Morning exercises, the most effective exercises. Morning exercises: a boost of energy for the whole day and healing the body Morning exercises for vivacity and energy

“The way you start your morning, that’s how your whole day will be.” No one can argue with this wise saying. But in order to cheer up, include your body in working condition and recharge your batteries for the whole day, washing cold water, cups of coffee and chocolate are not enough. After all, these are, in a way, stimulants that only start the work of the brain and nervous system chasing away drowsiness and fatigue.

But for the normal functioning of the body, you need to include all the muscles and joints in the work. This effect gives morning exercises. Even a 15-minute workout activates the work of the whole body, stretches muscles and joints, eliminates drowsiness and lethargy, and also energizes for the whole day.

We share with you a few useful exercises for charging. They will help you get rid of the sleepy state and start your day cheerfully.

It is worth noting the following: morning work-out is not an intense workout where you strengthen your muscles, build muscle mass or lose those extra pounds.

It is a wellness treatment that consists of complex exercise . Its main goal is to warm up the muscles and joints, combat drowsiness, and also give vigor to the whole body.

Morning work-out should consist of a light warm-up and basic exercises, and not complex and power tricks. Otherwise, instead of cheerfulness, you will get tired, and you simply will not have the strength to spend an active and productive day.

To get great benefits from morning exercises, follow these rules and recommendations:

Do not do exercises for charging immediately after you wake up. After all, in the morning the body is still at rest. And in order to fully wake up and start all the internal processes, it takes 2-3 hours.

And abruptly blowing up from the bed after the alarm clock and immediately starting morning exercises, you thereby harm yourself.

The fact is that strong loads lead to a sharp switch of the heart to active work, which harms the heart muscle.

Therefore, start charging gradually, moving from simple to complex. While still in bed, do warm-up exercises. They speed up the awakening, knead the muscles, and also prepare the joints and tendons for the main exercises.

After a light warm-up, walk around a bit, wash your face with cold water, brush your teeth, drink a glass of warm water, ventilate the room, and then just start doing the basic exercises. exercise to recharge. Such activities perfectly start the work of the brain and nerve cells.

For morning exercises, you need to wear comfortable clothes which does not restrict movement.

Do exercises with music preferably rhythmic. It will help organize movements and adjust breathing to them. Although, you can choose music depending on what rhythm you are doing. If at a fast pace, music with a tempo of 140-170 beats per minute will come in handy, and if at a calm pace, choose a slower composition.

Try to breathe correctly. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get harm. At correct breathing every cell of the body and every muscle is saturated with oxygen. And this, in turn, significantly increases the tone of the body.

Allocate 5-20 minutes to perform exercises for charging every morning. Try to exercise regularly.

After morning exercises, take a contrast shower. By alternating cold and hot water, you thereby cheer up and harden your body. Also have a hearty breakfast. Eat only wholesome foods rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

A set of basic exercises for charging

morning exercises has many variations. But, despite this, she has one goal - the study of all major muscle groups.

Below we will consider basic exercises for charging that are included in any system:

Warm up

1. Stretch. Lying on the bed, we inhale deeply, stretch our arms above our heads and clasp them into the castle, after which we turn them with our palms to the wall. At the same time, we straighten our knees, and we stretch the socks. We are in this position for 5 seconds, after which we exhale and relax. The number of repetitions is 3.

2. We pull our knees to our chest. Lie on your back, bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. We hold them in this position for 10 seconds. We do this 5-6 times.

3. We do twisting. Lying on your back, stretch your left arm to the side, bend your knees and stretch them in the opposite direction. We make sure that the shoulder blades touch the mattress. We lie like this for 10 seconds, after which we twist in the same way in the other direction. The number of repetitions is 5-6.

4. Lean forward. We sit on the bed, then stretch our legs. We take a deep breath and on the exhale we reach for the socks. Then we inhale deeply again, exhale and stretch even deeper. At the same time, we also pull the neck forward. We perform this exercise 10 times, after which we relax.

Basic exercises

Stretching the neck:

5. We turn our head to the right, then - straight, then - to the left.
6. Tilt your head to the sides: first to the right, and then to the left.
7. We lower and then throw our head back.
8. “Draw” a circle with the head, first behind the hour hand, then against it.

Stretching our hands:

9. We rotate with fists or hands clasped in the lock. We do it slowly.
10. Rotate the shoulders. First use both hands, then one at a time.
11. Extend arms fully and make them rotational movements back and forth.
12. We bend our arms and rotate them first towards ourselves, then away from ourselves.
13. We put our fingers on our shoulders, rotate them back and forth.

Stretching the body:

14. We stand straight, spread our legs shoulder-width apart, then tilt the body forward. At the same time, fingers, and preferably palms, touch the floor.
15. Hands are on the waist. Next, rotate the pelvis in one direction, then in the other. The legs are located at the width of the shoulders.

16. We put one hand on the lower back, and pull the other up. Legs shoulder width apart. Next, we lean to one side, and then to the other.

Tilt and return to the starting position smoothly and evenly. If these movements are performed quickly and abruptly, you may feel dizzy.

Stretching our legs:

17. Alternately swing our legs forward and backward 10-15 times, after which do the same moves but only to the side.
18. We put our feet shoulder-width apart. The hands are on the knees. We rotate the knee joints.
19. We do squats, stretching our arms in front of us. We make sure that the heels do not come off the floor. We perform 10-15 repetitions.

To all these exercises for charging were not boring for you, do them out of order. You can also add something new to your morning exercises, such as running in place, jumping presses, or more.

Morning work-out- this is something that needs to be introduced into the habit. After all, such a daily ritual, if performed correctly, includes the body in work, and eliminates drowsiness and fatigue even better than coffee and chocolate.

In addition, it has a positive effect on overall health. Exercise heals the body, strengthen blood vessels and the heart, increase immunity, stimulate mental and physical activity, and also give a person a surge of energy and vigor.

In addition, they help support great shape. Therefore, take note of them, warm up and recharge your batteries, which will be enough for you for the whole day!

Have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

This simple exercise, available to perform at any age and with any body type, will develop your energy in the shortest possible time, enhance the functioning of all body systems and start the internal process of self-healing. Requires only 5 minutes. But it has a huge impact. Doing it just 3 times a day will replace a full physical training. At the same time, the exercise does not lead to the appearance of fatigue, but only increases the energy reserve.

Consistently doing it for several weeks will lead to progressive changes in your sense of self. The levels of perception and control over internal energy, which were written about in the legends of the masters of Indian yoga, will become available.

The exercise is not really new. We are not reinventing the wheel. It is part of the ancient Tibetan system of self-improvement of the body. Its main secret is that it can be performed completely in isolation and combined with any type of physical activity or even with its complete absence. It has no contraindications, does not require knowledge of yoga volumes. Everything you need to know is listed below.
You can do fitness or bodybuilding, and by adding it to your schedule, raise the level of your physical strength revealing the subtlest levels of energy. Or to be a busy office worker or a housewife who is completely unable to take care of herself - and use it throughout the day to restore strength and renew herself internally. There are no restrictions.

You will need only a few square meters and preferably a ventilated room.

Clothing should not be restrictive. Ideally, if it is a minimum.
Nobody has to follow you. Concentration and inner peace are needed.

Before doing it, it’s good to warm up a little for a minute or two. Run in place, stretch your joints.

Stand up straight, make sure that there are no places nearby that you can accidentally bump into.

Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Start rotating clockwise around its own axis. (If the imaginary clock face under your feet is looking at you). Perform 10-12 turns on average speed. And then 3-5 turns counterclockwise.

Stop. Put your palms together in front of your chest (as in prayer), and fixing your gaze on some point exactly in front of your eyes, inhale and press your palms strongly against each other along with exhalation. Inhale deeply and press again as you exhale. And so several times. This will stop the dizziness and stabilize the unwinding of the energy spheres. This is the stage of energy rotation speed stabilization. Next, lower your arms and just relax and stand straight for a minute or two, looking straight ahead with a defocused gaze.

Such a rotation around itself spins the invisible energy spheres of our body (located at the level of the spine and in the places of the joints), and makes them intensively suck in energy from the surrounding space. The fact is that they constantly rotate and our health and the actual amount of our internal energy depend on how correctly they do it. Rotation can go astray and slow down as a result of experienced mental stresses of a different nature, deposited on the subconscious. And this progressively can affect well-being and health in a negative way.

Daily Execution this exercise restarts and stabilizes the rotation of energy spheres, gradually bringing all systems back to normal. You need to do the exercise consistently and daily. It is very good if you can devote time to it 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Daily practice for several weeks will undoubtedly bring results. You will see it for yourself, you will feel the inner energy, you will notice that you are no longer tired. In the future, you can reduce the number of approaches to two per day: in the morning and in the evening. And then, when you feel that the condition has returned to normal (“you are constantly at the peak of your form”) - up to once a day. But don't interrupt it completely. Do this exercise prophylactically at least once a day, keeping your energy spheres stable.

The indicated number of revolutions (10-12 + 3-5) is the minimum level to start the practice. Further, the number of revolutions must be increased, and you can also increase the speed of rotation around its axis. The measure of the quantity is the normal state of health: during the rotation and after it, the appearance of nausea and dizziness is unacceptable. If even after the rotation stabilization procedure, you feel nausea - you need to reduce the number of revolutions and rotation speed! You don't have to drive horses. A week or two and gradually your results will invariably creep up. Gradually bring the number of revolutions to 30 (+ in the opposite direction 7-8). Again, avoiding discomfort, stopping dizziness in time.

Gradually, the chakras will unwind, grow, come into a harmonious state, and together with them your state will progressively improve. Just remember the following clearly: when rotated clockwise, the spheres open to the set, and when rotated counterclockwise, they close and encapsulate the accumulated. If you mix up where to rotate, you can even lose consciousness. Be careful! First, you open up for energy collection and fill the energy system with particles of energy from the surrounding space; then you close the system and distribute the accumulated, directing it inward into yourself - rotating counterclockwise and then stopping.

This is the whole principle. You need to understand it and competently build your studies on it. Only you can find out how many revolutions you need, and how much is enough for you. At an advanced level, after a month or so, you will be able to rotate freely 30 or more times without any dizziness and nausea and completely forget about them. Over time, you can even increase the number of revolutions to 100 or even more, but the trick is that there is no particular need for this. Enough and smaller efforts, most importantly constant.

The highest level of this exercise that can be achieved is its long execution with a consistent change in the direction of rotation. For example: 30 clockwise - 10 against, then without stopping, again clockwise, then again against. And so several times, back and forth. Chakras are trained in a very hard mode while doing this. If you do this at high speed, while having previously done breathing exercises- you can literally feel how the energy is sucked in and begins to vibrate in the body! This is very high level. And the best part is that you can achieve it yourself! Without gurus and reading volumes of special literature. With this single 5-minute exercise.

The only nuance that will still be useful for you to know is that later, having accumulated energy, your body will give you signs that you will need to distribute it to some lagging, blocked parts of the body. You will want to do some stretching, twisting, joint massage, or just loading the muscles with regular exercises. You want to give excess energy an outlet, perhaps through sports, running, or dancing. Don't resist it. Follow your inner guidance and sensations, and your body will lead you to optimal well-being.

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When there is not enough time in the morning, and it is simply necessary to recover, specially selected exercises will help. This complex is even called magical - it includes yoga asanas, qigong exercises and not only awakens the body, but also heals it.

Before starting the exercises, you need to ventilate the room, do a little gymnastics to warm up, and then just follow the instructions.

website, with the consent of the author of the technique Sergey Borodin, shares this find, which will take no more than 10 minutes a day.

1. Pole with ropes

For what: relaxation of the arms, shoulder girdle.

How to perform: imagine that your body is a pole and your hands are ropes tied to a pole. If the pole is turned sharply, the ropes will overwhelm the pole. Legs shoulder width apart. Relax your arms completely and start turning the body around the axis with full weight transfer, gradually increasing the intensity.

Duration: according to your feelings, but necessarily for the number of breath cycles (inhalation-exhalation), multiples of 6. For example, 6, 12, 18, 36, etc.

2. Heron

For what: development of coordination, balance, dexterity, as well as improvement of blood flow in the lower extremities.

How to perform: you need to stand on one leg, raise the other so that the thigh is parallel to the ground or even higher. Or just as high as possible. Pull the sock over. Stretch the arm of the same name to the raised leg forward, without fully unbending. The other hand is down. Both palms are rounded, as if leaning on two balls. Now you need to close your eyes and try to maintain balance. At the end - rise 3-5 times on the toe.

Duration: according to your feelings, but not less than 10 seconds.

3. Roller

For what: strengthening the spine, improving blood circulation in it, as well as relieving tension and fatigue.

How to perform: sit on the floor. Pull your legs towards you and wrap your arms around them. Round your back as much as possible. Lean back sharply, roll on your back and return to the starting position.


4. Hammer

For what: relaxation of the spine, especially in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Performed in tandem with the exercise "Roller".

How to perform: lie down on your back. Wrap your arms around your shoulders crosswise. Round your back as much as possible. lift upper part torso and slightly begin to “tap” with your back on the floor.

Duration: several breath cycles, but repetition at least 12 times.

5. Sipping

For what: unloading and relaxation. The exercise is compensatory after the "Roller" and "Hammer".

How to perform: we lie on our back. We cross our fingers and stretch our arms as high as possible. We pull the toes.

Duration: by my own feelings.

6. Candle

For what: improvement of blood supply to the brain, favorably affects the health of the whole organism. At regular performance thinking, memory, working capacity are improved. The need for sleep is reduced, breathing becomes less frequent.

How to perform: we lie on the floor. The legs are stretched up. Hands support the stance by the hips or by the waist (in the latter case, the position is higher). We pull socks to the ceiling. Important: the neck should not be overly strained.

Duration: several breaths.

7. Sphinx + Cobra

For what: strengthening the back, the spine becomes more flexible and mobile.

How to perform: lie down on your stomach. Raise your upper body and lean on your forearms. Forearms parallel to each other. Shoulders down, look forward, toes extended. This is the Sphinx. Now we stand on our hands. The spine is even more arched. Look forward or up. This is the Cobra. Then we return to the Sphinx again.

Duration: several breaths.

8. Embryo

For what: compensation for the deflection of the spine - after a strong deflection back, it is necessary to round the back as much as possible. Stimulates the digestive organs and prevents the deposition of salts in the knees.

How to perform: legs under you, knees together. We go down forward and round the back as much as possible. Hands clasp knees or extended forward.

Duration: several breath cycles until complete relaxation.

Most people are ready to use a lot of different specific actions in order to bring their body into nice shape, but most often these actions are not at all connected with gaining attractive appearance and in some cases quite the opposite. But today we will talk about how to properly do exercises at the beginning of a new day, what exercises for charging are best to use, workouts and cardio loads. Morning exercises will help you feel cheerful after waking up and keep your energy boost for the whole day. Proper morning exercises, performed regularly, will preserve your joints and ligaments, as well as ensure that you have a toned and healthy body.

Find out and review these tips to help you get the most out of your body and achieve your goals if you're exercising in the morning.

We all have different preferences when it comes to waking up in the morning - while some may enjoy waking up at 5am, being well-rested and feeling great, doing some morning exercises, others prefer to delay waking up until 9am. some are even longer, and exercising in the morning seems like something from the realm of fantasy for them. I definitely belong to the last category. My natural, normal and habitual biorhythm for my body is to sleep between 1:00. Until 9:00 am, which, surprisingly, makes me much more rested and energized than if I slept from, say, 10:00 pm to 7:00 am - despite the fact that you can sleep for an hour more! The reasons for such manifestations are unknown, but they should definitely not be ignored, but rather, try to follow your natural biorhythm.

Hormonal balance

Hormones are completely dependent on the human biorhythm. If you have a ton of hormones in your system that want to put you to sleep, the chances of you being able to hit the gym and do some squats are minimal. In other words, it's the flip side of the coin that makes it harder to relax and fall asleep during the day when you're usually awake and doing other things. Your body doesn't like too much change and tends to keep the status quo.

Speaking of which, I hope it's obvious why you can't change everything at once. However, there are several general rules that apply across the board.


As you get closer to your fitness goals, there are a few more basic goals that need to be met consistently. Of course, your goal should be to maintain the gained muscle mass. It's a shame if after losing a couple of kilograms of adipose tissue, you will lose the same amount of hard-earned muscle.

For more plain language this means: eat properly before you start your morning workout (respectively, depending on the very type of workout you plan to do, but we'll talk more about this later). Fighting the natural peaks (ups) and downs of your body's energy can play a cruel joke, as everything has its time. Not only will you be less energetic if you try to do some heavy lifting when you are in a "fall" state, but you will also have a greater chance of getting some kind of injury.

morning cardio

Of course, it is very pleasing that you decided to understand the theory in order to start doing morning cardio(at least sometimes) to get rid of the "love pillows" and look really dry and really for the summer beach ... Or maybe you just don't like the way the jelly shakes on your body when you walk or run. In any case, this best time to effectively . Since there was no heavy food in your stomach, the accumulated body fat. The bad news is that with a few carbohydrates, the body is not at all opposed to adding some of your muscle mass to its menu, of course, along with fat. But still this is not what we need.

The goal here is to save muscle and further stimulate the consumption of body fat, which will be used as energy for training. The first part of the challenge is achieved by burning a protein drink that contains at least 40 grams of high quality protein (preferably whey high in the amino acid L-glutamine). So inevitably, the wasted protein during your cardio workout is taken from your bloodstream, not from your biceps. To speed up the process of fat burning, you can use.

The second part of the task can be done in several different ways. First, drink plenty of water! Water is an absolute necessity for the body, without water there is not a single metabolic process! Second, take a couple of grams of fish oil or flaxseed oil capsules. Having a couple of grams of "good" fats can help start the process of burning fat in your body (such is the case with "good fats"). In addition, if your doctor approves, caffeine-based fat burners as well as ephedrine can work wonders, both in releasing stored adipose fat into the bloodstream and then using it as fuel, and in revitalizing and accelerating your metabolism to burn even more calories.

As for the time of consumption, try to make your protein drink, fish fat and other "useful elements" got into your digestive system an hour before training. In other words, it's beneficial to do it first when you wake up and then go through your normal morning routine until it's time to head to the gym. 45 minutes is the minimum required for nutrients to enter your bloodstream. Avoid carbs, especially fast (or simple) carbs, until after your workout. After training, take carbohydrates, this will have a beneficial effect on maintaining your muscle mass.

morning strength training

The goal here is to get the maximum energy level as soon as possible. You need a lot of fuel readily available in your bloodstream to make sure you can perform a heavy barbell set or otherwise. strength exercises. In other words, you have a completely opposite situation (as you need) than the above, where you are trying to maintain the level of energy deficit.

The first thing you should do when you wake up is eat something that will give you loads of carbs and protein. Oatmeal, egg whites, fruit, a glass of juice and all this low in fat - will be the basis for your breakfast. Include a variety of fast and slow carbs in your diet, and don't forget to get the "good" fats as well. But remember that you need at least an hour for the body to digest all this food. I think it will not be very pleasant when you come to the gym and find that your body is still busy trying to digest breakfast.

One thing that must be done after cardio is the need for fast carbohydrates (sugar!). Immediately after training. Remember - after a workout, your muscles are in a state of catabolism, and the only thing that can save them from destruction is to feed the body with something else so that it starts eating it instead of yours. own muscles. And, of course, a fast carbohydrate should enter the body as quickly as possible!

Summing up

In general, everything is very simple, if you can handle the morning workout, then you will have much more strength during the day than without training. Personally, I can't touch heavy weights before lunch, simply because I feel like I haven't built up enough energy to complete a quality and productive workout. I know others who feel “burned out” after work and will never go to work out any other time than in the morning!

One thing I would like to point out is that it is almost impossible to combine two types of morning workout into one with good results. If you do a "cardio breakfast" you burn pretty well, but when you try to hit the weights you won't be as strong as you could be, sacrificing muscle mass for no reason. Similarly, a training breakfast for strength training will help with large weights to work normally, but when you get up on treadmill(or on another cardio machine), it will burn mostly carbohydrates that have accumulated in your body and, accordingly, very little fat. Also, by eating carbs, you've most likely caused your insulin levels to spike, which in turn severely hampers and slows your ability to burn fat for hours afterward, bringing it down to near zero.

Conclusion: choose one type of training, do not mix it in one day. Designate different days for different types morning workout.

A set of exercises for morning exercises or how to do exercises correctly

Consider a situation where a person does not go to the gym, but also wants to keep his body in shape, what should be done in this case? Of course, first of all, exercise in the morning is suitable. Charging in the morning carries a very useful function. In addition to the fact that the regularity of such training will certainly give a result in the form toned body, but even performing a complex of morning exercises, you can ensure good vascular conductivity, as well as provide yourself with vigor and energy for the whole day. Where to start?

We will select a set of the most effective morning exercises to morning exercises gave maximum effect for the whole organism. Proper morning exercises, among other things, will ensure reliable operation and longevity of your joints and ligaments.

Exercises for morning exercises or how to do exercises in the morning

The first thing to start with is the head and neck muscles.

  • It is necessary to tilt the head first back, then forward, then left and right. Performed this complex within a minute.
  • Next, you need to rotate your head first in one direction (clockwise), then in the other (counterclockwise). Similarly, we perform within one minute.
  • Warm up shoulder joints. On straight arms, we begin to rotate the shoulder, first with one hand, then with the other. After that, rotate both at once. Run within 2 minutes.
  • Warm up elbow joints. We rotate our hands in the same way only in front of us to warm up our elbows. The execution time is approximately 1 minute.
  • Warm-up of wrist joints. We also perform rotations with brushes in different directions.

Let's move on to the body workout.

  • It is necessary to place your hands on your belt, and then tilt your torso first to the left, then to the right.
  • Next, begin to rotate the pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other.

After that, we begin to warm up the legs.

  • Raising the leg, standing, with bending at the knee. First one, then a friend. And so on in turn for 2 minutes.
  • Warm up the ankle joints, perform rotations in different directions.

Each exercise should be done one approach after another for 15-20 repetitions. Such sets must be done as many as three at the beginning with a subsequent increase in loads. Since morning exercises take place after awakening, and the concentration of attention is not yet very high, it is necessary to carefully observe the technique of performing exercises in order to prevent the appearance of sprains and injuries.

Remember, morning exercises (proper morning exercises) are the oldest recipe for health, longevity and vigor.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics has been known for more than a decade, but it has attracted close attention only now. Complex simple exercises are credited with truly miraculous properties, starting with the ability to live an additional twenty to thirty years.

This gymnastics was practiced by monks in one of the Tibetan monasteries. It only takes five minutes a day. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to maintain all the endocrine glands that produce hormones in a young state, at the age of about 25-30 years.

What gives:

The monks of Tibetan monasteries are famous for their health and longevity. This fact can be associated with an ascetic way of life, a special mountain climate, proper nutrition. But supporters of hormonal gymnastics give her the leading role in longevity.

Hormonal gymnastics Tibetan monks helps:

* Proper functioning of all body systems;

* Stabilize the hormonal background, which is especially important for women;

*Improve visual and hearing acuity;

* Improve and rejuvenate the body;

*Improve memory;

* Stimulate the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;

* Get rid of psycho-emotional stress, chronic fatigue;

* Heal chronic diseases;

*Increase life span;

*Strengthen blood vessels;

* Establish lymph outflow;

* Strengthen muscles and joints, get rid of pain;

* Increase skin tone, get rid of cellulite and excess weight;

* Align the oval of the face, tighten the chin, get rid of wrinkles;

*Recharge with vivacity and energy for the whole day

Execution rules:

One of the brightest followers of the Tibetan monks was Olga Orlova, a folk healer who practices breathing, volitional, and hormonal techniques on herself. She strongly recommends following the basic rules for the implementation gymnastic complex, because without them the expected effect will not be.

* The optimal time to perform a set of exercises is considered to be early in the morning (before six in the morning), but if it is not possible to do gymnastics in the morning, then it is better to do it at a convenient time than to skip the day altogether;

* The second rule automatically follows from the first rule - it is necessary to perform the exercises every day, without gaps;

* Exercises are performed after waking up in bed. If the mattress is too soft, then you can move to the floor, to a gym mat or blanket;

* Gymnastics is suitable for people of any age, but has a number of contraindications;

*All exercises are performed in a clearly defined rhythm: 1 second - one movement. Almost every exercise must be repeated 30 times in a row;

*On initial stage an exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely, Olga Orlova warns about this and indicates that this is a normal, natural reaction of the body;

*To activate the lymph flow and start work digestive system, after the end of gymnastics, you should drink a glass of warm boiled water;

*Women during the exercises put their left hand on top, and the right hand on the bottom.


There are a number of diseases in which you need to approach the implementation Tibetan gymnastics with caution or abandon this method of treatment altogether:

*Rehabilitation period after surgery;

* State of hypertensive crisis;

*Parkinson's disease;

* Gastric and duodenal ulcer;

* Diseases of the spine, joints during the period of exacerbation

In each case, everything is individual, diseases are not a direct ban, but require specialist advice.


Morning hormonal gymnastics consists of ten exercises, which must be performed in a strictly established sequence and a clear rhythm. There is a gradual activation of the endocrine glands, the lymph flow starts, the body starts working after sleep.

Exercise 1. We rub our hands.

Lying on the bed, rub your hands for a few seconds until they become hot. At the same time, you will diagnose your biofield at the moment. If the palms are dry and hot, then everything is good with energy in the body. If the palms are warm, then the biofield is reduced. If the palms do not warm up and become wet, then this indicates serious malfunctions in the body. In any case, do this gymnastics, as it will allow you to get rid of all failures and diseases.

Exercise 2. Palming.
We put hot palms on the eyeballs. We begin to press on the eyes at the following pace: one second - one movement. Thus, do 30 movements in 30 seconds. Then leave your palms in front of your eyes and hold for at least another thirty seconds, and if you have poor eyesight, then about two minutes is better. At this time, the eyeball and all the receptors around are nourished. Your eyesight will gradually improve. In addition to vision, the natural hair color will be restored.

Exercise 3. We pump over the ears.
We press our hands on the ears, while the fingers are behind the back of the head, we press the palms to the ears and make 30 movements at a pace of 1 movement per second. For some time, symptoms of chronic diseases that you have may begin to appear, especially if they are related to the ears. Do not stop the exercises, just do them "softer" if there is pain. After some time, chronic inflammation of the ear disappears. Hearing will also improve. Almost all chronic diseases can disappear within six months. Serious illnesses may take longer to heal: a year or two.

Exercise 4. Facelift.
Next exercise: thumb we put it behind the ear, squeeze our hands into fists and start a facelift from the chin to the ears, pressing hard on the face. We also do 30 times. After this exercise, you may feel a rush of blood to your face and even sweat a little. The oval of the face is tightened, lymphatic outflow improves.

Exercise 5. Forehead massage.
Then we put the right palm on the forehead, the left on top and begin rubbing movements from temple to temple. You can not touch your forehead with your hands, do it at a distance of several centimeters from your face. But if you want to smooth wrinkles on your forehead, then you need to touch the skin. We also do 30 movements in 30 seconds. This exercise heals all the sinuses, and also activates the pituitary gland.

Exercise 6. Massage the top of the head.
This exercise affects the parietal region. We "fly" with handles overhead. We put a roller under the neck or fold the pillow, weave our hands into a ring. The right hand is below, the left hand is on top. We begin to make a movement a few centimeters from the head from the forehead to the back of the head. We do 30 times. Then we “hover” over the crown and make movements from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise is very good for those who have high or low blood pressure. The pressure will return to normal. With this exercise, the mobility of the shoulder joints improves, and the muscles of the hands are pumped up. Pain in the shoulders passes, and if you could not raise your arms up before, then after a while you will be able to do it easily.

Exercise 7. Thyroid massage.
Next exercise: put right hand on the thyroid gland, put the left hand on top. We begin to make a movement with the left hand from the thyroid gland to the navel at a distance of several centimeters from the body. So we do 30 movements. At the end, we put the left hand on the right and linger in this state for a few seconds.

Exercise 8. Massage the abdomen.
Then we slowly slide our hands onto our stomach, next exercise: do circular motions hands on the stomach. Hands are also folded: right below, maiden above. We do 30 times. At the same time, chronic constipation disappears, intestinal activity normalizes.

Exercise 9. Shaking.
The next exercise is best done on the floor if you don't have a hard enough bed. We raise our arms and legs up, palms and feet are directed parallel to the floor. First we rotate the hands in the wrists, and the legs in ankle joints, then shake. At the same time, blood circulation in the capillaries improves. Minor energy channels are also cleared. We count to 30 (if possible, we do longer).

Exercise 10. Rubbing the feet.
The next exercise: we sit down and begin to massage the feet. You can do them at the same time, you can take turns first one foot, then the other. If the feet are dry, then lubricate them with some kind of oil, such as olive oil. When found on the feet pain points give them more attention. Focus especially on the center of the foot.

Proper nutrition will improve the condition.

To complement the effect that hormonal gymnastics has, breathing exercises, a glass of warm water on an empty stomach and a change in the concept of nutrition will help:

*Products must be subjected to minimal heat treatment;

* Food should be fresh, not reheated, you should not cook for the future;

* Useful boiled and baked food;

* Fry should be in ghee, refusing vegetable;

*Foods rich in starch should not be processed at high temperatures;

*Milk is good for children and not needed for adults;

* Separate nutrition allows you to maintain the intestines in order - a combination of incompatible products causes rotting, fermentation, intestinal disorders.

Just a few minutes a day will allow you to set up your body for proper functioning, launch its protective functions, and recharge your batteries.

The inherently simple hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks will be beneficial if you believe in it and tune in to success.