The most effective morning exercises for weight loss. Morning exercises for weight loss at home, effective rules and videos

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


To get rid of a couple of centimeters in the waist and hips, most girls resort to a variety of strict diets. But after returning to the usual diet, all the lost kilos come back again. To consolidate the result, you need exercises for weight loss, which helps to strengthen and tighten weakened muscles. You can train at home on your own, the main thing is regularly.

Why daily exercise is needed

In order for daily exercise to contribute to rapid weight loss, you should know how else it is good for health:

  • Being engaged every day for only 8-12 minutes, by the end of the week you will feel a surge of energy, vivacity.
  • Regular workouts help to become stronger, increase the level of endurance.
  • With morning exercises, they not only allow you to lose weight faster, but also help you wake up easier in the morning, get rid of laziness.
  • Helps improve metabolism, making it much easier and faster for the body to part with excess calories stored in the form of fat reserves.
  • Charging helps to cope with appetite and begin to control it. Through regular morning workouts, you will learn to better understand the needs of your own body, and even a light breakfast will give you a feeling of satiety.
  • Daily exercise for weight loss improves brain function. The person is in a good mood, which remains for the whole day.
  • Morning exercises for weight loss should be done before breakfast. Drinking a glass of water before each workout will make it easier for your body to wake up.
  • To lose weight quickly, you need to exercise every day - first for 8-12 minutes, gradually increasing the load until the workout reaches half an hour.
  • You can not engage in the study of only one muscle group, otherwise desired result fail to achieve. It is necessary to regularly alternate exercises, so that morning exercises will become more effective, and the process of losing weight will be easier.

Basic rules for home exercise for weight loss

In order for morning exercises to contribute to weight loss, to bring maximum benefit, follow a few simple rules:

  • You can not overload your body immediately from the first days of classes. Morning exercise used for weight loss is not a sport, and an increase in load is carried out only to consume more energy.
  • To lose weight, you need to exercise regularly. Experienced trainers It is advised to exercise at least 4 times a week. It is advisable to practice at about the same time.
  • If morning exercises are used not only for tightening muscles, but also for losing weight, you need to correctly calculate the set of exercises. The duration of the workout should be at least 32-35 minutes, because the consumption of fat reserves begins after 20 minutes of training.
  • The break between exercises should not be more than a minute, stick to the intense pace of training.
  • If morning exercises will be used to lose weight, not increase muscle mass, you can not eat for an hour and two hours after class.
  • Cheerful music will make your morning workout more fun.
  • At first morning exercises a small warm-up is performed to properly warm up the muscles, to prevent injury. Finally, do it.
  • Do not repeat the same exercise every day. For getting effective result you can use a hoop, ball, rope and other sports equipment during classes.
  • Before starting morning exercises, you need to develop a set of exercises that will suit you.

An effective set of exercises

Morning exercises for weight loss will bring you maximum benefit if you perform the following set of exercises:

  • First, a warm-up is done - several jumps, swinging legs, arms, torso inclinations in different sides, rotation of the pelvis. A dance version of the warm-up is also suitable, during which all muscle groups are effectively warmed up. At the beginning of charging, you can run in the park or on a treadmill, which speeds up weight loss.
  • We work out the muscles of the hands - we take dumbbells, we perform a simple set of exercises. We bend our arms at the elbows, make several lifts up, perpendicular to the body. We raise dumbbells in front of us. Push-ups are also beneficial, which help train both the arms and pectoral muscles.
  • As effective remedy used for weight loss. It is necessary to ensure that the knees are on the same level with the feet, the main thing is not to rush. It is necessary to squat slowly, following the rules, thanks to which the thigh muscles are perfectly tightened.

For the muscles of the back, arms and neck

Morning exercises for weight loss should include exercises to work out the muscles of the neck, arms, back:

  • We stand near the wall, lean on the shoulder blades and the sacrum, relax our hands, raise them up. Slowly we spread our arms to the sides, there is no hurry here.
  • We remain in the same position as in the previous exercise. We slowly take one hand to the side, lower it down, and the second to the side, raise it up - we do these movements at the same time.
  • We are in the same position, but the hands are lowered down. We begin to slowly, smoothly raise our hands, the back is as relaxed as possible.
  • We sit on a chair, keep the torso straight, muscles are relaxed. We bend our head forward as far as we can, stay in this position for 18-25 seconds, return to the starting position.
  • We bend our elbows, put them on the table, place our chin on our palms. We slightly press the chin down, with our hands we perform a slight resistance - we freeze for 5 seconds, we return to the starting position.
  • Fitness includes next exercise, which is mandatory for regular performance by a child and a teenager - half-rotation of the head. First one way, then the other.
  • We lie down on the floor, bend our legs, place our hands under the back of the head. We begin to slowly stretch our head to the chest until a slight stretch in the neck begins to be felt. We return to the starting position.

To give elasticity to the abdominal muscles

Morning exercises for weight loss will be more effective if you include in it:

  • We stand straight, throw one leg forward as much as possible, squat, return to the starting position. We repeat the lunge for the second leg - at least 20 repetitions are done. This exercise helps you lose weight quickly.
  • We run on the spot, during which we raise our knees as high as possible - we place our hands at the level of the hips, we try to reach the palms with our knees. The exercise is performed for at least a minute.
  • To make the waist thin and the stomach elastic, we perform the following exercise - we sit on our feet, hold the heels together, lie down on our back, the lower back is pressed tightly against the floor. We put our hands behind our heads, we rise as slowly as possible, as when swinging the press. You can't rush here. At least 10 approaches are performed.

For fast weight loss of legs and hips

If there is no opportunity to practice in the morning, the evening is perfect for charging. You can work out the muscles of the thighs and, by performing the following set of exercises:

  • We lie down on our side, bend the upper leg at the knee, put it in front of us. lower leg we begin to slowly lift up, also slowly return to the starting position. We make sure that the line of the body remains even - we do 2-3 sets (8 repetitions for each leg).
  • We place our legs shoulder-width apart, we put our hands behind our heads, with a completely flat back, we begin to slowly squat - we do at least 50 repetitions.
  • We become straight, place the legs wider than the shoulders, but not much. We squat as much as possible, straighten the right leg. When squatting, we pull our hands to the floor, the heels do not rise. You need to try to pull back the buttocks, the back remains as straight as possible. Count to 10, return to the starting position. We do 3 repetitions for each side.
  • We lie down on the left side, put a palm under the head, we begin to slowly raise the straightened leg upwards - we repeat for each leg from 5 to 8 repetitions.
  • We lie down on our back, raise our legs up, point our socks towards ourselves, bend our knees slightly. We take one leg to the side, we return to the starting position. Alternating legs, do up to 15 repetitions.

Fitball exercises for the press and sides

So that delicious food is not deposited on the sides and stomach, for weight loss it is recommended to perform exercises with the help of a fitball:

  • Tilts with an emphasis on the knee. We kneel so that the ball is on the right. We put forward the left leg, bend it at the knee. The right hand is placed on the ball, the left hand is behind the head. Slightly tilt the torso forward and tilt to the left - make sure that the hips remain motionless. We repeat the exercise for the second side. Regular execution accelerates weight loss.
  • Pelvic movements. We sit on the fitball, the back remains completely straight, we take our shoulders back, we place our legs on the floor. Using the buttocks, we roll the ball in different directions, the body must be completely motionless. This exercise helps not only for weight loss, but perfectly works out the muscles of the lower body, buttocks, oblique abdominal muscles.
  • Leg lift. We lie down on the fitball with our right side, put our right hand on the floor, leave straight legs and lean on outside Feet. Raise the second leg up, return to the starting position. We perform the same exercise for the second leg.
  • We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees and put them on the fitball. We start to roll it in different directions. Over time, you can complicate the exercise a little - holding the ball between your knees, raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, then alternately lower them first in one direction, then in the other.

How to do breathing exercises

In order for exercise to become more effective and contribute to weight loss, you also need to be able to breathe correctly and deeply. Need to involve chest and abdominal muscles. It will be useful to do several basic exercises designed for beginners:

  • You can do this exercise while sitting or standing, in the office, at home, while walking. We take the deepest possible breath, count to 4, hold our breath for a few seconds and also slowly exhale. We repeat at least 8 times.
  • We take a deep breath, at the same time draw in the stomach and slowly exhale through pursed lips. During exhalation, alternately tighten and relax the abdominal muscles - repeat at least 8 times.
  • We lie down on our back, bend our legs at the knees, press our feet to the floor, put our left palm on our chest, our right palm on our stomach. Exhaling and inhaling alternately, do not put much pressure on the stomach and chest. When inhaling, we straighten the chest as much as possible, we retract the stomach, we press on it with our hand. While exhaling, inflate the stomach and press lightly on the chest.
  • We sit on a chair, the back is completely straight, we put our knees at an angle of about 90 degrees, we press our feet firmly to the floor. We begin to breathe in the stomach and alternately relax and tighten the press - repeat from 8 to 38 times.

  • Morning exercises for the whole family - Everything will be kind - Issue 235 - 08/13/2013

    Fast evening exercise for the whole body

    Effective exercises for children

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Good day, my wonderful readers. To become the owner perfect figure It's not enough to follow a low-carbohydrate diet. Important during this period physical exercise. But it is not necessary to visit GYM's. In the morning, exercising for weight loss at home is the best start to the day. We have selected only the best for you. And I'll show you my favorite.

Still finding excuses to get up 15 minutes early? In my opinion, the division of people into owls and larks actually exists only in our heads. Do an experiment - do not stay too long in front of the TV and go to bed early. A week or two and get used to this rhythm of life. And from an owl calmly turn into a lark. This is a miracle 🙂

Yes, it's hard to wake up in the morning - I understand. But, believe me, when you know why you are doing it, or there is an incentive, then getting up in the morning is much easier.

There are 5 good reasons to exercise in the morning:

  1. Promotes good digestion. A morning 10-20-minute warm-up helps to "wake up" a slow metabolism after a night's sleep. Such exercises should contain cardio: it will awaken the body and tones it. And exercises on the press and stretching additionally massage the digestive organs. They prepare the digestive tract for better absorption of the first meal. To activate the stomach a quarter of an hour before a meal, you can drink half a glass of plain water.
  2. Improves well-being and gives peace of mind for the whole day. During such exercises, the muscles send a signal to the pituitary gland to release endorphins. And the more endorphins in the blood, the better you will feel.

  1. Helps build muscle and burn fat. Volume muscle tissue is an important factor in determining how much fat you lose. The more of this tissue in your body, the more fat you will lose. And when you exercise, you lose mostly fat (muscles don't "lose weight").
  2. Increases immunity. The body becomes more resilient to the effects of viruses and "pests". Therefore, seasonal colds will not be terrible for you.
  3. Improves the quality of sexual life. This is perhaps the most poignant reason. During exercise, blood circulation increases and the risk of sexual disorders decreases.

TOP 5 most effective exercises

Below you have selected a set of five different types. Try several options and see which one is best for you. effective gymnastics. Despite the fact that some of the exercises seem primitive, do not jump to conclusions. Watch the suggested video for beginners, read the reviews.

And most importantly - do it systematically in the morning. The result will not be long in coming. Only then do not forget about your achievements in the comments to the article. I will rejoice with you.

Charging in bed

Sometimes it's so hard to get up in the morning. I have noticed that this happens more often in the winter. In this case, you can do exercises in bed. Yes, you heard right, you can do it without getting up. And such gymnastics will take at most 5 minutes in time. Of course, you can’t call it a full-fledged workout. But it will help you finally wake up and give you the mood for the whole day.

Smile before you start exercising. Remember how in the children's song: “Captain, captain, smile! After all, a smile is the flag of a ship!” 🙂 And in our case, a smile is a wonderful start to the day.

On next step we stretch the cervical vertebrae. We turn over on the stomach. We put our hands in front of us (the hands should be turned towards you). In this position, slowly and smoothly turn the head - down, to the shoulder, back, to the second shoulder.

Now let's move on to the back. Without changing the starting position, we make an arc and bend like a cat. Deep entry on the arc and exhale on the deflection.

You also need to warm up your arms and calf muscles. This video will tell you how to properly perform such exercises.

Morning exercise for weight loss

This workout is for every day. In time, it takes a maximum of 10 minutes. When performing such exercises, the muscles of the legs and hips are warmed up. It is especially effective for problem areas - frogs. If you want more effect, you can do the exercise twice a day. You will have both morning and evening exercises.

Before performing such a charge, be sure to have breakfast. And after exercise, after about 30-40 minutes, you can arrange a snack, for example, eat fruit.

And this exercise consists of a whole range of exercises. There are also head rotations, and a warm-up for the arms and legs. And such gymnastics includes lunges, jumps in place and other interesting movements. This video will introduce you to them in more detail:

The main thing is not to be lazy, but do everything energetically and with enthusiasm. Remember that not everything will work out the first time, but don't give up. And the reviews of those who do such exercises for the legs will help you not to give up.

Nika: Super! I ran for a week every day and did this warm-up. Estimate threw off 2 kg

Lesya: When I watched this exercise on my computer with a pie in my hands, it seemed that there was nothing complicated. She waved her legs and order. And when I started doing it myself, there was an ambush. Try to repeat everything exactly.

Lucy: For the third day I share this exercise. For me, this is a real record. If you knew how many times I used to start doing all sorts of exercises for weight loss. I missed more than 1 day. And now I’m really bursting with a sense of pride - I held out and I’m not going to retreat. Of course, the frogs hurt, but it's a pleasant feeling.

Max: This set of exercises opened my eyes to myself. He helped me understand how decrepit I am 🙂

Charging for the abdomen and sides

Such exercises will make your tummy flat. The exercises themselves are just amazing. They have not lost their relevance for many years. And besides, such gymnastics is universal and suitable for everyone. The main thing is to have the desire to practice. I do these workouts myself. I recommend combining them with hand slimming exercises.

In the fight against fat on the thighs, turns, tilts, retractions of the abdomen, lifts, etc. will help. Here is a video that will tell you more about them.

Also check out the reviews. They will tell you a lot of interesting things.

Ludok: Exercise really helps. I lost almost 1.5 kg in a week. The main thing is not laziness and do exercises every day.

Alyona: Until I started training, I had a bulging tummy. I've been doing this workout for 2 weeks now. I don’t know how much I threw off, but the sides disappeared))

Try it and you won't regret it. And the reviews of those who do such exercises, I think, will become a weighty argument for you in favor of classes. Below I have prepared some of these reviews for you.

Marusya: Super gymnastics. I have been doing it for the 3rd month and do not eat any harmful products. Result - a plumb line of 7 kg

Catherine: After such exercises, I can’t even sit down, I can’t walk. How everything hurts - hips, legs, back. The torture is real. but I think that it should be so for the result to be good.

Marianne : I have been doing these exercises for more than a month every other day. And the result is not bad almost 5 kg gone. I want great results, so I don’t think about quitting classes.

Charging for weight loss

This gymnastics is an ideal solution for those who do not like to visit gyms, but want to look decent. Such a program will help you get a look at 100%. The exercises are simple but effective. Their implementation will take you a quarter of an hour at the most.

The whole complex is represented by 4 exercises:

  1. Jumping (20 times).
  2. Push-ups (10 times).
  3. Swing your legs in the plank (20 times).
  4. Pulling up the legs in the plank (20 times).

To achieve the desired result, you need to do 5 circles. For beginners, 3 passes are enough. Just do not chase speed - quality is important here. Do all movements as efficiently as possible, and do not reduce the number of repetitions. Remember: the slower you warm up, the better the effect will be.

All exercises are short and easy to perform. No expenses for visiting expensive gyms, and you will not need special simulators either. In addition, gymnastics can be performed at any time. And the result will not be long in coming. You will get rid of overweight and get charged positive emotions and cheerfulness.

And here is a video that will help you do gymnastics correctly.

Anyone who decides to drop overweight, will help speed up this process morning exercises for weight loss. A few simple exercises will invigorate, improve mood and tone muscles. You will keep your back straighter, tighten your stomach and gradually, without overexertion, lose weight.

Charging Benefits

To really lose weight at home, one charge is not enough. It is necessary to monitor nutrition, make an individual diet, move more throughout the day. But exercising in the morning helps to get involved in the process of healing the body. Doing regularly simple exercises, you set yourself up for the right behavior, accustom yourself to discipline.

The benefits of morning exercise are as follows:

  • you save time on visiting the gym;
  • saturate the body with oxygen;
  • cheer yourself up;
  • burn fat and build muscle.

Exercises can be started while lying in bed. Stretching, you knead the ligaments, prepare the muscles for the load. Then you can pull your knees up to your stomach several times, thereby straining your abs. To wake up faster, wash your face with cool water. Choose rhythmic music that you like for exercises, and try to exercise with joy.

Warm up

What exercises do morning exercises for weight loss consist of? You have known about them since childhood, because you performed them in physical education classes. It's time to refresh your memory, regain your flexibility and mobility.

First, prepare a place at home where you will perform the exercises. There should be no foreign objects and sharp corners. Since some of the exercises are performed lying down, get a sports mat. For men, you can install a horizontal bar in the apartment and buy dumbbells.

  • First, exercises for the cervical vertebrae are performed. These are head tilts back and forth, left and right, as well as rotation.
  • Next, knead the hands, clenching them into fists and performing rotational movements.
  • Fulfill circular motions hands to stretch the joints. You can do 3-4 rotations, first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Don't forget to warm up your toes and feet. To do this, put your feet shoulder-width apart and make rolling movements from your toes to your heels, like on your toes.

As a result of the warm-up, you will warm up the muscles, prepare yourself for more difficult exercises. Note that the warm-up can be started while still lying on the bed, and finished while already walking around the room.

Basic exercises

After warming up the neck and arms, you can proceed to exercises for the body. This is twisting the torso with arms raised up, tilts, rotations, bending back. Then you need to pay attention to the press.

  • The exercise is performed lying on your back, knees bent. Raise and lower your pelvis ten times. Try to raise it as high as possible.
  • Raise upper part body, without straining the neck and without taking the legs off the floor. If it doesn’t work out, then you can fix the legs by slipping them under the closet or asking one of the relatives to hold them. This exercise must be learned to do at least 20 times.
  • From a prone position, raise your legs to a slight angle (up to 45 °), the torso remains pressed to the floor. For many, this exercise is very difficult, but it helps to strengthen the press. Repeat it as much as you can.

If you want to achieve a home, then you can not do without squats. They should be performed with a flat back, placing the legs shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, the knees should look outward when squatting. People in good shape will be able to sit down 30-40 times without any problems.

Focus on lying down and push up as many times as you can. Good result for weight loss gives the rotation of the hoop (hula hoop) at the waist. But for its implementation, more space in the apartment will be required.

For weight loss of legs, jumping rope is suitable. The more times you jump, the better. No jump rope, then lunge forward and swing, which is useful for strengthening leg muscles.

You can develop your own set of exercises for the legs and waist and perform them every morning. In total, charging should take 30-40 minutes.

Do not confuse exercise with exercise. morning exercises should give you pleasure and not overstrain. After them, there is a feeling of cheerfulness, while after a serious workout you want to relax.

Differences between charging in women and men

Many believe that for men, the load should be greater in order to lose extra pounds. But in reality, a set of exercises for men can be the same as for women. The most important thing in exercises is their regularity. You must follow the order and time of execution, passes by day are not allowed.

Men need to do exercises for the legs in the same way as women for the back and arms. But men can have their own problem areas. If women are trying to lose extra pounds from the hips and waist, then for men the main task is usually to tighten the abdomen and strengthen the arms. For men, you can:

  • increase the number of push-ups;
  • pay more attention to training the press;
  • include dumbbells in your arsenal to increase the load on your hands;
  • if there is a horizontal bar, then do not forget about pulling up.

After charging, you need to take a shower and have breakfast. For breakfast, protein foods and slow carbohydrates are best. It can be porridge, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, vegetable salad. You should refuse sweet coffee or tea, juices can be drunk only natural, without added sugar and preservatives. And, of course, there should be no sweet buns, bagels and cakes. Think over your diet in advance, and then it will not be difficult for you to lose weight.

To lose weight, you need not only to diet, but also to exercise. If you do not have time for a full workout, do daily exercises for weight loss. Morning exercise for weight loss is very useful for the whole body, it will fill you with energy for the whole day and will help you lose weight.
Charging in the morning for weight loss is not only cheerfulness and joy, but also a great way to awaken and speed up the metabolism. It is enough to spend 10-20 minutes to feel energized all day long. Exercises for weight loss of different parts of the body are useful for the whole body, they increase health and beauty. Muscles must be kept in good shape if you want beautiful elastic forms. Easy exercise for weight loss goes well with regular evening workouts. If you do not devote time to sports, then do not worry. Weight loss will occur, but more slowly. There are millions of books on how to lose weight. Charging is mentioned in almost every one of them. Don't underestimate the little things in your life. The quality of products, daily routine, exercise, your mood - all this affects your appearance.

Why do you need daily exercise?

In order for daily exercise to contribute to rapid weight loss, you should know how else it is good for health:

  • Being engaged every day for only 8-12 minutes, by the end of the week you will feel a surge of energy, vivacity.
  • Regular exercise helps to become stronger, increase the level of endurance.
  • With morning exercises, they not only allow you to lose weight faster, but also help you wake up easier in the morning, get rid of laziness.
  • Helps improve metabolism, making it much easier and faster for the body to part with excess calories stored in the form of fat reserves.
  • Charging helps to cope with appetite and begin to control it.
  • Through regular morning workouts, you will learn to better understand the needs of your own body, and even a light breakfast will give you a feeling of satiety.
  • Daily exercise for weight loss improves brain function.
  • The person is in a good mood, which remains for the whole day.
  • Morning exercises for weight loss should be done before breakfast.
  • Drinking a glass of water before each workout will make it easier for your body to wake up.
  • To lose weight quickly, you need to exercise every day - first for 8-12 minutes, gradually increasing the load until the workout reaches half an hour. You can’t work out only one muscle group, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve the desired result. You need to regularly alternate exercises, so that morning exercises will become more effective, and the process of losing weight will be easier.

Losing weight with morning exercises: myth or reality, health benefits

The benefits of morning exercises have long been proven: during sleep, the muscles become stiff, and in the morning a person may feel some discomfort because of this. To get rid of it, you need to do certain exercises that increase blood flow and give vigor, because it is from the first hours after waking up depends all day. What are the benefits of daily exercise for weight loss in the morning:

  • After it, a surge of energy is felt;
  • Since the exercises need to be performed every time at a certain time, a warm-up helps to follow the daily routine as a whole;
  • Due to the fact that charging gives energy, a person feels cheerful all day and is in a good mood.

In addition to doing morning exercises for fast weight loss, you can speed up the weight loss process as follows:

  • On an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water with the addition of lemon juice;
  • Do not skip breakfast: it is best to eat cereals, fruits or cottage cheese at this time;
  • Walking on fresh air: walking is a gentle kind of warm-up, besides it affects all muscle groups.

You need to do exercises in the morning for weight loss every day, otherwise you won’t be able to get rid of kilograms. It is advisable to do it before breakfast, and then take a contrast shower.

Basic rules for home exercise for weight loss

In order for morning exercises to contribute to weight loss, to bring maximum benefit, follow a few simple rules:

  • You can not overload your body immediately from the first days of classes.
  • Morning exercise used for weight loss is not a sport, and an increase in load is carried out only to consume more energy.
  • To lose weight, you need to exercise regularly.
  • Experienced trainers advise doing exercises at least 4 times a week. It is advisable to practice at about the same time.
  • If morning exercises are used not only for tightening muscles, but also for losing weight, you need to correctly calculate the set of exercises.
  • The duration of the workout should be at least 32-35 minutes, because the consumption of fat reserves begins after 20 minutes of training.
  • The break between exercises should not be more than a minute, stick to the intense pace of training.
  • If morning exercises will be used for weight loss, and not for increasing muscle mass, you can’t eat an hour and two hours after class.
  • Cheerful music will make your morning workout more fun.
  • At the beginning of morning exercises, a small warm-up is performed in order to properly warm up the muscles and prevent injury. Finally, do stretching exercises.
  • Do not repeat the same exercise every day. To get an effective result, you can use a hoop, ball, rope and other sports equipment during classes.
  • Before starting morning exercises, you need to develop a set of exercises that will suit you.

Warm up before exercise

We take our ears with our hands and begin to lower them down, up, making circular movements. Thus, we activate important points and create a mood. Always smile and make movements consciously. Mechanical exercise will not bring results;

  • Circular movements of the neck;
  • Hands parallel to the floor. Grab something with your hands, then throw;
  • Circular movements with a brush;
  • Circular movements of the elbows;
  • Circular movements of the shoulders forward and backward;
  • Legs and buttocks in place, turn the torso to the left and gently stretch ourselves with our hands;
  • Circular movements of the pelvis;
  • Leaning against the wall, lift one leg, bend it at the knees and begin to make circular motions with the hip. Then do the same movements in the knee joint;
  • Raise one leg. Draw a figure eight with your toe, an infinity sign and a circle, so you stretch your ankle.

Charging for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

Many women want to remove the so-called "ears", and for this you need to do the following exercises:

  • We stand, spread our legs wide, take dumbbells in our hands and lower them along the body. We lean in different directions. We perform 3 sets of 30 times.
  • We stand straight, put our right foot forward, squat. We do the same with the left leg. We alternate 10 times on each side.

Exercise for slimming legs

Charging to lose weight should be in a good rhythm that is pleasant for you. Prepare music in advance for warm-up and core exercises. After warming up, proceed to the following exercises:

  • Squats. It is important that the knees do not go beyond the line of socks, and the back is even. Do 10-20 repetitions; Swing legs forward and sideways 10 times on each leg;
  • Overhead clapping jumps should be done 20 times;
  • Get into a push-up position and begin to alternately pull your knees to your chest - 10 repetitions;
  • From the position of the cat ("fours"), push bent leg into the sky 15 times.

Exercise for slimming thighs

For those who want to have elastic buttocks and slender legs, such gymnastics is suitable:

  • We stand, straighten our back, put our hands behind our heads and squat. We perform 10 times;
  • We stand straight, we begin to squat, pushing forward a straight leg. We do 10 times on each side.

Charging for slimming hands

Here, every morning you need to do the following exercises:

  • We stand straight, stretch our arms in front of us, turn them with our palms up and down alternately;
  • We raise our hands to shoulder level, slightly spread apart to the sides, we collect our palms into fists. We make imaginary circles, moving only shoulder joints without raising your shoulders.

uncomplicated morning exercises for weight loss, it solves a complex of tasks at once: it sets up the body for intensive work during the day, starts metabolic processes, and relieves you of extra pounds. In addition, from the awareness of a job well done in the morning, the mood improves, the day passes under the sign of positive.

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Morning exercises “Lose Weight” at home will require a minimum of time and financial investment from you. List necessary items consists of three items:

  1. Comfortable clothes made of cotton fabrics that absorb sweat well or modern synthetic materials for fitness. They provide airflow to the body, remove moisture to the outside and sit perfectly on the figure. Make up a set of sweatpants, leggings, shorts and T-shirts, a top, a T-shirt. It is better not to wear anything on your feet, to practice barefoot or in thin socks.
  2. Gymnastic mat, an alternative to which is tourist foam.
  3. Musical accompaniment. Light rhythmic music will set the pace of the workout. Play with variations of melodies, try slower songs or fiery Latin American rhythms. Choose the best option.

General rules

If you are tormented by questions: when to exercise, how long, how to control your well-being, then the answers can be found below:

  • Regularity. Ideally, do morning exercises every day in the morning .
  • Diversity. The proposed complex is not a dogma. Fill it with exercises different groups muscles, constantly vary them. In a month, repeat all the exercises from start to finish - evaluate your well-being, see how much easier it has become for you to practice .
  • Lesson duration - 20–25 minutes .
  • the optimal time for gymnastics is an hour after waking up, on an empty stomach. yogurt or a light snack. After two hours you can have breakfast ;
  • Control your well-being during class. The best indicator of good work is a continuous load, monotonously performed at a pulse of 100-120 beats per minute.

A set of exercises "Lose Weight"

Morning exercises help to reduce body fat, strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, arms, buttocks and back, and eliminate cellulite. The right combination of exercise combined with a healthy diet will bring your figure to a state close to ideal in 4 weeks.

Traditionally, in gymnastic complex include three blocks:

  • Warm-up - an easy step with breathing exercises - 2-3 minutes;
  • Main part - - 10–15 minutes;
  • Recovery - breathing exercises- 3–5 minutes.

Warm up

We start the warm-up with walking. Rhythmically step 50 times on each leg. Hands are freely lowered along the body. For the next 100 steps, we raise our hands up 4 steps, inhale, exhale for 4 steps, lower our hands down.

Main part

The most voluminous, variable and longest part of the complex. We will perform it according to the principle from the muscles of the upper body to the stomach and buttocks, ending with exercises for the legs. We repeat each exercise 10-15 times.

  1. Stand up straight. Raise your arms through the sides up, at the same time take your leg back. We fix the rack 1 s, bend the leg at the knee in front of us, clasp it with our hands and pull it to the chest. We lower our head down. We accept the starting position. We repeat with the other leg.
  2. We put our legs wider than our shoulders, slightly springy. We perform pelvic rotations with maximum amplitude clockwise. We fix attention on the uniform retraction and protrusion of the abdominal wall. Repeat counterclockwise.
  3. We kneel, hands clenched into fists and bent at the elbows. Alternately we squat touching the buttocks of the floor, to the right, then to the left.
  4. We lay down on the mat, put our hands on our stomach. We stick out as much as possible and, with our hands, press on the abdominal wall.
  5. We lie on our back, legs bent at the knees, hands clasped behind the head. Raise the head and shoulders, touch the left knee with the right elbow. We take the starting position, repeat with the other hand. We praise ourselves, half of the complex is completed.
  6. We lie on our back, legs bent at the knees, arms extended along the body. Raise the pelvis up, at the highest point we fix for one second. Gently lower the pelvis down. To complicate the exercise, take your hands to the sides.
  7. We stand up straight, legs apart as wide as possible. Bend the left leg at the knee, tilt the torso to the right. With the right hand, we try to reach the sock. We control the knee of the right leg, it should be straightened. We perform three spring tilts, take the starting position. We repeat on the other side.
  8. We stand straight, legs wider than shoulders, socks apart. Execute, fix the body in lowest point- thighs are parallel to the floor.
  9. We perform a stand on right leg, left, bent at the knee, is retracted to the side. We make circular movements with the hip, first clockwise, then against. Change position, repeat with right foot.
  10. We jump 20 times on two legs. Then alternately on the right and left legs. A lighter version - hands on the belt, more difficult - hands behind the head. The main part of the gymnastics is over.


We switch to calm walking, walk 100 steps or 1 minute, restore breathing. We stand up straight, slowly, while inhaling, raise our hands up. On an energetic exhalation, we lean forward, lower our relaxed hands down. We do 5 repetitions. We end with applause and gratitude to ourselves, beloved.


When to expect results and how to evaluate them? With regular daily training and adherence to the principles healthy eating The result will appear in a week. The arrow will slowly crawl down. Another way is to measure volumes. Use a measuring tape to measure the circumference of your chest, waist, and hips. Take measurements once a week, after a set of exercises. Be sure to record your results in a diary. After a month, evaluate the dynamics of weight loss.

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