Swimming programs for beginners. Swimming in the pool as an ideal way to lose weight and correct a problem figure

In any business, and especially in sports, it is very important to understand what you are striving for and whether you are acting correctly - this is what a plan is for.


First of all, it should be noted that there is no universal training scheme - it all depends on the individual characteristics, capabilities and goals of each person.

  • number of workouts: 3 times a week;
  • duration: for 30-60 minutes;
  • what to do: staging technique, development of endurance, strength and speed qualities (see details below).


Attention: long load on too high heart rate bad for the heart!

On the negative consequences of acidification of the heart muscle.

Therefore, it is imperative to control the pulse - calculate your maximum allowable Heart rate (220 minus your age), and take 50-80% from it and do not exceed this level, or also calculate the heart rate using the Karvonen formula (all are given).

Strength exercises

If you want to swim fast, achieve serious results, then in addition to training in water, training for swimmers on land is also recommended in order to prepare the relevant muscle groups involved in swimming.

This video explains it very well:

Beginner Program

1. Setting up the technique

If you are just starting out, First of all, you need to develop:

  • correct technique;
  • endurance.

Be sure to watch and try to do the exercises from this video:

If you already have correct technique(at least at some level), then you can begin to improve it, develop endurance - for this, go to the programs listed below.

2. Stroke count

Counting strokes per pool is an effective way to improve your technique (the fewer strokes you need, the better your technique).

Distance - 600 meters, crawl swimming:

  • twice 50 meters as a warm-up;
  • four times 25, counting the number of strokes - you need to try to make the same number of strokes in each segment;
  • four times 50, with a rest of 30 seconds after each segment;
  • four times 25, counting strokes;
  • twice 50 for a hitch - relaxed.

3. Endurance and proper breathing

Distance - 600 meters, direction - for the development of endurance and building correct breathing , so the latter should be given the most attention.


  • 100 as a warm-up with rest between segments;
  • four times 50 with a 30-second rest after each segment - the swimming speed should be the same throughout the distance;
  • four times 25 with a change of breath - in the first two segments, take a breath on the fourth stroke, in the last two segments, inhale on the second stroke;
  • twice 50 with any style with a thirty-second rest between segments;
  • 100 freestyle as a hitch - relaxed.

Important: for the health of the cardiovascular system, a hitch should always be done after any workout!

4.Crawl and one other style

Distance - 800 meters. Swimming:

  • warm-up crawl 150 with rest;
  • 4 x 50 with a change of style every 25 and a break between distances;
  • 4 to 25 freestyle with stroke count;
  • 4 x 50 with one of the styles at your own discretion with a break between distances;
  • hitch 150 relaxed.

5. Breath control

Distance - 800, crawl swimming:

  • warm-up 150 meters with rest;
  • 8 x 25 quick with a 30-second break;
  • 100 with stroke count per section and a decrease in their number on the next;
  • 4 x 25 fast with an attempt to hold the breath on each stretch with a 30-second rest between heats;
  • 100 with the count of strokes in the segment and a decrease in their number in the next;
  • hitch 150 meters.

Average level

1. Breath control and endurance

Distance - 900 meters, crawl training:

  • warm-up 2 x 100 meters with one break in the middle;
  • 4 x 25 fast crawl with 30 seconds rest between stretches;
  • 4 x 50 with three hits on each stroke and 15 second rest after every 50 meters;
  • 4 x 25 fast with a breath hold on the segment and a 30-second rest after;
  • 4 x 50 with three strokes on each stroke and a 15-second rest after each half hundred;
  • hitch 100 meters.

2. All styles

Distance - 900 meters, plan:

  • crawl warm-up 2 x 100 with rest at discretion;
  • 4 x 25 on the back with breaks of 15 seconds;
  • 4 to 25 breaststroke with breaks;
  • 4 to 25 butterfly with breaks;
  • 2 x 100 alternately - 25 each style with a break of 30 seconds after a hundred;
  • cooldown 200 meters.

3. crawl + complex

  • warm-up 200 without a break;
  • 4 x 50 freestyle with alternating speeds every 25 meters and a rest of 15 seconds;
  • 4 x 100 alternately - 25 meters each style with a break of 30 seconds after a hundred;
  • hitch 200 meters.

4. Crawl + complex No. 2

Distance - 1000 meters, plan:

  • warm-up crawl 100 meters without a break;
  • 4 x 50 alternating butterfly and crawl every 25 meters and a 30-second break after every 50 meters;
  • 4 x 50 - back and crawl;
  • 4 x 50 - breaststroke and crawl;
  • 4 x 50 freestyle with alternating speeds every 25 and rest;
  • cooldown 100 meters.

5. Endurance, breathing rhythm, turning technique

Option 1

  • warm-up crawl 300 meters without rest;
  • 4 x 50 crawl with change of breath - inhale on the 4th stroke for the first 25 meters and on the 2nd stroke for the next 25 meters with a rest of 15 seconds;
  • 200 crawls followed by 10 turns after every second stroke;
  • 4 x 50 in any style of your choice with a break;
  • hitch freestyle 300 meters.

Option 2

Distance - 1200 with the addition of turns, plan:

  • warm-up crawl 200 without rest;
  • 200 crawl followed by 4 turns after every fourth stroke;
  • 4 x 100 crawls, inhaling on the fourth stroke and resting 15 seconds after the cut;
  • 4 turns after every fourth stroke;
  • 4 to 50 with any style of your choice with a short break;
  • hitch 200 meters crawl.

How to increase crawl speed

Wayne Goldsmith is a famous American swimming coach.
  1. Reducing the time between swimming habitual style and on your feet (Killer Kick Set).

    Consists of two parts:

    • Finding the speed limit- for this you need to swim 50 meters style and add time 15 seconds, then swim this distance on your feet in less total time, after which you should subtract one second and try to swim out of the set time.

      When the swimmer touches the board at exactly the right time, the limit will be reached.

    • Speed ​​limit training- swim 8 x 50 on feet in the established speed limit with a two-minute allotment for each segment with a break.
  2. Improving time with more short distances(Over/Under Set). The point is to beat the old best time by breaking the workout into shorter chunks, gradually reducing the time for each distance.
  3. Stroke increase combination (8-10-12-14-16). The point is to do a certain amount of powerful strokes at the start, then swim a segment in more slow pace. Following this combination, the swimmer must do:
    • on the first segment - 8 powerful strokes and a more relaxed pace to the end;
    • on the second segment - 10 and then, as in the subsequent segments, similarly more calmly;
    • on the third segment - 12
    • on the fourth - 14;
    • on the fifth - 16;
    • 100-200 meters of hitch.
  4. Competitive exercise in pairs (Dive Cones). The bottom line is to overcome a larger segment of the distance in a specified period of time. That is, the goal of the swimmer is to swim a set number of segments in less time than the opponent. As stated sets, you can take 5 segments of 10 seconds, 4 of 15, 3 of 20, 2 of 25.
  5. Overcoming segments of 60 meters at maximum speed (Super Sixties). This distance is considered the best for the development of the speed qualities of a swimmer. As a training program, you can use option 6 to 60 with relaxing swimming between high-speed sections.

What to drink during class?

As with other aerobic workouts, during swimming, a person loses fluid.

At the same time, its losses are not so great compared to running and swimming - this is due to the fact that during swimming a person has additional cooling due to the surrounding water.

However, as fluid losses go on, it is recommended to complete.

There is no single approach here, but in general, you can follow the following:

  • If you are a beginner swimmer and your workouts are not very intense, then it is enough to take a bottle of water and make a few small bites. Don't Drink Too Much - Your body doesn't lose as much fluid with low-intensity exercise, and excess water in your stomach can cause discomfort.
  • If you have a more intense workout (but still not exhausting), then you can also drink water, just a little more.
  • If you have an intense, long and exhausting workout - then the body loses more fluid and it can be replenished isotonic drink containing salts and electrolytes (since they are also lost and need to be replenished). You can make such a drink yourself: mix water with compote, add a pinch of salt.

An excessive increase in fluid during exercise leads to an increase in the load on the heart (it is required to pump more blood), its lack - to the same thing (it is required to pump too thick blood). Because observe the "golden mean" based on the intensity of your activities: do not drink too much or too little.

Exercises for injuries

Swimming improves health and has a positive effect on the healing process in case of various injuries, therefore it is recommended in the treatment of spinal injuries, meniscus tears, fractures of limbs, and many other types of injuries.

If you have had an injury, then before the first trip to the pool, you should consult a doctor and get his recommendations.

Rehabilitation after injury involves a gradual adaptation in the water. As a rule, it is recommended to start with 20-30 minutes simple exercises with a smooth transition to more complex workouts.


Here is a good description of how to swim with a herniated spine:

spinal injury

Similarly, here is a variation of the exercise for a spinal injury:

Possible lesson plan

If you have previously been swimming and have an injury, here is an example of a possible training for scoliosis or spinal hernia (Check with your doctor about its admissibility in your case!):

  • 15-20 simple immersions in water for inhalation-exhalation;
  • 200 meters on the back with two hands;
  • 100 on the back with alternate throwing of hands;
  • 300 breaststroke with separate work of arms and legs;
  • 200 crawl with breathing through 2 strokes;
  • 200 butterfly;
  • 15-20 simple inhalation-exhalation dives in water.

How effective is swimming for weight loss and body shaping? This issue remains open for discussion and is very relevant today. There are several points of view and different results of the lessons.

Someone managed to get rid of body fat in this way and excess weight, and for some, training did not bring any benefit and did not reduce the numbers on the scales. Why is this happening? What secrets does this sport hold for those who want to become slim? Everything is in order.


To begin with, it is worth understanding how swimming affects weight loss from a medical point of view. A lot of research has been done on this.

Their results are unequivocal: the combination of this sport with proper nutrition is one of the most effective ways fight against extra pounds and fat deposits on various parts of the body. And intensive water procedures are more preferable than any other type of physical activity. And that's why:

  • depending on swimming style, in half an hour active classes you can burn from 200 to 400 calories;
  • if you choose what is best for losing weight: swimming or running, experts say that the first option is preferable, since in this case much more energy is spent - up to 25%;
  • double acceleration of metabolism;
  • lack of joint sprains and muscle overload;
  • the disappearance of cellulite, which is very important for women suffering from orange peel;
  • improved health: the functioning of the lungs and heart is normalized, working capacity is increased, pressure is stabilized, nervous tension is reduced;
  • the massaging effect of water (the so-called natural hydromassage) forms a slender, flexible, relief figure, as it not only burns calories, but also works out almost all muscle groups.

If you are planning to lose weight, numerous studies show that active and regular swimming in the pool will effectively help you with this. This means that if someone failed to lose weight in this way, they simply did not follow the recommendations of aqua fitness instructors and nutritionists, and could not take into account some of the nuances of such activities.

Indeed, just a week to go to the pool is enough to appreciate all its advantages in the fight against overweight.

According to research. Even just floating on the surface of the water (swimming is not necessary) can burn about 300 calories per hour.


If you still doubt whether swimming is good for weight loss, the list of its undeniable advantages in this matter will convince you that you can become slim and fit with it. It is this kind physical activity highly recommended for overweight women for several reasons:

  • swimming is an insignificant load on the musculoskeletal system, so many kilograms are not an obstacle for this sport;
  • water creates the effect of "hydroweightlessness", which allows you to perform even the most difficult exercises, without feeling tired and a serious load on the muscles, which still goes on;
  • swimming is suitable for weight loss of any category of citizens: teenagers and pensioners, athletes and even the disabled;
  • an additional and very pleasant bonus of this method of losing weight is a natural hydromassage that eliminates cellulite and orange peel;
  • active calorie burning.

So swimming as a way to lose weight - great option For fat people who, for some reason, are not suitable for training in the gym or practicing another sport.

And yet, not everyone manages to get rid of extra pounds by visiting the pool. The thing is that if you just come to the pool for a swim from time to time, without any set of exercises and programs, without the support of a coach and a scheme proper nutrition, nothing will work. Like any medal, there is also a downside - disadvantages.

Curious fact. If we compare swimmers with other athletes, among them there are 2 times less of those who suffer from hypertension.


Not everyone succeeds in losing weight by swimming in the pool, and it’s not the individual characteristics of the body that are to blame here. In this case, the special properties of this sport play their role. It is they who do not allow the body to part with extra pounds. And this happens for the following reasons:

  1. Swimming is insidious for all women, because after it many a brutal appetite wakes up, and if you surrender to it, the calories spent in the pool will return again.
  2. After this kind physical activity you get very tired, so there is a risk of spending the rest of the day without movement, and this is fraught with fat deposition.
  3. Calorie burning occurs directly during swimming, but it does not have a memory effect, that is, as soon as you leave the pool, this process will immediately stop.

Because of these shortcomings, some fitness trainers and instructors believe that swimming is not as effective in promoting weight loss as other sports. Therefore, they recommend choosing it as an additional technique to the main weight loss program.

The disadvantages include a list of contraindications for exercising in the pool:

  • skin problems;
  • epilepsy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncology;
  • heart disease;
  • stage III hypertension;
  • tuberculosis.

The pool is not allowed without a certificate from the therapist and dermatologist about the absence of these diseases. And losing weight by swimming in an open reservoir (lake, river and even the sea) is not always effective, because there is no trainer, equipment, program, etc.

But if there are no health problems and you can get around the shortcomings by gathering your will into a fist, it's time to acquire necessary inventory for classes.

This is interesting. Swimming is a very useful procedure for the cardiovascular system. If you do it regularly, the heart rate will be from 55-60 beats per minute instead of 60-65, like in ordinary people.

Required inventory

Determined to lose weight by swimming? Well, that's commendable, but first go to a sports store and get the necessary equipment for training.

Simple and very inexpensive equipment will make going to the pool a real holiday, it will make you feel like a professional, and most importantly, it will also actively participate in the fight against excess weight.

  • Glasses

Most important criterion when choosing goggles for swimming - tightness, i.e. the ability not to let water through.

  • Swimsuit

For active swimming, a woman will need a practical, comfortable swimsuit. It is nowhere, it should not rub and you should not be constantly afraid of losing it. It is better to give preference to a one-piece model, which should fit your size.

  • Beanie

There is no need to throw away money by purchasing a swimming cap. In their functionality, they are all the same - there is no fundamental difference in the models.

  • Slippers

Non-slip soles - this is the main criterion for choosing slippers in which you will get to the pool.

  • Flippers

Perhaps the only Sports Equipment which somehow contributes to weight loss. After all, swimming with fins increases the load on the legs and makes you lose weight more actively in the waist and sides.

Specifically, for training in the pool and exercises in the water, no specialized equipment is needed. And the above things are ignored by many, believing that they do not play any role in losing weight.

And only a few understand that without them, while swimming, there is a risk of catching an infection, getting conjunctivitis, slipping and getting injured. And all these circumstances will excommunicate you from classes for a long time, respectively - you won’t be able to say goodbye to being overweight either.

On a note. Best time for swimming lessons - 7-9 and 18-20 hours. In the morning, the body is relaxed and very susceptible to this kind of stress. In the evening, this sport is able to burn maximum calories.


As already mentioned, you will need a comprehensive program for swimming in the pool for weight loss, which you will either need to find and adapt for yourself, or call an experienced coach for help.

If you already have good skills in this sport, most likely, you will be offered the so-called interval training, which are considered the best option for everyone who wants to lose weight and correct the figure.

Interval training (for those who swim well)

Interval swim training for weight loss, with the right technique, can burn almost 10 times more calories than aerobic exercise for the same time interval. You should not start them on your own, because this is a serious burden on many organs. In addition, they are suitable only for those who can swim very well and feel like a fish in the water.

Consult with a trainer, try to objectively assess your capabilities - and only then proceed to their implementation according to the following methodology:

  1. Do a 10-minute warm-up on dry land.
  2. 10 minutes swim in the pool different styles Also as a warm up.
  3. Within 30 seconds, squeeze out 90% of your strength, swim with a butterfly.
  4. The next 30 seconds is rest when you need to swim at a calm pace breaststroke.
  5. For 1 lesson, repeat from 5 to 7 cycles, if possible.
  6. On the last cycle of forces should no longer remain.
  7. Over time, the body will train and by the end of the last interval there will be enough strength left. This is a signal to increase the active swimming phase and shorten the rest phase by the same amount of time.
  8. Classes are held every other day (or after 2) three times a week.
  9. Weight loss course - 3 weeks, then - an interval of 2 months and a return to classes.

This is the technique of swimming for weight loss using interval training. Such classes are very exhausting, require a certain physical training, but at the same time they grind the figure and make the muscles more embossed and beautiful. With such a correction, there is no need to be afraid of anorexia or dystrophy.

But what about those who do not know how to swim so well and are not ready for such exhausting loads?

Average fitness level

Often a person can swim well, but the level of his physical fitness does not allow him to perform interval training. For weight loss, they can be advised a more lightweight scheme of classes:

  1. 10 minutes warm-up on land.
  2. 15 minutes of calm swimming so that the body gets used to the water.
  3. Holding a board (ball) in your hands, swim 200 m using only your legs.
  4. On the way back, hold the same equipment (ball, board) with your feet and swim the same distance using only your hands.
  5. Swim in one direction as quickly as possible, in the other - slowly. Perform in the same style. Do 4-5 times.
  6. Relax. Swim on your back for a few minutes.

Typically, this weight loss technique using swimming is chosen by people with overweight who find it difficult to perform too intense loads.


Some specifically learn to swim in order to lose weight. And not in vain. After all, for them, too, there is a whole program of classes to combat excess weight. At first, they should last no more than 30 minutes, but gradually, as the body gets used to the water, they are increased to 1 hour. Training scheme:

  1. 5 minutes warm-up on land.
  2. So much in the water.
  3. 5 minutes - crawl.
  4. 5 minutes rest.
  5. 5 minutes - breaststroke.
  6. 5 minutes rest.
  7. 5 minutes - on the back.
  8. 5 minutes rest.

If you set yourself the goal of losing weight with the help of swimming, you can do this only by approaching the matter competently. These training programs are indicative. Usually, trainers adjust them taking into account the individual characteristics of the client.

In particular, you need to be able to choose the right swimming style for your body. After all, each of them works in priority on a certain part of the body.

Wow! Mass in water human body decreases as much as 10 times. If only it were the same with weight!

Swimming styles

Basic swimming styles

The training regimen described above helps effective weight loss. But if you include in them a certain style of swimming that corrects the shape of the body in some particular part, this will allow you to get rid of fat deposits in these problem areas.

The map below will reveal these secrets to you:

  • breaststroke swimming is considered the most effective for weight loss, which makes the shape female legs incredibly slim;
  • crawl, butterfly train the muscles of the hips, buttocks, abs, so use them to lose weight in these places;
  • swimming on your back will help you get rid of fat on your sides.

And absolutely any style of swimming always works for shoulder joint and strengthening the press. If you regularly go to the pool, the tummy will be flat and elastic, regardless of how you swim.

In addition to all these trainings, there are also special exercises to perform in the water, which also allow you to adjust the figure in various places.

Did you know?.. Among female swimmers, crawl style is considered to make the waist thinner and slimmer.


If you need to lose weight in a certain part of the body that suffers from body fat, choose a special set of exercises for swimming. For each visit to the pool, they need to complete 5 approaches. Start with 10 reps for 1 set, gradually increasing this amount.

The maximum number is 100. A sign that you are doing everything right is the tension in the area that you want to correct.


  1. If you need to swim to slim your legs, swing them right in the water.
  2. Walking in water with arms outstretched and knees high. Try to speed up from time to time.
  3. Legs - together, hands - on the sides. Spread your legs to the sides, at the same time bring your hands together.

Waist, sides

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Hands are on the sides.
  3. Deep breath.
  4. Stretch your knees towards your chest.
  5. Inhale.
  6. Lower your legs.
  7. This exercise is called "Ballerina", and it is better to use it for weight loss of the abdomen in the water.


  1. Clamp the ball with your feet and swim using only your hands.
  2. Do the scissors exercise with your arms extended forward in the water.
  3. Butterfly - best swimming for slimming hands.

Eat different complexes exercises to perform them in water in order to lose weight. You need to look for one that will be effective for your body. To help - a coach and a worldwide network.

At the same time, do not forget that swimming has its own nuances that can interfere with getting rid of excess weight. They need to be able to bypass them.

This applies to water exercises. For those who wish to additionally exercise outside the pool, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the exercises for losing weight in the same parts of the body, only at home or in the gym: "" and "".

Keep in mind. Swimming is a great solution if other sports are contraindicated due to joint problems, back problems, obesity or pregnancy.

In order for swimming to really benefit and contribute to effective weight loss in the shortest possible time, you should try to follow the following rules.

  1. For the first lessons and the choice of a training scheme, take an instructor.
  2. You should always start with a 10-minute warm-up on dry land to warm up the muscle tissue.
  3. Another 10 minutes - warm-up at the sides, so that the body gets used to the water.
  4. The pace increases gradually towards the middle of the lesson, and then also gradually decreases.
  5. Use backstroke to restore your breathing.
  6. The first 2 weeks of classes should last no more than half an hour, the next 2 - 45 minutes each, and finally, you can move on to hourly workouts.
  7. The frequency of classes is every other day.
  8. Combine several styles of swimming for weight loss in different parts of the body.
  9. Diet plays a very important role when swimming for weight loss. You don’t need to go on diets, but you will have to make portions smaller, increase meals (up to 6 times a day), exclude everything harmful (or at least limit) and stick to meat, fish (only boiled or steamed), fruits, vegetables, greenery.
  10. 1.5 hours before swimming and the same amount of time after it, you can’t eat at all.

There is an opinion. Swimming fitness instructors believe that the breaststroke is the most useful style for weight loss. If you actively swim for only half an hour, you can immediately burn 360 calories. At the same time, almost 70% of the muscles will be involved in the process.

How effective swimming will be as a means of losing weight will depend on compliance with all of the above recommendations and right choice technique and exercises.

And if all this action is organically weaved with consultations and comments of the coach, in a month intensive classes in the pool, some part of the kilograms will go away, there will be less body fat, and most importantly, the figure will shine with its charming, embossed forms.

A swimming training program is essential for those athletes who want to improve their performance and learn to swim better and faster. In addition, a specific program drawn up will be needed for a beginner.

The program must be approached wisely

Experienced athletes share their experience with beginners. They argue that it is not enough just to engage in the swimming section. It is also important to develop your own set of exercises. It is worth noting that the swimming training program for beginners is necessary in order to increase the speed of movement in the water and endurance. Simple swimming will not bring similar results.

Usually swimming consists of the following items:

  • Light workout. You need to spend at least 10-15% of the total training time on it.
  • Practicing pushes and techniques. The allocated time is 10-20% of the total time.
  • The main part takes from 40 to 70 percent of the total training time.
  • Recovery (5-10% of the workout). At this stage, the athlete must swim several 100 meters freestyle and calm style.

The opinion of professionals is important

In order to improve, beginners are strongly encouraged to enroll in swimming classes. Moreover, it is not enough just to go to group training and attend scheduled classes. It is important to start taking part in competitions.

It is worth remembering that the competition does not have to be high level. Also, there is absolutely no need to be upset if the athlete has not reached any records. Participation is important.

It is at competitions that a coach-teacher will be able to understand how effective the current swimming training program for an athlete is. If necessary, adjustments are made to it.

Advanced training and self-development

There are many ways to improve the skills and self-development of an athlete. For example, a swimming training program ( average level) must necessarily include attendance at various seminars. Only through seminars will an athlete be able to master new techniques and achieve better results.

Some athletes can develop themselves by studying various books, magazines and films. As a rule, in the literature, techniques are understood clearly and in detail. Many legendary athletes have developed and perfected their techniques through printed guidelines.

Also, in addition to visiting the athlete, it is important to regularly go to gym. It has been proven that simulators help not only develop more physically, but also allow you to train the heart muscle, which is very important for a professional athlete. In addition, jumping, squats and some other exercises help develop certain muscle groups.

In sports, attitude is key.

To swim faster and better, you always need to set a goal. Without a goal, a person loses faith in himself and interest in what is happening. For example, if an athlete is important beautiful figure, then the swimming training program for relief comes to his aid. If health is important to him, then he chooses sparing activities.

Do not forget to set yourself more and more new tasks. For example, today an athlete sets himself the goal of swimming faster than his friend, and so on.

Many experienced swimmers recommend never losing faith in yourself and never giving up. Swimming quickly can only be learned by an athlete who has nerves of steel and boundless willpower. You should never pay attention to others, but go towards your goal. By the way, close relatives can help with this.

How to swim fast in competition

Speed ​​swimming training program will help professional athletes win prizes in various competitions. It's very easy to improve your skills. It is enough to follow a few simple rules during the competition.

  1. You need to unfold correctly. It is worth doing the right turns even on simple swims. Not touching the railing can become a habit and during the competition, the judges may penalize the athlete for this.
  2. Seeing the wall, do not regard it as a second place to relax. When approaching it, the athlete is recommended, on the contrary, to increase the pace and touch the wall as soon as possible.
  3. From the wall you need to push off with effort. This method allows professional athletes to maintain or even increase the speed of movement.
  4. Most fast way movement under water - a dolphin. During the next push, the athlete begins to move in waves. So he can keep top speed during the entire swim.

Of course, such a plan of action can only be resorted to if the swim is allowed to be carried out in a free style.

As already mentioned above, professional athletes strongly recommend beginners to plan their workouts. We must not forget how important a swimming training program is and how it helps in future success.

There are some practical tips that can be given to every novice athlete.

The first piece of advice is don't give up. It is very important. For the first time after training, a person will feel like a squeezed lemon. Just at this stage, a huge number of athletes give up their dreams. They abandon training, vainly thinking that nothing good will come of them. It is believed that the first results will be noticeable only six months after the start of classes. It all depends on the potential of the athlete. It is likely that more time will be needed to achieve results.

The second tip is not to forget about the right swimwear. It is important to wear, for example, a hat. It will protect not only the hair, but also reduce the friction of water, which also interferes with the speed of movement. Many professional athletes always swim only in special suits. They also give a few winning seconds at the finish line.

Swimming, like any other sport, should be practiced regularly. The regularity and duration of training should depend both on your physical capabilities and on your goals. For amateurs, the best option is two or three times a week for 40-50 minutes. Perfect option- these are classes with a trainer (it doesn’t matter - in a group or individually), as an experienced teacher will build the lesson correctly, and point out all your mistakes, and will stimulate you to perform difficult exercises that will allow you to progress significantly. But if you decide to do it yourself, then you need to remember a number of simple rules. First of all, you need to start classes with a warm-up. If possible, spend at least 5 minutes warming up on dry land. Perform it sequentially, from top to bottom - first you need to gently warm up the neck, then the arms from the hands to the shoulders, the torso (especially the back) and, finally, the legs. By the way, a shower before starting classes, which must be taken in any pool, is also good for your muscles. If there is no opportunity to warm up on land, then be sure to do this already in the water. Warming up in water can be very different - it all depends on what exactly you will devote this workout. Depending on your physical fitness, this can be either a 50 m breaststroke gliding or a 400 m percussion complex at once. In any case, do not try to give everything that you are capable of from the very first seconds - start slowly, listen to your body, gradually increase the intensity of the exercises performed. It is better to think over the main part of the training in advance. Alternate exercises for arms and legs, endurance and strength, speed and technique. Most different types exercises can be found both in text format and in the form of video tutorials on the Internet. There you can also find ready plans workouts. Don't neglect exercise additional equipment- shovels, boards, kolobashki, flippers and other devices. If it seems to you that you are doing something wrong, and there is no one to ask for advice, then ask a friend to record you on (or record yourself using a tripod), look at yourself from the side - mistakes will immediately catch your eye. Try to follow the time intervals you set (whether it's 1 minute of rest or a series of exercises that must be completed in a certain amount of time). To do this, it is not necessary to have a newfangled watch with a stopwatch - in most pools there are clocks on the walls that allow you to track the time of the session, and at the same time control the progress of the workout. After the main, intense part of the training, do not neglect the so-called "payback" - swim at least 50-100 meters slowly, calmly, gradually relax the strained muscles.

Swimming is a sport that allows you to develop all muscle groups and has a lot of advantages. This basic program training will allow you to regain lost shape, work out the technique and increase the speed of swimming.

Everyone has heard about the benefits of swimming in the pool. In water, you can quickly and effectively pump all the muscles of the body with minimal risk of injury. And also - to develop breathing, develop endurance and get hardened.

Swimming is especially useful for those who want to always be in good shape and take care of the health of their backs.

But where to start if you haven't been in the pool for a long time? Or if, already knowing how to swim, you decide to go to new level and swim not only for pleasure, but also for the benefit of technology? Here is a basic pool training program that you can master on your own.


A good workout has 4 parts:

1. Before you start working on technique and endurance, you need to warm up the muscles and do cardio exercises to stimulate blood circulation.

2. Then you can move on to swimming training.

3. next step exercises are performed to develop endurance.

4. And the last - a series of exercises with auxiliary accessories, on the back or breaststroke, to rest and relax the muscles.



The warm-up is given for 10 minutes, its purpose is to warm up the joints and muscles. Focus on your range of motion and swim:

  • 50 m freestyle
  • 25 m backstroke
  • 25 m breaststroke

Do a few repetitions at your own pace.

Recovery - 1 minute.


Cardio exercises are done to increase your heartbeat and prepare the heart for subsequent loads.

Use 80% of your capacity, don't give it your all, save your energy for the main part of the workout!

This exercise is great for a gentle heart workout:

  • 25 m crawl (at a fast pace)
  • recovery 30 sec
  • 50 m crawl (at a fast pace)
  • recovery 30 sec
  • 25 m crawl (at a fast pace)
  • recovery 30 sec

Repeat the exercise one more time and rest for 1 minute.


Swimming technique development

Position on the back, arms extended above the head, swimming board in hands, kicking. You can also hold the board in front of your hips with outstretched arms. Target this exercise-working out the control of immersion in the water of the pelvis and legs.

  • 2 x 50m backstroke
  • 1 minute to recover.

Strengthening leg muscles

Use your legs as you would in a crawl, on your side, alternating between left and right for each new section of the course. If necessary, use a board for swimming: one hand on the board, the other extended along the body.

  • 2 x 50 m
  • 30 sec rest between sets of 50m


Swim in a freestyle with the bowl between your legs. The load goes to the muscles of the press and legs, while the arms are very tense. Stretch your arms as far as possible as your arm enters and exits the water.

  • 2 x 50m freestyle (with bobbins)
  • 30 sec rest between sets of 50m

Repeat again if you feel you have enough strength, then rest for 1 minute.


Swim freestyle with fins, thanks to the resistance they create, they allow you to deeply work your muscles and help you maintain your body position in the water due to a stronger push.

What is the principle of correct movement in fins? The movement should be amplitude and go "from the hip", and not "from the knee". Fins allow you to pass more long distances, which increases your stamina and speed.

This is the last exercise. Give your 100%, try to surpass yourself!

  • 150 m freestyle with fins
  • recovery - 2 minutes

Repeat again if you feel you have enough strength, then rest for 1 minute.


At this stage of the workout, try to relax your muscles and rest. This is the last exercise, take your time, breathe calmly and deeply, relax your muscles.

When breaststroke, take long strokes, breathe during the push, and lower yourself underwater with your arms outstretched in front of you.

  • 2 x 50m breaststroke
  • 30 sec rest between sets of 50m
  • 3 x 50m backstroke

When you swim on your back, keep horizontal position body through the movement of the legs. Shoulders alternately appear above the surface of the water.

Training is over, bravo! Take a cool shower to increase blood circulation and speed up muscle recovery!

Repeat this program until you get back in shape.

It is very important to drink water before, during and after exercise to avoid cramps or pain. During your workout, use - it is very comfortable!