A complete set of bodyflex for beginners. Bodyflex exercises for weight loss - the most detailed guide! The secret of breathing exercises

In an effort to become even more attractive, many women exhaust themselves with strict diets and exercise. If abused excessive loads on the body, there are health problems. However, they are not necessary, because at the disposal modern woman there is a bodyflex technique.

What is a popular way to lose weight, what contraindications it has and how it is good for health, it is worth understanding in detail.

What is bodyflex? History of the method.

As a result of bodyflex exercises, stretch various groups muscles, and their tone increases.

Bodyflex (from the English. Body Flex - flexible body) is a system of exercises aimed at stretching muscles and shaping diaphragmatic breathing. It includes static (fixed) postures and dynamic exercises.

You can learn about the effectiveness of bodyflex exercises from the 2016 scientific article “The effectiveness of bodyflex exercises for middle-aged women” Ashrafullina Gulnaz Shamilevna.

An American, a mother of three children, who recovered after the birth of her last child, developed breathing exercises. For weight loss, she tried many ways:

  • visiting the gym;
  • swimming;
  • adherence to strict diets.

After unsuccessful attempts to reset overweight A housewife decided to attend a Rolls-Royce-level exercise course that cost her $1,500 for 10 lessons.

You don't need shoes to practice body flex - just wear thick socks.

Women who have already tried bodyflex exercises compare the technique with yoga. For her, you will need a gymnastic rug on which classes will be held. Special attention given to the training suit. It has several requirements:

  • attractiveness - in beautiful clothes, women take classes more responsibly;
  • convenience - the suit should not hinder movement or pull the stomach with an elastic band;
  • according to your own preferences - for a free style, trousers with elastin and T-shirts are suitable.

If the exercises will be performed according to video lessons, you need to free up space in front of the TV or computer monitor.

How many calories does one body flex session burn?

On many resources there is a statement that one body flex session burns up to 2000-3500 kcal. It is incorrect. The usual calorie consumption with little physical activity (walking at a speed of 5-6 km / h with a weight of 60-70 kg) is 300-400 kcal / hour.

In the case of bodyflex, a delayed metabolic effect is observed. This means that the exercises performed cause the body to expend additional energy at rest. For an hour, about 500-700 kcal comes out. Therefore, when losing weight with bodyflex, getting rid of excess weight faster than without exercise.

Bodyflex exercises

Exercises are started only after mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing - deep breaths. It includes 5 steps:

  • exhale, freeing the lungs from air as much as possible;
  • inhalation - through the nose, fast and strong, with swelling of the abdomen;
  • strong exhalation - with retraction of the abdomen;
  • breath holding - 8-10 seconds;
  • relaxation.

Bodyflex poses:

  • Leo (volleyball player). Stand in the pose of a volleyball player, bending your legs slightly and resting your hands on them above your knees. Perform a breathing cycle, bring your lips into a circle, tighten your face and lower the circle down. The eyes are looking up. Stick your tongue out through your lips and stay in this position for 8 counts. 5 repetitions are required.

  • Terrible grimace. In the pose of a volleyball player, stick out the lower jaw so that it protrudes forward behind the upper one. Stick out your lips and neck, raise your head up, trying to kiss the ceiling. Make a breathing cycle. During a pause, take your hands back and linger for 8 counts. Only 5 repetitions.

  • Lateral stretch. Make a breathing cycle in the pose of a volleyball player, then lean the elbow of your left hand on your left leg, and raising your right hand through the side, stretch it up above your head. Stay in this position for 8 counts. Repeat on the other side.

  • Pulling the leg back. Lean on the mat with your elbows and knees. After the respiratory cycle, take one leg in a straight position back, pulling the toe towards you. Linger on 8 accounts. Lower your leg and inhale. Perform 3 reps on each leg.

  • Seiko. Starting position - knee-elbow posture. Stretch your straight leg out to the side and place it on the floor. Do a breathing exercise, at the stage of holding your breath, raise your leg parallel to the floor and hold 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale. Each side has 3 sets.

  • Diamond. In the “legs shoulder-width apart” stance, touch the fingers of both hands in front of the chest. Elbows should be raised. The exercise is paused breathing exercises. Fingers should be pressed with effort. The exercise is performed 3 times.

  • Boat. Sit on the mat and spread your straight legs as wide as possible. Pull your toes towards you. Lean back with your hands and perform a breathing cycle until a pause. Move your hands forward and stretch for 8 counts as far as possible. Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Pretzel. Sitting on the mat, cross your legs so that one knee is above the other. Keep the right, horizontal leg straight. After the breathing cycle, put the left hand behind the back, with the right hand - grab the left knee and pull it towards you, try to look back. Linger on 8 accounts. 3 repetitions on each side.

  • Hamstring stretch. Lie on your back, raise your straight legs up and grab your calves with your hands. Pull your toes towards you. Make a breathing cycle, during a pause, pulling your legs towards you. Linger on 8 accounts. Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Abdominal Press . Lying on your back, place bent legs on the floor 30 cm apart. Stretch your arms towards the ceiling. At a pause in the breathing exercise, stretch your arms up, raising the shoulder blades. Linger on 8-10 accounts. The exercise is performed 3 times.

  • Scissors. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body, bring your legs together. At a pause in the breathing exercise for 8 counts, raise your legs and perform vigorous swings with alternately bringing one leg over the other (like scissors). Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Cat. Get on all fours, raise your head up, look forward. At a pause in breathing exercises, arch your back up and lower your head down. Stay in this position for 10 counts. Perform 3 repetitions.

After each session, the tissues are deeply saturated with oxygen. They are used at any level of training. However, for a trained body, the effect will be significantly less.

Bodyflex restrictions

Among the contraindications for bodyflex exercises include:

  • Pregnancy. You can stretch the muscles, but breathing exercises are prohibited. Severe tension in the walls of the abdomen can harm the fetus.
  • Operations, injuries, chronic diseases.
  • Hypertension. Since holding the breath makes the heart work harder, such a load can adversely affect the condition of people with high blood pressure.

A healthy person takes 15 to 18 breaths per calm state. If this indicator is higher, it is not recommended to engage in body flex - there may be problems with the lungs.

You can do breathing exercises only after a medical examination. It is not recommended to exceed the time recommended by Greer Childers - 15-20 minutes a day. Nutrition does not allow permissiveness or drastic restrictions.

Bodyflex: harm and benefit

Bodyflex exercises are not effective for everyone. The technique will not work on a trained body. This weight loss complex is not recommended for women with a small amount of extra pounds.

When taking antidepressants or hormonal drugs, the effect of bodyflex is lost. The effectiveness of the technique is manifested only with daily exercises.

Harm when choosing this method of losing weight can be caused only in the presence of health deviations. For a healthy body, bodyflex is good way keep fit.

As mentioned above, pregnancy is one of the contraindications to body flex exercises. elevated muscle tone abdominal cavity can be dangerous for the baby.

Bodyflex exercises after childbirth - effective method adjust your weight. Breathing exercises can be practiced 4-6 weeks after childbirth (if there were no deviations). After caesarean section it is allowed to start classes only after two months, since abdominal surgery negatively affects the state of the body.

Oksisayz or bodyflex: which is more effective

Oxysize (from the English oxygen + exercise - oxygen + exercise) is also a breathing exercise. The technique was developed by American Jill Johnson. Exercises are also performed for 15-20 minutes a day.

Both breathing exercises involve diaphragmatic breathing. The main difference is the need to hold your breath in bodyflex. In oxysize, attention is focused on a long and strong exhalation through the mouth without holding the breath.

For best result it is worth combining bodyflex and oxysize. First, it is worth bringing the Greer Childers exercises to automatism. When combining the methods, they do bodyflex in the morning on an empty stomach, and oxysize - 2 hours after dinner.

Bodyflex: reviews of those who have lost weight

There are many positive and negative reviews about the bodyflex technique. Negative experience is associated with the lack of effect of exercise. In most cases, this happens when the diet is not observed and there is no other motor activity. The technique is also ineffective for trained people.

Positive feedback about the 20-minute Greer Childers complex indicates the expected changes in the figure of the women involved. Many note a noticeable tightening of the abdomen and skin in other parts of the body. In some cases, the effect occurs only after 2 months of regular training. All women note that after the cessation of classes, the weight returns.

Video: Full Bodyflex Complex for Beginners


As you can see, bodyflex does not take much time, does not require physical training suitable for most healthy people. The method helps to correct the figure, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Positive feedback indicates the effectiveness of the technique.

Be sure to read about it

More and more women, men, teenagers are resorting to Bodyflex gymnastics. What is this technique, with the help of which they acquire slender forms in front of the eyes? A person does not need to sit for hours in the gym, limit himself to food, go on diets, drink dietary supplements and drugs for weight loss. Just fifteen minutes of daily miraculous exercises - and the centimeters begin to melt. Let us consider in more detail what kind of secret "Bodyflex" is fraught with, how effective it is, whether there are any contraindications, and what exercises help to find slender forms.

The history of the appearance of this gymnastics

"Bodyflex" - what is this complex? This is a combination of breathing "diaphragmatic" exercises, special stretching poses, as well as isotonic, isometric stances. This gymnastics came from America. In 1985, Greer Childers, an ordinary housewife, created own program"Bodyflex", based on medical research and our own experiments.

The woman did not have medical or any physiological knowledge, but she had an excellent result in gaining slender forms. In just three months, she replaced size 52 with size 40. It was not enough for her to perform a set of breathing exercises, she needed to understand how fat is burned, how muscles become toned, how a person loses weight.

It took months of interviews with doctors, private practice sessions with weight loss enthusiasts, testing new exercises before it became popular. Five years later, the first CDs with breathing exercises were released, and eleven years later, television shows with Greer were already being released. More and more followers and trainers of this direction - "Bodyflex" appeared.

The secret of breathing exercises

Her ancestor Childers focuses great attention on oxygen, with the help of which fat is burned. Bodyflex breathing involves five stages:

  1. smooth exhalation with a mouth folded with a tube, with simultaneous retraction of the abdomen closer to the spine;
  2. a sharp breath through the nose to failure, while the lips are closed, but;
  3. exhale to the last molecule from the lungs with a deep pronunciation of "groin", while the stomach again "sticks" to the spine;
  4. eight to ten seconds of holding the breath with the simultaneous tightening of the abdomen under the ribs, so that a kind of "cup" is formed;
  5. normal breath.

Critics are perplexed about what kind of oxygen we are talking about if the body is filled with carbon dioxide. Its presence is evidenced by sweating, dizziness, increased pressure. That is, according to critics, the body loses weight not due to oxygen, but due to stress from an excess of carbon dioxide. However, such "persecutors" ignored the study of Greer's books, which describe the whole theory of the work of breathing, and also give a set of respiratory gymnastics with a description of its action.

The role of oxygen and carbon dioxide in breathing

Greer emphasizes that when you hold your breath, the amount of carbon dioxide increases. Because of this, the arteries expand, the cells prepare for more oxygen uptake, while the brain sends a signal to the tissues to utilize the available oxygen, which just “melts” the fat. That is, how much oxygen was inhaled with a “hissing” nose, so much lipids will burn.

Even after training breathing exercises allow a person to breathe diaphragmatically, deeply, inhaling more air. Oxygen activates metabolism, improves blood circulation, promotes the rapid absorption of nutrients and the removal of toxins. Due to it, immunity is strengthened, a person is less sick. With the systematic implementation of "Bodyflex", the feeling of fatigue disappears.

Deep breathing relaxes nervous system, fights stress, migraines, depression. Lipid burning, tightening muscle mass and an increase in energy in a person is the main goal of Bodyflex. The course is not aimed at losing extra pounds, this is just a pleasant side effect.

Who is this exercise for?

Greer emphasizes that her breathing exercises are suitable for everyone - women, men, teenagers, the elderly. She collaborates with various doctors who confirm the safety of the technique for their patients (cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, allergies, bedridden patients).

This set of exercises has no boundaries in terms of age, weight, diseases, since its classes can be changed to fit your conditions. You can’t get a person out of bed, but you can perform simple Bodyflex breathing without exercise. Runny nose? Then just breathe in the bathroom filled with hot steam. Arthritis? Do not pull your hands up, fold them, put a soft rug under your knees. painful critical days? Do not do complex exercises, just breathe or skip one or two classes.

This complex is suitable for those who want:

  • quit smoking,
  • tighten the muscle corset,
  • drop a couple sizes
  • become cheerful, energetic, active,
  • strengthen immunity,
  • develop lung capacity.

We think that now you understand the advantages of this gymnastics, who needs Bodyflex, what it is.


Now we will consider who should not do this gymnastics, and then we will move on to the analysis of breathing exercises. Greer forbade pregnant women, as well as people after surgery, to practice Bodyflex. She did not observe complications in those who worked under her supervision. Delayed results after the third week of training have been noted in people taking hormonal, contraceptives, antidepressants, as well as in those who have a slow metabolism.

Other results were shown by the "Russian Bodyflex". Marina Korpan (reviews of students indicate that she is a highly qualified fitness trainer of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Pilates, aerobics, callanetics, training for pregnant women, a specialist in losing weight using breathing techniques), based on classes with Russian citizens, identifies the following contraindications for people who have:

How to do gymnastics?

All exercises begin with a special bodyflex pose. What is this stand?

  • Spread your legs to the sides by thirty centimeters.
  • Bend them at the knee.
  • Tilt your body forward.
  • Rest your hands on your feet (above your knees).
  • Look ahead.

The pose resembles a person who wants to sit on a chair. In this case, the back should be straight during the three stages of breathing. As soon as you need to pull your stomach under the ribs, lower your head down, then the massage of the internal organs will be more effective.

After you do not breathe for eight to ten seconds, while simultaneously performing certain exercises "Bodyflex" (photo of poses is presented below). Try to squeeze the muscles until tremors appear, while not relaxing the stomach.

If you really want to inhale, do not endure, immediately inhale. Over time, the volume of the lungs will increase, then you will easily withstand a ten-second pause. During exercise, you may feel dizzy. This phenomenon is the norm of the first week of doing classes. If the discomfort persists or worsens, check with your doctor. Also, when performing certain exercises, cramps may occur. Then just straighten your limbs, relax your muscles. By the way, Marina Korpan combines breathing exercises with stretching exercises for different muscle groups.

Exercises for the face, neck

  • A lion. This exercise will help tighten your cheeks. From the preparatory pose, after raising your head, open your mouth with a tube, stick out your tongue to the very root, while opening your eyes wide.
  • Ugly grimace. This exercise tightens the neck muscles. From the preparatory pose, while holding your breath, raise your head up, looking at the ceiling. At the same time, stick out the lower jaw forward, try to close your lips, forming the letter “o”.
  • An ugly grimace in a standing position. After holding your breath, straighten up, do the same with your face as in the previous exercise, only move your hands back parallel to the floor, lifting them up to the maximum. The back should be straight.

Repeat these Bodyflex lessons for beginners five times. If shortness of breath occurs, first restore breathing, then again take the preparatory pose, then do the exercise. Remember, the main thing in this gymnastics is breathing, especially inhaling with a hissing nose. If your breath is hitched, then when you perform a new approach, you will simply inhale less oxygen or you will not be able to draw in your stomach, which means that less fat cells will burn.

Exercises for the chest, waist, hips, buttocks, legs

  • Diamond. Close your hands in your fingers in front of you. Do not lower or raise your elbows, keep straight, parallel to the floor. If you can't keep your elbows up, round your back. Breathe in, then begin to press your fingers against each other, keeping your elbows straight.
  • Pulling the leg back. Get on your knees, leaning on your elbows and palms of your hands. Stretch one leg, resting your toe on the floor, head raised, look in front of you. Next, take a breath, and while retracting the abdomen, raise your leg high, while the sock is directed towards you. Squeeze your buttocks at the same time.

For the abdomen, perform the following Bodyflex complex (do exercises for weight loss in each direction three times).

  • Lateral stretch. From the preparatory pose, with your left elbow, lean on your left knee, with your right foot stretch your toe to the right, and with your right hand to the left. At the same time, do not tear your right foot off the floor, and do not bend your right arm at the elbow, hold it above your head.
  • Abdominal Press. Lie on your back, bend your knees, spread your legs apart. Raise your hands up, do not take your head off the floor. Breathe out, pull your arms up, lifting your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor, head thrown back. If this exercise is hard to do, then watch the Bodyflex lessons with Marina Korpan, who made many exercises easier, diversified, modified.
  • Scissors. In the supine position, stretch your legs and lay next to each other. Place your hands under your buttocks to press your lower back to the floor. Perform a breath. Then raise your legs from the floor ten centimeters, making wide, quick horizontal crosses with your legs.

For the hip area, the following Bodyflex gymnastics for weight loss is offered.

  • Seiko. Get on your knees and hands. Set aside your left leg at a right angle relative to the body. Breathe in, and then while drawing in the abdomen, lift this leg up and pull forward to the head. The position of the toe does not matter, the main thing is to raise the leg higher each time without bending it at the knee.
  • Boat. Sit with your legs spread out to the sides as much as possible, pull your socks over you, put your hands behind your back, lean on them. Breathe out, then bend your body to the floor, hands "go" forward, stretching the muscles of the thighs. The knees must not be bent during the exercise.
  • Pretzel. Sitting on the floor, you need to bend your knees, while the left leg should be higher than the right, which cannot be bent. Right hand hold on to your left knee, and with your left hand - behind your back. Perform breathing, then try to pull your leg closer to your chest and at the same time turn your body in the opposite direction.
  • Stretching the hamstrings. In a prone position, raise your legs perpendicular to your torso, point your toes down so that your feet become straight. Grasp the front of your calves with your hands, keeping your head on the floor during the entire exercise. Take a breath, then begin to slowly draw your legs to your chest.
  • Cat. Get on your knees and hands, back straight, look straight ahead. Perform breathing, now lower your head and at the same time arch your back, as if hung by a hook.

Enough for beginners this complex"Bodyflex". Exercises for weight loss, which are described above, must be performed three times. Please note that gymnastics can be varied or exercises can only be performed on problem areas. For example, you need to remove the stomach, then do the exercises “Side Stretch”, “Scissors”, “Abdominal Press” and you can add “Pretzel”. But it is best to work on all areas at the same time, and once you have achieved the desired shape, go only to those areas that need to be corrected.

Bodyflex results: before and after

Many losing weight do not see their results, since only a few lose kilograms, but centimeters “melt” for everyone. Therefore, before classes, start a notebook, where you enter the data weekly:

  • date of measurement,
  • volume under the breast (above the navel by two centimeters),
  • waist size,
  • volume under the waist (below the navel by five centimeters),
  • hip size,
  • the volume of the leg at the widest part,
  • arm circumference at its widest point.

In addition, every week write about your achievements: how many centimeters it took in each zone, what was the weight, how do you feel. Then you can see your successes or small failures. Please note that for the breathing technique, there are also periods of “downs”, when the weight can stand still. Do not panic, do not break down, continue to do "Bodyflex".

What are these recessions? This is the reaction of the body to In fact, he will not understand what they want from him. If you stop exercising, then the weight will begin to grow rapidly, and if you persist, then the fat cells will continue to be burned. Such a respite can last from several weeks to several months.

Important about gymnastics

Exercises should be performed daily until you get the desired shape. Further, you can reduce classes to two times a week. Perform the complex on an empty stomach in the morning, then activate the metabolism, feel cheerfulness. But you can do it at any time, just don’t eat for two hours before classes, and don’t eat for at least half an hour after the complex. You can drink only water without sugar, gas.

"Bodyflex" does not limit food, does not focus on diets, but in order to achieve quick results, it is necessary to exclude sweet and starchy foods, ketchups, mayonnaises and other unhealthy foods. Of course, you can not exclude them, over time your body will quietly switch to smaller portions. healthy eating by reducing the volume of the stomach. It's just that your path to gaining slender forms will be a little slower than those who combine proper nutrition with the Bodyflex system.

Before and after photos of losing weight become proof that without surgery and strict diets, you can achieve the desired shape. These people can afford weakness, but in moderation. For example, not to eat a piece of cake every day, but to arrange a holiday when you lose the next size in clothes with a half portion.

So, let's sum up. "Bodyflex" with the help of breathing, special stretching poses tightens the muscles, which is why centimeters go away. On average, for the first week in the hips, waist, legs, it takes from ten to thirty-five centimeters. If the weight is worth or the results are below the average, then the reason is incorrect execution breathing, isometric and isotonic postures. Also, malnutrition affects the lack of results, that is, you increase the amount of sweets and starchy foods in the diet, hoping that oxygen will burn all the calories consumed.

In order to perform each exercise correctly, first do them without watching your breath, remember their sequence. Next, learn how to breathe correctly, put your hand on your stomach and chest to make it clearer. After the preparatory pose, quickly move on to the main complex, since there is an eight to ten second countdown from it.

When your figure reaches ideal forms, you can add a power load. Just put weight bracelets on your wrists and legs. Such exercises are most important during menopause, as bones become brittle during menopause. Combine classes, add your stretches and lose weight for health!

Bodyflex- a system of weight loss and normalization of the body. It is a great alternative to running and dieting. Bodyflex was developed by a simple housewife, but quickly proved its effectiveness and became known throughout the world.

This system is ideal for people with overweight, as training is simple and non-exhausting, and the result is noticeable after a few weeks. It is also very popular among people with a lack of personal time, because the lesson takes only 15 minutes a day.

As in any weight loss methods and training systems, bodyflex has certain rules and requirements. If some are not followed, there will simply be no result from training, and if you do not listen to others in time, you can even harm your own health.

System. Bodyflex exercises should be daily. Workouts should not be skipped, otherwise you will not get the expected effect. Having missed more than 3 classes, you will have to practice breathing again almost from scratch.

self-discipline. Be hard on yourself: Regardless of your mood, desire to lie on the couch, or complaining about the lack of time, set aside 15 minutes a day for classes. Training should only take place on empty stomach. It is best to do this before breakfast, when a new portion of food has not yet entered the stomach.

Endurance and strict adherence to instructions. The time allotted for classes should not be less than or exceed 15-20 minutes. Do not invent new exercises, do only those developed by Greer Childers.

Nutrition. The bodyflex system does not imply any food restrictions, that is, in addition to exercises, there are no special diets. But don't forget about proper nutrition and, having started classes according to this technique, become a lover of fast food. You need to eat small portions, but often and, of course, try to avoid junk food.

Proper breathing. Before moving on to full-fledged activities, it is important to learn how to breathe in and out correctly. Breathing should not be superficial, but abdominal, then the lungs will function at 85 - 100%, and not at 25% as usual.

Where to begin

After reading rave reviews on the Internet, many believe that the bodyflex system is suitable for everyone without exception, but in fact there are limitations. And it is important to know everything about them before starting training.

Bodyflex restrictions

Pregnancy. The main thing in this training system is proper breathing, which cannot be achieved without creating a high tension of the abdominal walls. And this, in turn, can cause significant harm to the unborn baby and even stimulate a miscarriage. If you still remain a fan of bodyflex, then get away from breathing exercises and leave only stretching.

Chronic illness, injury, or recent surgery. Deep breaths and breath holding provoke a state of stress in the body. At the same time, it increases heartbeat, rises arterial pressure, all this combined with training (tension) different groups muscles can adversely affect human health.

Decide what you expect from training

weight loss. Bodyflex is especially suitable for people with excess body fat. Classes will help not only lose weight, but also tighten flaccid skin. In this case, after a couple of weeks of “correct” training (first you need to learn how to correctly perform breathing exercises), results will be visible both in weight loss and in the general tone of the body. Those who have a small percentage of excess weight (there is no loose loose fat) should not expect great results in losing weight.

Noticeable improvements in health. According to research regular classes bodyflex help strengthen immunity, reduce the risk of heart disease and the development of cancer cells, normalize work digestive system and even help to forget about such a bad habit as smoking. In order to increase the overall tone of the body, it is useful for both women and men to engage in this system.

How to organize classes for a beginner

What is required for classes

Those who have already tried bodyflex claim that it is akin to yoga. What will be required to start training and will the set be identical?

1. Essential item - rug. As with yoga, for bodyflex exercises you need to purchase a gymnastic mat. It will be convenient to train with it, take various gymnastic poses, without being distracted by sliding your legs on the floor.

2. Pay Attention to Your Workout Suit. It has been scientifically proven that women are more responsible and find it more interesting when they perform the exercises in beautiful clothes that are specially selected for such training. Of course, a positive attitude plays an important role, it can significantly speed up and enhance the result, but try to choose not only a beautiful, but also a comfortable suit.

Primary requirements:

  • do not restrict movement;
  • do not overtighten with a tight elastic band in the waist and abdomen;
  • be soft and flexible.

Perfect fit gym leggings or shorts and crop tops. For those who prefer a more free style - cotton T-shirts and trousers with elastin. Don't forget thick socks, you won't need shoes to do the exercises.

3. Take care of study materials. Find exercises on the Internet, purchase books or video tutorials on body flex. Books and websites should contain not only detailed description exercises, but also necessarily illustrations for clarity. If the choice fell on a video course, then make sure that the place for training is near video equipment (monitor or TV).

4. Do not forget about the strict control of the time allotted for one lesson. Since the lesson should not last more than 15 - 20 minutes, there should be a watch in your observable space. You can even set a timer that will signal the end of the workout. You will also need a stopwatch (can be replaced with a clock with a second hand) to control the time when holding your breath.

So, to organize classes, beginners will need the following: a rug, a tracksuit, a watch with a second hand or a timer, visual materials on body flex and free space for classes.

Mastering the breath

Breathing in bodyflex is the most important aspect. . It is because of whether you learn to breathe correctly that the whole result of training depends. To learn the basics of this “special” breathing, you need to take the “basketball player” pose and follow the instructions.

You need to empty your lungs of air.. This is done through the mouth. Remember to exhale in bodyflex is always necessary only with your mouth! We fold our lips as if we were saying “u”, then exhale slowly, trying to completely empty the lungs for the next breath.

Rapid breath. Breathe in bodyflex only with the nose, the mouth must be closed! Try to take as deep a breath as possible so that the lungs are completely filled.

Sharp exhalation. Remember that air is released through the mouth, but at this stage the lips are not stretched out by the tube, but are first folded together in a tight line (it is easier for women to understand if you imagine that you have just made up your lips and strive to evenly distribute the tone on the lips). So, quickly exhale the air, while "groin" should be heard.

Holding your breath. When performing this part of the breathing exercises, the head should be lowered down, the stomach pulled in. We count slowly, on the eighth count we move on to the final part.

Relaxed breath. We accept the initial position, relax the muscles and take a calm breath through the nose.

At the beginning of the breathing practice, you may feel a little dizzy or cough. Do not be afraid, just the lungs are not used to such hyperventilation. Over time, this will pass.

Mastering the exercises

First, consider the three main points with which the exercises will begin.:

"Basketball player":

  • half squat,
  • legs apart,
  • body tilted forward
  • palms a couple of centimeters above the knee.

"Wide seat":

  • looking up
  • the shoulder blades are brought together,
  • hands are behind the back
  • palms on the floor.

"Four point emphasis":

  • knees, pelvis, body, arms, everything should be at an angle of 90 °.


Now you can go directly to the exercises. Let's consider some of them so that beginners can understand the bodyflex system in more detail.

a lion

The muscles of the face and neck are toned. Regular execution helps reduce wrinkles.

Starting position "basketball player". In this position, the stomach is pulled in and breathing exercises are performed (stages 1-4). Then wide-open eyes should look up, and the lips should be folded as if they were going to pronounce "y", and go down, then the tongue protrudes as far as possible.

In this position, the breath is held for 8 seconds. The exercise is repeated five times.


Work on the inner thigh.

Starting position "wide seat". The first 4 stages of breathing exercises are performed.

The breath is held for 8 seconds after the torso is tilted forward, while the arms should be extended in front of you, the shoulders are lowered, the stomach is pulled in. Repeat 5 times.


Strengthening the muscles of the back, press, neck.

Starting position "four-point emphasis". The first stages of breathing are performed.

Hold for 8 seconds after the back is maximally arched up and the head is lowered down.

All exercises of the bodyflex system are accessible and easy to perform, but at the same time they bring amazing results. Complexes have been developed for the muscles of the face and neck, back and abs, legs and buttocks. Thus, devoting only 15 minutes of your time regular workouts, you can tighten your muscles, get rid of extra pounds and improve general state organism.

The modern world dictates its own rules of life. We live in a world of fast-flowing time, which is sorely lacking for the implementation of all our plans. We are used to living in multitasking mode: reading on the go e-books, feed the child and at the same time listen to the advanced training webinar. In such a crazy rhythm, it is very important to make time for yourself.

It would be good to pay attention to body culture every day. Perhaps there is no person in the world who would not like to have a beautiful, athletic body without a drop of body fat. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, not everyone can afford to visit Gym or fitness club. And so you want to always be in great shape! We bring to your attention effective methodology weight loss bodyflex with Marina Korpan. It includes a set of physical exercises for body shaping. Train every day for only 20 minutes - and the result will not keep you waiting! You will get a strong, fit, healthy body without even leaving home.

BodyFlex (BodyFlex) with Marina Korpan is a 15-minute daily set of exercises aimed at improving the body through breathing exercises and muscle stretching. Today she is one of the leading bodyflex trainers, the author of numerous books on healthy way life and technique of cleansing breathing exercises.

As an independent species physical activity bodyflex appeared in the twentieth century. Its author was the American Grieg Childers, a mother of many children and a housewife. After giving birth, she significantly gained weight and suffered greatly from extra pounds.

Being the mother of three children, she generously gave every minute of her life to the kids, taking care of them with love. And of course, she simply physically did not have the opportunity to leave the crumbs for a couple of hours and go to the gym. Nevertheless, she was very oppressed by extra pounds and the reflection in the mirror was not at all pleasing. However, she found a way out: having carefully studied the basics of fitness yoga, Grieg developed a unique system of exercises for the whole body. In combination with breathing exercises, they give a stunning effect - weight normalizes, metabolism normalizes, blood circulation in internal organs improves, swelling of the extremities disappears.

Marina Korpan and her great weight loss

According to some reports, Grieg managed to change the size of clothes from the 56th to the 44th. Agree, this is quite a serious result! Over time, she wrote a book about losing weight and shot several videos, due to which the body flex received wide publicity in the West. This brave woman has become an example and inspiration for thousands of other women. At the same time, our compatriot Marina Korpan was also interested in losing weight.

After reading the book by Grieg Childers, she decided to test the effectiveness of the described technique. Incredibly, after a while, the girl began to lose weight dramatically. At the same time, her thinness cannot be called painful - Marina Korpan's face is decorated with a gentle blush, and her figure, like that of a chiseled porcelain figurine, looks very feminine and harmonious.

Please note: before starting bodyflex, Marina weighed 75 kg. Over time, she turned into a slender and delicate inch, elegant and graceful. And I must say, she did it without much effort - without lifting weights and without exhausting herself in the gym.

I must say, Marina Korpan was engaged in body flex for a long time. Gradually, she introduced some variety to the body flex, and now she is demonstrating her author's training methodology to the whole world. Previously, Marina could not even imagine that she would someday become a coach and a real motivator for many women. different ages. Today she is happy to share her achievements and best practices with other applicants. effective method weight loss.

All Bodyflex lessons with Marina Korpan can be watched for free online or sign up for individual training. It is important that people of all ages and with any level of physical fitness can engage in body flex. Even if you have never played sports and did not like physical education at school, you will like the specifics of bodyflex exercises. Intense breathing techniques and simple yoga asanas will bring many benefits.

What happens during breathing exercises

In the process of breathing exercises, the fat cells of the body are saturated with a large amount of oxygen. Already after one month of daily exercises, your waist circumference will decrease by 7 cm. In addition, in the body flex, breathing techniques are combined with different exercises. Due to this, the spine is stretched, appears beautiful posture back pain disappears. Did you know that people with a royal posture burn calories much faster even when walking?

Features of training. Basics for beginners

All beginners are advised to start body flex exercises from Marina Korpan from the very first lesson. If you can't keep up with the trainer, pause the video and slowly repeat the exercise. Do not forget about breathing, exhalation should always be sharp and as deep as possible.

It is favorable to practice bodyflex on fresh air. Birdsong and morning dawn will add some magnetism to your practice. If you train indoors, do not forget to ventilate it well for 10-15 minutes. Note that all the video lessons of Marina Korpan complement each other. You can choose one exercise option that suits you or just alternate between different video tutorials.

Training complexes from Marina Korpan have already received a large number of positive feedback among those who are losing weight, and the number of its adherents is steadily growing. In her video tutorials, Marina Korpan focuses on the cleansing breathing technique, which is the basis of all exercises. She is an attentive, active and energetic trainer. Below are her author's bodyflex video tutorials.

First lesson

Marina Korpan's gymnastics for all parts of the body perfectly works out the most deep muscles. The first lesson focuses on pectoral muscles, back, abs, buttocks and thighs.

This video was filmed while Marina was losing weight. Now the girl looks completely different. This man has come a long and difficult path to a dream. In addition, due to her experience, she perfectly understands people with overweight and aware of all the pitfalls that lie in wait for them on the way to a slender body.

Lesson two

Marina Korpan has a fairly simple training principle. First, she talks about the technique of breathing exercises, then she demonstrates with her own eyes. Already after the introductory mini-lesson, together with training group the trainer performs the exercises. At this stage, more attention is paid to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms and the press. The exercises are quite simple, and if you have previously done yoga or body flex, you can start from the second session without even thinking.

Pay attention to the exercise "cat". If it is possible to perform at a large mirror - great. Make sure that the palm is clearly under the shoulders. Movements should be soft, lingering, accurate. At correct technique you will feel the relaxation of the spine and lightness in the back.

Lesson three

This bodyflex video tutorial from Marina Korpan already requires you to have minimal physical fitness. The muscles of the legs and abs are perfectly worked out. Regular performance of these exercises "burns fat" in the waist and hips. All kinds of twists and lateral tilts not only stretch the back muscles, but also form a wasp waist.

You need to train on an empty stomach. Refrain from eating and drinking a couple of hours before class.

Lesson Four

This complex provides deep study oblique abdominal muscles. Particular attention should be paid to building right position hands while doing bodyflex exercises. Listen to your body and feel how much exercise you need? During the first two weeks of exercise, try not to overload your body - enter the body flex gradually.

As you noticed, the main load is performed "on exhalation". Therefore, naturally, at the end of the exercise, a sharp breath is involuntarily obtained. This indicates the correctness of your execution technique.

Lesson five

This complex includes a repetition of the basics of breathing and performing basic exercises for hands and press. Feel how the oblique muscles of the abdomen are warmed up and everything superfluous gradually disappears.

At the end of the lesson - we are working on the press. Give daily 15-20 minutes of your time to bodyflex and you will get a healthy, beautiful, toned, embossed body.

In conclusion, we note that in our country bodyflex is a relatively new direction, and therefore causes a different reaction. However, despite skeptics and criticism, it is rapidly developing and popularizing along with Pilates and fitness.

Practical advice: for the best result, it’s a good idea to reconsider the principles of your diet. In no case should you starve yourself and go on diets.

Leading yoga trainers advise eating 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates and protein, but for dinner, it is advisable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Sweet tooth is recommended to replace sweets and gingerbread with apples, raisins and dried apricots. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients will speed up the process with regular bodyflex training.

It is important to understand what bodyflex is, what features distinguish this set of exercises from other programs for beginners, where to start classes. The bodyflex is based on the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, in which the lungs are used 100%, and not 25%, as in ordinary life. Saturating the blood with oxygen, you can speed up the metabolism and stimulate the process of fat burning.

The issue of losing weight worries almost every woman, because all girls want to look attractive and have a slender silhouette. Diets and debilitating power training not everyone can master in the gym. Today, there are alternative ways to get rid of excess weight and body fat. One of the most successful and popular options that is easy to learn at home for beginners is the body flex.

If you breathe correctly and do gymnastics, you can deliver oxygen strikes to fat deposits in certain areas and problem areas. This will allow you to notice the result of your efforts after 2-3 weeks of intensive training.

Basic Rules

The program was started by Greer Childers, a housewife from America. It was she who developed an effective method of losing weight, which allows you to replace debilitating diets and intense workouts. Reviews indicate that the program is extremely effective. Besides the fact that it helps to lose extra pounds, it can significantly improve well-being. After completing a full course of exercises, the figure will become slimmer, the skin is more elastic, internal organs healthier and overall feeling much better.

Bodyflex for beginners can be mastered with the help of a trainer. If you want to study at home, video lessons in Russian or Larisa Agapova, experts in weight loss and body shaping, will come to the rescue.

Before you start exercising non-stop, it is important to master the main rules of training according to the presented system:

  • you need to train no more than 20 minutes a day;
  • A 15-minute training is best done in the morning on an empty stomach, if you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of juice or herbal tea;
  • classes should be systematic, you can’t ignore training, making excuses that you will catch up later;
  • force yourself to train, regardless of mood and weather;
  • the program does not require a woman to follow a diet, but you need to follow the principles of a healthy diet, eat healthy food in fractional portions;
  • for training you need comfortable sportswear, gymnastic rug and video materials.

Bodyflex is an exercise without additional items (dumbbells, fitball), however, during training using this technique, you can burn 3,500 calories. For comparison, an hour of regular fitness allows you to get rid of 250 kcal.

Features of the breathing technique

Bodyflex training is based on proper breathing. Therefore, the advice for beginners is this, before starting classes, it is important to master the basics of breathing techniques. Whether you comprehend the practice of inhalations and exhalations depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of classes. Algorithm correct breathing is simple and accessible. The only thing you need is a little practice:

  • You need to empty your lungs. To do this, we fold our lips with a tube and, as it were, pronounce the sound “u”, exhaling to the very end. It is important to remember that all exhalations in bodyflex are carried out through the mouth.
  • Exhaling correctly, you need to take a quick breath. This is done with the nose, mouth closed. We inhale as deeply as possible to fill the lungs with air.
  • We exhale sharply, but this time it is necessary to do this not smoothly, but rapidly, squeezing the lips into a straight line. Exhaling, you should hear the sound "groin".
  • The next step is to hold your breath. To do this, you need to draw in your stomach, lower your head down. We count to ourselves up to 7, on the 8th unit we go to final stage.
  • Relax your muscles and inhale calmly through your nose.

The first sessions may cause coughing or dizziness. Do not be afraid, this is the body adapting to the increased work of the lungs and their hyperventilation. Over time, this phenomenon will pass.

It is important to understand that bodyflex has a number of contraindications and limitations. It is better to refuse breathing exercises during pregnancy. If you are an experienced supporter of the program, leave the stretch. It is forbidden to practice according to the bodyflex method if you have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, injury, or you have recently had surgery.

Often women are interested in when it is possible to start training according to the system after childbirth and cesarean section. There is no single answer to this question. It is important to feel good, be prepared for stress and consult with your doctor first.


The program begins with a warm-up. This allows you to prepare the body, physically and mentally adjust it in the right way. There are three positions in which to practice the breathing technology presented above, these are:

  • "Basketball player". We stand slightly bent legs, hands rest on the thigh just above the knee, the body is tilted forward.
  • "Wide seat". We sit on the floor and spread our legs as wide as possible. The shoulder blades are brought together, the hands are behind the back, palms rest on the floor.
  • "Four-Point Emphasis". We stand on all fours, the back is straight, the legs and arms are perpendicular to the body.

Having mastered the basic positions, you can proceed directly to training. There are many different exercises, but the most common are:

  1. "Boat". This exercise is aimed at working out the inner surface of the thigh. We begin to practice from the position of "wide sed". It is necessary to do breathing exercises, before holding your breath for 8 seconds, you should lean forward, stretch your arms, lower your shoulders and draw in the muscles of the abdominal wall. The exercise is performed 5 times.

  1. "Cat". During the movement, it is possible to use the muscles of the press, back and neck. To perform, you need to take the position of "emphasis on four points." Doing First stage breathing exercises. Before holding your breath for 8 seconds, you should round your back as much as possible, and lower your head down. Then return to the starting position, repeat 3-4 times.

  1. "A lion". This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the face and neck. We start training from the position of "basketball player". The exercise begins with 4 stages of proper breathing, then the lips must be twisted into a tube, and then open the mouth as wide as possible and stick out the tongue.

Also watch video:

To verify the effectiveness of the program, just try the bodyflex technique for beginners. By systematically training, you will notice that you begin to feel much better, the body has acquired the desired shape, and good mood has become your constant companion.