A chic exercise to start blood microcirculation in the pelvis. Tibetan exercise for instant restoration of vital energy. Eight counterclockwise, we accumulate strength.

At one time we discussed this topic quite a lot. Alexey Serebryakov even wrote a letter with a question on this topic to the Teacher. I would like to introduce you to this extremely interesting conversation, I think its participants will not mind, especially since then the Teacher asked to acquaint everyone with his answer.

So, what was Alexey's question?

“Carefully studying the Studio's website to submit personal information there, I noticed that the Spiral, located on the main page, twists counterclockwise. I would like to find out what this direction means. My question is related to the fact that in symbols it is fundamental to rotate along the Sun or against the Sun. I myself get a lot of questions about which way tai chi should rotate and what it means to rotate in one direction or another. Since my knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete, I would very much like to receive your explanations ... "

And now the teacher's answer:

"Good question" In which direction should tai chi rotate and what does it mean to rotate in one direction or another? , so I send the answer with a copy to many. If I miss anyone, please copy and paste them.

Generally speaking, tai chi is able to rotate in all directions at the same time…

In our logo on the site, it rotates counterclockwise for a reason.

To the right, clockwise, in tradition and in the book of changes means "downstream", to the left, counterclockwise - "against the current."
Downstream is the development of normal life: before birth, prenatal period, birth, childhood, youth, maturity, illness, old age, death;
Against the current - a return to youth, with luck - to the state of a child, with super-success - a return to eternity, in Buddhist terms - "to the residue-free nirvana" or "absolute nirvana".
According to the Taoist version: with the flow - the fate of man; against the current - you become Xian (saint, celestial, "immortal", etc., etc.)
In the classics of tzz there are direct indications that “by controlling the process of development of the innate against the current, you return to yourself the innate (or what was before birth, i.e. pre-heavenly), which is also rooted in the Taoist version.
I recall a quote from Lao Tzu: “Reverse is the movement of Tao; the weak is what the Tao uses.”
In a narrower and shallower sense, we go against the accumulated tensions to active relaxation, to relaxation and inner peace, i.e. to psychophysical recovery, again against the current.
In biomechanics, action goes with the flow, reaction goes against the flow, and between them is tai chi, the mother of both. And tai chi is manifested against the background of wu chi, from where it originates, and where it returns. We devote a lot of effort to getting to know counteraction and its use. Then we will have to keep in mind both action and reaction, and their potential balance, and that elusive phenomenon - tai chi along with its wu chi background.
In the thought process, in the process of attention and sensations, one should also learn to work not in one direction, but in the opposite direction, and, gradually, in all directions ... "

This is very ancient practice. It is part of so many spiritual currents in one form or another. I recommend doing it every day. You should start with one minute of an easy pace, gradually bringing it up to 30 minutes of a very high pace. If you live in a private house and you have a place near the house or in the garden where there are no objects that you can trip or hit, then these are the most Better conditions for this practice. For those who live in the city, and as a result are forced to study in an apartment, it is a little more difficult. But I still advise at least three classes to be held on the street - feel your reaction in this practice, study yourself. And only after that start circling in the apartment.

Description of practice

  1. Start spinning clockwise (you can counterclockwise - but decide on the direction of rotation before practice - and rotate after that always in the same direction). Do not fix your eyes on the “running” objects in front of your eyes. Scatter your eyes - a stable picture should appear in front of you, in which everything seems to be blurry and blurry.
  2. Then embrace the whole Universe with your consciousness. Feel the infinity of the universe with its stars, planets, galaxies, black holes, nebulae... and start spinning it with you. Create a steady feeling that you are spinning the universe. Imagine that your spine is the axis of the universe. Hands should be spread apart as much as possible, the spine is straight, and the chest is spread, as if your heart is open to something very beautiful and desirable. Hands can be slightly clenched into fists or, if desired, straighten relaxed fingers (palms look down or slightly forward).
  3. After a while, you will feel as if you have entered another dimension.
  4. Spin around like you're dancing. Concentrate all the time on the fact that you rotate the Universe and that your spine is the axis of the Universe. Be utterly in the here and now, aware of your existence as much as possible.
  5. After the spinning is over, you sit on the floor (preferably in the lotus position, who can; you can just cross your legs) and sit with your eyes closed for at least five minutes, expanding your consciousness to infinity and feeling the Infinite Ocean of Energy that is around you. Let Energy fill your whole being, Be open and relax as much as possible.

You can optionally use additions to clothing in the form of parts that could rise from rotation and create volume. It could be a skirt. But you can use ordinary fabric strips (in the form of scarves) - one end is tied in a knot (for light weight), and the other is tied to a belt (for example, to a fabric belt - the belt can also be simply tied around the waist and knotted). So you can tie 4 strips with knots - one in front, one in the back and two on the sides - when rotated, these strips will rise from the side where the knot is tied. The length is chosen at will (as well as the number of such dressings).

Do not do this exercise after eating. After you have eaten, at least three hours should pass. But in any case, at first (especially after you sit down in meditation immediately after whirling), you may feel nauseous. Get through it. And do not forget about the gradual getting used to this state.

This is a very strong practice. I can say that ten minutes devoted to it is equivalent to a hundred years of normal evolution of your soul.

Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the precautions that must be observed when circling. Make sure there are no sharp corners. If you suddenly lose your balance - in no case do not stop - immediately sit down sharply. Do not try to regain your balance - this is a very big opportunity to fall.

download (2.51 Mb - 2.5 minutes)

One way or another, over the years, some basic questions have accumulated among practitioners, something can be supplemented, and somewhere even more strongly inspired to practice those who doubt or have even forgotten about the existence of this practice during the time when I published.

[ this video in VKontakte ]

Perhaps the most asked question is in which direction to spin And how do these two methods differ. It is strange that this question is constantly asked, especially given that I have already answered it many times for a long time, and almost immediately after I gave the practice.

But I will answer again. Both options are working. One option works with the muladhara chakra, and the other with the sahasrara chakra. Muladhara is a reflection of the Sahasrara. Mirror reflection. If Sahasrara rotates clockwise (when viewed from above), then muladhara rotates counterclockwise (again, for an observer who is above his head, but for an observer from below, the rotation is also clockwise). I personally think that it is more important to work with the sahasrara chakra, so I designated circling clockwise as the main option, while saying in practice that counterclockwise is also possible.

Both chakras are important. One works with the energy of Kundalini and the ascending Shakti, the other (sahasrara) works with the descending Shakti from the spiritual reality. But these energies are both spiritual. In fact, in the end, when either one rises or the other falls, there will be the same effect of Enlightenment. Those. two Paths leading to one Goal. Therefore, in fact, it does not matter in which direction you will rotate - the result will be the same in the end. But still, I would recommend turning clockwise, as the Path is the softest and easiest.

I also gave a small

I would like, as far as possible, to reveal the topic of "torsion of energy funnels"

Energy funnels ... today there is practically no woman who would be fond of magic, energy and did not know what funnels are. A huge number of people also tried to twist them. The theme of funnels is one of the simplest in attracting magic, and one of the most ancient.

On the eve of winter, the time when the border with the Navi world becomes very thin, on the eve of the New Year, before which the girls are actively engaged in various practices to tighten their tails, and after which, with no less enthusiasm, so that the year goes well, I would like to reveal this the very topic - simple and ancient funnels.

It is not clear where, but for some reason it is believed that there are two funnels - the upper one for attraction and the lower one for retention. That the lower ones rotate "against", and the upper ones "clockwise". And the same number of times.

If you have ever turned funnels using this technology, you should have eventually tracked down that something is wrong here ... It seems to work, but somehow a little clumsy and somehow slightly wrong.

This is what I would like to talk about. About what funnels really are.

First, let's remember what the top and bottom are.

The upper funnel is a connection with the world of Rule. With heavenly peace. With the world of the gods. Who studies the Runes with me, this is a connection with Asgard and Alfheim. Those who practice Kabbalah are Kether, Binah, Chokmah… I.e. this is the upper world, to put it quite simply, it is the upper Indian chakra Sahasrara or the Slavic - Spring. This is higher consciousness, planetary intelligence. Let's listen together to what is this - the upper world? World of Gods? What energy do we address when we unwind the upper funnel?

We address you to spiritual and intuitive insight. To the destination. To the meaning of life. To the very beginning - to a certain point of the quintessence of consciousness and prototypes, to the beginning of vortex movements. We turn to the very first moment of creation...

What for? As a general rule in practice? Honestly? When we start spinning the funnels, what request do we make? For a typewriter, for a fur coat, for a man, for gifts ... One always wants to ask: "Seriously?"

We are asking you for all this, not at all where it is needed. The upper world is where there is nothing material... There is only the very first thought or fantasy, or idea, or meaning... But not a car or a trip to Mauritius.

The lower funnel is a connection with the Navi world. And besides all the horror stories about the world of the dead, which naturally have a place to be, the world of Navi is just the world of the material. The world of Navi is a connection with our mother nature, with the earth, with Malkuth (Kabbalah), Svartalfheim and Helheim (Old Norse Rune magic). Zarod and Muladhara are chakras.

Who was at my training "Matrix of Personal History" remembers how I clearly and in pictures showed why materialization occurs only when there is a connection with the lower world. Also, those who were at the training with me and Anastasia Radaeva "dark and light" can also remember this inexpressible feeling, being in lower energies. Well, yes, as if it is scary and unusual and socially impossible, but materialization is right here. Those. apartments, fur coats, cars - everything is here ... And on the one hand, according to the same myth, we turn the lower funnel to hold ... and everything should have happened ... but ... We turn it counterclockwise.

What is "against" and "clockwise" for energy?

We spin the energy "clockwise" when we want to acquire something. Spinning "clockwise" creates a creative coil of energy. Everything is correct here.

But circling "against" clockwise - creates not the energy of retention, but the energy of destruction!!! A curl of such energy cleanses us - which is very useful, but it is definitely not a hold. Just the opposite.

Thus, a very funny picture is obtained: We turn to the world of the Gods and the higher mind for something that is not there a priori. And turning to where it is, we destroy it. At this point, the systems just start to go crazy. You ask for one thing, and the universe and your Guardian Angel are ready to give it to you, but you do completely opposite actions (this paragraph is for those who have already tried spinning funnels according to the common myth about funnels).

Why, you say, does it still work? Because there is an idea that it will work - a kind of placebo effect. Because, despite the fact that you turn to the Upper World not because it has it, the untwisted funnel is turned upside down, but it draws in what was conceived, because there is a personal power of thought and the energy of attraction, and of course the power of the Moon (which, of course, twists at the temple with a finger, but no one canceled her energy).

The question is precisely what was raised at the very beginning of the conversation. In what works, but is very clumsy, or the question of "fee" arises, or it does not bring joy, or at the beginning it turns out, and then crumbles.

Here is what Eugenie McQueen writes on the subject:"The practices of funnels are very ancient. They are in the Sufi tradition as whirling dervishes, in the Tantric tradition, in the traditions of Africa and Latin America. In Rus', they also whirled during dances and round dances. This practice is present in almost all mystical traditions.

The principle of funnels is that through the top you get the energy of the sky, through the bottom - the energy of the earth, the material. If you turn the funnel counterclockwise you are clearing, if you turn it clockwise you are filled.

In ancient women's traditions, a sign called triskal was usually inscribed at the top and bottom of the funnels. Spinning its blades, respectively, clockwise or counterclockwise.

Ancient female practice work with funnels and triskal, performed by priestesses and female practitioners, was intended to purify the earthly material energy and be filled with heavenly.

To do this, a triskal with petals counterclockwise was drawn under the feet. This sign twisted the energy counterclockwise. At the top, a triskal was drawn, twisting the energy clockwise.

This practice was intended only for women following the path of bodhistavas, so no symbols of the material world were put into the funnels. The work proceeded with pure energy.

But in society, depending on the purpose of the practice, the upper funnel could additionally be filled with images of what the woman wanted to attract to herself. For example, money or health, or love. Still, it is best to do this practice under the guidance of an experienced Master."

I want you to pay attention to several aspects written by McQueen:

  • First, the lower funnel was spinning counterclockwise because the Bodhisattvas were getting rid of the lower material energies. Or rather, they cleansed the lower energies, because their task was to come to God. Not because they tried to keep what they received from above. Bodhisattva in exact translation from Sanskrit means: "He whose essence is knowledge." Well, almost the same asceticism. Only ascetics retire, and bodhisattvas help others. Can you imagine an ascetic yearning to ride in a cabriolet through Paris and stroll through the fashion boutiques of Europe?
  • Secondly, Eugenie writes about the social and about the fact that they are trying to attract money by the top stream, etc. But also, she writes, just after this saying: "It is best to do this practice under the guidance of an experienced Master." I think that's exactly why I described above.
  • Thirdly, everything written here does not mean at all that funnels cannot be used or that they cannot be used to attract money, love, etc. No, no, that you, just the opposite. Can. It just needs to be done correctly. I think that in my article you have already found a lot of subtleties and nuances that can help in this practice. And now something else.

Based on the above, you may decide that turning the top funnels is optional. For what? If you want material wealth... Definitely! Very sure! If you are working with the lower energies, then you must definitely work with the higher energies. Because materialization is one of the facets of the lower worlds. In addition to this wonderful component, there is oh so much more that you run the risk of simply not being able to cope with without upper energies.

The next question is the question of attracting the opposite sex. Where is Love? Above or below? Love is on top. Pure, sincere and even magical. But is it necessary? Again, to be honest ... If we say that we want a man "on the list", then these are the lower funnels. If you make a request for a man with a wealth of more than n-sum, if there is attractiveness or sexuality in your list, if you basically have a list of "what kind of man you need", then this is the work of lower energies. Because the top, again, it is not about property, passion, social status and appearance, but about sincere joy, about purity and sincerity of feelings, about love. And the man who is destined for us by fate, the man who will bring joy, he may not be rich at all ... he may turn out to be completely opposite to your list ... Although, of course, it may be an exact copy from the list, but this will only be a pleasant bonus when turning towards the top. Because the love of the upper worlds is the one that is written about in books ... the one in which nothing is needed in return, there are no criteria and no conditions. Pure unconditional love.

My good ones, I wish you in the new year the fulfillment of all your desires, joy, sincerity, magic and depth. Create and create.

The question is unusual and interesting. Try asking someone about it. I am sure that a smile will appear on the face of your interlocutor, and then some simple answer will follow. Something like: "Because the left leg is shorter than the right." Or like this: "Because counterclockwise is easier to run." Some even answer that this is how people are able to slow down time. Jokes are jokes, and that's why they actually run counterclockwise, only a few know. To be honest, I myself, until recently, was not aware of such interesting fact. And I never asked myself this question until it crept into my head on my morning run.

Option number 1. Running counterclockwise was invented in ancient Greece.

Experts say that the answer is simple and logical.

The thing is that the ancient Greeks determined the time by the sun and, running exactly counterclockwise, it was easier for them to determine the time by their own shadow.

What is the ease of calculating the time, I, frankly, do not really understand. But people talk about it and, therefore, this opinion has the right to exist.

In the same way, new things are being intensively discussed now.

Option number 2. Most people on the planet are right-handed.

That's why International Association The Athletics Federation has decided that all athletes must run counterclockwise.

According to the commission, if the athletes are right-handed, then their right leg is stronger, which means its place is on the outer circle, since the load on it will be greater.

I wonder what left-handers think about this? Injustice, however.

Option number 3. Because that's how horses run on the hippodrome.

When the rider drives the horse with a whip, holding it in his right hand, she, frightened, heads to the left.

I do not know how you will react to this option, but I am extremely surprised by this assumption. People run like that because horses run like that - a funny absurdity.

Option number 4. The reason is pagan religious motives.

The pagans believed that the direction of movement while running should be directed towards the sun, or rather, towards the god they worshiped.

Interesting guess, isn't it?

Option number 5. During movement, our human body shifts to the right.

But how this shift occurs, I still do not understand. A strange hypothesis, but it also takes place among all the others.

If you need running shoes but don't know how to choose them, read on.

Option number 6. When turning to the left, a large and sufficient blood flow is provided to the main organ of the whole organism - the heart muscle.

I don’t know about you, but I consider this a kind of delusion, because the speed of blood movement through the vessels increases instantly at the slightest load on the body.

In this case, running itself is this very load. So that intensive blood circulation during running is ensured without turning to the left.

Option number 7. Right leg longer than the left one and its swing will be correspondingly larger.

This version of the answer made me not only smile, but also laugh.

Option number 8. Clinging to the laws of physics, one can fish out an assumption of the following kind.

When an athlete runs counterclockwise, then the angular velocity vector, which we all know about from school, is directed upwards and the athlete does not feel resistance to his movement when turning left.

All the same experts say that if he runs clockwise, then it is precisely due to this runner that he presses him to the ground in the direction of his movement. And it presses it because the vector of angular velocity while running clockwise is directed downwards, and when it turns to the right, it feels a noticeable resistance to its movement.

That's why people run counterclockwise. From myself I can say that it is the 8thI like this option better than the previous ones.

You know, I tried to run a couple of circles clockwise just for fun. He ran, turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

I was not comfortable and unusual due to the fact that I had to turn right. That's why I'm leaning more towards the last answer.

I think you should definitely ask a friend or a left-handed friend to run like that too, and if it is more convenient for them to run in a circle counterclockwise, then we can conclude that physics decides everything. Don't forget.

Related video

Here's what people say about running counterclockwise.

Denis Statsenko was with you. All HOS! See you

Rotation is the main movement of the universe: the planets, the solar system, the galaxy and everything that fills outer space rotate. The main human energy centers, which are called chakras in the Vedic tradition, and dantians in the Taoist tradition, are also characterized by the so-called "whirlwinds", that is, rotations of energy. The very word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel" or "disk". Rotation can occur both to the right and to the left, that is, clockwise and in the opposite direction. Turning clockwise can be conditionally called masculine or yang. Since the energy "yang" is active, the activation of processes is stimulated by turns to the right. The yin energy is calm, feminine, and counterclockwise turns can compensate for the yang turns or calm down, reduce the activity of processes.

The most famous sacred practices that use the principle of rotation are the Tibetan practice "The Eye of the Renaissance. Five Tibetans." , the purpose of which is to rejuvenate the body and increase the energy potential of a person, and the famous Sufi whirling, "royal" meditation to achieve a state of trance, which consists in rotating people around their own axis from half an hour to several hours. It's curious that Tibetan practices recommend mainly clockwise rotation, while the Sufis circle strictly counterclockwise.

As for space objects, for example, the Earth rotates from west to east, and when viewed from the North Star or the north pole of the ecliptic, the rotation occurs counterclockwise. The most amazing thing is that all the planets of the solar system, except for Venus, rotate in the same direction. This means that in the universe the rotation occurs in different sides. Practitioners who work with chakra energy believe that clockwise rotation of the chakra energy "sucks" external energy into the body, and the reverse rotation draws energy, that is, allows it to radiate. Followers of some Eastern esoteric schools use this property of rotation for pumping energy and for cleansing the chakras - if you start in the area where the chakra is located rotary motion palm counterclockwise, then energy is released, and thus the work of the energy center is harmonized. Accordingly, in order to replenish the energy potential of the chakra, you need to rotate your palm clockwise.

If you feel bad at heart, you have no strength, you are tired, you do not have enough energy, or you want to attract own life something new, then try this ancient Himalayan energy practice. It will allow you to remove all existing internal blocks, release stagnant negative energy, improve physical state to bring some pleasant changes into your life.

✨ It is best to perform this exercise on the street, in the yard, in the park, in the forest, in the clearing. But you can also at home in a spacious room or training room. The main thing - you have to like this place. Stand up straight, look at the sky, spread your arms to the sides. With these actions, you welcome the energy coming to you from space and from the earth. Now start spinning as fast as your health allows.

✨ But before that, choose the direction of rotation correctly. If you feel unwell and want to heal your body, then circle to the left side, this way you can clear your body of the energy blocking it.

✨ If you want to accumulate creative energy, tune in to some changes and new experiences, then circle to the right side, absorbing the energy you need with your body. Spin around and repeat phrases that will help you get what you want from this practice. For example: "I am open to cosmic energy", "I am ready for a new experience", etc. They can be repeated mentally, whispered or even shouted. When you feel that it is time to end the spinning, then stop, cross your arms over your heart and stay like that for a few seconds.

✨ This practice is based on the opening of the 7th chakra of the head. It will fill your connecting channels between heaven and earth with the necessary strength, which will be able to open your subtle centers and draw energy to you. Do this practice as often as you like.

Remember that not everyone will immediately have a miracle, you need to be patient and continue this practice. Be open to everything new!

Original taken from