A moment of health to relieve tired legs. Class hour "how to relieve fatigue from the legs"

Legs- one of the most important parts of our body, because every day they experience tremendous stress, if only because they have to bear the weight of our body. The only way we can repay their work is to provide proper rest and proper care. We have selected for you some simple tips which will help to overcome fatigue in the legs.

What causes fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the legs?

Fatigue and feeling of heaviness legs can be caused by many factors. We have compiled a list of the most common causes of these discomforts.

  • Physical exhaustion. We often put our body to serious tests: we spend a lot of time on our feet, do endless housework, work out in the gym and at the same time get little rest. The feeling of fatigue in the legs is a signal that the body gives us, urging us to just sit down and get some rest.
  • Uncomfortable shoes. To prevent the appearance of pain caused by tired legs, you should choose comfortable, medium-heeled and not very narrow.
  • Poor circulation. When a person suffers from poor circulation, it is likely that he will often be bothered by fatigue in his legs.
  • Obesity. In people with overweight legs are constantly under additional stress. No wonder they get tired and start to get sick.

Fatigue in the legs - natural remedies that will help

Hot foot bath

Take a foot bath after a hard day at work. D Add some Epsom salts to hot water and soak your tired feet in it. You can also add rose petals or a couple of drops of peppermint oil to the water, which effectively activates. When the water has cooled, let your feet dry and massage with peppermint oil or emollient cream.


To relax tired feet, make a light cream of rosemary, honey and peppermint oil. Mix these ingredients and apply on your feet in a circular motion. Then immediately put on your socks and put your feet on a pillow to rest them.

Bath with rice water

Boil a small amount of rice in two cups of water over low heat until the amount of water is reduced by half. Strain and let sit for a few minutes, adding three tablespoons of baking powder to the rice. Prepare a foot bath with this decoction. Take it until the water is cold, then dry your feet thoroughly with a towel and massage them a little with menthol cream or peppermint oil.

Another helpful advice , which you can use every evening when you come home after a long and hard day at work: lift your legs and prop them against the wall or lie on the floor and put your feet on a chair. Stay in this position for at least ten minutes. After that, massage your feet with a softening cream. This massage should be done in a circular motion from the fingertips to the top of the legs.

In addition, every evening you can make yourself a twenty-minute foot bath from a decoction. chamomile And lemon balm. It will relax your muscles and make you feel better.

Tips for preventing tired legs:

  • To avoid fatigue, it is recommended to walk barefoot for half an hour every day., better on grass or sand.
  • Do not wear uncomfortable, tight shoes with very high heels. These shoes impede blood circulation.
  • Prioritize healthy food. Avoid very salty foods- they can lead to fluid retention in the legs and swelling.
  • To get rid of calluses and corns, apply a small amount on the feet in the evening, gently massaging the feet, especially in the heel area, as the skin dries very quickly in this place. Then put on your socks.
  • Exercise: Rotate your feet and ankles and pick up small objects with your toes. Alternatively, wrap a glass bottle in a towel and roll it around with your feet for a few minutes.

Keep in mind:

Pain and fatigue in the legs are a fairly common problem. Our legs have to support the weight of the whole body, they are actively involved in walking. To prevent discomfort from bothering you too often, do simple exercises and massage regularly, and follow our tips.

There are statistics that about 20 million people suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS for short) on the planet. And while scientists continue to study the disease and argue whether to consider CFS a viral infection, or some kind of genetic pathology (at least seven different genetic variants of CFS have been found), you should not panic if you suspect that you have its symptoms. According to the observations of British scientists, in four out of five cases, chronic fatigue syndrome, which patients suspect they have, actually turns out to be false. And the so-called “electronic fatigue” is to blame for the fact that they are prone to apathy, increased fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness.

It is worth stopping spending your free time on Facebook, on forums and just surfing the Internet - and your well-being improves. Advice of doctors: at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, turn off all electronic devices, and declare at least one day off free from the Internet (it is best to spend it in nature).

2. Need to cheer up urgently? Take a shower!

Cool or contrasting is best, it can be taken both in the morning and in the early evening if you have a busy program ahead of you. But in no case before going to bed - otherwise you are guaranteed insomnia, but upon awakening - and a rhetorical question: "How to relieve fatigue?"

3. Engage Energy Points

Reflexology is a great way to quickly relieve fatigue, and the famous Shiatzu massage, which restores the movement of energy, and its “relative” – amma massage, which Japanese businessmen especially love to relieve fatigue after work, and Thai foot massage will help. The simplest invigorating self-massage can be done by massaging the points on both sides of the nail bed of the little finger, near the nail hole (on both hands, for 2-3 minutes, pressing on the points with your thumb or forefinger). Any anti-stress massage will be useful, preferably with elements of acupuncture.

4. Take a multivitamin

A feeling of constant fatigue and weakness can also be caused by vitamin and mineral "starvation", especially when it comes to a lack of vitamins A, vitamins B and E, iron, iodine, zinc, selenium and magnesium. And also, according to scientists, those people who lack protein in their diet get tired faster! So be careful with strict diets.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, host of the programs "Food by the rules and without", "Family size"

Vitamins and minerals are involved in the absorption of other nutrients and the regulation of all vital body functions. Sleep disturbances, nervousness, depression and irritability can be signs of a lack of B vitamins. Muscle weakness is a sign of a lack of vitamin A.

5. Drink cocoa and eat dark chocolate

Cocoa beans are an excellent source of the amino acid tryptophan, which we need for the synthesis of serotonin: with a lack of this “happiness hormone”, fatigue and depression quickly set in, and health deteriorates. Cocoa beans contain theobromine, an analogue of caffeine, which has an invigorating effect, and chocolate also contains glucose, which is necessary for the energy supply of our body. And medical school scientists Hull York Medical School they even believe that chocolate can be a good help in the fight against chronic fatigue syndrome: volunteers who took part in the study and ate a 15-gram piece of dark chocolate three times a day noted a significant improvement in well-being.

6. Control your insulin production

Keep in mind that sweets eaten on an empty stomach can only cause a temporary surge of strength, followed by severe fatigue and weakness, rolling in 20-30 minutes. A sharp rise in blood sugar causes an active production of insulin, carbohydrates are quickly absorbed - and then the level of sugar drops sharply, and with it our strength also falls. Therefore, give preference to slowly digestible carbohydrates!

7. Do not force the body

Live according to his biorhythms. If the body needs 8-9 hours to recover, do not force it, do not skimp on sleep. With chronic sleep deprivation, feeling tired during the day is inevitable. In addition, most of us have biorhythms arranged so that periods of mental and physical activity alternate with short periods of "downs" that occur every 1.5-2 hours, it is at these moments that fatigue sets in. Do not resist: this is a signal to rest, take a break, take a walk or drink tea.

8. Don't suppress your yawn!

If you want to yawn, yawn. This is useful! According to many scientists, yawning helps the body relieve internal stress and “shake off” fatigue. For example, psychologists from State University of New York at Albany) are sure that yawning occurs when the body turns on the natural “function” of self-cooling of brain cells: the flow of blood, oxygen and colder air improves the functioning of its cells.

9. Breathe deeply and spend more time in nature

Very often it is not possible to cope with fatigue due to the fact that brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen. It is especially difficult for residents of large metropolitan areas, experiencing constant oxidative stress. And if a person also smokes, the problem of oxygen starvation is exacerbated due to the constant vasoconstriction and deterioration of blood supply to tissues. It is no coincidence that many doctors believe that asthenia (from the Greek astheneia - weakness, impotence) is a stable, almost constant weakness that does not go away even after a long rest - a constant companion of smokers.

10. Go to the gym

... Swim in the pool, go jogging, run in the morning ... In the morning or in the evening, the main thing is to force yourself: after a moderate sports load fatigue will be felt much less, and the production of stress hormones cortisol and ghrelin will be reduced. If you are completely exhausted, go to yoga, stretching, callanetics and other relaxing and slow fitness. As scientists have shown King's College London (King's College London), in chronic fatigue syndrome, an active lifestyle and fitness help to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms. In addition, very often, even in absolutely healthy people, a feeling of fatigue and weakness arises due to the lack of training of the cardiovascular system. So long live moderate cardio loads that strengthen this very system! But you shouldn’t go in for sports to the point of exhaustion: the heart will not become more enduring from this, and if you fall exhausted in the evening, about no morning vivacity out of the question!

Minute of health "Take care of your eyes"

The eye is the organ of vision. We see with our eyes our wonderful world, which is permeated with the light of the gentle sun. No wonder they say that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Our eyes help us to cognize the world around us, to study, to perform various work. It will be more difficult for a person with poor eyesight to study and work. What conclusion can be drawn from what I have said? (Vision must be protected!)

We will try to find out why vision is deteriorating and how to learn to take care of maintaining good vision.

To begin with, we will get a little acquainted with the structure of the eye. You all know how a camera works. When you press the shutter button, a small round hole opens in it. Rays of light pass through this hole. They get on the film and draw on it what the camera was aimed at. The same is true of our eyes. In the middle there is a round colored spot, in some it is brown, in others it is blue, greenish. This is the iris. There is a black dot in the middle. But this is not a point, but a small hole, it is called the pupil. It is through it that the rays of light enter the eye and, as it were, draw in our brain an image of what the eye is directed at.

Nature itself carefully protects the eye. Sweat will flow from his forehead - a thick fence of eyebrows will stop him. The wind will carry dust in the face - it will be delayed by a dense palisade of eyelashes. If a speck of dust flies into the eye, it will immediately be licked off by the continuously blinking eyelid.

Well, if nature takes care of us, then we ourselves must take care of our health.

Let's find out what causes vision loss. How do you think?

  1. Work in poor lighting.
  2. Reading at a short distance from the eyes to the book.
  3. Lying down reading.
  4. Long TV viewing.

We found out the reasons, we learned from what vision deteriorates. And now we will learn how to take care of the preservation of our vision.

  1. The place where you work out should be well lit. The lamp should be on the left.
  2. The distance from the book, notebook to the eyes should be 30-35 cm (for an adult, this is equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the fingertips).
  3. You can’t read lying down or on the go, you will always get into trouble.

1) Watch no more than 2-3 programs per week (1-1.5 hours each) (excluding short cartoons).

2) Be located no closer than 2-3 m from the TV, no further than 6-8 m.

3) The seat should be comfortable.

4) The image on the screen must be clear.

In addition, the eyes need rest. Try cutting wood for two hours in a row. This is difficult even for a trained person. Everyone knows that in order to work well, you need to rest from time to time. And in the practical part of our lesson today we will learn how you can give your eyes a rest. For this, there is a special gymnastics for the eyes, which was developed by medical scientists. Repeat after me exercises for the eyes.

  1. Exercise (sitting) close your eyes tightly for 3-5 s. Then open at the same time.
  2. Exercise (standing). Look up at the nose; down on the nose.
  3. a) Index finger at a distance of 25-30 cm.

b) Look at the end of the finger for 3-5 s.

c) Cover the left eye with the left hand for 3-5 s.

d) Remove the palm, look at the end of the finger for 3-5 s. (Then with the right hand.)

  1. The easiest exercise. Blink quickly for 20-30 seconds. Then close your eyes and sit for a minute, leaning back in your chair.

Remember these exercises and repeat them from time to time.

Minute of health "Friends of Moidodyr"

How do you understand the meaning of the word "appearance"? Children's answers.

Why appearance is not only your personal matter, but also concerns other people? Children's answers.

Human culture begins with the ability to monitor their appearance. Appearance is of great importance in a person's life. Communicating with other people, with your appearance you express respect not only for yourself, but also for them. In addition, it is pleasant to communicate with a beautiful, neat person. Dirty hands, face, sloppy clothes repel others from their owner. To maintain a clean and tidy appearance, you need to know and follow the rules of cleanliness and hygiene. From the proposed rules, you need to choose the rules of Moidodyr.

Always keep your hands, face, and neck clean.

Never wash my hands before eating.

Wash your face in the morning and evening, brush your teeth.

Get up quickly in the morning and run to school without washing your face.

Always wash your hands before eating.

Watch your hair. Know: disheveled hair is a sign of slovenliness!

Keep your nails in order.

Remember: dirty nails are beautiful.

Always use a handkerchief.

The nose can also be wiped with a sleeve; a handkerchief is not needed.

In the morning, do exercises, ventilate the room during the day.

Doing exercises is a waste of time, so you can be late for school!

Keep the classroom clean, come to school with a change of shoes.

It is not necessary to wear second shoes. Dust and dirt are students' friends!

And now, guys, prove that these rules must be observed in order to maintain health.

I wish you guys always be healthy,

But it is impossible to achieve results without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy. Every time before meals

Before you sit down at the table, wash your hands with water.

And exercise every day in the morning.

And, of course, temper yourself - it will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air whenever possible.

Go for walks in the forest, it will give you strength, friends!

Follow all the tips, and it will be easy for you to live!

Minute of health "Vitamins are my friends"

vitamins are irreplaceable active substances. They are essential for our body. Vitamin deficiency leads to various types diseases. A person's health worsens, the body's resistance to infectious diseases decreases, and working capacity decreases.

Avitaminosis-(vitamin, and the letter “A” and “oz” were substituted for it and the word beriberi was obtained)

What vitamins do you know?

Vitamin A is the growth vitamin. It also helps our eyes maintain their sight.

With a lack of this vitamin in the body, eye disease occurs: ( night blindness), i.e. a person is not able to see in a dimly lit room. With prolonged absence of vit. And in the body there may be a complete loss of vision. The skin and hair become dry, the hair loses its luster and begins to fall out.

Vitamin A is found in many products of animal origin (butter, egg yolk, fish liver), vegetable products contain carotene (provitamin A).

Vitamin B (thiamine) - found in food.
with a lack of vitamin B, patients complain of fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, palpitations physical activity. Disturbed by a decrease in the skin sensitivity of the legs, and then other parts of the body, a feeling of weakness and heaviness in the legs, lameness, swelling, rapid pulse, lowering blood pressure. Disease develops "Take it, take it" - means fetters, as if chains were bound on the legs. Patients have numb hands and feet. There is paralysis of the limbs.

Eat foods high in vitamin B wheat and rye bread, yeast, peas, egg yolk, pork. Vitamin B in the largest quantities is found in brewer's yeast, cereals, potatoes, legumes; it is abundant in the internal organs of animals (liver, kidneys and heart). Vitamin B is found in baker's yeast, brewer's yeast, dairy products, fatty fish.

Vitamin C Lack of vitamin C leads to heart disease, tooth decay, reduced immunity. It can lead to no less dangerous results: indigestion, bleeding, baldness, thyroid disorders, rapid aging, the risk of developing cancer.

If the child's body lacks vitamin C, then these are frequent illnesses, long-term non-healing wounds, and slow nail growth. In behavior, lethargy and drowsiness become noticeable. Vitamin C - hides in garlic, cabbage, onions, in all vegetables, fruits, berries. dill. In the absence of Vitamin C in food, a person gets sick scurvy. The gums bleed, the face swells, unbearable pain in the muscles and joints.

Vitamin D. The most familiar to us is the disadvantage vitamin D. Vitamin D saves our teeth. Without it, a person's teeth become soft and brittle. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. Sunbathing, we get too vitamin D. Vitamin D (calciferol) is found mainly in animal products, most of all in fish: fish oil, cod liver. It is found in milk, butter and eggs. This vitamin is indispensable in the treatment and prevention rickets. It regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, ensures the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestines, and increases the body's resistance.

Minute of health "Position"

Posture is correct position body when standing, walking and sitting. Why is posture so important? Why is posture so important? (Children's answers are heard.)

I also thought about this question and deduced 8 reasons to have the right and healthy posture:

  1. How prettier back the more confident the individual. Good posture will increase your self-confidence. Try this: take a deep breath and stand straight. You are feeling better? More confident?
  2. Breathing becomes lighter and deeper. Try this: sit down and hunch over. Try to take a breath. Note that it is harder to breathe this way. This is an example of how our muscles and tendons become stiff and cause difficulty in breathing.
  3. Improves breathing and digestion. Good posture increases lung capacity by helping the circulation of oxygen and food in the body. Health improves, organs function better.
  4. You look leaner and younger. Having good posture will make you appear 3-5 pounds (2-2.5 kg) leaner, younger and your clothes will fit better.
  5. The voice will sound better. When you hold your posture, the diaphragm opens. As a result, your voice sounds better.
  6. Helps muscles and joints. A good posture allows the muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and thus preventing fatigue. It also reduces the likelihood of sprains and even back and muscle pain.
  7. Thinking improves. Posture also affects your mind. And mood can affect posture. When you are happy and feel good, posture is straight. But dull people with chronic pain often sit or stand hunched over.
  8. Healthy spine. Correct posture is a simple but very important way to maintain healthy spine. healthy back especially important for people who stand a lot during the day or sit in the office.

There is a saying: "A person is as young as his spine is young and healthy." Why do you think they say that? ( Children's discussion.)

First of all, the spine affects the posture. The spine is not just the core of our body. Together with the skeleton, it serves to protect internal organs from external damage. If the position of the spine differs from normal, then the body is subjected to greater pressure from the outside, and various diseases begin to occur. Each vertebra is responsible for an organ. Bad posture leads to misalignment of the vertebrae. When the vertebrae are not positioned correctly, they infringe on the roots spinal cord which is located in the vertebral bodies. The spinal cord sends nerve impulses to all internal organs, signaling pain about a malfunction.

So, what do we conclude from our entire conversation? (Answers of children).

Minute of health "Good morning!"

Today we will have an unusual conversation on the topic "Happy Morning". Tell me how your day starts. How do you get up when you wake up: willingly or hard wake up? (Children's answers follow). I suggest getting acquainted with a very good poem about how you can start your day. First listen, and then we will repeat it together, and maybe we will learn it.

We will say to the sun: "Hello!"

We will say to the sky: "Hello!"

"Let the morning be clear!"

We will tell nature.

Let the world be beautiful!

And even on a rainy day

We wish him happiness, love and beauty!

We just open our eyes

Just wash your face

Mother's face

Good morning, he will tell us.

Good morning, mom, dad!

Hello guys in the garden

Sun, sky and animals

Good morning to all of you!

In the morning, the sun, the sky is blue,

For happiness, we all live as one family,

For Mother Earth, which warmed us with caress.

She fed us, dressed us in her cover,

For being patient with us as children,

Thank you for keeping us alive!

Hello dear sunshine

Hello blue sky!

We will open for you

Both palms and hearts.

Minute of health "Brush your teeth"

Teeth- bone formations in the oral cavity in humans and most animals. Teeth grasp, hold and mechanically process food. WITH early childhood you should learn to take care of your teeth, properly care for the oral cavity.

Rules for the care of the oral cavity and teeth:

Rinse your mouth with warm water after every meal.

Brush your teeth in the morning and before bed.

Do not chew hard objects (nuts, bones) with your teeth.

Visit your dentist twice a year.

Do not eat too hot and too cold food at the same time.

The bristles of the toothbrush should not be stiff, the length of the bristly part should not exceed two centimeters, and the toothbrush should be somewhat curved.

How to brush your teeth properly? Every morning, when you wash your face, and in the evening, before going to bed, you need to brush your teeth. See how it's done right.

List those foods that will help maintain healthy teeth (cheese, cottage cheese, carrots, apples)

Minute of health "Proper nutrition"

Healthy food advises: to eat right, you need to fulfill two conditions: moderation and diversity?

What does moderation mean? Wise words belong to ancient people: “We eat to live, not live to eat.” Overeating is very harmful, the stomach and intestines do not have time to digest everything!

What does "diversity" mean? No single food provides all the nutrients needed to maintain good health.

Some products give the body energy to move, think well, not get tired. - carbohydrates, fats (honey, buckwheat, oatmeal, raisins, sunflower oil)

Others help build the body and make it stronger - proteins (cottage cheese, fish, meat, eggs, nuts).

And still others - fruits and vegetables - contain many vitamins and minerals, which help the body grow and develop - vitamins (berries, herbs, cabbage, carrots, apples, bananas) .

Golden rules of nutrition:

  1. Eat at the same time simple, freshly prepared food that is easy to digest and meets the needs of the body.
  2. Chew food thoroughly, do not rush to swallow.
  3. Eat more varied and healthy foods.
  4. The main thing - do not overeat!

Minute of health "Hardening with air"

air hardening- the most harmless and simple. There are no contraindications and restrictions for this type of hardening procedures.
Everything is very simple. It can be divided into such subspecies.

  1. Stay in open space fresh air. In this case, passive hardening occurs.
  2. Room ventilation.

In both cases, hardening occurs by contact of air with the skin. The larger the area of ​​the skin in contact with air, the more effective it is.

Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on health and well-being nervous system. It is desirable to walk for at least 1 hour, the pace of walking is selected individually. When hardening at an ambient temperature of 5-10 degrees and below, you need to help your body by doing any exercises. Useful running, race walking, skis. We dress according to the weather, the uniform is sports.

Minute of health "Sunbathing"

hardening by the sun familiar to everyone since childhood. Which of us does not like, having exposed the body to the sun's caresses, lie down on the golden sand and sunbathe?
In the far north, which is not particularly popular with the golden luminary, sunlight has to be replaced with special lamps that emit ultraviolet light.
Under the influence of this kind of rays on the skin, vitamin D is formed in the body. Its lack negatively affects health. It leads to a decrease in the amount of calcium, as a result of which the bones become brittle.
It is known that solar radiation activates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and increases efficiency. But within reason! It is advisable to take sunbaths while lying down, while the head should be raised and covered from direct rays, and the eyes should be protected by dark glasses. You need to start the procedure in the morning or evening hours, an hour and a half after eating. Irradiate in turn, first the back, then the right side, stomach and left side. The first session takes no more than 4 minutes, then the duration of the bath increases daily by 2 minutes and reaches 30-40 minutes. In the process of sunbathing, you must use sunscreen. In case of reddening of the skin and deterioration of health, for example, increased heart rate, dizziness, the procedure should be stopped.

Minute of health "Water procedures"

  1. Start by wiping with a damp terry cloth mitt, ideally before breakfast. At first moisten the mitten with water, the temperature of which should be approximately 36.6. With each subsequent week, reduce the temperature by two degrees. Wipe your hands first, from fingers to shoulders. Then the chest and belly. The legs are wiped from the bottom up, starting from the feet, and the back - from the middle of the spine to the armpits. Repeat each circular motion 2-3 times. The duration of the procedure is approximately 5 minutes.
  2. After 2-4 weeks, you can proceed to dousing. Here the principle is the same: at first the water temperature should be 36.6 ° C. After a week, reduce it to 26 ° C, and after another week - to 23 ° C. Start pouring from the feet, knees and hips, gradually rising to the shoulders. As soon as you get used to the procedures and the temperature of the water, you can pour yourself completely. Immediately after dousing, rub yourself with a hard towel.
  3. Hardening under the action of a contrast shower. The requirements for water temperature in this case are the same as for wiping and dousing. So, at first it is not recommended to make a large temperature difference and stand in the shower for a long time. But over time, the difference between the temperature of cold and hot water, as well as the duration of the procedure, can be gradually increased.

Minute of health "Body hygiene"

Body hygiene is an integral part of human health. If you do not take care of yourself, then beauty fades, and health deteriorates. What is meant by body hygiene? First of all, it is to take care of hair, face, oral health, hands, feet, nails and the whole body in general.

Main where to start personal hygiene of the body is to take a shower daily. It is not necessary to use a washcloth and shower gel or soap every time, it is important that the skin breathes, therefore, just rinsing is enough. In addition, frequent use of detergents can dry out the skin.

Skin care faces are of no small importance. It is best to wash your face in the morning with plain running water. but it shouldn't be hot. Hot water causes the pores to expand, and for oily skin, it is fraught with the appearance of a greasy sheen and the formation of inflammation in the form of acne.

Skin of hands and feet is part of body hygiene, and it needs no less care than facial skin. Dirt and microbes often accumulate under the nails, therefore, they need to be given attention. Hands should be washed before eating, after visiting the toilet, public places. It is enough to wash your feet before going to bed, while taking a shower.

Hair require personal hygiene no less than other parts of the body. If you do not take care of your hair, do not wash and care for it in time, you can lose their beauty forever. The head should be washed as it gets dirty and depending on the type of hair. Do not wash your hair with hot water, especially hair prone to oiliness. The effect will be the same if you wash your face with such water - a greasy sheen will appear.

Minute of health "Good mood"

Now let's talk about mood. What is mood? Yes, you are right, mood is a state of mind of a person. It can be different: calm, joyful and sad.
Sometimes we feel very bad, even disgusting. What happens to us is reminiscent of something unpleasant and gloomy. And then the mood is like a muddy puddle in bad weather .
Sometimes the mood is like a festive fireworks - bright, like multi-colored sparks, and the world around seems as colorful as the water in this glass . At times like these, we are in a great mood!
But the mood is not always like fireworks, sometimes it is like a lake in good summer weather - calm, quiet and very, very bright. Then we feel good and confident. At this time, the mood is like pure water.

Guys, let's play the game "Transmitters". Let's give each other a different mood. I pass a smile to my neighbor on the right, you pass the smile to the next one.

Pass a smile to your neighbor (in a circle).

Pass the "angry" (angry facial expression).

Send "fright".

Pass the scarecrow.

Pass the mixer.

Exercise "Causes of bad mood."

Guys, just like the weather in nature, our mood can change. What spoils our mood? Try to tell what can spoil the mood.

Here is an interesting poem. (a poem by M. Shchelovanova sounds):

What is this morning?
Today is a bad morning!!
Boring morning today!!
And it looks like it's going to rain...
Why bad morning?
Today good morning!!
Happy morning today!!
And the clouds go away!!

Do I have to wait until the bad mood passes? Do you know what improves our mood? Think and say what helps to improve your mood. Guys answers follow. So let's always remember that we ourselves create our mood for the whole day.

Every person from time to time experiences fatigue, pain and heaviness in the legs. Women especially face this problem. Working “on your feet”, walking with children, shopping, household chores - the whole day is filled, there is no time to even sit down and take a break. The situation is aggravated by shoes with heels, which have a beautiful appearance, but, unfortunately, are not always comfortable. How to relieve tired legs after a long day?

Foot massage

Massage movements relieve fatigue well. First, apply cream or massage oil to the foot. Massage each foot in a circular motion from heels to toes for at least 10 minutes. Then massage the palms of the legs from the ankle to the knee. After the massage, stand up and rise high on your toes several times.

If you have varicose veins or dilated veins in your legs, then be sure to consult your doctor about what type of massage can be used.

Water procedures

Contrasting water procedures improve blood circulation and remove fatigue and pain in the legs after a hard day. Place two bowls of water next to each other. Pour hot water (about 40 ° C) into one, and cool water into the second. Lower your legs alternately into one and the other basin for 10 seconds, do at least 20 repetitions and finish the procedure in cool water. Rub your feet with a terry towel and grease with a nourishing cream.

If you have chronic kidney disease, then contrast water foot treatments are contraindicated.

walking barefoot

Arriving home, do not rush to immediately change into slippers, walk barefoot. This well stimulates the nerve endings in the foot and improves the health of not only the legs, but the whole body.

Buy a special massage mat or arrange a pebble home beach for yourself. Pebbles can be purchased at an aquarist store. Choose a large pebble, pour boiling water over it at home and spread it on a towel. Walk on a massage mat or makeshift pebble beach for at least 10 minutes each evening.


Every morning and evening do two simple exercises, which will prepare your legs for an active working day, and after it - improve blood circulation and eliminate the feeling of heaviness in them.

  1. The first exercise is the familiar “bicycle”. Lie on your back, stretch your arms to the sides, lift your legs up and turn imaginary pedals. Exercise perfectly fights congestion and stimulates blood circulation.
  2. The second exercise is often done by young children. Lie on your back, raise your arms and legs up, so you will resemble an inverted letter "p". And shake your arms and legs at the same time. Such an exercise not only relieves leg fatigue well, but is also useful for capillaries.

Folk remedies

Ordinary alcohol will help relieve tired legs. Rub the alcohol on your feet, and then lie down with your feet above your head. Substitute a roller or pillow under them and rest for 15-20 minutes.

Another proven tool herbal ice. It must be prepared in advance. Brew medicinal herbs, you can use sage leaves, yarrow, mountain arnica, dye umbilical cord, chamomile, lemon balm (it is better to buy herbs in a pharmacy). Cool the broth, pour it into ice molds and place in the freezer. After returning home in the evening, wipe your feet with pieces of ice.

Helps relieve fatigue and puffiness garlic and cabbage leaf. Roll the cabbage leaves with a rolling pin to release the juices. Apply the leaves to the feet and secure with a bandage, hold for 25-30 minutes. Or chop the head of garlic on a grater or with a blender, pour a glass of boiling water and let the mixture brew for about an hour. Apply garlic to your feet for 5-10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Foot baths

  • Warm bath with sea ​​salt quickly relieve leg fatigue. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in 3 liters of warm water. Dip the legs in the solution for 20 minutes.
  • A bath of chamomile and lime blossom will help with swelling. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs, pour them with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Then add another 1 liter of hot water and 1 tablespoon of honey, mix well. Soak your feet in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes.
  • A bath with nettle and mint will improve blood circulation. To prepare the solution, you will need 1 tablespoon of dry nettle and mint. The herb must be infused in 1 liter of hot water for 7-10 minutes, then pour the infusion into a basin and add more boiling water. The bath should be taken for 20 minutes.
  • Infusion of leaves of wormwood, mountain ash and calendula will relieve fatigue and quickly relieve pain in the legs. Mix dry herbs in equal parts, pour boiling water. For 1 tablespoon of dry collection, you need 1 glass of water. Let it brew for 10 minutes and add to the bath water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of infusion per 1 liter of water.
  • A citrus peel bath will not only help your feet, but also give you vigor and improve your mood. Take the peel of a lemon, orange, grapefruit, chop and pour boiling water. A glass of chopped peel requires 1.5 liters of hot water. Put the mixture on fire and boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool to 37°C and soak your feet in the decoction for 20 minutes.

Foot masks

Blue clay mask quickly relieve fatigue and reduce sweating of the feet. Dilute 2 tablespoons of dry powder with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mask on dry clean feet for 30 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Kefir-banana mask It will be useful for tired legs, and it will also soften the skin of the feet well. Grind one medium banana in a blender, add 50 g of kefir so that the gruel does not spread and becomes thicker, add a little cornmeal. First, make a foot bath, and then apply a banana mixture for 20 minutes.

Quality goods: massage pillow for home.