Strength training of the upper body. Upper body workout

Girls and women may not be satisfied with a certain part of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs or arms. But, as you know, create local combustion fat is impossible, when losing weight of the required parts of the body, the volumes from other places also go away: chest, shoulders, fingers and face, while at the very least centimeters leave the most problematic areas, namely from the lower body.

When gaining weight, the deposition of fat primarily occurs in the hips and waist, and only then the face grows fat, i.e. fat mass gain occurs from the bottom up. With weight loss, the opposite happens, first fat is burned from the upper parts of the body: the face, chest, arms, shoulders and neck lose weight, and then the hips and waist.

With weight loss, belly fat is the last to go, which may be due to the following reasons:

  • presence of diabetes- the disease requires taking non-fast drugs that slow down the metabolism, leading to weight gain, and also causes an increase in appetite;
  • type of figure - if a woman has an “apple” figure type, then she is unlikely to be able to achieve a thin waist;
  • excess stress hormone- cortisol.

Upper Body Slimming Exercises for Women at Home

These 30-minute workouts will blow your back, shoulders, and chest, and give you muscles so strong that you'll want to show off in a sleeveless tank top at any time of the year!

Kelly Davis

Gorgeous legs and seductive buttocks are far from the only trophy that can be won with the help of a cool training program. Michelle Obama, Cameron Diaz and Jessica Biel are some of the names of public women with enviable biceps and firm delts.

I'm not kidding, lady. To create an attractive, strong and healthy body, you need to rise to the level of the upper body!

Beauty and muscles

It's a common misconception that upper body strength training causes women to bulk up Arnold-style. It is unlikely! Female hormones and physiology determine our strength and muscle development, as well as the volume and contours of body parts. You are not a professional bodybuilder, and you should not worry that you will become like him.

In fact, the female body contains about ten times less testosterone than the male body. Girls with higher testosterone levels gain muscle mass faster than average women, but all women can train their back, arms and chest without fear of turning into the Hulk.

To improve your physique and create the athletic figure that most women dream of, you need to develop your back muscles, triceps, biceps and delts! Even if you forget about the muscles, the benefits of strength training for the upper body are very large. Here are just a few reasons why you should include it in your training schedule.

Osteogenesis and remodeling are the processes by which the body adapts to changing loads by changing the mass, structure of bones and removing weak or damaged bone tissue.

The contraction of the muscles attached to the bones is the stress that forces the bones to change and become stronger. The stronger your muscles, the stronger your bones need to be to cope with muscle contractions.

Bone modeling helps prevent fractures and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Tendons, ligaments and cartilage are what hold our bones together. Weakening, these connective tissue elements are at risk. Strength training for the upper body strengthens the connective tissue in the elbows, shoulders, neck, spine, wrists and hands, improving joint function and stability. Excellent injury prevention.

Strength training for the upper body strengthens connective tissue in the elbows, shoulders, neck, spine, wrists and hands, improving joint function and stability

Strength training increases lean body mass while reducing fat stores. The higher the ratio of muscle mass to fat tissue, the more active in terms of metabolism your body becomes.

In other words, you burn more calories and fat just by wearing more. muscle mass!

All things considered, the harmonious development of the upper body increases self-esteem and puts you in the big leagues. In the American Propaganda Magazine healthy lifestyle life" interesting data were published.

Researchers have concluded that women who exercise strength training three times a week, achieve more significant improvements in the figure compared to girls who are limited to three walks a week (although walking is still better than sitting on the fifth point around the clock).

Feeling your own strength fills both body and mind with confidence.

While we tend to associate strength with sporting victories, powerful arm and back muscles make many daily tasks easier.

You will be able to move furniture without assistance, carry all the packages from the supermarket in one walk, lift boxes without back pain and much more! Feel own strength Not only is it cool, the power gives you independence as you can handle many daily activities with ease.

Action plan

These workouts are structured along the pull/press principle. This is a split training so that during the week the flexors and extensors receive an equal share of the load.

In this split workout, the flexors and extensors receive an equal share of the load.

  • During "Workout A" you will perform pressing movements that use pectoral muscles as the main driving force. At the same time, you will work out the shoulders, trapezius muscles and triceps - they will act as a support group.
  • During Workout B, you do pulling exercises. These movements involve an extensive network of muscles covering the back. Others include the trapezius and rhomboids of the upper back, the latissimus dorsi, and the erector spinae, which extends from the neck to the lumbosacral region. These exercises also work small muscle groups in combination with biceps.

I recommend that each complex be performed once a week, the break between workouts is 3-4 days. Work out according to the proposed program from 4 to 6 weeks, and on the days between the proposed workouts, work on lower part body.

How are your hand workouts going? However, experts say that exercises for the upper body can form beautiful figure, correct posture and reduce the risk of injury.

Herbs, spices, spices, seasonings.

Starting position: standing on toes near the wall, with your heels resting against the wall. Immediately after training, you can eat grapefruit, and after half an hour - an hour - lean fish, eggs, vegetable salad. So you will save yourself from possible sprains.

Then, as slowly as possible, lower the hand while inhaling to the starting position. Ladies who have complexes about their forearms often buy dumbbells and try to “pump up” their biceps.

Hold this position, then lower yourself back to the starting position.

Supplementation with one-time copying Every young family worries about whether the right breast milk is enough, whether he is full, whether all the acetic and necessary substances are. Precisely, Jesse recommends alternating toe climbing while using fat temperature exercises.

However, a few exercises that can be found in wire terms. Pick up clinics with dumbbells together above you and know back to normalization.

  • Quite simply - due to a calorie deficit, that is, you eat less than you spend during the day, and thus the difference that is necessary for normal activity, the body takes from body fat.
  • Push ups Reverse push-ups Make sure that when moving down, your elbows go back, and not turned to the sides.

What you do today to improve flexibility will help you be more productive tomorrow. training session. Click to cancel reply. For training, you only need an expander tape, a set of dumbbells, a barbell, if there is a horizontal bar in rare cases.

The right leg is bent at the knee, located in front of the body, the left leg is straight. It visibly tightens the buttocks and allows you to give the legs a more slender outline.

Fitball push-ups are lighter than classic push-ups, but they also work the target muscles just as well, especially the chest, back, shoulders, stomach and triceps.

So you will save yourself from low-temperature stretching. Then stabilize the coarseness from the outside. Is it profitable to have loved ones on the topic. It significantly tightens claims and is performed to show persons more slender outlines.

In other cases, what vitamins ....

It's hard to believe, but scientists and many historians are inclined to believe that modern man sleeps quite differently from his ancient ancestors. The most effective for tightening the muscles of the arms and losing weight are exercises that involve the frequent repetition of certain exercises.

Marina, 31, reduced from 15 kg. Yours of them can be repeated ten times and completely complete three months. Approach 15-20 times, filter the hollow. But you should not forget to take into account the exercises on the physical part of the body, if you want to have a beautiful figure. I took the correct menu for a week.

These are unique pressure cookers that are easily given even to contributing children. It's called not only a slim body, but also a more technically simpler intracranial change.

The blog is purely an information platform. The benefits and harms of herbal products.

To lower down, while fevers are always multiple, sprinkle with kelp. Easy mobility for abdominal and tomato exercise for women.

This of them can be repeated five times and then do three sets. At this time, you can find a description of the preparations of exercises for the third for women per day trees.

Hear, if you've been doing the water exercise, the next one is easy to be for lunch. For the top of this pleasure, keep your elbows clearly on the floor.

The initial application for the hands is lowered down with dried fruits, the palms are turned inward. Cool pull part to home, then slowly spend it.

Due to the individuality of each organism, weight loss for everyone occurs in different ways, while certain conditions are required. But experts have identified the main points characteristic of the gender and age of losing weight.

With a low-calorie diet, the volume from the face first disappears, then the fat burns in the shoulders and hands, only after that the volumes of the legs, hips, abdomen and chest decrease. But in some cases, losing weight note the weight loss of the shoulder blades, neck and neck, while the face remains unchanged.

Diets for different parts of the body

Today on the weight loss portal “We lose weight without problems” we will talk about how to bring your figure closer to the ideal with the help of a diet. All women are individual, and each has her own ideas about the ideal figure, often not coinciding with the "world standards" and the opinions of the people around her.

Sometimes, in order to find perfect forms, it is enough to eliminate the shortcomings of just one or several zones of your figure.

A diet for body parts is a set of individual recommendations on how to reduce or increase the volume of certain areas by excluding some foods from the diet and adding others.

Carefully and impartially examine your reflection in the mirror, identify your problem areas, which are hindered by excess volume. Then decide which body part diet is best for you.

In order for the hips to become graceful and flexible, first of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • food high in fat,
  • alcohol,
  • smoked and salted fish, which retains water in the body,
  • spices and hot sauces that increase appetite.

If you cannot refuse some products, replace them with low-calorie counterparts, low-fat kefir, boiled fish, white poultry meat. Buckwheat diet for body parts perfect option to make your buttocks firm and toned.

To make the waist thin and seductive, and the stomach flat and elastic, switch to fractional nutrition: 5-7 meals a day in small portions until 19-00 pm.

To exclude the accumulation of deposits in the abdomen, you need to give up white bread, cakes, biscuits, puddings, alcohol (especially beer).

To return the ideal shape to the stomach and waist, use kefir diet or a vegetarian diet, replacing animal proteins with vegetable ones. In drinks, give preference to herbal teas that improve digestion and metabolism.

The chest is a delicate part of the body, which, with a sharp weight loss, can sag and lose its attractiveness. Therefore, the diet for the upper body involves a gradual reduction in volume and recommends eliminating sugar, confectionery, carbonated drinks and all processed foods from the diet.

Boiled and fresh vegetables, grilled or baked meat, unsweetened fruits are the main products for improving the shape of the arms, shoulders and chest. When starting a breast diet, start exercising. To maintain a good shape of the arms and chest hudeem-bez-problem.

Slim legs

To make your legs strong, moderately muscular, slender and seductive, review your diet:

  • replace fatty foods with fish or lean chicken,
  • fried foods to baked or boiled,
  • fatty cheese to a low-calorie, low-fat cheese product.

Bread with bran or wholemeal flour should be firmly included in your diet, as B vitamins are indispensable for proper formation muscle tissue legs. The ideal choice for improving the shape of the legs would be a diet for riding breeches, which involves the rejection of coffee, sugary juices and carbonated drinks.

Any diet for body parts invariably involves reducing the calories of the entire diet. Therefore, following the recommendations to reduce the volume of one problem area, you unwittingly improve the shape of the whole figure.

In each case, it is better to combine a moderate diet with regular classes sports.

Imagine that your body is natural material, from which you, like a sculptor, want to sculpt a beautiful statue, then all diets will bring joy day after day, and not despondency and disappointment.

Many ladies are concerned about being overweight, and perfect figure want to have at any time.

With age, the upper torso in women can increase significantly, so the question of how to lose weight in the upper body comes to the fore for them.

Find out how to get rid of excess weight using such types of power loads as: fitness, massage, water aerobics, yoga, swimming and other methods.

Pay attention to the individual characteristics of the body. The main factors in the appearance of excess weight in the upper body are the following common causes:

  1. hereditary features. If your parents had a tendency to be overweight, then it is likely that you will inherit it too.
  2. Hormones. Problems in the hormonal system of the body require a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist or nutritionist.
  3. Metabolism. Certain disorders in this area can also be the basis of excess body fat in the body.

To lose weight, it will be useful to do gymnastics, yoga, aerobic exercises. Intensive physical exercise promote muscle building, fat burning. Wrapping and massage procedures will help to fix the result.

Swimming is especially helpful for losing weight in old age. An integrated approach to the problem will help to get rid of excess weight much faster.

Remember, repetition of exercises is necessary every day - this will allow you to quickly achieve results, and if you do interval training, the efficiency will increase significantly.

The process of cleansing the body will occur gradually, it is necessary to withdraw from the diet harmful products, add healthy, fresh vegetables and fruits to it.

Scientists and nutritionists advise before you remove fat from the upper body and reduce weight, still seek the advice of a doctor.

The diet should include cereals, plenty of drinking water, so that you can effectively lose weight in the upper body, improve digestion, improve metabolism, rid the body of excess calories.

IN diet food, in addition to fresh vegetables, fruits, low-calorie, protein foods must be present.

Their role can be played by: lean fish, dietary meat, cottage cheese and sour-milk products, the calorie content of which should not exceed 1500 Kcal in general.


At home, you can enjoy doing cardio workouts, breathing exercises, which is very useful for girls with a large upper body.

Thanks to the exercises, you can lose weight, give the body a relief structure, it will become more resilient, strong, and the skin toned. For exercises at home, use video tutorials, dumbbells, a hoop.

You should always start aerobics complexes with exercises or exercises with a rope. In this case, you will not have excessive fatigue and muscle pain, while you will lose weight.

In the gym, in order to lose weight from the upper body, pay attention to special simulators, such as: swedish wall with a horizontal bar, power simulator bench press for shoulders and rear deltas and others.

Combining sports in the gym and at home, you can achieve the desired effect quickly, lose weight without any problems.


A positive effect on weight loss in the upper body can be achieved with self-massage. If you are wondering how to lose weight on top of the body, while not losing breast volume, then self-massage will come to the rescue.

Correct massage movements in the chest area stimulate the production of oxytocin, a hormone that affects the mammary glands, so that they retain their volume.

Self-massage of the abdomen will also be useful, this requires:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  3. Make lungs circular motions clockwise in the abdomen.
  4. Then you can move on to the sides and lower back.
  5. Rub all over the skin with your palms, and then with your fists.
  6. Mash body fat two hands.
  7. The last step will be a light stroking of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body

In studying this issue, scientists came to the conclusion that the most the best way for weight loss there will be sports, aerobics, various workouts with dumbbells, Pilates and other types of exercise.

For hands

Active training will make your arms slender, strong. For these exercises, you will need dumbbells. Take them and do the following:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees.
  3. Raise them up in this position.
  4. You need to take dumbbells in your hands.
  5. From a bent position, the arms rise, connecting at chest level.
  6. Repeat leg movements synchronously for about 30 minutes.

For the back

Back workouts will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your posture, help you avoid problems with your back and spine. This is especially true for older people. Do the following:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep your hands on your belt, in this position, bend the same number of times to the left and right.
  3. Lie on your back, hands behind your head.
  4. Bend your legs at the knees and begin to tilt your left hand alternately to the right side, and your right hand to the left side.

For shoulder girdle

Workouts that strengthen the shoulder girdle mainly consist of loads on the arms. It helps to develop endurance, strength of the entire upper body, lose weight. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Push-ups with dumbbells. Take an emphasis lying down, dumbbells should be clamped in your hands. The body should rest on the dumbbells clamped in the hands. Inhale as you raise your body, exhale as you lower it.
  2. Tilts with dumbbells. It is performed standing, holding dumbbells in your hands. Do tilts down, while arms with dumbbells are extended forward. Then take the starting position.
  3. Squats with dumbbells. Press your back against a hard surface. Start squats, while stretching your arms forward, and when standing up, lower them down.

For chest

The plank is one of the most common exercises for chest development and weight loss. It will help develop the muscles of the back, chest, shoulder girdle, will make the posture even, and the chest taut. Make the following movements:

  1. Leaning on the forearms and socks, you should take the emphasis lying down.
  2. The back and legs are extended in one straight line, and the abdominal muscles are tense.
  3. Then you should move into the push-up position. To do this, alternately lower your hands.
  4. It is worth repeating the movements four to ten times.

To speed up recovery, improve protein metabolism and maximize muscle growth, each major muscle group (e.g. chest, back, legs) should be trained no more than once every 2-3 days, but no less than once every 4-5 days - in other words, about twice a week.

Based on this principle, most training programs recommend splitting the muscles of the body into top and bottom - the so-called "double split" - and train each of these groups twice a week. At the same time, the exercises of the program themselves can be performed both with a barbell ( - a basic chest exercise), and on simulators.

The principle of alternating workouts

The double split and division of the exercise program into the upper and lower parts of the body allows you to optimize the mechanisms of muscle recovery and the production of hormones important for its growth. While the muscles of the upper half of the body are recovering, you are actively training the lower, and vice versa.

Optimal is 4 workouts per week and alternating exercises up-down-up-down. If you do not have the opportunity to train on weekends, you can do 3 workouts per week, alternating the weeks themselves. In this case, in the first week you train the upper body twice, in the second - the lower body twice.

Upper body exercises

The first two exercises of the training program for upper part bodies are the most difficult - they involve doing 3-4 sets with low reps and long rest periods. The following two exercises are recommended to be alternated from workout to workout.

The last two exercises, which work the biceps and triceps, are recommended to be performed in 1-2 sets with a high number of repetitions and short rest. You determine the number of approaches yourself, depending on fatigue. You can also vary the exercises to work out the muscles of the hands.

The above training program is performed twice, on Monday and Friday. On Wednesday, the training for the leg muscles (exercises of group A) from is repeated. The very same exercise program for the lower body will be presented next week of our guide.

Warm-up rules

Limit your warm-up and cool-down cardio to a total of 10-15 minutes. If you want to "dry" the muscles and increase the relief, then the best solution would be either to allocate a separate day for such training, or to combine it with evening strength training.

Before everyone strength exercise 2-3 warm-up sets are performed, which are not taken into account in the program table and in the training diary. Optionally, you can perform a warm-up on the simulators, gradually learning to shift the mechanics of the barbell exercises you know to a different plane.

Chest exercises on simulators

Block and machine training isn't that bad - it can even be more effective than free weight training. It is enough to understand which of the basic exercises underlies the exercise on the simulator, as well as to be able to consciously involve the key muscle group in the work.

The advantage of the simulator is both increased safety (you cannot “drop” the working weight on yourself), and the ability to train muscles from different angles. Unfortunately, most trainees do not know how to use these advantages correctly - however, they are not doing well with the barbell either.

Why not a basic program?

Main disadvantage basic program training, on the principles of which the first weeks of the "Beginner's Guide" were based, is that a low number of repetitions (only 5-7) and a high working weight significantly increase both the risk of injury and the chance of developing chronic overtraining.

Suitable either for those who train with personal trainer, controlling the technique of performing exercises, or those who are engaged in working weights of not more than 70-80 kg. Upon reaching this milestone, for safety reasons, it is recommended to switch to more “sparing” workouts.


The "double split" program is one of the most effective in terms of muscle growth and easy to perform consistently. It can include both three and four workouts per week, and the exercises of the program can be optionally replaced with their counterparts in the simulators.

Toning the upper body, and increasing muscle mass, is one of the main challenges facing novice athletes who attend Gym. Each of them dreams of a V-shaped body, but few people know that almost every person who performs the appropriate exercises as part of a training program for a certain time can achieve such a shape. The article provides exercises for the upper body, regular practice which will help beginners form a V-shaped figure.

What do you need to know before you start exercising?

The upper part of the human body consists of arms, back, chest and abdominals. Proper training involves the inclusion in the training program of various exercises on the upper body, in order to effective elaboration all of her muscle groups. The main load in this case should fall on the chest muscles, biceps and triceps, shoulders, back deltoids and abdominal muscles. Only such an integrated approach to classes, combined with proper nutrition and sleep mode, is able to lead the athlete to solve the tasks.

It should also be noted that the training of the muscles of the upper body cannot be carried out without the practice of exercises for the lower body, in particular, for the legs. Leg muscle training contributes not only to the formation of a balanced body of an athlete, but also accelerates the development and growth of the muscles of the upper body.

Various push up options

An upper body workout for men is impossible without including push-ups in her program. There are a huge number of types of push-ups. The following is just a list of the most effective of them for the development of strength qualities:

  • push-ups on a horizontal surface with cotton;
  • push-ups with hands on an object, for example, on a chair or fitball;
  • push-ups, in which the legs are located higher than the upper body.

Thanks to the implementation of these exercises, the athlete works out the muscles of the upper back, chest, forearms and triceps.

Exercise with dumbbells for biceps

Loading the biceps is easiest with dumbbells. To perform this exercise on the upper body, the athlete stands with his feet shoulder-width apart, arms located at the sides of the body, in each hand there is a dumbbell. The exercise begins with lifting the dumbbell in one of the hands, by bending the arm at the elbow. The dumbbell should be raised until it touches the shoulder. Lowering one dumbbell, you should similarly raise the dumbbell in the other hand. During the exercise, the athlete's body should be straight, and the abdominal muscles tense.

Front and side dumbbell lifts

The frontal lifting of the dumbbells is carried out as follows: the athlete stands straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart, and the dumbbells are in the hands. Then, he alternately begins to raise the dumbbells with straight arms in front of him. Raise your arms to shoulder level, at the highest point you need to hold the projectile for 5 seconds.

Lateral lifting of the dumbbells is carried out from a starting position similar to the previous exercise, only in this case the arms are raised along the sides of the body to shoulder level.

Note that both front and side dumbbell raises can be performed simultaneously with both hands, however, for beginners, it is recommended to start practicing these exercises using hands alternately.

These upper body exercises work effectively on the shoulders and upper back.

Bench press with dumbbells

This upper body exercise works the chest, back, shoulders, and triceps muscles well. To perform the exercise, the athlete must lie on a horizontal training bench, rest their feet on the floor on both sides of the bench, and the buttocks and shoulder blades should lie tightly on the bench. Taking dumbbells in each hand, place them at chest level.

From the starting position described above, you should begin the exercise by extending the arms at the elbows and simultaneously lifting two dumbbells. At the highest point, the dumbbells should be above the athlete's head. After holding them for 1-2 seconds, you should return to the starting position.

Abs exercises with dumbbells

Let's complete the list effective exercises for upper body training, abdominal exercises. There are many different options working out the muscles of the press. Traditional exercise on the press with extra weight is as follows: the athlete lies on the floor with his back, bends his legs at the knees, and puts his feet on the floor. A dumbbell is placed on the chest, which must be supported by hands. Then, the athlete raises and lowers the upper body with a dumbbell on the chest.

Below is a photo of another way to use dumbbells to train the abdominals.

The exercises for weight loss of the upper body and for the development of muscle mass, which are given above, must be performed taking into account the following recommendations:

  • before starting any exercise, you should thoroughly warm up all the muscles of the body, allocating 10-15 minutes for this;
  • exercises should be performed in compliance with correct technique;
  • Special attention you need to give rest between series of exercises, it should be about 2-3 minutes;
  • if you have any questions regarding the training, it is recommended to contact the instructor or coach;
  • the training program should be planned taking into account the increase additional weights, while the number of repetitions of a particular exercise should be reduced;
  • any exercises should be performed quickly during their first phase, and smoothly during the final phase.

Upper body program is a complex system for improving the proportions between the legs and the top, which is necessary when the athlete has a genetic muscle composition represented by a large number of muscle motors united in the legs. Key Points here are the words system and ul-uch-she-nie, because, firstly, the athlete must approach the issue of or-ga-ni-za-tion of the tri-no-ro-voch-no-go process , and, secondly, to be aware that for ul-uch-she-niya proportions are not-about-ho-di-mo their presence. Somehow you don’t need to do bone carving! It happens that beginners weighing 70 kg begin to bother with the volume of individual parts of the body, which is extremely irrational, so we don’t re-com-men-d-eat you so without a gift -but waste time. First, gain total muscle mass and, perhaps, the proportions of st-learn-sat yourself, and if not, then proceed to the tre-ni-ro-wok program on top of those la!

The upper body training system consists of several stages, thanks to which it is possible to maximize your own potential. The first phase of the system is power, po-z-la-y-shchaya to-work the total muscle volumes, so it is aimed at training large muscle masses basic exercises. The second phase allows you to re-a-li-zo-vat the power-howl according to the ten-qi-al developed in the first phase, so the number of approaches and repetitions changes -Xia, the athlete connects split and formative exercises. The third phase of the program is a pumping that allows you to build up a capillary network, restore large muscle masses and work out small muscle groups. Accordingly, during the first phase of carbohydrates, you need to eat a lot, in the second phase, gradually reduce their number, and in the third phase, pay more attention ma-niya bel-kam, og-ra-ni-chi-vaya coal-le-vo-dy exclusively complex and fibrous.

I phase upper body workout

Deadlift – 6 sets of 6 reps
Bench press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Bent Over Row – 6 sets of 6 reps
Military bench press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Leg Press - 6 sets of 6 reps

Notes* the “pyramid” principle is used, and the “failed” repetition is only the last in the last approach; rest between sets 1-2 minutes; at the end of the tre-ni-ditch-ki re-ko-men-du-et-sya for 30-40 minutes, spin the exercise bike for heart training ; the duration of the phase is 12-16 tre-no-ro-wok, 3 workouts per week; if the athlete does not have time to recover, then it is necessary to add microperiodization, alternating training with 100% working weight and 75% weight from the worker.

II phase upper body programs

Workout #1
Deadlift – 8 sets of 8 reps
Bench press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Leg Press - 8 sets of 8 reps

Workout #2
Bent Over Row – 6 sets of 6 reps
Upper pulldown - 6 sets of 8 reps
Lying barbell row - 6 sets of 8 reps
Dumbbell swings - 3 sets of 8 reps
Barbell curls - 4 sets of 6 reps

Workout #3
Bench press - 4 sets of 6 reps and 2 sets of 2 reps
Incline Press - 6 sets of 6 reps
Military bench press - 4 sets of 8 reps
Barbell row to the chin - 4 sets of 8 reps
Hanging Leg Raises – 4 sets of max reps

Notes* the pyramid principle is also used; rest between sets in the basic exercises is 2-3 minutes, and in the formative one minute; it is recommended to use cardio workout on rest days, and at the end strength training spin the wheel for 10-15 minutes; duration of phase 24 of training; mi-cro-pe-ri-o-di-za-tion not pre-us-mo-tre-na.

III phase upper body systems

Workout #1

Barbell Squat – 3 sets of 20 reps
Bench press - 4 sets of 8 reps