How to make frogs slim. How to make legs thin: everything you need to know to lose weight

Being overweight among teenagers is not uncommon. A sedentary lifestyle, represented by daily sitting at a computer, in combination with malnutrition lead to fat deposition in the hips and thighs.

Children of this age react very sharply to any negative changes in their body, which gives rise to a bunch of complexes.

How to remove frogs for a teenager in a week? First of all, it is necessary to establish power, and connect physical exercise. A young body actively breaks down unnecessary fats, so when regular workouts and lifestyle changes results will appear in 7-10 days.

Top 3 exercises for slimming thighs and hips

In the life of children must be present movement and sports. If it is not possible to visit the gym or the child categorically refuses to go there, you need to pick up special exercises to perform at home.

You can train in a day or two, but if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to remove frogs for a teenager in 3 days, then to achieve results even faster it is desirable to practice every day and connect other methods of dealing with fat, described below. Next complex simple exercises at daily performance will allow you to remove fat from the hips and legs in a week.

1. Leg swings back

A simple and effective exercise that includes work, the back and front of the thighs, as well as the middle and gluteus maximus.

  1. Take the starting position: kneel down and rest your forearms on the floor;
  2. Straighten your back and bend the lower back, the gaze is fixed in front of you;
  3. Inhaling, take one leg back, holding the position for a couple of seconds at the highest point;
  4. Exhaling, return to the starting position.

But swinging to the side will help.

For detailed technique, see the video:

Attention! Leg swings are a great option for teenagers with knee problems who are not allowed to lunge or squat. In this case, it is better to neglect the pose on all fours, and perform the exercises standing or lying down.

2. Forward lunges

With such lunges, the load is distributed on the front of the thigh, buttocks, as well as the femoral surface. At first sight light exercise, however wrong technique execution will have no effect and can lead to injury.

  1. Stand up straight, connect your legs or place them at a level of 5-8 cm;
  2. Shoulders are turned back slightly arched in the lower back rib cage raised, stomach tucked up, knees slightly bent, gaze looking forward;
  3. Inhaling, a long step forward is taken, and holding the body in a vertical position, a squat is performed with the transfer of the center of gravity to the front leg;
  4. As you exhale, push off with your front foot and return to the starting position.

The position of the hands in execution this exercise does not play a role, they serve to maintain balance. Do 10 times in 3-4 sets on each leg.

See the video for more details:

Carefully! It is necessary to lower yourself until the thigh of the involved leg is parallel to the floor. Knee touching the floor poses a threat to the knee joint.

3. Running in place with knees high

The exercise works well on all leg muscles: quadriceps, anterior and rear surface hips, as well as internal and external. In addition, it is an alternative to regular running and active. The exercise is not difficult, but if available overweight may present certain difficulties.

  1. Take the starting position: legs at shoulder level, back straightened;
  2. Raise one hand to the chest, lower the other along the leg;
  3. Push off with the toe of one leg, bending it in knee joint, and raise to the belt line;
  4. In parallel with this, change the positions of the hands: raise the opposite, lower the raised one;
  5. When the leg drops below the level of the knee, push off with the second leg and change hands.

Can this run be replaced? no less efficient.

Learn more from the video:

Repeat the exercise for one minute. Beginners are better off running without using their hands.

Other proven loads for the lower body

And, of course, we must not forget that there are many other movements that showed high efficiency:

  1. And are considered especially effective for the muscles of the priests;
  2. - mandatory for inclusion in your complex;
  3. You can finish off the muscles with static by doing ours, which includes such an effective exercise as.
  4. At the end of your workout, stretch, such as asanas and;
  5. not only burns cellulite, but also has for the pelvic area;
  6. Well, of course, you can not do without and.

Other effective weight loss methods

It is very important for a growing body to adhere to correct mode food intake and get the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You can not allow the "sitting" of the child on a strict diet It is important to teach him to eat healthy food. And only in conjunction with a properly adjusted diet, exercises will bring the desired results in losing weight to the thighs and thighs and developing muscle systems.

A diet for frogs and belly for teenagers should be based on the consumption of the right amount squirrel, because it is the building material of a young developing organism.

A storehouse of natural protein are:

  • Fish;
  • Meat;
  • Dairy products.

You need to draw carbohydrates not from sweets and buns, but from healthy cereals and dried fruits. Acquisition Success Key slender hips and Lyashek - a complete rejection of all kinds of fast food, fatty and sweet foods, as well as carbonated drinks.

Teen must eat about 5 times a day small portions and do not skip breakfast. It is recommended to have a snack not with sausage sandwiches, but with nuts, prunes or fruits.

An unusual method of dealing with fat on the hips and thighs is massage. You can ask for help from qualified specialist, or carry out the procedure on your own, enlisting improvised means in the form of vacuum cans or an anti-cellulite massager.

However, in the absence of physical activity, these manipulations will bring little benefit.

If the child refuses to attend sports Club dance classes may be an alternative. Help find significant arguments for a teenager to maintain an active lifestyle is the primary task of parents.

Mom and dad should be an example for a child, because if they sit in front of the TV for days on end, then their child will not have a desire to play sports. Parents of overweight children should take into account some useful tips:

  1. Go to the pool more often tennis court the whole family;
  2. Use rental bikes (or buy) and make trips through the park several times a week;
  3. Get into the habit of roller skating, and in winter, skating and skiing;
  4. Arrange hiking trips over long distances, armed with tents and a thermos.

The system of exercises for teenagers promotes not only weight loss in the hips and thighs, but also normalizes internal mechanisms organism. The result is a harmonious and full-fledged work of organs and their systems, as well as a powerful boost of energy for the coming day.

At any time of the year, a woman wants to be charming and slim. Moreover, she wants this in a wonderful spring-summer time, when nature kindly invites you to take off heavy fur coats, long skirts and other “disguise”.

And then many ladies notice that the winter extravaganza of the holidays still left its mark on certain parts of the body.

A highly effective weight loss complex that takes into account the biorhythms of activity, eliminates all possible reasons overweight and breaks down fat.

These slimming drops should be taken in the morning and evening, diluted 30 drops in half a glass of water.

But if you love sports, we offer you best exercises to get rid of fat frogs:

We perform exercises for weight loss frogs at home

There are women who gain weight just from the smell of food. If you consider yourself prone to fullness, pay attention to exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and thighs. Even 2 weeks of moderate physical activity will give a tangible result. It is only important to do exercises for weight loss of the legs and frogs in a constant mode.

The most effective exercise for weight loss at home is "Bicycle".

Lie on your back and pedal imaginary with your feet in the air, raising one shoulder, with which you seem to be trying to touch the opposite knee.

Repeat with a twist to the opposite side for two sets of 12 reps. The elbows are laid back, the lower back is pressed to the floor.

This option is very convenient for ever-busy women who get out of bed and immediately plunge into a whirlpool of activity.

A good addition to the "Bicycle" will be jogging, squats, leg swings, walking on the priest and many others. You can use elementary simulators.

For example, great option there will be a jump rope. Jump at any time, jump with pleasure, jump at least 30-50 times a day, and you will definitely reduce your calves and thighs.

There is one more simplest form load, familiar from childhood. If you want to know how to get rid of fat thighs in a month, then take the time to squat.

But not everyone will find them easy, because total squats per day should be at least a hundred. Keep your back straight. The load can be increased with dumbbells.

And lovers of aerobic style can do swings lying on the floor. To perform these leg exercises, you need to lie on your side and put your head on an outstretched arm.

Then slowly lift your leg up and lower it for 4 counts. After 10 reps, add 10 more swings up with a small range of motion, swinging your leg up and down. Girls who do not feel particularly tired can wear weights on their lower legs.

Be persistent and stick to the given volume. And in 2-3 weeks your selfless efforts will give results.

We walk with benefit, or how to quickly reduce frogs

Many lovely ladies, wondering what exercises to do in order to lose weight, they forget that everything ingenious is simple. Moreover, an incorrectly selected set of exercises can cause muscle building, not weight loss. But such an outcome does not threaten you if you choose walking.

Walking is wonderful in every way. Make it a rule to walk 3-5 km a day. Over time, the distance can be increased. good option will be walking uphill.

If you're in your office, take a walk back and forth if possible - don't sit in a chair all day. In high-rise buildings, go to the upper floors without using an elevator. And soon colleagues will want to join you, who have repeatedly asked you what exercises you need to do to lose weight in your legs, and then you will be able to conduct joint marathons on the stairs of the office and the streets of the city.

By the way, American doctors and scientists have been studying the problem for a long time. excess weight is a hot topic in America.

Some time ago, they conducted research and found that people who get up from their workplace once an hour throughout the working day lose 4-5 kg ​​in a month or two, unlike those who sit at their desk all day. This is due to the fact that the blood accelerates and spends energy in the form of burning stored fats. Take note!

Fitness instructor will tell you how to reduce frogs

The decision to take a subscriber to the gym is a serious step towards a dream. Dynamic atmosphere sports hall and an energetic coach in themselves inspire feats in the name of beauty. Professional support is an important factor. After consulting an experienced instructor, you will put an end to the chaotic movement from one simulator to another. You will understand what you need to do to lose weight, and you will follow special program designed by a professional.

In modern sports clubs there are many ways to lose weight. Step aerobics, exercise bikes, fitball exercises, swimming and a thousand and one more ways to get rid of belly fat. In particular, instructors often advise owners of full legs to do lunges forward and raise the pelvis, as well as aerobic exercises that are based on repeated repetition and stretching.

An exercise bike is also a great form of exercise. But pedal slowly. You need to "ride" at least 3 hours a day. You can listen to music, mentally pick up a swimsuit. In a word, no overstrain - "roll" and dream.

For all those who are concerned about the question of how to reduce the volume of frogs, productive workouts with the platform will be a real discovery. "Magic steps in height" are very effective. You place a special platform in front of you and follow the steps. Move forward, then up. Engage the entire area of ​​the foot. Keep your body straight and focus on the buttocks. It is important to remember which leg you started the exercise with in order to return to the starting position with it.

Undoubtedly, every woman dreams of fit and slender frogs, which would not even have signs of cellulite. The only good thing about this is that it can be made a reality. However, this will require effort. Moreover, the initial state of this part of the body does not matter.

All the troubles due to the fact that the hips are most prone to the accumulation of fat on them. This is the nature of the female body. However, there are many ways to reduce frogs in volume, and do it quickly, and how to do it most effectively will be written below.

A mandatory rule for any zones with fatty deposits - the fight must be waged "on all fronts", namely:

  1. balanced and proper nutrition - this will remove excess fluid and toxins from the body;
  2. do physical exercises - increasing muscle mass displaces a layer of fat;
  3. carry out wraps - this will remove puffiness and remove excess water;
  4. doing massage - this will help make the skin more elastic and toned.

How to eat to reduce frogs

Most fast way to reduce the volume necessarily implies balanced diet(not a diet), which will rid the body of excess water, remove toxins, and then kilograms.

Approximately half an hour before breakfast, you should drink 200 ml of water. Although, by by and large, water is recommended to drink every time before meals. Just in the morning, when the body wakes up, it is especially necessary for this process to proceed correctly.

It is recommended to eat in small portions, five to six times a day. In case you don’t manage to eat normally, it would be good to have a banana or an apple with you. The food should contain as much fiber as possible, and the serving size should not exceed two handfuls. It must be remembered that the feeling of satiety comes twenty minutes after the end of the meal. The last meal should be taken five to six hours before going to bed.

Also it is not recommended to eat salty, spicy, sweet, smoked, fatty and fried. Try to abstain from this food at least for that moment until you achieve the desired result.

There is one important point, many may confuse thirst with hunger, so when you feel the latter, drink water first.

Even just by changing the diet, after two weeks it will be noticeable how body fat is reduced, then the result will only improve.

So, there are no secret diets in order to reduce frogs in the fastest way, therefore, in order to achieve the required size, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Avoid foods that contain white flour and white sugar , as these are the main products that are simple carbohydrates. And they, in turn, very quickly turn into fat. If it’s completely difficult without sweets, then you can treat yourself to honey, dried fruits or fructose sweets, but within reasonable limits.
  2. Should normalize lymph flow and metabolism , most often even this is sufficient measure. To do this, use water - the consumption rate is two liters per day. The amount of water needed may vary due to build or weather.
  3. Breakfast is recommended to be made with protein , it can be cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, scrambled eggs, whole grain bread. Lunch may consist of soup, poultry, meat, fish, buckwheat, whole rice (unpolished) or barley. But for dinner, preference should be given to stewed vegetables, fresh salad, fish, eggs, kefir or yogurt.
  4. For a snack, you should use apples, citrus fruits, raw carrots, berries . In general, you should eat at least three fruits or vegetables (raw) daily, as well as fresh herbs.
  5. It will also help to drive fat deposits from the frogs ginger and lemon tea which you need to drink several times a day, before meals an hour or an hour after meals. Real Chinese Green Hour also promotes fat burning.

How to reduce frogs the fastest way with exercise

If you need to reduce the size of the frogs in the fastest way, then in addition to a balanced one, you must not forget about physical exercises.

Aerobic exercise will help the frogs look fit. Running is very productive in this matter, run at least three times a week, make it your habit. Let it be just a 15-minute run at a calm pace at the beginning, and as you get used to it, you should increase the pace, difficulty and run time to 45 minutes.

Another in an efficient way possess jumping rope, for example, such set of exercises:

  1. alternating jumps on the right and left legs, with knees raised to waist height;
  2. jumping on two legs at the same time;
  3. jumps alternately with legs closed and spread apart shoulder-width apart.

Most effective complex exercises designed to reduce the frogs in the fastest way is the following:

  1. Squats.

However, to get the desired result, you need to do them correctly. To do this, put your feet shoulder-width apart, placing your feet parallel. When squatting, the heels should not be torn off the floor; the depth of the squat should be slightly below the level of the knees. If physical endurance allows, you can pick up dumbbells. You can start with 25 squats for three sets, and increase the number of squats by five times daily.

  1. Swing your legs from a prone position.

Lying on your side, put your head on an outstretched hand. In four counts, slowly raise, and then just as slowly and lower the outstretched leg up, ten times. Then ten more lifts, but with a small amplitude, as if shaking the leg up and down. With good physical fitness, you can put weights on the lower leg.

  1. Stretching.

This is a wonderful exercise that can stimulate blood flow to the thighs. If stretching is difficult on the floor, do not despair. Beginners can stretch using a chair with a back or an aerobics ball. To do this, you need to put your foot on a ball or the back of a chair and do as deep squats as possible. You can start with five times, preferably daily.

  1. Weighted lunges.

Put your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bring your socks inward, in the hands of light weight dumbbells, your back is straight. Next, a forward lunge is made to such a position that the thigh of the front leg becomes horizontal to the floor. Return to the place. Repeat twenty times with each leg. It is necessary to make three such approaches.

Elastic band - effective inventory for elastic frogs

Less active, but no less effective for reducing frogs, the fastest way is a set of exercises using elastic bands. It effectively acts on all sides of the thigh and takes only a quarter of an hour. By doing it daily, you can achieve incredible results.

All of the exercises below do 15 times, ankle elastic band:

  1. lying on your side, raise your upper leg up, strongly stretching the tape. Make for each leg;
  2. roll over onto your stomach. Raise the foot, bending the leg at the knee, alternately with the right and left legs;
  3. lying also on the stomach, now raise the entire leg, keeping it straight;
  4. again on the side, pull the upper foot to the thigh of the lower leg;
  5. lie on your back with your hands under your head. Raise your legs above the floor and slowly spread them in different sides by stretching the elastic band;
  6. stand straight with your legs slightly apart to maintain balance. Take your leg back, stretching the elastic band. First with one, then with the other foot;
  7. become the same as in the sixth exercise, only raise the leg forward.


Wraps to reduce frogs

Asking the question of how to reduce frogs using the fastest way, you are faced with information that You can't do without such additional procedures as massage and body wrap.

The advantage of wrapping is that it is applied only on problem areas, that is, it acts locally. There are many types of wraps, for example:

  1. Honey

Heat two tablespoons of liquid honey in a water bath, drop a few drops of essential oil, mainly lemon, rosemary or grapefruit, and apply to problem areas. Wrap these areas cling film, put on tight clothes on top and leave from half an hour to an hour.

  1. Clay

With warm (40 ° C) water, dilute the blue clay to such a state that it becomes like sour cream, and apply to the feet. Wrap with foil, press with clothes.

  1. coffee

Coffee is very effective against body fat. For a coffee wrap, you need to drain the thick, add one of the essential oils (or several) and apply on the frogs. And then again wrap with a film and insulate, hold for half an hour or an hour.

Massage - quick results!


Fat deposits melt before our eyes, if you add massage to all the procedures listed above, namely three types of massage:

- the first is carried out in the shower using a hard washcloth , it is desirable that it be natural. With this washcloth, rub problem areas with intensive movements in a circle. Reddened after such a procedure, the skin will be ready for subsequent manipulations;

- second type - vacuum massage, salon or home, using a jar specially designed for this. Massage is done in a circular motion, sucking the skin into the jar is not very strong, otherwise, on the contrary, you can harm the skin;

- the third type - honey massage, which is carried out on steamed skin . For a massage, you need to rub honey in your palms and, clapping hard on the skin, begin to massage problem areas. After some time, it will become increasingly difficult to open your hands from the skin. After the massage, wash your feet from honey with warm water.

So, "how to reduce frogs?" “what is the fastest way?” — the answer to this question is already known. It remains only to say that the effectiveness of the fight against fat deposits on the thighs will be much higher if you use all the methods described above in combination at once.

The most pressing problem of appearance for most women is too full frogs. This is because the peculiarity of the female constitution is such that all the extra pounds are deposited here. Do you also want to reduce your frogs in volume, but do not know how to do it? You can get rid of this problem, but for this you will have to try hard. Let's see what needs to be done...

Wanting to lose weight quickly, and in particular to reduce the size of the frogs, ladies are looking for the fastest way to do this. For this reason, not everyone achieves the desired result. Of course, they lose weight, but, as a rule, in the wrong places.

In order to reduce frogs, you need to act comprehensively. And after losing weight, be sure to keep your body in shape.

Basic rules for successful drying of the thighs and frogs:

  1. Drying of fatty deposits due to a properly balanced diet, removal of excess fluid and toxins.
  2. Physical activity that helps burn fat in problem areas and tighten the skin.
  3. Wraps that help eliminate excess fluid and eliminate cellulite.
  4. Complex massage, which has a positive effect on the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Drying frogs with food

There is no special diet, adhering to which, you will be able to lose weight in frogs. In order to dry problem areas at home, you will have to adjust your daily diet. This does not mean that you need to go on a strict diet. You need to properly balance your diet, it should consist exclusively of useful products. After that, your body will begin to actively burn accumulated fats.

  1. Train yourself to drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. This contributes to the launch of all processes in the body. Also, try to drink more water throughout the day. This will make you want to eat less.
  2. It is better to eat food in small portions, but not three, but five times a day. If during the day you do not have the opportunity to eat healthy food, then do not try to run to the nearest diner. Make it a rule to take a “healthy snack” with you to work or somewhere else. It can be boiled eggs, a banana, a few nuts. Now your food should contain a large amount of fiber, and the portion should fit on a silver platter. Remember that the feeling of fullness comes twenty minutes after eating. Therefore, you need to eat slowly, with pleasure. You need to have dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  3. Forget about eating spicy, salty, fried, sweet and fatty foods. Very important, many girls confuse hunger with thirst. Therefore, when you feel hungry, first drink water, and then take food.
  4. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of sugar and white flour. These foods are made up of simple carbohydrates that convert to fat very quickly. If you absolutely cannot live without sweets, but dream of drying frogs, you can replace them with honey and dried fruits
  5. In the morning, it is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates or foods containing protein. In no case should you neglect breakfast, this is the most significant meal that helps to start metabolic processes and prevent overeating. For lunch, soups, meat and vegetables will be useful. It is good if dinner will consist of 80% of protein products, and 20 of their fresh or stewed vegetables.
  6. A snack can be any fruits, vegetables and berries. These foods are low in calories and high in vitamins, so they should be consumed regularly.
  7. Tea with lemon and ginger is beneficial for fat burning.

Exercises to reduce frogs

So, if you want to quickly remove the frogs at home, there is a set of exercises aimed at this. First of all, in order for the legs and buttocks to look beautiful, you need to do aerobic exercise. It can be walking at an accelerated pace or running. Running every other day, you will see the first positive results in 2 weeks.

Jumping rope is also an effective exercise. It would seem a simple simulator, but it is super effective for tightening. problem areas and drying frogs. Jumps need to be alternated: first on right leg, then on the left, and on two.

You can tighten problem areas with the help of power loads. In addition, they have a positive effect on fat burning processes and contribute to the reduction of legs, priests and frogs.

A super effective exercise for the buttocks and legs is the squat. But you must know how to do it right. Otherwise, such loads will not give the expected result. And so, the legs are placed shoulder-width apart, and the feet are parallel. When squatting, you should not lift your heels off the floor. Squat so that your butt is parallel to the floor. If you need an increased load, use dumbbells. It is recommended to start with three sets of 20 squats.

Lie on your side and start swinging your legs. Just do it slowly and smoothly, holding the leg up and down for a while. Repeat this exercise 10 times for each leg. Now you can complicate the exercise by doing it with a small amplitude, springing your leg a little. If your physical training allows you to put weights on your legs.

Stretching also has its benefits. It has a beneficial effect on blood flow to the priest and frogs. If you find it difficult to stretch on the floor, you can use a chair with a back. Throw your legs on it alternately, and squat as deeply as possible. You need to do 5-10 repetitions.

The fastest way to tighten the priests is lunges with weights. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, dumbbells are taken in the hands, the back is kept straight. Now you can do lunges forward, which are repeated 20 times on each leg in 3 sets.

To achieve visible results in a week, use an elastic band - an expander. Using it, you can work out the surface of the thighs well, doing just 15 minutes.

From my own experience I know that it is much better to play sports in gym. Drying frogs in the gym will bring much greater results than exercising at home. There are no distractions, and you can also use the service personal trainer. What will help reduce the volume of frogs in a week ..

Wraps to reduce the volume of frogs

Drying frogs is not such a difficult task. In order to quickly achieve good results weight loss requires a holistic approach. diet and physical exercise need to be supplemented with cosmetic procedures. It is best to use massage and body wraps at the same time. They act locally, accelerate the process of fat burning and skin tightening. Also, thanks to this procedure, excess fluid is removed from the body, after which the frogs visually appear smaller.

1. Wraps with honey

Two tablespoons of honey are heated in a water bath, 2-3 drops of any citrus ether are added, the finished mixture is applied to the desired areas. Now you have to make the effect of the sauna, this is done with plastic bags and towels. All this must be removed in an hour.

2. Clay wraps

Dilute the clay (blue or black) with forty-degree water, you should get a creamy mass. Apply it to problem areas. Also wrap with foil, keep for about one hour.

Before using any mixture, test it for an allergic reaction.

Massage to reduce frogs

You can do massage at home. To do this, it is recommended to stand under the shower and direct streams of water to problem areas. This is done for 10-15 minutes. Then the body is rubbed with anti-cellulite cream.

Or the second option is salon procedures. After you undergo a massage course with a specialist, your skin will be smooth as a teenager.

Conclusion! Don't be discouraged if you think you have fat frogs, just start fighting it. By following the recommendations and watching the video on the site about how all the procedures are done correctly, you can achieve good results even at home. And your man will certainly appreciate your achievements!

Women in everyday life call their thighs frogs. But this is when they are just starting to get fat, if the fullness occurs very quickly, the frogs turn into lyakhs, and the owners of ugly, ugly, fat, fat thighs themselves pronounce this word with contempt.

Slim figure after thick legs

When the hips increase significantly in size, women ask themselves: “ How to remove fat Poles' in a short period of time. Fortunately, there are physical exercises that help get your hips in order.

Firstly, if the hips have moved from the stage of frogs to frogs, and you somehow did not notice this transition, do not despair and panic. Exist various ways problem solving. It is worth thinking carefully about how to remove the Poles on the legs. Exercises designed specifically for this, you need to choose those that you can manage to perform, but it is better to alternate them, despite the complexity of the implementation, for greater fat burning efficiency.

If you decide to lose weight on your legs, immediately learn how to eat properly and balanced. Fruits and vegetables should make up at least 40% daily ration. Eliminate mayonnaise from the menu completely (it makes the thighs fat and contributes). Fried potatoes and meat, sausage and, sweet soda and also do not contribute to weight loss of the thighs.

How to remove Poles in a week

Exercises to fight the Poles on the legs

The most effective exercises for burning fat on the thighs are also the simplest in terms of complexity:

  • Bike. Lying on the floor, on your back, raise your legs up and imitate cycling. 5-7 minutes of classes also help to remove fat from the abdomen and train the press;
  • Scissors. Lying on the floor, on your back, raise your legs up and make movements with them that resemble the work of scissors. The exercise is done in several visits 40-50 times. Take a five-minute rest between sets:
  • Waves. Standing on all fours, swing alternately with one and the other leg. There should be at least fifty such movements for each leg;
  • Squats. The mechanism of their implementation is clear to everyone. It should be noted that squats not only get rid of fat on the hips, but also tighten gluteal muscles, remove cellulite, pump up the inner thighs.

How to remove Poles in a week

It is almost impossible to remove Poles in a week. You always need to remember that you have them for a longer period, and far from a week, so you don’t need to hope for a quick get rid of them, and you shouldn’t, you can bring yourself to exhaustion. It is best to make a firm decision, be patient, and by exercising, observing a sparing, sensible diet, begin to get rid of fat on the thighs. In this case, in a week you will be able to notice that the process has “gone”. Well, the time until complete deliverance depends on how large the Poles are. Not the last factor determining how soon you get rid of them is the individual characteristics of the body.