Bodyflex for weight loss 12 exercises. Bodyflex - an effective weight loss system or quackery? Basic principles of bodyflex

One of the most effective complexes contributing fast weight loss is bodyflex for beginners - a 15-minute video training system that can replace complex sport exercises and bring the desired result. To start training, you do not need to purchase special equipment. The main rules for success are to follow the recommendations for the implementation of the complex and do it regularly.

What is bodyflex for beginners

The exercise system created by a simple housewife, for a short time able to reduce the circumference of the waist, arms and legs. This effect is achieved due to special breathing that affects the diaphragm and saturates the body with oxygen. The complex is popular due to the fact that in order to achieve good result you need to practice 15 minutes a day. All exercises are static, do not require high motor activity. This is very important for people who cannot because of heavy weight do moving cardio.

Where to start bodyflex

Before you start training, you should find out about the contraindications for which you can not engage in this system. In addition, to achieve success, it is definitely recommended to follow these steps:

  1. Set a clear goal and write down the desired results after the first month. These figures must be real, otherwise the loser may be disappointed or there will be doubts about the productivity of the system.
  2. Take measurements with a tape measure and write them down for comparison. This makes it much easier to track results.
  3. Study information about charging on the Internet, watch a few video tutorials.
  4. Allocate 15-20 minutes a day when no one will distract.

How to organize classes for a beginner

In order to properly organize body flex classes, you do not need to purchase special equipment. However, according to weight loss reviews, it is better to buy a gymnastic mat, which helps to avoid slipping when exercises are performed on the floor. A beginner will only need desire and a little time to master the lessons. People who have achieved results recommend following the rules:

  1. Choose comfortable clothes for training. It should not constrain the body to hamper movement, you should not choose too warm clothes- although the exercises are static, during their implementation a person sweats a lot.
  2. If daily workouts are performed by video, then arrange a suitable place in front of the TV or computer.
  3. Choose a complex that will help reduce body volume in problem areas. During the first lessons, you need to focus on basic exercises.
  4. Take a timer that will signal the beginning and end of lessons.

How to do body flex to lose weight

One of the advantages of the system is that it is not necessary to follow special diets or limit the amount of food eaten. However, in order to quickly lose weight with bodyflex, you must:

  1. perform the complex regularly every day;
  2. observe the correct drinking regime - drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water;
  3. eat small meals 2.5 hours before class or 1.5 hours after them;
  4. add more fiber to your diet.

For a person who first started training, it is very difficult to continue exercising after the first week. Many say that muscle pain and slight dizziness go away. Already after weekly workouts measurements can be taken. As the experience of many women and men shows, even during this period, tangible results can be achieved:

  • appetite decreases;
  • stool normalizes;
  • volumes in a waist and hips decrease;
  • mood improves;
  • rises muscle tone.

Basic principles of bodyflex

For the first time, the principles of bodyflex were outlined by the American housewife Greer Childers in the book “A Gorgeous Figure in 15 Minutes a Day”. The woman spoke about her experience of losing weight. After the birth of her third child, she had to try many different systems, ranging from simple aerobics to strength training. In order to lose weight, Greer used breathing exercises, which were a combination of muscle stretching and yoga. One of the main rules is to follow the basic principles. These include:

  1. Proper breathing. Bodyflex lessons should be performed only after breathing exercises are well mastered.
  2. Systematic. It is not necessary to perform the complex every day, you can pay attention to bodyflex 3-4 times a week.
  3. Doing workouts on an empty stomach. If this rule is not observed, then complications associated with digestive system. During aerobic exercise, the abdominal wall is involved, so it is very important that at least 2.5 hours pass after the last meal.
  4. Correct measurements. It is not necessary to weigh yourself, as the main goal is to burn fat, reduce body volume, and not reduce weight.

Basic postures

Before proceeding with the implementation of the complex, you need to master the basic provisions in which breathing exercises are performed. It is recommended to start mastering the system from these positions:

  1. "Basketball player" - spread your legs to the sides, sit down slightly, tilt your torso forward, put your palms just above the knee.
  2. "Sitting on the floor" - sit on a hard surface, legs wide apart in different sides, place your hands behind your back, pressing your palms to the floor so that the shoulder blades are brought together, raise your head up.
  3. “Four point emphasis” - get on all fours, straighten your back, put your arms and legs at right angles to the floor, lower your head slightly.

Mastering the breath

According to nutritionists, the problem of overweight people is a lack of energy. If you engage in aerobic exercise, more oxygen begins to enter the body, which is a natural fat burner. However, people who are overweight cannot perform active workouts, so bodyflex with a special breathing system will quickly help solve the problem. To start classes, you need to take the “Basketball Player” pose, then proceed to breathing exercises:

  1. Slowly exhale air through your mouth, try to exhale as long as possible.
  2. Inhale deeply through your nose.
  3. Do sharp exhalation through the mouth (it should sound like a “groin”).
  4. Hold your breath for 8-10 seconds. At the same time, tighten the abdominal muscles, trying to push the stomach under the diaphragm.
  5. Relax and breathe out through your nose.

It is recommended to concentrate as much as possible on this exercise, because the effect of losing weight will depend on it. At first, it is allowed to keep your hand on the diaphragm in order to breathe correctly from the chest. If it is difficult to hold your breath for 8 seconds, you can first do shorter intervals, gradually increasing them. Those who have been practicing the system for more than a month are able to count up to 15-20 seconds.

Basic exercises for beginners

When a person is just starting to train, it is very important not to overdo it so that the rise is not followed by a decline, so beginners are advised to do not very difficult exercises that will help strengthen the main muscle groups. With loads during the first week, you can limit yourself to only three exercises, which allow you to gradually get used to the loads.

a lion

This exercise is very effective for tightening the facial and neck muscles. It is performed in the following order:

  1. Take the position of "Basketball player", crouching a little and resting your hands on your knees.
  2. After that, bodyflex breathing exercises are performed.
  3. During exhalation, collect your lips into a tube, stick out your tongue to the limit, open your eyes wide and lift them up, wait 8 seconds.
  4. Do 5 sets.


Performing such a workout regularly, you can pump up the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. For this you need:

  1. sit down with legs wide apart;
  2. place your hands behind your back, stretch your socks to the sides;
  3. do a breathing exercise, lean forward with arms outstretched;
  4. try to get as far as possible;
  5. slowly count to 8, return to the starting position;
  6. repeat 2 more times.


It is very easy to achieve strengthening of the arms and back with the help of an exercise called "Cat". Execution steps:

  1. Lean on the palms and knees, the head should be in the same line of the neck and back.
  2. After performing the respiratory complex, round your back strongly, lowering your head down, count to 10, exhale the air and relax.
  3. Do up to 5-7 approaches.

A set of exercises

After mastering the correct breathing and working out the basic exercises for all muscle groups, you can begin to perform more complex workouts. According to Marina Korpan, one of the most famous bodyflex and oxysize trainers in Russia, morning workouts are recognized as more effective due to the fact that they occur after the body has rested. In addition, the maximum break between meals is achieved. It is allowed to drink a glass of clean water before classes to speed up the metabolism.

15-minute morning complex

In addition to exercises that are mandatory (Lion, Cat, Boat), the morning complex includes:


Number of repetitions

Ugly grimace

Push the lower teeth forward, stretching the lips, tighten the neck and raise the head up. Throw your hands back, as during a ski jump.

Do 5 reps.

Lateral stretch

Lean on one knee, putting your right foot to the side and pulling the sock. Stretch your right arm above your head parallel to the floor. Rest your left hand on your bent knee.

Repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction.

Kneel down, lean on your hands, stretch one leg to the side, while holding your breath, raise your leg parallel to the floor, fix it.

Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

Put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows at the level of the forearms, connect your fingers to make a figure that looks like a diamond. Rest with your fingers to feel a strong tension.

Run 4-5 approaches.


Take a seated position on the floor. Stretch one leg obliquely, bend the other at the knee and pull it with the opposite hand closer to the stomach. Bring the other hand behind your back.

Do 3-4 exercises on each side.

Starting position: lying on the floor, stretching your legs straight. Put your hands palms down. Then raise both legs by 8-9 cm and perform wide crossed swings. You need to make sure that the socks are stretched out.

Repeat 3 more times.

Abdominal Press

It is performed lying on your back. Bend your knees, stretch your arms up perpendicular to the floor, raising your head with your shoulders by 15-20 cm. Gently lower yourself.

Do 5 times.

Where to practice bodyflex

The advantages of such a system as bodyflex at home for beginners over other weight loss systems is that you can perform classes not only in an organized group, but also at home. However, if you work under the guidance experienced trainer on fitness, you can adjust the weight loss program to suit individual characteristics. In addition, in a team it is easier to avoid recessions that occur due to a lack of organization. Now you can sign up for remote courses and take classes on the Internet, which also brings very good results.


The system is very healthy and practically has no age restrictions, but it also has a number of contraindications. The most common prohibitions, due to which it is impossible to engage in body flex, include:

  • heart failure;
  • glaucoma;
  • hernia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tachycardia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

It is also impossible to perform classes for pregnant women - an increased effect on the abdominal wall can provoke a miscarriage. If the person who is losing weight has or had any chronic diseases, surgeries, bleeding of unknown etiology, then you must first check with your doctor and only then proceed to physical activity.


Bodyflex program (BodyFlex) , was created by American Greer Childers.
Bodyflex is similar morning exercises. These exercises are perfect for women with a low level of physical activity and can be well combined with any diet.

Gymnastics is based on the combination deep breathing with exercises to increase flexibility and strengthen the core muscle groups.

The program includes 12 exercises to be performed before breakfast for 15 minutes every day. On the recommendation of Greer Childers, the program should be used on empty stomach, it is enough to drink a glass of liquid (juice, water, tea) before exercise.

The proposed exercises are of a health-improving nature, and with everyday performance they will help to slightly strengthen the muscles of the thighs, improve joint mobility and elasticity of muscles, ligaments, tendons. The value of the program lies in its simplicity and short duration.

The program uses isotonic, isometric and stretching poses for breathing exercises so that you can tighten your muscles while burning fat. Isometric exercises tighten one muscle group relative to another group or a fixed object. Isotonic exercises using the body's own resistance.

It is important to remember how five-stage breathing is performed: exhale, inhale, exhale strongly, hold your breath, lower your head (if the exercises are done not lying down), draw in your stomach - and as soon as you draw in your stomach, you should immediately take the desired position, holding your breath and remaining in this pose for 8-10 accounts.

"Bodyflex" can be changed, simplified, complicated. Even just doing breathing exercises, you will become more energetic.

To increase the effectiveness of the program, it can be performed 2 times a day. The first in the morning, and the second in the evening - before dinner, but on the condition that you did not eat anything for 2 hours before that.

The initial position (it is easiest to learn how to breathe correctly in it) - legs 30-35 centimeters wide, hands resting with palms two and a half centimeters above the knees (as if you want to sit down). Look straight ahead.

Five stages of breathing

Step 1: Exhale all the air from your lungs through your mouth.

The first thing to do is exhale all the air through your mouth. Gather your lips into a tube, and slowly and evenly release all the air from yourself without a trace.

Step 2: Breathe in quickly through your nose.

Once your lungs are empty, stop and purse your lips. Without opening your mouth, quickly and sharply, fill your lungs with air to capacity. Inhale strongly and quickly. The breath should be very noisy.

Step 3: Exhale all the air through your mouth

"When your lungs are full of air and you feel that you are no longer able to inhale, raise your head a little. Squeeze your lips, bite them, as if spreading lipstick on them. Now you will sharply exhale all the air, and as low as possible in the diaphragm "Now open your mouth wide and start exhaling. You should get something like "groin!" sounds, but the sounds should come from the diaphragm, and not from the lips or throat. Mastering this deep exhalation is quite difficult, and you may need to one try to get it in. For the first time, you might even want to cough (from your lungs, not your throat) and try to imitate the correct sound, as if it really comes from deep in your lungs. You will understand when the breath is done correctly - "groin! "it will turn out whistling."

Step 4: Hold your breath and do a tummy tuck for eight to ten counts.

After exhaling all the air, close your mouth and hold your breath. Hold the air all the time while doing this exercise. Tilt your head, draw in the stomach and lift it as high as possible. This is called "pulling in the belly" and is part of the exercise to flatten the belly. If you tilt your head towards your chest, it will simply be easier for you to pull your stomach up, because the abdominal muscles are often very weak. Keep your stomach drawn in, without inhaling, for eight to ten counts, counting "one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three ...".

Step 5: Relax and Breathe

Relax, inhale and release your abdominal muscles. As you inhale, you should feel the air rushing into your lungs.

To summarize: exhale - inhale - exhale - hold the breath - inhale.

It will take time to master this breathing exercise. When the breathing exercise is easy for you, proceed to the study of a set of exercises. From all the proposed exercises, you can choose the ones that you need.

When exercising, you may experience dizziness. If the dizziness is very strong or does not stop, stop. Sit down and breathe evenly until the dizziness goes away. Then start over.
When you first start doing Bodydex, you may have shortness of breath in the middle of a fifteen-minute complex. This is also completely normal. Keep practicing to develop strength and endurance, and soon you will be able to perform the entire complex without stopping.
The optimal time to perform Bodyflex is in the morning on an empty stomach. In any case (even if you exercise during the day or in the evening), try not to eat food before starting classes (within 2-3 hours). The last meal before classes should be easy (fruits, vegetables).

A set of exercises

1. "Lion"

This exercise trains not only the body, but also the face with the neck.
Starting Posture: This is a normal standing posture, feet 30-35 centimeters apart, hands resting palms on feet two and a half centimeters above the knees. Like you're about to sit down. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.
Basic Pose: This pose is designed to work on the face, cheeks, under the eyes, wrinkles around the mouth and nose. It is taken from the yoga "lion pose", but done a little differently. In a yoga posture, you simply open your mouth wide, relaxing your lips - you get the "wide mouth of an old lion." We will first collect the lips in a small circle. Now open your eyes very wide and lift them up (this is how you tighten the muscles under the eyes). At the same time, lower the circle of the lips down (straining the cheeks and nasal area) and stick out the tongue to the limit (this works on the area under the chin and neck), without relaxing the lips. Hold this pose for eight counts. The pose is performed five times.
- Don't open your mouth too wide.
- when you stick your tongue out as far as possible from a low small circle of lips, you should feel how the muscles stretch from the area under the eyes to the very chin. - when performing this exercise, you can either remain in the initial breathing position all the time, or straighten up after pulling in the abdomen. Standing, perform the main pose for eight counts, and with an exhalation, return to the starting pose.

2. "Ugly grimace"

Starting Pose: You may want to do the exercise without the breath part first. Stand up straight, push your bottom teeth past your front teeth (the dentist would call this an overbite) and stick out your lips as if you're trying on someone. Sticking out your lips, stretch your neck until you feel tension in it. Now raise your head and imagine that you are about to kiss the ceiling. You should feel a stretch from the tip of your chin all the way to your sternum. Don't be surprised if your neck hurts the next morning. It's just that these muscles have never worked before. Once you've mastered the exercise (and understand how it lives up to its name), combine it with the rest of the exercise.
Starting posture - basic breathing posture, legs apart, hands over knees, buttocks in a position as if you are about to sit down. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.
Basic posture: Neck and chin in the position described above. Stand straight with your arms thrown back (as if you're on a diving board - this is for balance) and your chin lifts towards the ceiling. Soles must fully touch the floor. Do the exercise five times, each time holding your breath for 8 counts.
- do not close your mouth - cover your upper teeth with your lower teeth and stick out your lips like a monkey. - do not rise on tiptoe when you reach for the ceiling. You can not only lose your balance, but also stretch your muscles too badly.
- between repetitions, be sure to return to the main breathing position. Relax and keep going.

3. "Side Stretch"

Strengthens the muscles of the lateral surface of the body.
Starting posture: Take the basic breathing position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, palms two and a half centimeters above the knees, buttocks in such a position as if you are about to sit down, head looking forward. Do a breathing exercise, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.
Basic Pose: Lower your left arm so that your elbow rests on your bent left knee. Stretch your right leg to the side, pulling the sock, without lifting your feet from the floor. Your weight should be on the bent left knee. Now lift your right arm and stretch it over your head, over your ear, and pull it further and further to feel the muscles stretching on the side, from the waist to the armpit. The arm should remain straight and close to the head.
Hold the pose for 8 counts, take a breath. Do the exercise three times to the left side, and then three times to the right.

Do not bend your arm at the elbow when you raise it in order to properly stretch. Just stretch and stretch your muscles.
- the toes of the outstretched leg must be pulled back in order for the stretch to be really good.
- save correct posture. Don't lean forward.
- if the posture is correct, you will look a bit like a discus thrower

4. "Pulling the leg back"

Strengthening the gluteal muscles.
Starting Pose: Sit on the floor, resting on your hands and knees. Now get down on your elbows. Stretch your leg straight behind you without bending your knee, your toes pointing down and resting on the floor. The weight should be on your elbows and your arms, which are directly in front of you, palms down. Your head is up and you are looking straight ahead. Perform the entire five-stage breathing exercise: exhale, inhale, exhale powerfully, hold your breath, lower your head, pull your stomach in. Pulling in the stomach, hold it and take the main pose.
Basic pose: Raise the straight leg laid back as high as you can, the toe is still towards you. Tighten and connect the gluteal muscles. Hold the position and breath, squeeze and unclench the buttocks, perform the exercise for 8 counts. Release your breath and lower your leg. Do the exercise three times with one leg and three times with the other.

Do not pull your socks up during this exercise. This will change the path of the blood (which carries fat-burning oxygen) and send it to the calf area. And now we need to work not on the calves, but on the gluteus maximus muscles. Your socks should always be turned towards you.
- keep your leg perfectly straight. Don't let your knee bend. This helps create tension in gluteal muscles.
- Never do this exercise if you are not leaning on the floor with your elbows. If you do it on your hands and knees, you may injure your back.
- as is the case with all the following exercises, do not waste valuable time getting into the right position after pulling in the stomach. The countdown starts only when you take the main pose. Take the main pose after pulling in the abdomen quickly.

5. Seiko

Formation of the muscles of the outer surface of the thigh.
Starting Pose: Stand on your hands and knees and extend your straight right leg to the side, at a right angle to the body. The right foot should be on the floor. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.
Basic Pose: Raise the outstretched leg until the leg is parallel to the floor. Pull it forward towards the head. The leg must remain straight. In this exercise, the sock can be pulled and bent - it does not matter. Just hold on for 8 counts. Take a breath and lower your leg into the starting position on the floor. The exercise should be performed three times on each side.

Do not bend your raised leg at the knee. This relieves tension on the inner thigh.
- Try to raise your leg as high as possible. For the first time, most people manage to lift it only 9 centimeters above the floor.
- Raising your legs, keep your arms straight. You can lean slightly to the opposite side to keep your balance, but try to stay as straight as possible.

6. "Diamond"

Strengthening the muscles of the hands.
Starting pose: Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lock your hands in a circle in front of you. Keep your elbows high, close your outstretched fingers. Round your back a little to keep your elbows up, but your hands should only touch each other with your fingers, not your palms. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.
Basic pose: Now press your fingers against each other as much as possible. You will feel the muscle tension coming from both wrists all over your arm and chest. Hold tension for 8 counts. Now take a breath. Repeat the exercise three times.

Only fingertips should touch each other.
- do not drop your elbows. Otherwise, the pressure will not fall on upper part hands, but only on the chest.

7. "Boat"

Exercise for the muscles of the inner thigh.
Starting Pose: Sit on the floor with your legs spread as wide as possible in an inverted "V" shape. Keeping your heels on the ground, pull your toes toward you and point them out to the sides to further stretch your inner thighs. Rest your palms on the floor behind you. Keep your arms straight and do the five-step breathing exercise. Bending your head and pulling in your stomach, hold your breath and take the main pose.
Basic pose: Move your hands from behind your back forward, bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Keeping your fingers on the carpet, "go" forward, gradually leaning lower and lower. You will feel a stretch in your inner thighs. Hold for 8 counts. Exhale, put your hands behind you and start again. Repeat the exercise three times.

Stretching must be done carefully. When leaning forward, do not make sudden movements - this can cause injury. Just stretch. Stretch forward and stay in this position, then stretch a little more and wait again, lengthening and stretching the muscles. Stretch relaxed, do not strain.
- This exercise can be done with the help of a table leg. Place your feet on either side of the table leg as wide as possible. In the initial position, hold on to the table leg (which should be about thirty centimeters from the chest) with both hands, and after completing the respiratory part and holding the breath, pull the chest forward with the table leg and linger for 8 counts.
- if you don't feel the stretch in your inner thigh, it means that your legs are not wide enough apart. If you haven’t stretched for a long time, it will be quite difficult for you to do this. Don't lose your perseverance!
- Try not to bend your knees. This reduces stretch.

8. "Pretzel"

Strengthening the muscles of the outer surface of the thigh, shaping the waist.
Starting Pose: Sit on the floor with your legs crossed at the knees. The left knee should be above the right. Keep your leg below the knee as straight and horizontal as possible. Place your left hand behind your back and take your left knee with your right hand. Do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.
Main pose: Weight falls on the left hand. With your right hand, pull your left knee up and towards you as close as possible, and bend your torso at the waist to the left until you can look back. You should feel how the muscles of the outer surface of the thigh and waist are stretched. Hold this position for eight to ten counts. Exhale and start again. Do this exercise three times with your left foot on top and three times with your right foot so that your right hand is behind you, your right knee is pulled up with your left hand, and you turn to the right.

Pulling the knee up and forward, do it as close to the chest as possible.
- Bending at the waist, try to look as far behind you as possible. You will feel how it affects the stretch.

9. "Hamstring Stretch"

Muscle strengthening rear surface hips.
Starting position: Lie on your back. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Pull your socks towards you so that your feet are flat (if you have back problems, you can put a pillow under your buttocks). Reach up to your feet and grab the top of each calf with your hands. Don't drop your elbows. (If you can’t reach your calves, just keep your hands behind your knees.) Keeping your head and back on the floor, do a breathing exercise: exhale, inhale, exhale strongly, hold your breath, draw in your stomach (remember that when you lie down, in front of retraction of the abdomen does not lower the head). Pulling in the stomach, immediately take the main pose.
Basic Pose: Keeping your legs straight, use your hands to gently bring them closer and closer to your head without lifting your buttocks off the floor to stretch your hamstrings. You will feel a stretch there that you have never felt, perhaps never, because you have never worked on this zone. Hold this position for 8 counts. Exhale and return the legs to the starting position, socks towards you, hands around the calves. The exercise is performed three times.

Try not to bend your knees, although at first you will have no other choice, because you are not as flexible as you thought. Let your goal be a straight and thin line from the feet to the buttocks. Every day you will get better and better.
- do not tear your buttocks off the floor, because this negates the benefits of the exercise. You need to stretch your hamstrings, and if you lift your glutes, the stretch will be in the wrong place.
- always keep your head on the floor. Don't let her rise while you're counting.
- keep your feet straight.

10. "Abdomen"

Strengthening the abdominal muscles
Starting position: Lie on your back, straighten your legs. Now raise your legs so that your knees are bent and your feet are on the floor, 30-35 centimeters apart. Stretch your arms up. Do not open your head from the floor. Perform a breathing exercise, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.
Basic pose: Keeping your arms straight, stretch them up, at the same time lifting your shoulders and lifting yourself off the floor. The head should be tilted back. Look at an imaginary point on the ceiling behind you. Try to get off the floor as much as possible. Let your shoulders and chest rise as high as possible. Now get down on the floor - first lower part back, then shoulders, and then head. As soon as the head touches the floor, immediately rise again. The head should remain tilted back. Raise your hands up. Pull yourself up and stay in this position for 8-10 counts. Do the exercise three times.

In the basic pose, keep your head tilted back with your chin up so as not to injure your neck. Find a point on the ceiling behind you to look at as you pull yourself up. So the head will take the correct position. By keeping your chin on your chest, you will be fooling yourself - instead of the abdominals, the head and shoulders will do all the work.
- never sway or push back. You need muscles to work, not physical laws. Imagine that you pull yourself up by the arms and lower yourself again. Do not rest when you are on the floor. Let the abdominal muscles constantly work. Just lightly touch the floor with the back of your head and rise again.

11. "Scissors"

Strengthening the muscles of the lower abdomen
Starting posture: Lie on the floor, stretch and close your legs. Place your hands palms down under your buttocks to support your back. Keep your head on the floor, do not raise your lower back. This will help you avoid back problems. Do a breathing exercise, draw in your stomach and hold your breath. Now move into the main pose.
Basic pose: Raise your legs together 8-9 centimeters above the floor. Make scissor-style swings as wide as possible so that one leg is above or below the other. The toes should be stretched out. Do this for eight to ten counts. Exhale. Repeat three times.
Do's and Don'ts:
- always keep your palms under your buttocks and press your lower back to the floor so as not to hurt your back. Don't let your back arch.
- during the "scissors" feet should be no higher than 7-9 centimeters above the floor. This gives the most stress to abdominal Press.
- Always point your toes out to add stress to your abs and hips.
- Don't raise your head.
- swings should be made as wide and fast as possible.

12. "Cat"

Starting Pose: Get down on your hands and knees. Palms should be on the floor, arms and back straight. Keep your head up, look straight ahead. Perform a breathing exercise, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose.
Basic pose: Tilt your head. At the same time, arch your back, raising it as high as possible to look like an angry cat. Hold this position for eight to ten counts. Exhale and relax your back. Repeat the exercise three times.

When performed correctly, this exercise looks like one smooth rolling motion of the body from the abdomen to the back.

Before using the recipe, consult a specialist.

American Greer Childers, the creator of the Bodyflex program (eng. body flex - body flexibility), has released a training video that describes a 15-minute morning complex breathing exercises combined with light physical activity.

Bodyflex (video, 15-minute morning complex) - a technique that helps create toned body without cellulite, give elasticity to the muscles and even get rid of wrinkles. The respiratory complex is performed in several stages. Below is a detailed diagram.

The essence of bodyflex lies in aerobic exercise, i.e. exercises are performed while absorbing a large amount of oxygen. Entering the body in sufficient volume, it burns body fat. How does this happen? When holding the breath for the maximum possible time, the accumulation of carbon dioxide begins in the blood.

In this case, the arterial walls become wider. When you inhale, the body receives an excess amount of oxygen. It is this excess that can burn fat and affect well-being. Since in ordinary life a person breathes incorrectly, filling the lungs partially when inhaling, weight loss does not occur.

Some scientists who studied the program and the effect of this technique on the body came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the bodyflex system is much higher than any other physical activity.

Benefits for weight loss

Bodyflex (video, 15-minute morning complex) does possible weight loss thanks to correct technique performing the respiratory part. Oxygen takes on the role of a fat splitter. There is a massage of smooth muscles and walls of the stomach. After complete and confident mastering of the correct inhalation and exhalation of air, the exercises are gradually introduced.

When performing a 15-minute complex, a huge amount of calories is burned and a lot of energy is spent on it. For example, calorie cost calculations are given. The author of the program calls the figure of 3500 calories, subject to exercise for an hour. Accordingly, 875 kcal is lost in 15-20 minutes of training.

For comparison, while running, the same amount of energy is expended in 1.5 hours. Thus, a person begins to gradually and surely lose extra volumes and kilograms.

The author warns of the need for a complete healthy eating no limits. If at the same time you also cut the calorie content and the amount of the diet, then this is fraught with a general breakdown, weakness and unwillingness to continue the program.


Adherents of bodyflex exercises highlight several advantages of the system:

  • Weight loss occurs smoothly and gradually. The body does not experience stress and shock. Despite the smoothness, the volumes go away quickly.
  • The work of the digestive tract is normalized, the metabolism is enhanced and accelerated. That is why maintaining any diet is prohibited. All food is digested optimally and the digestive tract works more efficiently.
  • During exercise, the stomach begins to gradually decrease in size. This means reducing the amount of food consumed to the limits comfortable for the body. At the same time, systematic overeating is excluded - excess food simply does not fit in the stomach toned by exercises.

Bodyflex is a set of exercises and videos that promote weight loss and improve overall health.
  • Lungs improve their work. Diaphragmatic breathing, provided for classes, is inherent only in newborns and children in the infant period. With age, breathing becomes superficial and shallow. Hence there are problems with breathing apparatus. Bodyflex cleanses, opens, oxygenates and increases lung capacity. These changes also benefit others. internal organs.


Bodyflex (video - 15-minute morning complex) - the ability to lose weight easily and quickly, but, like any program, it has a number of drawbacks.

They are the following:

  1. Classes require iron willpower and constancy. Sizes go away only with daily training. Otherwise, fullness will definitely return, and even with a solid increase in all volumes.
  2. Many users who started working on bodyflex noted difficulties associated with dizziness, nausea and darkness in the eyes. Diaphragmatic breathing is not inherent in adults, and therefore the initial steps are given to those involved with great difficulty.
  3. Bodyflex (the technique shown in the video), which includes a 15-minute morning complex, will not be effective for professional athletes. Having a strong and trained body and not suffering from obesity, excess weight and volumes, they will not be able to make it even more perfect by resorting to bodyflex exercises.


Bodyflex exercises, despite their high efficiency, may be prohibited if:

  • The person performing it suffers from hypertension. When you hold your breath, your body feels stressed. Physical activity at this point, it forces the heart to work faster. At the same time, blood pressure inevitably rises.

The main contraindication is hypertension.
  • Classes take place during pregnancy. At correct execution breathing practice, there is a constant squeezing and "massaging" of the walls of the abdomen. Such compression negatively affects the condition of the fetus in the womb. If desired, you can leave the stretching exercises, subject to slowness and accuracy of execution.
  • You have recently had surgery or an injury.
  • At the time of the exercise, an exacerbation of a chronic disease occurred.
  • The body has disorders or dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • She underwent surgery on her spine.

Greer Childers technique

The essence of the Greer Childers technique is to saturate the lungs with oxygen, which is necessary for the health of the body as a whole and weight loss due to the breakdown of fat cells. Any person who does not have the contraindications indicated above can do body flex.

The Childers technique is to use a minimum number of items. The main thing is proper breathing. The breathing exercises are detailed below. Physical activity is performed for 8-10 "airless" seconds, when active fat burning occurs.

Methodology of Marina Korpan

Marina Korpan became famous thanks to the successful symbiosis of two techniques: bodyflex and oxysize. Having carefully studied the bodyflex program, she decided to adjust it for herself, leaving basic principles and exercise. A person is losing weight with overweight by oxygenating the body.

The technique will be useful for obese people, and also suitable for a young mother who does not have time to exercise in a sports or gym. Both women and men can participate in this program. There are also no age restrictions.

Contraindications to classes are the same as for bodyflex. The difference lies in the performance of breathing exercises, which are the product of combining bodyflex and oxysize.

Breathing technique of Marina Korpan:

  1. A sharp breath through the nose with the maximum possible inflation of the abdomen.
  2. On three short breaths, the stomach is gradually drawn inward.
  3. This is followed by a sharp and strong exhalation with simultaneous full retraction of the abdomen inward.
  4. The final phase consists of three pre-exhalations.

Breathing technique in bodyflex

When performing classes, it is important to strictly follow the breathing technique, which will make the training effective. Initially, a position is recommended in which the legs are shoulder-width apart and slightly bent. The hands wrap around the legs slightly above the knees. It looks like an incomplete attempt of a person to sit on a chair. You do not need to lower your head down, it is better to look straight ahead.

Directly respiratory complex consists of 5 steps:

How to start classes

If the decision to engage in bodyflex is firm and conscious, then you can start preparing for classes with the purchase sports equipment. For classes, you will need a regular chair, yoga mat and sportswear. Thus, having this simple equipment available, you can start training.

In order to avoid mistakes when performing the technique, for a start it is better to study under the guidance of the author, set out in videos or books. It is necessary to repeat the exercises until the degree of complete consolidation.

The author created a technique taking into account the time required for training. Be sure to follow it. It is also important to strictly follow the recommendations without inventing own exercises and without increasing the duration of the session. Training begins with the development of respiratory principles. It is not advisable to move on to performing exercises without carefully working out the breath.

Further, the study of the main postures in which the user will be connected to the respiratory activity is connected. And only then to correct breathing in a certain position, you can connect exercises for all muscle groups.

Types of exercises in bodyflex

Bodyflex video (15-minute morning complex) includes three types of exercises:

  • Dynamic or isotonic exercises. In bodyflex, only one specific muscle group is forced to work. For example, the abdominal muscles.
  • Static or isometric exercises. Able to activate several muscle groups at once.
  • Stretching exercises. Necessary for elasticity and mobility of muscles. With elastic muscles, such an unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon as a cramp will never occur.

The main bodyflex complex

All exercises are performed only after the last stage of five-phase breathing. There are quite a few exercises.

The most popular poses and techniques:

  1. Pose "Lion"- you need to stand up, resting your hands a little higher patella. After holding the breath, wide-open eyes roll up, cheeks tighten, the circle formed by the lips goes down, and the tongue protrudes as much as possible from the mouth. You need to repeat the exercise 5 times.

  2. "Ugly Grimace"- posture remains the same. The lower jaw protrudes forward, the lips folded in a “duck” are also pulled forward to the limit, stretching the neck behind them. The head is thrown back deeply upward, as if to imprint a kiss on the ceiling. The pose is held for 8 seconds. and requires 5 repetitions.
  3. "Side Stretch"- on exhalation, the left elbow falls on the left knee, and right leg and the right hand, stretching out, form a straight line. In this case, you need to strain to work out the muscles on your side. A similar posture is taken on the right side. You need 3 repetitions of 8 seconds. to each side.

  4. "Pull Leg Back"- breathing exercises are performed standing on your knees and elbows. The hands are placed palms down on the floor. After the final exhalation, the straight left leg rises with the toe extended towards itself. The procedure is repeated three times. Similar actions with the right leg.

  5. "Seiko"- the starting position is similar to the previous one, but the straight left leg is laid aside. On exhalation, the straight leg rises as high as possible, the toe and the entire leg are extended towards the head. Muscles are extremely tense. The pose is repeated 3 times on each leg.

  6. "Diamond"- standing straight, you need to fold your hands at chest level, touching only the fingertips of both hands. It is important to raise your elbows as high as possible and not lower them down. After exhaling, the fingertips begin to press hard on each other. The exercise is repeated 3 times.

  7. "Pretzel"- sitting on the floor, the left leg lies on the floor at an angle, and the right bent leg is placed above the left. The left hand clasps the right leg, the right hand rests on the floor behind the back. On exhalation, the left hand pulls the right leg close to the body, while the body turns to the right. Repeat - 3 times on each leg.

  8. "Scissors"- from a prone position, straight legs rise low above the floor. On exhalation, swings are performed with the legs to the sides, and first the right leg is above the left, then the left is above the right.


Experienced users claim that when doing a 15-minute morning complex bodyflex, you can get rid of 9-10 kg in 1 month. Subject to the exact implementation of the recommendations on the video or in the book.

The result may be lower if the exercises were performed incorrectly. Also, followers of bodyflex are advised to check and normalize hormonal levels. Then the technique will lead to desired result.

Article formatting: Oleg Lozinsky

Video about bodyflex

Complex for weight loss bodyflex:

Breathing technique:

In an effort to become even more attractive, many women exhaust themselves with strict diets and exercise. If abused excessive loads on the body, there are health problems. However, they are not necessary, because at the disposal modern woman there is a bodyflex technique.

What is a popular way to lose weight, what contraindications it has and how it is good for health, it is worth understanding in detail.

What is bodyflex? History of the method.

As a result of bodyflex exercises, stretch various groups muscles, and their tone increases.

Bodyflex (from the English. Body Flex - flexible body)- This is a system of exercises aimed at stretching the muscles and the formation of diaphragmatic breathing. It includes static (fixed) postures and dynamic exercises.

You can learn about the effectiveness of bodyflex exercises from the 2016 scientific article “The effectiveness of bodyflex exercises for middle-aged women” Ashrafullina Gulnaz Shamilevna.

An American, a mother of three children, who recovered after the birth of her last child, developed breathing exercises. For weight loss, she tried many ways:

  • visiting the gym;
  • swimming;
  • adherence to strict diets.

After unsuccessful attempts to reset overweight A housewife decided to attend a Rolls-Royce-level exercise course that cost her $1,500 for 10 lessons.

You don't need shoes to practice body flex - just wear thick socks.

Women who have already tried bodyflex exercises compare the technique with yoga. For her, you will need a gymnastic rug on which classes will be held. Special attention given to the training suit. It has several requirements:

  • attractiveness - in beautiful clothes, women take classes more responsibly;
  • convenience - the suit should not hinder movement or pull the stomach with an elastic band;
  • according to your own preferences - for a free style, trousers with elastin and T-shirts are suitable.

If the exercises will be performed according to video lessons, you need to free up space in front of the TV or computer monitor.

How many calories does one body flex session burn?

On many resources there is a statement that one body flex session burns up to 2000-3500 kcal. It is incorrect. The usual calorie consumption with little physical activity (walking at a speed of 5-6 km / h with a weight of 60-70 kg) is 300-400 kcal / hour.

In the case of bodyflex, a delayed metabolic effect is observed. This means that the exercises performed cause the body to expend additional energy at rest. For an hour, about 500-700 kcal comes out. Therefore, when losing weight with bodyflex, getting rid of excess weight is faster than without training.

Bodyflex exercises

Exercises are started only after mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing - deep breaths. It includes 5 steps:

  • exhale, freeing the lungs from air as much as possible;
  • inhalation - through the nose, fast and strong, with swelling of the abdomen;
  • strong exhalation - with retraction of the abdomen;
  • breath holding - 8-10 seconds;
  • relaxation.

Bodyflex poses:

  • Leo (volleyball player). Stand in the pose of a volleyball player, bending your legs slightly and resting your hands on them above your knees. Perform a breathing cycle, bring your lips into a circle, tighten your face and lower the circle down. The eyes are looking up. Stick your tongue out through your lips and stay in this position for 8 counts. 5 repetitions are required.

  • Terrible grimace. In the pose of a volleyball player, stick out the lower jaw so that it protrudes forward behind the upper one. Stick out your lips and neck, raise your head up, trying to kiss the ceiling. Make a breathing cycle. During a pause, take your hands back and linger for 8 counts. Only 5 repetitions.

  • Lateral stretch. Make a breathing cycle in the pose of a volleyball player, then lean the elbow of your left hand on your left leg, and raising your right hand through the side, stretch it up above your head. Stay in this position for 8 counts. Repeat on the other side.

  • Pulling the leg back. Lean on the mat with your elbows and knees. After the respiratory cycle, take one leg in a straight position back, pulling the toe towards you. Linger on 8 accounts. Lower your leg and inhale. Perform 3 reps on each leg.

  • Seiko. Starting position - knee-elbow posture. Stretch your straight leg out to the side and place it on the floor. Do a breathing exercise, at the stage of holding your breath, raise your leg parallel to the floor and hold 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale. Each side has 3 sets.

  • Diamond. In the “legs shoulder-width apart” stance, touch the fingers of both hands in front of the chest. Elbows should be raised. The exercise is performed on a pause of breathing exercises. Fingers should be pressed with effort. The exercise is performed 3 times.

  • Boat. Sit on the mat and spread your straight legs as wide as possible. Pull your toes towards you. Lean back with your hands and perform a breathing cycle until a pause. Move your hands forward and stretch for 8 counts as far as possible. Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Pretzel. Sitting on the mat, cross your legs so that one knee is above the other. Keep the right, horizontal leg straight. After the breathing cycle, put the left hand behind the back, with the right hand - grab the left knee and pull it towards you, try to look back. Linger on 8 accounts. 3 repetitions on each side.

  • Hamstring stretch. Lie on your back, raise your straight legs up and grab your calves with your hands. Pull your toes towards you. Make a breathing cycle, during a pause, pulling your legs towards you. Linger on 8 accounts. Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Abdominal Press. Lying on your back, put bent legs on the floor 30 cm apart. Stretch your arms towards the ceiling. On pause breathing exercise stretch your arms up, raising the shoulder blades. Linger on 8-10 accounts. The exercise is performed 3 times.

  • Scissors. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body, bring your legs together. At a pause in the breathing exercise for 8 counts, raise your legs and perform vigorous swings with alternately bringing one leg over the other (like scissors). Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Cat. Get on all fours, raise your head up, look forward. At a pause in breathing exercises, arch your back up and lower your head down. Stay in this position for 10 counts. Perform 3 repetitions.

After each session, the tissues are deeply saturated with oxygen. They are used at any level of training. However, for a trained body, the effect will be significantly less.

Bodyflex restrictions

Among the contraindications for bodyflex exercises include:

  • Pregnancy. You can stretch the muscles, but breathing exercises are prohibited. Severe tension in the walls of the abdomen can harm the fetus.
  • Operations, injuries, chronic diseases.
  • Hypertension. Since holding the breath makes the heart work harder, such a load can adversely affect the condition of people with high blood pressure.

A healthy person takes 15 to 18 breaths per calm state. If this indicator is higher, it is not recommended to engage in body flex - there may be problems with the lungs.

You can do breathing exercises only after a medical examination. It is not recommended to exceed the time recommended by Greer Childers - 15-20 minutes a day. Nutrition does not allow permissiveness or drastic restrictions.

Bodyflex: harm and benefit

Bodyflex exercises are not effective for everyone. The technique will not work on a trained body. This weight loss complex is not recommended for women with a small amount of extra pounds.

When taking antidepressants or hormonal drugs, the effect of bodyflex is lost. The effectiveness of the technique is manifested only with daily exercises.

Harm when choosing this method of losing weight can be caused only in the presence of health deviations. For a healthy body, bodyflex is good way keep fit.

As mentioned above, pregnancy is one of the contraindications to body flex exercises. Increased muscle tone in the abdominal cavity can be dangerous for the baby.

Bodyflex exercises after childbirth - effective method adjust your weight. Breathing exercises can be practiced 4-6 weeks after childbirth (if there were no deviations). After caesarean section it is allowed to start classes only after two months, since abdominal surgery negatively affects the state of the body.

Oksisayz or bodyflex: which is more effective

Oxysize (from the English oxygen + exercise - oxygen + exercise) is also a breathing exercise. The technique was developed by American Jill Johnson. Exercises are also performed for 15-20 minutes a day.

Both breathing exercises involve diaphragmatic breathing. The main difference is the need to hold your breath in bodyflex. In oxysize, attention is focused on a long and strong exhalation through the mouth without holding the breath.

For best result it is worth combining bodyflex and oxysize. First, it is worth bringing the Greer Childers exercises to automatism. When combining the methods, they do bodyflex in the morning on an empty stomach, and oxysize - 2 hours after dinner.

Bodyflex: reviews of those who have lost weight

There are many positive and negative reviews about the bodyflex technique. Negative experience is associated with the lack of effect of exercise. In most cases, this happens when the diet is not followed and there is a complete absence of other physical activity. The technique is also ineffective for trained people.

Positive feedback about the 20-minute Greer Childers complex indicates the expected changes in the figure of the women involved. Many note a noticeable tightening of the abdomen and skin in other parts of the body. In some cases, the effect occurs only after 2 months regular workouts. All women note that after the cessation of classes, the weight returns.

Video: Full Bodyflex Complex for Beginners


As you can see, bodyflex does not take much time, does not require physical training suitable for most healthy people. The method helps to correct the figure, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Positive feedback indicates the effectiveness of the technique.

Be sure to read about it

The modern world dictates its own rules of life. We live in a world of fast-flowing time, which is sorely lacking for the implementation of all our plans. We are used to living in multitasking mode: reading on the go e-books, feed the child and at the same time listen to the advanced training webinar. In such a crazy rhythm, it is very important to make time for yourself.

It would be good to pay attention to body culture every day. Perhaps there is no person in the world who would not like to have a beautiful, athletic body without a drop of body fat. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, not everyone can afford to visit Gym or fitness club. And so you want to always be in great shape! We bring to your attention effective methodology weight loss bodyflex with Marina Korpan. It includes a complex exercise for body shaping. Train every day for only 20 minutes - and the result will not keep you waiting! You will get a strong, fit, healthy body without even leaving home.

BodyFlex (BodyFlex) with Marina Korpan is a 15-minute daily set of exercises aimed at improving the body through breathing exercises and muscle stretching. Today she is one of the leading bodyflex trainers, the author of numerous books on healthy way life and technique of cleansing breathing exercises.

As an independent species physical activity bodyflex appeared in the twentieth century. Its author was the American Grieg Childers, a mother of many children and a housewife. After giving birth, she significantly gained weight and suffered greatly from extra pounds.

Being the mother of three children, she generously gave every minute of her life to the kids, taking care of them with love. And of course, she simply physically did not have the opportunity to leave the crumbs for a couple of hours and go to the gym. Nevertheless, she was very oppressed by extra pounds and the reflection in the mirror was not at all pleasing. However, she found a way out: having carefully studied the basics of fitness yoga, Grieg developed a unique system of exercises for the whole body. In combination with breathing exercises, they give a stunning effect - weight normalizes, metabolism normalizes, blood circulation in internal organs improves, swelling of the extremities disappears.

Marina Korpan and her great weight loss

According to some reports, Grieg managed to change the size of clothes from the 56th to the 44th. Agree, this is quite a serious result! Over time, she wrote a book about losing weight and shot several videos, due to which the body flex received wide publicity in the West. This brave woman has become an example and inspiration for thousands of other women. At the same time, our compatriot Marina Korpan was also interested in losing weight.

After reading the book by Grieg Childers, she decided to test the effectiveness of the described technique. Incredibly, after a while the girl began to lose weight dramatically. At the same time, her thinness cannot be called painful - Marina Korpan's face is decorated with a gentle blush, and her figure, like that of a chiseled porcelain figurine, looks very feminine and harmonious.

Please note: before starting bodyflex, Marina weighed 75 kg. Over time, she turned into a slender and delicate inch, elegant and graceful. And I must say, she did it without much effort - without lifting weights and without exhausting herself in the gym.

I must say, Marina Korpan was engaged in body flex for a long time. Gradually, she introduced some variety to the body flex, and now she is demonstrating her author's training methodology to the whole world. Previously, Marina could not even imagine that she would someday become a coach and a real motivator for many women. different ages. Today she is happy to share her achievements and best practices with other applicants. effective method weight loss.

All Bodyflex lessons with Marina Korpan can be watched for free online or sign up for individual training. It is important that people of all ages and with any level of physical fitness can engage in body flex. Even if you have never played sports and did not like physical education at school, you will like the specifics of bodyflex exercises. Intense breathing techniques and simple yoga asanas will bring many benefits.

What happens during breathing exercises

In the process of breathing exercises, the fat cells of the body are saturated with a large amount of oxygen. Already after one month of daily exercises, your waist circumference will decrease by 7 cm. In addition, in the body flex, breathing techniques are combined with different exercises. Due to this, the spine is stretched, appears beautiful posture back pain disappears. Did you know that people with a royal posture burn calories much faster even when walking?

Features of training. Basics for beginners

All beginners are advised to start body flex exercises from Marina Korpan from the very first lesson. If you can't keep up with the trainer, pause the video and slowly repeat the exercise. Do not forget about breathing, exhalation should always be sharp and as deep as possible.

It is favorable to practice bodyflex on fresh air. Birdsong and morning dawn will add some magnetism to your practice. If you train indoors, do not forget to ventilate it well for 10-15 minutes. Note that all the video lessons of Marina Korpan complement each other. You can choose one exercise option that suits you or just alternate between different video tutorials.

Training complexes from Marina Korpan have already received a large number of positive feedback among those who are losing weight, and the number of its adherents is steadily growing. In her video tutorials, Marina Korpan focuses on the cleansing breathing technique, which is the basis of all exercises. She is an attentive, active and energetic trainer. Below are her author's bodyflex video tutorials.

First lesson

Marina Korpan's gymnastics for all parts of the body perfectly works out the most deep muscles. The first lesson focuses on pectoral muscles, back, abs, buttocks and thighs.

This video was filmed while Marina was losing weight. Now the girl looks completely different. This man has come a long and difficult path to a dream. In addition, due to her experience, she perfectly understands people with overweight and aware of all the pitfalls that lie in wait for them on the way to a slender body.

Lesson two

Marina Korpan has a fairly simple training principle. First, she talks about the technique of breathing exercises, then she demonstrates with her own eyes. Already after the introductory mini-lesson, together with training group the trainer performs the exercises. At this stage, more attention is paid to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms and the press. The exercises are quite simple, and if you have previously done yoga or body flex, you can start from the second session without even thinking.

Pay attention to the exercise "cat". If it is possible to perform at a large mirror - great. Make sure that the palm is clearly under the shoulders. Movements should be soft, lingering, accurate. With the right technique, you will feel the relaxation of the spine and lightness in the back.

Lesson three

This bodyflex video tutorial from Marina Korpan already requires you to have minimal physical fitness. The muscles of the legs and abs are perfectly worked out. Regular execution These exercises “burn fat” in the waist and hips. All kinds of twists and lateral tilts not only stretch the back muscles, but also form a wasp waist.

You need to train on an empty stomach. Refrain from eating and drinking a couple of hours before class.

Lesson Four

This complex provides deep study oblique abdominal muscles. Particular attention should be paid to building right position hands while doing bodyflex exercises. Listen to your body and feel how much exercise you need? During the first two weeks of exercise, try not to overload your body - enter the body flex gradually.

As you noticed, the main load is performed "on exhalation". Therefore, naturally, at the end of the exercise, a sharp breath is involuntarily obtained. This indicates the correctness of your execution technique.

Lesson five

This complex includes a repetition of the basics of breathing and performing basic exercises for hands and press. Feel how the oblique muscles of the abdomen warm up and everything superfluous gradually disappears.

At the end of the lesson - we are working on the press. Give daily 15-20 minutes of your time to bodyflex and you will get a healthy, beautiful, toned, embossed body.

In conclusion, we note that in our country bodyflex is a relatively new direction, and therefore causes a different reaction. However, despite skeptics and criticism, it is rapidly developing and popularizing along with Pilates and fitness.

Practical advice: for the best result, it’s a good idea to reconsider the principles of your diet. In no case should you starve yourself and go on diets.

Leading yoga trainers advise eating 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates and protein, but for dinner, it is advisable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Sweet tooth is recommended to replace sweets and gingerbread with apples, raisins and dried apricots. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients will speed up the process with regular bodyflex training.