrics). Each workout lasts 30 minutes and has its own characteristics.. But all of them are united by one goal - to build the body of your dreams as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can choose only one program that you like the most, or do all three, alternating the load. Every 3 months, new releases of Grit programs are released with an updated selection of exercises.

A distinctive feature of all Les Mills programs is amazing music that will invigorate you throughout the session. Workouts are divided into segments (one segment - one song), each segment corresponds to a specific set of exercises. Training is hard and designed for hardy audiences, but in many ways the intensity of the lesson will depend solely on you. You will have the opportunity to reduce the load by reducing the speed and reducing the number of repetitions of exercises.

1 Grit Cardio

Grit Cardio is a super-intense interval cardio workout that will improve your cardiovascular function, increase your endurance and boost your metabolism. This bodyweight program is performed without additional equipment which will give a real challenge to your body.

The lesson includes jumps, burpees, sprints, lunges, push-ups, climbing, plank jumps and other similar exercises with variations. Exercises are performed in several sets, there are short breaks between sets. The last five minutes is devoted to the press.

Inventory: not needed.

2. Grit Strength

Even though it's called strength training, its main goal is to speed up your metabolism, burn fat, and improve muscle strength. You will use the barbell and your own body weight to achieve a toned, sculpted body in no time. All training takes place in a very at a high pace almost non-stop.

You will alternate between strength exercises with a barbell and explosive plyometric exercises. Get ready to perform barbell presses and deadlifts, squats, push-ups, jumps, lunges, burpees, sprints.

Inventory: pancake bar, step platform.

3. Grit Plyo

Grit Plyo are based on plyometric load, which is designed specifically to prepare real strong and fit athletes. With the help of plyometrics, you will not only quickly and effectively improve your sportswear but you can also develop explosive force muscles.

The program uses intensive exercises for speed and endurance, which alternate with strength exercises for various groups muscles. Offers jumps, squats, push-ups, planks, plank jumps, lunges, various strength exercises for upper body.

Inventory: barbell pancake (can be replaced with a dumbbell), step platform (not in all releases).

Optionally by Strength and Plyo you can practice without a step platform, but in this case the load will be lower. For example, in plyometrics ( not in all editions) assumes a large number of jumps on the step platform. They can be performed without step, but then the intensity of the lesson will decrease. But in exercises with a pancake from the bar, you can safely use a regular dumbbell.

As you can see, the exercises are very similar to each other in all three programs. Before starting these workouts, you should be able to easily do exercises such as push ups , burpee, power jumps, slats. However, the program assumes that you will not cope with it immediately "from and to". If at first you need short rest breaks, don't be afraid to allow yourself to take them. But always strive for your maximum.

Before starting the Grit program from trainers Les Mills ( if you train at home and not in a fitness club), we recommend that you carefully watch the video. Some of the exercises are for a certain amount of repetitions, so first listen to the comments of the trainers regarding the implementation of the exercises. In a programme sometimes exercises go to the account (number of times), sometimes for a while.

Les Mills GRIT - will push you towards maximum load and even more. You will train in a small group. The trainer will do all the exercises with you, which will motivate you to work in a team, you will not believe what a heavy load you can endure working like this. Les Mills GRIT Cardio - High Intensity Level Three interval training- burns fat and quickly improves athletic performance.

Target Muscles: Other
Equipment: using body weight

Les Mills GRIT Cardio is the third level of high intensity interval training, for the most fit, who train at least 4 times a week. Burns fat and quickly improves athletic performance.
- No equipment required, this workout combines high explosive power as well as training with your body weight.
- Get a double whammy for maximum calorie burning in your workout and then burning fat for hours after your workout.
- Cardio workouts are scientifically proven to achieve results as quickly as possible!
- The program combines optimal rest periods with complex functional movements that increase the intensity of training and reduce stress on the joints.
Please note that this is not a joke workout and not for beginners, the list of contraindications is indicated by the authors. Before you go to the courses, you must obtain permission from the doctor.
Les Mills GRIT fitness programs allow system trainers to create an invigorating workout environment. Participants get involved and do not miss training! The trainers are exceptionally trained to ensure the safety and motivation of program participants.
Music makes us move, helps us expand our limits and overcome difficulties. Trainings are held under the most popular music, which is updated every three months, which allows them to remain relevant.

random exercise

random program

To date, Grit Les Mills workouts are recognized as the most (without exaggeration) effective in terms of fast burning fat, the formation of the correct muscle corset and body shaping.

By training at full strength, you will burn 400 calories in 30 minutes and at least 600 more over the next 9 hours, as high interval loads "rock" your metabolism, teaching cells to consume energy not from calories coming from food, but from their own fat deposits. This is truly brilliant!

What's important to know: It's REALLY hard. By the end of classes, all your muscles will burn with fire, your legs and arms will shake, sweat will pour in streams. This is fine! The only group that such high-intensity exercise is contraindicated are people with heart disease and recent joint or spinal injuries.

The training is based on jumps and squats, with or without weights, push-ups from a step platform or from the floor. We asked the club coach world class Lady's to show us the basic exercises so you can imagine what awaits you (in addition to a flawless body after a couple of months of training).


1. Plyo Jump

Starting position: legs on the sides of the step platform, heels firmly pressed to the floor, arms laid back.

Jump: pushing off the floor evenly with both feet, jump up, raising your hands.

You can do the same with weights, discs or dumbbells.

You land on the step with both feet, arms (with or without weights) up, back straight, hips parallel to the floor.

Then step down from the platform to the floor.

And all over again.

It looks simple, but in this exercise alone, the muscles of the thighs, and the press, and the muscles of the back, and the biceps, and triceps are involved.

2. "Rock climber"

In fact, this is a movable bar, the benefits of which we have written so many times. Yes, all major muscle groups are also included here, from shoulder girdle to the press and leg muscles.

Starting position: plank on the elbows, one leg raised and bent at the knee.

With a quick movement, you bring your leg to the shoulder joint, as if climbing a rock.

You repeat with the other leg.

3. Push-ups from the step platform

Starting position: one hand rests on the step platform, the other on the floor.

Straightening your arms, you rearrange them both on the step platform.

And you go down to the starting position on the other side of the platform.