Bicycle for health and entertainment of the child. Cycling is great for kids

Stages of education and parental help

Riding a bike on your own is such a delight! You can start learning to ride early preschool age, because the body quickly adapts to new skills, and the fear of falling is also minimized.


You can develop your child's interest in cycling with early years thanks to stable tricycles. Then comes the period of mastering the two-wheeled "horse" with additional wheels that ensure balance. And of course, the real reward for all children is the day when parents are allowed to ride only on two wheels!


Learning to ride tricycle often begins when the child is still walking poorly. With their help, children are easily taught to control and pedal. The child does not have to be forced to ride - it is enough to purchase a tricycle and leave it in the visibility zone so that the baby begins research activities on his own.

Most children eventually intuitively understand what to do with a new toy. However, to speed up the process, you can clearly show that the pedals are spinning with their legs, and the steering wheel turns in any direction. It is difficult for preschool children to develop high speed on a tricycle, which makes it ideal for walking in the park or in the front yard. While the parents walk at their own pace, the kids learn to ride.


It's hard to find a kid who refuses to ride a bike. However, no matter how dexterous and strong your kids are, you can’t immediately put children on two-wheeled models and deprive them of support. Hurrying up with the purchase of an "adult" is great, there is a chance that the child will develop a deep fear of riding a bicycle!

It is safest to start learning “adult riding” by learning to ride a two-wheeled bicycle, which has additional, safety wheels. Training wheels, mounted at different heights depending on the skills of the child. First, they are installed closer to the ground to ensure maximum balance and teach the baby to reckon with their existence when cornering. Gradually, the wheels are lifted higher and higher (in secret from the baby), until it becomes obvious that the child no longer needs to be insured and he keeps his balance perfectly!

The nuances of riding a bicycle with safety wheels:

At the beginning of training, the child should be advised not to turn at high speed and to slow down before turning to avoid falling. Many preschoolers get their first bumps on two-wheelers just because they're used to the stability of their first tricycles.
It is important to teach children not only to maintain balance, but also to correctly calculate the reaction of technology to the impact. For example, when braking, the rear wheel will slow down differently on a straight paved road or on a dirt surface with bumps. It is important to draw the attention of a preschool child to this circumstance and teach him to carefully monitor the condition of the bike.
Parents need to take care of the correct installation of safety wheels. An extremely common mistake is when training wheels are mounted on the same level with rear wheel- this leads to loss of control on an uneven surface (bumps, pits).
The safety wheels are located at different levels from the ground so as not to touch the surface when braking, otherwise the brakes can become completely useless. You need to install them at different levels, and not a single wheel should touch the ground when the bike is upright. They insure children against loss of balance and falling, but do not replace the need to maintain balance.

Preschool age is characterized by rapid learning to ride a bicycle. It is enough to regularly take bike rides so that the need for training wheels quickly disappears by itself. Have you noticed that the last two or three days the baby has excellent balance while riding and the additional wheels have stopped touching the ground? So, the time has come to get rid of them - the child can already be released into "free swimming"!


The moment when parents take off the training wheels will please any child! Therefore, you can make a real holiday out of it, be sure to tell the kid that he is already ready to ride a bike “in an adult way”.

Help from parents

Most children of preschool age (at 5-6 years old) keep an excellent balance and quickly learn to respond to obstacles that arise. However, when first trying to ride without training wheels, the supportive presence of parents is important. Mostly, parental involvement at this stage comes down to psychological support. But you can not distance yourself from the child and leave him alone with the road! Parents should hold the child by the shoulders, demonstrating their presence and run next to the bike.

At this stage, the baby will mainly learn to steer - it is quite difficult at first to correctly direct the bike in the right direction. It is important not to tell a preschool child where to go - this will teach them to make independent decisions. Will it hit a curb, puddle or hole? Great! Will understand that actions lead to certain consequences. Parents just need to be shown that when in trouble, they need to make an effort to rescue themselves and their bike from the danger zone. Such training is very useful for the formation of independence in a child of young, preschool age.


Riding a bike without the participation of parents is the final cycle of learning. You should not push the child to independent trips, the kid himself should feel that he no longer needs the constant help of his parents!

Do you already see that the child is able to ride on his own, but the kid does not want to be left without your support? For preschool age, it is useful to hear words of approval and pride from parents for any new achievements. Therefore, praise your child for how cleverly he rides a bicycle, trying to say more and more often that he already does everything himself!

Sometimes you have to go to the trick to save the baby from the need for parental help. Go for a walk with friends and tell the kid that you will help him ride a bike, but a little later - when you finish an important conversation. Children of this age start to get bored after 10-15 minutes of waiting, so they will not be able to resist the temptation and try to drive on their own!

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Cycling is one of the most favorite activities for kids. fresh air. In addition, bicycles are the main allies of parents who care about the health of their child.

Children enjoy the process of conquering roads, they like speed and vivid emotions. Thanks to the passion for cycling, a child can find new friends and gain authority in the company of peers. Also, one of the main advantages is the benefits of a bicycle for the health of children, because skating helps to improve physical fitness and increase the endurance of a growing organism.

The benefits of a bicycle for children

1. riding on children's bike will provide your child with good posture and spinal health in general. Back problems in modern children are mainly associated with a sedentary lifestyle, incorrect back position during classes.

The best solution to these problems would be cycling which contributes to the development long muscles, muscles of the back and lower back. While riding a bike, the baby leans on the steering wheel with his hands, which means that the load on the spine decreases, but at the same time it remains in good shape.

2. Thanks to riding a children's bike, endurance increases, trains, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby will travel more and more distance each time, developing willpower and endurance.

3. Dynamic uphill and downhill movements, as well as “dancing on the pedals”, alternating back and waist muscle tension will ensure good blood circulation, lead to excellent physical form, strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, arms of the baby.

4. By increasing the amount of inhaled air, a significant improvement in lung function is observed. This is not the stale air of a stuffy room, but fresh, especially if the child rides in the park. Stabilization of the lungs provides oxygen to all other organs, including the brain.

5. Cycling also improves metabolism in the body. All this is possible thanks to correct breathing, which allows the blood to receive all the necessary nutrients in a timely manner, as well as due to active physical activity that improves appetite.

6. Cycling requires constant control of balance from the child, it perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus and develops coordination.

7. The benefit of a bicycle for children is also manifested in the fact that riding helps prevent myopia in the baby. The guys read or write a lot, focusing their eyes on a notebook or book located very close, which causes various visual impairments. Riding a bike, on the other hand, requires a careful look into the distance.

8. A child's body developed by training provides greater resistance to pathogenic infections. According to statistics, children who regularly ride a bike are much less likely to get colds and flu in winter.

Insufficient exercise stress can cause rapid fatigue, which affects the study and well-being of the child. A bicycle will help solve this problem - if a beautiful, shiny iron horse is standing outside the door, the baby will no longer want to sit all day at the TV or at the computer.

The benefits of a bicycle for children are enormous - thanks to riding in the fresh air, the muscles of the legs and arms are strengthened, posture and blood circulation improve, and the immunity of a growing organism increases.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

The active lifestyle of the child contributes to his physical development and getting positive emotions. Therefore, the first question that parents face when their child wants to acquire a two-wheeled “iron horse” is how to teach a child to ride a bicycle. At first glance, the task is quite difficult, given the factor that children want everything at once. Therefore, you should be patient and, of course, reliable. sports equipment, which will eliminate the appearance of "green knees".

Preparatory stage

Before you start learning, you need to properly prepare. If the bike has already been purchased and correctly adjusted to the height of the child, you need to take care of the presence of a helmet, protection for the knees and hands. This uniform will avoid the appearance of abrasions and scratches. In addition, it will eliminate the risk of psychological trauma to the baby.

You need to learn to ride a bike on a pre-selected flat road without significant obstacles, potholes or densely planted trees.

The main stages of mastering a bicycle

There are many methods that will tell you how to teach a child to ride a bike. Each parent chooses their own. As practice shows, it is closely related to one's own experience of learning to ride a bike and is limited to running behind a bike while holding the rear rack or handlebars.

Experts in the field of sports driving style insist on a phased development of skating tactics. Attempts to learn everything and immediately will not give instant results. On the contrary, this will lead to parental fatigue and the appearance of a feeling of insecurity in the baby. own forces. Step-by-step training will allow you to master the skills in turn and improve them with each new lesson.

It should be borne in mind that each cycling lesson should not overwork the child. It will be as effective and useful as possible with a duration of 30-40 minutes.

Step-by-step training includes mastering:

  • balancing technique;
  • steering;
  • pedaling;
  • braking.

Balancing technique

To learn how to keep balance, you need to do next exercise. Adjust the seat of the bicycle to the height of the child so that he can freely touch the ground with his feet. Put your baby on it and slowly lower the bike down a slight incline so that it can roll. The child will begin to balance himself to avoid falling. For greater convenience, it is recommended to remove the pedals. Having done this manipulation several times, it is worth making the little cyclist drive on his own, without touching the ground with his feet. If the request is granted, he has already mastered the technique of maintaining balance while riding. Pedals can be put in place.

It is worth considering that children can maintain balance correctly from 5-6 years old. It is possible to learn balancing from the age of four if there are individual physiological features and certain skills.


Initially, it is necessary to perform training, which involves mastering the technique of placing the feet on the pedals. The child should put their feet on and off the pedals very quickly and without looking down. Next, it is worth letting the bike down the hill and making the child pedal after it. When the bike starts to stop, it is important that the young rider makes the effort to keep going.


When the baby has learned to start independently, it is important to teach him to go around all sorts of obstacles and “smoothly” enter the turn at speed. Many are probably familiar with one of the techniques of car traffic when it is necessary to bypass the checkers on the autodrome. In the same way, you can organize steering training on an asphalt site. The child must be perfectly oriented and carry out the necessary maneuvers for a detour, for example, plastic bottles with water.


One of the main functions of cycling is braking, since the safety of the cyclist depends on the correct technique of its implementation. Based on the fact that most bicycles provide for a foot brake, you should tell your child about its functionality and tactics of use. To begin with, it is worth letting the bike down the hill, and making the child pedal in the opposite direction, braking. In this case, the baby must control the course of his actions himself in order to avoid a sudden stop and fall.

The physiological capabilities of children allow them to master the technique of cycling already at the age of three. Doctors are also of the opinion that the mastery of cycling should begin at the age of three, since it was during this period that the abdominal muscles were sufficiently strengthened. Many nuances depend on the child himself. Therefore, initially parents buy a tricycle, which is replaced by a two-wheeled one.

In order to smooth the transition from three wheels to two, many people prefer to add an additional two wheels to the two-wheeled counterpart. The disadvantage of this technique lies in the fact that the child never learns to keep the right balance. Therefore, experts advise first disconnecting the wheel on one side, and after a certain period of time on the other.

In the course of training, it is important that one of the parents constantly secure their child from falling. Moral support is a very important component in this case. Initially, you can support the bike by the trunk, then hold the rider himself by the T-shirt or overalls. And even when the baby has already learned to ride well enough without outside help, it is necessary to show his support. As a rule, this does not take much time, since children tend to brag about their deeds and achieve something new on their own.

Riding a bike is perhaps one of the most favorite activities for children. Since such a pastime gives the child the opportunity to get vivid emotions, feel like a conqueror of roads, and have fun with friends. Among other things, a bicycle for a child is also a huge health benefit. Since riding the "iron horse" strengthens the child's body and improves physical fitness.

The benefits of a bicycle for a child

Modern children usually lead a sedentary lifestyle, which often leads to back problems. Riding a bike will provide a child healthy spine And correct posture. After all, at the same time, not only the muscles of the legs and arms, but also a number of spinal muscles are perfectly trained. Don't worry: none excessive load not on a child's spine. When driving, the baby's hands rest on the steering wheel, and as a result, the load on the back is significantly reduced.

A bicycle for a child is also a great way to improve vision or prevent eye diseases. It is known that the absence physical activity, excessive passion for the computer and watching TV spoils the eyesight. When a child rides a bicycle, his eyes do not focus for long on anything that is close. The baby alternately looks into the distance, then in front of him. As a result, there is some kind of training eye muscles which improves vision and prevents its deterioration.

Increases endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system. After just a few weeks of cycling, you will notice that the baby has become more energetic, sleeps better, and is less tired.

The benefit of a bicycle for a child is also manifested in the improvement of lung function. During the ride, the baby inhales much more air than usual. Due to this, there is an active supply of oxygen to the blood and brain. Therefore, it is very good if the child rides in a park or other place where there is a lot of greenery.

Coordination of movements develops and excellent training of the vestibular apparatus takes place. In addition, appetite increases and metabolism normalizes.

Cycling in general strengthens the child's body and strengthens its immunity. And this means that a child who is keen on walking on a “two-wheeled friend” is less prone to colds and viral diseases than his peers.

How to teach a child to ride a bike

A few simple tips will help you quickly teach your kid to ride a bike. After all, if this is done incorrectly, the child will soon get tired of meaningless activities and, perhaps, will generally lose faith in his ability to curb the “iron horse”.

First, choose a place to drive. It is necessary that it be a flat asphalt road on which there is no traffic.

No spectators! Strangers, especially your child's peers, should not watch the classes, because this will only interfere with him.

To teach your child to ride a bike, give him the opportunity to learn how to ride a scooter first. To do this, remove the saddle and one pedal from the bike. Show your baby what to do, how to hold on to the steering wheel, push off with your foot from the ground. And then let him go by himself, keeping his balance.

Keep score. So you will be able to determine how long the child rode the scooter. And the kid himself will be interested - with each attempt he will try to improve his previous result.

When your child rides the scooter confidently for about 20 seconds, it's time to move on to the next stage of learning. From cubes, skittles, twigs or cones, make several gates. Arrange them in a serpentine pattern - some on the right, others slightly ahead and on the left, and so on. Thus, the child will learn to turn by driving the steering wheel.

Now you can put the saddle in place (not too high). Get ready for the fact that your child can immediately sit on it, not even starting to ride. Explain to the child that first you need to push off, accelerate a little, and only then sit down.

If the child rides like this for about 40-50 minutes without much effort, attach removed pedal. Now the baby will learn to pedal when riding a bike on a slight slope.

Now you know how to teach a child to ride a bike. And if the whole process is presented to him as a fun game, learning will be even easier and more fun. Don't get irritated when a child fails right away. If the baby gets tired of classes, move them not another time.
How to choose a bike for a child

To begin with, remember that the "two-wheeled friend" must match the age of your child. You can not buy it for growth, as is often done with clothes. After all, it will be difficult for a child to manage it. The kid will get tired and he may even lose the desire to ride.

It is highly desirable that the bike for the child be with foot brakes. It's just that a handbrake can be completely beyond the power of a baby. And at first, he may not be physically ready to stop the bike using the strength of his hands. However, if it is possible to buy an "iron horse" with two types of brakes, even better.

The bike needs to have a seat height adjustment. How to install the seat correctly? Use this rule: the foot on the top pedal should not touch the steering wheel, and on the bottom should be almost straight.

Choose a bike with large and wide enough wheels. So it will be much easier for the baby to maintain balance when riding.

A bicycle for a child must be equipped with a signal bell. Usually it is mounted on the right side of the steering wheel. But if the child is left-handed, move the bell to the left side.

The steering wheel should be at a comfortable height: when driving, the child should not lean forward too much. It is necessary that on turns it was convenient for him to hold the steering wheel at outstretched arms.

Pay attention also to the material from which the bicycle for the child is made. Remember that aluminum bikes are significantly lighter than steel bikes.