What shakes the wheel. Exercises with a roller for the press - we beat the wheel on fat deposits

The press roller is called sports equipment, which has a fairly simple structure. It is a handle divided into left and right sides by a wheel, which is located in the middle, thanks to which it is as comfortable and convenient to hold it with both hands as possible. The simplicity of the device does not mean that it has low efficiency.

Exercises performed with a roller pump well the muscles of the abdomen, back and triceps. This is true only when the execution technique is observed. Roller training is highly effective, and for most exercises you need to be a fairly experienced athlete.

Sports equipment must be such that it supports the body well and allows you to move back and forth without jerks. The gymnastic hard roller has a device that allows you to exercise on a tile or rug without making intermittent movements. The device, which has a double wheel, has a wide base and distributes the mass as evenly as possible.

It is recommended to choose a wheel in such a way that it maintains its stability under the weight of the athlete during the rental. For beginners, it’s easiest to work with rollers that have two parallel wheels or one, but rather wide. To achieve good stability, it is necessary to choose a rubberized wheel. It is absolutely stable on any surface. The device must have ergonomic foam handles.

This material allows you to firmly hold the wheel and maintain good balance. There are designs equipped not only with handles, but also with pedals. Such variants of videos help to diversify the set of exercises performed through this sports equipment. The handles must fit snugly against the palms, and the pedals help to hold the feet without any slipping.

Exercises with a roller for the press, requires good preparation. Without a well developed muscle mass it is impossible to provide proper support for body weight when rolling. The application of the roller causes the body to move, and the spine is stretched during the entire movement. This poses a challenge for the deep-lying spinal stabilizers and the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles.

Such an impact makes the roller an ideal device for pumping relief and strong abdominal muscles. The movement also involves the auxiliary femoral, shoulder, latissimus dorsi as well as triceps. They are responsible for stabilizing the body from the shoulder girdle to the very toes, which allows you to maintain balance when the wheel rolls under the torso.

9 Ab Roller Exercises

You should work with the device from a simple bar, but relying on a roller wheel, and only then move on to more complex ones, that is, when you are completely sure that you can move on to exercises that involve your knees, and only then to a full rental and other more complex variations. An absolute beginner can first work with a fitball.

The wheel plank strengthens the stabilizing muscles and also helps you get a feel for how to properly hold the roller and balance.


  • before the gymnastic roller get on all fours;
  • grab the handle with both hands, pointing the palms down;
  • the torso is raised to the plank position, and then straightened in one line from the head to the very heels;
  • the body is kept in constant tension and the accepted position is held for 30-60 seconds.

Do three to four repetitions.

This is the next most difficult exercise, which allows you to move to a new level of complexity. At first, rolling from your knees is best done with a folded towel or flat pillow.


  • kneel down, take hold of the handles and stretch out their arms;
  • to avoid arching the lower back, tighten the abdominal muscles;
  • roll slowly forward as far as possible;

It is best to stretch your arms as far forward as possible so that the chest is slightly above the floor surface. If it is difficult to do this, then they fall by half. The number of repetitions is from five to ten times.

It is best to start doing the exercise with small ranges, increasing progress gradually. Each athlete chooses the optimal length of the rental for himself. You need to move until you are able to return back through the use of the abdominal muscles.

This is another option for beginners that allows you to perfectly maintain both a fixed length of the video and the training pace. Using the wall as a focal point. It is recommended to perform the rental rather slowly.


  • become about a meter from the surface of the wall;
  • perform rolling from the knees so that the roller comes into contact with the wall;
  • return to their original position.

Do five to ten repetitions.

Implementation full rental with the help of a roller is an exercise of an increased level of complexity, but with a wide stance it is much easier to do it. When the exercise is mastered, the position is changed, narrowing the distance between the legs, until a full roll is completed.


  • legs are placed along the width of the shoulder girdle, bending at the waist, and then grasping the handle of the roller lying on the floor;
  • the back and arms are kept straight and rolled forward until the torso becomes horizontal to the floor surface, resting their feet on the fingers in the same way as push-ups;
  • the wheel is rolled back towards the legs and again bent at the waist to return to the starting position.

Do five to six repetitions.

When rolling from knees in a wide stance is mastered, they move on to full skating, but already with a narrow stance. The exercise allows you to effectively engage the muscles of the whole body and involves the muscles of the shoulders, back, abs, and arms.

The next option after the frontal exercise is the oblique roll. The main emphasis in the exercise is on the oblique muscle groups of the abdomen.


  • get on both knees and grab the handles;
  • but, instead of direct movement, begin to roll forward, and then turn at an acute angle (45 degrees), completing the exercise in this direction;
  • return to the starting position, and then slowly roll at the selected angle to the right.

Do about five or ten repetitions.

This rental is a complex version of the frontal. The weight is held by the hand on the roller. The main advantage of this exercise is the creation of additional tension on the stabilizing muscles. Initially, it is given quite difficult, so you should not start with full version. At first it is better to practice rolling from the knees.


  • kneel down or stand right in front of the roller, depending on whether they are practicing or working;
  • bend along the waistline, and then grasp the handle with one hand;
  • slowly move forward, focusing on muscle groups ah case;
  • return to their original position.

Do three to five repetitions. When making a rental, make sure that the body does not tip over to the side. To maintain balance, it is allowed to stick to the floor surface with your free hand.

On one leg

It is a complicated option that requires a lot of strength from the stabilizer muscles. You should proceed to this exercise after mastering the full roll on two legs.


  • stand directly in front of the projectile;
  • bend at the waist and grab the handles of the wheel;
  • the back is kept straight, and the arms are extended and rolled forward;
  • return to the starting position, standing on one leg and again bend at the waist.

Do about five to ten repetitions.

This variation of rolling requires the use of a roller, which is equipped with special foot pedals, since the rolling is carried out not by hands, but lower limbs. This exercise involves the hands, shoulder girdle, oblique and abdominal muscles.


  • the feet are fixed in special pedal fixtures and become a plank, keeping straightened in elbow joints hands under the shoulders;
  • roll the wheel with the involvement of the legs so that both knees move to chest, holding upper part still;
  • straightening knee joints until they return to the plank position again.

This variation uses the stabilizing muscles and oblique abs.


  • the feet are fixed in the pedals and stand in the bar, stretching the arms in front of the shoulder joints;
  • the wheel is rolled with the feet and moved to the right elbow;
  • return to the plank position and roll to the left.

Perform eight to twelve repetitions.

This variation resembles a crease, but the legs are kept straight:

  • the feet are also fixed in the pedals and rise to the bar, stretching the arms under the shoulder joints;
  • engage the muscle groups of the body and slowly roll the roller wheel to the top, bend at the hips, lifting gluteal muscles up;
  • roll the roller to its original position.

Do from eight to twelve repetitions.

The press roller may seem quite simple to use, but it requires serious effort from the athlete, and, most importantly, well-developed muscle groups of the body, since they are activated during the roll.

If the exercises are done incorrectly, then due to the excessive load exerted on the muscles of the back and hip flexors, the likelihood of injury increases. They are not recommended for those people who have problems with an intervertebral hernia or bottom back.

To comply correct technique performance and not get injured while working with the roller, you should follow a few rules:

  • always check that the movement is carried out with the help of a wheel, and not due to the movement of the rug located on the floor;
  • do not bend in the lower back and do not let the body or knees touch the floor surface;
  • always keep your back, legs and arms straight;
  • do rolling, regardless of the degree of difficulty, slowly, increasing progress gradually;
  • reduce the range of motion performed if there is pain in the shoulder girdle;
  • concentrate all attention on the muscles of the press.

Proper ab roller training involves maintaining a slow speed. When the back begins to sag, it means that the roll is either made from the knees or the length is shortened. The head should be in a neutral position and the chin should be slightly tucked in to help protect the neck and lower part back.

It is recommended to perform exercises with a roller after a good warm-up, as they immediately give an intense load on the muscles of the whole body. At the end of the training, they do a hitch, that is good stretch. Beginners should use the wheel twice a week, and only then increase the number of training days with it to five times. This also applies to repetitions. You need to start with two or three, and then increase the pace.

In many homes, those who are friends with sports, you can often notice a strange device. This is a small wheel with two handles on the sides. Probably, in every Soviet family there was such a thing, along with a strange iron circle, on which it was customary to “wind” a thin waist.

One way or another, the press roller to this day remains a very popular and inexpensive unit for home workouts. It can be used by almost any member of the family: from kids to pensioners. Everyone will find something to their liking. Therefore, let's analyze the exercises for the press with a roller today.

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So, as we have already found out, we only need a comfortable place to practice, a smooth and even floor, a wheel with handles for the press. Roller exercises can be easier or more difficult. Let's get started.

Basic rules for classes

What is the main advantage of this simulator? The fact is that it loads not only your abdominal muscles, but also allows you to work out other parts of the body, for example, your back, arms and legs. Thanks to this simple adaptation, your whole body will tone and strengthen, and if you had excess weight then he will leave you forever. The maximum load, of course, will fall on the press.

If you are just starting your studies, then do not rush to perform labor feats. Don't overstress! Otherwise, in the next two days, you risk suffering from severe muscle pain. As a result, after the experienced inhuman torments, the roller is thrown under the cabinet into the farthest corner, and you forever forget about this useful, in general, simulator.

The most efficient for early stages workouts are considered 8-12 repetitions, then a short rest and another approach. There are 3 steps to take.

Exercises for beginners

When you start training, remember the main principle: you are not in a sprint competition, where speed is of great importance. Take your time, feel your press and its work. In addition, this approach will save you from injury.

One of the most simple exercises- this is roller skating in a kneeling position. Any recruit can start with it, and even a baby can master the execution technique. You need to kneel down and put the simulator in front of you. The wheel is directly under the shoulders.

Rest your palms on the handles and begin to move forward. With each such rollback, the hips and body gradually fall lower and lower to the floor level. Get to the point where your body is almost straight and come back. In this case, neither the body nor the legs should touch the floor. We make several approaches.

Sometimes even this option causes a lot of difficulties for beginners. After all, it is very problematic to maintain balance in this case only by muscle strength. What to do? I can offer you an even simpler and safer way. Take the roller and go to the wall.

Calculate the distance from her to you so that you can twist, touch the wall and still not fall. Get started without any worries. Thus, it is possible to adjust the angle of inclination of the body from minimum to maximum, that is, when the body is practically parallel to the floor. Watch your breath. Returning to the starting position, exhale only through the mouth.

By the way, when working with such a simulator, you can wear special protection on your knees so as not to injure this very delicate part of the body. A variant of the same exercise is also rolling out the wheel not directly in front of you, but first to the left side, and then to the right, thereby engaging almost all groups of oblique abdominal muscles.

They move on to more complex options when you can easily do about 20 repetitions during one approach. After that, you can master other varieties.

How to do exercises with a press wheel in a more complex version? Lie down on the floor on your stomach, and stretch your arms along with the roller in front of you. The legs are straightened and rest with the toes on the mat. As you exhale, lift your body up without lifting your hips from the floor. This exercise does not have a very large range of motion and is also accessible to beginners.

Exercises for trained athletes

Classes with the wheel in a standing position are recommended to be mastered after you learn how to use it well in the previous complex. We will do everything the same, just try to put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend down to the floor in the form of the letter "L".

If in the previous case you had fulcrum on your knees, now it will be your feet and toes. Therefore, try to either wear shoes that allow you to be stable, or choose a surface where your foot will not slip.

In the same way, this series can be started at the wall, choosing such a distance for yourself, which will seem to you, firstly, safe, and secondly, feasible. In this case, we also follow the previous recommendations and lower the body further and further each time until it is almost parallel to the ground.

When you do these exercises, be sure to watch your lower back. In no case should you bend it, avoiding excessive stress on the joints.

If your simulator has special grooves into which you can insert your legs, then you can also master the exercise from a prone position. We put our feet into special recesses and begin to roll the wheel towards ourselves, while bending in the lower back. The pelvis is slightly raised.

Kneeling, you can do another exercise. The back in it should be even, and only the hands will work. We load the oblique muscles of the abdomen, making rhythmic movements of the hands back and forth. Feel how your triceps, biceps and delts work.

If it’s still difficult for you to imagine how to work with the press wheel, exercises for beginners: you can watch a video or photo of their implementation just below.

There are other more complex options for practicing with a roller. True, for this you will need two such simulators.

In the starting position, we kneel on the floor, holding the handle of the wheel in each hand. Now we stretch into the bar (as if we are going to do push-ups), moving forward first right hand and then lifting the body on outstretched arms up, and after that the left arm.

In fact, this is a variant of very laborious push-ups, for which you need to be the owner of very strong abdominal muscles. We do 10 push-ups on the left hand and 10 on the right.

So, for today, these are all exercises for the press with a roller, master them, and I am preparing new options. Reviews of those who worked with such a simulator indicate that if you work with it regularly, the results will not be long in coming.

Of course, if you decide, then you should not limit yourself to the wheel. Schedule a program for yourself so that it includes various loads. Diversify your abs exercises with push-ups, twists and other complexes. Here are the links:

In addition, any coach will advise you to have a diary where you will write down the date and program of your classes. It will allow you to track your progress, remember all the working weights, plan a further program, and so on.

Looking for more more tips and exercises for men and women? Here on this resource you can read a ton of useful information:

For today, this is all that I want to tell you, but not everything that I would like and am going to do in the very near future.

The gymnastic wheel for the press is a very simple, but at the same time highly effective simulator. Its main purpose is to strengthen the press. This device has practically no competitors, as it gives maximum load to the abdominal muscles. Even a beginner can perform exercises with a press wheel, and the result will appear in a fairly short time. a short time.

Advantages and disadvantages of a sports wheel

In fact, this wheel has such a small size for a simulator that you can easily work out with it even in a cramped apartment.

Another weighty argument in favor of purchasing a sports wheel for the press is its cost. This device is very inexpensive, but in terms of efficiency it is not inferior in any way.

Like any other sports equipment, the wheel has its drawbacks, although in comparison with the result obtained, they are completely insignificant. For some, it may seem that it is almost impossible to perform exercises on this simulator without preparation. In fact, the training will be quite difficult, but each time, getting used to the loads, the exercises will become easier and easier. In addition, approaching the dream of beautiful press, you yourself will want to perform even unbearable loads.

What muscles are loaded

The press wheel can affect not only the abdominal muscles. While exercising with this projectile, you can feel that it acts on other muscles of the body.

The strongest tension falls on the muscles of the press and back. As you know, these muscle groups are closely interconnected, so it is very important to work out this zone in parallel. This approach will enable you to achieve maximum results.

In addition, when exercising with the wheel, the load is also distributed to the muscles of the arms and legs - although it is small, it is still there. This effect will be quite enough for the whole body to look more attractive and slim over time. Some girls note that such exercises even affect the muscles of the buttocks. They become tight and elastic.

It is very pleasant that the sports wheel for the press works quickly and efficiently. In order to see an obvious result in about 1-1.5 months, it is enough to practice every day or at least 4-5 times a week.

How to pump the press with a wheel

Before starting classes, dress in clothes that do not hinder movement. To prevent hair from climbing into your face, collect it at the back of your head in a ponytail. Lay something soft on the floor - it can be a special rubber mat or a regular bedspread.

Before doing exercises with the ab wheel, be sure to warm up. In this case, aerobic exercises will perfectly warm up the muscles, preparing them for active training.

A prerequisite is the observance of the correct rhythm of breathing. When the torso bends, inhale, returning to the starting position, exhale the air as much as possible. Each exercise should be repeated 10-15 times. After a while, these loads may seem easy to you, which means that you can gradually increase the number of approaches.

It is also worth noting that the smaller the diameter of the press wheel, the more difficult it will be to perform the exercise.

Exercises for the press with a sports wheel

This set of exercises in a short time will help you pump up the press with a wheel:

  • get on your knees and place the press wheel in front of you. Lean on it with your hands and try to move smoothly back and forth. Tilt the body forward as much as possible, then return to the starting position.
  • lie on your stomach and, with outstretched arms, use the wheel to stretch forward. Transfer the load to the projectile and, without bending your arms, pull it towards you. Do not tear off your legs and bend over. After a break, repeat.
  • sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Place the wheel on your right. Pressing on it with your hands and bending your body, roll it as far as you can. Return to IP. Perform the same movements on the left side. Remember that you can't bend your legs.
  • stay on the floor, but bend your knees. Place the handles of the wheel under your feet and start rolling it using your legs. The further the projectile moves off, the more your body should lean (chest touches the knees). Slowly return to IP. Take a break for a couple of seconds and continue.
  • stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Then lean your body down, as if putting a wheel on the floor. Press down on it and roll the projectile forward until your chest touches the floor. Stop at the end point for a couple of seconds and return to the PI.

Abs wheel exercises video

That's all, you have learned how to pump the press with a wheel, the only thing left is to find the strength in yourself to start exercising. Be healthy and beautiful! We remind you that exercises with a press wheel are not recommended for those with diseases of the cardiovascular system and problems with the spine.

Everyone wants to be the owner of a toned torso and surprise everyone with the relief of their developed muscles. After the winter, the excess weight that has appeared requires active action: it is necessary to deal with the shortcomings of the figure, and this can be done at home - for this there are special exercises on a press roller.

Gymnastic roller for the press

The Torneo press roller has a simple mechanism, it consists of a rotating wheel and a handle. This is an ideal simulator to tighten the stomach, pump up the body. The advantages of the roller are that you can not visit gym and work on yourself at home. Press exercises with a roller will help you quickly achieve the desired result. You need to choose a roller simulator taking into account physical training:

  • If you are just starting to practice, buy a circle with a limiter, where there is a return mechanism, it will help you return from the prone position to the starting position.
  • How more wheels the easier it is to maintain balance. Beginners should pay attention to the fitness video of this modification.
  • The wide wheel increases the efficiency of the load on the abdominal muscles. For professionals, the heavier the disc, the better.

How to deal with the press roller

Exercises on the press wheel are not recommended for those who have had a back injury, have osteochondrosis or an umbilical hernia. Classes with a roller give a great physical activity, if used improperly, may not be beneficial, but cause irreparable harm to health. Before using this sports equipment, it is better to consult a doctor for contraindications. Exercises with a roller for the press from the knees:

  1. Starting position: kneel down, hold the disk in outstretched arms under your shoulders, fix the roller on the floor.
  2. While inhaling, begin to roll the wheel forward until you reach the maximum distance. When moving, try not to bend your elbows. Try to stay in this position.
  3. While exhaling and straining as much as possible, begin to pull yourself back. Try to straighten up to the original position.
  4. You need to roll the wheel several times per approach.

Ab Roller Exercises for Women

When starting a workout, remember that even Not complex exercises with a press wheel for women can cause severe soreness. Be sure to stretch after class. Exercises with a roller for weight loss and the press:

  1. Get on your knees, placing them at a short distance. Hold on to the handle, rest on the floor. Move forward and backward in half amplitude.
  2. Repeat the previous exercise with full amplitude. Try not to bend your arms. Return to a straight stance.
  3. The “squat” option differs only in the initial position: lie on the mat at arm’s length, put the roller, grab the handle, stretch to your knees as you exhale.

Abs roller exercise for men

The simulator can be varied and effectively pumped up not only the press: the muscles of the back, legs, arms, buttocks take an active part during training. It is very difficult to pump the press with this device, but it is effective. Men first need to work only from their knees at a slow pace. Let it be 10-12 reps for two sets. It is better to watch the video before class in order to perform the exercises as correctly as possible. Gradually add tempo. The next stage of the training will be work from a standing position.

  1. Stand up to your full height with your legs slightly apart.
  2. Take the disk in your hands and rest it on the floor near your feet.
  3. Start rolling, always with even arms, try to stretch as far as possible, but do not lie down completely. Do the action by inhaling.
  4. When you manage to reach the maximum stretch on the floor, start lingering in the crease, the results from training will be more noticeable.

More complex exercises with a press wheel for men, when you move the roller obliquely or to the sides, this helps to strengthen the lateral muscles of the press:

  1. It is performed while sitting with legs stretched out.
  2. Push the roller away from you to the right and left 7 times.
  3. The same task can be performed from a full-length stand.

This exercise requires a lot of energy. Do it regularly and the effect will be amazing. And a more difficult task is to pump the press on the wheel on one hand: for this you need to use two rollers - one in each hand. More clearly, you can see all these exercises in the video, but for now:

  1. Take an emphasis lying down.
  2. One hand is motionless, and with the help of the second you stretch the body according to the same principle, but rising as much as possible in the prone position. Sports uniform you are guaranteed.

A beautiful press is the dream of many men and women. Meanwhile, to achieve the cherished "cubes" on the stomach is not so difficult. In order to pump up the press quickly and without much effort, an ordinary gymnastic video will help - the same one with which the heroine of the film “In love of her own free will” lost weight.
For classes, you will need only 15-20 minutes of free time every day and, of course, the gymnastic roller itself, which you can buy at any sports store.

How to deal with a gymnastic roller?

So, let's start training. You should wear socks or bare feet. To prevent knee injury, lay a special rug in front of you (quite good) or a folded non-slip blanket. Get down on the mat, kneeling and spreading them at a distance of about 10-15 centimeters from each other. The toes should rest on the floor.
Take the press roller with both hands by the special grooves and place the first phalanges of the fingers on them. Place the ab roller on the floor at the level of your head.

Lean completely on the roller so that your arms are as extended and tense as possible. Then smoothly transfer the weight of your own body to your hands. Under the pressure of your mass, the roller will naturally roll forward. Move the body following the roller, stretching the spine and straightening the legs. Important point: kneecaps should remain in place, and the arms should still be straight.

Keep moving forward until your stomach is completely on the floor. Direct your gaze in front of you, as if releasing the video from the field of view. Try to stretch your arms as far as possible and fix the achieved position.

We return to the starting position

To return to the starting position, pull the roller towards you without bending your arms. Gently lift your body as the roller approaches your abdomen. Take your time so that your hands do not break off the handles of the roller, and you do not fall. So, you are back to your starting position. If everything is done correctly, you will feel the tension of the abdominal muscles when moving in one direction or the other.

The result of exercising with a gymnastic roller

For achievement noticeable result you need to do 20 repetitions a day. To strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, you can change the direction of the roller to the right, then to the left. For even more stress on your obliques, sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and keeping them together. After placing the roller on the right side, move to the right side as far away from you as possible. Work with the whole body. After doing 10 sets, change the position of the roller and do 10 more sets for the left side.

Other effective exercises for the press can be found. If you are focused on the fastest possible result, the one developed by specialists will suit you and will be noticeable in three weeks.