Chest exercise program. The best chest exercises: review, description and effectiveness

The male breast is no less relevant topic than the same part of the body in women. The weak half is attracted by a wide athletic chest, without excess fat, sagging.

You can put this part of the body in order both under conditions sports hall and exercising at home.

The main thing is perseverance.

The main rules for cool muscles

There are such pectoral muscles:

    big- leads the hand to the body and rotates the limb;

    small- located above the pectoralis major muscle, responsible for lowering the arm to the body;

    anterior dentate- provides rotational movements and abduction of the scapula from the spine, raising the arm above the head;

    intercostal- help to carry out respiratory movements.

Chest training has its own characteristics. First of all, such classes alternate with triceps training, but on different days. The fact is that when working out the triceps, the pectoral muscles are loaded, but to a lesser extent, which ensures supercompensation of various parameters.

Practice twice a week. Beginners perform 2 exercises in 2 sets. When the technique is mastered, the number of approaches is increased to 4-8. To improve strength performance, 6-8 repetitions are enough, and for muscle building - 10-12 repetitions. Between sets, rest for 45-60 seconds.

The most effective basic exercises - for example, bench press lying on a horizontal or incline bench, push-ups on the uneven bars.

Bodybuilders with an experience of up to 2 years are contraindicated in isolating exercises.

The eccentric phase (lowering, stretching the muscles, lowering the load) is performed slowly. Once every 3-4 sessions use "negatives" when only the eccentric phase remains.

Secrets of breast augmentation

Exercises in the gym

Classes in the gym are effective thanks to special sports equipment.

Basic exercises

Bench press (position - lying)

We are talking about alternating the load within one lesson. For example, you can train at home by running on the spot. First run 5 minutes in slow pace. This warms up the muscles and prepares the body for subsequent loads. On next step run with maximum acceleration, to physical fatigue and within the limits of strength. This block lasts 2-3 minutes.

When breathing and heartbeat are restored, they run at an average pace, then again accelerate as much as possible. Recovery periods are gradually reduced. Duration interval running- from 15 minutes.

Active games - tennis, hockey, basketball - will help burn fat in the chest area.


Making the chest wide, attracting the attention of the opposite sex, is not so difficult. However, you need to train in a complex so that the figure looks harmonious. At overweight need a diet and drinking regimen. And the optimal complex will be developed by a personal instructor who will take into account the condition of the muscles and the body as a whole.

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    What will be required

    The development of the pectoral (pectoral) muscles occupies an important place in the training of any athlete. The main nuance is that in everyday activities a person practically does not use them due to their peculiarities. modern image life. Therefore, pumping the pectoral muscles in the training room is an indispensable component: without these exercises, it is impossible to build a harmoniously developed body.

    General anatomy

    The chest is a whole complex of various large and small muscles. In size, they are second only to the back and legs. Therefore, exercises for the pectoral muscles are included in the golden trio of the base.

    The structure itself implies a division into 2 main groups (pectoralis major and minor) and several additional (coraco-brachial, serratus anterior, etc.), which are conditionally divided into zones:

    • upper chest;
    • middle;

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    There is also an additional conditional division into external and internal muscles chest, but these are just different parts of one muscle - the pectoralis major.

    Performing only one exercise, it is impossible to get a balanced pumping and visual aesthetics.. The function of all the small and large muscles of this group is to bring the arm to the body, turning it inward.

    Training Mistakes

    Chest exercises have gained universal popularity due to their effectiveness. But at the same time, people make typical mistakes that hinder the growth of the strength of this group:

    • Mistake #1. Race for the weights. Despite the fact that the pectoral muscles respond well to working with large weights, it is worth remembering that in all basic exercises, a decent part of the load is taken by the triceps and deltas. Therefore, it is better to work out the chest with perfect technique and slightly less weights.
    • Mistake #2. Using only the bench press. Traditionally, this is considered the best exercise for the sternum muscles. However, this is not quite true. Ideally, complement it with wiring and be sure to work on benches with various slopes.
    • Mistake #3. Chopping. It helps to lift weight easier and, accordingly, to do more repetitions. However, when hitting, the impulse component reduces the load on the pectoral muscles and increases the risk of sprains and injuries.
    • Mistake #4. Trainers are for the weak. Simulators have a fixed unnatural range of motion, so many are considered ineffective for working out. This is not true. With proper work on simulators, you can improve the performance of the lagging muscle group or focus your attention on a separate beam. Do them after the main basic presses, but before the wiring.
    • Mistake No. 5. Training in a split with the back or legs. The basic trio "press-dead-squat" is only suitable for acquiring basic indicators or for practicing powerlifting. In the case when you need to separately work out exclusively the pectoral muscles, the general fatigue accumulated due to the deadlift and gray hair will not allow you to perform a set of chest exercises with maximum impact. The best option- combination with triceps or biceps.


    Athletes love to pump their pectoral muscles, because they make them more massive and solid. That is why over the years of the existence of professional sports, a lot of exercises have appeared for pumping the pectoral muscles. Anatomical data allows you to pump the chest both at home and in the gym, so these muscles rarely become a lagging group.

    To understand how to do certain exercises for the pectoral muscles correctly, we will divide them into main groups. This will allow you to pay attention to the technique and explain the principles by which the muscle group is worked out in the best way.

    The chest is pumped using the following groups of movements:

  1. Presses.
  2. Pullovers.
  3. Wiring / information.
  4. Push-ups at different angles, including on the uneven bars.


Pressing exercises are the basis for developing chest mass. These exercises are of such importance because of the maximum number of joints included in the work. What should I pay attention to when working out the chest?

  • Hand position. The narrower the arms, the greater the load on the triceps. If the arms are set too wide, the load is transferred to the front deltas and to the outer sections of the pectoral muscles. The best option is a grip 15-20 cm wider than the shoulders.

  • Bench position. It depends on the angle of inclination which zone of the chest will be worked out. But do not make an excessive slope, because when the slope exceeds 45 degrees, the chest is practically turned off from the process, and the front deltas take its place.

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  • Hull position. Don't work on the elevator bridge. A slight natural deflection is allowed. The shoulder blades need to be brought together.

    General technique of pressing exercises:

    1. Lie down on the bench so that the legs rest firmly on the heels on the sides of it.
    2. Grab a barbell or dumbbell.
    3. Slowly lower the projectile, trying to put the main emphasis on the shoulder blades.
    4. Don't bend your neck or do a lift bridge. This is not only traumatic, but also removes the load from the chest, almost completely transferring it to the deltas.
    5. Lowering the bar smoothly and under control to touch the chest, and the dumbbells to the lowest point of the amplitude, squeeze the projectile up.
    6. When squeezing the projectile, do not unbend your arms completely - this will remove the load from the triceps, and the chest will work throughout the entire approach without pauses.

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    An important aspect: if you have problems with pressure, do not do the bench press with an incline down.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the bench presses in the simulators. As already mentioned, in the program it is better to put them after regular presses, but before wiring. The technique here is similar, only a different position of the body is sitting:

    It is important to properly adjust the height of the harness to focus on the middle or upper chest.

    Push ups

    - a home analogue of the bench press. The principles of both exercises are the same.

    The emphasis of the study of the bundles of the pectoral muscles depends on the angle of the body. The only difference is that when working with the body tilted up, part of the load is “eaten up” by the legs - this is due to a decrease in the weight that needs to be squeezed out. Therefore, this option is more often used by women. In the case of tilting the body down, the situation is reversed - the complexity of push-ups increases significantly, and the emphasis shifts to upper part chest.

    As for the width of the arms, it should be wider than the shoulders, about the same as when doing a bench press.

    1. Take emphasis lying down.
    2. Slowly lower yourself, concentrating on the pectoral muscles. Elbows should be spread out to the sides, not back.
    3. Rise up with an impulse movement. The arms may also not be fully extended.


    - an excellent basic exercise and addition to the classic bench press.

    The execution technique is extremely simple, but there are points that require mandatory attention:

    1. It is better to climb the bars from a jump: with a slow rise, the range of motion will not be natural, while the risk of injury will increase. Even better, if you have a stand with which you can easily take the starting position.
    2. Don't overstretch your muscles. Going too deep can injure your ligaments, preventing you from achieving maximum strength in the exercise.
    3. The body should be slightly tilted forward and remain in this position throughout the approach. You do not need to extend your arms to the end. Elbows should be spread out to the sides.

    Many fitness clubs have a special simulator - a gravitron, which allows you to do push-ups on bars with a counterweight, making it easier to exercise:

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    This option is perfect for women and beginners.

    Information and wiring

    Wiring, mixing hands in a crossover and a Peck-Deck (“Butterfly”) simulator is perfect way focus on the muscles of the chest without involving other groups. Since these exercises are isolation exercises, it is best to put them at the end of the workout.

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    The layout of dumbbells and the reduction of hands in the simulator are completely identical. It is preferable to exercise with dumbbells because of the freer amplitude, which allows you to work out the muscles deeper and stretch them. But you don’t need to get too carried away and do it through pain, raise the dumbbells to the maximum comfortable angle.

    © Makatserchyk -

    With information in the crossover, you can shift the focus to the middle and lower part chest:

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    Or on top:

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    © Nicholas Piccillo -

    Training program

    Pectoral muscles are best trained in several stages. For each step, use your training program. How to pump up the muscles of the sternum without injury and as quickly as possible, consider below.

    Program No. 1 - pre-training (home)

    If you have never done power types sports and are in poor physical shape, it is advisable to devote a month or two to homework. As in the case with kettlebell lifting, independent exercises prepare ligaments and tendons for the upcoming loads. In addition, working with own weight reduces the risk of injury.

    Typical program:

    Program number 2 - split "chest + triceps"

    When visiting a fitness club for the first time, a beginner should train according to the full body scheme, when the whole body is pumped in one day. After a few months, with an increase in performance, you can switch to a split - the division of muscle groups by day. In this case, the chest is most often combined with triceps, since it actively works in almost all movements on the chest.

    Program number 3 - a separate day on the chest

    An option for experienced athletes who allocate a separate day for each muscle group.


    Finishing the conversation about what exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles, we note that the base cannot be excluded. But we would not recommend using the bench press exclusively. The best option would be to alternate it with a bench press on an incline bench 30 degrees up / down.

Professional approach to chest training

Kit muscle mass chest muscles, from a professional point of view, this is a fairly simple process. There are muscles, over the development of which you really have to sweat seriously. A massive, wide, well-designed chest is no longer a gift from the Gods and not a whim of nature. It's high tech modern sports based on scientific research. To pump up the chest and turn it from a lagging muscle group into a source of pride, you just need to train it according to the same rules as professional bodybuilders.

Classic barbell bench press horizontal bench This is really a basic chest exercise. And in the arsenal that recently came to the gym, it stands in the chest training complex in the honorable first place.

But professionals rarely use it for its intended purpose, because the lion's share of the load during this exercise goes to the bottom of the chest. But other parts of the pectoral muscles are almost not included in the work. Therefore, for most amateurs, the bottom of the chest is overdeveloped, and the top, on the contrary, is far behind. Naturally, only the naive can dream of winning the competition with such a muscular composition of the chest.

The complex of chest training for professionals begins with and sometimes takes more than half of the lesson. Chest exercises performed upside down in the complex of performing athletes very often come first.

Conclusion: working out the top is a priority task of building powerful and truly beautiful pectoral muscles. Professional bodybuilders devote most of their chest training to its solution.

Tip 2 | Use dumbbells instead of a barbell for chest training

The times when the masses decided are a thing of the past. Having just a huge, but "raw" breast is no longer enough. Symmetry, balance and proportions are what judges at competitions now evaluate first of all. The chest needs not only to be pumped up, but also to stretch it in width.

Performing bodybuilders are well aware of this, which is why most chest exercises do not use a barbell, but dumbbells. Dumbbell presses are no less effective for gaining mass than barbell exercises, but the trajectory of movement is no longer limited by the neck, which makes it possible to stretch the chest more, giving it the perfect shape.

Conclusion: unilateral chest training is a great opportunity to shock the chest muscles with an accentuated load and at the same time equalize both sides of the body in development.

Tip 6 | Pay more attention to the development of the middle of the chest

In addition to the top of the chest muscles, competing athletes pay close attention to another area of ​​​​the chest - the middle. Those who stand on stage know that the well-developed middle of the chest adds visual volume to the muscles, dividing them into two powerful halves. Therefore, chest exercises aimed at developing this small, but extremely important department, always occupy in training complex professional, an honorable second place after presses upside down.

The muscles of the middle of the chest in ordinary life take very little part and, thanks to this, respond to a targeted load very willingly. Only 1-2 exercises performed after the main chest mass training complex will make it possible to swing the middle of the chest quite quickly. Various options for hand information in a crossover, in a butterfly simulator, yes, that's all the specialized exercises for this department.

But despite all its simplicity, the training of this muscle section should take place with the utmost mental concentration. The muscles of the middle of the chest are included in the work on a very small interval of the trajectory, so holding the hands in front of the chest at the point of peak contraction is the main condition for building a powerful and well-developed middle section.

Conclusion: the middle section of the pectoral muscles is a small but extremely important area that adds power and volume to the chest. Therefore, any chest training should include exercises for the middle section without fail.

Now that you have learned the main rules for training breasts by professional bodybuilders, it remains only to make changes to your set of chest exercises and go to training in Gym. May the force be with you. And mass!

The chest muscles are one of the largest and most complex muscle groups in the body. That is why for proper training chest, it is important to use not only basic, but also isolating exercises that load the muscles from different angles. For pumping the pectoral muscles, constant progress of working weights is necessary, since the chest responds best to hypertrophy.

It should also be borne in mind that when performing most exercises for the pectoral muscles, not only the pectoral muscles themselves are included in the work, but also the muscles of the press, arms (in particular, biceps and triceps), back and deltoid muscles of the shoulders. In essence, chest training involves working out the entire upper body - it is important to keep this in mind when drawing up a training program.

Note that barbell exercises are recommended for gaining mass, while they are suitable for spot work on the chest, improving muscle shape and pumping lagging beams. The main advantage of chest exercises with dumbbells is that they do not require simulators or a bulky frame with a barbell to perform them - in fact, you can swing at home.

chest workout program

To achieve the fastest effect, it is recommended to combine the development of the pectoral muscles with pumping the triceps, shoulder muscles and abs - especially when. Samu strength training breasts should be carried out no more than once every 72 hours - otherwise the muscles will not have enough time for full recovery and subsequent growth.

As for choosing the best chest exercises, beginners only need to do one or two basic exercises(for example, bench press) with more weight and in 5-7 repetitions, as well as one or two isolation exercises (for example, on blocks and dilutions with dumbbells) with lighter weight and in 12-15 repetitions. The key emphasis here is on maintaining perfect technique.

Chest Exercises: Anatomy

From an anatomical point of view, the main muscles of the chest are the pectoralis major and minor. The pectoralis major muscle has a triangular shape, weaving one of its bases directly into the shoulder - it is thanks to this that the muscles of the chest and shoulders are closely connected. The pectoralis minor is located under the pectoralis major and performs a stabilizing rather than a working role.

In addition, the pectoral muscle group also includes the serratus anterior, which lies closer to the side of the body and to the shoulder. This muscle has nine characteristic "teeth" attached to the upper ribs. Its main function is to abduct and approach the shoulder blades - in fact, it is the serratus anterior that works in such chest exercises as all sorts of information.

The best chest exercises

Note that most exercises for the pectoral muscles can be performed both with a barbell and with dumbbells or on blocks. Dumbbells and blocks allow you to use the stabilizer muscles in the exercise and precisely pump individual bundles of the chest, while the barbell is the preferred choice when working with heavy weights, since its range of motion is usually reduced.

1. - a key anatomical exercise for the chest muscles. If you want to pump up your chest, you first need to learn how to do push-ups correctly in order to be able to feel the pectoral muscles at work. However, we note that push-ups have an extremely limited resource for chest growth, since they do not allow you to work with extra weight.
2. - one of the best exercises for a comprehensive study of the upper body, and, in particular, the lower part of the pectoral muscles, in general shoulder girdle and triceps. When lowering down, the movement should be slow and controlled, when lifting up - powerful and jerky (as if you are pushing the body up).
3. - basic strength exercise for pectoral muscles. When doing the bench press, it is extremely important to follow the technique - do not relax the muscles at the top and bottom points of the movement, do not straighten your elbows, and never touch the barbell to your chest. Raise the bar up, slowly counting 1-2, linger on 3-4 and lower it to the count of 5-6.
4. Breeding dumbbells lying- a key exercise for working out the anterior serratus muscle and giving the chest the correct "square" shape. Use not too much heavy weight dumbbells, focusing primarily on the sensation of stretching the muscles. IN lowest point do not drop your elbows too low and do not spread your arms too wide.
5. - an exercise to work out the upper part of the pectoral muscles. When performing the exercise, do not take your legs off the floor and make sure that the muscles of the body (especially the press) are in constant light tension - when lifting the dumbbells, you should feel how this tension helps to push the weight up.

Program for the development of chest muscles

Since the chest is a fairly large muscle, its mass is best increased by strength training to hypertrophy with a constant increase in working weight. In addition, for the growth of chest muscles, methods are very effective. negative reps(when they help you lift the bar, but you lower it yourself), as well as the technique for achieving failure and pumping exercises.

In a simplified form, an exercise program for developing chest muscles might look like this:

  • Push-ups on uneven bars - 2 sets and max. number of repetitions.
  • Bench press - 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Incline Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • Breeding arms with dumbbells lying down - 4 sets of 12 reps.

Working out the shape of the pectoral muscles

The shape of the pectoral muscles largely depends on genetics, however, the slope of the body during the exercise and the width of the setting of the arms directly affect how the muscles will grow and develop. For example, the most massive outer part of the chest is best worked out horizontal presses lying, performed both with a barbell and with dumbbells or on blocks.

The upper part of the chest is included in the work in such exercises as dumbbell presses or barbells on a bench with an inclination (both 45 and 30 degrees), the lower one - push-ups on the uneven bars or a barbell press with a reverse slope (head down). The center of the pectoral muscles - with the help of various dilutions on blocks and simulators, as well as when pressing the barbell lying with a narrow grip.

Pumping the pectoral muscles: why is there no result?

If you are training your chest hard, but the muscles are not growing stubbornly and the chest is not getting the desired shape, most likely you are allowing one of three common mistakes- either chase excessively large working weights to the detriment of technique, or train the same bundles of the pectoral muscle, or pump the chest too often, not giving the muscles a chance to recover.

Keep in mind that latissimus dorsi back, deltoid shoulders, as well as the large and small pectoral muscles are a single fascia, woven together by connective tissues. To increase the elasticity of the muscles, as well as to speed up the recovery time, it is important for athletes to perform with the help of a special cylinder or massage balls.


Training the pectoral muscles is one of the key in creating an athletic and athletic body, since it is these muscles that form a strong and massive body. The main rules for successful breast pumping are the constant progress of working weights, a variety of exercises, an ideal execution technique, as well as sufficient time for rest and recovery.

Let's talk about killer training for your pecs. Over the next two months, you will shock your pectoral muscles with this program and you will definitely notice growth. We advise you to start ordering shirts in a size larger right now.

You are not happy with your breasts, are you? If it were otherwise, you would not pay attention to this article. I understand it's frustrating, you train with full dedication, but nothing happens to your chest? Where has the progress gone?

Let's assume that you have a good neuromuscular connection and you know how to turn on the pectoral muscles, while turning off the deltas and triceps. Let's also assume that you have a good physical form and you give all your best in training. If all of the above is true, then most likely the problem is not in you at all, but in your program.

There is one common mistake, which is that people do the same exercises in the same order, the same number of sets and repetitions at the same pace. It doesn't lead to growth. You must constantly surprise your muscles with new exercises and techniques that you haven't used before. This is where your mistake lies, but, fortunately, I have a ready-made solution for you!

The next three workouts are designed to shock your pectoral muscles, which will inevitably lead to their subsequent growth and progress.

This workout is aimed at training the upper part of your chest. This department is often overlooked by athletes who are more focused on the actual lifting of the weight than on the work of the target muscle group. This workout will explode your chest and over time make the top of your chest as tight as a thick piece of beef steak.

2-3 warm-up sets

4 work sets with weight gain.

2. Incline bench press in the Smith machine

4 sets, 6-8 reps


Hand information in the crossover

4 sets of 10-12 reps

Push ups

4 sets to failure.

Exercise technique

Landmine bench press

Get on your knees and grasp the end of the barbell with both hands. Keep your elbows close to your body, at the bottom of the movement, touch the top of the pectoral muscles with your hands. Push the weight away from you. Keep your chest muscles tense during the entire exercise, squeezing them.

Bench press at an angle in the Smith machine

Choose a weight with which you can perform 10-12 repetitions, while leaving a few more repetitions in reserve. Remove the barbell from the retaining loops and slowly lower it to the top of your chest. Let the bar come to a complete stop, don't let it bounce off your chest.

You will feel a strong stretch in your chest as the bar stops at the bottom of the movement. Delaying in this position eliminates inertia and greatly increases the complexity of execution. Don't be surprised if you can only do 6-8 reps with minimal weight.

Superset: Raising arms to the sides in a crossover, push-ups

Breeding arms to the sides in a crossover and push ups. Sit on an adjustable bench. Place the crossover cable attachment points in the lower position. Choose an appropriate weight for yourself and work with that weight. Once you complete your crossover set, immediately lower yourself to the floor and perform standard push-ups to failure. You may be concerned that this exercise will not penetrate the middle and bottom of the chest. Don't worry, this superset works the upper chest well.

Workout number 2. Prefatigue Method

Chest training will give you an idea of ​​how the pre-exhaustion method works. This method is used in chest training because many lifters find that their front delts and triceps get tired before the pecs get the proper workload. Pre-fatigue through isolation exercise solves this problem.

1. Exercise "Butterfly"

3 sets of 10-12 reps. Increase the weight on each set and then two more 21-style sets with lighter weights.

2. Dumbbell bench press

5 sets with increasing weight - 12, 10, 8, 8, 6 reps each.

3. Superset:

Mixing in a crossover

4 sets, 10-12 reps.

1 set, 10 reps

Execution technique

Butterfly exercise

Chances are you've never done this exercise first on chest day. Maybe you wanted to freshen up to do the pushing movements first, or you just never thought to try this order of exercises. I assure you, if you put this exercise first in your workout, you will be surprised by the new sensations.

Do three sets of ever-increasing weights, and then two more sets of 21 style as follows - 7 full reps, then 7 partial reps from extended to mid, then 7 reps from mid to fully contracted .

Dumbbell chest press lying on a bench

Do not invent anything in this exercise - the usual hard work with serious weight. Your chest muscles will be on fire from the previous exercise, which will allow them to be fully worked out before the assistant muscles - triceps and anterior delta get tired. Squeeze and contract your pecs vigorously with each new rep.

Superset. Mixing in a crossover, reverse push-ups from the bench

Just like with the Butterfly exercise, get your pecs on fire, then go to the push-ups from the bench. In order to load the pectoral muscles more and turn off the triceps, lean forward a little.

Workout number 3. Crazy Intensity

Another method of developing the pectoral muscles is to use the rest-pause method. During this workout, we will use this method in various variations with different tempos, and in the last exercise, we will not let go of the iron from our hands for 8 sets, while doing from 80 to 120 repetitions.

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

4 sets in the "rest pause" technique. 10-12 reps

2. Press in the simulator while sitting

Various pace. 4 sets, 16 reps (8 slow, 8 fast)

3. Superset

Breeding dumbbells on an incline bench

4 sets of 10-12 reps

Dumbbell press

4 sets 10-15 reps

Execution technique

Incline Dumbbell Press with Parallel Grip - Rest-Pause

The rest-pause method is an incredible technique for getting more reps with more weight. Once you've warmed up, grab a weight that you can do 6 reps with, do those 6 reps, then rest for 12 seconds. Then do 3-4 reps again. Rest again for 12 seconds. Do a couple more final reps to failure. Complete the approach. Notice that during this set you did twice as many reps as you normally would!

Seated Machine Press - Varying Pace

Take a seat in the bench simulator. Set a weight that you can do about 12 reps with. Do 8 reps at a very slow pace. 2 seconds lift, pause at the top for peak contraction of the pectoral muscles, 4 seconds lower the weight. Then perform 8 more repetitions in a fast continuous manner without any pauses at the extreme points of the amplitude. If you can't complete 8 reps in the fast phase of a set, just lighten the weight.

Supreset: Incline Dumbbell Raise, Dumbbell Press

Supersets are very effective, in which you use the same equipment for both exercises. Perform dumbbell bench raises 10-12 times, and then bench press with the same dumbbells. It is possible that your pectoral muscles will already be very tired by this time and you will not be able to do more repetitions.

As with all other hand-spread movements, don't skimp on the weight. The chest muscles need to work well before you start pressing exercises. Keep the intensity high throughout the workout.

How to use this program

For achievement maximum effect repeat these three workouts consecutively on your chest day. This will allow you to add more variety to your chest workout than your usual routine.