Gymnastics of uncomfortable poses. Callanetics - gymnastics of uncomfortable poses Poses for gymnastics for beginners

Traditionally, yoga is the ability to meditate. Patanjali defined yoga as "the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind." In this - classical, traditional - way - the most important thing is sitting, meditative postures. Today, of course, this is not the core of practices, but a kind of text, a test for achievements in yoga in general. If these poses do not work at all, they need to be tightened:

1. Padmasana - "Lotus position". A very stable meditative posture that works optimally with a person's energy (prevents the outflow of energy). If this posture is obtained and comfortable, we can assume that halfway to a good meditation has been passed, and pranayamas will come out better.

2. Siddhasana - "Perfect pose." Another optimal posture; redirects energy from the sexual centers to the upper ones. It is also suitable for meditation and pranayama.

3. Swastikasana - a kind of compromise pose: much easier than Padmasana, but also quite stable. Good for pranayama and meditation if Lotus fails.

4. Sukhasana - "Comfortable" or "Easy" pose. The good thing is that it is easy to accept. But for a long sitting (if you do not use additional props), it is completely unsuitable.

Reversed postures:

5. Wirshasana. It is considered the most important pose of yoga, because. activates the Sahasrara Chakra - the “crown chakra”, which gives spiritual experiences. In practice, few people succeed in this pose, and even fewer can do it safely for the neck. It is important to take into account that when incorrect execution, imperceptibly for the practitioner, the cervical vertebrae are injured! It is important to master this position under the guidance of a specialist, in personal work.

6. Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani asana. A lightweight replacement for Shirshasana is also an inverted body position, but without (traumatically dangerous!) Hard support on the top of the head. There are even safer, lighter variations of these two poses when using props (plaids, bricks, even chairs). There are, on the contrary, more athletic and risky variations of the pose.

central part contemporary practice yoga consists of postures such as:

7. Pashchimottanasana - "Pose of stretching the back." A rather relaxed pose that helps to calm the mind. In Viktor Boyko's method, the lesson always starts from this pose, which helps to achieve a meditative state immediately, already in the first minutes of the lesson. This pose is believed to awaken the Kundalini energy.

8. Bhujangasana. If performed correctly, it is useful for the lower back (otherwise, it is harmful). It relieves tension from the lower part of the pelvis, which is typical for most modern people. Cleanses and activates the Svadhisthana Chakra.

9. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - "Half-bridge" ("Stand with support on the shoulders")- also a pose for relaxation of the lower body. It can be performed for an extremely long time, “through I can’t” (according to W. Reich), healing the sexual sphere. Activates the Manipura Chakra.

10. Dhanurasana - Bow Pose. Useful for the back, activates the sympathetic system, invigorates. It has a general character. Improves digestion. Actively “turns on” Manipura (and, as a plus, Anahata).

11. Shalabhasana - Locust Pose. Another valuable posture for the back. Works mostly on it lower part, lower back. Powerful, active and invigorating posture.

12. Ardha Matsyendrasana I. One of the most photogenic, "signature" hatha yoga poses. Relieves tension in the shoulders, lower back, and abdomen. Creates slight body twist. Affects the Manipura Chakra. It is important to do this pose statically, and distributed, otherwise the lower back will “fly”.

13. Shashankasana - in Satyananda yoga, one of the most important, as it promotes complete relaxation, it is similar in effect to Shavasana, it can be done as relaxation. There is a power version of this pose that noticeably strengthens the back. Calms the mind. Another one good posture with such an effect - "Saithali-asana" ("Pose of a resting animal"), also specific to Satyananda yoga.

14. Matsyasana - "Fish Pose"- interesting is not only the opening of the shoulder body, and the relaxation of the lower back, but also the effect on the endocrine - hormonal - system. One of the key postures that affect a person "from the inside", awakening the true potential of yoga asanas.

We must not forget about (15) Savasana- after all, the lesson should always be completed with relaxation! This can be done on its own - for relaxation, "from the nerves", and to tune in to a meditative mood before practice.

It is best to master these and other yoga poses under the supervision of a teacher. Subsequently, you will learn basic yoga skills and safety techniques and be able to practice on your own.

Yoga exercises are not designed to cure any disease. If there are restrictions on physical education (and hence yoga!) You should consult a doctor.

Alexey Sokolovsky is a teacher of classical Hatha yoga (“according to Satyananda”), who has been practicing yoga for over 15 years. Leading seminars on yoga.

Photo: yoginidragidharma/

As a yoga beginner, you may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of poses. Don't worry if you don't know the names of the poses. Yoga classes are a life long distance, you will have enough time to study big number asanas You will progress and over time you will master more and more complex options. It is always better to start simple, besides, many basic exercises do not lose their value over time and will be beneficial over a long period of practice. So that you can start doing yoga at home, we have collected the most popular poses for beginners in pictures with the name and description of the technique.

Before you start learning the basic asanas and start performing the very first poses, let's look at what types there are, so that it is easier for you to navigate and understand what to expect from the exercise.


Standing poses are the most difficult for beginners and are often done at the beginning of a warm-up session. In Vinyasa flow yoga, standing poses follow each other and are used to build ligaments. In Hatha yoga, standing poses can occur separately, combined with rest after each pose.

To balance

Balance development is extremely important for beginners, balance poses help strengthen the core muscles, which in turn is necessary for mastering more complex poses. While maintaining balance may seem difficult at first, over time, with regular practice, you will definitely notice progress.


Bridges can be the most uncomfortable posture for beginners, so they usually start with a slight backbend and stretch. Since such movements are rare in Everyday life, they are extremely important for the health and longevity of the spine.


The seated poses focus on stretching the hips and hamstrings and are usually done at the end of the session when the body is well warmed up. Place a rolled up blanket or block under your buttocks to feel more comfortable in these positions.

On the back, rest

It is very important to know the asanas in which you can relax, especially the child's pose, which is good for taking a break during yoga. Lying postures allow you to continue to work the muscles and tendons of the thighs, as in the sitting position, and also allow you to do backbends and twists.

Basic yoga postures

1. Bridge Pose (Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge pose is a gentle way to start stretching your spine. This posture will help improve spinal mobility and help offset the effect that prolonged sitting has on the spine. If at first this pose seems too difficult for you, place a block under your back.

This pose is great for both stretching the spine and bending it. Moving back and forth awakens and warms up the back, improves well-being and is a good introduction to vinyasa, helps to synchronize breathing and movement.

3. Child Pose (Balasana)

It would not be an exaggeration to call this pose the most important for beginners. Even though this pose is great for stretching the back and hips, its main advantage is not that. Child pose is a resting time during yoga practice. You don't have to be instructed to take this pose, you can do it at any time, listening to your body and acting according to your own feelings. Great, isn't it?

4. Shoemaker's Pose (Badha Konasana)

sitting posture

Let gravity work to stretch the inner thighs in Shoemaker's Pose. If you find this pose difficult, put something in - sit on a block or a rolled up blanket so your hips are higher, this will allow your knees to open more naturally. It will take a lot of effort to keep your knees high, but your legs should be relaxed. To get the most benefit from stretching, place blocks or something supportive under your knees to support them.

5. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The Cobra Pose is done many times during the Flow Yoga class in the Vinshasa sequence. A full cobra is performed with straight arms and a deep arch in the back, however it is possible to do this pose in a variant where you only arch your chest without resting your arms, this will also allow you to secure the pelvis to the floor before you rise.

6. Posture of the deceased (Savasana)

Each yoga session ends with the supine position in the pose of the deceased. This is an important transition from occupation to everyday life. While your body is completely absorbed in doing yoga postures, your mind is freed. Bringing the body to a still position will make it difficult to feel calm at first, but over time it will become easier for you.

7. Downward facing dog (Mukha Svanasana)

standing posture

We can't talk about yoga poses without mentioning the downward facing dog pose. It’s no coincidence that this pose is so common in pop culture, it’s done to achieve a variety of goals in almost every yoga class. It may be uncomfortable or difficult at first, but very soon the pose will become a natural place to relax and reset. Notice it's not that important to keep your legs straight, bent legs knees allow this pose to be accessible to many people.

8. Downward facing dog pose

Standing posture, ballance

Performing balance poses strengthens the core muscles. In this pose, it doesn't matter how high you can raise your leg, focus on keeping your hips up as you lift one leg off the floor.

9. Easy Pose (Sakhasana)

sitting posture

The fear of being in a cross-legged position keeps many people from trying yoga, but in vain, this is not at all scary. It is wise to use supports first to make this posture more comfortable. This posture can compensate for the negative effects of prolonged sitting in a chair.

10. Right Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

standing posture

Although the hand is outside the foot in the figure, this is not the best option for many people. The hand can be placed on the block both outside and inside the foot, you can also place the forearm against the thigh - this is good for beginners. Make sure that the position of the hands does not interfere with the opening of the chest towards the ceiling.

11. Garland Pose (Malasana)

standing posture

Residents of modern cities in the 21st century rarely encounter squats, but this good exercise for stretching the muscles of the pelvis, in yoga it is often called the "opener" for the hips. Surprisingly, it also works well on your often neglected feet. If squats are too difficult for you, use a support.

12. Half forward bend (Ardha Uttanasana)

standing posture

A forward bend with a straight back is often performed during the Sun Salutation routine. In this form, it is often done hastily, but it is worth working on it separately. Feeling how flat your back is is an important part of developing body awareness. First, control its position in the mirror. Many people think that keeping the hands on the ground is preferable because it provides a secure footing, even if the back is rounded. This is not the case, place your hands higher on your legs so that it allows you to keep your back straight.

13. Half Lord of the Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

sitting posture

Twisting is an integral part of yoga. They help to improve the mobility of the spine, and also help the digestive tract, if necessary (with constipation for example). You can straighten the lower leg if it is difficult to keep it bent in front of you.

14. Happy Child Pose (Ananda Balasana)

Happy Child Pose is a wonderful way to end your yoga session. It is also a good example of the balance between tension and relaxation in yoga. You can press down on your feet to bring your legs closer to your armpits, but only until your tailbone starts to lift off the floor. Do not go to extremes, you need to find a middle ground.

15. Pose head to knees (Yanu Sirsasana)

sitting posture

Forward bends are difficult for those with inelastic hamstrings (and there are many). Avoiding bending will not help stretch them. Yanu Sirsasana is an accessible pose for most since you are only stretching one leg at a time.

16. Knees, chest and chin (Ashtanga Namaskara)

This was one of the postures performed by beginners as an alternative or preparation for Chaturanga Dandasana. IN last years the posture has become less popular, with the result that some students start Chaturanga too early when they are not yet ready. It belongs to the sun salutation sequence and is a good warm-up for deeper backbends.

17. Feet up along the wall (Viparita Karani)

It is impossible to perform the Viparita Karani pose incorrectly. This pose will be a real gift for those who spend a lot of time on their feet. You can stay in this position for several minutes to recuperate.

18. Lunge Pose

standing posture

The position of the body during the lunge is extremely important. Try to keep the right angles - the knee should be strictly above the foot, and the thigh should be parallel to the floor. The back leg should be straight. Many people do not lean enough towards the front leg and as a result allow the back leg to bend, check the execution technique in the mirror.

19. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

standing posture

You will see Tadasana in various lists of the most important postures and you will probably wonder why. While it doesn't look difficult, it's hard to explain how much balance work needs to be done and how important it is to other standing postures and to the overall sense of balance in the body. Assume this pose and remain still in it - this is the best way to start your yoga practice.

Pose for balance

It may seem strange to call the plank a balance pose, because the danger of falling is negligible. However, this posture is essential to another. It is needed for the development of the core muscles, and they, in turn, are needed for progress in other poses (standing balance poses or poses on hands). The plank is a great way to develop stability and endurance.

21. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana)

standing posture

Standing, lean forward like a pyramid. Place blocks on each side of the foot to raise the level to a position where you can comfortably place your hands. Your hamstrings will get enough stress anyway and will thank you.

22. Raised Hand Pose (Urdhva Hastasana)

standing posture

The pose is based on the mountain pose (see above). Urdhva Hastasana requires you to stand firmly on your feet while you stretch your arms towards the sky. The result will be a complete stretch of the body. This good way begin power unit yoga classes.

23. Big Toe Retraction (Supta Padangushthasana)

In the "official" version of this pose, you must hold thumb legs with hands. But this option is not suitable for beginners. If you stick with the hard variation straight away, you may need to bend your knee and/or lift your shoulders off the floor. To prevent this from happening, use a belt.

24. Sitting Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

sitting posture

It is no coincidence that there are so many exercises aimed at stretching in poses for beginners. rear surface hips. The fact is that in people who sit a lot, the muscles and tendons in this area are shortened, which leads to back pain. Their stretching is well suited for both prevention and treatment.

25. Tilt from a seated position with legs wide apart (Upavishtha Konasana)

sitting posture

Spread legs create a different stretch in the legs compared to Paschimottanasana (see above). It may seem like the task is to touch the floor with your chest, but this is an unrealistic task for most beginners. Concentrate on keeping your back straight and turning your pelvis as much as possible in the direction of the lean instead of just bending your spine, keep your feet still. Watch the technique and then it will not be so important how deep you can bend over.

26. Staff Pose (Dandasana)

sitting posture

Dandasana is often said to be the seated version of mountain pose. This is a fairly close characteristic of this pose. If you find it difficult to sit with a straight back, place a rolled up blanket under you. This will lift the pelvis and tilt it slightly forward, which will allow the spine to feel more comfortable. You can do this in any sitting position.

27. Lying Twisting Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana)

Pose on the back, rest

Passive core rotations are a good way to end a yoga session, although there are no hard and fast rules against doing this pose at the beginning of a yoga class. The position of the legs is also not strictly regulated. If you have enough flexibility, then the upper leg can be straightened and held. You can also rotate one leg in relation to the other, as in the eagle pose, to stretch outer surface hips.

28. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Standing posture, balance

Tree pose is a good start to mastering balance poses. If you feel like you're losing your balance, just take a step. Try not to create a counterweight by artificially pushing the hips far to the sides.

29. Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

standing posture

Most beginners can extract great benefit by using the block at hand. This extra height allows the front leg to straighten out without locking the knee, and also allows the chest to open towards the ceiling instead of facing the floor.

30. Warrior Pose I (Virabhadrasana I)

standing posture

Warrior poses are classics and cover many different styles and practices. Warrior I Pose is somewhat more difficult than Warrior II Pose due to the position of the pelvis. In warrior pose I, the pelvis looks forward as in mountain pose, despite the fact that the position of the legs is different.

31. Warrior Pose II (Virabhadrasana II)

standing posture

In Warrior II, the pelvis is in a different position. The back leg is positioned so that the pelvis is facing the mat. Understanding the difference between an open (warrior pose II) and a closed (warrior pose I) pelvis position is key for beginners, over time the sense of control over your own body will improve and you will be ready for more challenging poses.

How to start doing yoga

Deciding to practice yoga is the first step. Now you need to find correct yoga class or study at home. Let's figure out what steps you need to take next to start enjoying and benefiting from classes.

Choose a type of yoga

As you will see later, there are many varieties of yoga, some just won't work for you and your fitness level.

Take a few minutes to get to know different styles yoga. For most beginners the best choice there will be Hatha or Vinyasa, depending on whether you want to practice at a slower or faster pace. These are the basic styles, you can try something more intricate later on.

Despite the vast number of books and videos available, nothing can replace a good yoga teacher. If you are unable to attend classes, start with video tutorials, as the video gives a better idea of ​​the technique than the book.

Find a class

You can find yoga classes in your city, just look at specialized resources on the Internet and local magazines and find the most convenient class for you. If you are visiting Gym, mind you, many fitness centers offer yoga classes by subscription. Start with the basics. Find a good instructor who will motivate you. If you do not like the instructor, try to work out with another, search until you find the most suitable for you.

What to Expect from a Yoga Practice

On the first day, you will not need to take anything with you except comfortable breathable clothes. Most classes have their own equipment that you will need for classes.

Usually the students arrange the mats towards the instructor, sometimes in a checkerboard pattern. This is due to the fact that you need to leave space next to you so as not to embarrass your neighbor, some poses will need more free space than others.

Students usually sit cross-legged while waiting for class to begin or do some light stretching.

Usual class order:

  • The instructor can start the session by humming "ommm" three times. Some instructors start with breathing exercises or meditation.
  • This is followed by warm-up poses, active poses, then stretching and final relaxation. If you are tired, then take the pose of the child, at any time during the lesson.
  • Sometimes the teacher walks around his students during the final relaxation and gives a little advice, at the end there may be another cycle of singing “omm”.
  • Remember that the day after the first session, you may experience muscle pain.

30 Day Home Yoga Program for Beginners

Yoga is very popular these days, but it can be difficult to grab a mat and start doing poses in class together. 30 day program classes at home is designed to give a start to your studies, to consolidate the correct order of performing poses, which are arranged in order of complication. Once you start yoga, over time you will feel the full benefits of the classes and you will not be able to quit, this will be the first month of your new life as a yoga.

  • You need to spend about 15 minutes doing a daily stretch and 30-45 minutes for an extended workout.
  • Feel free to add new poses to your daily routine if you have the time.
  • You can visit group lesson instead of long home workout if you like it that way.
  • Don't worry if you miss a day of class, just pick up where you left off.

Yoga classes do not require much additional equipment, but there are a few things that it is advisable to purchase in advance. First of all, this is a rug, it is also desirable to have blocks, a belt and a comfortable blanket to start exercising at home.

Sun salutation will form the basis of your longer sessions. It may be unusual at first, but over time, the implementation of this complex will become more natural.

The first day

  1. Start your workout with stretching.
  2. Add three sun salutations.
  3. Rest for a few minutes in the posture of the deceased.

Week 1

During the first week of training, stretch daily, Sun Salutation every other day. Combine standing and sitting postures during the sessions in order to perform a longer session at least three times a week. Remember to rest in mortuary position at the end of each session.

Think about what time is best for you to practice. A good opportunity to do yoga in the morning, you can start the day with stretching, find the best time.

Schedule for the first week:

  • Day 1: Stretching + 3x Sun Salutation.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Standing Stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretch + 3x Sun Salutation + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

For the remainder of the month, you will be doing short daily stretches and adding variation to longer sequences of poses.

  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Moon Salutation + Sitting Stretch + Standing Stretch.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: Stretch + 3x Moon Salutation + Standing Stretch + Balance Poses.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretching + 3 x Moon Salutations + Standing Stretches + Yoga Abs.
  • Day 7: Stretch.
  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: stretching + 3 times Surya Namaskar + stretching in a sitting position + stretching in a standing position.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: stretching + 3 times Surya Namaskar + stretching in a standing position + yoga for the press.
  • Day 7: Stretch.
  • Day 1: Stretch.
  • Day 2: Stretch + 3x Surya Namaskar + Sitting Stretch + Standing Stretch + Hand Yoga.
  • Day 3: Stretch.
  • Day 4: stretch + Surya Namaskar + standing stretch + balance poses + sitting stretch.
  • Day 5: Stretch.
  • Day 6: Stretch + 3x Surya Namaskar + Standing Stretch + Abs Yoga + Sitting Stretch.
  • Day 7: Stretch.

After completing this 30-day complex, you will get into the habit of practicing yoga daily. Continue to stretch daily, and do longer stretches three times a week. This mode will allow you to enter the process of training, develop the habit of exercising, and in the long run will improve your physical form and tone.

A few tips to prepare yourself for yoga classes in the classroom or at home.

  • Eat a big meal before class (try to eat a light meal a few hours before class);
  • drink water during class, drink plenty of fluids before and after class;
  • wear shoes or socks during class.
  • at the first lesson, inform the instructor about your level in yoga;
  • contact the instructor for help if necessary;

Perhaps, every person has heard the word “yoga”. Someone was advised by practicing friends, someone heard about the benefits in the media. It does not matter how a person comes to the desire to learn yoga. The important thing is to understand its whole essence and philosophy. Getting started is never easy, especially for a beginner.

You can take advantage of specialist courses. But if there is not enough time, then the practice can be mastered on your own. The main thing is to carefully understand the fundamental principles, and then you can conduct a set of yoga classes for beginners and at home.

The art of yoga came, as you know, from ancient india. The first sources prescribing practices date back to the 2nd-3rd centuries BC. The history of the emergence and formation of this art is rich and diverse. But it is important for any beginner to understand that yoga is not only a complex exercise, but a whole way of life, involving the rejection of many benefits modern man.

It is believed that such restrictions and deep meditation can lead a person to spiritual enlightenment. Of course, it’s not worth it to immediately go into the philosophy of renunciation of the benefits of civilization.

Yoga for a modern person is a set of physical exercises and meditation that helps to focus on one's desires and goals in conditions of constant stress. Thanks to the basic positions, a person learns to relax, concentrate, and also brings his physical form into a more toned and healthy look.

All this is achieved through teaching. correct breathing. If you carry out only a set of exercises for beginners, then yoga will become a regular gymnastics.

Therefore, for a better knowledge of the soul and body, it is worth trying to master the practice of meditation. It is she who will help get rid of bad habits, stress and establish some kind of harmony with yourself.

The benefits of yoga for the body

If we evaluate yoga from the position of influence on the functioning of the body, then a constant practice is able to normalize the work of individual organs.

In general, a numerous and regularly performed set of exercises (asanas) improves the general well-being of a person:

  • Normalization of sleep is the first thing that is noted at the beginning of mastering the practice;
  • Increasing the body's resistance to colds;
  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Positive effect on the spine, as well as getting rid of deposited salts;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Normalization of posture and gait.

Yoga, thanks to the postures carried out, has a strengthening effect on the entire body. Properly set breathing exercise stress, the ability to relax the body - all this can save a person from many disorders of the digestive, endocrine and even reproductive systems.

Any beginner asks the question: where to start yoga? If you decide to take classes with an instructor, then the specialist will explain each asana and show the correct technique for performing it.

In the conditions of home training, the first thing to do is to find a suitable and well-designed manual. These can be video tutorials on the Internet, a purchased booklet. The main thing is that the information for each pose is clearly explained and clearly demonstrated.

Before proceeding directly to the implementation, it is worth remembering a few simple rules:

  • Yoga is a smooth, calm practice. Sharp movements, excessive loads are excluded;
  • Do not exercise if it causes pain or discomfort. It is necessary to come to the development of complex postures gradually;
  • Start each session with a light warm-up. So you will save yourself from sprains of joints and ligaments;
  • Always watch your breath. It should be even, and each inhalation-exhalation is done with a clear understanding of the entire respiratory process;
  • You must feel your body. Remove sources of noise from the room that can distract you from focusing on the process;
  • Regularity is required to achieve results. To get started, set aside 15-20 minutes of daily exercise. So you will cultivate in yourself the habit of studying and self-discipline;
  • Buy a yoga mat. You will have to do it on the floor, and even a small coverlet will cause a lot of inconvenience due to slipping.

Contraindications for doing yoga

Like any gymnastics, yoga has a number of medical contraindications:

  • Past heart disease;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Oncology;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Increased blood pressure.

If you are in doubt about whether to start exercising, it is always better to consult your doctor.

Basic poses for beginners

You should always start with easy poses. Even an asana, simple at first glance, is able to line up your body in a clear line. A set of first yoga poses consists of the following techniques:

tree pose

When performing, you need to stand straight, legs slightly apart. Inhaling slowly, raise your hands as much as possible. Then pull them back behind your head, revealing chest. Try to place the foot of one foot on inside thighs of the other. Catch balance and balance. This asana strengthens the spine, improves coordination of movements.

child pose

Take a sitting position with your buttocks on your heels. Gently tilt your body down onto your hips. Stretch your hands forward. You will feel how the spine is straightened and tension is removed from the cervical region.

dog pose

Take a standing position. The legs are slightly apart. Lower your body down, touching the floor with your outstretched arms. Take your feet back a few steps. The head is down. Your body will take the shape of a triangle. The load at the same time evenly falls on the palms and feet. Well in this position, general fatigue and stress are removed.

Stork pose

Standing position, legs apart shoulder width apart. Bending at the body, lean down. Place your palms under your feet. Try to reach your knees with your head. Try to keep your legs straight at the knees. Well increases the tone of the body, plasticity.

Bow pose

Lie belly down. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and slightly lift them off the floor. The thighs are straight, the lower leg is raised at an angle of 90 degrees. Grab your feet with your hands. You will feel a strong tension in your back, because. This position straightens the spine.

After mastering these asanas, you can begin to perform more complex ones. The main thing is to focus on the process and enjoy the light physical exertion. For clarity, the article contains photos of yoga for beginners.

The beneficial effects and benefits of yoga can be appreciated by anyone who masters the initial technique. Start with small and light workouts, gradually increasing the interval.

You can even schedule a yoga schedule for every day, and very soon you will feel the first results. Regular classes will help you gain self-confidence, get rid of stress and get the desired physical shape.

Photo yoga for beginners

Schools and kindergartens let children go on holidays, sport sections- Same. Of course, advanced young athletes have sports camps, but what if the child is engaged in some kind of general strengthening sports "for health", or is still too small to go to the camp? How not to lose your fitness during the holidays? By analogy with the reading list for the summer, we offer a set of exercises for children that can be added to daily summer activities.

For what special exercises, if in the summer children are already on the move all the time - they ride bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, climb horizontal bars at playgrounds, jump on a trampoline in the country or in children's park chasing a ball or playing basketball?

Yes, yards and sports grounds in large cities today stimulate motor activity children, and even in the country, many parents consider it necessary to establish sports complex rope, rings, rope ladder, trampoline, swimming pool.

But a lot depends on the child and the situation. If he prefers quiet activities to outdoor games, or there is no one to run and play with at the dacha, parents should take the time to do useful things. gymnastic exercises, which will help keep fit, stretch, improve strength and flexibility. This will take no more than 30 minutes two or three times a day. All these exercises can be performed in nature, laying a mat on the grass, or at home.

Jumping rope - forward / backward on two legs, on one leg. At first, children will need the help of their parents in order to understand the essence of jumping rope. Then they can do this exercise on their own.

Jumping on two legs, rotating the rope forward and then backward 50 times. Jumping on one leg, rotating the rope forward - 20 times on each. If the child is over 10 years old and is in good sportswear, then the number of jumps on two legs forward / backward can be increased to 100, and on one leg - 30-40 times on each.

Jumping hoops for children under 4 years old. This exercise will help young children, starting from 1.5 years old, learn to jump on two legs. Buy 5-7 pieces of colored hoops of medium size, put them on the path one after another and show the children how to jump from one hoop to another.

If children do not know how to jump, then parents should help them by holding them by the waist. If the child is already jumping confidently, then increase the distance between the hoops so that he jumps in length.

Jumping from a squat ("frog"). Starting position: crouching emphasis - squatting, keep your knees together, emphasis on your hands. Jump high up, while straightening your back and understanding straight arms up, then immediately sit down in the starting position and immediately repeat the next jump. 2 sets with rest 15 times.

Lowering / raising the back from a sitting position. Starting position: sitting on the floor, fix the legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Slowly lower onto your back, keeping your head on your chest all the time, and then rise to the starting position without the help of your hands. Perform 2 sets of 15-20 times with a short rest interval.

Raising the legs in the supine position. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raising straight legs up to a vertical position and slowly lowering down. The legs must be stretched and tense (2 sets of 15 times with a short rest interval).

back exercise

Raising the back up from a prone position. Starting position: lying on the floor on the stomach, fix the legs under the sofa or parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of the head. Raise your back from the floor to the maximum possible level, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position and immediately repeat the task. When performing the exercise, the eyes should look down. 2 sets of 15 reps with short rest intervals.

plank. Starting position: emphasis lying on the floor, i.e. rest with straight arms and legs on the floor so that the body is parallel to the floor, the shoulders are exactly above the palms, the back is slightly rounded, the legs are together. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

One arm plank(first on the right, then on the left). Starting position: lying down, press a straight arm to the thigh along the body, do not turn your shoulders, do not spread your legs. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

Crossbar exercises

Pull-ups on the bar with external assistance- i.e. the parent holds the child by the stomach and helps him pull himself up. Gradually reduce assistance. It is important that the child maintains a straight body position during pull-ups, does not bend the legs and pulls up to the chin (i.e., the chin is above the crossbar). Perform: 2 sets of 10 times.

Emphasis on straight arms on a low crossbar- it can also be parallel bars. Starting position: standing on straight arms on the crossbar, shoulders are brought forward a little, the back is round, emphasis on the hips, legs together. Perform 2 sets of 10-20 seconds.

Movement on the hands on the crossbar in the hang- find any long high crossbars, stairs (there are many of them on playgrounds), where the child can hang on his hands and move in different directions without the help of his legs.

At the end of the workout, these exercises will help to relax the muscles and gradually develop flexibility. Children under 3 years of age are recommended to complete all tasks except splits.

Fold the legs together and apart with the help of the parents. Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs together, arms reach for the legs. Parents lightly press on the back. 2 sets of 10 times.

"Ring". This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, anterior thigh. Starting position: lying on your stomach, rest on straight arms that are close to your stomach, and stretch your head up. Then bend your legs and stretch your socks to the back of your head, trying to touch it. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest and repeat again.

The article was prepared by the club "European Gymnastics Center"