How do children learn to swim in the pool. Effective exercises to do at the beginning of training


Happy child 28.07.2017

Dear readers, can your children swim? If so, do you remember how and when you taught them such an important skill? And if not, then maybe it's time to start? After all, for a child, swimming is not only fun, but also a physical activity that is useful for the body. In addition, on vacation, this skill is also very useful - both children have more fun, and it is easier for parents. My personal opinion: a child should be able to swim just like he should be able to walk.

Today on the blog we will discuss the topic of how to teach a child to swim, introduce you to the basic rules for safely teaching children to swim. We bring to your attention exercises for children different ages so that you can work out with your child in the pool and in open water. The column leader Anna Kutyavina will help us with this. I give her the floor.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog! Summer is in full swing. Many families prefer to relax during this hot period near the water. The sun, the sea, the beach... It's quite rare to find children who don't like water. After all, swimming in the sea, river or big pool outdoors can't compare to a home bath. And on a hot summer day, it’s generally difficult for kids to get out of the water.

But in order to get the most out of spending time on the water, you need to be able to swim. That is why the question of how to teach a child to swim arises sooner or later.

So where to start? Together with you, let's try to answer the questions that arise during the period of your child's learning to swim.

What are the benefits of swimming

To begin with, let's ask ourselves why a child needs swimming at all. After all, not everyone will live near the sea or become a sailor. However, even in such cases there are indisputable arguments that clearly speak for the fact that the child can swim.

So, swimming lessons are very useful, because they strengthen the immune system and form healthy posture, give positive emotions. In addition, they are a good prevention of colds, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, tone muscles, develop physical ability: strength, endurance and coordination of movements.

In addition, there are different situations in life, and it can turn into a tragedy if the child does not know how to swim. This is a vital skill! And, of course, it should be noted that the ability to swim also has a very positive effect on a child’s self-esteem - this is an opportunity to add authority in the eyes of peers and strengthen self-confidence. Also wonderful!

It is not necessary to raise an athlete-swimmer from your child. But the ability to stay on the water and swim will always benefit the child.

Where to teach a child to swim

The first lessons are best done in a familiar and comfortable environment for the child. It can be a regular bathroom or inflatable pool. If you still choose an open body of water, then make sure that the place you have chosen is safe.

Assess the sanitary condition of the water and inspect the bottom of the reservoir for large debris - snags, fittings, bottles, etc. Also check for whirlpools and currents. If they are, then it is better to start swimming lessons elsewhere. Consider the water and air temperature, and if the water temperature is below 23˚C, then the classes should be postponed or a more suitable place should be chosen.

At what age can children learn to swim

Newborns are very fond of swimming, because water is their natural state, because the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid for all 9 months. And yet, the opinions of experts, at what age it is possible to teach a baby to swim, differ. Some believe that it is optimal to teach a child to swim from birth, since the baby has not yet lost his innate skills to be in aquatic environment and easier to learn. Others believe that learning to swim is best from the age of 4. What opinions agree on is that everything is quite individual and the beginning of the learning process depends on the child and his physical abilities.

If in doubt, check with your pediatrician. Ask him all your questions. And be sure to check before starting training if your child has problems with the nose and ears (otitis media, sinusitis, damage to the eardrum). It is very important! After all, to master swimming, the baby will have to dive into the water, and you must be sure that the child is absolutely healthy.

Where to begin

There are many exercises, techniques and ways to teach a child to swim. But in order for swimming to actually be beneficial, the most important thing is necessary - the observance of important rules by parents.

  • If the child is afraid or does not want to bathe, no need to insist, this can cause him hydrophobia for life;
  • conduct classes in a playful way;
  • key moment in learning to swim good mood child. Do not try to start classes in a bad mood;
  • praise your children, rejoice in their even the smallest achievements. If the child feels your support and love, he will try;
  • do not use any accessories for training (sleeves, circles, etc.);
  • don't teach your child to swim "somehow." Choose a specific technique and follow all the necessary rules.

Before starting classes, take care of the baby with the setting of breathing. Special exercises help your child learn to breathe properly in the water.

Breathing Exercises

To eliminate the fear factor, start with this exercise: put the child on your lap and press his stomach with your palms so that it does not protrude when you inhale. Now let the baby inhale and exhale 5-6 times. At this moment, you should monitor the child's inhalation depth and exhalation force. It is necessary to develop the correct breathing rhythm, in which the shoulders rise when inhaling, and lower when exhaling. Repeat this exercise a couple of times and let the child rest.

Here are some more helpful exercises.

  • Stand "legs apart". Clasp your hands behind your head, turn your elbows strictly to the sides, tilt your head back. In this position, you need to perform 8-9 deep breaths and exhalations.
  • Stand "legs apart". Stretch your arms up, holding them behind your head. Put your hands on top of each other and lower your chin to your chest. Take 8-9 deep breaths and exhalations. Observe that the children “pick up” the stomach at the same time.

Game "Funnel"

Place the baby in front of a basin of water and ask him to blow on the water so that a funnel forms on the surface of the water. You can compete with a child whose funnel is deeper.

Game "Bubbles"

Your child is holding onto the edge of the pelvis. He takes a deep breath and lowers his face into the water, after which exhalation is performed. Give him a task to get the most bubbles. Make sure that he does not close his eyes during the process.

Be sure to teach your child to hold their breath for a short time. Let him take a deep breath and do not exhale until you count to five. Repeat the exercise several times.

How to teach a child to swim at 3-4 years old

We have already figured out how useful swimming is, how to prepare your baby for lessons and where to start. At the age of 3, a child who likes to splash and is not afraid of water, a light version of breaststroke swimming is suitable. Be sure to teach your baby in a playful way, compete with him, do everything fun and with pleasure.

I bring to your attention several training activities that will certainly help your child learn to swim.


This is a leg exercise. The child holds on to the adult with his hands and pushes off with his feet, imitating a frog. At the same time, the adult moves backwards and tows the baby behind him.


Teach your child to draw hearts on the water. To do this, let the baby stretch his arms forward, spread them apart and connect them at the bottom. Then repeat the same, lowering your arms and shoulders into the water, keeping your head above the water.


Let the baby in the water take a sitting position, group, push off with his feet from the bottom and swim, making a “frog” with his feet, and “hearts” with his hands. Be sure to participate in this process, do not stand aside. You can hold the baby from below or stretch out your arms to catch the young swimmer in front.


A very useful exercise. The kid takes a breath and sinks to the bottom, then, like a float, smoothly rises up.

Be sure to conduct all these activities in shallow water and show your child everything by your own example.

How to teach a child to swim at 5 years old

At the age of five, a child can be taught to swim in the front crawl using swim goggles. Here is a series of exercises that will help you in this responsible task.


After the child learns to breathe properly, invite him to try swimming underwater. To do this, ask the child to raise his hands above his head, put the closed palm of one hand on the back of the other. Then you need to take a deep breath, push off the bottom with your feet and slide as far forward as possible, until it comes to a complete stop. The legs must be straight.


This exercise is good for the legs. Conducted in shallow water. The child on bent arms makes an emphasis lying down. The legs and torso at this point should be parallel to the water. From this position, the child begins to alternately swing with straight legs up and down - “scissors”.

Then you can combine the two previous exercises and perform the “arrow” and “scissors” at the same time.


Now you need to teach the child to row with his hands. Show him the "mill" and ask him to repeat. Bend your elbows and alternately describe a semicircle in the air with each hand, then lowering your hands into the water. Pay attention to how your hands enter the water. The hand should go first, then the forearm, and after that the elbow and shoulder.

The final stage is the combination of all these exercises. The child pushes off from the side of the pool or from the shore of the reservoir, swings his arms, inhale-exhale, turns his head towards the hand.

How to teach a child to swim at 7-10 years old

Unfortunately, many children school age they don't know how to swim. But, contrary to popular belief, it is not too late to teach a child to swim even at the age of 7. The main thing is parental patience and regularity of training.

Of course, teaching a 7-10 year old child at home in the bathroom is pointless. It needs a pool session. You can exercise in the bathroom correct breathing. For training, you can and should use all the techniques and exercises that we discussed earlier.

I suggest you listen to the advice of coach Natalia Kornishina on teaching children to swim. She answers many important questions, gives recommendations, and we will see simple exercises to teach children this important matter.

How to teach a child to swim in the pool

To teach a child to swim in the pool, you can use the same techniques that we talked about above. Let the young swimmer hold on to the side and lie on his stomach with outstretched arms. At the same time, he actively moves his legs, showing a frog.

The same movements can be repeated already using a foam board. The child clings to it, moves its legs and begins to swim. Then gradually the board can be removed, instead of connecting the movements with your hands.

A great option to entrust the training of children in swimming to specialists. There are coaches in the pool and beyond a short time they teach children to swim.

At what age should a child be taught to swim? Is learning to swim a parent's responsibility? Swimming is necessary for the physical and spiritual harmony of a person, his physical health. According to the norms of physical development, to teach a child to swim means to realize one more of his opportunities, laid down by nature. I know from my own experience that, having learned to swim at the age of thirty, you get rid of the inferiority complex that has tormented you for many years.

Human life from the point of view physical education conditionally divided into 4 periods: the time of recognizing the world (from 0 to 6 years), the time of comprehending the world (from 6 to 12 years), the time of sports games (from 12 to 18 years), the time of individual sports achievements (from 18 to 24).

At each of these periods, certain results must be achieved. Unfortunately, sometimes children do not have the opportunity to learn something in due time, and in later life it is very difficult for them to catch up.

First period (from 0 to 6 years)

From the first days of life, the infant is attached to the outside world, making involuntary movements. Gradually, his movements become more meaningful. In the game there is contact with toys, rattles, surrounding objects, animals. During this period, the first relationship of the baby with the outside world is built. Healthy child while awake, there is not a moment of peace. This is provided by nature itself. Babies and older children need free natural movement. They move involuntarily on their own and it is not necessary for parents to use special exercises for their physical development.

Second period (6-12 years)

Time of conscious active movement. The skills and abilities acquired by the child at this important stage will remain with him for life. Children have to learn a lot: writing, counting, jumping, skiing, gymnastics, swimming... Some teenagers 10-12 years old feel embarrassed and ashamed because they don't know how to ski, skate, bike... Clumsy gait, wrong running, inability to swim ... lead to complexes, self-doubt, low self-esteem. Not all parents understand the importance of the all-round development of the child.

Third period (12-18 years old)

Thanks to the natural desire to stand out among their peers, girls or boys achieve high success in certain sports (volleyball, football, tennis ...), develop their physical abilities. At this young age, adolescents feel the need to joint activities(fight for his honor sports team), in a sense of elbow. Adolescents who have not shown themselves in sports games and competitions, subsequently it is difficult to make contact with other people.

Fourth period (18-24)

This time period coincides with studenthood and the beginning of labor activity. A person manifests himself in studies, work, sports. During this period, it is important to find your calling. Some achieve high sports records, others with modest sports achivments prefer science, art, creativity. Even low sports victories require maximum effort, so for many they are pride.

It is important for parents to take care of physical development your child, teach him to control his breathing and body. One of the useful hobbies that can lead to the harmonious development of the body is swimming.

M. Tartakovsky's technique

The famous swimming coach M. Tartakovsky believes that swimming is the best lung gymnastics. In his opinion, the swimmer's respiratory muscles work much more actively than when on land (breathing is made difficult by pressure and water resistance).

It's no secret that swimming is unthinkable without active movements and active work of the respiratory muscles, which is important for the full life of children and adults. The technique of M. Tartakovsky allows you to learn how to swim in a pool or pond on your own.

You need to know:

  • A swimmer who does not make any movements in the water breathes much deeper than on land. It has been established that when standing in water for five minutes at a temperature of 24 degrees, the depth of breathing doubles.
  • A person feels the same temperature of water and air in different ways. In water at a temperature of 20 degrees, it loses 3-4 times more heat than at the same temperature in air.
  • According to the law of Archimedes, the weight of a body is approximately equal to the weight of the water displaced by it, so a person cannot lie on the bottom of a pool or reservoir. Non-swimmers mistakenly believe that the depth of the water "pulls you down".
  • Swimming - physical exercise, which promotes the growth of the body of adolescents (during swimming, the human spine (in conditions of partial weightlessness) is unloaded from ordinary gravitational loads).

Swimming lessons according to the method of M. Tartakovsky teach how to quickly learn to swim for children and adults.

Basic exercises for learning to swim

Exercise "lie down"

It is aimed at the ability to stay on the water. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and lie down on the water with your chest open with your eyes open. It is not possible to lie down on the bottom, as the water pushes and supports you near the surface. You see the bottom, but touching it with your hands is possible only with vigorous strokes deep into. Raise your arm or leg above the water (then both arms and both legs) and you will immediately feel immersed in the water. Learning to stay on the water means using the buoyancy of the body correctly. The body should be in a strictly horizontal position, the nose and mouth should be above the surface of the water.

Exercise "lying on the back"

Go into the pond waist-deep, lower your arms and sit down in the water up to your shoulders. After taking a deep breath and holding your breath, gently lie on your back (legs straightened, arms extended along the hips). Lie in the water for a few seconds without moving, despite the fact that the water will cover the entire body and face. Gradually, the legs will begin to lower, and, bending them, you will again stand on the bottom.

Exercise "waving the palms."

Repeat the second exercise "lying on your back" (legs are straightened, hands are placed palms down), but to save horizontal position move your palms up and down. At the same time, do not exhale all the air (it gives additional buoyancy), try to breathe shallowly while lying on your back. “Swinging the palms down and up” helps you learn to lie in the water as long as possible and breathe shallowly, but evenly, keeping one face above the water. Success can come after 15 minutes of hard work on this exercise. Remember: in the water you need to keep a flat body position. Can't sit or bend over hip joint. The most important rule in swimming is to learn to relax in the water and not strain in vain.

Straight leg exercise

Repeat the previous exercise, only it is important to swim with your head to the shore: lie on your back, keeping yourself afloat with “swinging your palms” (legs are straightened, socks are extended and turned towards each other (inward)). Alternately move your straight legs up and down. Try to make gentle movements with your legs. To consolidate, repeat this exercise several times.

Remember: You can not swim from the shore, because you have not yet learned to swim.

Perform these four exercises in strict sequence in other classes to acquire basic skills: stay on the water, breathe through your mouth correctly and move with straight legs. The next exercises should be started after mastering the previous ones.

Boat exercise

Having folded the hands in a “boat” (one on top of the other), straighten your arms above your head, tilt your head slightly with your chin to your chest and lie on your back so that the bend of the hands resembles the prow of a ship. Moving straight legs up and down, swim to the shore. Hold your breath at first as your hands and face will be in the water. Repeat the exercise until you can keep your head in a position that allows you to breathe freely.

Exercise "rowing hands"

As you enter waist-deep water, raise your arms above your head with your palms slightly outward. Rotate alternately with a straight arm back so as to paddle the water with your palm. Standing in the water and rotating your arms, imagine that you are lying on your back.

Back crawl exercise

Swim to the shore, repeating the “boat” exercise completely (straightening your arms behind your head, move evenly with straight legs). It is important that the face is above the water. This will allow you to breathe through your mouth. Now alternately row with a straight arm back, as you did in the previous exercise.

Exercise "transition to the back" (performed in a shallow place)

After taking a deep breath and holding your breath, lie down with your chest on the water, as you did in the first exercise ("lie down"). Trying to touch the bottom, spread your arms to the sides, stretch forward, flounder in the water with your feet. After doing all these movements, you will make sure that the water pushes you to the surface. Without touching the bottom with your feet, roll over onto your back (so that your mouth is above the surface of the water) and crawl to the shore.

Repeat several times the transition from the chest position in the water to swimming on your back. The exercise "transition to the back" is a serious test for a novice swimmer to master the basics of swimming.

You can live without knowing how to swim, not knowing how to ride a bike, skate, skateboard, ski, rollerblade... However, over time, due to the lack of certain skills, a person begins to feel spiritual discomfort, shame, regret... Many skills acquired in childhood affect the future on the quality of life, health, attractiveness and safety of a person. It is human nature to strive for excellence, set goals and work on oneself.

Dear reader! Do you think that parents are right when they consider it pointless to teach a child to swim?

My method involves learning to swim first under water, then emerging and mastering the "surface" space (the idea came when I saw baby swimming). I proceeded from the fact that the main catch is that children are afraid of diving under water and are so desperate not to drown that they prevent themselves from swimming. Having learned to hold their breath and swim underwater, children gain confidence, their movements cease to be convulsive attempts to stay on the surface - they calm down and swim.

First question: how often do you plan to go to the pool? Optimal frequency 2 times a week or more. An adult who he trusts more should deal with the child (usually mom is more suitable, men are often too passionate about the goal and they don’t have the patience to let the child calm down and believe in their abilities, but if your dad is a calm, balanced person, then he can do it! ). And it is very important not to force things, otherwise you can scare the little one! IMPORTANT: non-stop praise and encourage the child, especially at key moments (learning to dive and start swimming underwater).

  1. To begin with, you should stand at a depth where the child is chest deep, (standard depth for classes) remove the armlets and ask the child to squat in the water, holding his breath. First, so that the water covers his lips, then his nose, then dive headlong and immediately emerge. This exercise should be done until the child realizes that he controls the diving situation, holds his breath in time and correctly, emerges of his own free will and is not afraid of lack of air (let the child not close his eyes and do not plug his nose when diving, if he is afraid water in the eyes, it makes sense to offer glasses, but all the children I taught learned quite calmly without them - the main thing here is to interest the child in what can be seen under water).

    As a game, jumping from the side of the pool at the deep edge very well helps to master the situation of diving, first with armlets (at later stages - without them), while the adult must catch the child before he has time to get scared.

  2. When the dive is mastered so much that the child completely ceases to be afraid of it (usually one lesson is enough), ask the child to stretch his arms when he dived and quickly drag him under water by his arms at least half a meter, gradually increasing to the distance of your outstretched arms. By the end of the distance, push it to the surface, indicating the need to inhale. Usually children like this exercise very much. Come up with some kind of game preamble for him: a submarine, a fur seal ...

    Pay attention to the fact that he emerges (raises his head above the water) when he wants to breathe, assure him that he is safe and in control of the situation, both on your part and on his. Gradually transfer the initiative to emerge to the child.

  3. When the child feels confident that he always has the opportunity to emerge, complicate exercise No. 2 by leading the child by the hands, and he dives and emerges for inhalation-exhalation, while he completely tears his legs off the bottom and "floats" without putting your feet on the bottom at the moment of inhalation-exhalation. Start with 2-3 dives-wires (inhale-breath-hold-dive-wire-surface (1) - breath-hold-dive-wire-surface (2) - etc.), working up to 5-6. This is a very time-consuming exercise for a child (give him a break, do not force) and the most basic in a skill (usually it takes 2-3 lessons to master).

    Continue to play jumping from the board (without armlets), jump in the water with immersion ("the woman sowed peas"), all games should be aimed at teaching the child not to be afraid of situations in the water, associated with water on the face and diving under water despite the fact that it has no watercraft.

  4. When the child stops looking out of breath when performing exercise 3, i.e. learn to dive easily and in time, explain to him how to dive on his own. To do this, he must fold his hands in a boat, put them forward and dive after his hands (ask him to look underwater at his hands). The child now independently controls his immersion and resurfacing without the help of an adult with his hands.

    When this is mastered (usually this happens almost immediately), stand at a distance of half a meter from the child and ask the child to dive, see your body under water and go under water (sometimes it turns out to swim right away) to you and emerge. Explain to him how to kick off the bottom with his feet to increase the speed of movement (this also encourages him to take his legs off and swim, and not go under water). Gradually increase the distance so that one breath is enough. Come up with a game in which the child will thus swim up to different people and objects in the water.

    Jumping into the pool from the side is no longer worth immediately insuring and catching the child. Let him swim up to you and emerge.

  5. This exercise is the key moment of independent swimming. Stand away from the edge of the pool or put another adult at a distance of one and a half to two meters. Explain to the child that he can swim to the desired destination (side of the pool or another adult) by coming up for breath as many times as necessary. Show him how to paddle his arms underwater by extending them forward and spreading them out to the sides. At first, many children try to stand on the bottom during inhalation. Therefore, pretty soon, remind the child that he knows how to push with his feet when diving, and ask him not to lower his legs, at first walking next to the child and insuring (a little bit !!!) his hand under his stomach during inspiration ... to master this stage takes 2-4 sessions.
  6. After mastering ex. 5, when your insurance during inspiration becomes symbolic, convince the child that now he can swim under water on his own (metaphor - swim like a dolphin). Ask him to swim to various objects that are clearly visible in the water, and then complicate the task so that he not only swims to the object, but also returns to you (usually the competition technique works very well here: "I bet that you swim? .." ).

    Gradually shift your activities to a depth where the child does not reach the bottom with his feet.

  7. In fact, having mastered ex. 6, we can assume that you taught him to swim, further training (swimming above water) can be left to the discretion of the child (usually children themselves very easily understand after a while how to swim without diving). If there is a desire to control the process of learning to swim, then you just need to show the child that you can dive not immediately after inhaling, but continue to swim, keeping your head above the water. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the child does not stretch his neck (remind him that as soon as he gets tired of swimming above the water, he can dive).

    All the rest of the training is about swimming style: show your child how to work with their feet, achieve smooth and synchronized movement of the arms and legs.

In the end, I want to add that this swimming is just the beginning of the ability to swim in style!!! Further training (crawl, breaststroke and other bells and whistles) is the job of an instructor athlete, the goal of this technique is confidence on the water.


20.10.2008 04:32:01, Pandus

What do the experts think? - Probably only the lazy one has yet to read about it here:

20.10.2008 04:31:06, Pandus

And mine swam with the help of the SWIMTRAINER circle. Here is their website What do the experts think? =)

07/28/2007 02:37:19 PM, Marina

It is easy to learn how to swim on your own and teach your child using the tutorial published on the website

06/20/2007 13:28:13, __ms__

Of course, it's very cool! I have been teaching children to swim in approximately this way since 1978-1979, children can already swim independently after 2-3 minutes on their own, and those who have never seen water bodies, i. did not flounder in the water, after about 2-3 hours they can swim confidently themselves. Like this.

12.05.2007 11:09:45, Marat

I think it is very useful and not at all "instructive" material, the author is trying to teach swimming in practice (!), which is very important.

04.11.2003 22:50:11, Stella

The article is useless and harmful, Kuku is right. Just maybe it shouldn't have been so rude.
The author does not own the material, but tries to teach. These are still small children, you need to be more careful with unprofessional advice.
You just pulled some exercises from completely different material.
Do you really have to mind your own business, or are you playing pretend?

06.11.2002 20:54:26, Anna P.

Who would advise where to start with a child who, not only without armlets, but even with any inflatable device, is afraid to go into the pool and sit deeper than chest-deep?
For now, I'm inclined to leave him alone, and in a year (at 5 years) send him to classes with a coach ... And if he still resists?

In general, it turned out like this: my 3-year-old child learned to swim in an adult pool through armlets. I even thought that it was bad that you had to swim in armlets, but nothing could be done about it. At first, the son swam in armlets, and then the armlets deflated and deflated until they began to fall at all, and the son realized that he could swim without armlets. So now we swim in the pool, in which I myself don’t feel the bottom, but we still dive. In the pool in infancy, we never practiced. And six months passed from the first lesson in the pool with armlets to swimming without them. And in essence, I was doing very similarly, as it is written in the article, only we did not have a bottom. First, we gained confidence by swimming in armlets, learning to hold on to the board, learning to work with our legs and arms, learning to dive in armlets, and jump from the side in them. And when I was already without armlets, I tried to do everything so that my son would not be scared. We jump into the water together when he is afraid to jump alone, or I catch him below, or hold his hand. When he swims, I swim away and show my hand that he can grab it, and he swims to my hand. 4-5 meters swims without stopping. Now we are playing with a ball. We throw it as far as possible and swim, as it were, in a race to the ball in order to grab it. When Dima needs to rest, he grabs the sides himself to take a breath and look around. And sometimes we fool around: we release streams of water with our mouths like whales, we play throwing each other into the pool, the son tries to swim on his back, and he succeeds a little. But I must say that my son was always very fond of water in general, he was not afraid to dive even in the year when we were at sea, in general, my son has some kind of craving for water, for swimming. No other sport interested him as much as swimming.

I have vast experience in teaching children to swim from one year old. Children begin to swim after 10 lessons. You don’t have to talk much, you just have to be with the children and love what you do very much.

11/01/2002 8:35:19 PM, love

And in my opinion, a very useful and interesting article. Probably, lady No. 1 with dubious curses is very afraid of water herself and is simply jealous of people who not only know how to swim, but can also teach others to do it.

Leave swimming lessons to the professionals. Your so-called method is absolutely illiterate, do not fool people's heads.
Take care of what you know.
Not every coach with a higher education will undertake to teach babies, for this you need to master one of the existing methods (which doctors developed).
You still develop massage techniques, having neither knowledge nor experience. I'm sure you'll have a lot of followers here. To give birth to a healthy child and to make an idiot out of him with his methods of upbringing.

10/31/2002 21:11:22, kuku

For training, it is better to use armlets, not a circle. They can be worn by kids from 3 years old. Inflatable colored wings will please the baby and teach him to float freely on the water.

Exercises to overcome the fear of immersing your face in water

- "Hippo": we inhale above the water, tightly clamp our mouth, lower our chin, mouth and nose into the water, the whole face to the level of the eyes, as a hippopotamus usually does in a swamp. Under water, exhale air through the mouth. Do every day for 5-7 minutes until you get bored, then move on to another exercise.

- "Dive": close your eyes, hold your breath, pinch your nose and lower your face into the water, not deep, so that your whole face is in the water. Hold for a few seconds.

It is important that the mother and the child do these exercises in shallow water. The child stands firmly on the bottom on his feet. Mom is nearby and shows by her own example that putting her face into the water is not at all scary.

Exercises for the development of swimming technique

- "Hearts" (girls love it very much): we draw hearts with our hands on the water, in fact this is an ordinary breaststroke - spreading the hands in the water in front of us.

- "Duck": holding mother with hands, with hind legs we show how the duck flips with flippers. Then the mother releases the child, and he, already in armlets, repeats the same thing.

- "Frog": as in the previous exercise, holding on to mom with our hands, we make a frog with our feet. Then you need to connect the “Hearts” with your hands and the “Frog” with your legs, as when swimming with a breaststroke.

How to teach a child to swim without sleeves?

After the child learns to dive headfirst into the water without fear, you can take off the armlets and try free flight, that is, a swim.

"From mom to dad / sister / aunt": adults stand at a small distance from each other. One adult sends the child with a strong push, like a rocket, to another, and he accepts it. At first, the child is simply passed with support, then for a second he hangs in the water, then the distance between adults increases. In this case, the child makes movements with his legs and arms and holds his head high above the water. Every day the child feels more and more confident.

– « I myself": when the child feels that he has just begun to stay in the water, he may have a false sense of self-confidence and he will want to go alone in the "big water". Therefore, it is very important to outline the zone of independent navigation from the very beginning. We came up with the following technology: a child enters the sea up to his neck, turns to face the shore and swims towards it. At any moment he can get on his feet, because there is a bottom below, and he will not be afraid.

Lina Ostrovskaya

You can start teaching your child to swim from the very beginning. early age, since for the baby water is almost a natural environment, because all 9 months he was in the amniotic fluid. But parents should be extremely careful when teaching children to swim under 1 year old, it is best to consult a specialist who will tell you how best to start teaching a child so that he does not get scared and does not lose his natural skills.

IMPORTANT: Statistics and expert opinion boil down to the fact that the most optimal age for learning to swim is 4 years old. How to teach a child to swim from a few months to 12 years old on their own or with a coach, you will learn from our article below.

How not to learn to swim

If parents decide to teach their child to swim on their own, then it is necessary to eliminate common mistakes in order for the process to be successful.

IMPORTANT: the most common mistake when teaching children is that parents teach to keep their heads above the water, row with their limbs, while supporting the child in the water in such a way that his body is practically on the surface of the water.

The very first step in training is to teach your baby to feel confident underwater. Of course, the baby will cry, be afraid of the depth - such a psychological reaction is natural, but if the parents, together with the baby, dive under water and learn to swim under water, and start classes from an early age, then the baby’s fear of water and depth will quickly pass, and further Swimming lessons will be much easier.

You can't force a child to swim. This is another common mistake that can lead to psychological stupor and lack of swimming skills in the future. Children under 5 years old learn the world in a playful way, so the entire learning process should take place in an easy and provocative way so that the child can have fun.

When and how to teach a child to swim?

Depending on the age of the children, there are some features that should be taken into account in the learning process. Parents are wondering at what age it is already possible to teach? And the answer to this question is - you can immediately! Yes, yes, as I was born, it is already possible to submerge under water without risk and danger, read about it further ...

Education for children up to 1 year

During this period, it is important to teach the baby not to be afraid of water, to swim under water and dive. Up to a year, babies have a pronounced reflex that prevents water from entering the Airways. If you do not develop this skill, then over time it begins to fade and it is much more difficult to teach diving skills, as well as swimming underwater. Learning to dive is generally a simple process: you lower baby to the surface of the water, say loudly: “Dive!”, Then lower the lyalka under the water, slowly carry it in your arms for a few seconds and gently pull it to the surface. Repeat the exercise three times for all bathing, for 10 days. At first, the immersion time should not exceed 2-3 seconds, gradually it can be increased to 6-7 seconds.

It is best to start learning in a familiar environment for the baby - in the bathroom. The bath should be clean, twice a week it should be thoroughly washed with soda, and before bathing the baby with laundry soap. Swimming should begin at 9 months of age. The optimum water temperature is from 35 to 37 degrees. You can gradually reduce the temperature by teaching the baby to swim in cool water, then up to three months the lowest water temperature for a child is 32 degrees.

This exercise trains the child's lungs, he gets used to the water, calmly feels completely submerged under water, there is no fear of depth and fear of water. If the child feels calm in the bathroom (pool at an older age), when immersed in water, does not start to panic, actively move his arms and legs, raise his head, and cry after the procedure, then the kid learned this lesson well, and the water element came to him to your liking.

Teaching children from 1 year - 2 years

During this period, it is important to work out the breathing technique. To do this, take a container of water, immerse a light boat in it and say one year old baby that the boat will sail only with its help, that is, it needs to blow strongly in order for the boat to sail. This exercise is great for developing the lungs.

The second exercise is holding your breath. You should start with the bathroom. Baby has to hold his breath, then he dives into the water and stays under water for as long as possible. The water temperature, preferably, should be in the region of 27-30 degrees.

You can leave the baby to swim on his own with a circle around his neck. He will not slip out of the circle and will acquire the skills of movement in the water. It is especially good if you ask him to swim to one side of the bathroom, take the item and put it on the other side.

Teaching children from 3 to 4 years old

This is the best age to learn to swim. You can use game forms. Gradually, you can move on to limb movement training, which in the future will be the basis of any swimming technique.

At three years old, you can teach a child to make a “frog” with his feet. For this, it is better to choose a pool. The kid holds on to the side of the pool with his hands, his legs are in an extended position, horizontally along with the body. The legs are pressed against the body, then spread apart, and in an extended state they close together, returning to their original position.

The second exercise is "hearts" with your hands. Perform standing in the pool (depth to the chest of a baby doll), or sitting in the bathroom. Starting position - arms are in a bent state near the chest. Then they are simultaneously pulled forward, bred in different sides, bend at the elbows and again return to a bent position near the chest. There is something similar to "hearts" on the water.

As soon as these two exercises are successfully mastered, you can proceed to combine them and gradually teach the child to swim in the pool for short distances (up to 10 meters).

IMPORTANT: Motivation is always needed. For a small achievement on the part of the baby, praise is definitely needed. It is the approval from the teaching person that is for the little one strong motivation develop further.

Education for ages 5, 6 to 7

During this period, it is best to start training with breathing exercises. Useful exercise which can be carried out at home, in the bathroom. Place any heavy objects on the bottom of the tub that won't float to the top. Together (exactly together) with the child, dip your heads under the water, open your eyes and collect all the items from the bottom of the tub. This will teach you to hold your breath and swim with your eyes open.

IMPORTANT: make sure that the preschooler does not accidentally take a sip of water. If this happens, you need to carefully get the baby out of the bathroom, wrap it in a towel, give it the opportunity to cough well so that all the water comes out of the lungs, and calm it down. It is better to repeat the exercise the next day.

At this age, you can teach a child to swim crawl. To do this, he must lie with his body on the water, arms and legs are in an extended state. The head is submerged in water while swimming. To inhale, raise your head slightly to the surface and turn to the side. The legs move up and down, the legs are extended, only the heels are visible on the surface of the water. One hand rises up, the second at this moment is along the body, the hand makes a small semicircle and falls into the water, the second at this moment rises up. The first hand in a slightly bent state is attracted to the body, the second makes a semicircle and descends into the water, then the hand movements are repeated. Breathing at this moment: the head turns to the side and the offspring takes a breath at the moment when one of the hands goes up, exhale when the hand goes down.

Swimming lessons for school children aged 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Teaching school-age children to swim must begin with getting used to the water.

If a student has a fear of water, then exercises are performed that will overcome the psychological barrier. To do this, it is best to start training with a trainer who will select individual program exercises.

Breathing training. Starting on land - exercises for the development of the lungs. Simple exercises: the child takes the deepest possible breath, after a few seconds makes a smooth exhalation. Then breathing exercises should be continued already in the water. The student, standing up to his chest in the water, takes the deepest possible breath, dives under the water, bends his knees and brings him to his chest. He should remain in this position for as long as his

lungs. Repeat the exercise five times in one session. With each workout, the time spent in water will increase, and for some it reaches 1 minute.

Education of schoolchildren can begin with the rabbit technique, which was described in detail above. Also, simple technique swimming - breaststroke. Starting position - lying on the water, arms and legs extended. Hands spread apart, making a powerful push forward, at this moment the legs are bent at the knees, pressed to the chest. The arms complete the stroke, bend at the elbows and return to their original position. The legs at this time are spread apart, return and in an extended position return to their original position. Inhalation is done with the nose along with the stroke of the arms, exit is done with the mouth into the water when the legs complete their movement.

Swimming techniques

There are many swimming techniques, with their own characteristics, both in coordination of movements and in breathing technique.

Games for children in the water

The game process in the water is very important in the process of learning to swim, as it allows you to get used to the water, train your breathing and reaction, and just have fun and use it.

Game Dwarfs - Giants

All players stand in one line, body waist-deep in water. The host says the word "Dwarfs" and everyone plunges headlong into the water, on the word "Giants" - everyone jumps out of the water. The host can alternate these two words in any order, the one who never fails and executes the command correctly will win.

sea ​​battle

Players are evenly divided and stand in two lines, face to face with the opposite team. When the host gives a command, the kids begin to actively splash water at each other. The participant who lasts the longest will win, will not wipe his face with his hands from splashes and turn his body to the sides.


The players are divided into two teams. The entire gameplay is carried out at a depth of no more than 50 cm. The members of each of the teams stand in one line. The first participant takes the emphasis lying down, and on his hands and, performing leg movements, begins to move forward to the set point, after which he returns in exactly the same position and passes the baton to the next participant. The team in which all private players complete this exercise faster wins.

Where can you learn to swim?

  • If we are talking about the smallest toddlers from 3-4 months to 1-2-3 years, then it is better to teach them to swim at home in the bathroom at a temperature of at least 30 degrees. This is the best place for such dives, as it can be done at any time and you can perfectly control all dives.
  • From about 4, 5, 6 years onwards, you can already teach kids in a lake, sea or pool. The main thing at the very beginning is to introduce the little one to the environment so that he can watch you, stop being afraid and be able to stand and sit in the water on his own. Give the child a bucket with a scoop and let him run into the water, collect water and sand and build fortresses. Thus, in the process of playing on the seashore, he will be able to get used to it very quickly. If you are very worried, you can put inflatable armlets on your child, but when you start to teach and support him, it is better to do this without special devices.
  • And if you have a desire to teach a baby in the pool, then the doors are always open for you and experienced trainers will teach you the necessary skills.

Studying with a trainer

An experienced coach knows how to teach a child to swim. Young children are easy to learn to swim, they learn quickly, and swim a few meters in the first or second lesson. It is best if the training takes place under the supervision of a trainer. The trainer will be able to choose an individual and interesting program for the baby, will monitor correct execution all exercises.

It is best to choose pools where a group of children of the age category of your son or daughter is recruited. Such groups are engaged in specially designed programs, under the supervision of experienced trainers. It is best to look at the reviews of parents who already take their children to any groups in order to choose the most professional trainer With effective program learning.

You should be prepared for the fact that you will have to adapt to the group's schedule, since skipping classes is a waste of money and irregular workouts will not be as effective. Also, you should be prepared for the fact that such classes are not cheap. You will have to purchase additional equipment in the form of a bathing suit, caps, fins and additional swimming gear.

The water in the pool is cool, so children with weak immune systems, who often get colds, should first get used to cool water at home. Try several times a week to take baths at temperatures up to 30 degrees.

In addition, you will probably be interested to see how your tomboy is taught to swim in the pool. Some pools are equipped with an auditorium where you can watch the progress over a cup of coffee.

Benefits of swimming for kids

Swimming has the following advantages:

  1. The muscles of the body are always in good shape. Active work during swimming of the muscles of the whole body, plus an additional warm-up before training - all this will help maintain muscles with early childhood in good shape.
  2. Active exercise is an excellent pacemaker. Any training, especially the process of swimming, stimulates the work of the heart and circulatory system, as the muscles begin to contract several times more actively, the blood circulates faster. Thus, the process of pacing occurs.
  3. Useful for school-age children, as swimming prevents scoliosis from developing. Swimming is a great exercise for the whole body, including the spine. Schoolchildren need physical exercise, since the sedentary process at school, at home doing homework is the main reason for the development of scoliosis.
  4. Great time, especially winter period time when physical activity is beneficial for each person. In winter, children spend most of their time at school or at home in front of the TV or computer. To improve health, muscles, and prevent the development of poor vision, it is better to direct all your energy to water activities.
  5. Prevents development excess weight. During swimming, a large number of calories are burned, which is why many people use swimming to reduce excess weight.

What can you swim on?

    1. Necessary swimming aids for people who are not good at staying on the water are armlets, swim boards and noodles. All these small devices were specially designed to support some part of the body and give the muscles a little rest, but at the same time continue to swim and keep the body on the surface of the water. But it is better to teach the baby without them, since the child should immediately get used to the position of the body in the water and rely only on his own strength.
    2. Surf. The surfboard is an item that belongs to extreme sports sports. It is best to learn in the open ocean, directly on the waves, but if this is not possible, you can also get the basic rules of surfing in specialized centers where imitation of waves is created and you can try to slide along the waves while standing on the surf. Children are very fond of surfing and you can teach a boy or girl to do it from an early age, especially since it becomes available in various modern indoor complexes.
    3. Boats. Currently, there are a large number of boats ranging from inflatable boats, ending with models with a hydraulic motor. It all depends on the purpose of the holiday, but in any case, a boat is a great way to spend a holiday with a large company. If your kids love to dive, then you can swim away from the shore and have a great dive into the clear lake. Be sure to let the baby drive the boat. After all, the faster he learns to swim on various watercraft, the more skillful he will be, and you will be calmer.
    4. Mattress. The inflatable mattress is designed for swimming, at the same time, you can not touch the water at all. Mattresses are different types, in size, there are models with additional massage inserts, there are models for children. It is the perfect vehicle to learn to swim as it is a lot of fun to dive from.


    • catch up if he swims away from the wind;
    • tow, holding with one hand;
    • overcome great distances, as there is no fear of swimming far and exhausting yourself;
    • you can always rest on it.

It is best to start teaching your child to swim from an early age. This process needs to be taken seriously. The main thing is no extreme. That is, throwing a crumb of one into a pool or pond with the goal that the instinct of self-preservation will help him learn to swim is a bad idea, since a baby can not only not learn to swim, get scared, but also acquire a psychological barrier of fear of water, which is very difficult to fight. Gradual training in the pool, preferably with a trainer, can give positive results in a short time. Or maybe a future champion is growing in your family? If a child likes the water element, it is necessary to support and develop this direction.