Isolated curls. Seated barbell curl isolated

1. For this exercise, you will need a barbell with E-Z fingerboard and a bench for isolated bending of the arms. Now take the bar by the inner, narrower pair of handles, so that the palms are facing up and, due to the shape of the neck, turned slightly inward. Advice: it is preferable if someone gives you a barbell or you remove it from the rack, which most benches of this kind are equipped with.

2. Place your triceps on a pillow and rest your chest on it. Hold the bar in bent arms at shoulder level. This will be your starting position.

3. While inhaling, begin to slowly lower the barbell down and continue to lower it until your arms are straightened and your biceps are stretched.

4. With the effort of the biceps and on the exhale, begin to gently raise the barbell to shoulder level. Then squeeze your biceps hard and hold that position for a second.

5. Do the required number of repetitions of the isolated barbell curl while sitting.

Options: You can do this exercise using the EZ-Handle Lower Pulley. In this case, you will have to put a bench in front of the simulator. You can also use a wider grip.

grip. Wide grip loads mostly short head biceps, and narrow grip, long head. If the neck is straight, then reverse grip palms facing up. To change the grip, you can use a figured neck.

body position. Adjust the seat height so that the shoulder rests completely on the support.

Range of motion. The Scott bench does not allow you to move your shoulders, so the main load falls on the biceps. If you stop the movement a few centimeters before the arm is fully extended, this will help maintain tension in the biceps.

Trajectory. When the hands rest on an inclined desk, at the beginning of the lift, the resistance is maximum, so the lower part of the biceps is mainly worked out.

One arm curl. By performing this exercise with one hand, you can better concentrate the load on the muscles being worked out and isolate them.

Bending with a curly neck. When using a figured neck, the grip changes. At the same time, the palms are not turned up completely, but are in a more comfortable, almost neutral position. This grip avoids unnecessary tension in wrist joint and transfers the load to the long head of the biceps and shoulder muscle.

Execution technique

  • Grab a barbell with a reverse mid-grip, sit with your hands on the Scott bench (biceps desk) and straighten them out.
  • Bending your elbows, lift the bar to your shoulders.
  • Lower the bar to its original position.

The forearm is the section of the arm from the elbow to the wrist. This is one of the weak points of amateur athletes and even some professionals. The anatomy of the forearm muscle is such that all exercises in which the shells are in the hands partially affect this section. But there certainly comes a period when the indirect load from exercise becomes insufficient. solve the problem isolated exercises on the forearms, thanks to which you can increase the working weight in training legs, arms, back, chest. All exercises for the forearms with dumbbells or a barbell do not require a lot of time and energy, but good training will make the arms stronger and contribute to the harmonious development of the muscles.

Simply holding weights in your hands works the forearms well: the larger the training projectile, the higher the load on them. It would seem that it is enough to increase the weight in training for biceps, and the forearms will tighten up. But after for long years doing sports, it becomes not so easy to increase the number of pancakes on the bar, and each additional kilogram is a real miracle.

When progress slows down or stops, the athlete begins to look for all possible options to move forward. The ice will break if you start to train lower part hands. Whether you use a machine or free weight for the forearm, your grip strength will increase and this will allow you to:

If you are in gym wisely and you have good genetics, then you won’t need advice from the category “how to pump up your forearm”. They will not be useful for those who often pull up on the bar: most fans of pull-ups have excellently developed “grasping” muscles, and some of them know firsthand what a pumped forearm is. But if you are constantly carrying iron, and the grip strength is small and there is an imbalance in the development of the muscles of the hands, then the exercises will solve your problem. The movements are simple, and everyone can train even at home. Only free weights are required: kettlebell, barbell, dumbbells.

What forearm muscles need to be trained?

The lower part of the limb consists of numerous muscles that differ in structure and variety of functions. According to their position, they are divided into three groups:

On this small area more than ten muscles, but in training the emphasis is only on:

  • brachioradialis (brachiradialis)- the largest muscle in this area, on which the volume of the forearm depends;
  • flexors(long palmar muscle And radial flexor wrists) - help to rotate the palm down and inward;
  • extensors(short and long radial extensors of the wrist) - turn the palm up.

The muscles that move the hand and fingers are also located in this section of the hand. Therefore, in order to fully pump up the forearm, you will also have to train the flexors and extensors of the fingers.

Basic and isolation exercises for the forearm

The dynamic exercises listed below are based on the movements of the projectile in the palm of your hand and the bend in the wrist joint.



  1. Wrist curls with a barbell or dumbbell. Sitting on a bench, take the projectile with a grip from below. Place your forearms on your thighs so that your hands hang over the edge. Raise the barbell by moving only the wrist. Exercise develops wrist flexors, trains the forearms from the biceps side. It is similarly performed with dumbbells (the difference is only in convenience). A special rubber bracelet on the wrist contributes to the increase in resistance.
  2. Wrist extensions. It is performed like the previous exercise, but with an overhand grip (palms look at the floor). Exercise perfectly works out the forearm from the side of the elbow.
  3. Wrist curl with barbell behind back. Flexion of the wrists is performed while standing and the projectile is behind the back. The result is no more than from ordinary bending, but the movement causes discomfort for many. This exercise and all subsequent exercises are less popular with men.
  4. . Place your forearm sideways on your legs. The brush hangs down, and trains with a movement to the sides side part forearm. A specific and narrowly focused exercise is done by armwrestlers.

For everyday training, you can use the super hard carpal expander. Do 3-7 sets of 90 to 100 compressions each. One approach should take 1-1.5 minutes. Rest 5 minutes after each set. Despite the simplicity of the design, the simulator develops strength well.

Additional load on the forearms will help:

The forearms are difficult to train. Their strengthening and development is a long and laborious process.. With these exercises, you can work them out anywhere: at home, in the gym, on the street. Just don't forget to warm up correct technique, which will help to master the training videos of professionals.

Use the optimal working weight and do not neglect supersets (consecutive performance of two or more exercises in one approach) and drop sets (weight reduction in each subsequent approach and work to failure). Lead training diary and make a table to record the results.

When and how much to pump forearms?

For high-quality pumping of the forearm, it is important to consider the following points:

The universal and simplest complex looks like this:

Exercise Approaches Reps in each set
Barbell Curl (Overhand Grip)3–4 8–10
Wrist curls15–20
Wrist extensions

By properly loading your forearms, you will improve your performance in sports, your health and appearance. After a few months, embossed venous hands will become your pride, will delight others and attract the eyes of women!

It sounds unlikely, but we suggest that you increase the biceps without any grueling workouts through regular 20 minute exercise simple complex exercises.

To date, there are many online sources and print media advertising fast and effective ways muscle training. In fact, this is far from the case. Believe it or not, but the set of 5 exercises we offer is really effective if they are systematically implemented. By training according to this program, you will become the owner of strong, beautiful, pumped up, embossed biceps without the risk of damaging them.

You need to do the exercises no more than every other day:

1. Standing arm curls
2. Isolated flexion hands (bending at the elbows in a sitting position on a special bench)
3. Bending the arms on the lower block with a barbell
4. Bending the arm with a dumbbell while sitting
5. Concentrated bend

In this cycle of five exercises, you start with more heavy weights and end up lighter. In order to avoid getting used to the exercises, you can change the order of the exercises, with the exception of doing the concentration curl first.

Standing arm curl

This exercise is the most famous and popular among other exercises to increase the biceps. The exercise begins with the “tearing off” the weight from the floor with the help of the palms.

Hands should be separated according to the width of the shoulders, i.e. you should not hold onto either the ends of the bar or the middle. Make sure you don't arch back. For convenience and additional support, you can put one foot back.

Raise the bar to chest level, making sure your elbows are directly at your sides. You must momentarily hold the weight as close to chest before returning the bar to its original position.

It is very important to do this exercise slowly. Sudden movements will not benefit your biceps, on the contrary, they can damage lateral muscles. If you are having trouble doing this exercise properly, try reducing the weight and gradually increase it over the following weeks. The ideal number of repetitions is 8 times.

Isolated curls

This exercise is performed in a sitting position on a special bench, also known as the Scott bench, which looks like a music stand. This simulator allows you to place the shoulder sections of the arms on a special stand to exclude their participation when bending the arms at the elbows. For more convenience, you can put a towel on the palm rest. The armpits should not touch the stand, and the elbows should be at a level just below the stand.

As with the standing arm curl, you need to hold the weight with a shoulder-width grip. Raise the weight so that your hands are directed to the ceiling, hold it for 1-2 seconds. Then slowly lower down to return to the starting position.

The advantage of using the Scott bench is to perform the exercise properly, because, as noted above, it eliminates the work of the muscles. shoulder joint when lifting the arms, which is extremely important for the formation of the relief of the biceps. It also allows you to lift heavier weights with less risk of injury and faster results.

Bending of the arms on the lower block with a barbell

In this case, you perform the same movements as when bending your arms with a barbell, only a simulator is used instead of a barbell. An expander attached to the simulator exerts constant pressure on the muscles during the exercise. You can work on the simulator both sitting and standing, but working in blocks while standing allows you to achieve maximum results.

Attach one end of the resistance band to a straight or EZ bar. The grip should be done with the palms facing away from you. Pull the bar to your chest, pause for a moment, then slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 reps. If you want to get the most out of this exercise for your muscles, do it with your elbows out to the sides.

Bending the arm with a dumbbell while sitting

This exercise involves the work of one hand at one time. This is a great way to isolate the biceps so you can get the same amount of bicep strength in both arms. As a rule, for most people, the greatest strength of the biceps is determined by the principle of the "working" hand (right-handed, left-handed), but with this exercise you can equalize the hands in strength.

Sitting on a bench with a straight back, take a dumbbell in one hand, the grip of the palm should be directed in the opposite direction from the body. Then raise your hand to the level of the biceps, while scrolling it so that in the final position the palm is facing the biceps. Slowly lower your arm to the starting position and switch hands. Do 3 reps.

Even though the exercise is performed in a sitting position, you are simultaneously training the muscles of the back and legs. It is very important to keep your back straight and your buttocks firmly pressed against the bench. Movements should be smooth, in no case should you sharply lower your hand with a dumbbell down. Exhale when bending your arms, inhale when extending your arms.

Concentrated Flexion

The point of this final exercise is to completely isolate the biceps, not to lift the heaviest weight possible.

Take a dumbbell of the desired weight with an underhand grip with one hand and sit on the edge of the bench. The legs are wider than the shoulders, the body is slightly tilted forward. The arm with the dumbbell is fully extended, and the dumbbell does not touch the floor, the triceps rests on inner part hips. The second hand rests on the thigh of the corresponding leg (left arm - left leg). Gently bend right hand, straining the biceps, the raised dumbbell should be at chest level. Hold this position for a second, then slowly straighten your arm and immediately begin to bend it again. Perform the desired number of repetitions and change hands.

Please note that holding your breath while lifting helps you lift heavier weights.

If curling your arm requires you to help move your shoulder, then you need to lower the weight of the dumbbell. IN this exercise accuracy is important, not weight.

Remember to start with heavier weights and end with lighter ones. Be sure to include a post-workout drink that provides your muscles with the amino acids and glucose needed to replenish glycogen stores and muscle fibers. In no case do not allow dehydration of the body. Perform the proposed exercises no more than every other day, which will help your body build up the desired muscle mass and will make you stronger with each new set.

Purpose of the exercise: Development of the biceps, especially the lower part. This exercise works well for those who have a gap between the lower biceps and the elbow joint as it helps to fill and shape this area.

Performance: The barbell curl on the isolation bench is even more rigorous than the normal barbell curl. (1) Rest your chest against the isolation bench with your arms extended over it. Thus, your arms are slightly bent from the very beginning, which puts additional stress on the lower part of the biceps. Grab the bar with an underhand grip. (2) Keeping your torso still, bend your arms with the barbell, and then slowly lower it with a constant load on the muscles. You can use an EZ bar for this exercise, or even a dumbbell curl bench. Do not lean back when you lift the barbell, and specifically tighten the muscles at the top of the movement when the load on the biceps is reduced.

Insulation bench curls can also be done with an ez bar.

The dumbbell curl on the isolation bench forces each arm to work separately.

By performing this exercise with dumbbells close together, you load outer part biceps a little more...

...and the movement with dumbbells apart more intensively loads the inner part of the biceps.


Purpose of the exercise: Development and shaping of the entire area of ​​the biceps.

Comprised of partial and full range movements, this exercise is an excellent endurance test. Due to the combination of three sets of 7 repetitions each, it is also known as "21".

Performance:(1) While sitting or standing, take a dumbbell in each hand and lower your arms along your torso. (2) Bend your arms with the dumbbells at your elbows, but stop halfway up when your forearms are roughly parallel to the floor, then return to the starting position. Do 7 repetitions of this movement. Then, without stopping, (3) bend your arms with dumbbells to the end, but stop halfway down and do 7 repetitions of this movement. Next, despite the fatigue, finish the exercise with a series of 7 full curls with dumbbells. I like to do this exercise in front of a mirror where I can watch my arms as I raise and lower them to the correct height.

Bending your arms with dumbbells to your shoulders allows you to build up the inner part of the biceps. This is an important element of training weak points. Incline dumbbell curls

Purpose of the exercise: For general development biceps and additional muscle stretching. This exercise simultaneously builds mass of the biceps and increases their bulge. If you raise the dumbbells to your chest, it has a general developmental effect on the biceps. If you raise the dumbbells to your shoulders, it becomes a specialized exercise for the inside of the biceps.

Performance:(1) Get down on incline bench holding dumbbells in each hand. (2) With elbows forward, bend arms with dumbbells forward and up to shoulder level. Slowly lower the dumbbells down and pause at the end so you don't use the momentum for a hard swing on the next rep. I have found that I get the best results by pronating and supinating the wrists during the movement: turning the wrists palms together at the bottom of the movement, and then turning the wrists palms up (little finger above the thumb) at the top of the movement.