Krav Maga is a martial art that originated in the Jewish ghetto. Israeli Krav Maga: The Most Violent Hand-to-Hand Combat System

  • 〉 Pre-project documentation for Moscow:

      floor plans and explications


      about the archaeological significance of the territory

      on the historical boundaries of a cultural heritage site

      on engineering and environmental surveys on the territory of the land plot of the facility

      fragment of the historical and cultural basic plan of the city of Moscow

      historical information about the object of cultural heritage (identified object of cultural heritage or historically valuable city-forming object)

      obtaining information from the City Register of immovable monuments of history and culture and their territories

      land cadastral certificate

      cadastral plan of the land plot

      engineering - topographic plan M 1: 500 (geobase)

      situational plan M 1: 2000

      engineering and geological conclusion on the condition of the soils of the building site

      development of a technical opinion based on the results of an engineering survey of the technical condition of the building (structure) structures

      documentation on engineering and geodetic survey of a land plot

      documentation on the survey of a land plot for compensatory landscaping

      obtaining initial information from the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgorgeotrest" at the location of the facility

      technical conditions for connecting the object to engineering networks:

      location of the object in the security zone of engineering communications

      water supply and sewerage


      heat supply

      gas supply

      electricity supply

      laying of engineering communications

      relocation of existing engineering communications

  • 〉 Composition of design documentation (for 87 PP):

      No. p / p 87 PP RFDesignationSection name
      Project documentation
      1 PZSection 1 "Explanatory note"
      2 ROMSection 2 "Scheme of the planning organization of the land"
      3 ARSection 3 "Architectural solutions"
      4 KRSection 4 "Constructive and space-planning solutions"
      5 Section 5 "Information on engineering equipment, on networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions", including:
      5.1 IOS1Subsection 5.1 "Power supply system"
      5.1.1 EM1Part 1 "Power supply. Input device (TP, ASU)"
      5.1.2 EM2Part 2 "Power electrical equipment"
      5.1.3 EM3Part 3 "Lightning protection and grounding"
      5.1.4 EOMPart 4 "Electric lighting (internal)"
      5.1.5 ENPart 5 "Outdoor electric lighting"
      5.2 IOS2Subsection 5.2 "Water supply system"
      5.3 IOS3Subsection 5.3 "Drainage system"
      5.4 IOS4Subsection 5.4 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heat networks"
      5.5 IOS5Subsection 5.5. "Communication networks"
      5.5.1 SCSPart 1. "Structured cabling"
      5.5.2 SRFPart 2. "Radio system"
      5.5.3 MFPart 3. "Electric clock system"
      5.5.4 SKPTPart 4. "The system of collective television reception"
      5.5.5 STSPart 5. "Telephone communication system"
      5.5.6 LANPart 6. "Local area network"
      5.5.7 mmsPart 7. "Multimedia system"
      5.5.8 ACSPart 8. "Access control and management system"
      5.5.9 OWNPart 9. "Security video surveillance system"
      5.5.10 SOTSPart 10. "Intruder alarm system"
      5.5.11 SSOIPart 11. "Information collection and processing system"
      5.5.12 SPAPart 12. "Automated parking system"
      5.5.13 SVDTSPart 13. "System for detecting sabotage and terrorist means"
      5.5.14 BMSPart 14. "Automated building management system"
      5.5.15 SKUPart 15. "Room control system"
      5.5.16 ASDUPart 16. "Data center automation and dispatching system"
      5.5.17 ASUEPart 17. "Automated accounting system for electricity consumption, water consumption, heat consumption"
      5.5.18 AOBPart 18. "Automation of the ventilation and air conditioning system"
      5.5.19 ACS CTPPart 19. "Automation of the control system of the central heating unit"
      5.7 IOS7Subsection 5.7 "Technological solutions"
      6 picSection 6 "Construction organization project"
      7 UNDERSection 7 "Project for the organization of demolition and dismantling"
      8 OOSSection 8 "List of measures for environmental protection"
      9 PBSection 9 "Measures to ensure fire safety"
      9.3 AGPTPart 3. "Automatic gas and powder fire extinguishing system"
      9.4 SAPSPart 4. "Automatic fire alarm system"
      9.5 SOUEPart 5. "Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire"
      9.6 SPPAPart 5. "Fire automatics system"
      10 ODISection 10 "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities"
      10.1 EESection 10 (1) "Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used"
      12 Section 12 "Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"
      12.1 Technological regulations for the process of handling construction and demolition waste
      12.4 Requirements for ensuring the safe operation of a capital construction facility
      12.5 ITM GO and Emergencies
      12.6 Measures to ensure anti-terrorist security
      12.7 Traffic management project
      12.10 SMIS (SMIK, SUKS, SSP)
      12.11 Dendrology
      working documentation
      1 General plan
      2 Architectural solutions
      3 Constructive decisions
      4 Internal engineering systems, including:
      4.1 Power supply system
      4.2 Water supply system
      4.2.1 Household pumping station
      4.2.2 Fire pump + automatic fire extinguishing system
      4.3 Drainage system
      4.4 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks
      4.4.1 Thermal mechanical solutions (central heating substation)
      4.5 Communication networks. Automation and dispatching systems
      5 Technological solutions
      6 Security and protection deratization system
      7 Measures to ensure anti-terrorist security
      8 SMIS, SMIK, SUKS
      9 PPR for dismantling works
      10 PPR for the preparatory period
      11 Stroygenplan
      Radiation drainage and KLD
      External networks for heat supply, water supply, household and storm sewerage, low-current sewerage, power supply
      Measurement works
      Inspection of load-bearing and enclosing structures
      3D scanning
      Inspection of connection points of external engineering systems
      Color passport of existing buildings
      Album of architectural and urban planning solutions (formation of a regulatory album in accordance with the requirements of the Moscow Committee for Architecture)
      Special technical conditions for design and construction in terms of ensuring fire safety
      Construction supervision
      Engineering supervision
      Building instruction manual
      Technical regulation on building safety
      Instructions for the operation of engineering systems (TP, ASU, central heating station, pumping, ventilation chambers, server rooms, etc.)
  • 〉 Coordination and approval of project documentation:

      OPS GBU "Mosgorgeotrest"




      State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow:


      NIiPI General Plan


      "Moscow subway"



      Moscow Cable Network (ISS)

      County prefectures

      GBU "Zhilischnik" district

      District councils

      Office of Urban Planning Regulation of the administrative district (UGR)

      Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage

      UPSP Moskomarhitktury

      Rostechnadzor (Mosenergonadzor)

      Department of the city of Moscow:


      health care


      Social Security

      GKU TsODD

  • 〉 Work steps:

      Free consultation

      Signing an agreement

      Handing over the initial data for design

      Coordination of the project with the customer

      Coordination or support of the project in competent organizations

      Delivery of project documentation to the Customer.

  • 〉 Matching:

      Name of serviceDates / months / from.Cost, rub. / from.
      1. Construction2 150 000
      2. Project documentation4 150 000
      3. Constructions with the airport and Rosaviatsia4 300 000
      1. PZZ8 negotiable
      2. Master plan8 negotiable
      3. GPZU with the necessary TEC4 150 000
      1.Specifications2 100 000
      2. Permits for commissioning4 150 000
      3. Initial - permissive documentation4 150 000
      Services for developers4 150 000
      Passing the state examination2 30 000
      Legalization of unauthorized construction4 150 000
      Technical customer services- negotiable
      Issuance of a building permit2 60 000
      Statement of real estate objects on cadastral registration2 60 000
  • 〉 Coefficients of MU No. 620 dated December 29, 2009:

      Reduction of terms:

      10% - 1.2 times, clause 3.11.

      30% - 1.4 times, clause 3.11.

      40% - 2 times or more, clause 3.11.


      50% - development of design (working) documentation for overhaul, clause 3.5.

      Linking standard or reusable project documentation without making changes:

      65% - above-ground part, clause 3.2.

      80% - above-ground and underground parts, clause 3.2.

      50% - unique objects, item 3.3.

      50% - reconstruction and technical re-equipment, clause 3.4.


      2% - performance of the function of the general designer, clause 3.9.

      30% - design with the installation of imported main technological equipment used by the design organization for the first time, clause 3.8.

The project in construction is

CONCLUSION Verification of the bearing capacity of a hollow-core slab according to series 1.041.1-3 (pdf 340 Kb) technical report

The essence of the third method is the regulation of stresses, due to which there is a redistribution or reduction of forces on the entire structure. This method is simpler and more alternative than the second method, requires less accurate mathematical calculation and allows redistribution without stopping the technological one. The attachment of the necessary parts is carried out by welding, bolts or polymer solutions.
Thus, taking into account technical condition designs and selected tasks, one or another event is selected. Depending on the design that needs to be reinforced, one or another method of designing the reinforcement is chosen. For example, when designing the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, the following should be taken into account.
Strengthening as a result of which individual parts of the structure are replaced by stronger elements - these are reinforced concrete or metal clips, reinforced concrete shirts, or the use additional schemes- consoles, racks, metal beams, combined puffs to the original design.
Reinforcement entails lower costs than replacement with new products. In addition, in the second case, a production stop is not required. Attention should also be paid to the fact that in some areas amplification is possible, while others are not, they are simply replaced by others.

In other words, to be strengthened:

  • concrete foundations,
  • columns, beams,
  • floor slabs,
  • reinforced concrete crane beams.

In cases where a reinforced concrete truss is found to be in an emergency condition, it is replaced with a new one, strengthening is strictly prohibited. Before strengthening reinforced concrete structures, it is necessary to perform a number of points - this is the preparation of the surface, which will be strengthened, to install the reinforcement and connections correctly, the formwork. Surface preparation is essential for good adhesion to the concrete to be applied for reinforcement. This is achieved by cleaning the surface from dirt by blowing air, cleaning the reinforcement from corrosion by sandblasting machines. When laying concrete mortar, it is more expedient to use pneumatic installations.

The design of reinforcement with metal structures is different and is done differently. The addition of additional, both flexible and rigid elements, the strengthening of the joints of the structural joints, as well as the complete exclusion of individual elements, is used. To increase the bearing capacity of individual elements, the structure is supplemented with details, fastening them with bolted joints or welding.
Designing reinforcement with wooden structures makes it possible to reduce the cost of construction work. Not big weight wood does not require the construction of additional foundations, which leads to a decrease in material consumption. Measures are applicable both in warm and cold rooms with external water drainage. It is necessary to take into account the temperature and humidity of the environment, in order to avoid fire and decay of wood. Coniferous species are used as hardening of wooden structures. However, for dowels, liners, which is a critical connection, it is better to use hardwood. These are oak, ash, birch, which have high strength and bending resistance.
It is recommended to keep the oak in water for some time to increase its strength. In addition to the above, there are various polymers that strengthen the joints. These are various epoxy resins, the so-called dianic, polymeric concretes based on polyester and furan resins, bitumen-epoxy mastics as a waterproofing coating.
Recently, with the growth of technical progress in the design of reinforcements, carbon fiber has begun to be used. Carbon fiber has a number of advantages - tensile strength characteristics are 10 times higher than steel, a negligible thickness of the material, which does not affect the cross-sectional dimensions of the reinforced structure. In addition, carbon fiber is lightweight, the original structure is not overloaded, and there is no need to carry out measures to strengthen the foundation.
In addition to the main advantages, the share of installation and labor work is removed. There is no need to use welding equipment, lifting mechanisms, there is no need to completely or partially stop production. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the material itself, however, the material is durable, resistant to corrosion, deformation, and, as noted above, more reliable, stronger and more convenient to use, compared with the listed technologies.

As you can see, there are many methods and ways to design gain. building structures. The choice of solution depends on the result and on the tasks that you want to implement.

In the construction of non-residential facilities, metal structures are often used. Their application is based on the data in the section of design documentation called "Metal structures".

In general, the working documentation on structures can be divided into two groups. The first is directly the documentation on metal structures.

It is compiled on the basis of the technical project materials for the subsequent creation of detailed drawings. The second part is the detailing of metal structures. In this case, all structural elements are worked out separately. These drawings can serve as the basis for the manufacture of metal structures at enterprises (if necessary).
The structure of the project of metal structures includes plans and sections of the structure of the object, design solutions for elements, options for their interface, metal specifications. At this stage, the structures are linked with other parts of the project. The calculation of structures is drawn up in the format of a settlement and explanatory note.
Detailed designs of metal structures consist of drawings of individual elements of all metal structures, wiring diagrams.

When designing a section of metal structures, a number of basic requirements are taken into account. First of all, operating conditions - they determine the structural form of structures and the most suitable look material.
The second requirement is metal saving. This is easily explained, since metal is an expensive building material. Therefore, it is most often used in cases where the use of other materials (for example, reinforced concrete) is not rational.
The next factor is manufacturability. Projects are drawn up taking into account the technological requirements for the installation of metal structures, with an emphasis on modern installation methods. This has the effect of reducing the complexity of the process.
In addition, when developing a project, the aesthetics of finished metal structures and the harmony of their forms are taken into account. This is especially important when building is carried out within the city, taking into account the requirements of the city authorities for the architectural forms of objects.
The project of the section "Metal structures" is carried out by specialized design organizations. When designing, three indicators are achieved, on which the cost of metal structures and their assembly depends. This is saving steel, increasing labor productivity, reducing labor intensity and installation time.

Section architectural and construction solutions "AS"

The "AS" section of architectural and construction solutions does not contain a design part, is not produced according to GOST - it combines the main building parts of the sections AR, KR and partially KZh, KM, KD with elements of KMD, etc. Developed at the request of the customer and include a sufficient amount of information for the production of construction installation work as a simplified manual for construction, overhaul for a novice construction manager, foreman. The AC section can be completed with production technology, conditions and installation schemes. For a separate cost, you can order an assembly drawing

I have been working in the design industry for over 10 years.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in coordinating a working draft. All you need is time and desire. Once a design decision has been made, it is necessary to obtain a decision from the local authorities on the reconstruction or design of a building (supermarket, shop, pharmacy, etc.). After receiving this document, you must contact a licensed design organization to develop a working draft. Next stage- this is an order of technical conditions in city services (Vodokanal, Energy supply organization, City heating networks).

To order technical specifications, engineering loads (electricity, water, heat, etc.) are provided in the design organization. And with these loads, BTI passport (if there is an existing building and reconstruction is taking place), you must contact the appropriate authorities. After the specifications are received, they must be transferred to the work of design engineers.

They also develop a passport exterior finish and master plan. As soon as one of the sections is ready, you need to take 2 copies of the relevant section, technical specifications, the original master plan and go to the authority to agree on the section, i.e. if the VK section (water supply and sewerage) then to Vodokanal, etc.

When all sections are agreed upon, namely: VK, HV (heating and ventilation), EMO (power supply and electric lighting), and the seals of these authorities are affixed to the original master plan, you can complete the working draft (GP, AS, TX, VK, OV, EMO) and an explanatory note to the Rospotrebnadzor and the same project to the City Department for Emergency Situations (to the city service - to the firemen). In these instances, it is necessary to obtain conclusions on the working draft. In parallel with the coordination of sections, it is possible to coordinate the passport of the exterior finish. The next stage after receiving the conclusions is the completion of the working draft for approval by the city engineer, in order to obtain a square stamp on the general plan.

We complete the full working draft (GP, AS, TX, VK, OV, EMO and PZ), as well as the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor and GUMCHS. After receiving a square stamp on the master plan, we prepare a working draft in the State Architectural and Construction Supervision (State Architectural and Construction Supervision) to obtain a protocol for the approval of working documentation.

The main rule when agreeing is to follow the movement of the original sections, the master plan. At the approval stage, documents with blue seals are the most important documents. In general, this is the most common scheme, but each working project has its own nuances and additional approvals are possible. Good luck!!! Denis Korablev

Krav Maga is one of the most effective and toughest self-defense styles. Athletes who practice Krav Maga do not seek entertainment. Points, types of shots and other components of almost any competition do not play any role here. There is only one goal worthy of attention: to neutralize the enemy as quickly as possible so as not to suffer any significant damage.

Until now, very few people practice this type of martial art. First of all, because good coaches little Krav Maga. But if you have already set out to master a few tricks that will allow you to get out of any situation with honor, then Krav Maga is exactly what you need.

In the early 1930s, a certain Imi Lichtenfeld decided that the Jewish people needed at least some kind of weapon against the growing unrest in society. Lichtenfeld began teaching his new martial art (although it's a stretch to call it Krav Maga) in Bratislava. The task was to teach the basic principles of self-defense in the shortest possible period of time. Boxer and gymnast Imi quickly realized that none of the sports disciplines principles are not applicable in real life. He began to train people in a completely new and completely immoral way in terms of honor and valor.

The birth of Krav Maga

Ten years later, Imi discovered that almost all of Europe already existed as a puppet Nazi regime, and decided to move to Palestine to fight for the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel. In 1942, he joined the Haganah paramilitary organization, whose leadership quickly noticed Imi's outstanding ability as a combat instructor. Former athlete almost immediately becomes the head of the training center for elite units of the nascent Israeli army. His art begins to be taught to parts of the Palmach, the Palyam naval commandos, and then gradually passes into the category of compulsory training for every soldier, regardless of gender.

The rise of Krav Maga

After Israel finally became a state in 1948, these separate combat units merged into the Israel Defense Forces. Lichtenfeld also became the chief combat instructor of this structure. It was in this role that he developed what is now known as Krav Maga. Imi's system was perfect for untrained recruits. In just three weeks, a competent instructor managed to teach the wards the basic principles of attack and defense, which allowed them to honorably get out of the most difficult situations. To create a system that works in real combat conditions, Lichtenfeld combined the most effective methods boxing, aikido, judo, wrestling and jiu-jitsu.

Basic Principles of Krav Maga

Krav Maga is a tactical, mixed martial art. The instructors initially set the main task of the fighter as efficiency: the threat must be neutralized as quickly as possible. This general goal governs all the other principles of Krav Maga - no etiquette towards the opponent and, of course, no showmanship, only functionality.


Keep it simple - that's what the instructors say to the beginner, confirming the words with actions. No kata and other practices familiar to oriental martial arts. Only blocks sharp blows, short but very effective ligaments aimed at hitting the most vulnerable parts human body. In addition, Krav Maga was designed in such a way that the beginner could put into practice as soon as possible: competent instructors really achieve these results in just a few weeks.

Focus on vulnerable parts of the body

The main principle of Krav Maga is focusing on the weak points of the enemy. Many counterattacks involve blows to the throat, eyes, and groin. Not masculine? So what. But you are guaranteed to emerge victorious from the fight, or at least get time to retire from the battlefield as quickly as possible. Krav Maga has only one goal: the person using it must survive, period.

Krav Maga and weapons

In essence, Krav Maga involves the simplest integration of any weapon into action. Gunshot or cold - it does not matter at all. An athlete who trains Krav Maga knows how to use generally everything that comes to hand. This allows trainees to react as quickly as possible, almost without thinking, to an unforeseen attack. Keys, goggles, belts and chairs can be used to shock or completely neutralize an opponent.

Defense and attack

Many martial arts use the operating time of individual defensive and offensive movements. The disadvantage of this approach is that if the enemy is faster and more prepared than you (as often happens in the real world), all your actions will be reduced to a continuous attempt to cover vulnerable parts of the body. Krav Maga, on the other hand, involves a combination of offensive and defensive movements: the fighter not only disrupts the enemy’s attack, but also counterattacks at the same time. Again, there is only one goal - to neutralize the adversary as quickly as possible.

On request for the word " krav maga » search engines Internet give out an average of 15,000 hits. Approximately half of them lead to two articles by Alex Levitas - “ krav maga Israel: Israeli style hand-to-hand combat" And " krav maga: use what is at hand. Another hundred or two links will lead you to various reprints of articles by Stanislav Leikin from the site of St. Petersburg cravers; a thousand, if not more, celebrity sites will tell you exactly what krav maga studied Jennifer Lopez for the filming of the film "Pretty" ...

The remaining 6-7 thousand links lead to various forums dedicated to martial arts, where fierce disputes between the blind and the deaf boil (because the participants in the disputes, as a rule, krav maga they didn’t practice and didn’t see it, but only heard or read about it - see all the same excellent articles by A. Levitas) on the topic “bullshit, this is your Jewish hand-to-hand combat or the super special forces and Mossad training system.”

Thus, it can be stated that the interest in krav maga in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet is very, very high, and the amount of available information is negligible. This has led to the birth of a mass of myths and misconceptions about krav maga. With the ten most popular myths, we will try to figure it out below.

Myth 1. Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art.

Israeli - yes. Combat - yes. Art is not.

Krav Maga is about as different from traditional martial arts as a hammer is from a rapier. And this is not about the effectiveness or advantage of a hammer over a rapier (all modern systems oppose their "applied, real, street, total, deadly, etc." style to "obsolete, unviable, mossy, etc." traditional systems) is about the scope.

I'll try to explain.

The rapier is a weapon that appeared in a certain historical period (16-17 centuries), as an evolution of more ancient weapons(sword) as a result of changes in society (lightening, and later - the disappearance of armor), and lost all meaning with the invention of multiply charged handguns (capsule revolvers).

A hammer is a tool consisting of a handle (wooden, plastic, metal) and a head (stone, plastic, metal, wood) mounted on it. Appeared in the Stone Age and is still used today, changing in every possible way.

Foil fencing developed as a system of stances, movements, strikes, defenses and feints in many European schools, which led to the emergence different styles- French, Italian, Spanish, German. Much later, sports fencing appeared. But all these schools are united by several general principles: the battle is fought with the help of a rapier, a certain stance is used, a set of techniques and tactical maneuvers characteristic of this school. This is what allows us to consider rapier fencing as a martial art, where it is unacceptable to replace a rapier with a katana, a fencing stance with a boxing stance, and a flanconade with a brush lever outward. Of course, no one forbids doing all this in a real fight - but then it will no longer be rapier fencing, which has been studied in the halls since the time of Talgofer and Marozzo, but some kind of system of "total real applied combat on rapiers" - i.e. the notorious "dirty street kenjutsu".

The hammer, in turn, will always remain a hammer. A blacksmith's sledgehammer or a dentist's hammer, a carpenter's nail puller or a mallet, an inertialess hammer or a psychotherapist's hammer, a combat pick or a hammer, an alpenstock or even a pneumatic jackhammer - it's still a hammer. A tool designed to solve specific problems. Changing its size, shape, method of application, depending on the tasks. And still remaining at the same time a hammer.

Krav Maga This is not a martial art. Krav Maga is a problem solving tool. Core krav magabasic principles and the main set of tactical and technical actions - allow you to adapt this tool to solve a wide range of problems.

The army needs to teach soldiers the basics of hand-to-hand combat in a month and a half of training - please, army krav maga: "kicked and shot." The police need to twist the criminal - here's the police krav maga: "lie down, goat." Do civilians want to live too? civil krav maga: hit and run. Self-defense for women is based on the task of “get off me, freak”, and melee for bodyguards is based on the “take the client away” scheme. But there are still developments krav maga for children, for taxi drivers, for stewards of the El Al airline, for ambulance attendants and employees of mental hospitals ...

Wherein krav maga still remains krav maga(and a hammer is a hammer)! The task changes, but not the means of its solution. External signs change (not a single instructor krav maga will not argue to the point of hoarseness on the topic “is it possible to tear off the heel in zenkutsu-dachi”), the basic principles remain the same (“threat point”, “recoiling” and many others).

It is the presence of these principles (as well as the presence of a handle and a head that defines the concept of a "hammer - a hand-held percussion instrument") that allows us to talk about krav maga as a specific tool for solving problems in the field of personal security.

And that brings us to myth #2.

Myth 2. Krav Maga is another mixfight, or just an ordinary melee

The first synthetic hand-to-hand combat system, combining the techniques of different styles, arose in Europe in 1898. Its author was the English engineer Edward William Barton-Wright. The system was called Bartitsu (the name was formed from the author's last name "Barton" and the traditional "jiu-jitsu") and included techniques from the classical schools of jiu-jitsu, judo, English boxing, savate and cane fencing school of the Swiss professor Pierre Vigny. It was with the help of bartitsu (erroneously called "baritsu") that Sherlock Holmes cast Professor Moriarty into the abyss of the Reichenbach Falls.

Bartitsu did not outlive her creator and is practically forgotten now; but it was she who paved the way for lovers to compose tricky words and invent synthetic styles. In the twentieth century, many such styles were born. I will list just a few of them: jukado, kajukenbo, jitkundo, wun-hop-kuen, ukidokan ... Domestic authors prefer abbreviations: UNIBOS, SPAS, IZBOR, ISRB, RUB, SRUB ... But there is also A. Taras’ “Fighting Machine” and “ Fighting Machine” by V. Schlachter, “Boibo”, “Steel Falcon”, Da-jie-shu and many, many others.

History of creation krav maga, at first glance, forces us to attribute this system to the category of synthetic ones. There is one author - Imi Lichtenfeld, it is known that he was seriously engaged in wrestling, boxing and jiu-jitsu, therefore, krav maga there is a synthesis of boxing, wrestling and jiu-jitsu techniques.

This conclusion is not correct. History of creation krav maga much more reminiscent of the creation of Soviet sambo. And in fact, and in another case, there was a place to be His Majesty the State Order. Krav Maga was originally developed not at the whim of the Founding Father, but for the needs of the army and police. Krav Maga focused not on the abilities of the Founding Father, but on a simple unprepared person. Finally, krav maga was created "from scratch", and not by borrowing techniques.

First, I. Likhtenfeld developed theoretical principles krav maga. They were superimposed on the motor base - stances, movements, strikes, defenses, pain controls. Yes, the stance is like a stance from boxing, and the pain controls are like from jiu-jitsu, but only because all people have two arms, two legs and one head, and a punch will always remain a punch - at least externally, because at the core a simple blow the fist may lie on the principle of "shuttle", "hikite", "wave", "center line" or, in the case of krav maga, "recoiling".

Therefore, we can only talk about external similarity krav maga with boxing or jiu-jitsu. At the level of the engine base krav maga is a unique system, which brings us to the debunking of the second part of this myth - " krav maga"It's just a normal hand-to-hand."

The so-called "noname" hand-to-hand combat (or Army hand-to-hand combat - ARB) is usually understood as a mixture of boxing, karate and sambo techniques taught in the armed forces of the USSR since the mid-1980s - and the proportions of these techniques, as a rule, are determined by the previous one, up to - military experience of the instructor: former boxer relies on strikes, the sambo wrestler relies on throws, and the karateka is indispensable when breaking bricks on Paratrooper's Day. Army instructions for physical training(NPRB-38, NFP-59, NFP-66, NFP-78, NFP-87) allocate a maximum of 20-25 pages to the preparation for hand-to-hand combat, practically unchanged over the past 60 years.

difference krav maga from ARB or "noname" melee weapons are visible to the naked eye: tricks krav maga recognizable, in contrast to "kickboxing in camouflage." They are recognizable mainly due to the presence of "crowns", or specific techniques that are characteristic only for krav maga- this is the capture of the pistol bolt, and the capture of the armed hand with the elbow bend, and the entrance to the attack with the "beak" ...

Of course, these techniques can be found in jiu-jitsu, sambo, and aikido. But the system is determined not by the presence of certain techniques, but by the general motor base and the theoretical principles underlying them.

Therefore, it can be said with certainty that krav maga- this is not another mixfight, and certainly not the fruit of the individual creativity of army or police instructors.

Myth 3. Krav Maga is just a set of "scum"

There are techniques that allow you to quickly and effortlessly disable the enemy.

All "lethal", "super-efficient", "striking" strikes and strikers have one huge drawback. Even the most deadly blow can fail in the most elementary way. Any, the most cunning "podlyanka" may not work. The enemy may react negatively to your intention to gouge out his eye. He can dodge or parry your killing blow.

And then what? And then the fight starts. A fight is a dish in which blows to the eyes, throat and groin play the role of spices that give the dish a flavor and a special piquancy. However, a dish cannot be prepared from spices alone. We also need meat.

Meat in krav maga enough. Much has been said above about the principles krav maga, about the freedom to transform techniques to solve specific problems.

But the receptions krav maga is also there. Or rather, not techniques, but technical actions - strikes, defenses, pain controls, release from grips. And they are worked out to the seventh sweat, to full automatism.

But at the same time, it should be remembered that it is impossible to learn a trick for all occasions - just as it is impossible to learn foreign language by conversation. Technical actions are "words", theoretical principles are "grammar". Knowing the "words" and "grammar", you can make "sentences" yourself.

But training begins precisely with “mom washed the frame” or “this is a table” - it is repetition, working out certain connections, combinations of technical actions until a conditioned reflex is developed, which allows not only to understand in theory, but to feel in practice the principles underlying them - and move to the level of “self-invention of techniques”, i.e. free fight.

And here we turn to the fourth, most popular myth.

Myth 4. There is no sparring in Krav Maga.

IN krav maga sparring is.

Myth 5. If Krav Maga is so cool, why is it not seen in MMAs? Why aren't there competitions?

The “fights without rules” that arose 10-15 years ago (in many variations and with a lot of names - “Octagon”, “Pankration”, “Valetudo”, UFC) at first really served as a place to find out “whose kung fu is cooler”. Fighters of different styles fought with each other according to minimal rules, in fact, finding out which technique had an advantage in close combat and which in long-range combat, and what to do with a sambo wrestler on the ground.

However, over the past time, fighting without rules has become an independent (and commercially profitable) sport. Athletes, preparing to enter the ring, no longer run from room to room, learning low-kicks from the Thais, putting their hands on the boxers, and the stalls on the wrestlers. Now, focusing on the experience of his predecessors, the "fighter without rules" is initially engaged in a style known as "free fighting" - a new, synthetic martial art that combines boxing, wrestling and Muay Thai.

Where is krav maga? See myth #1. Fights without rules were born as an attempt to find out what is more effective - a katana or a rapier. It is a perfectly healthy desire for a swordsman or any martial artist to test his weapon in action. But krav maga This is not a martial art. This is a tool.

Can you imagine a blacksmith who would come with a sledgehammer to an interstyle tameshiwari competition? No. Not because he will win everyone there (but most likely he will lose - firstly, he never learned to break bricks with a sledgehammer, and secondly, the rules forbid using a sledgehammer), but because he does not need it. He is not an athlete, he is a blacksmith. He swings the hammer for a pressing need, he does it for a living. It doesn't matter to him whether his hammer is heavier than that of the blacksmith from the neighboring village, or longer. This is his personal tool, and not an occasion for boasting and comparisons.

And an instructor krav maga he will never get into any "Octagon" - firstly, he will surely lose, because he did not study "free fighting", and secondly, this is not his job. He is well paid as it is.

The reverse process is observed: at least three former MMA champions spoke very highly of krav maga- and although they won in the ring thanks to jiu-jitsu (Itai Gil), sambo (Oleg Taktarov) or Muay Thai (Khaim Peretz), they did not consider it shameful for themselves to study (and Khaim Peret - and teach) a system that is fundamentally different from any combat sport.

After all, the difference between sports and life is not in the rules - they can be completely canceled, and not in the equality of forces (one on one, or three on one, with weight categories or without), and not even the absence of the factor of surprise (the gong sounds at the same time for everyone).

The difference is in the goal. In sports, people fight to win. In life, to survive. Krav Maga- not a sport. krav maga is a survival tool.

The second half of the myths about krav maga refers not so much to krav maga how much to the realities of Israeli life. So…

Myth 6. Krav Maga is studied in the Mossad

Since the beginning of the 80s of the last century krav maga actively studied by law enforcement agencies and army special forces in the United States and Europe. But in Mossad krav maga not being studied.

Myth 7. All Israeli soldiers study Krav Maga.

This myth is propagated by our former compatriots who served in the Israeli army. It sounds like this: "This garbage is yours krav maga, we had an instructor in training, so I stuffed his face - boxing rules!

Under the law of the State of Israel, every citizen is required to serve in the military. This is common knowledge. Less well known is the fact that the Israel Defense Forces is divided into two unequal parts - combat troops ("kravi") and labor troops ("jobniks").

In order to get into the "kravi" and take part in military operations, you must at least volunteer and meet a fairly strict list of requirements (for example, not to be the only child in the family). As a maximum, you need to prove in practice your desire to serve in the combat troops. How? Yes, very simple. One of my friends, by the way, is an army instructor krav maga, applied three times to be transferred to the elite Golani Infantry Division. Having been refused for the third time, he voluntarily went to the guardhouse, telling his superiors that he would spend the rest of his term in prison - or in Golani. A week later, he was transferred.

The IDF is, perhaps, the only army on the planet that, from the moment of its formation to this day, has been in full combat readiness and has been waging an ongoing war against guerrilla gangs and terrorist groups. Of course, it is impossible (too expensive, and pointless) to maintain the entire army in such a state - those who are fighting are training, “the blood”. Those who serve in the “jobniks” take a 90-day “young fighter course”, and, having received the necessary three lessons krav maga and after serving their term of service in the deep rear, they begin to judge the system from the point of view of a veteran expert.

In Israel itself, no one takes such experts seriously - there are enough real experts, with combat experience, but outside of it they sometimes manage to promote their business on a popular brand " krav maga».

Myth 8. There is only one style of Krav Maga.

So what krav maga is it different? Yes, sometimes.

The phrase "krav" (fight) and "maga" (contact) can be used in Hebrew in two ways. The first is to refer to the hand-to-hand combat system created by Imi Lichtenfeld and developed by his students. The second - to refer to any martial arts. The sign "Krav Maga Tae Kwon Do" or "Krav Maga Aiki" is quite a normal thing on the streets of Israeli cities, as well as signs " martial arts karate" or "martial art of capoeira" - we have.

To eliminate this confusion, several organizations have been created to develop and promote krav maga Imi Lichtenfeld. These are Eyal Yanilov's International Krav Maga Federation, Darren Levin's Krav Maga Association of America, Richard Dueb's Federation European Krav Maga, Chaim Gidon's Israel Krav Maga Association... After Darren Levin tried to register the term " krav maga"as a trademark (in the USA the idea failed, but in Canada it was a success - now there those instructors who do not want to pay tribute to Levin do not teach krav maga, but the “Imi system”) and sued Yanilov, many instructors began to change the name itself. This is how Krav Magen Israel, Commando Krav Maga, Tactical Krav Maga, Operational Krav Maga and others appeared. There were also author's styles krav maga Lieven and Maor.

Meanwhile, the IDF returned to the name Kapap (Krav Panim el Panim - face-to-face combat) and Lothar (lohama be terror - the fight against terror), and in parallel such systems as Haganah, Dennis Gisardut, Gadi Kenpo, Abir arose in Israel.

However, the topic of fragmentation krav maga on individual styles and trends deserves a separate article. As for myth number 8, in Italy, for example, “fitness krav maga". Here, as they say, no comment.

Myth 9. Krav Maga is just a hyped brand on which cunning Israelis make money.

This myth is almost true. It is only necessary to replace "only" with "more and". Like this: " Krav Maga“It’s also a brand name that cunning Israelis make money off of.”

Courses krav maga all over the world are expensive. For the knowledge underlying krav maga The Israelites paid in blood. Now they (and not only them) make money on it. On all five continents. Dozens of different countries.

And since their product is bought all over the world, it means that the demand for personal security tools is still higher than the supply.

And not to make money on it is just stupid.

Myth 10. Krav Maga will make you invincible.

The Israelis themselves, when it comes to developments in the field of security, say this about themselves: “We are not the smartest, not the coolest, and not the most invincible. We just have more experience than others.” Experience, please pay attention, both positive and negative.

One of the mottos krav maga is the phrase "Welcome to reality!" But the reality, alas, is that invincible does not exist.

And showing the release from a choke hold from behind, the instructor krav maga he will definitely tell you that you most likely will not have time to free yourself - someone else's forearm on the Adam's apple is so dangerous. And when practicing defense against a knife, they will definitely let you feel what it is - a real attack with a knife, with a lot of sharp, fast and unpredictable blows.

The desire to become invincible will be dispelled at the very first training session. IN krav maga illusions are not fed. Instead, the desire to survive will come. And it is in this area krav maga can greatly improve your chances.

No more - and no less.

I recently learned about Krav Maga. Or rather, earlier I heard about the martial art system adopted in the Israeli army for training, but did not know what it was called. Then somehow it happened that I heard about Krav Maga again and got the idea to write about it.

Krav Maga is a mixture of hand-to-hand combat and a military self-defense system. All over the world, Krav Maga is recognized as very effective and has earned its popularity, although self-defense experts believe that Krav Maga in Russia and Ukraine is a complete heresy.

History of Krav Maga

Krav Maga means close combat in Hebrew. Original, right? It traces its history back to the 30s of the last century. Location: Czechoslovakia. The creator of Krav Maga is believed to be a young Jewish athlete named Imi Lichtenfeld - worldwide famous boxer, wrestler and gymnast. As you can already guess, in the 30s, after Hitler came to power, the Jews in Europe lived, to put it mildly, not sweetly. Therefore, Imi creates squads of fighting Jews to protect communities from fascists and anti-Semites. The dude quickly realized that wrestling in the ring and wrestling on the street are different things and something else needs to be invented. Lichtenfeld combined all his knowledge of martial arts and shifted the focus not to the attack, but to the quick and decisive neutralization of the threat.

Already in 1940, Imi quickly realized that there were no more decisive fighting Jews around him, and Hitler looked at him with disapproval, so the dude with a difficult fate and surname went to Palestine in order to protect the Jewish people from all sorts of troubles. He joined the Haganah, an Israeli militarized organization that protected the Jews from the discontent of the indigenous people, who were not very happy with the people in their country. Israel's military leaders quickly noticed Imi's abilities and made him the chief martial arts teacher. They put him in charge of training Israeli elite military forces such as the Palmach (elite strike force), Palyam ( naval special forces) and, in fact, already known to us, Haganah.

After gaining its statehood in 1948, Israel thanked Lichtenfeld by making him the chief instructor in combat training and physical education at the IDF school. Then Imi created the Krav Maga system. The essence of the system was to teach recruits the basics of hand-to-hand combat as quickly as possible with simple and effective movements that would help them cope with the enemy in difficult and deadly situations. Imi taught recruits the basics of Krav Maga in three weeks. Krav Maga was based on boxing, aikido, judo, wrestling and jiu-jitsu. Krav Maga is characterized by constant movement, the unity of defense and attack, the blows fall mainly on soft tissues and pain points of the enemy. Krav Maga immediately became the official martial art of Israel and remains so to this day.

Imi himself taught conscripts in the army for another 20 years, and then retired teaching Krav Maga to the Israeli civilian population. The dude even founded the Krav Maga Association in 1974 to emphasize that they are serious about everything. Several students brought Krav Maga to America, where they began to teach it to the police and some military units. Indeed, Krav Maga is not another bullshit off the mountain, as I previously thought.

Principles of Krav Maga

Any normal martial art has its own principles. Otherwise, all this turns into a standard scuffle, but we don’t want that, do we? It is worth noting that recently elements of fashionable Muay Thai have been included in Krav Maga.

Neutralize the threat

This is the basic principle. Without him - nowhere. If your life hangs in the balance, you won't be guided by the laws of honor, will you? The main goal is to disable the attacker as soon as possible. Do whatever is necessary to keep your life.


There is nothing complicated in Krav-Mata. There are no rules of dress, there is no code of conduct with a senior in the belt. There are only punches, grabs and blocks, because the system is designed in such a way that it is quickly learned and able to quickly use it.

Quick transition from defense to attack

Many martial arts make a clear distinction between defense and offense. As a rule, first you defend, and then you attack. But not in Krav Maga. Here you need not only to repel the blow, but also to quickly counterattack. This happens because of the principle: to neutralize the threat as soon as possible. For example, if someone is aiming at your throat, you parry the blow and hit in the eyes, in the groin or in the stomach.

Continuous movement, or Retzev

This is due to the fact that you need to move constantly, counterattack - and bring down a hail of blows more painfully on the attacker. And quickly to avert the threat.

Ability to use any weapon whenever possible

As a traditional weapon in our understanding, such as a firearm, and any melee weapon. But to this is added the use of weapons, which in fact are not weapons, which brings me back to vivid childhood memories of the movie "Chinese Policeman".

Weapon defense training

In addition to how to hit the enemy well with something heavy, Krav Maga shows how to properly defend yourself from the enemy with this heavy one.

Special attention to pain points and soft tissues

Usually Krav Maga is terribly criticized, assuring that it is not like a man to hit the enemy in the balls. By the way, we also think so, and we wrote about it in this one. To all these arguments, the masters answer that in a dangerous situation it is not the time for morality, but the time to hit the vulnerable parts of the body.


In addition to quickly incapacitating, Krav Maga reverses Special attention to captures in order to control the attacker. All this also takes place under the auspices of the elimination of danger.

Now look at a selection of masters of this art form. Interesting, but Muay Thai will somehow be more effective.

Krav Maga is quite popular in the world combat direction Israeli origin. Studying it, one can come across two diametrically opposite assessments: adherents sing praises and talk about how it is the best and most universal combat system, opponents call it nonsense, a commercial project and a divorce. Let's try to figure out what it really is, and whether it will be useful in a theoretical street fight.

History of occurrence

Imrich Lichtenfeld, creator of Krav Maga

The term Krav Maga is translated from Hebrew as "contact combat", and the system itself was created for the needs of Israel. The author of this system is Imrich or Imi Lichtenfeld, who was born into a Jewish family in Budapest in 1910. His father was Samuel Lichtenfeld, of whom it is known that at the age of thirteen he joined a traveling circus and traveled with him for twenty years. During this time, he learned circus wrestling, and we recall that it was at that time that famous wrestlers often performed in circuses.

Samuel fell in love with weight lifting and acrobatics and often talked with representatives of various martial arts of the time, from whom he learned a lot about self-defense. As a result, he settled in Bratislava and served in the police, becoming famous for the large number of arrests of criminals.

In the same place, he founded the Hercules weight lifting club, in which he began to train his son, Imrich, who became interested in wrestling, then boxing and acrobatics, and got so carried away that he became the country's champion in all these areas and even got into the National team. All this did not prevent them from being a versatile person - he adored the theater and even played Mephistopheles in one of the amateur performances.

Everything changed in the mid-thirties of the 20th century, when Nazi groups began to form in Bratislava under the influence of events in Europe. Jewish pogroms began and Imi created an organization from Jewish boxers and wrestlers that protected the Jewish community from Nazi attacks. From 1936 to 1940 Lichtenfeld participated in hundreds of street fights with the Nazis, and it turned out that his boxing and wrestling training was not always enough, since sticks, knives, bottles and other improvised items were used.

Imrich Lichtenfeld

In these fights, a specific art of survival in difficult street conditions began to emerge. Using his father's police skills, wrestling and boxing skills, Imi gradually came to one of the basic principles of the future Krav Maga: "use natural movements and reactions for defense, combine them and go on the counterattack."

In 1940, when Nazism finally won in Slovakia, Imi left home and, joining the Czech Legion, fought on the side of Britain until 1942. After the war, he retired to the reserve and moved to Israel, which was then a territory under the protectorate of Great Britain. There he began to train his art in the fighters of the Haganah, a militant Zionist organization operating in Palestine. After the formation of the State of Israel in 1948, Imrich served in the army, training fighters, and after his retirement in 1964, he adapted the system and began to teach it to civilians.

Imrich Lichtenfeld

After Krav Maga arrived in the US in 1981, the system began to gain the attention of people all over the world. Today it is used in the army, special forces and police of Israel, as well as in various private security agencies.

Principles and arsenal

Krav Maga was created in the conditions of street conflicts and fights with the Nazis, and polishing took place in the Israeli army and police. Therefore, the main principle of the system is ease of learning, because often they had to train either young people who did not know anything, or already elderly veterans, so he chose the most simple and natural movements and techniques.

An important component of Krav Maga training is its versatility, that is, specialization is substituted under the general model of movements - military, police or civilian. The goal of Krav Maga is to end the conflict as soon as possible, and how this is achieved depends on the specifics. If in the army system it is easiest to shoot the enemy, then in the police system it is required to detain and deliver to the department, and in the civil system it is completely cut down and run away.

Krav Maga is taught to people of any gender and any age. The technique includes various grips, creases, throws, strikes with any part of the fist, palm, elbow, head, legs and knees. Blows are allowed to any vulnerable points of the body: groin, eyes, throat, nape. They teach how to work against a stick, a knife and a pistol, and, of course, they also teach how to work with them.

An important component of Krav Maga is situational and stress training, when people act out different situations in different conditions: on the street, in the stairwell, in the car, against several opponents. They also teach how to break up a fight, protect a girl or a child. Girls, in turn, are trained to fight off a rapist or a robber trying to snatch her purse.

In addition, trainees are constantly subjected to stress in order to learn how to act in a difficult environment. For example, they are yelled at, pulled, pushed, or blindfolded. Much attention is paid to psychological preparation and the ability to think and plan one's behavior. For example, to cross to the other side of the street if a crowd is moving towards you, not to get into cars with strangers, etc. There are similar courses and trainings for children.

Recently, it has developed and sports direction krav maga. According to it, competitions are held according to the rules resembling hand-to-hand combat. And some representatives of this direction participate in competitions in other types of martial arts.

outdoor application

But it is precisely in the street orientation that the main problem of this discipline lies. And its foundation lies at the very beginning of the appearance of Krav Maga, when its creator blew the Nazis on the streets of Bratislava.

All those techniques that allowed the students of Imi Lichtenfeld to survive in fights, that is, blows to the groin, eyes, back of the head, cannot be trained to a combat level in a gym, as sparring partners will run out very quickly. Well, if you hit nearby or not with all your might, then it will never be a hard and correct blow that will never work out to automatism.

If soldiers and police quickly work out their techniques in practice, during real conflicts and detentions, then civilians cannot afford this. A dangerous illusion arises when fifty-kilogram girls and chubby boys, who have never run a hundred meters and never lifted anything heavier than a gamepad, after a couple of trainings, they begin to think that they will overwhelm the master of sports in wrestling or boxing weighing a centner with a blow in the groin.

Of course, the instructors say that they have full-contact sparring, but it's hard to imagine that they hit each other in the groin or in the eyes. If it's sparring with gloves and sports rules, then how are they different from boxing or wrestling? Only the worst level of combat training. Well, it’s impossible to imagine competitions in real, and not sports, Krav Maga, otherwise it will be like a joke: “If there were world competitions in Krav Maga, then the winner would receive payment from the intensive care unit as a prize, who took second place - wheelchair and the third is a free funeral.”

Thus, the absence of full-contact competitions deprives the system of the most important thing - the ability to work out and fix in the body memory all movements and techniques in the most realistic stressful situation, when the opponent really wants and tries his best to defeat you by knocking you out, strangling or slamming into the wrestling mat .

But there are undoubted pluses for the street in Krav Maga - this is learning to use our evolutionary advantage - the brain. The ability to plan your actions first, and then get into a fight helps people not get lost in a negative environment and correctly assess the chances. After all, it happens that even eminent athletes die on the street at the hands of hooligans, simply because they overestimate their capabilities.

What is the result? Krav Maga is a combat system created from street brawls and polished by the military and police, and is great for those who already know how to punch or throw and want to diversify their skills. For the rest, it’s better to start boxing or wrestling in order to get rid of dangerous illusions at the same time, getting in the nose or sticking your head into the carpet.