Control in sports training. Control in physical culture and sports Control methods in sports

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”

Gorlovsky branch

Department of Physical Rehabilitation


discipline: Theory and methods of physical education

SUBJECT: " Comprehensive control in sports training


2nd year student of group FR-06

day department

Faculty of "Physical Rehabilitation"

Vaskin Konstantin Evgenievich


The effectiveness of the process of training an athlete in modern conditions is largely due to the use of means and methods of integrated control as a management tool that allows feedback between the coach and the athlete, and on this basis to raise the level of managerial decisions in the preparation of those involved.

The purpose of control is to optimize the process of preparation and competitive activity athletes on the basis of an objective assessment of various aspects of their readiness and functional capabilities of the most important body systems. This goal is realized by solving various particular problems related to the assessment of the state of athletes, their level of preparedness, the implementation of training plans, the effectiveness of competitive activity, etc.

The information, which is the result of solving particular problems of control, is realized in the process of making managerial decisions used to optimize the structure and content of the training process, as well as the competitive activity of athletes.

The subject of control in sports is the content of the training process, competitive activity, the state of various aspects of the preparedness of athletes (technical, physical, tactical, etc.), their performance, the capabilities of functional systems.

Varieties of integrated control

In the practice of sports, it is customary to distinguish three types of control: staged, current and operational, each of which is associated with the corresponding type of states of athletes (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 Basic terms and concepts used in the control of the training of athletes (V.M. Zatsiorsky, 1979)

Term / concept

Term meaning

Explanation of the term, in particular the method of measurement or evaluation
1. Athlete's condition and model characteristics

1.1 Condition of the athlete

1.2 Operational status.

1.3 Operational readiness.

1.4 Current state.

1.5 Current readiness

1.6 Staged state

1.7 Athlete preparedness

1.8 Fitness

1.9 Athlete model characteristics

1.10 Stage model characteristics

The level of morphological and functional properties of an athlete, which determine his ability to demonstrate sports achievements. Ideally, it is characterized by the maximum possible set of features registered in any period of time.

A rapidly changing state, particularly under the influence of a single session of exercise

A special case of an operational state, characterized by immediate readiness to perform a competitive exercise with a result close to the maximum

A state that varies from day to day within one or more training microcycles

A special case of the current state, characterized by readiness to perform a competitive exercise in the coming days with a result close to the maximum

A condition that persists for a long time (at least one month)

A complex characteristic of the stage (permanent) state of an athlete, reflecting his ability to demonstrate sports achievements in the coming months

One side athlete's preparedness, characterized by the degree of its adaptability to training or testing loads.

Ideal characteristics of a state in which results corresponding to the highest world achievements can be shown

Ideal indicators of the athlete's condition at individual stages of training.

Comprehensive measurement of the maximum possible number of features.

Measurements taken during the performance of training or competitive exercises, or immediately after completion

Sports result shown in given state, as well as indirect measurements that assess the potential for demonstrating a high sports result

Results of measurements taken daily or in each microcycle

Measurements taken a few days before the start in which the result was shown

Measurements at individual stages of training

Measurements at individual stages of training, control competitions

Measuring the physiological responses of the body or performing certain (preferably standard) training or testing loads

Forecasting, as well as observational data of previous years

The state of the athlete in May or September, the state after running a distance of 1000 m in 3 minutes, etc.

The state of the swimmer at a certain distance meter or 10 minutes after the swim, etc.

The state at the moment immediately preceding the start in which the record result was shown

Condition the day after a training session, competition or rest day

Condition one week before reaching a record result

Condition at the end of the preparation period of training

Level of preparedness at the end of the preparatory period of training

Measurement of heart rate after overcoming the distance at a given time

Likely characteristics of a future 800m world record holder, such as IPC or maximum speed running

The IPC value that skaters must reach in September to be able to show record results in the winter months

2. Training effects

2.1 Urgent training effect

2.2 Delayed training effect

2.3 Cumulative training effect

2.4 Partial training effect

Changes that occur in the body of an athlete during a training or competitive exercise or immediately after their completion

Changes that occur in the body the next day after performing a training or competitive exercise

Changes that occur in the body as a result of summing up the traces of many training sessions

Training effect caused by a particular training agent

Measurements taken during a training session or competition or immediately after their completion

Measurements taken the day after a training session or competition

Complex measurements carried out in one of the preparation periods

Can be measured by comparing training effects induced by different sets of training aids

Change in heart rate at the finish of the run; blood lactate levels or pH shift after a run, etc.

Changes in the fitness of an athlete in September compared to his fitness in June

Training effect caused by the implementation of new training exercises

3. Varieties of control

3.1 Control over the preparation of an athlete (team)

3.2 Comprehensive control

3.3 Pedagogical control

3.4 Biomechanical control

3.5 Operational control

3.6 Current control

3.7 Staged control

3.8 Monthly examination

3.9 Stage complex surveys

3.10 Advanced medical examinations

Collection, evaluation and analysis of information about the state of the athlete in the process of his preparation

Control over the state of the athlete, carried out by specialists of various profiles (teachers, doctors, biochemists, physiologists, etc.)

Control exercised by the trainer, as well as by the researcher-educator

Control for motor activity athlete, in particular the technique of performing competitive and training exercises

Control over the operational state of the athlete, in particular his operational readiness

Control over the current state of the athlete, in particular his current readiness

Control over the permanent state of the athlete, in particular his preparedness

A kind of staged control; held every month

A kind of staged control; is carried out at separate stages of training and aims to comprehensively test the preparedness of athletes

A kind of step-by-step control. It is characterized by the involvement of medical specialists of various profiles and the focus not only on the assessment of preparedness, but also on monitoring the health of the athlete

Control is understood as a cavity activity, which includes not only the collection of the necessary information, but also its comparison with the available data (plans, benchmarks, standards), and subsequent analysis

It aims at different

third-party check of the athlete's condition. Depending on the direction of individual aspects of control and the profile of specialists, pedagogical, medical, biochemical, etc.

types of control

Pedagogical control includes control over:

2) the state of the sport change;

3) sports equipment and tactics;

4) sports results and the conduct of an athlete in competitions

It is considered as an integral part of pedagogical control, but can be carried out with the involvement of biomechanical specialists

Express assessment of the state in which the athlete is at the given minutes

Measurements taken daily or once every few days.

Measurements taken at individual stages of training

Monthly measurements

Measurements at individual stages of preparation

Comprehensive medical examination of athletes

Control over the condition of an athlete includes: testing an athlete (gathering information); comparison of the received data with the available ones (assessment); making a conclusion about the condition of the athlete, compliance with the plan, etc. (analysis)

Stage comprehensive examination of an athlete

Control over the listed indicators, which is carried out by the trainer, his assistants, as well as employees of complex scientific groups (CSG)

Registration of time by segments of distance, length and frequency of steps, intra-cycle fluctuations in speed, repulsion force or stroke in cyclic sports

Measurement of heart rate to determine the athlete's readiness for the next race.

Current (daily) control of body weight

Stage complex examinations, in-depth medical examination

Control estimates in any exercise, carried out every month on the same days

Comprehensive examinations of athletes at the beginning and at the end of the preparatory period

Medical examination of athletes

Staged control allows you to assess the stage state of the athlete, his readiness, which is a consequence of the long-term training effect. Such states of an athlete are the result of long-term preparation - over a number of years, a year, a macrocycle, a period or a stage.

current control, the results of which determine daily fluctuations in preparedness , is aimed at assessing the current states, i.e. those states that are the result of loads of series of classes, training or competitive microcycles.

operational control, which allows you to determine the state of the athlete immediately at the time of the exercise, provides for the assessment of operational conditions - urgent reactions of the body of athletes to loads during individual training sessions and competitions.

Each coach has to make three types of plans:

1) a plan for conducting a training session; 2) microcycle plan

(V sports games ah - intergame cycle); 3) a plan (program) of preparation for a stage, period. The need for these three planning documents is determined by the following circumstances. The goal of training is to influence the condition of the athlete; as a result of such an impact, the state changes.

Sustainable (staged) the state can be maintained for a relatively long time: weeks or even months. A complex characteristic of an athlete’s stage state, reflecting his ability to demonstrate sports achievements, is called readiness, and the optimal state (the best for this moment training) preparedness - sports uniform. It is obvious that within one or several days it is impossible to reach the state sportswear or lose it. The staged state is the result of many training sessions, the effects of which are gradually summed up. Therefore, the assertion is true that the cumulative training effect (CTE) underlies the staged states.

Current state characterized by everyday fluctuations in the level of preparedness (staged state) of athletes. The load of any of the classes raises or lowers this level. But usually such changes are eliminated in the rest intervals between classes. They are based on the delayed training effect (OTE). The current state of the athlete determines the load of training sessions in the training microcycle.

A special case of the current state, characterized by the ability to show a result close to the maximum in the coming days in a competitive exercise, is called current readiness.

The state of the athlete at the time of the exercise (or immediately after its completion) is called operational. It is unstable and changes rapidly after resting between repetitions of the exercise or reducing the load in it. The operational state changes during the training session. The coach can manage these changes if he correctly plans the duration and intensity of exercises, rest intervals, and the number of repetitions. The readiness to show a result close to the maximum in a competitive exercise is called operational.

Depending on the number of particular tasks, the volume of indicators included in the survey program, there are in-depth, selective and local control. . Deep control is associated with the use of a wide range of indicators that allow to give a comprehensive assessment of the preparedness of an athlete, the effectiveness of competitive activity, the quality of the educational and training process at the past stage. Electoral control is carried out with the help of a group of indicators that allow assessing any of the sides of preparedness or performance, competitive activity or the educational and training process. Local control based on the use of one or more indicators to assess relatively narrow sides motor function, capabilities of individual functional systems, etc.

Deep control is usually used in the practice of assessing a staged state, selective and local - current and operational.

Depending on the means and methods used, control can be of a pedagogical, socio-psychological and biomedical nature.

In the process of pedagogical control, the level of technical, tactical and physical fitness, features of performance in competitions, dynamics of sports results, structure and content of the training process, etc.

Socio-psychological control is associated with the study of the characteristics of the athlete's personality, their psychological state and readiness, general microclimate and conditions of training and competitive activity, etc.

Medico-biological control provides for an assessment of the state of health, the capabilities of various functional systems, individual organs and mechanisms that carry the main burden in training and competitive activities.

At present, in the theory and methodology of sports training, in the practice of sports, the need to use the whole variety of types, methods, means of control in the aggregate is recognized, which ultimately led to the emergence of the concept of complex control.

Under integrated control it should be understood the parallel application of stage, current and operational types of control in the process of examining athletes, subject to the use of pedagogical, socio-psychological and biomedical indicators for a comprehensive assessment of preparedness, the content of the training process and the competitive activity of athletes.

The purpose of staged control is to obtain information on the basis of which it is possible to draw up training plans for a period, stage, or some other relatively long period. The step-by-step control program is formed as follows.

One block (battery) is made up of non-specific tests common to many sports. They are designed to evaluate physical condition athlete.

Criteria physical performance in such tests are:

1) the time during which the athlete could complete the task;

2) the amount of work (it is defined as the product of the average power and the test time);

3) maximum oxygen consumption..

In addition, indicators such as maximum pulmonary ventilation (MLV), concentration of lactic acid in muscles and arterial blood, maximum oxygen debt (MAD), etc. are directly measured or calculated.

The values ​​of all these indicators are compared: with the initial (rest indicators) and with the amount of work in the test. Based on the initial data and the results of the comparison, a conclusion is made about the health and physical performance of athletes.

The second block is specific tests, the structure of which must correspond to the structure of the competitive exercise. The measure of their informativeness is determined by the magnitude of the correlation coefficients between the results in competitions and achievements in tests.

Stage control involves the registration of achievements in competitions and tests (or only in tests) at the beginning and end of the next stage of preparation. The analysis of control results is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the relationship between the gains in achievements in competitive exercises and tests, on the one hand, and the partial volumes of loads per stage, on the other. To do this, private volumes of specialized and non-specialized exercises, as well as exercises of different directions, are compared with indicators of the cumulative training effect. In the simplest case, an ordinary schedule is drawn up, but it is best to use a computer for this.

In the process of comparison, load zones and exercises are identified, the use of which led to an increase in sports results, performance indicators, etc.

When organizing step-by-step control, the same tests should be used at all stages of preparation (such tests are called end-to-end). In this case, you can get the dynamics of indicators and analyze it. But in some cases it is advisable to supplement this battery with other tests. Based on their results, the solution of specific tasks of the stage is checked. For example, if concentrated strength training was carried out during it, specialized strength tests should be included in the control program.

The main task of current control is the collection and analysis of information necessary for planning loads or their correction in training microcycles.

The effectiveness of such regulation is manifested in the approximation of real training results to the proper ones. In addition, the coach gradually accumulates information about the consequences of different schemes for normalizing loads in microcycles. He systematizes it and in the future more reasonably distributes the volume and content of loads by days of the microcycle.

The main thing in this approach is the choice of metrologically correct tests of the current control. Their informativeness is determined on the basis of comparing the daily dynamics of the results in tests with the following criteria:

1) achievements in a set of tests;

2) indicators of the performed training load.

In the first case, the results of several tests are recorded daily for the athlete. It may turn out that the dynamics of these results is unidirectional. In this case, you need to select one test from this group and use it for current control. The most informative are those tests, the results of which change the most after the execution. training tasks. For example, after loads of a speed-strength nature (jumps, quick exercise with weights, etc.) the hardness of relaxed muscles increases. Therefore, the hardness values ​​measured with the myotonometer can be used for monitoring.

The reliability of monitoring tests is high if the variance of repeated measurements taken on one day is much smaller than the variance of daily measurements.

For example, reliability power test will be high if the fluctuation of repeated measurements (in one day) is plus or minus 50 N, and the fluctuations in force from day to day are plus or minus 500 N.

The main task of operational control is an express assessment of the state in which the athlete is at the moment or immediately after the end of the exercise (a series of exercises, classes). The content of this type of control also includes an urgent assessment of exercise technique and tactics.

Operational control is the most important, since its results are judged in accordance with the actual urgent training effect (TTE) planned.

Operational control and planning can be conditionally divided into three stages. The first one focused on what an athlete should do in a training session. Therefore, in the plans-summaries, the exercises, methods of their implementation, dosage, etc. were written out in detail. The proper training effect of the work was not indicated, but our best coaches, of course, assumed that if the athlete completed the task in full, this would lead to the achievement of the desired effect.

The second stage is characterized by the fact that, along with the description of the methodology for performing exercises, instructions began to appear in the notes about the proper norms of training effects. For example, an athlete does not just have to run six times 400 meters, but do it so that the heart rate during the run does not fall below 180 bpm, and the next repetition begins when its values ​​\u200b\u200bare reduced to 120 bpm.

The acceleration of the scientific and technical process in sports has affected, first of all, the increase in the efficiency of operational control and load planning. The training process is increasingly becoming a process of managing immediate training effects. This is what distinguishes the third stage in the development of the methods of operational control and planning.

At the beginning, proper training effects are set, and then training tools and methods are selected that allow them to be achieved. In this regard, very strict requirements are imposed on the tests and methods of operational control, which should confirm the achievement of the planned STE. If conditions allow, then control is carried out directly in the course of the exercise. If not, then immediately after its completion.

The informativeness of operational control tests is determined by how sensitive they are to the load being performed. This requirement is best met by biomechanical, physiological and biochemical parameters. The value of the information content of the OK tests is determined by the value of the correlation coefficient calculated between the changes in the criterion and the changes in the test.

The reliability of operational control tests depends, first of all: a) on the accuracy of reproducing the magnitude of the load in repeated attempts; b) from the invariability of the preparedness of athletes in different stages of testing. So, for example, if on the first day of operational control, the heart rate in running at a speed of 7.8 m/s reached 185 beats/min, then during the second test on the second day, the heart rate will be the same only if the running speed does not change.

Depending on the planned orientation of the training exercises, the content of operational control and the criteria used for the athlete's condition change. For example, in training sessions aerobic and mixed orientation, an informative criterion is heart rate: in the range from 130 to 180 beats / min, its values ​​are linearly related to the load power and oxygen consumption. Therefore, if the coach registers an athlete's heart rate of 150 beats/min in one case, and 170 beats/min in the second, then he can be sure that oxygen consumption has increased.

But in anaerobic exercises, heart rate ceases to be an informative indicator, since it does not say anything about the degree of intensification of anaerobic processes. Therefore, if in one case the heart rate of an athlete is 200 beats/min, and in the other 220 beats/min, then this does not indicate a greater activity of the energy mechanisms that are the main ones in such work.


1. Geselevich V.A. Trainer's Medical Handbook. – Ed. 2nd add. and reworked. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1981. - 271 p., ill.

2. Godik M.A. Sports metrology: A textbook for institutes of physics. cult. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1988. - 192 p.

3. Godik M.A. Athlete's condition and types of control. - In the book: Sports metrology: A textbook for institutes of physics. cult. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1988, p. 161 - 172.

4. Zatsiorsky V.M. Physical qualities of an athlete. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1970. - 200 p.

5. Ivanov S.M. Medical control And physiotherapy. - M.: Medicine, 1970. - 472 p.

  • 2. Means of sports training
  • Lecture 4 sports training methods
  • 1. General pedagogical methods of sports training
  • 2. Practical methods of sports training
  • Lecture 5 patterns and principles of sports training
  • 1. The relationship of patterns and principles of sports training
  • The relationship of regularities and principles of sports training
  • 2. Principles of sports training
  • Lecture 6 sports and technical training in sports
  • 1. Tasks and requirements of sports equipment
  • 2. Technical training facilities
  • 1) Technical means:
  • 3. Formation of motor skills and abilities
  • Motor errors
  • Lecture 7 sports and tactical training of athletes
  • 1. Definition of the concept of "sports tactics". Types of sports tactics
  • 2.Means and methods of sports tactics
  • Lecture 8 physical training of athletes
  • 1.Physical training of athletes
  • 2. General characteristics of physical qualities
  • Lecture 9 education of strength abilities
  • 1. Definition of the concept of "force". Types of power abilities
  • 2.Methodology of education of strength abilities
  • Lecture 10 education of endurance athletes
  • 1. Definition of the basic concepts of endurance
  • 2.Methodology of education of general endurance
  • Lecture 11 education of speed abilities of athletes
  • 1. Characteristics of the main manifestations of speed
  • 2.Methodology of education of speed abilities
  • 2. Using the effect of "accelerating aftereffect" and varying weights.
  • 3. Leading and sensory activation of speed manifestations. The concept of "leading" covers well-known techniques (running after a leader-partner, etc.).
  • Lecture 12 flexibility and the basics of the methodology for its education
  • 1.Characteristics of the main manifestations of flexibility
  • 2. Methodology for developing flexibility
  • Lecture 13 motor-coordinating abilities and the basics of their education
  • 1.Characteristics of coordination abilities
  • 2. Tasks for the development of coordination abilities
  • 3. Methods of education of coordination abilities
  • Lecture 14 mental preparation of an athlete
  • 1. Characteristics of the mental preparation of an athlete
  • 2. Classification of means and methods of mental training of athletes
  • Lecture 15 sports training as a long-term process and its structure
  • 1. The structure of the long-term training of an athlete
  • 2. Methodological provisions for building a long-term training of an athlete
  • 3. Stages of training athletes
  • Lecture 16
  • 2. Orientation and organization of the training session
  • 3. Load in a training session
  • Lecture 17 building microcycles in sports training
  • 1.Characteristics of the microcycle
  • 2.Types of microcycles
  • 3. Combination in the microcycle of loads of different magnitude and direction
  • 4. Building microcycles with one-time and two-time sessions during the day
  • Lecture 18 building mesocycles in sports training
  • 1. Characteristics of the mesocycle
  • 2. Types of mesocycles
  • 3. Combination of microcycles in a mesocycle
  • Lecture 19 building macrocycles in sports training
  • 1.Characteristics of the macrocycle
  • 2. Construction of training in annual cycles (preparatory, competitive, transitional period)
  • Lecture 20 selection and orientation in sports
  • 1. Characteristics of the concepts of "sports selection" and "sports orientation"
  • 2. Selection and orientation at various stages of long-term training of athletes
  • Lecture 21 control in sports training
  • 1. Characteristics of complex control in sports
  • 2. Types of control
  • 3. Requirements for control indicators
  • Lecture 21 control in sports training

    1.Characteristics of complex control in sports.

    2. Types of control.

    3. Requirements for control indicators.

    1. Characteristics of complex control in sports

    At present, the training process aimed at showing a high result by an athlete is unthinkable without: planning and control, good medical support and material base, qualified coaching staff and qualified selection in sports, etc. All of the above and debugged into the system gives the result on Olympic Games and international competitions, our country as a sports power is recognized all over the world.

    So, one of the most important aspects of sports training is control.

    The most informative and complete is comprehensive control. On the basis of complex control, it is possible to correctly assess the effectiveness of sports training, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the preparedness of athletes, make appropriate adjustments to their training program, evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen direction of the training process, one or another decision trainer.

    Integrated control- this is the measurement and evaluation of various indicators in training cycles in order to determine the level of preparedness of an athlete (pedagogical, psychological, biological, sociometric, sports-medical and other methods and tests are used).

    The complexity of control is realized only when three groups of indicators are registered:

      indicators of training and competitive influences;

      indicators of the functional state and preparedness of an athlete, registered under standard conditions;

      indicators of the state of the external environment.

    Comprehensive control in most cases is implemented during testing or the procedure for measuring results in tests. There are three groups of tests.

    First group of tests- Tests performed at rest. These include indicators of physical development (height and body weight, thickness of skin-fat folds, length and girth of arms, legs, torso, etc.).

    Test(from lat. test - task, test) - a method of researching a personality, built on its assessment based on the results of a standardized task, test, test with a predetermined reliability and validity. At rest, the functional state of the heart, muscles, nervous and vascular systems. This group also includes psychological tests.

    The information obtained with the help of tests of the first group is the basis for assessing the physical condition of an athlete.

    Second group of tests- these are standard tests when all athletes are asked to perform the same task (for example, run on a treadmill at a speed of 5 m / s for 5 minutes or pull up on the bar 10 times within 1 minute, etc.). A specific feature of these tests is the performance of an unlimited load, and therefore the motivation to achieve the highest possible result is not needed here.

    Third group of tests- these are tests, during which you need to show the maximum possible motor result. The values ​​of biomechanical, physiological, biochemical and other indicators are measured (forces shown in the test; heart rate, MPC, anaerobic threshold, lactate, etc.). A feature of such tests is the need for a high psychological attitude, motivation to achieve ultimate results.

    Based on the tasks of managing the preparation of an athlete, there are operational, current and stage control.

    operational control It is aimed primarily at optimizing training programs, choosing such exercises and such complexes that will most contribute to solving the tasks set. Here, a wide variety of tests can be used to identify the optimal mode of work and rest for each athlete, the intensity of work, the amount of weights, etc. These types of control serve as the basis for the development of appropriate training plans: perspective - for the next training macrocycle or stage; current - on the mesocycle, macrocycle, occupation; operational - for a separate exercise or their complex.

    current control- here the evaluation of the work of various predominant directions is carried out, the formation of the processes of fatigue of athletes under the influence of the loads of individual classes is determined, the flow of recovery processes in the body is taken into account, the features of interaction with loads of different magnitude and direction during the day or microcycle. This allows you to optimize the process of sports training during the day, micro- and mesocycle, to create the best conditions for the development of given adaptive rearrangements.

    Staged control- the main tasks are to determine the change in the state of an athlete under the influence of a relatively long period of training and develop a strategy for the next macrocycle or training period. Consequently, in the process of phased control, the level of development of various aspects of preparedness is comprehensively assessed, shortcomings in preparedness and further reserves for improvement are identified. As a result, they develop individual plans for building a training process for a separate training period or the entire macrocycle.

    The frequency of examinations during staged control can be different and depends on the characteristics of annual planning, the specifics of the sport, and the material and technical conditions. The most effective form of step-by-step control is when examinations are carried out three times in a macrocycle - at the first and second stages of the preparatory and in the competitive period. If 2-3 macrocycles are planned during the year, phased examinations are carried out in the competitive period - once in a macrocycle, and based on these data, a training process is built in the next macrocycle.

    Particular attention should be paid to the identity of the conditions during the stage-by-stage examinations and to the elimination of the possible influence of previous training loads on their results. Specialists strive to select such tests, the results of which do not reflect the dynamics of the daily capabilities of athletes in the course of the applied loads. Otherwise, it is possible to fix not the actual changes that have occurred in the athlete's condition as a result of training, but only some current changes in his condition, which can fluctuate significantly over several days. However, in sports practice, an objective assessment of an athlete's preparedness is possible, as a rule, only in the process of using loads specific to a given sport, requiring the maximum mobilization of the corresponding functional capabilities. The level of their manifestation fluctuates under the influence of the direction and magnitude of individual training loads that preceded the examination, the psychological state of athletes, etc. Therefore, an objective manifestation of the functional capabilities of an athlete in most tests is possible only after special training to the survey. Preparation consists in eliminating fatigue from the previous training work, setting up athletes for a serious attitude to the implementation of test programs, etc. The stage-by-stage control of athletes must, firstly, be brought in an optimal condition and, secondly, if possible, ensure standard examination conditions.

    Table 8 - the main content of integrated control and its varieties

    Varieties of integrated control

    Directions of control

    Control over competitive and training influences

    Monitoring the condition and fitness of athletes

    Control over the state of the external environment

    Competitive Activity Control (CS)

    Training activity control (TD)

    a) measurement and evaluation of various indicators at competitions completing a certain stage of preparation; b) analysis of the dynamics of SD indicators at all competitions of the stage

    a) construction and analysis of load dynamics at the preparation stage; b) summing up the loads for all indicators for the stage and determining their ratio

    Measurement and evaluation of control indicators in specially organized conditions at the end of the preparation phase

    For climatic factors (temperature, humidity, wind, solar radiation), for the quality of inventory, equipment, coatings sports facilities, characteristics of competition tracks and training, gliding, spectator behavior and objectivity of refereeing in competitions and their influence on results in sports competitions and control training sessions

    Measuring and evaluating performance at the competition that completes the training macrocycle (if it is provided for by the plan)

    a) construction and analysis of load dynamics in the training microcycle; b) summation of loads for all characteristics per microcycle and determination of their content

    Registration and analysis of everyday measurements of athletes' fitness caused by systematic training sessions


    Measuring and evaluating performance in any competition

    Measurement and evaluation of physical and physiological characteristics loads of exercises, series of exercises, training session

    Measurement and analysis of indicators that informatively reflect the change in the state of athletes at the time or immediately after exercise and training

    Control is aimed at collecting, evaluating and analyzing the necessary information about the actual course of the training process and the athlete's condition. It covers all aspects of the preparation process and allows you to purposefully manage it.

    Planning and control are inseparable from each other. In order to obtain reliable and reliable information in the practice of sports, various control methods are used: collecting the opinions of athletes and coaches; analysis of the working documentation of the training process; pedagogical observations during training and competitions determination and registration of indicators characterizing the activity of athletes in training sessions (chronometry, pulsometry, dynamometry, video recording, etc.); tests (control tests) of various aspects of athletes' preparedness, biomedical measurements, etc. Control in the preparation of athletes should include, first of all, the assessment of training and competitive loads, since they are the main factor influencing the development of sports performance; conditions of athletes, their preparedness (physical, technical, etc.), sports results athletes and their behavior in competitions.

    Control over training and competitive loads. Speaking of training load, it should be borne in mind that this concept is understood as the functional surplus activity of the body (relative to the level of rest or another initial level) introduced by the performance of training exercises, and the degree of difficulties overcome in this case (L.P. Matveev).

    Load control involves the assessment of its following characteristics (M.A. Godik): 1) specialized load, i.e. a measure of the similarity of a given training tool with a competitive exercise and, on the basis of this, the distribution of all funds into specialized and non-specialized ones, determining their ratio for a certain period of time (year, period, stage, month, week and one lesson); 2) coordination complexity of the load. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the signs, on the basis of which all training means will be divided into simple and complex. These signs include the speed and amplitude of movements, the presence or absence of active confrontation, lack of time, the suddenness of a change in the situation, etc.; 3) the orientation of the load, based on the predominant impact of the exercise used, its components on the development of a particular quality or functional system of the body. According to the direction, the following groups of loads are distinguished (N.I. Volkov): anaerobic alactic (speed-strength), anaerobic, glycolytic (speed) endurance, aerobic-anaerobic (all types physical ability), aerobic (general endurance), anabolic (strength and strength endurance); 4) the magnitude of the load, namely: the determination of the absolute or relative indicators of the volume and intensity of the external (physical) or internal (physiological) side of the load. In some cases, combined load indicators are informative, which are defined as the product (or ratio) of the parameters of physical and physiological loads. Naturally, the indicators used to control the loads will be different depending on the sport.

    Physical fitness monitoring includes measuring the level of development of strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility and related abilities. The main method of control in this case is the method of control exercises (tests). When choosing tests, the following conditions must be observed: determine the purpose of testing; ensure standardization of measurement procedures; use tests with high values ​​of reliability and informativeness; use tests, a technique that is relatively simple to perform and does not significantly affect the test results; tests should be so well mastered that when performing them, the athlete's efforts are aimed at achieving maximum results, and not at striving to perform the movement technically competently; have maximum motivation to achieve ultimate results in tests; have a system for grading achievements in tests.

    The degree of development of physical abilities is determined using two groups of tests. The first group, which includes non-specific tests, is designed to assess general physical fitness, and the second group includes specific tests that are used to assess special physical fitness. It should be noted that the choice of tests for assessing physical fitness largely depends on the types of sports, age, qualifications of athletes, the structure of a one-year or multi-year cycle of sports training. Control over technical readiness consists in assessing what an athlete can do and how he performs the mastered movements - good or bad, effective or ineffective, effective or ineffective. In the process of control, the volume, versatility, efficiency and mastery of the technique of movements are evaluated. The first two criteria reflect the quantitative side, and the last two - the qualitative side. technical readiness.

    The volume of technique is determined by the total number of actions that an athlete performs in training sessions and competitions. In this case, the technique is evaluated on the fact of the execution of specific technical actions: fulfilled - did not fulfill, knows how - does not know how. For this purpose, visual observations, video recording, filming are used.

    Versatility is determined by the degree of diversity techniques owned by the athlete. For example, in sports games and martial arts, this is the degree of variety of attacking and defensive actions. An informative indicator of the versatility of technique is the frequency of using different techniques and their correlation in training or competitive conditions.

    Technique efficiency sports movement determined by the degree of its proximity to the optimal variant. Depending on how it is determined: on the basis of comparison: with some standard or with the technique of highly qualified athletes or with the results in a competitive and control exercise - there are absolute, comparative and implementation effectiveness of the technique.

    When determining the effectiveness of technology, three types of assessments are used - integral, differential and differential-total. Integral - evaluate the effectiveness of the exercise technique as a whole: differential ones are associated with the evaluation of some elements of a competitive or training exercise: differential -- total -- are determined on the basis of summing up the effectiveness of individual elements of the technique of a sports exercise.

    The development of science and technology makes it possible to provide effective instrumental control over training in physical education and sports. In particular, it is possible to more effectively conduct selection, prediction in sports and control the effectiveness of training work. New technologies make it possible to improve the accuracy of instrumental control methods. In this regard, we should mention a variety of laser meters and analyzers of motor characteristics and processes occurring in the body of an athlete. This should also include digital photo and video recording, compatible via infrared ports and high-speed Bluetooth technologies with computers that have a large capacity of RAM and system memory, as well as compact storage media on CD, DVD, USB Flash. All this makes it possible to create large computer databases based on the collection of indicators of the body of athletes at different stages of their training.

    Composition of the measuring system

    Separate devices, measuring blocks, means of information transmission are combined into a single system. The latter should include sensors various types(sensors, for example, heart rate sensors of the Polar type), communication channels, a receiving (recording) device and an information processing unit (most often a computer, Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2.

    The measurement system often includes blocks of optical motion detection. These blocks are methods of remote and non-contact control of movements. They serve the purpose of registering kinematic characteristics, including spatial, temporal and space-time parameters of movements. The results of photography and / or video recording of movements are intended either for their visual study, or, as mentioned above, for kinematic analysis (registration of positions, postures, movements, velocities and accelerations). In the first case, the results of the study are presented in the form of photographs, videos, video clips, etc. In the second case, in combination with computer technology, it is possible to record motor characteristics and thereby exercise metrological control over the technical preparedness of athletes. To solve practical problems, digital photo and video equipment is currently widely used. Devices of this type greatly simplify the processing of the material, especially when using applied computer programs. After shooting a training or competitive scene, the recorded image on the memory card or DVD of the device (photo or video camera) can be sent to a computer using the USB port, as well as infrared or Bluetooth port. Positions, postures, movements can be analyzed in detail using Adobe Photoshop. You can use Adobe Premier to create motion video clips. For continuous monitoring of game activity in sports games (basketball, football, hockey, etc.), special systems are used that include several video cameras combined into a common circuit (for example, using a video capture card) using a computer.

    Recording from a digital camera or video camera can be viewed after the exercise and a qualitative analysis can be made. At the same time, it is possible to observe movements using a video camera in real time (on-line). To do this, the camera is connected to a DVD player, and in the case when it is required to capture an image and burn it to the computer's hard drive, it is necessary to equip the computer with a video capture card. When working with analog video cameras, the installation must include an analog-to-digital signal converter. This problem is well solved by computer boards called TV-tuners, which are easily placed on the computer's "motherboard". In this case, the athlete's movement observed on the computer monitor can be "captured" (option "capture" - capture) and recorded on a hard disk for further processing. This method can register relatively slow movements typical for gymnastics, acrobatics, running, sports games (that is, not throws and impact actions). In this case, the efficiency of capturing and recording an image is determined by the power of the computer processor, its speed. Registration of movements using video filming allows you to effectively evaluate movements in dynamics. Digital devices allow you to capture movements at a speed of more than 100 frames per second. Video recording of the image of movements is combined with the use of photoelectronic methods of their registration. With the help of photoelectronic devices in sports practice, the moments of the end of movements are accurately measured, for example, at the finish line. speed run. These methods have low inertia and a high degree of accuracy.

    Country support:
    Operating system: Windows
    Family: Universal Accounting System
    Purpose: Business automation

    Sports controls

    The main features of the program:

      You will form a single database of customers with all the necessary contact information

      You can store a photo of each client in the program

      Club cards can be used to identify customers

      From each payment, a certain percentage can be credited to the client's card in the form of bonuses, which can also be paid in the future

      You will make efficient use of your premises by scheduling classes electronically

      In the program, you can track any subscriptions for a certain number of classes or for a certain period of time

      If you simultaneously sell something to customers or give out, you will also be able to keep accurate records of this.

      Modern system to work with clients will help employees complete all important tasks on time

      If you employ sales managers, their work and performance will also be covered by our program

    • You will be able to watch your client base grow fast and attract new visitors with the help of modern program features

      You will find out on which days of the week or day of the month you have the most customers, this will allow you to easily manage the workload of each branch

      The system will show which of the clients brought you the most profit, and you can easily encourage such visitors with a personal price list or bonuses

      Each of your marketing decisions will be taken into account and analyzed by the number of new customers and payments

      The report will show which of the customers have not fully paid for their purchases or with which of the suppliers you have not yet fully paid

      Managers can easily find out which of your clients have not appeared for a long time and immediately contact them

      Statistics of the reasons for leaving will help you avoid the outflow of your customer base

      Your trainers and managers can be easily compared according to various criteria: the number of clients, classes taken, profits and performance

      You will find out which trainers clients re-register with more often, and who can lose your visitors

      Piecework wages for trainers are easily calculated automatically, taking into account personal rates

      For each employee or branch, you can find out the growth dynamics of visits and subscription sales for any period

    • You can find out all the statistics on clients, subscriptions and coaches for any convenient period of time and evaluate the dynamics using visual reports

      You will receive full statistics on the goods sold or issued for classes

      The program will show any movement of goods and balances for each warehouse and branch for the specified period

      You will find out which products are in high demand

      The system will help analyze the profit from the sale of each product

      Data on all returns for any period will always be at your fingertips

      Thanks to the statistics of requests for out-of-stock items, you can make an informed decision about expanding your range

      The program will tell you what goods you need to purchase and allow you to automatically generate an order

      With the help of the analysis of non-selling goods, you can optimize warehouse resources

      The supply forecast will help you always have the right amount of the most popular items

      The purchasing power report will show the financial capacity of your customers depending on each branch

      All financial movements will be under your complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

      Analysis of payments according to the values ​​​​you need will help you decide whether to increase or decrease prices for subscriptions and goods

      Visualization of profit dynamics will help you easily analyze the company's profitability

      Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock customers and deservedly gain a reputation as the most modern company



      for staff

      for clients

      You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. For this, convenient manual entry or data import is used.

      The interface of the program is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

    Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

    Also you can order international version program into which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. Even the interface can be easily translated by yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

    Each sports institution opens, positioning itself as the best institution to support the muscles of visitors in tone and create a positive mood. The message is very interesting. Sports have recently become a real culture.

    However, over time, any company begins to grow. At first it is invisible. Then everything more people begin to use the services of the sports complex. Of course, this indicates the competitiveness of the institution and the ability of its team to create good conditions for visitors to relax. However, a hot time is coming for the club's employees. It ends with the fact that people simply do not physically have enough hands to keep all business processes under control. This can lead to very disastrous consequences.

    The way out in this situation can be such means of control in sports as a gym control program. Our company is engaged in the development of such software. It is called the Universal Accounting System.

    The system will establish production control at sports facilities in the institution, select for you the most appropriate instrumental methods of control in sports and provide you with many new opportunities for development.

    Each fitness club employee knows how important it is to exercise timely control during physical education and sports. Monitoring people visiting the sports center, monitoring the work of employees, managing each stage of the enterprise, tracking financial flows, developing new methods to attract customers - all this requires the use of not manual labor, but completely different means of control in sports. One of them is our program for control during physical culture and sports USU.

    The Universal Accounting System as a means of organizing physical culture and sports from the very beginning of its work began to show stunning results. To date, with its help, a variety of companies have been automated and they have been able to develop in their industry. On our account, the relief of the work of hundreds of people. You can find their grateful reviews on our website.

    The advantages of our software are flexibility, attentiveness to the needs of customers, quality, efficiency of use, convenience, clarity of information, as well as a settlement system that suits many and does not include a subscription fee.

    If you are interested in our software as a means of control during physical culture and sports, then you can contact us using any of the contacts posted on our website.

    In order to finally decide on the functionality that you would like to see in the program for your enterprise, you can download its demo version from our web page.

    The program can be used by:

    Sport Club,
    center or hall

    Fitness club
    or center

    hall and rocking chair

    complex or center




  • Sport school,
    section or

    and shaping

  • Billiard


    Ice rink,
    roller club

    tournaments and

    sports complex
    or object




    Any other

    After watching the following video, you can quickly get acquainted with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you can't see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to email us, we'll find another way to show the demo!

    Ability to control and manage sports

    • By purchasing our program for the first time, you get 2 hours of technical support for free for each license as a gift;
    • USU as a means of organization sports activities can work over the network or remotely;
    • The base saves every movement of users;
    • Our software, being a control tool in sports, allows you to make individual interface settings at the choice of each user;
    • With the help of our development, the manager will be able to effectively manage his sports enterprise using easy-to-understand reports, as well as graphs and charts to gain insights that will allow you to fully appreciate the dynamics of the organization. Our software will become a means to obtain information that is completely trustworthy;
    • The reliability of the information received thanks to the USU, no one will be able to question;
    • The director, using our system as a means of organizing sports activities, can analyze and plan the activities of the club;
    • With the help of tabbed windows with ongoing transactions, each user can easily move from one operation to another;
    • Thanks to the capabilities of our software, you will have a good client base;
    • We can help you keep track of all your club's activities (for example, gym, massage room and sauna);
    • The USU program, as a means of organizing physical education classes, will control the attendance of trainings and their skipping with the help of subscriptions assigned to each visitor;
    • You can actively use various commercial equipment for the store. In addition, a barcode scanner can be used to mark the entry or exit of the client from the hall. This will greatly speed up the process;
    • Our development is perfectly used as a means of maintaining material accounting and inventory;
    • Among the advantages of the USU program as a means of managing working hours in sports is the function of controlling the hours of operation of each hall;
    • For the convenience of visitors and the administrator, the rental of accessories can be fixed. After training, you can also control their return;
    • In the absence of the client at the training, the employee sports club can indicate its reason, as well as decide whether it is worth reading it as absenteeism;
    • The cashier will be able to take measures to eliminate customer debt and accept payment;
    • The SMS distribution function can be used to notify customers of the approaching expiration date of the subscription;
    • Rates for trainers can be set individually;
    • USU can be used as an accounting tool. It will be possible to calculate wages;
    • An individual work schedule can be created for each specialist of your sports center;
    • Our software as a means of organizing physical education classes allows us to assign an individual schedule of training visits to each client;
    • The program allows you to take into account whether the client is a corporate or individual;
    • USU as a means of organizing physical education classes has the ability to display pop-up windows where you can display any information. For example, data about the possible end of the goods in the warehouse or about the internal assembly. In addition, you will be able to give instructions to colleagues and observe the progress of their implementation.