What exercise can be used to test flexibility. The best home flexibility test

The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion that the subject is able to achieve. It is measured in angular degrees or linear measures using special equipment or pedagogical tests.

The main instrumental methods of measurement are:

mechanical (using a goniometer);

mechanoelectric (with the help of an electrogoniometer);

· optical;


If it is necessary to carry out extreme accurate measurements joint mobility, electrogoniometric, optical or radiographic methods are used. Electrogoniometers make it possible to trace the change in articular angles in different phases of movement on a graphic image. Optical methods involve the use of photographic, film and video equipment. When using the X-ray method, the theoretically permissible range of motion is determined, which is calculated by X-ray analysis of the structure of the joint.

In sports, the most common way, due to its accessibility, is to measure flexibility using a mechanical goniometer - a goniometer, to one of the legs of which a protractor is attached. The legs of the goniometer are mounted on the longitudinal axes of the joint segments, which makes it possible to determine the angle of flexion, extension or rotation between the axes of the joint segments.

most popular pedagogical tests to control the mobility of various joints are:

Mobility in shoulder joint

In the practice of sports, the following variations are most widely used:

a) The athlete, holding gymnastic stick, performs twisting of straight arms back. The degree of mobility of the shoulder joint is judged by the distance between the hands during twisting: the smaller it is, the higher the flexibility of this joint, and vice versa. In addition, the resulting indicator is compared with the width shoulder girdle subject, on the basis of which the final result is derived.

b) The subject takes the position of the main stance, clenching his fingers into fists, while the thumbs are inside the fists. The athlete makes the maximum possible adduction and rotation right hand inside, bending it as much as possible in elbow joint; and at the same time the maximum possible abduction and rotation of the left arm outward, maximally bending it in the elbow joint. Thus, both fists should be placed behind the subject's back.

The researcher measures the distance between the husband with two fists.

After completing the first attempt, the exercise is repeated with a change in the position of the hands to the opposite.

c) Another way to control mobility in the shoulder joint is the active abduction of straight arms with a gymnastic stick up from a lying position on the chest, arms straightened above the head. The distance from the floor to the gymnastic stick is fixed. The larger it is, the higher the flexibility.

Mobility of the spinal column

In the practice of sports, several methods are used to assess the mobility of the spinal column:

a) One of them involves bending the torso forward while standing on a bench, without bending the legs at the knees. The flexibility of the spine is determined using a ruler or centimeter tape by the distance from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. In cases where the fingers do not reach the zero mark, the fixed distance is indicated with a minus sign (-), when they fall below the zero mark, with a plus sign (+).

b) The second type of this test is the so-called "Sit and reach test", which is used when testing NHL players.

During its execution, the subject, sitting on the floor without shoes, leans forward to the limit without bending the legs at the knees. The subject must fix this position for 2 seconds. The flexibility of the spine is assessed using a ruler or tape by the distance in centimeters from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. To avoid negative marks, a mark of 25.4 cm is set instead of zero. Therefore, the test subject, going beyond the toes, receives a result above 25.4 cm.

c) Bridge. During this test, the subject is tasked with taking the “bridge” position, while placing his arms and legs as close to each other as possible. The distance from the heels to the fingertips of the subject is recorded. The smaller it is, the higher the flexibility, and vice versa.

Mobility in the hip joint

When performing this control exercise, the task of the subject is to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) back and forth with support on his hands. The level of mobility in this joint is judged by the distance from the floor to the coccyx: the smaller it is, the higher the flexibility, and vice versa.

You can also perform leg extension to the sides while lying against a wall with a scale drawn on it.

Mobility in the knee joints

The subject is asked to perform a squat with arms extended forward or behind the head. The goniometer measures the angle of flexion in the knee joints, which serves as a quantitative assessment of mobility.

Mobility in ankle joints

The subject assumes a sitting position, then performs flexion (“dorsal flexion”) and extension (the concept of “plantar flexion” is also found in the literature) in the ankle joints. The distance from the tips of the toes to the heels is recorded. Flexibility is quantified using a goniometer.

Passive flexibility is determined in the same control exercises and according to the same guidelines, only with the use of external influences. The measurement is stopped when the subject begins to feel pain.

The difference between the values ​​of active and passive flexibility, the so-called "lack of active flexibility", is considered an informative indicator of the state of the articular and muscular apparatus of the subject.

When measuring flexibility in the joints, the conditions for standardization of testing should be especially carefully observed, since their non-compliance can significantly affect the final result:

Identical workout

Identical initial positions of body links;

· repeated measurements of flexibility are carried out at the same time.

Regardless of the type of measured flexibility when performing control exercises it is forbidden to use springy (ballistic) movements. For an attempt to be counted, the pose must be held for several seconds.


Khripkova L. T. Age physiology. M. Enlightenment, 1988

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M. J. Atler The Science of Flexibility. - Publishing house "Olympic Literature" 2001.

Matveev, L.P. Theory and methodology physical education(general foundations of the theory and methodology physical education; theoretical and methodological aspects of sports and professionally applied forms of physical culture): Textbook, for in-t nat. culture / L.P. Matveev. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 543 p., ill.

Solodkov, A.S. Sports physiology: Tutorial/ A.S. Solodkov, E.B. Sologub. - SPbGAFK im. P. F. Lesgaft. SPb., 1999. -231 p.

These flexibility tests will help you objectively assess the condition of your muscles and joints, as well as your overall fitness.

We use some of these tests before class for effective stretching. I recommend doing these tests regularly to check progress in developing flexibility and body symmetry.

4 flexibility tests

  • Test 2. Swallow
  • Test 3. Flexibility of the arms and shoulder girdle
  • Test 4. Snatch test

Flexibility test 1. Can you sit?

The question is funny, isn't it? But this is only at first glance.

Below I give a photo scale that characterizes your sitting skill. To perform the test, you need to sit on the floor and straighten your knees. Put your feet together. Try to straighten the body, give it a vertical position and bend the lower back. The legs must remain perfectly straight.

The thing is bad! Grade 1.

You cannot sit with your legs straight and are forced to lean your arms behind you.

Things are better! Grade 2.

You can hold the body for a while, but quickly there comes a time when you need help with your hands. There is not enough strength in the back to straighten it. Rounding in the lower back is preserved. Pulling under the knees when trying to straighten the back.

More or less good. Grade 3.

You more or less control your back, pulling under your knees. With a little help from your hands, you can take the position shown in the photo.

Very good! Grade 4.

You can almost effortlessly sit with an upright torso. There may be tension in the lower back. Pulls a little under the knees. I want to bend my legs or “let go” of the lower back back.

Great! Grade 5.

You effortlessly sit upright with straightened legs. You can raise straight arms up without much tension in the back and without feeling under the knees.

Test 2. Swallow.

This is a complex coordination exercise that requires a fair amount of dexterity, strength and flexibility. It perfectly characterizes your level of balance, flexibility, coordination of movements and serves as an indicative test.

Your task- standing on a straight (almost straight) leg, give the body and the second leg a horizontal (or close to it) position, and hold it for 5-7 seconds. Loss of balance means that this level is not yet available to you. We will quickly fix this in training.

You may encounter the problem of asymmetry, which manifests itself in the difference in sensation and control of the body when performing an exercise on different legs. This is generally a normal situation. But she speaks of some imbalance in flexibility and the development of stabilizing muscles (back, buttocks, hips, vestibular apparatus, vision, etc.). This imbalance can and should be addressed.

Initial position

Stand up straight, breathe evenly. Feel a sense of balance. Tune in to do the exercise on one leg.

Gently move your leg back, spread your arms to the sides for balance. It is very important not to stick to anything with your hands, but to rely only on your balance.

If you have reached this position and held out for at least 5-7 seconds on each leg, you already have a test! This is a solid trio.

Achieving this position and holding it for 5-7 seconds for each leg is a strong four.

Well, that's five! You need to hold out like this for 5-7 seconds for each leg.

Test 3. Flexibility of the arms and shoulder girdle.

For the test, you need a rope or a long, light stick. I used my favorite jump rope.

It is necessary to measure with a tape measure or a sewing measuring tape the minimum width between the hands, at which you managed to comfortably lower your hands behind your back and return them to their original position (hands up).

Initial position. Start with more than a meter between your hands.

We begin to lower straight arms back. We feel a stretch in the biceps, chest muscles. We do the exercise smoothly, without accelerations and jerks.

Peak test point. The most difficult position, There should not be excessive stretching, the arms should be straight. If you can't do it, don't force it. In no case do not allow uneven movements in the shoulders. Hands should move symmetrically and synchronously.

Low point when the flexibility test is done. But after that, try to return the arms up again by performing the reverse movement (this is not necessary, but the execution will indicate a normally selected width between the arms).

Test 4. Snatch - test.

These are regular squats with a long stick over your head. Hold the stick with straight arms. Grip width - more than a meter. Should be wide and comfortable.

Put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Spread your toes slightly apart. Squats start with the movement of the pelvis back and deflection in the lower back.

Side view.

Completion of the test as shown in the photo is considered credit. Everything else is unacceptable.published.

Roman Pomazanov

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

How young your body is will help you find out with this simple flexibility test. Try it and draw your own conclusions.

One of the indicators of excellent physical condition is the flexibility of the body. This is the ability to give maximum amplitude to each or most body movements. The flexibility of the body can and should be developed. But it does not always depend on the effort expended. The flexibility of the body is directly proportional to the mobility of the joints, which is reflected in the range of motion. Developed flexibility body is one of the components of the general tone and good physical form. Do you want to check how well you are stretched, whether all parts of your body are flexible and mobile, or do you have something to work on? Then take this flexibility test.

Flexibility test: How well stretched are you?

Standing on the step, straight legs together, bend forward and down and touch the edge of the step with your fingers, and then with maximum effort try to touch the side surface of the step, marking the level (height) of the touch with chalk. The difference between the edge of the step and the level of touch in centimeters will reflect the flexibility, which in this case is determined by the mobility of the spine and hip joints.

Evaluation of test results. The numbers with a minus sign reflect the distance between the fingers and the surface of the step at maximum bending, that is, in this case, it is not possible to touch the edge of the step.

Evaluation of Flexibility Test Results

It follows from the data in the table that flexibility and mobility in the joints decrease with age. Regular execution flexibility exercises can slow down this process.

Often age-related changes lead to limited mobility of the spinal column. In this case, the fusion of the vertebrae can begin, which leads to the formation of a bone mustache. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle exacerbates this pathological process.

To understand in what state the flexibility of the spinal column and what is its plasticity, it is necessary to evaluate it. This will help simple tests.

What is the flexibility of the spine: screening tests

With the help of certain tests, it is possible to check the mobility of the vertebrae, which must be done very carefully, without much effort.

Test number 1. From the straight position of the body (legs together), we bend forward and down (as low as possible). Fingertips should touch the floor.

Test number 2. We lie down on our stomach, bring our legs together and press them to the floor (they should not come off the floor in any case). From this position, raise your head up with your chest. From the floor to the chest, the distance should be from 10 to 20 cm.

Test number 3. We stand with our backs to the wall, while our legs are 30 cm wide. We lean down to one of the sides, without tearing off our backs. Then in the opposite direction, lowering the fingertips a little lower knee joints(if possible, touch the calves with your fingers).

Test number 4. We sit on a chair facing its back, legs apart. At the same time, the hands rest on kneecaps. The pelvis and legs remain in place. Turn your head and body back.

Test number 5. Lie on your back, put your legs behind your head. Try to reach the floor with your toes, while keeping your legs straight ( perfect option). Note for yourself: did they touch the floor, in what position were the legs (slightly or strongly bent).

If, during these tests, the flexibility of the spine is noted, that is, all exercises are performed with ease, then the spinal column is in great shape. To have such flexibility and stretch throughout for long years, it is necessary to support the spine and strengthen its muscular corset through various exercises.

But if there is pain in the spine or some stiffness in some place when doing exercises, this is a reason to contact a medical institution and undergo an examination. Perhaps a thorough diagnosis and serious treatment is needed.

Additional test

Testing is carried out for the presence of curvature of the spine. We start one hand behind the back from above over the shoulder, and with the second hand - from below from the lower back. We connect the fingers. Then we change the position in the same way. With an even spine, the hands connect without problems, easily and painlessly. If there is a curvature of the spine, there may be problems with the introduction of the hands, discomfort, soreness, or no ability to perform the test at all.

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A special one will allow you to assess your level of plasticity, which is the main indicator of health, youth and beauty of the body. All possible stretches, splits, acrobatic elements with.

The best test for the development of flexibility in the home

Speaking of beauty, we do not mean the nominal age of a person, but phenomenal, that is, due to his well-being and condition. So, we have digressed a little from the topic, today we will consider three such tests, for different parts of the body, and after that we will move on to familiarize ourselves with the most simple exercises to develop flexibility.

Basic Flexibility Test - General Body Flexibility

This test is basic, it is designed to determine the overall plasticity of the body. If you are unable to perform some of the movements, then this will mean that you have areas that need to be worked on. Stand straight, spread your legs a little wider than your shoulders, take a gymnastic stick in your hands, the grip width should not exceed one meter. Raise your straight arms up and place the projectile over your head.

Now, bending your knees, gently squat down as far as your flexibility allows. If you were able to perform this movement, while the body did not lean back or forward, and the heels did not have to be torn off the floor, then you passed the first. Otherwise, you can perform this exercise regularly to develop plasticity.

Flexibility test with chair

To do this, you need a chair with a flat back. Sit on it and press your spine against the back of your projectile. Without changing the position of the body, straighten the left leg. If you can easily do this so that your legs are parallel to the floor, then the flexibility of your left biceps leg is normal. Repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Flexibility test in the back, pelvis, buttocks and thighs

This exercise will allow you to assess the plasticity of tissues in the pelvis, back, hips and buttocks. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Without bending your knees and trying to keep your spine straight, tilt your body down, trying to touch the floor with your palms.

Flexibility test in the back, pelvis, buttocks and thighs

As you do this, feel the stretch in your thigh muscles and hamstrings. If you were able to touch the floor with your hands, then the flexibility of the above parts of the body is in perfect order.

By using exercise to develop flexibility, you can keep your body in good shape. Plasticity is a quality necessary in almost any sport: dancing, yoga, aerobics, swimming, powerlifting.

You don't have to visit gym, you can easily manage at home with the help of basic exercises to develop flexibility. Regular execution is the key to beautiful figure, health, formation correct posture and plastic movements.

  • Do the following regularly, beginners need to practice at least three times a week. Gradually, it is necessary to increase the load and the number of approaches.
  • Before training, do not forget to do a warm-up, which will warm up your body and prepare it for the loads. For this purpose, push-ups, jumping rope, are suitable.

Test taking tips for beginners
  • No need to try to master complex, rash actions from the first lesson only lead to injuries, stretching is a gradual process that requires willpower and patience.
  • Each exercise is performed 8 times, over time you can increase the load or move on to more complex movements.
  • Exclude sharp and fast movements, they are unacceptable in exercises for developing flexibility.

Standing exercise with arm swings

Stand up straight, put your feet together. Raise your straight arms up above your head, and slowly lower your torso as low as you can to your feet without bending your knees. Try to touch the floor with your fingers. Make sure that the spine remains straight. If you succeeded, then deepen the slope and put the stomach, chest and face to feet. Make sure that your knees do not bend, do not rush, it is better to let your joints and muscles stretch in stages.

Exercise sitting on the floor

Sit on the floor and connect your feet as close to your body as possible, bending your knees. The back is straight, breathing is even. Place your palms on your knees and push them down until your feet are completely flat on the floor, or as far as the stretch allows.

Exercise sitting on the floor

Lock in this position, feel how your muscle tissues inner surface of the thigh. If this is easy for you, then go to next step. Try to tilt the body forward and down in this position without bending your back. Your task is to eventually put your chest, stomach and face on the floor.

Exercise with yoga gymnastics

This exercise is taken from yoga gymnastics, it is called passchimotasana. Sit on the floor and straighten your legs forward in front of you, connect them together.

Exercise with yoga gymnastics

As you exhale, lower the body down, keeping the spine straight, palms should lie on the soles of the feet. Further deepen the slope until your body is lowered to your feet, do not bend your knees. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.