What is dangerous excess. Why is being overweight dangerous? How to get rid of excess weight

Our body needs calories as well as vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to function properly and active life. But if the body stores more calories than it uses, there is a set of excess weight, which subsequently threatens with obesity.

There are several factors that contribute to the development of obesity, but most often it is associated with poor diet and lack of physical activity. Some researchers argue that even the environment in which a person lives and his social circle affects weight gain. I don’t know if this is true, but you need to get rid of excess weight urgently! Read on and find out why...

How to determine if you have excess weight

To determine what range your weight is in, you can use the body mass index calculation. This is the main tool for assessing the amount of adipose tissue in the body.

  • BMI in women from 25 to 29.9 is considered redundant
  • BMI of 30 or more refers to obesity

BMI gives a good indication of how healthy your weight is. But such a calculation shows only the general picture without taking into account individual characteristics. BMI is less accurate in some people than in others. For example, if you have a muscular build, your BMI can be over 25 and still be perfectly healthy. In this case, keep in mind that muscles weigh more than fat.

Another way to find out if you are at a healthy weight is to measure your waist circumference. Researchers and physicians have agreed that women with a waist circumference of more than 89 cm are at greater risk of various health problems caused by overweight or obesity.

What factors increase the risk of obesity

Obesity is a complex disease that is the result of many processes in the body that occur over a long period of time. Here are the factors that can affect weight gain:

  • Eating habits. The environment in which you live can influence your taste preferences. As a child, your parents control your diet and physical activity. And in many respects it depends on them what weight you will have in the future.
  • Metabolism. The metabolic rate depends on many factors. For example, men usually more muscle and less fat, so their body can burn calories faster and more. A woman's metabolism can change throughout her life, such as the hormonal changes that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.
  • Age. The older we get, the slower our metabolism works. Moreover, with age there is a decrease muscle mass. In order not to gain weight, people in adulthood It is recommended to reduce the daily calorie intake.
  • Injury. Many events in the past that you have no control over can affect weight gain. Women who experience severe negative events in childhood are more likely to be obese in adulthood. In addition, women who have experienced psycho-emotional trauma at any time in their lives are more likely to be obese than others.
  • Medicines. Certain medications may cause weight gain or delay weight loss.
  • WITH He . Lack of quality sleep can lead to weight gain. Researchers think this may be because sleep deprivation affects hormone levels, which increases appetite and alters taste preferences.

What is the danger of being overweight

Every year, huts exact weight and obesity indirectly cause millions of deaths worldwide and increase the risk of many health problems:

  • Breathing problems. Women who are overweight or obese may develop sleep apnea. This problem causes oxygen deficiency in the body, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.
  • Many types of cancer. Women who are overweight or obese are at higher risk of developing 13 types of cancer: breast, colon and rectum, endometrium, gallbladder, stomach, esophagus, liver, kidneys, cancer of the tissue that covers the brain and spine, cancer of the blood, pancreas , ovaries and thyroid.
  • Diabetes. Being overweight makes you twice as likely to develop diabetes. Weight loss can prevent disease.
  • Heart diseases. The more overweight you are, the higher your risk cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death worldwide.
  • High blood pressure. Overweight women are twice as likely to have hypertension. High level blood pressure damages the arteries and can lead to stroke and heart disease.
  • Problems with conception. Some overweight women find it harder to get pregnant. They are also much more likely to experience complications during pregnancy. For example, gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Stroke. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of stroke, especially in women with underlying body fat located in the abdomen and waist.

Even a small weight loss (3-5% of total body weight) significantly reduces the risk of developing the above health problems. For example, if your body weight is 75 kg, losing only 2-3.5 kg of weight will improve your well-being and strengthen your health.

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Are Curvy Shapes Good? And this is not a matter of aesthetics, fashion and beauty standards. Excess weight or obesity is a violation of the energy balance of the body, which is fraught with serious diseases, including psychological ones. What is the danger of overweight, and what is the correct weight at which you will feel good, says AnySports.

Excess weight is the scourge of modernity. The main reasons for "rounding" modern man become a sedentary lifestyle, high-calorie diet and non-natural foods. Every year everything more people die from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, from diabetes and cancer.

What are the dangers of extra pounds?

1. Impact on vessels and bones

In people with overweight blood vessels suffer, their constant companion is hypertension. This disease occurs in fat people at a young age three times more often than in thin people. With unhealthy vessels, the likelihood of heart disease and breathing problems is high. Atherosclerosis increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

In the blood of those whose diet is high in calories, there is an excess of fat. And under loads, it is also released from the “fat depots”. As a result, cholesterol plaques are formed, which can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Obese people are more likely to suffer from joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteoarthritis - and this is far from full list ailments. Excess weight not only overloads the joints, but also entails problems with the spine - weakness of the back muscles leads to lower back pain.

2. Crazed Hormones and Diabetes

Most often overweight people suffer from diabetes. The cells of their body cease to be sensitive to insulin and do not take sugar, which comes from food. A constant excess of glucose provokes insulin resistance, which increases the likelihood of not only type 2 diabetes, but also atherosclerosis, heart problems, etc.

When overweight, global problems with the endocrine system often occur: the level of the hormone testosterone and somatotropin decreases, which help the body to use nutrients more efficiently and recover.

In men, the balance between estrogen and testosterone is also disturbed, which is why their figure acquires feminine features. Frequent problems with potency. In women, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed and it may be difficult to conceive.

3. Violation of the digestive and immune systems

The risk of gallstone formation increases. And in severe forms of obesity, the liver suffers, in which healthy cells are replaced by adipose tissue.

Another unpleasant phenomenon visceral fat around the stomach, kidneys, intestines, genitals, etc. He usually protects internal organs, but when it grows, it can provoke many diseases.

In general, being overweight swipe on the immune system. It provokes inflammation, cancer.

4. Psychological problems

Being overweight is most often associated with eating disorders. The reasons are both physiological and psychological. And the most alarming bell is the weight, which is constantly increasing, that is, uncontrolled obesity.

In addition, overweight people are prone to the formation of depressive and stressful conditions. Their self-esteem often drops significantly because they are unhappy with themselves.

How to protect yourself from negative consequences?

To reduce the risk of health problems, you need to keep your weight under control. If you already have overweight- get rid of them immediately!

  • To understand if you are overweight, look in the mirror and stand on the scale;
  • Do the calculations to determine ideal mass body. Body Mass Index is measured based on your gender, age and body type. The test can be passed;
  • If it turned out that you are overweight or even obese - urgently decide how you can start losing weight! Review your diet, if necessary - consult a nutritionist and psychologist (sometimes weight gain is associated with eating disorders). Add physical activity: move more in everyday life, sign up for;
  • Find support in the face of a coach, friends or like-minded people - together it will be easier to cope with the problem!

Fat deposits on the human body spoil appearance, especially women suffer from this, since cellulite on the legs and hips does not allow wearing fashionable clothes. But this is not the only disadvantage of being overweight. Along with it, health problems begin, and this should already be alarming.

Let us examine in more detail what is dangerous and how it affects the entire body.

If the weight is very large, then its excess can be assessed visually. But if the excess body weight is insignificant, then the following techniques will help to assess it:

  1. The simplest thing is to purchase special floor scales that not only weigh, but also determine the percentage of fat. The normal rate for a woman is from 18 to 25%, and for a man - from 12 to 18%. If the result is more than this, it's time to take action.
  2. Measurement of the crease in the lower abdomen. To do this, you need to squeeze the skin in the area from the navel to the pubic bone with your hands. For the fair sex, no more than 4 cm will be an excellent result, for men - up to 2 cm.
  3. More than a century has passed, but the discovery of a doctor from France, Paul Brock, is still relevant, who proposed to measure the weight norm according to three ratios - height in cm, body weight in kg and age in years. To calculate, you need to subtract the number 110 from growth to get the norm. If a person's height is 175 cm, then his ideal weight equals 175-110 = 65 kg. Those over 40 should subtract 100.
  4. To the most accurate measurements refers to the definition of BMI according to Quetelet. The body mass index, according to this formula, is equal to the ratio of weight in kg to height in m, squared. BMI is equal to weight / (height x height).

Calculate the body mass index

A person with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 65 kg will have a BMI = 65: (1.75 x 1.75), which is approximately = 22. You can see your own result in the table:

Important! In the case when the indicator is significantly below 20, this indicates a lack of body weight, which also poses a health hazard.

What diseases are caused by obesity?

The presence of extra pounds leads gradually to the development of pathologies. This is due to a strong overload of internal organs, changes in hormonal balance, plaque deposition in the intima (inner shell) of blood vessels.

It is well known that obesity causes the following diseases:

  1. Hypertension. Pressure develops due to high load to the heart muscle. To ensure adequate blood flow to the organs, the frequency and strength of contractions increases. In response to a strong release, the receptors of the lumen of the vessels are activated, they begin to shrink and blood pressure rises. Prolonged hypertension leads to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy, heart attack, stroke.
  2. The danger of excess weight for men lies in the accumulation of female sex hormones, the cumulator of which is adipose tissue. This ends with impotence, as the production of testosterone is suppressed.
  3. Why is being overweight bad for women? It also has a negative effect on the level of hormones, leads to disruption of the cycle and infertility.
  4. In old age, the result of excess body weight is a high probability of developing Alzheimer's disease and eye diseases(cataracts and glaucoma).
  5. The joints experience increased stress, especially the joints of the lower extremities. The spine suffers no less, the likelihood of osteochondrosis, protrusions and hernias increases. Eating large amounts of unhealthy food leads to the deposition of salts in the joints and to gout.
  6. Accumulation of fat in hepatocytes leads to disruption of the liver and the development of type 2 diabetes.
  7. It has been proven that there is a directly proportional relationship between the risk of developing cancerous tumors and overweight. Statistics indicate that esophageal carcinoma and uterine cancer are most often observed in overweight people.
  8. Psycho-emotional disorders. What is bad about being overweight is also the fact that it leads to the development of depressive states. In addition, self-esteem and social adaptation suffer in this case. Against this background, a person begins to "seize" the problem and a vicious circle is obtained.
  9. On the part of the digestive system, it is noted dysfunction of the intestines, stomach, due to high intra-abdominal pressure, hemorrhoids appear.
  10. Inhibits metabolism. And even in the case when all measures for weight loss begin to be taken, the lifestyle is revised and a low-calorie diet is observed, changes towards reducing fat deposits and eliminating cellulite on the legs and hips occur with great difficulty.

An example is medical statistics. In Canada, there have been studies examining the effect of weight on the occurrence of diseases, and the results were disappointing.

The risk of developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes in women with a BMI of 30 or more increases 12 times; in men, these figures were slightly lower - with an index over 30, the risks increase 7 times. But there is good news - if you reduce body weight by 5-10%, then the likelihood of problems with the level of sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood is sharply reduced.

Important! With the accumulation of body weight, changes affect all organs and systems. With such deviations, a person's life is reduced by 15 years.


The health risks of being overweight are undeniable. Fat people get sick more often and die earlier. Only a strong willpower, a transition to a full-fledged and proper nutrition, exercise or sport. To help in the initial stages, the doctor recommends taking medicines or homeopathic remedies.

In severe cases, it is necessary to resort to the use of hormone therapy. But it is best to control body weight constantly, preventing the development of extreme obesity.

Anyone with a BMI in the 25-29 range should consider losing weight. And not only for the sake of a slender figure, but above all for the sake of their own health. If you lack the motivation to give up your favorite fast food and force yourself to exercise, just find out the dangers of being overweight and imagine that all these problems are just around the corner for you.

physical health

The danger of excess weight lies primarily in the fact that it undermines the physical health of a person. Becomes a provocateur of various diseases.

  • Obesity

Do not reassure yourself that your BMI is less than 30, which means it’s too early to ring the bells (we calculate your body mass index). It will take quite a bit of time, and if you do not take any measures to lose weight, this diagnosis cannot be avoided. According to statistics, more than 3 million people die every year in the world from diseases triggered by obesity: from a heart attack to the risk of sudden death.

  • Diabetes

90% of diabetics are overweight. Do you want to stay on a special diet forever, eat artificial sugar substitutes instead of the usual sweets, check blood glucose levels several times a day and constantly inject insulin? Well, then keep getting fat. But before that, talk to someone who suffers from this disease, how he feels. Frequent urination, constant hunger and thirst, headaches, muscle weakness - this is not the whole list of what awaits you.

  • Cardiovascular diseases

Adipose tissue in the human body performs an endocrine function: adipocytes synthesize substances such as an inhibitor of plasminogen activator-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6. With excess weight, their excess is the main reason for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. If you add here increased sugar, which thins the walls of blood vessels, and a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, leading to heart failure, the picture becomes clear. Excess body weight is dangerous because it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases several times: atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack (this is especially true for men with a beer belly), ischemia, etc.

  • Apnea

Excess weight is harmful and dangerous also because it is the main cause of this disease. Few people are aware that apnea in 20% is fatal, when a sudden cessation of breathing lasts longer than usual, and a person simply cannot get out of this state. During the day, apnea also manifests itself: the patient feels constantly sleepy, feels weak, his performance decreases, panic attacks begin.

  • Dyslipidemia

Not surprisingly, with excess weight in the blood, the level of lipids rises sharply. This is very detrimental to health. The main danger is in the formation of blood clots. If one of them breaks off and blocks the vessel, it will end in death. Among the consequences: stroke, heart attack, ischemia, stenosis, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, renal failure, trophic ulcers, intermittent claudication syndrome.

  • Osteoarthritis

The harm of excess weight for women is manifested not only in the disfigurement of the figure. First of all, it is an increased risk of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints. For men, this is not so important, because their fat deposits are concentrated mainly in the peritoneum, and internal organs suffer from them. Women have a lot of adipocytes in the thighs and buttocks, which puts pressure on the joints of the legs. Statistical data: with excess body weight, the risk of osteoarthritis increases by 2 times.

  • Bronchial asthma

Not so long ago, scientists proved that a high BMI is one of the provoking factors for the development of bronchial asthma. The mechanism of its influence is in the synthesis by adipocytes of substances that in excess lead to inflammation. respiratory tract(leptin, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6, highly sensitive c-reactive protein).

In addition, doctors call the following diseases dangerous to health the consequences of overweight:

  • early andropause (climax in men);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • hirsutism, amenorrhea, ovarian-menstrual cycle disorders in women;
  • hepatosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • high cholesterol;
  • decreased libido (up to impotence in men and frigidity in women);
  • infertility.

All of the above effects of being overweight physical health human in medicine are called metabolic. In addition to them, there are also mechanical ones. As practice has shown and studies have confirmed, overweight people are more often diagnosed with pain in the back and joints (the musculoskeletal system cannot cope with excess kilograms), wounds heal poorly, there are severe swelling of the face and legs, and, of course,.

mental health

Psychologists give out the following statistics: 20% of people with depression periodically suffer from depression. normal BMI and over 75% are overweight. These figures are not surprising, since the reasons lie on the surface:

  • obese people are always at the mercy of two desires that contradict each other - this is hunger and the desire to lose weight;
  • a blurred figure and sidelong glances of others give rise to internal complexes;
  • women associate problems with their weight in personal life: he left me because of this, no one looks at me, because I'm fat;
  • against the background of complexes and experiences, eating disorders are diagnosed (and);
  • some good positions are filled with lean, fit employees, so that many career doors for overweight people are closed.

The situation is aggravated by diets that do not give the desired effect, make you feel worse and are dangerous by the formation of new complexes. In adolescents, such an anguish in mental terms can lead to autism and even suicide.

Being in a state of depression, a person only worsens the situation. Firstly, he begins to seize, and sometimes drink down sorrow-sadness. Secondly, the level of cortisol jumps, and he takes a direct part in the formation of visceral fat.

Special cases


Excess weight during pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and child. It can provoke:

  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • diabetes mellitus in a child, gestational diabetes in a mother;
  • preeclampsia;
  • miscarriage;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • the need for a caesarean section;
  • prematurity or overdue pregnancy and other pathological conditions.

According to statistics, women who have gained excess weight during pregnancy, in 5% of cases give birth prematurely, in 10% they carry the baby, in 40% they suffer from weakness in labor.

How to lose weight during pregnancy and not gain it, read.

Age changes

  • At 20

The problem of excess weight at the age of 20 undermines, first of all, psychological health: people stop believing in themselves after another failure to diet or not finding the strength to play sports. In terms of physiology, problems can only begin, as the young organism is still able to cope with the difficulties that arise.

  • After 30

If at the age of 20 the problem with weight has not been solved, by this time, most likely, the person is already suffering from obesity with all the ensuing consequences. However, most people after 30 years are just beginning to face the fact that once a slim body blurs: this is how a slowdown in metabolism makes itself felt. At this stage of life, this is fraught primarily with difficulties with conception and a decrease in libido in both men and women.

  • After 40 years

If the problem of excess weight has not gone anywhere or just showed up, it's time to read about bronchial asthma, CVD, diabetes and other dangerous diseases that it provokes. Their risk increases several times at this age. From the age of 45, it is not uncommon deaths due to a detached blood clot or heart attack, and overweight initially becomes the main provoking factor.

This is interesting. On April 1, 2016, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, together with the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, announced the start of an all-Russian campaign called “Slender after 40 - for the sake of saving life. Let's beat excess weight together!

Wrong ways to lose weight

Excess weight is dangerous even by the fact that a person picks up wrong ways weight loss, which leave no less negative impact on health.


Often the question is: what is more dangerous - overweight or an extreme diet? Experts unanimously answer that both are detrimental to health. Being overweight increases the risk of life-threatening diseases. Severe hunger strikes can lead to malnutrition, impaired metabolic processes, beriberi, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney and liver problems. Add to this one more nuance: after such abstinences, all the lost kilograms are rapidly returning, and even with a vengeance. Is it worth it?

Pick up proper diet and ours will help to lose weight without harm to health.


No matter how paradoxical it may sound, even playing sports in order to lose weight sometimes turns into evil for a person. An incorrectly designed training program, when the body is not given time to recover, is dangerous with endless strength and damage. muscle fibers. The result is injuries that require long-term treatment and immobility. For excess weight, this is a real sentence.


Today you can find a lot of extreme ways to lose weight, which promise to get rid of extra pounds in a matter of days. But each of them ends badly for health. After Chugay's mesh on the tongue, the oral cavity and throat become infected and inflamed with the formation of purulent discharge. A nasogastric tube after 10 it disables the main systems of the body: gastrointestinal, excretory and nervous. Insulin injections are a guarantee of lifelong diabetes. After the famous ipecac syrup, it is almost impossible to restore the intestinal microflora to normal levels. And so with each extreme technique.

To stay healthy, you need to deal with excess weight competently. Moderate physical exercise in accordance with health indicators and proper nutrition () are two right directions in which to go with such a goal.

Those who have a BMI of 25-29 do not need to reassure themselves that this is not yet obese, and continue to eat unhealthy goodies while sitting in front of the TV. Believe me, you are only 1 step away from it, and your condition in medicine is called pre-obesity. Before it's too late, be aware of how overweight is dangerous to health, and take all necessary measures to lose weight and minimize the risks of various diseases caused by it.