Callanetics for weight loss. Callanetics for beginners - a healthy beauty recipe! Callanetics for those over 50

It's no secret that every representative of the beautiful half of humanity dreams of having a beautiful figure. All nutritionists to achieve best result in the fight against extra pounds, it is recommended not only to adhere to a special diet, but also to do fitness. But, unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for aerobics, shaping or power loads, and in this case, callanetics classes will be quite appropriate.

Callanetics is a special system of stretching exercises for all deeply located muscle groups, which causes incredible muscle work activity. This is a kind of slow unhurried gymnastics, giving a huge static load. Just one hour of callanetics in terms of its load on the body and overall efficiency is equal to seven hours of shaping or twenty-four hours of regular aerobics. Each callanetics exercise is designed in such a way that simultaneous all the muscles of the body receive the load at once.

Callanetics can become a favorite type of fitness for those who prefer measured, thoughtful and calm classes to moving and difficult in terms of coordination dance and moving techniques. Such a training program as callanetics helps to create a harmonious balance between mind and body, allows you to find a good physical form and avoid injury, develops a person's ability to focus on himself.

With the help of callanetics, it is quite possible to achieve the following:

  • reduce body weight and reduce its volume in the desired places
  • fully restore metabolism (and this will help maintain the desired weight)
  • learn absolute control of your body
  • bring to the necessary tone and strengthen the muscles

Callanetics is a complex of 29 static exercises which are based on yoga asanas. Such an unusual complex allows you to train all parts of the body that require improvement: hips, buttocks, arms, forearms and shoulders, abdominal Press, back. This system of non-power stretching is considered in a good way correct the figure, give harmony and elasticity to the most "problem" places.

Callanetics is often referred to as " special gymnastics uncomfortable postures ". And this expression really has a rationale: during classes, poses are taken and movements are made that no one ever performs in Everyday life. It is these postures that contribute to the training of muscles that are used to “sleeping”. A beautiful figure is created in those moments when all the muscles are included in the work. After all, it is impossible, for example, to improve the shape of the chest, if you do not train pectoral muscles, but not a single woman uses these muscles in everyday life - therefore, they do not train in any way. In the same way, you cannot create a thin waist if you do not strain the abdominal muscles. And every woman has plenty of such "sleeping" muscles. It is enough to include all the muscles in the work - and magical changes will not be long in coming.

If part of the muscles, as they say, “sleeps”, then their place begins to be occupied by adipose tissue. Weak and thin muscles with regular training become beautiful and strong. Callanetics trains all muscles, but at the same time, the exercises of this technique not aimed at building muscle mass as is the case with strength training. With constant practice of callanetics, muscles develop to a certain extent and give the female body nice shape without any frills.

As a fitness technique callanetics appeared in the early 80s the last century. But this type of physical training came to Russia not so long ago. The American Callan Pinckney is considered to be the author of callanetics (it is by her name that the technique is named).

Callan Pinckney was born with a number of illnesses and physical defects. But being an optimist, the woman preferred to simply ignore the problems and live full life. However, this attitude ended in failure - after 11 years of traveling around the world, the American returned home with a completely upset health, and the greatest difficulties arose with the spine.

The resilient Callan decided not to get upset and created her own system of original exercises for all muscles, with the help of which she not only regained her health, but also gave thousands of women a chance to forget about ailments and gain a slender figure.

The methodology itself does not focus specifically on weight loss, but it has long been noticed by many: callanetics, in any case, leads to a significant reduction in body fat. During exercise metabolism starts to speed up, and due to this, the deposition of adipose tissue in the body stops, while muscle mass is gradually growing. It is not uncommon that as a result of such interconnected women they were forced to completely change their wardrobe, buying clothes two or three sizes smaller, while their weight remained the same.

The very founder of this system, Callan Pinckney, is a living confirmation of the high efficiency of the developed workouts: at the age of 60, a woman has a figure that young girls can envy. And Callan looks much younger than her years - she also explains this phenomenon with regular callanetics.

Callan guarantees that after ten hours of callanetics, a woman will look eight to ten years younger. This happens due to the activation of all muscles and the acceleration of the metabolic process.

« You get pleasure, gain harmony and get younger right before your eyes" says Callan. By the way, the wife of the youngest son of the British Queen, Duchess Iorna Sarah, better known under the name Fergie. Fergie recovered greatly after giving birth, but Callan Pinckney, invited as a consultant to Buckingham Palace, was able to help the young mother - the duchess brought herself into the right shape in a matter of weeks.

What is the success of callanetics and its wide distribution?

Firstly, callanetics for weight loss, unlike many types of fitness, does not require a visit to the gym specially equipped for training. Everyone can experience all the delights of such gymnastics at home without purchasing an expensive subscription to sport Club, special sportswear and shoes. It is enough to put on comfortable clothes, turn on calm music - and that's it, you are ready to practice.

Secondly, on the one hand, this is a calm and slow gymnastics, but on the other hand, during callanetics, a very intense, simply colossal work of all muscles takes place. At the same time, gymnastics was developed on the basis of non-stressing static loads, postures classical yoga and stretch marks after each exercise, which together prevent muscle pain and prevent excessive muscle relief.

Static exercises aimed mainly at micro muscle contractions. There are no jumps or jerks, no voltage drops of adjacent muscle groups. During classes, all muscles are involved, including small ones. Stretching and static exercises cause increased activity muscle groups deep enough to cause changes in the most deep layers stale adipose tissue.

The excellent physiological effect is based on the following: during a long-term static load on the muscle, the level of its metabolism greatly increases (i.e., the metabolic rate becomes higher), and this is much more effective than muscle training during a cyclic load, and, importantly, more calories are burned. As a result, muscle mass is not built up, but the muscles are brought from a flabby inert state into a natural, aesthetically pleasing form that is consistent with a healthy body.

Thirdly, callanetics is called a talented sculptor who is able to sculpt an ideal figure with impeccable forms: posture will be corrected, osteochondrosis will disappear, the chest will rise beautifully, the stomach will become flat and toned, the buttocks will acquire a rounded shape. You yourself will be surprised at the changes that have taken place in a short time. And your movements will acquire smoothness and femininity. After classes, lightness will spread throughout the body - after all, exercises have an amazing relaxing and invigorating effect.

Another advantage of this training technique is that both a young girl and an elderly woman can successfully engage in it. The main thing is that there are no contraindications in history. Callanetics is one of the few gymnastics, which, as they say, " all ages are submissive».

What are the benefits of doing callanetics?

Regular callanetics exercises bring many benefits to the whole body. And the longer you do this simple gymnastics, the more tangible the result will be. After just a few weeks of constant training, you will find that:

  • Your posture has improved, you have forgotten about back pain, and osteochondrosis has simply disappeared from your life.
  • metabolism has improved significantly, immunity has become stronger
  • weight went down
  • improved skin tone
  • You have become more flexible and your muscles have lengthened without unnecessary bulk
  • Your joints are stronger and your muscles are stronger
  • You become less stressed and negatively influenced by external factors, and your self-esteem is growing rapidly

This is exactly how callanetics works - feedback after training on the Callan Pinckney exercise system is striking in its unambiguity: all the women involved have achieved excellent results.

Who is suitable for callanetics

Callanetics - simple perfect way body shaping and keeping yourself in good shape for those who:

Wants to lose 10 to 20 kg of excess weight and correct figure defects;

Suffers from shortness of breath during intense physical exertion, finds it difficult to keep a fast pace during training;

Does not like long and exhausting physical training;

Experiences a feeling of boredom in the gym, does not like to pump muscles and “squeeze” the press;

Has poor coordination of movements;

Limited in time or simply does not want to spend a lot of time on training;

He likes slow rhythm of classes and calm movements, and also prefers to perform exercises that imply smoothness and grace.

When you can not do callanetics

Callanetics, like any other technique, has its contraindications. This should be taken quite seriously, because the main principle of any activity is do no harm. Despite the seeming simplicity of static exercises, excessive passion for callanetics can lead to not very good consequences.

And some classes according to the Callan Pinckney method are generally contraindicated:

  • topics who had surgery or surgery (at least a year must pass, in case it was a caesarean section, at least a year and a half)
  • topics who has poor eyesight(it is necessary to consult a specialist who will be able to assess your condition and make a decision - you can do callanetics or not)
  • those who suffer asthmatic diseases
  • those who have any spinal problems
  • those who have hemorrhoids(Strongly prohibited!)
  • those who suffer varicose veins, some restrictions are imposed: it is forbidden to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, in particular, half-squats and full squats

Do only those exercises that you can, and in no case don't force the body do something for which it is simply not yet ready.

It is best to exercise watching yourself in the mirror. So mistakes and inaccuracies are immediately noticeable, in addition, practice shows that movements are better fixed in front of a mirror.

It is preferable to conduct callanetics classes in silence- otherwise you can go astray from a given rhythm, and this is undesirable.

Do not be alarmed if you not only do not immediately start losing weight, but also add a little. Keep exercising - trained muscles weigh more than flabby ones. The same applies to uninflated abdominal muscles - at first, the stomach may grow a little. Don't worry, everything will be back to normal very soon.

How to do callanetics

According to Callan Pinckney herself, it is necessary to start classes in callanetics with three times a week, and the training itself should last at least an hour.

After the result is visible (this will happen in two to three weeks regular classes), the number of workouts can be reduced to two. It is also allowed to break one lesson into three or four mini-workouts of 15-20 minutes each.

When the desired stable result is achieved (the body will decrease to the desired volume, health will improve, health problems will disappear), just one hour a week is enough to keep the muscles in good shape.

Modern ladies of Balzac age (40-45 years old) are by no means the women described by the famous writer. Their life, unlike book images, is just beginning at this time. A woman finally gets the opportunity to devote less time and energy to family and work, and more to herself. Therefore, many are discovering fitness only now. But it's never too late to start. The only requirement is not to strive to immediately establish for yourself a very high loads and raise them gradually.

The appearance of a lady after 40 should be an expression of her inner freedom. Of course, to assume that fitness will help you look the way you did 20 years ago is at least naive. And do you need it? Many consider this time and appearance the best in their lives.

A fit athletic figure at 40, and even more so at 50, is a sign of your good health and the presence of such qualities as willpower, perseverance and the ability to work on yourself. " By-effect» from fitness - inhibition of aging processes and prevention of many age-related diseases.

Fitness Influence

Therefore, fitness after 40 has a positive effect on the following:

  • Health. As sad as it is to admit, aging is inevitable. For women, this process, due to the subsequent menopause, is even more painful than for men. Among the characteristic symptoms of the cessation of the production of the required amount of female sex hormones are bone decalcification (they become more fragile), an increased risk of atherosclerosis and gynecological diseases (fibroids, inflammation), and liver problems. Classes will help you remove almost a dozen years from your biological age. If you started exercising earlier, this is even better, but even now it is by no means too late to increase the overall tone of the body and its resistance to various unpleasant diseases.
  • Figure. Another unpleasant consequence of menopause is a sharp increase in weight. And body fat form exactly where they look least attractive (thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms). Even if you watch your diet, reviewing the diet, it does not help much. Fitness contributes to the return of muscle tone and former flexibility of the joints. However, when exercising, it is important to stop in time, finding a golden mean - excessive thinness does not paint an aged woman at all, sharply emphasizing wrinkles and sagging skin.
  • Posture. Muscles with age seem to “shrink”, losing the necessary moisture. As a result, the load on the spine increases, leading to the fact that it is no longer able to occupy anatomically. correct position. Stooped shoulders and a bent back are very aging. We should not forget about. Fitness helps to restore muscle tone and straighten your shoulders again.
  • Mood. Sports activities contribute to the production of endorphins in the body, which contribute to excellent mental well-being, maintaining a stable Have a good mood and finding inner harmony. You are guaranteed to forget about what stress, depression (and may be different) and chronic fatigue are.

In order for fitness classes at any age, and not just after 40, to bring only benefits, the following principles must be observed:

  • Regularity of lessons. Once you start, it's important not to stop.
  • Subsequence. There is no need to try to keep up with younger women and especially men, setting yourself an exorbitant pace and loads that you obviously cannot stand. Pay attention to special training programs for women after 40 and after 50. You may even have to resort to the help of an instructor to develop individual program taking into account your diseases and contraindications.
  • A smart approach to choosing the type of activity. The ideal solution for older ladies is aerobics (especially water aerobics, fitball and step classes), Pilates, yoga, callanetics, other exercise systems aimed at stretching, cardio training, power training with an emphasis on quality rather than quantity of performing exercises with optimal weight.
  • Duration of classes and their number. If you overdo it, it will most likely discourage you from going to the fitness club once and for all. When the muscles hurt for several days after each session, this is a clear signal that the body gives you to tell you that you are doing something wrong. The optimal number of cardio workouts for a lady aged 3-4 (the duration of the session should not exceed 30 minutes). Strength training - 2-3 with the same duration.
  • Load distribution. Make sure that all muscle groups are approximately equally involved. It is also useful to radically change the program at least once a month so as not to lose interest in classes and avoid an unpleasant routine.

A set of exercises

An approximate training program for a woman after 40 looks like this:

    • Run in place. This is an excellent warm-up, as well as the prevention of bone decalcification and a good tool for maintaining joint mobility and ligament elasticity. You need to start with a light warm-up jog for 3-5 minutes, then gradually increase the pace, vigorously working with your arms bent at the elbows and raising your knees as high as possible. The highest pace should be maintained for 15-30 seconds.
    • Burpee. Squat down and place your hands on the floor. Jump up as high as you can while straightening your legs and keeping your hands on the floor. Having taken the desired position, push up and return to the starting position with the same sharp jump. Then jump up again, but up, without straightening your legs. The number of repetitions is 5-20 (depending on how long ago you started exercising, the general tone of the body and the presence of contraindications).
    • Lunges with dumbbells (at home, they can be completely replaced plastic bottles with water). Take a dumbbell weighing no more than 1 kg in each hand and transfer the body weight to one leg, pushing it half a step forward and bending at the knee. Raise the knee of the second leg sharply up, trying to touch the chest. Straight arms at the same time through the sides rise up. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous exercise.
    • Grand plie. Standing, straighten your back and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Raise straight arms with dumbbells (1.5-2.5 kg each) above your head. At the same time, slowly squat down and bend your elbows so that the dumbbells fall on your shoulders. Then return to the starting position.
    • Pendulum. Standing straight, freely stretch your arms along the body. Make a sharp swing with one leg to the side, while slightly bending the second leg at the knee and transferring weight to it. Performing the exercise every third time, hold the leg at the top for 3-5 seconds.
  • Bike. Lying on your back and raising your lower back, leaning on bent arms, imitate cycling, first in one direction, then in the other. Prepared ladies can sit on a chair, lean their hands on the seat, straighten their legs and “ride” in this position.
  • Leg lift. Lying on your back, alternately and together raise straight legs until they form a right angle with the body. Alternate this exercise with pulling one or both knees to your chest.
  • Hitch. Jumping in place, swinging your legs forward and to the sides, tilting the body will do. Stretching exercises are also helpful. Leaning forward, try to touch the floor with your fingers or reach your toes from a sitting position. Bending your knees in both cases is not recommended.


Although the undoubted benefits of physical activity have been proven a long time ago, despite all the possible positive effect for health, fitness should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • High body temperature, regardless of the cause.
  • Menstruation that is more painful than usual and is accompanied by copious discharge.
  • Any gestational age and at least six months after childbirth. Physical activity in this case is not excluded, but requires the development of an individual carefully thought-out program.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system, including past heart attacks, strokes, congenital heart defects.
  • History of spinal and head injuries. Any fractures and cracks are especially dangerous.
  • Postponed surgery. With classes you need to wait at least six months.

But this does not mean that the above contraindications doom you to a sedentary passive lifestyle. Just physical activity you need to think more carefully and consult with your doctor first.

Other types of fitness

Instead of classes only in the gym, other types of fitness can be offered.
However, here, too, before choosing the type of activity, a woman should consult a doctor, as there may be contraindications due to injuries, past and received diseases.

One of the types of fitness for women over 40 is cycling. For beginners, a more relaxed pace is set, with an increase in the experience on wheels, the pace can be increased. Riding a bike is also getting positive emotions, the ability to travel long distances, admire nature and the city, listen to the birds singing.

Another recommended form of fitness for women over 40 is Nordic walking. Classes are held on fresh air, it is very interesting to do it, as you can travel to different places in your area. Walking with sticks can use up to 90% of the muscles, which is very good for balancing the load. Now this species is on the rise in popularity and is gaining more and more fans.

Yoga classes are great for women over 40. They have a beneficial effect on a woman: they tighten and stretch muscles, develop flexibility, relieve back pain, and improve the psycho-emotional state.

An excellent alternative to fitness can be jogging, swimming and dancing.

9 comments on “Fitness features for women after 40, 50 years”

    Thanks for the advice. I have been following the recommended set of exercises for several weeks now. Frankly, at first it was hard and even forced myself. And not in vain, because I quickly got involved and continue to practice 3-4 times a week. True, while I began to notice that my stomach had gone a little, my muscles tightened. I prefer to do my exercises in the morning. Most of all I like the state after exercise, I feel free, I recharge for the whole day, and most importantly, the hot flashes began to bother me less, my mood stabilizes. So girls are my recommendations to you, the main thing is not to be lazy.

    At this age, you need to be especially careful with the joints .. it is better to give preference Nordic walking or swimming. And the joints must be strengthened with a chondoprotector or, for example, Evalar curcumin. And if there is discomfort, then immediately see a doctor.

    A few months ago I went to Gym and was surprised by the contingent, mostly women and men 35+ come, there are few young people, but the club is not popular, the so-called rocking chair, without a cardio zone, whoever wants to can run and warm up before training in the next room. Of course not everyone perfect bodies with a relief, but by the scales I see that people have been exercising for a long time, all figured and fit, they go to the gym regularly and look younger compared to their peers! I used to go to a presentable fitness club, there was a pool, a bathhouse, a bar ... and so I didn’t see such a zeal for sports there, mostly young people puffed with iron, and who was older imposingly walked on a treadmill, the main stream for swimming was yoga. Still, strength training is more effective and you need to “get sick” in sports, and not engage in self-deception on cardio simulators, this is not a sport, if you go to the gym, then you need to take a coach and work with iron. It is also worth remembering about nutrition, because training itself is only 20% of success, the diet should have enough protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats ... this is where many give up and refuse healthy lifestyles.

    Joints now need to be protected. I choose only unique exercises for myself. My knees make themselves felt when I strain a lot. At the age of 40, I gave birth and fitness and yoga contribute to recovery. Three years I departed from childbirth. In addition to recovery after childbirth, it helped a lot proper nutrition. Yoga calms and invigorates me. Fitness gives energy for the whole day!

    Now, indeed, women over 40 are full of youth and health, it is too early to write them off and classify them as mature people. And in the hall I often meet such an age group: motivated, strong and purposeful. Such girls even motivate me not to give up and go for the result. And yet, as at any age, weight limits must be observed so that it does not harm.

    A woman needs to do fitness at any age, it is not necessary to wait for 40 or 50 years. Now we have a sedentary lifestyle, everyone is in cars, they have almost forgotten how to walk on foot. And fitness is, first of all, physical exercises, movement, this is life itself. If you want to be attractive, then you need to keep yourself in shape all the time, eat right, move a lot and get positive emotions as often as possible.

    By myself, I notice I have completely lost the habit of additional exercises to this age. I was surprised to read about running in place, which seems to be the simplest exercise, but it already seems to be something unrealistic. Now we are going to move to a house without an elevator, and I am in a slight panic, how will I cope with the stairs. Elevator, car from the entrance is very relaxing. Is it possible to return the lost form?

    It is not at all necessary after forty to start wrapping up in shapeless hoodies and lead a passive lifestyle. Our body requires attention at any age and I have a lot of examples when women enrolled in a fitness club at 40, 45 years old and their figure began to look better than at 25. The only thing to consider is special program training. Do not foolishly rush to all the simulators in a row)

    You know, what I learned while doing fitness at the age of 46 is that you don't have to set unrealistic goals for yourself. No need to chase the perfect figure and believe that you will be 20 years younger. No. None of this will happen. The most important thing is to enjoy classes, not to do anything for wear and tear, without unnecessary stress, and try to find for yourself the perfect balance between your physical condition and psychological mood.

(9 votes, average: 5 out of 5) website

In our country, callanetics for weight loss has become a hit for working on your body not so long ago. However, the fitness technique itself appeared in the 80s of the last century. The author of gymnastics, created on the basis of yoga asanas, is Kalan Pinckney. Since childhood, the American had a number of physical disabilities and a whole bunch of diseases. But instead of resigning herself to her problems, the resilient woman developed a set of exercises that involve all muscle groups. Today, any young beauty can envy the appearance and figure of 60-year-old Pinkney, and all her peers can envy her health.

Callanetics is based on a harmonious combination of stretching and static load. Perfect option for those who dream of strong toned body, but does not like active physical activity and leads a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. Here you will not have any jumps, rapid breathing and profuse sweating. But, according to the author, one hour of training using her methodology can be equated in terms of effectiveness with seven hours of shaping or 24-hour aerobics classes. The fact is that the last two types of gymnastics practically do not involve internal muscles. So in this case, the process of burning fat, and at the same time metabolism and metabolism is accelerated to a greater extent.

One of the indisputable advantages of callanetics is that you can organize the process of losing weight at minimal cost. You don't need a fitness center or a trainer to do this. Just buy a mat and disc or download video classes and stock up on remarkable patience. The recommended duration of classes for beginners is 15 minutes, but you should exercise daily. At first it will be really hard - during training, the muscles are very tense, after which “all the hamstrings are shaking”, and the next morning the whole body will hurt. Don't be afraid, because muscle finally began to work, grow and replace the hated body fat.

A nice bonus for those who decide to lose weight with the help of callanetics - gymnastics gives a wonderful effect of rejuvenating the body. The body becomes flexible in a youthful way, the skin is elastic, the posture is straight and beautiful. Kalan assures that after 10 hours of training, you can lose not only a certain amount of kilograms, but also for as long as 10 years. Cheerfulness and a great desire to move towards new victories are added to the radiant complexion. At the same time, this gymnastics does not put forward special requirements for the diet.

Callanetics exercises for beginners

To practice callanetics at home, you can use one of the many video tutorials developed by Marina Korpan, Daria Lichiskina, Olga Zavitayeva, Inga Dubodelova, Elena Konyaeva, Ekaterina Rykova, Tatyana Rogatina and other well-known fitness instructors in their environment. If you are not yet an advanced “user” of this type of training, we recommend starting with the following set of exercises.

Exercise 1

Sit in a hard chair. Rise up, leaning on the armrests. Keep your back straight and lift your chin. Exercise helps relieve tension from the gluteal muscles.

Exercise 2

Starting position - standing, legs spaced 35-40 cm apart. Raise your hands as high as you can. Retract the stomach as much as possible and, as it were, “grow” up. Now bend your knees and begin to pull your arms forward. Bend forward and stay in this position for one minute. Pull your chin forward and take your hands back. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Exercise 3

Stand up, straighten your back. Raise your arms to shoulder height, palms up. Try to twist your palms as much as possible so that the muscles are worked out as much as possible during this exercise. Take your hands back, but without effort. Move your shoulders slowly. Touch your fingers behind your back without bending your elbows. Repeat 50-100 times. The effect is a straight posture, tightened chest muscles relaxed between the shoulder blades.

Exercise 4

Stand up, spread your legs slightly. Stretch your right hand up, and put your left on the upper surface of the thigh. Extend the right side of your body up behind your arm. Don't balance your hips. Tighten your buttocks, move your pelvis forward. Stay in this position for a minute. Lean all the way to the left. You should feel the tension in your back muscles. Repeat 50-100 times. The result is a reduction in the volume of the waist and hips.

Exercise 5

Lie on your back, stretch your arms forward, bend your legs. Raise your head and shoulders 10 cm. The back below the shoulder blades should remain on the floor. Repeat six times.

Exercise 6

Take the starting position, as in the previous callanetics exercise for weight loss. The lower back and buttocks should also be firmly pressed against the floor. Raise your head and shoulders slightly, and lift your right leg vertically. Hold on like this for 10-20 seconds. Change your leg. Repeat the exercise for each lower limb 10 times.

Exercise 7

The starting position is the same. Raise both legs to a vertical position. The head and shoulders are raised to the shoulder blades. Hold like this for 10 seconds. Repeat 10-20 times.

Exercise 8

Sit on the floor, keep your legs together extended in front of you. Lean forward, reach your feet with your hands. Repeat 50 times. Ideally, you want to touch your knees with your forehead.

Who should not do callanetics?

Despite the enormous benefits of classes, which are noted by the majority of those who are losing weight, callanetics is categorically not suitable for losing weight and simply improving well-being in the presence of a number of contraindications. So, those who have undergone any operations (surgical, cosmetic) should wait at least a year before starting this gymnastics. In the case of a caesarean section, the period increases to one and a half years.

If you have hemorrhoids or varicose veins, carefully review the set of exercises from callanetics and exclude from your training plan those that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs, in particular, half-squats and squats. It is strictly contraindicated to lose weight with the help of this gymnastics for those suffering from asthma. And if there are problems with vision, the cardiovascular system, the spine and the musculoskeletal system, as well as pregnant women, you must first obtain the consent of the attending physician.

There is no greater value for a person than health. But every woman wants to be not only healthy, but also beautiful, to maintain her physical attractiveness. long years. The most reliable way to do this is physical training, which allows you to maintain the function of muscles and joints in an optimal state, and more importantly, with the help of muscle work, preserve and increase the energy capabilities of the body, filling every cell of the body with energy, strength and physical beauty. A universal system of physical training, created taking into account all the characteristics of the female body, is presented in this book. This system is called Callanetics.

Despite the huge number of various programs for healing and improving the figure, callanetics - one of the unique and popular finds in the health industry - has long conquered the countries of Europe, Asia and America.
Callanetics is a slow, calm form of gymnastics with a static load. It is highly effective and promotes muscle tightening and rapid weight loss and body volume. Activates the body's immune system.

Ideal for those who prefer thoughtful, calm classes to active and coordinated dance types of fitness. This amazing effective program training will help create a harmonious balance between the body and mind, will allow you to get in excellent physical shape, develop concentration and prevent injuries.
The creator of this exercise system is the American doctor Callan Pinckney. The exercise system is named after her. Even as a child, Callan had problems with her hips, and to get rid of her shortcomings, she was engaged in dancing and diving. Pinckney introduced these elements into her figure improvement technique.

Callan Pinkney is already over 60, but sixteen-year-old girls can envy her figure. She assures that the set of exercises she has developed has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body: after 10 sessions, you will feel 10 years younger. After all, one hour of callanetics is equal to 7 hours of classical gymnastics or 24 hours of aerobics.
Imagine that you have picked up an orange and are squeezing juice out of it. So we squeeze out of the body in callanetics excess fat and slag. At the same time, we spare and strengthen the joints, do not overload the heart - callanetics has no contraindications.
In Europe and many other countries people are addicted to it different ages- from 16 to 60 years old. Moreover, this system of exercises is popular not only among women, a huge number of men also work in health clubs.
Here are just a few of the rave reviews:
“I experienced instant strength improvements and then those extra inches of my body began to disappear!” – Rose Marie O'Malley, Sacramento, California.
“Callanetics has not only allowed me to play golf again, but also to increase my results in the game! ..” - George Thorne, Denver.
“Now I wear my clothes with pride and comfort. I stand straight and completely confident in myself ... For the first time in my life, I have strong, Beautiful legs, toned flat stomach and beautiful buttocks, cellulite and flabbiness disappeared" - Lisa Collins, Chicago.
We can safely say that of all types of gymnastics, it is callanetics that makes it possible to feel your muscles, tightens the skin, gives energy and increases sexuality. This is confirmed by women involved in callanetics all over the world.
What is the secret of such success?

Firstly, callanetics does not require visiting specially equipped gyms; you can learn all the delights of training at home. No special equipment required special clothing or shoes. It is enough to wear a comfortable for you ordinary sportswear, better bright, creating a mood, turn on your favorite tunes and start practicing.
Secondly, this slow and calm gymnastics implies at the same time a colossal intense work of the muscles during classes. It is built on the basis of static loads, classical yoga postures and stretching after each exercise, the role of which is to prevent muscle pain and prevent excessive relief.
Static exercises are aimed at micro-contractions of muscles. There are no jerks and jumps in callanetics (you don’t have to worry about your knees and back), there is no difference in tension between adjacent muscle groups. Everything is involved, including small muscles. Based on stretching (stretching) and static exercises cause the activity of deeply located muscle groups, therefore, deep areas of stale adipose tissue quickly begin to lose weight. The physiological effect is based on the fact that with a long-term static load on the muscle, the level of its metabolism increases (the metabolic rate increases), this is much more effective than with a cyclic load, and more importantly, more calories are burned due to this. You do not build muscle mass, but bring them from a flabby state into a natural aesthetic form that corresponds to a healthy body.
Callanetics, like a talented sculptor, will help you sculpt a new figure with impeccable forms: your posture will be corrected and osteochondrosis will disappear, your chest will rise, become toned and flat belly, the shape of the buttocks will improve, you yourself will be surprised how in a short time you will become more flexible, fit and, most importantly, your movements will become smooth and feminine. After classes, you will feel amazing lightness throughout the body, as exercises have a healing effect. Callanetics will help you achieve results that you can “weigh” and “measure” after just a few sessions. Americans call callanetics “gymnastics of uncomfortable postures”, since the exercises are designed in such a way that all the main muscles of the body work simultaneously. This is a huge plus and fundamental difference from other types of fitness, where, with hard work of only individual muscle groups, the rest of the body remains unused.
Here are just eight possible or motivating motives to start improving yourself tomorrow:
1. You are overweight. If you go to a fitness club tomorrow, you may not be able to last more than 10 minutes, when the session lasts 50 minutes. Shortness of breath and joint pain are guaranteed.
2. You are not a fan of high intensity training. Running, jumping - not for you. A high pace is tiring for you, and any desire to practice disappears.
3. You are not interested in simulators, and it seems difficult to lift dumbbells, barbells, and actively work on them, especially if you are just starting your fitness classes.
4. You like a calm atmosphere. Callanetics is somewhat similar to yoga, it has a complete focus on every movement. A calm atmosphere is guaranteed, of course, but do not fall into the illusion that the classes are very simple. To overcome all the exercises, to withstand static stress, you will have to make a lot of effort.
5. You want to try something new, since you have been doing fitness for more than a year, maybe you should diversify your workouts with callanetics.
6. In fitness clubs, you can get lost among the variety of programs - fitball, hip-hop, taibo, kibo, and your coordination is lame. So callanetics is also for you - simple, uncomplicated exercises in terms of coordination give a decent load.
7. In general, you are satisfied with your figure, but you want to correct your hips or emphasize your waist. Callanetics will help you with this, since the entire system of exercises is aimed at correcting problem areas.
8. You prefer to study at home. You have very little time to visit the fitness club regularly. Then this book is also for you. After all, you only need a chair, a towel and a mirror.

Beneficial effects of practicing CALLANETICS
Regular workouts Callanetics give all the beneficial effects, and even more. The longer and harder you practice, the more benefit get from this simple but at the same time highly effective system. Here are the most overall results, which will become noticeable to you after a few weeks of training:
– posture will improve, osteochondrosis and back pain will disappear;
– improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system;
- natural weight loss
- improve body tone;
– Flexibility will improve and muscles will lengthen without excess volume;
- Joints will be strengthened, muscles will become stronger;
- Reduced stress and increased self-confidence own forces.

Rules for training when practicing CALLANETICS
In order for callanetics classes to have only a positive effect on you, we will formulate a number of methodological requirements.
As we already wrote, callanetics is gymnastics static postures. A feature of this system is a certain static load on the muscles of the body. Taking the required position, you need to hold it for 25-100 accounts, depending on the initial level of your training. I note that those who have never been involved in fitness programs fail to hold a pose for more than 10-15 counts. But do not despair, over time your muscles will get used to the load, and the duration of static stress can be increased to the upper limit. To begin with, try to hold the pose for 5-10 counts, then, after taking a break, repeat the exercise again. If you are serious about losing weight and want to achieve perfect figure, we recommend doing entry level physical fitness 3 times a week for 30 minutes. For those who just want to correct problem areas, we recommend classes for 1 hour 3 times a week. When you feel the return from classes, reduce them to 2 times. When you achieve stable success, you can practice for only 1 hour a week, enjoying it along with excellent health and good mood.
But with systematic training, especially for those women who are just starting to do fitness or who have not been involved in sports for a long time for several years, we recommend that you carefully read the following rules.
The first rule of training is the gradual increase in intensity and duration of loads. With low initial fitness, on initial stage, it is necessary to approach loads very metered. The addition of loads should be 3-5% in each week of training in relation to the level achieved, and after reaching high results- less. Since it is difficult to determine the functionality of your body, at the initial stage we do not recommend exercising to the maximum, since overtraining will not allow you to start regular exercises for a long time. You should not immediately strive to achieve the final results for another reason. Studies show that the effect of training in the early stages is greater than in the later stages, when you are approaching the limit of your capabilities. The point is not only in the danger of an overdose of the load, but also in the fact that feasible, that is, significant, but not limiting physical loads, improve the condition much more effectively. internal organs. Therefore, do not rush to catch up as soon as possible and urgently become beautiful. Such impatience is dangerous. Gradual, gradual and gradual - that's your motto!
The second rule to consider is the variety of exercises. For quality variety physical activity 7 to 12 exercises are enough for you, but they differ significantly from each other. This will allow you to train different sides functional abilities of the whole organism. If you include only one or two exercises, and besides, if they affect only small muscle groups, then a highly specialized training effect is achieved. You can not tighten your stomach or achieve thin waist, having weak back muscles, it is also impossible to pump up the muscles of the buttocks without training the hips.
The third rule, the observance of which provides an active counteraction to premature aging, consists in the priority training. motor function. This applies primarily to those women whose age is over forty. If until recently some exercises were considered contraindicated for middle-aged and elderly people, now studies refute the old data. Dosed callanetics exercises are the most effective for healing. The more weaned the body from a particular movement, the more valuable it is as a means of training. Unless, of course, do not forget about the strict dosing and gradual increase in loads. By the way, mother Callan Pinckney, who is 80 years old, enjoys callanetics, actively counteracting aging.
The fourth rule is the systematic study. Only with regular practice can we get maximum effect, that is, not only to achieve an ideal figure, but to maintain optimal physical state body for many years.

Preparing for training CALLANETICS
Before starting a workout, be sure to consult your doctor. This is especially important if you have had injuries, chronic diseases, or are pregnant in the past, and if you are over 50 years old, although callanetics does not contraindicate. Start your first workout only after carefully familiarizing yourself with the exercises.
In addition to the main complex, we give a description of a small complex, consisting of only three exercises. By doing it, you will get rid of back pain for a long time or you will be able to prevent their occurrence. Exercises can be performed at any time of the day: both in the morning to tone and invigorate your body for the whole day, and in the evening to relax the body after a hard day and relieve tension from the back muscles. These exercises can serve as a warm-up before performing the main complex, in general, you can perform them at any time of the day and anywhere, even at work.
Before performing the main complex, it is necessary to prepare the muscles and joints for work. To do this, we offer a warm-up consisting of exercises that must be performed before performing a set of exercises. Performing a warm-up will help warm up and prepare the muscles for work, protect you from injury. Each exercise consists of simple and easy to perform movements. All of them are based on stretching. Stretching the muscles before training will make them elastic, help to accustom them to static loads, on which callanetics is based. In childhood, everyone has natural flexibility, but as we age, without regular exercise, we begin to lose it. But good flexibility muscles and joints are an indicator of the youth of our body. In addition, flexible muscles and joints are less prone to sprains and dislocations. Therefore, before starting the main exercises, be sure to perform a warm-up complex. Try not to hold your breath during the exercises, breathe calmly and evenly.
Avoid sudden and jerky movements, the muscles should be stretched smoothly and slowly, but with some effort, until you feel tension. Hold your posture for as long as your physical fitness.
At the initial stage, 10-20 counts will be enough, at a more prepared level, bring the count to 30. In the future, you can increase the count to 60. But never stretch the muscles to painful sensations.
Every woman dreams of being beautiful, slim and fit. But being passionate about only exercise, it is difficult to achieve perfection in the formation of an ideal figure.
It is also necessary to observe a rational and balanced diet. As practice shows, we are rather frivolous about this issue.

Callanetics is a fitness gymnastics aimed at constant stretching and contraction of muscles. Her exercises are taken from various kinds oriental gymnastics and are designed for all muscle groups, even for those whose existence a person may simply be unaware of. Already after the first lesson, you will feel a special tension not only in the main, but also in the most deeply located muscles. However, after a few sessions, the pain will pass, and the whole body will come into tone.

Callanetics is interesting in that during its practice, during one exercise, all the muscles of the body work, as in a single clockwork. And this leads to such positive moments:

  • metabolism is restored;
  • posture improves;
  • decrease in body weight and volume;
  • develops the ability to control your body;
  • muscles acquire an attractive relief.

Indications and contraindications for callanetics

Callanetics is a type of gymnastics that almost anyone can practice. Excess weight, poor posture, the presence of problem areas and flaccid muscles - all this is an indication for practicing callanetics. But it is especially useful for those women who want to restore their figure after childbirth.

However, there are some contraindications and restrictions on doing this gymnastics:

  1. If you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, then do not start classes with increased loads. Perform each of the suggested exercises no more than five times and do it at a gentle pace. Carefully monitor your well-being, and only in the absence of signs of imbalances in the body during exercise, begin to gradually increase the number of repetitions of exercises.
  2. If you have undergone surgery, then for a whole year after surgery, forget about callanetics.
  3. After caesarean section callanetics is allowed only after a year and a half.
  4. If you have impaired vision, then be sure to consult a doctor before starting to practice these exercises.
  5. Callanetics is also contraindicated in people with asthma, hemorrhoids and varicose veins veins.
  6. With some diseases of the spine, doctors may also prohibit the practice of this type of gymnastics. Therefore, be sure to go to a consultation with a doctor to get proper permission from him. If you are allowed to practice, but at the same time you have some disorders in the spine, then perform all movements smoothly and slowly, then callanetics will not only not harm your back, but will also bring certain benefits.
  7. After the treatment of any infectious disease, before starting classes, it is necessary to go through a recovery period of 1-2 weeks. It includes the intake of a vitamin-mineral complex and the rejection of any physical activity.

Basic rules for the effectiveness of callanetics

There are some "secrets" to achieve good result when practicing callanetics, but do not harm your health:

  • practice in front of a large mirror to see yourself in full growth - this will allow you to better coordinate your movements;
  • in order not to slow down the pace of the exercises performed, it is better to practice in complete silence;
  • adhere to the principle of "no violence": do only those exercises that do not cause discomfort; perform as many repetitions as necessary for good muscle tone, but not so much as to bring severe pain; at the beginning of the practice of callanetics, periodically give yourself a rest;
  • watch your breathing, it should be even and deep enough, and the length of the inhalation should be equal to the length of the exhalation.

Be prepared for the fact that callanetics does not give instant results. After 2-3 sessions, you will not only not lose weight, but, on the contrary, you will gain 1-2 extra pounds. But after a few workouts, your weight will return to normal, the muscles will begin to acquire an attractive relief, and fat masses disappear smoothly.

In order to avoid possible injury to muscles and ligaments, it is imperative to perform a warm-up before doing callanetics.

Exercise 1

Allows you to relieve muscle tension in the buttocks and muscles on the thighs. It should be performed about 40 times.

  1. Sit in a chair that has a back and armrests.
  2. With your hands, lean on the back of the chair and rise, while the back should be flat, and the chin slightly raised up.

Exercise 2

It helps to loosen and warm up the muscles of the back, chest, legs and arms.

  1. Stand straight and spread your legs 30-35 cm apart.
  2. Raise your arms up and stretch them as high as possible, while keeping your heels off the floor.
  3. Pull your stomach in and stretch up a little more, freeze for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Bend your knees, and stretch your arms as far forward as possible and stay in this position for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Straighten your legs and tilt your body forward for 1 minute.
  6. In this position, bring your arms as far back as possible, and lift your chin and stretch forward.
  7. Move your arms back and forth and stand up straight. Repeat the entire cycle four more times.

Exercise 3

Warms up the muscles shoulder girdle. Fulfill full complex 80-100 times.

  1. Stand straight, stretch your straightened arms to the sides so that they reach shoulder level, and palms look up.
  2. In this position, avoiding excessive strain, take your hands back, as if trying to move the shoulder blades.
  3. Put your hands together in a castle and move your shoulders.

Exercise 4

Warms up and strengthens lateral muscles torso, forms beautiful waist and cleans overweight from the hips.

  1. Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart. Put your left hand on your thigh with a brush, and stretch your right hand up, trying to reach the very ceiling.
  2. Pull the buttocks towards you, pushing the pelvis forward and freeze in this position for 1 minute.
  3. Do 50 tilts with a straight tense back to the left.
  4. Repeat all movements, but in the other direction.

Exercise 5

Helps stretch the muscles in the legs and back.

  1. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward so that your palms touch the floor, linger for 1 minute.
  2. Gently wrap your arms around your legs, trying to lower yourself as low as possible.
  3. Drop your shoulders down and hide your head between your two legs.
  4. Try to gently lower the entire body a few more centimeters. Perform 20 such swings.
  5. Place your left hand on the calf of the opposite leg in the ankle area. Hold for 20-30 seconds, trying to gently stretch the muscles of the thigh and back.
  6. Relax, then return your palms to the floor and do the entire cycle of exercises with the second leg.

Exercise 6

Stretches the muscles of the neck, forms a beautiful "swan" neck. Do it 5 times in each direction.

  1. Stand up straight, stretch the top of your head up and your feet down. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your shoulders, and put your hands on your waist. Pull your stomach and buttocks in so that the pelvis leans forward, but the stomach does not.
  2. Lower your chin to your chest and try to relax your neck. Slowly and very gently move your head to the right, at the end point stretching your chin up.
  3. Hold for 3-5 seconds and return your head to the starting position.
  4. Turn your head to the left.

Basic exercises

The exercises described below fill the body with energy and help to form a slender and beautiful figure.

Exercises for the formation of a thin waist

Exercise 1

  1. Lie on your back with your legs slightly bent at the knees. Press your back firmly into the floor.
  2. Grab your palms inner part hips and press on it, as if pushing away from you.
  3. At the same time, lift your head forward and your shoulders up off the floor.
  4. While holding this position, move your lower body back 10-15 cm.

Tip: Move very smoothly. After doing the whole complex three times, lie down and rest for 30 seconds. Then do another complex (increase to three over time).

Exercise 2

  1. Lie on your back, and bend your legs slightly apart and bend at the knees. Push your back into the floor.
  2. Raise your legs 15 cm off the floor.
  3. Then raise your shoulders and head, while straightening your legs. Direct one leg perpendicular to the ceiling and hold it in this position without the help of hands.
  4. Stretch your arms out in front of you.
  5. Change legs.

Make sure that your back and buttocks are firmly pressed to the floor, and pull your arms forward as if you want to lengthen them a little.

Exercises for slender hips

Exercise 1

  1. Stand behind the back of a chair and lean on it with your hands, palms apart shoulder-width apart. Imagine that you are at a ballet barre.
  2. Raise up on your toes as high as you can. Bend your knees and turn back a little. In this case, the heels should be connected together, the back is straightened, and the shoulders are completely relaxed.
  3. Raise your head up, at the same time tighten your buttocks and push your pelvis as far forward as possible.
  4. Hold for a minute, and then return the pelvis to its original position.
  5. Bend your legs without taking your heels apart, and go down 2-3 cm. Pull your buttocks in and stand in this position for a minute.
  6. Repeat the whole complex three times.

During the entire complex, keep the pelvis pulled in, and the shoulders straight, but relaxed.

Exercise 2

  1. Lean on the back of a chair with your straightened right leg.
  2. Raise both hands and "reach" behind them up so that the abdominal muscles are stretched.
  3. Make a slow and smooth tilt towards the outstretched leg. Straighten up.
  4. Do this exercise 50 times, first on one leg, then on the other.

If you can't reach your fingertips, then bend down to your knee, clasping your leg in a comfortable position with both hands. If you cannot straighten your leg, then do this exercise with a slightly bent leg.

Exercises for the buttocks

Exercise 1

  1. Bend your right leg at the knee, sit on your right buttock and press your foot firmly to the floor. Make sure the chair is in front of you. Stretch your left leg to the left and, bending at the knee, take it back. Relax your left foot. Right hand grab a chair, and lean on your left thigh with your left and start pushing it forward. Make sure that the left knee rests on the floor.
  2. Keeping the buttocks and pelvis pointing forward. Lift your left foot off the floor.
  3. Raise your left knee 6 cm off the floor. Move your leg back 2 cm.
  4. Bring your leg back forward 2 cm.

Perform this movement 100 times back and forth, while maintaining a flat back.

Exercise 2

  1. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Stretch your left leg, while making sure that there is no tension in the muscles.
  2. Rotate your legs so that your toes are on the floor. Raise your left leg no more than 7 cm above the floor, hold yourself in this position for one minute.

This exercise should be performed 3-5 times on each leg.

Good Stretching Exercises

Exercise 1

  1. Sit on the floor and tighten the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, back and neck. Place your hands on the floor behind you.
  2. Spread your legs as wide as you can lower parts bodies to the floor. Hold yourself in this position for as long as possible.
  3. Tilt your body forward and place your hands on your calves. Try to stretch as much as possible.

If you immediately see how far from the twine, do not despair. With each lesson, you will get closer to your goal.

Exercise 2

  1. Starting position, as in the first exercise
  2. Turn the body to the right, and put your hands below the knee (the further, the better).
  3. Turn a little more to the side, and lean even more towards the leg. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  4. Return to the previous position. Perform this exercise in both directions 50 times.

Performing this exercise daily, and over time, you will be able to reach your fingers.

Exercise 3

  1. Lie on the floor and lift your chin up.
  2. Grab your right leg from behind and lift it up. Hold yourself in this position for 30 seconds.
  3. Then gently pull your right leg towards your chest.
  4. Perform back and forth movement 50 times on both legs.

During the entire complex, make sure that the chin is raised up.

Leg exercises

Exercise 1

  1. Get on your knees, bringing your feet and legs together along the entire length.
  2. Lean back and place your palms behind your feet. In this case, your body should form an angle of 125 degrees with respect to the floor. Tighten your abs and buttocks.
  3. Gently and gently push your pelvis forward and up at the same time. Stay in this “half-bridge” for 10 seconds.
  4. Repeat this exercise 9 more times, gradually increasing the range of motion.

If you notice even the mildest manifestations of cellulite in yourself, then this exercise should be mandatory during your classes.

Exercise 2

  1. Sit on the floor inside stop tap outside back legs of the chair. Pull your socks forward, rest your hands on the floor. Tilt your body forward slightly.
  2. While tensing the inner thigh muscles, squeeze your feet as if you want to break a chair. Count to one hundred.
  3. Repeat the same exercise, but place your hands in front between your thighs.

IN this exercise variations are possible due to a change in the position of the hands or the point of contact of the inner part of the leg with the chair (you can clamp the chair with calves, thighs, etc.). Perform each new exercise for 50 counts, trying to gradually increase this figure.

In total, classical callanetics has about 30 exercises, presented by us - the basis for beginners. By doing this twice a week, you will be able to say goodbye to flabby muscles and extra pounds in a short time!