Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk. face center

Exercises or fitness for the face is a special set of exercises aimed at tightening, rejuvenating and improving appearance face and neck. Women at all times strive to prolong youth and preserve beauty. In facial skin care, our contemporary has a huge number of different assistants. Consider the basics of facial exercises from leading fitness trainers.

Evgenia Baglyk “Fitness for the face” is the name of the author's course, which is very popular among the fair sex and gives a striking rejuvenating effect. Manufacturers of cosmetics offer various care products that have a beneficial effect on moisturizing and cleansing the skin, but to cope with more complex problems associated with age-related weakening of facial muscle tone, specially designed gymnastics for the face and neck or fitness will help.

The main tasks of fitness for the face:

  1. Getting rid of wrinkles and preventing their premature appearance.
  2. Getting rid of swelling under the eyes.
  3. Increasing the elasticity and firmness of the zygomatic muscles.
  4. Elimination of the second chin, sagging cheeks.
  5. Strengthening skin tone, improving facial tone.
  6. strengthening neck muscles.
  7. Creating a beautiful face contour.

Exercises are aimed at increasing the tone of the facial muscles by oxygen enriching the skin and the natural work of the muscles.

When performing exercises, Evgenia Baglyk recommends adhering to the following rules:

  1. Gymnastics should be done regularly.
  2. For massage, use oils only with natural ingredients, without fragrances and fragrances.
  3. The face and hands must be absolutely clean.
  4. Gymnastics and massage should not cause pain.
  5. To exclude exacerbation of skin diseases before starting a fitness course, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Exercises and massage for swelling and wrinkles around the eyes

  1. Workout for the eyes. Intensive blinking with maximum opening and closing of the eyes, without the participation of the eyebrows. Circular movements of the head several times in both directions.
  2. Gymnastics for the eyes. "Drawing" a vertical figure eight with the eyes in one direction and the other several times, the head remains motionless. Then the same drawing of a circle with the eyes clockwise and back with maximum capture.
  3. Gymnastics for the upper part of the circular muscle of the eye. Put two fingers to the outer and inner corners of the eyes, press the corners and close the eyes as much as possible and open them wide. Do it several times. Eyebrows remain motionless.
  4. Gymnastics for the lower part of the circular muscle of the eye. Attach two fingers to the outer and inner corners of the eyes. Press the corners of the eyes and, opening the eyes as much as possible, look at the upper part of the room, while pulling the lower part of the eyelid. Tighten and lower the lower eyelid should be several times, the eyes continue to look at the top of the room.
  5. Gymnastics to enlarge the eyes. Open your eyes as wide as possible (bulge), hold for 15-20 seconds and relax your eyes. Repeat several times a day. The result will be noticeable in a week.

Gymnastics to improve the shape and raise the corners of the mouth

  1. Warm up. It is necessary to spank your lips several times, pronouncing the sound "P". Continue the exercise 7-10 times with slightly relaxed lips.
  2. Exercises to increase and improve the shape of the lips. Place the palms on both sides of the corners of the mouth, tightly pressing the cheeks and corners of the lips. Perform the “air kiss” exercise, fixing the cheeks and corners of the lips with the palms. Lips should not be strongly strained, the upper part should not gather into a crease.
  3. Exercise to raise the corners of the mouth. In front of the mirror, without the help of your fingers, try to slightly raise the corners of your mouth (without smiling). Fix with your fingers the place where the corners rise, and already lift the corners with effort, providing muscle resistance to the fingers. Under the fingers there should be a feeling of nodules, the center of the lips should not tighten.
  4. An exercise to increase the tone of the circular muscles of the mouth and smooth out wrinkles that appear above the lips. It is necessary to open the mouth into an oval, fix the corners with your fingers. You need to make a movement with your lips that imitates a fish (tighten your lips and release). It is necessary to work only with the upper and lower lip, without straining the muscles of the cheeks. There should be a feeling of tension in the muscles above and below the lips.

Gymnastics for smoothing the contour of the face, a beautiful line of the cheekbones

  1. Exercises to improve the tone of the muscles of the cheeks. Lower the lower jaw and extend the mouth into the letter "O". Straightened index fingers must be placed in the mouth over the entire lower row of teeth. By tension and retraction of the cheeks, move the fingers to the center. Move and release several times, straining only the muscles of the cheeks, the lips are not involved. In order not to cut through the nasolabial folds, it is necessary to slightly stretch the upper lip.
  2. Exercises for training the zygomatic muscles. Lower the lower jaw, extend the mouth into the letter "O". Place straightened index fingers under the upper lip at an angle of 45 degrees. Press the muscles of the upper lip and lower the fingers down. The tension of the area around the nose should be well felt. Repeat several times and relax the muscle of the upper lip by simply inflating the air.
  3. Exercise for the large zygomatic muscles. Lower the lower jaw and extend the mouth into the letter "O". In front of the mirror, without the help of fingers, with the effort of the large zygomatic muscle, it is necessary to pull the muscles up to the eyes and lower them. You can do this by saying short letter"Oh" or depicting a feeling of disgust (wrinkle the forehead and the crease between the eyes). In this exercise, the corners of the mouth do not work.

With a serious approach and regular fitness for the face, a positive result will be noticeable in a week.

Face culture from Galina Dubinina

Any woman wants to prolong youth as much as possible. The effect of facial fitness with Galina Dubinina can be felt by every woman, regardless of age. All it takes is a little time and patience. Facial fitness is gaining popularity as a safe and effective method maintaining youth and attractiveness. Gymnastics for the face includes a set of exercises for each problem area.

As you know, the cause of facial aging lies in the sagging of the muscular corset. With age, the muscles, losing tone and elasticity, become the cause of sagging eyelids, cheeks and chin. Few ladies are willing to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. In order to look younger, they resort to a set of exercises for the face of Galina Dubinina.

Exercises for a toned and smooth face

Gymnastics for the face, performed for 10-15 minutes a day, after 2-3 weeks will give a unique effect. You can see how the skin is tightened, fine wrinkles disappear and the face becomes smoother. Regular implementation of simple procedures will be the key to a youthful face.

  1. We remove wrinkles on the forehead. Put the index fingers of both hands on the eyebrows, hugging the fingers and pressing them tightly. The palms are placed on the temples. Pressing your fingers tightly to your forehead, you should try to raise your eyebrows, as if in surprise. Eyebrows should be raised smoothly, without sudden movements. Do the exercise until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the forehead. It is worth increasing the number of approaches gradually. For starters, 5 times for 8 seconds is enough.
  2. We remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. We put the middle finger of each hand at the beginning of the eyebrow. We put the index fingers a little higher. In this position, we begin to wrinkle the eyebrows. The fingers are located strictly one above the other. The first 2 approaches are performed slowly. And 2 more approaches - quickly.
  3. We remove the border between the cheek and the eye. Relax your face, neck and shoulders. We blink widely and often. Next, make an oval with your mouth, roll your eyes up and blink widely. We devote 8 seconds to this exercise, do 4 sets.
  4. We remove the second chin. Top part face is relaxed. We try to reach the nose with the tip of the tongue. If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can lightly press on the upper lip with the tip of the tongue. We perform this exercise for 8 seconds, do 2 sets.
  5. Get rid of sagging chin. We support the jaw with a fist and try to open it at the same time. Each time we try to press the chin on the fist. We overcome resistance within 8 seconds. Do 3 sets slowly and 3 sets fast.
  6. Pull up the chin. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck and chin. With the middle of the tongue, press on the upper palate. If you look at yourself in the mirror during the exercise, you can see how the chin is pulled up. We perform 4 seconds for 2 sets slowly and at a fast pace the same amount.
  7. We tighten the cheeks. This exercise trains the zygomatic muscles. We smile widely, raising the corners of the lips. If wrinkles form under the eyes, you should press the upper lip to the teeth and smile in this position of the lips, allowing the corners to rise. This exercise should be done for 8 seconds in 2 slow and fast approaches.
  8. Raise the upper lip. We smile, showing the upper teeth. Feel the tension in the upper part of the cheeks. After that, we stretch the mouth, pronouncing the sound “O”, leaving the tension. Next, raise your cheeks and blink. Performed in 4 sets of 8 seconds.

Facebook building: beautiful eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear before everyone else and give out a woman's age very well. Thanks to the exercises of Galina Dubinina, you can tighten the skin around the eyes and make the look radiant.

Pull up the upper eyelid. You should open your eyes as wide as possible. After that, four fingers of each hand, except for the thumb, should be placed on the forehead. So that the little fingers adjoin the eyebrows. With tension, we try to open our eyes as wide as possible, and raise our eyebrows as high as possible. Next, open and close the upper eyelid. The tension remains. About 5 sets of 4 seconds are done to fix the open and closed eyelids.

We remove bags under the eyes. We put the index fingers at the outer corner of the eye, and the middle fingers at the inner corner on the bridge of the nose. In this position, you should squint as much as possible, lifting the lower eyelid. This exercise is performed for 10 seconds in 2 sets. Next, we leave the fingers in the same position, and look at the ceiling. Raise the lower eyelid first at a fast pace, then at a slow pace for 8 seconds. Then we do the same exercises, but with closed eyes.

Here is such a simple gymnastics for the face will help you look younger and get rid of wrinkles.

It doesn't take much time and doesn't cost much. Fitness for the face of Galina Dubinina is the best alternative to facial plastic surgery.

Facebook building - gymnastics for the face from Carol Maggio

Gymnastics for the face of Carol Maggio also refers to Facebook building (Facebuilding is a literal translation from English - building a face).

The worldwide popularity of the complex of exercises is due to its high efficiency. Facebook building is considered an excellent alternative to surgical facial plastic surgery. When performing gymnastics Carol Maggio, 57 facial muscles work. Thanks to the use of exercises, it became possible to achieve the following results:

  • improvement of the contour of the oval of the face;
  • getting rid of the second chin;
  • lifting of the eyelids;
  • reduction of bags under the eyes;
  • alignment of nasolabial folds;
  • increase in the volume of the lips;
  • lifting up the corners of the mouth;
  • skin elasticity;
  • narrowing and shortening of the nose.

Before starting the exercises, it is necessary to identify problem areas for yourself and pay closer attention to their study.

The main goal of facebuilding can be called reducing the signs of aging and building beautiful facial contours.

Freshness and elasticity of the skin is possible at any age, subject to the implementation of the complex, taking into account all the recommendations of the author. Indeed, for proper anti-aging care, it is not enough to have only beautiful toned body. It is possible to achieve harmony in appearance through a combination of correction methods for both the face and the body.

Carol Maggio, a practicing cosmetologist from America, has studied the age-related changes in the female face for many years on herself and on her clients. Avoiding anti-wrinkle injections and surgery has become a reality thanks to her recommendations.

Efficiency is achieved by exercising for 11 minutes twice a day at least 5 times a week. To achieve a lasting effect, facial exercises must be performed for about 6-8 weeks.

To track the results, the author of the set of exercises suggests taking photographs of the face from different angles before starting training. After 10 days, you need to take the same photographs and compare the results. Beautician convinced that regular classes will definitely give visible results.

In order to achieve the desired improvements as soon as possible, an express complex is provided for convenient implementation in the car or at work.

There is also a reinforced complex of 9 exercises of increased complexity. In order to avoid undesirable results and deformations of the face, it is not recommended to use it without prior mastering entry level, as well as without familiarization with the video tutorials.

Gymnastics at home

Many Facebook building instructors take the recommendations of Carol Maggio as the basis for training. Changing the proportions and contours of the face is possible subject to regular loads on certain muscle groups.

At home, the achievement of visible results became possible after the cosmetologist wrote a book with detailed description exercises and other suggestions. There are video tutorials on the use of gymnastics. The study of materials from step by step instructions will allow you to engage in rejuvenation and improve the condition of the skin of the face without outside help.

Regular training can, if not completely eliminate, then significantly reduce the following signs of skin aging:

  • sagging chin;
  • flabbiness of the skin in the neck;
  • drooping cheeks;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • change in the shape of the nose;
  • wrinkling of the lips.

Do not underestimate the role of home Facebook building. Every well-groomed woman is able to complete the image with her own hands to build Beautiful face at home. The author's technique provides for the work of even the smallest facial muscles, taking into account age-related skin changes. Gymnastics from a practicing cosmetologist will help to effectively resist aging without surgical intervention.

The first thing that gives out a woman's age is her face. And even if she has a slim body, which can be supported regular workouts in the gym, shining eyes and an inexhaustible desire to create and live full life, however, rather deep nasolabial folds, a fuzzy oval of the face and crow's feet will certainly indicate the number of years lived.

At the same time, you should not rush and activate heavy artillery in the form of plastic surgery and Botox. Turn back the years and tighten the skin will allow regular exercise for the face.

It is worth noting that the beneficial effect of gymnastics on facial muscles was noted back in ancient india. And since that period, this practice has been steadily developing, undergoing numerous transformations and dividing into various directions. One of them is the school of Evgenia Baglyk. It is presented on YouTube channel in the form of videos demonstrating facial exercises and introducing subscribers to the technique of their implementation.

Judging by the numerous reviews, Evgenia Baglyk is constantly working to diversify the material. In addition, she constantly invites guests who share with the audience of users their secrets of massage and facial care, thanks to which it is not difficult for a woman to maintain a young and flourishing look.

The emergence of an idea

Evgenia Baglyk started working on facial exercises during the period when she was a fitness trainer. One of the clients complained to the girl about the short-term results that she received from cosmetic procedures. But after all, how wonderful it would be if a person’s face was in accordance with his body tightened after training!

This conversation made the girl think. After all, the muscles of our body grow stronger thanks to physical activity. How do they differ from those located in the face area? And if you choose the right load, you can achieve an increase in their volume. And this will allow the skin to tighten, preventing its age-related “draining”.

And despite its not yet mature age, Evgenia Baglyk began to develop the idea of ​​prolonging youth. At first, the girl shared it with her mother and received full support from her. In addition, she also agreed to become the first model for the novice coach. This was the beginning of the path to the development of a new method of training. Evgenia took up the study of the structure of each muscle, as well as the synergy of their action during active facial expressions. She also attended various practices teaching rejuvenation techniques, which contributed to her knowledge of the world experience accumulated by mankind in this direction. And only after obtaining the necessary knowledge and conducting personal research, Evgenia Baglyk created her own method of eliminating age-related changes in the skin of the face, unlike any other. Each movement of the technique she created was developed based on the structure of the muscles and taking into account the optimal load necessary to obtain a positive result.

What is Facebook building for?

There are 57 on the human face various muscles that lose their elasticity over the years. The peculiarity of their anatomy is such that they are all woven into the dermis with their fibers. It is thanks to this that a person has the ability to consciously change facial expressions. But when, with age, the tone of the muscles at rest begins to weaken, the fibers stretch. This leads to sagging of the corresponding areas of the skin. Under the force of gravity, folds are formed on the neck, cheeks or “bulldog cheeks”, nasolabial wrinkles appear and ptosis (overhanging upper eyelid). What can be done to avoid this unpleasant process and delay aging for as long as possible? To do this, you need to keep the muscles in good shape.

Gymnastics for the face of Evgenia Baglyk is based on a simple, but no less brilliant idea. The author of the technique proposes to purposefully train facial muscles, which will keep them in constant tone. Unlike bodybuilding, in this case the goal is not to increase the volume of muscles. That is why the ongoing changes do not change the shape of the face, but only return them to those that were inherent in a person in his youth.

It should be noted that the training of facial muscles is not a new procedure. After all, Facebook building appeared almost a hundred years ago, so that people could get rid of the first signs of aging. Such exercises are suitable not only for women, but also for men. They also have no age restrictions. The methodology is designed in such a way that all facial muscles. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to obtain the most effective result.

By performing face-building exercises, anyone can quite easily correct those parts of the face that seem imperfect to him. For example, remove the second chin, add volume to the cheeks and correct the shape of the cheekbones. Why do we need facebuilding? These workouts allow you to:

  • preserve youth by maintaining facial muscle tone;
  • improve skin condition due to increased blood flow during exercise;
  • smooth out problem areas and correct the oval of the face;
  • eliminate subcutaneous body fat.

Judging by the reviews, the result of such exercises will not be long in coming. The first changes become noticeable already two weeks after the start of training. And if classes are carried out regularly and correctly, then after a few months a person begins to look 5-10 years younger.

Components of the methodology

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk can be mastered by watching video tutorials in which the author of this technique gives detailed description principle of work with each part of the face. Thanks to a visual demonstration of exercises, users not only monitor the technique of their implementation, but also control the correctness of movements. However, opening a video every time is not always convenient. That is why it is recommended to keep text descriptions on hand as well. the right exercises and check with them while exercising.

What is facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk? This is a whole system consisting of many complexes that allow you to work out all the problem areas. It includes:

  • training for the bridge of the nose and forehead;
  • correction of the second chin and facial contours;
  • gymnastics for cheekbones and cheeks;
  • a set of exercises that allows you to work with the area around the lips;
  • training of periorbital zones;
  • gymnastics performed for the lower part of the face.

Features of the technique

Face fitness with Evgenia Baglyk is not just a technique for performing certain movements. These are classes that allow you to reveal the inner world of a person who has to love himself. Work on the face requires patience, perseverance and painstaking work. And the one who abandons classes without seeing the desired forms in the mirror after a week is absolutely wrong.

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk (and the reviews of many users confirm this) allows you to:

  • get rid of puffiness, which occurs by improving the outflow of lymph;
  • relieve facial muscle tension;
  • develop control of facial expressions;
  • achieve a smooth forehead and a clear oval face;
  • smooth out nasolabial folds;
  • remove wrinkles;
  • clearly outline the cheekbones;
  • lift the upper eyelid, making the eyes more expressive and wider.

Gymnastics with Evgenia Baglyk has no age restrictions. Its implementation is recommended to people based on their individual needs. For example, you can choose exercises for yourself that will correct some of the shortcomings. If desired, a set of activities is selected to support and prolong youth.

Evgenia Baglyk recommends doing facial exercises in the morning. Indeed, at this time, the body, which has just begun to wake up, is still relaxed. Thanks to this, he will absorb the benefits of Facebook building as much as possible, since with a relaxed body only one person will work.

To perform the exercises, Evgenia Baglyk will need to be in front of a mirror. This will allow you to control each movement at all stages and follow the instructions exactly. It is important not to overwork the muscles, which can harm them. That is why it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the author of the technique on the exposure time and frequency of repetitions.

If you follow all the minimum rules of gymnastics by Evgenia Baglyk, who, according to the reviews of those who applied this technique, after a month of regular work, you can enjoy your young and beautiful face.


The set of exercises by Evgenia Baglyk, like any aerobic exercise, has its limitations. So, women who have fillers should not start it. It is not recommended to perform such exercises after Botox injections. The fact is that due to the acceleration of blood circulation, the drugs will begin to dissolve faster. You should not start classes:

  • after plastic surgery;
  • with hypertension;
  • in case of existing diseases associated with the facial nerves;
  • in febrile conditions during SARS.

In the case when there are pathologies of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to be careful when choosing exercises for the neck. This will eliminate the risk of an exacerbation of the disease.

Most requested exercises

In our turbulent age, when a person is constantly short of time, not everyone can complete the full course of Evgenia Baglyk.

How, then, to take care of your beauty and youth? For such people, Evgenia Baglyk singled out the most popular exercises, for which five to ten minutes are enough. Let's consider them in more detail.

Elimination of nasolabial folds

How to deal with such age-related changes? To do this, you need to open your mouth and lower your lower jaw down. In this case, the lips should take the form of an even oval. This will cause the skin in the nasolabial area, upper cheeks and cheekbones to stretch. When performing such a movement, it is important to ensure that the lower lip and chin are not in tension. In this position, you must remain for 10 seconds. After that, you can relax. This exercise requires 5-6 repetitions. It needs to be done daily. It is recommended to perform facial exercises (face-building) at home in the morning. However, additional benefits will be obtained if such movements are made several times a day when there is a free minute for this.

Cheek work

The starting position for this exercise for the face of Evgenia Baglyk is the same as in the previous case. That is, the lips should form an oval, and the lower part of the face should be relaxed.

Next, you need to bend all the fingers on both hands, except for the index and middle. They need to be pressed against the inner surface of the cheeks, adhering to the direction from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the lower jaw. In this case, it is necessary to retract the cheeks, pressing on them with your fingers. Under the middle finger should be working chewing muscle. It is necessary to perform movements 25-30 times, making 2-3 approaches. It is important at the same time to ensure that the oval of the lips is preserved and there is a feeling of tension.

Double chin and neck lift

To perform these face building exercises at home, you will need to sit on the edge of a chair. The back and shoulders should remain straight. Next, raise the chin so that it forms a right angle with the neck. After that, a breath is taken, at the same time with which you need to lean back. This position should be fixed for a few seconds. When performing this exercise, you need to feel the tension of the muscles of the chin and neck and make sure that the spine bends only in lumbar. The neck and chest should remain perfectly flat. While exhaling, we return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated 15 times.

Gymnastics for cheekbones

To perform exercises that correct this area of ​​the face, you should take the starting position, as in the elimination of nasolabial folds. The upper lip should be stretched enough to cover the teeth. Next, press certain areas of the skin with your fingers. These are those that are located above the upper lip and in the zone of the nasolabial fold. Such actions will prevent the contraction of the muscles located in this area. After that, you need to work with zygomatic muscles. To do this, you need to try to squint or wink. Simultaneously with these movements, you need to try to push the eyeballs forward. This will reduce the wrinkling of the skin in the corners of the eyes. Such movements are performed 20 times with 2-3 approaches.

When performing face-building exercises, it is necessary to ensure that the skin in the working area does not wrinkle. In the case when such a condition is not easy for a person to comply with, it is necessary to help yourself with your fingers. They need to hold the skin over the muscle that is on this moment works.

Training for the area around the eyes

Very effective exercises by Evgenia Baglyk, according to user reviews, are those that allow you to eliminate the sagging of the upper eyelid. They also work great to eliminate puffiness under the eyes. In this case, the fingers of both hands should be used. They are placed on the bones of the orbital holes, located directly above the cheeks.

We continue to hold the skin with our fingers. In this case, the eyes should be closed, and the pupils should be rolled up, as if trying to see something on the ceiling. Next, the pupils are lowered down. If the exercise is performed correctly, then under the fingers you can feel how tense soft tissues. This exercise is recommended to be done 15-20 times. It will become especially relevant for those people whose eyes swell after sleep.

Elimination of "crow's feet"

The culprit in the appearance of these wrinkles is the circular muscle of the eyes. It should be worked out during this exercise.

To eliminate crow's feet, you need to relax your face, and open your eyes as wide as possible, push them forward a little. You should be in this position for a few seconds. After that, it is important to relax and blink. Perform the exercise for 25-30 repetitions several times during the day.

Universal Workouts

It is desirable to start fitness classes for a person who uses the technique of Evgenia Baglyk under the direct supervision of a trainer. The master will be able to suggest the correct setting of the hands, direct the execution technique in the right direction, and also select the most effective complex. If this is not possible, then video tutorials will come to the rescue.

Consider a few universal exercises that will give youth to any person.

Evgenia Baglyk recommends moving your ears. And this is not a joke of the author of the well-known technique. Ear wiggling is a fairly effective facial lifting exercise. In this case, you need to try to move the ears up, pulling the skin. In this case, the temporal muscles will be strengthened. There are no restrictions on the repetitions of such an exercise.

To give tone to the circular muscle of the eyes will allow them to bulge. To do this, you only need to wave your eyelashes. At the same time, the eyes should open, as if in surprise. This exercise requires 6 repetitions. The pace of its implementation is average.

Pressure on the lower and upper teeth with the tip of the tongue allows you to tighten the hyoid area. You can perform these exercises with an unlimited number of repetitions.

It is also desirable for any person to load the muscles of the neck. Such studies will lead not only to external changes. will definitely improve and general state, manifestations of osteochondrosis will decrease, pressure will return to normal, and headaches will also stop tormenting.

To relieve tension from the muscles of the neck will allow the alternate lifting of the shoulders, and after lowering them (also at the beginning of one, and after the other). Such movements will warm up the muscles well and eliminate clamps in the neck. Repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times. Next, you need to raise and lower your shoulders at the same time. The exercise requires 8 to 10 repetitions. In this case, you only need to work with furnaces. Hands should be relaxed.

There are no restrictions on the exercise that helps to pull up the lower contour. In this case, only the cervical muscles should be involved in the work. The starting position is sitting. The body must be stretched. Next, pendulum movements are performed while maintaining an even posture. Repeat this exercise 15 times, lingering at the end for 5 counts.

By using simple movements cheeks and cheekbones can be corrected. They fight with jowls, eliminating the "sliding" of the face down. Before performing such exercises, you should wash your hands, as you have to use your fingers. Open your mouth and fix the oval. Index fingers are placed along the lower jaw. Straining your cheeks, you must try to press your fingers into the center. When performing the exercise, you should ensure that the lips remain relaxed. Repeat movements 10-12 times, lingering on the last one for a few seconds. After finishing work, the muscles must be relaxed. To do this, the cheeks will have to be inflated and bled out of them several times.

To form the “apples” loved by all and relieve the spasm of the muscles located near the nose, which will prevent the appearance of creases, you will need to stretch your mouth into an oval. At the same time, place your index fingers with a slight slope under the upper lip. The lower jaw should be relaxed. We shift the fingers down, applying the force of only one lip. Required amount repetitions - from 10 to 12.

As you can see, the facial exercises developed by Evgenia Baglyk, according to reviews, will not cause any difficulty in execution. And it is worth noting that women after 50 years of age are simply necessary, as they will effectively resist accelerating age-related changes. Among other things, training the neck muscles will help in the fight against osteochondrosis, and thanks to improved tissue nutrition and oxygen saturation, the face will get rid of wrinkles. And all this without expensive procedures and plastic surgeries.

If not everyone, then very many have heard about bodybuilding, wumbildig. But what can cause a bewildered look in the majority is facial gymnastics - facebuilding. Facial exercises at home are an invaluable alternative to visiting a plastic surgeon or costly sessions with professional trainers for tightening the facial muscles.

During conversations, manifestations of emotions of sadness or joy, there is an active work of the muscles on the face. When the moment of relaxation comes, the complete removal of the activity of each individual muscle occurs after a different period of time.

Facebook building - facial gymnastics at home helps to rejuvenate the skin and eliminate wrinkles in all parts of the face.

Constant load on individual groups tissues leads to their overstrain, which is further expressed by a change in the oval of the face, flabbiness and sagging of the skin.

The principle of Facebook building is manifested in:

  • systematic implementation of a cycle of exercises in order to strengthen muscles;
  • alternation of dynamic and static load of facial muscles;
  • correction of the shape of the face by controlling muscle tension;
  • restoring muscle tone and restoring skin elasticity.

Rules for performing gymnastics for the face at home

Face building will help to cope with the first signs of aging in the form of loss of skin tone. Facial exercises at home are very important to perform correctly, since the effectiveness of the whole process depends on it.

Before performing gymnastics for the face, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face and hands.

The basic rules for performing facial exercises using the Facebook building technique at home are:

  1. Performing gymnastics should take place focusing on the mirror. This will allow you to control the correct functioning of the muscles.
  2. Cleanliness of the skin and hands.
  3. Systematic approach to exercise. Each action must be repeated at least 15 times. For the shortest possible time for the manifestation of the result, exercises for the face must be carried out every day in the morning and evening.
  4. Combination with accompanying procedures, the essence of which is the lifting and smoothing of the dermis of the face.
  5. Warm-up before the main load. Pre-warming up the muscles is a must correct execution facebuilding. For this task, inflation of the cheek area, lip movement, simulating the extinguishing of candles, are suitable.

Effective Face Modeling Exercises

Facebook building - an effective set of exercises for the face performed at home. Undoubtedly, you should not expect a quick effect, but regular execution will speed up the process of seeing the result.

Cheek lift exercises

One of the most common and at the same time one of the easiest exercises to lift the cheek area.

The movement of the lips extended into a tube helps to raise the cheeks.

These include:

  • massage movements using a soft towel in the direction of raising the cheeks;
  • turning the head alternately to the right and left sides, after stretching it in front of you;
  • movements of the lips clockwise and counterclockwise with a preliminary turn of the head in both directions;
  • inflating and exerting resistance to the cheeks with the palms;
  • through tense lips in the position of the tube, stick out the tongue and after 10 seconds return to the opposite position.

Exercises for the oval of the face

When performing exercises aimed at correcting the oval of the face, it is necessary to repeat each of them 30 times.

Pronunciation of vowels. In addition to correcting the shape of the face, the exercise has a lifting effect on the skin around the lips. During the pronunciation of vowel sounds, it is necessary to monitor the maximum work of the muscles of the face.

To correct the oval of the face, it is necessary to pronounce vowels.

Movement of the lower jaw forward, backward. The exercise affects the lifting of the lower part of the face and removes the second chin. Without moving the tongue, move the jaw back and forth.

Exercises for the muscles of the face and neck

Performing face-building exercises for the face at home is not difficult. Below are easy, but at the same time very effective exercises for toning the muscles of the face and neck.

To correct the muscles of the face and neck, these exercises should be performed daily.

Control facial muscles faces. Open your mouth, take out your tongue and raise your eyes. Hold the position for a minute, repeat after 30 seconds.

We remove the second chin. Tilt your head back, press your tongue on the sky, then turn your head to the right and left sides alternately. Repeat the exercise on each side 15 times.

Exercises for slimming face and cheeks

A set of exercises aimed at returning muscle tone, the decrease of which is due to internal processes in the body.

These exercises for slimming the face and cheeks help eliminate sagging skin and return muscle tone.


  1. During a deep breath, close your lips strongly, while continuing to try to draw in air. Place your fingers on auricles, press on the cheeks. Hold the position for 10 seconds, repeat 5 sets with an interval of 20 seconds.
  2. Press your lips tightly against your teeth, open your mouth. To apply pressure with the help of the tongue, first on one cheek, then on the second. Hold the muscles in tension for 20 seconds, repeat 5 sets with an interval of 20 seconds.
  3. Opening your mouth similarly to the previous exercise, with the help of your index fingers, apply pressure to the lower border of the orbit. The location of the thumbs should be behind the earlobes.
  4. Clenching your fists, support your chin with them, and use your thumbs to perform pressing movements on it. Keep the muscles in tension for 15 seconds, repeat 7 sets with an interval of 15 seconds.

Exercises for the cheekbones of the face

Using Facebook building exercises at home, you can not only achieve the effect of losing weight on your face, but also train your cheekbones.

It is necessary to perform exercises for the cheekbones of the face 8 times in a row.

Cheekbone exercises:

  1. Having positioned the lips as if before a kiss, outline the intended circle with the lips in the air. Exercise to perform 1 minute clockwise, 1 minute counterclockwise.
  2. Putting your thumbs behind your cheeks near the upper gums, make a retracting movement, simultaneously exercising tension in the muscles of the face.
  3. Sitting on a chair, clench your teeth and throw your head back. Make an omission shoulder girdle down to a feeling of tension in the cheeks. Hold this position for 15 seconds for 8 repetitions.

Exercises for nasolabial folds

In the classical approach of the gymnastics of the nasolabial region, a number of exercises are included, performing which after a short time you can see visible results.

Cheek puffing is an effective exercise for correcting nasolabial folds.

These include:

  • Puffing and relaxing the cheeks.
  • Pronunciation of vowel sounds without closing the lips.
  • Folding the lips in the shape of a tube and stretching forward in this position.
  • Pushing the lower jaw forward, pursing the lips.
  • Rolling air inside the mouth.

Exercises for the oval of the face from sagging cheeks

Perform a set of exercises should be as follows:

  1. Starting position: half-squat, give support to the hands in the knee zone. Bringing the neck muscles into tension, take a deep breath and try to exhale as much air as possible. Stopping breathing, push the jaw to tension in the muscles. In the position to stay for 20 seconds, complete a cycle of repetitions in the amount of 5 times with an interval of 30 seconds.
  2. Raising your head, take your hands behind you. Raise your head high and look up at the ceiling. Stay in position for 10 seconds. Pain in the neck and face after the first few sets is the norm, since the muscular system is rarely amenable to training.
  3. Gathering your lips in a circle, direct your gaze to the ceiling, opening your eyes as wide as possible. Keep lips tense for 30 seconds.

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles

Forehead wrinkle exercise. Opening your eyes as much as possible to relax the muscles of the forehead. Hold the tension for 10 seconds, repeat after 30 seconds.

Exercises to smooth wrinkles in the forehead should be performed daily.

Exercise to combat vertical wrinkles on the forehead. For prevention and reduction, it is necessary to make stretching movements with the middle and thumb of both hands. problem areas. Hold the position for 30 seconds, repeat after 15 seconds.

We remove horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. Position the index fingers so that they repeat the shape of the brow arch, while providing resistance to it when lifting up. Hold the position for 30 seconds, repeat after 15 seconds.

Rejuvenating exercises for the face

For maximum effect and long-term results facial rejuvenation exercises for the first 3 months should be done daily. After this time, the complex can be repeated every 4 days.

Facial rejuvenation exercises can be performed both daily and at short intervals.

As with all of the above exercises, it is important to perform the complex regularly and consistently to keep the muscles in good shape. Required condition rejuvenating exercises - preliminary warm-up.

It runs like this:

  1. Having placed the thumbs in the temporal zone, raise the eyebrows, overcoming the resistance of the remaining fingers. Hold the position for 10 seconds, do 15 sets with an interval of 15 seconds.
  2. Raising the brow arches, open the eyes as wide as possible. Hold the position for 5 seconds and do 10 sets with an interval of 20 seconds.
  3. Putting your palms on your forehead, with your eyes closed, rotate your eyeballs. The head at this time is at rest. The exercise is performed 1 time and counterclockwise.

Facial rejuvenation systems popular in the world from professionals

The stereotyped stereotype of facial skin care makes people think that for a beautiful appearance it is enough to use high-quality cosmetics, take vitamins and periodically visit a beautician.

Facebook building exercises for the face at home will help rid the skin of wrinkles and give it tone.

However, with time comes the understanding that deep wrinkles, flabby cheeks and saggy skin can not be hidden by any cosmetic.

Taking an example from professionals, the process of withering and loss of epithelium tone and muscular system faces can be put off for a long time.

Gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio

The Carol Maggio complex allows you to sculpt the oval of the face without the help of plastic surgeons. With regular gymnastics already tone improves after six months returns elasticity.

Gymnastics for the face of Carol Maggio allows you to get rid of deep folds and wrinkles after half a year.

The Maggio system has a lifting effect, forms the expressiveness of the face in terms of raising the eyebrows, increasing the openness of the gaze - and all this without leaving home!

Gymnastics Carol Maggio allows you to:

  • correct the line of the eyebrow arc;
  • increase the level of the corners of the mouth;
  • tighten the contour of the face;
  • fight wrinkles of various sizes in the nasolabial folds;
  • give tone to aging skin.

So, about the exercises themselves:

  • To combat puffiness under the eyes, tighten and strengthen the area lower eyelids. With index fingers on the outer corners and middle fingers on the inner ones, resist during strong squinting of the eyes. Do a repeat of 10 times.
  • Bringing to tone aging skin. Place your lower lip behind your teeth and open your mouth slightly. In this position, smoothly close and open your mouth, as if scooping up air. The chin should be raised. Repeat 10 times.
  • Smoothing wrinkles in the neck area and tightening sagging skin. Lie face up on the floor. Slightly squeezing your neck to resist, raise your head 3-4 cm from the floor until the muscles tense up. Hold the position for 5 seconds and relax. Do 10 sets.

Facebook building Evgenia Baglyk

The top most popular exercises are:

  • Work on the nasolabial folds. Starting position: open your mouth wide, lower your jaw until the skin on the cheekbones is stretched. Freeze in position for half a minute. Repeat 5 times.
  • Exercise against sagging cheeks. Having taken the position from the previous exercise, with straight index fingers, press on the middle of the cheeks, as if pushing this area inward, while relaxing and maintaining the shape of the lips. Hold in tension for 20 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Facebook building according to the method of Evgenia Baglyk entered the top 5 most effective methods facial rejuvenation.
  • We remove the second chin. Sitting on the edge of a chair with a straight back and shoulders, raise your chin until an angle of 90 degrees forms with your neck. Exhaling, deviate to the back of the chair, linger in the position for 5 seconds, return to a level position. Repeat 5 times.

Gymnastics for the face of Anastasia Burdyug

The complex is designed to tone all facial muscle groups.

Gymnastics for the face according to the method of Anastasia Burdyug is aimed at all muscle groups of the face.

It is performed like this:

  1. Correction of the oval and contour of the face. Looking at the ceiling, place your lips behind your teeth, lift the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners of your mouth until you feel tension. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  2. Strengthening the muscle tone of the neck. Sitting comfortably on the floor, resist the neck with your hands, while trying to rise above the floor. Perform until uncomfortable for 10 seconds.
  3. Pull up the chin. Starting position: sitting straight on a chair, draw in your stomach, raise your chin to the ceiling, without raising your head. Smile without baring your teeth, relax.
  4. Contour the area of ​​the lower jaw. Hiding your lips behind your teeth, move your jaw with scooping movements 10 times.
  5. Smoothing wrinkles in the nasolabial folds. Arrange the lips in the shape of an oval. Massage with index fingers, starting from the corners of the mouth and ending with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose.
  6. Work on eliminating bags and hollows in the eye area. With your lips and teeth tightly closed, open your mouth in an attempt to pronounce the letter "O". Wrinkling your nose, pronounce the letter "E". Return to starting position;
  7. We give expression to the face. Giving your lips a strong tension, press them to your teeth, placing your fingers at the level of the cheekbones, strain and relax the muscular muscles.
  8. Eyelid lift exercise. With index fingers in the region of the nose and thumbs under the lower eyelids, resist when trying to close the eyes.
  9. Fight forehead wrinkles. Place your fingers on the forehead over the eyebrows, connect the little fingers. When lifting the brow arches up, resist them by lowering the fingers down.
  10. Correction of the lower eyelid. Using the index fingers located on the lower eyelids, squint and look at the ceiling.
  11. Work on the shape of the nose. Place the index finger on the tip of the nose and press it with a supporting movement. With the help of the second hand with the index finger, press on the same area. Having taken this position, lower the lower lip.
  12. Lip exercise. Tighten the connected lips as much as possible. Use your index fingers to gently lift the corners of your mouth.
  13. Enlarge lips. Having wrapped the lower lip to the level of the gums behind the teeth, massage the central part and corners of the lips with patting movements.

Gymnastics for the face of Elena Pyatibrat

Do all of the following movements in sets of 5 times:

  • Make a smoothing movement with your fingers from the center to the temporal zone.
  • Feel the inner corners of the eye socket with the tips of your thumbs and massage the entire upper eye contour with light pressure movements.
  • Do a similar movement with the lower eye contour, only with the middle finger.
  • With the index fingers of both hands, do a longitudinal ironing massage lines along the nose.
  • Having parted the index and ring fingers, the resulting “fork” alternately massage the corners of the lips (moving from the corners to the central point of the lips).

Gymnastics for the face of Galina Dubinina

Postpone the aging process and for as long as possible looking young and attractive is one of the main female desires. And with the help regular execution facial gymnastics With a club, it is quite feasible.

The method of facial rejuvenation with the help of face-building Galina Dubinina contributes to the complete deposition of aging.

Exercise against the formation of nasolabial folds . Straighten the nasolabial folds with the thumbs located on the teeth, apply pressure on them with the help of the upper lip. thumb right hand, placed on the canine on the left side, smooth out the lip wrinkles.

Double chin exercise . Place lips behind teeth. Smile and count to 10. Sticking out your tongue, put pressure on the upper lip, leaving the muscles relaxed. Further starting position: the upper lip is located behind the lower one with a covering movement. The head is thrown back. Count to 15 and relax all muscles.

Exercise against wrinkles between the brow ridges . Place the middle and index fingers at the base of the eyebrows. Move your eyebrows, resisting the formation of wrinkles.

Gymnastics for the face of Margarita Levchenko

Delayed skin renewal can occur as a result of regular lack of sleep., various diseases, and from elementary stress. Yes, you can try to correct the situation by taking medications and using high-quality cosmetics, but you need to approach the solution of this problem from the inside.

To get the effect of Margarita Levchenko's Facebook building, you must complete a minimum course of 21 days.

If you do Levchenko's gymnastics daily for 10 minutes, after 21 days you will see notable results improving the condition of the skin.

Gymnastics is performed like this:

  1. To reduce wrinkles in the frontal part and relieve fatigue, perform circular movements with the palms of the hands over the tense areas of the face. Make three approaches to the exercise.
  2. To reduce wrinkles in the eyebrow area, you need to perform a massage in a circular motion with the help of the thumbs, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending with the temporal zone.
  3. To increase the tone and elasticity of the cheeks, starting from the area between the eyes and heading towards the lips, perform a massage in circular motions, preheating the fingers.

Gymnastics for the face from Larisa Verbitskaya

Exercises must be performed by repetition, 10 times each.

Gymnastics for the face of Larisa Verbitskaya consists in warming up the facial muscles with warmed palms.

Perform the exercises as follows:

  1. Warm up the skin of the palms by rubbing against each other and apply to the skin of the face to transfer heat to the muscles of the face.
  2. Warm the skin of the palms with a rubbing motion against each other and apply to closed eyes. Perform 10 movements in a clockwise direction.
  3. Hide thumb both hands, gathering the brush into a fist. Using the middle phalanges, rub the muscles of the face, starting from the chin and ending with the ear area.
  4. Having placed the right palm on the forehead, put the palm of the left hand on top. Warm up the skin of the forehead with rubbing movements.

Shiatsu - a complex of quick gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Before describing the execution technique, it is necessary to mention the effect achieved after performing a Shiatsu massage:

  • The muscles of the face come into tone after the first 4-5 massage courses.
  • There is an improvement in metabolic processes, the circulatory system is activated.
  • The problem of puffiness of the face disappears.
  • The massage system restores youthfulness to the skin, an even tone of the face, and makes it more stress-resistant.

First of all, cosmetologists and massage therapists mention that the maximum effect of exercises can be achieved only if the correct sequence is observed.

The main criterion for performing gymnastics for the Shiatsu face is the correct placement of the fingers.


  • With the help of the ring, middle and index fingers, make a pressing movement on the central point of the forehead area. Moving from the center to the area of ​​the temples, slightly spreading movements of the fingers. Repeat the exercise with both hands.
  • Having placed the aforementioned fingers over the superciliary arches, massage the brow region with probing movements.
  • With the help of the ring, middle and index fingers, make very light pressure movements on the lower eyelid area.

The effectiveness of facebuilding for the face after 50 years

Performing a set of exercises according to one of the above Facebook building methods after 50 years, you can easily achieve the effect of rejuvenation, restoring muscle tone, smoothing wrinkles, correcting the second chin and correcting the oval of the face as a whole.

Applying the face-building technique at home to women after 50 years of age, you can achieve a significant improvement in skin quality.

The main rule is a systematic, regular approach and adherence to the methodology and sequence of exercises.

What do cosmetologists and doctors think about facial gymnastics

After conducting a survey among cosmetologists and systematizing their answers, we can note the following in their opinions:

  • Facebook building is really extremely useful for strengthening facial muscles.
  • The execution methods are quite diverse both in terms of time and complexity, and it will not be difficult to choose exactly the approach that will be useful in each individual case of age-related changes in the face.
  • Exercise sets are beneficial even for those who do not have time for sports in principle, since they can be performed, for example, in traffic jams, or while relaxing in the evening watching your favorite TV series. Performing them at least 2 times a week, a trip to a plastic surgeon can be deleted from plans for the near future.

Doctors and cosmetologists recommend doing facial exercises to all women.

Summing up, it can be noted that people who want to look beautiful, young and well-groomed at no extra cost should definitely pay attention to Facebook building. Facial exercises at home are highly effective and will not make you wait for the manifestation of visible results, and the results themselves have a long-term healing effect.

Interesting videos about Facebook building

From this video you will learn about what Facebook building is and what basic exercises can be done at home:

The video clip will allow you to understand what facebuilding is - facial gymnastics, what facial exercises you can do at home:

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If you have a thin or narrow face and want it to get better, do special exercises. Again, if you do not have a similar problem, you can still do them and strengthen the muscles in this way.

The first problem that women and men with a thin face face when they start face-building is that when they often do eye exercises, a hole forms under the eye.

Why is this happening? Because at intensive classes all "dries up" body fat: the muscle seems to be compacted, but the dip is formed very often. To avoid this, you need to practice regularly and do the exercises correctly, and not overdo it.

lower eyelid exercise

The first exercise is for the lower eyelids, because part of this muscle is precisely responsible for the dip under the eye.

You place your fingers at the corners of your eyes. It is important here that your index finger is positioned correctly. The finger should be at an angle. Find the place where the bone makes a bend. You place your finger in this bend, and bevel to the middle of the face, at about 45 °. Then you will clamp most of the muscle, just the one that will contract in this exercise. This will give us an ideal fixation, your muscle will be pumped very well, and not a single extra wrinkle will appear.

They fixed it, be sure to put the fingers to the cheekbones completely. Remember this, our fingers do not stick out, they do not fly anywhere, we completely apply them to the cheekbones. Our middle fingers are in the corners.

Raising the corners of the lips

Therefore, in order to maintain the volume of the face, it is imperative to train this muscle - this is the time. Secondly, in order for us to have a beautiful outline of the lips, so that our corners are up and not down, we also need to work with this muscle. We will now try to smile correctly. Look now in the mirror, try to make a smirk, raise the corners, remember, only up, only up!

Very important: if you see that you get wrinkles, dents here, then you are straining the wrong area. You need to mentally, firstly, try to relax and lift the corners only up, as if they take you by the threads and lift them.

Now that we have caught this movement - lifting up, we will fix the muscles so that we have safe exercise, and so that we have a load, and the muscle works with effort. Let's keep our fingers crossed. We put the ring finger in the place where the corner will supposedly rise, somewhere here: do not put your finger down, not into the corner, but over the corner.

You put the middle finger above and you put the index finger near the nose. It turns out that you completely clamp the entire line from the nose to the corner of the mouth. It is very important! You can’t hold it as you like, you will have creases here, you must completely fix everything.

Remember the rule: if we get any wrinkle or crease during the exercise, the exercise is not correct.

We put our fingers correctly, pressed, hold. You may not press very hard at first, because your muscle may still be weak, and it will be difficult for you to overcome strong resistance. Feel that the muscle understands where to move, and then you can gradually add load by pressing harder.

So, let's try, we fixed everything, and now we are doing exactly the same movement that we did with you - a slight grin is beautiful up, everything is relaxed here. We have mastered the technique. So, at first you should feel tension in the corners, as if such nodules appear, some kind of tension.

Then, if you concentrate well, focus your attention, your tension will gradually rise higher under the eye, you will feel such a vibration, twitching. It will be very right and good. This will indicate that your muscle understands what you want from it.

Adding Volume to the Cheeks

And now, in order to add volume to the cheeks and make thin face more fully, we will do with you again on 4 counts as we did in the previous exercise on the cheeks. How will we do?

We raised the corners a little, raised almost to the end, you understand, that is, you will simply break the upward movement into 2: raised - raised, lowered - lowered, again and do it slowly. You will feel the muscle even more strongly in this way, you will slowly pump it, and this zone will be so very full for you.

We try. We hold and for 4 counts: 2 - strained, 2 - released. The muscle will tremble even more and more. Now blow through your lips, inflate the right and left corners of your mouth.


  • firstly, to maintain the volume of the lips;
  • secondly, in order to leave this zone voluminous, so that it does not shrink, the corners do not tumble, so that we do not get any unpleasant lines or wrinkles.

We will pull our lips forward, as for a kiss, only we will fix it, because otherwise there will be a lot of creases. We press the palms completely to the face so that only the center of the lips remains free. Everything is closed up to the nose.

You also press your palm well to your chin. Our lips are together, we do not open them, and now you are doing the same movement: pulling your lips forward, as if for a kiss. Your lips will tense up, the whole circular muscle of your mouth will tense up here in a circle, you will feel everything. We do it slowly again and make sure that we do not get vertical wrinkles above the lips. The lip should fill, you will see it right away, but there should not be a “chicken butt”.

We pressed and do, again, do it slowly. This exercise, by the way, is not difficult to perform, so I think that you all succeeded in it. Very effective exercise! The lips hold great, they increase, and the whole area we get worked out!

Now blow through the lips, puff up the upper and lower lip. You don't clench your lips very hard, you press them just enough so that you don't get air out. If at first you do not succeed, you can hold your finger, try.

Lower face and neck

So, we still have the last exercise with you. Even if you have a thin face, you may have. The second chin is not a fat accumulation, but simply sagging. This is not sagging fat, but simply flabby muscles. You can see this in Victoria Beckham, for example, sometimes in some angles it is very noticeable in her, even though she has a thin face.

It means that we don’t have this, and that we also have a clear facial contour, because even with a narrow, thin face, it happens that the contour is rather flabby and blurry.

This exercise is for hyoid muscles, to lift the entire lower part of the face. Imagine, imagine your language. You flattened it evenly and now your task is to press it against the upper palate, press it not with the tip of the tongue, but press it with the whole plane upwards, especially the center and the root of the tongue.

You pressed - let go, pressed - released. When muscle contraction occurs, all Bottom part as if drawn in by a vacuum, plus the neck tenses up.

If you can't, it's like a swallowing movement, that is, swallowed - swallowed. Here, try to swallow again and not just like that, but with force, as if you have something stuck there, or you are trying to swallow something so hard and, as it were, with all your might try to push something into your throat.

This is the right move. But you don’t just need to swallow, because it will be an idle movement of the muscle, you need to do it with force. They tried: pressed - released, pressed - released. The stronger you do this, the more naturally you will pull yourself up here, you will have more elastic this zone, and you will feel it.

If you don't succeed right away, do it a few times, you will surely catch it.
I will tell you such an association: "how to scratch the upper sky with your tongue." Now, if you understand what it is to scratch the upper sky with your tongue, then you will surely understand how to do it.

In addition to the fact that this exercise tightens your chin, it really forms the entire lower contour of the face well. Remember what we do in slow pace. And several more times: pressed - released, pressed - released and pressed again - and released. Now move your jaw, relax everything.

These exercises will help make thin or narrow visually wider, fuller. And normal and full face will make it more embossed and taut.

Evgenia Baglyk, a Facebook building coach, was with us

Botox injections, contouring, laser therapy, facelifts… With these cosmetic procedures I have to meet many women after 30 years. Time flies inexorably, leaving its imprint on the delicate skin of the face. But how do you want to preserve the natural youth and beauty! Plastic surgery- one of the fastest and most effective methods of dealing with age-related changes. But this pleasure comes at a price. What to do if the family budget does not allow spending a lot of money on surgical or cosmetic intervention? It's very simple: do Facebook building. Do not forget that the face, like the rest of the body, also has muscles. And if you keep them in good shape, you can say goodbye to early aging. An effective method of gymnastics for the face is offered by fitness trainer Evgenia Baglyk.

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk

Evgenia Baglyk from Kiev in a healthy way life has always been on "you". For many years she worked as a trainer in one of the capital's fitness clubs, helping girls keep fit. Once Evgenia overheard a conversation of her regular clients. Two women aged 25-30 complained to each other that this month they spent almost half their salary on the correction of facial wrinkles. And then the coach came up with an original idea: why not fight age-related changes on the face with the same methods as on the body. That is, with the help of a special system of exercises.

Evgenia began to collect bit by bit information about gymnastics for the face. She studied the anatomy of the skull, the location of bones, muscles and nerve endings, tested on herself a huge number of existing techniques and, as a result, developed her own Facebook building system. The first "test subjects" were the author and her close friends, whom Evgenia asked to participate in the experiment. When, after a few months, the women saw amazing results, Baglyk patented her method and began to carry it "to the masses."

Advantages of the technique

The technique of Evgenia Baglyk has a lot of advantages:

  • First, anyone can find her exercise course online and take it for free.
  • Secondly, facial gymnastics is universal. It suits both women and men. After all, a strong half of humanity sometimes cares about their appearance no less than women.
  • Thirdly, Facebook building allows you to get rid of both small, only manifesting defects, and serious shortcomings. All you need is your desire and a responsible approach to the course of exercises.
  • What effect can be obtained

    Practicing according to the method of Evgenia Baglyk regularly, you can:

  • “wipe” several years from the face at once without surgical intervention;
  • make lips plumper without injections;
  • say goodbye to double chin;
  • remove wrinkles from the forehead, around the lips and eyes;
  • reduce the depth of the nasolabial folds;
  • "outline" the cheekbones;
  • to tone the facial muscles;
  • smooth out bags under the eyes;
  • improve complexion by stimulating blood flow.
  • Indications and contraindications

    Anyone who wants to correct their appearance can be engaged in facebuilding without resorting to plastic surgery and the services of a cosmetologist. But this simple gymnastics still has a number of limitations.

    Facebook building is contraindicated for people who have had plastic surgery in the last two years, those who have diseases facial nerve as well as hypertensive patients. In these cases, additional medical advice is required.

    Women and men over 40 may not have enough natural muscle strength to completely smooth out wrinkles. Therefore, an important condition for obtaining the maximum effect from gymnastics is sufficient rest and good sleep.

    facebook basic rules

    There is no need to prepare for Facebook building in some special way. Since only the face "works", and the rest of the body is resting, the general physical training not important.

    Make time for facial exercises every day. Don't be lazy and don't skip classes. Even in a busy work schedule, you can “carve out” 15 minutes for yourself. Beginners are advised to start with six repetitions of each exercise. Gradually increase the number of repetitions, bringing up to twenty.

    All exercises in this course involve the active participation of your hands (namely, fingers). They will need to hold the skin on the forehead so that only the muscles are trained. If you ignore this rule, then wrinkles will not disappear, but, on the contrary, will become even more noticeable and deeper.

    You can do the exercises at any time. But if you want to get the desired effect faster, do them in the evening before going to bed. First, wash your face thoroughly with a scrub and wipe your face with a cleansing tonic. Starting gymnastics, listen to the reaction of the body. If everything is done correctly, you will feel a slight burning sensation. Do not forget to periodically relax the facial muscles: exhale through closed lips (so that they vibrate slightly). At the end of the session, moisturize your face with serum or cream.

    Video: how to do Facebook building exercises

    Basic exercises for different muscles of the face

    Let's move from words to deeds! Have you already determined which part of your beautiful face needs correction? Then do not postpone the start of the beauty course from Evgenia Baglyk indefinitely and remember simple exercises.

    Video: the most popular exercises from Evgenia Baglyk

    More videos from Evgenia Baglyk - about how to make plump lips, "tighten" cheeks and cheekbones, remove double chin, - look on the official channel of the author of the technique on YouTube - .