How to make a beautiful face shape exercise. Why the oval of the face changes with age and how to tighten it with massage and exercises

Whatever women do to prolong the youth of their face. They buy expensive creams and other miracle products, visit beauty salons, undergo terrible procedures, and even go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Many girls do not even think that the problem can be solved in safer ways.

Very effective exercises for the face and neck. They will tone the muscles, visibly tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. And you can do it anywhere: at home, sitting in front of the TV, or in the office at the computer. In a few months, thanks to such gymnastics, the face will again become young and beautiful.

Features of the effectiveness of exercises

The skin on the neck and face is so delicate that it must be handled very carefully so as not to injure or stretch the epidermis. It is believed that after thirty years, any mimic movement can turn into a new wrinkle. Therefore, in order to preserve youth, you do not need to frown your forehead, squint your eyes, and generally smile.

But in recent times, this view has often been challenged. Plastic surgeons have noticed that those who have well-developed facial muscles. These people include teachers, artists and TV presenters. They involve many facial muscles, so they have well-defined facial contours and firmer skin.

And the necks are based on the construction of active grimaces, which is why they are so effective. Gymnastics affects the deep layers of the epidermis, which masks, creams and massage are not capable of. Thanks to the exercises, blood circulation in the tissues improves, muscles strengthen and skin turgor increases, as a result of which the face becomes young and attractive. Moreover, you can do gymnastics at any age: both at 15 and at 60 years old.

Proper execution

  • Before the start of the course, it is recommended to take a picture of the face in. Then you need to conduct a control survey every 15 days. So the result after gymnastics will be clearly visible.
  • It is better to practice in front of a mirror, sitting on a chair. This way you can track the correctness of your actions.

  • Before starting any exercise for the oval of the face and neck, you need to take a starting position. Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back and straighten, pull in your tummy, tighten your buttocks and hips.
  • During exercises, fix the muscles of the face with your hands. Some cosmetologists recommend doing gymnastics with cotton gloves so that your fingers do not slip. But in fact, it is difficult to control and feel the movements of the hands in them.
  • Follow the instructions clearly, as a violation of the execution technique threatens the appearance of new wrinkles. Therefore, you can additionally visit a beautician who teaches facial gymnastics, or watch training video tutorials.
  • Get in the habit of doing face and neck exercises every day. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to take breaks, then the result will be visible in a week. Practice for 21 days, and facial gymnastics will become commonplace, like brushing your teeth.

Face preparation

Before gymnastics, it is better to wash your face with a special agent, if possible, to cleanse it of impurities. After that, you need to apply oil, nourishing or baby cream. You need to pay attention not only to the face, but also to the neck.

When the product is absorbed, it is recommended to warm the skin with a light massage. To do this, do not pat your palms hard or tap lightly with your fingertips on your forehead, cheeks, chin and neck for several minutes. Such a massage will prepare the facial muscles for further stress and prevent skin stretching.

Now you can start exercising. On initial stage a few exercises will suffice, so choose two or three and get started. Increase the load and the number of approaches gradually.


This is a very simple and fun neck exercise. The point is that you need to sing vowel sounds: a, y, and, oh, e. In this case, the tension of the muscles of the neck and face is of great importance. Repeat this exercise five to ten times.


Tilt your head back, point your chin up. At the same time, you need to tighten the muscles of the neck. Do not change the position of the head, lower it with an effort lower jaw as if trying to bite off a hanging apple. It is important not to rush when performing all actions. You should try to feel the tension of the muscles in the face and neck. However, moderation must be observed, especially at the stage of initial studies. If you haven’t done facial gymnastics before, then do five sets. If there is experience in this matter, then ten repetitions will be optimal.


Want to make the perfect oval? Exercise for the face and neck "Dandelion" will help make this dream come true. The actions are very simple and familiar to everyone. You need to slightly stretch your lips and at the same time exhale the air. At the same time, you can imagine that you blow off a fluffy hat from a dandelion or extinguish a candle flame. As in previous cases, five to ten approaches are provided.


To perform this gymnastics, it is necessary to strongly strain the muscles of the cheeks and press on the sky from the inside with the tip of the tongue. All actions are performed simultaneously. If at the same time there is a feeling of tension in the chin area, then the exercise is performed without errors. Five to ten repetitions will suffice.


Despite the fun of the action, this is a very effective exercise for the face and neck, from wrinkles in the mouth and nasolabial folds. Gymnastics is very simple. You can imagine that there is an object in front that you want to kiss. It is necessary to pull the lips forward and smack the air with an effort. After that, you should relax the muscles of the face and repeat all the steps again. It will be enough from ten to fifteen approaches.


To perform this exercise correctly, you need to sit up straight and lower your shoulders. The point is to try to turn your head back to the left as much as possible. Owls, for example, can do it 270 degrees. When turning, you should freeze for thirteen seconds and strain your neck muscles. Similarly, gymnastics is performed to the right. This exercise is recommended to be done five to ten times for each side.

Reach for the nose

Perhaps, many competed among themselves in childhood in performing this exercise, not even suspecting that it tightens the oval of the face. The technique of this gymnastics is both complex and simple. Its meaning is that you need to try to reach the tip of the nose with your tongue. But it is not the fact of performing this exercise for the face and neck that is important, but the efforts that are being made. It is important to feel the tension of the muscles in the chin and neck area and do everything at a calm pace. It will be enough to repeat the gymnastics from ten to fifteen times.

Bodyflex - simplicity and efficiency

This breathing exercises, which is part of the eponymous and famous technique developed for weight loss. Classes will help improve overall appearance, strengthen the muscles of the forehead, cheeks and neck. Thanks to the improvement of blood circulation, the face will acquire a fresh color.

The main advantage of gymnastics is its simplicity. No need to exhaust yourself with difficult workouts. Only two exercises for the face and neck bodyflex contains in its complex. At the same time, they have a wide spectrum of action, due to which many muscles are being worked out.

The methodology is based on correct breathing which oxygenates the blood. That is why the tone of the face increases, the skin becomes toned and elastic.

Features of performing bodyflex

For this type of gymnastics, it is important to breathe correctly. First you need to release the air from the lungs, then take a deep breath. Again, you need to exhale through the mouth, and then completely retract the stomach. Now the breath is held for ten seconds, and again - inhale. The order of actions is of great importance, so it is very important not to violate it.

When holding your breath, you need to massage the points of the face: around the lips, under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and so on. On these places you need to press a little with your fingertips, and then release. All these actions are done during the absence of breathing. The manipulations are repeated about ten times for each active point.

Consider two miracle exercises for a face and neck lift, which are part of the breathing technique and help you look younger by several years.

Exercise "Lion"

This element of gymnastics perfectly corrects the oval, eliminates wrinkles around the nose and mouth, strengthens the muscles of the cheeks and around the eyes. Let's take a starting position. Spread your legs about thirty centimeters wide, rest your hands on your hips just above the knees. Lower the pelvis a little, as if you are going to sit down, keep your head straight. Now you can start bodyflex gymnastics, followed by retraction of the abdomen and holding the breath.

Gather your lips in a small circle and open your eyes very wide, trying to raise them as high as possible. This action will perfectly tighten the muscles under the eyes. Now the circle formed from the lips must be lowered down, tensing the nasal area and cheeks as much as possible. Then stick out your tongue completely without relaxing your mouth. This will strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin. In this position, you should hold out for at least eight seconds. After returning to the starting position. Repeat this exercise to strengthen the muscles of the face and neck five times.

Exercise "Ugly grimace"

Here is the same starting position as in the "Lion" exercise. When you're done with the introduction, keep your back straight and try to bring your lower jaw forward so that it protrudes beyond your upper teeth. After that, you need to stick out the lower lip and stretch the neck up, tensing the muscles. Now slowly raise your head and try to reach the ceiling with your outstretched lips. In this case, the feet should be pressed to the floor, and the arms should be thrown back. Count to eight and return to the starting position. We also do five sets of exercises.

After exercise, you should feel a slight tingling or slight itching on the skin of the face and neck. This indicates an increase in blood circulation in the tissues, which means that everything is done correctly. If there is no such feeling, you should work on the mistakes.

At one time, you do not need to try to complete all the proposed exercises for the face and neck or set a record for the number of approaches. Loads should be moderate, but regular.

After gymnastics, it is useful to do a contrast wash or wipe your face with an ice cube. This will provide additional stimulation of blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the tissues. After this procedure, it is recommended to apply the usual cream to the skin.

Perform the exercises correctly, and you will return your face and neck to its former elasticity and smartness.

With age, the contour of the face often becomes fuzzy, more sagging areas appear. This is due to the fact that facial muscles, like the skin, weaken and can no longer maintain the same shape as in their youth. Return your former youth, find the perfect oval and get rid of double chin the most effective exercises for the face will help. If you perform training complex regularly - twice every day - the first results will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.


Before starting the exercises, you must follow the general preparatory rules:

  • Cleanse the face from decorative cosmetics or other cosmetic products. It is best to exercise in the morning, before applying makeup, or in the evening, after washing;
  • To wash hands. Upon contact with the skin of the face, it is possible to introduce any contamination through the opening pores;
  • All exercises are performed in front of a mirror. It is extremely important to control the correct technique for performing each movement. Otherwise, an undesirable effect is possible.

When performing any exercise, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the face. If this rule is neglected, unwanted folds will become more noticeable. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to fix possible creases with your fingers to immobilize the skin in the desired area.

Complex for face oval correction

Women after 40 years of age notice a loss of skin elasticity, the face sags, the corners of the lips go down, “bulldog” cheeks appear. The problem with a drooping midface is weakening of the cheek and cheek muscles.

Anti-aging exercises for lifting the cheeks and lifting the face:

  • Take a full mouth of air and move it from one cheek to another, then under the upper and lower lip alternately. Repeat ten times. After completion, you can complicate the task and roll the air in a circle.
  • Hold the pencil with your lips and write your name on it in the air. The main thing is not to rush: if you feel very tired, you can take a short break and then continue working. Exercise improves the elasticity of the cheeks and raises the cheekbones higher.
  • Inflate your cheeks, put your fingers on them and press on your cheeks, trying to deflate them. Fingers and cheeks resist each other. Repeat 15 times. Good strength exercise for the middle part of the face.
  • Extend the lips into an oval so that all the wrinkles on the face are smoothed out. Place the index and middle fingers in the mouth along the lower row of teeth. Pulling in the cheeks, create resistance with the fingers inside. Repeat the exercise 30 times. If it becomes difficult to perform it, you can do 10 times in three sets. In the process of work, the muscles get tired and the position of the lips may change. This categorically cannot be allowed: it is better to make movements slowly, but qualitatively.
  • Lift up zygomatic muscles. Lips make the same oval as in the previous exercise. Nasolabial folds are strongly clamped with fingers. To keep your eyes from squinting, you need to open them wider. Do 15 repetitions. In order to understand where these muscles are located, you should smile broadly or try to wink: the muscles that will move the most are the zygomatic ones. If the movement is well learned, you can do it quickly, two contractions per second. Over time, the number of repetitions can be extended up to thirty times. This is the most effective exercise that has a lifting effect: it returns not only the firmness of the muscles, but also the elasticity of the skin.

Performing exercises on the zygomatic muscles

Gymnastics for the neck

Wrinkles on the neck become a constant companion of women after 50 years. Due to the weakened muscles of the lower part of the face, a second chin appears. Such a defect occurs not only with age, but also as a result of a long-term incorrect position of the body and head in everyday life.

The best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck:

  • Tilt the neck to the right shoulder, attach right hand to the head, along the right ear. Press your hand on your head; the head must create resistance. Do not remove your hand until the head is near the left shoulder. When moving in the opposite direction, the head presses on the hand. Repeat the same steps with alternate sides. 10 repetitions will be enough.
  • Interlace your fingers in the lock and place under the chin. The movement mechanism is similar to the previous exercise: the hands move the head back, the head resists. At the end of the exercise, transfer your hands to the back of the head and do the opposite action with another point of application of force.
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Raise the chin: it should look diagonally up. Fix position. Lean back, never slouch. For a greater effect in this position, it is worth lingering for a few seconds, gradually increasing the angle of inclination. Repeat 15 times. The exercise is also recommended for people who have problems with cervical region spine.
  • Cross your arms over your chest, lift your chin up to the limit, take a deep breath and count to ten, exhale, return your head to its original position. Repeat 8 times.
  • Sit down evenly tighten the muscles of the neck, lips seem to say the letter "Y". Strengthens with exercise top part neck. Repeat 20 times.
  • Raise the chin up and push the jaw forward, the movement is strictly perpendicular to the floor. Do 30 repetitions.
  • Open your mouth, raise your head in this position, close your mouth at the top, return to the starting position. 25-30 reps.
  • With your mouth closed, try to press your tongue completely to the palate; at this moment it is important to feel the tension neck muscles. Do the exercise 30 times.

It is not necessary to wait for the appearance of wrinkles and the loss of the original oval of the face. The sooner you start training, the longer the face will retain its natural youth. Gymnastics for the face is easy to do at home and does not take much time: 15-20 minutes a day is enough to keep the facial muscles in good shape.

Clearly defined cheekbones, slightly sunken cheeks and a chiseled chin form a beautiful oval of the face, making the look sophisticated, graceful and expressive. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of such features, especially for those who are already thirty.

Now, there are many methods by which the correction of the oval of the face is carried out, starting with all kinds of cosmetic procedures such as myostimulation or thread lifting and ending with surgical operations. But in the pursuit of fashionable procedures, many forget about others, perhaps even no less effective ways appearance improvements. One of the most effective exercises include various exercises for the muscles of the face.

Why Facial Exercises Are Necessary

2. Grit your teeth, place your fingers along the cheekbones, so that the ring fingers and little fingers are near the corners of the lips. At the same time, they should only touch the face, without pressing or stretching the skin. While in this position, stick out your lower lip until you reach maximum tension, then hold for three seconds. After that, relax for three seconds and repeat again.

3. Turn your head slightly to the left, raise your chin and open your mouth as if you want to bite off something. When the muscles of the neck and chin tense as much as possible, freeze for five seconds, then lower the chin and relax. Complete this exercise for lifting the oval of the face for each side five times.

4. Place your palms on the bottom of your cheeks so that your little fingers are at the corners of your lips. Stretch your lips slightly, as if you want to smile, while you should feel the muscles of your cheeks tense under your fingers. Gradually increase the tension, when you reach the maximum, hold for five seconds and relax for a couple of seconds. After that, stick out your tongue and try to reach its tip to the chin. When the muscles tense as much as possible, hold for five seconds, then relax for two.

5. Fist rest on the chin. Begin to slightly lower the lower jaw, while pressing on it with your fist and, overcoming resistance, strain the muscles. Gradually increase the force of pressing, when you reach the greatest tension, linger for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. After that, stick out your tongue and try to reach it to the chin. When the muscles tense as much as possible, freeze for two seconds, then return the tongue to the mouth and relax for one second.

6. Grit your teeth and stretch your lips to the sides as much as possible. With the tip of your tongue, press on the palate, gradually increasing the pressure. In this case, you should feel tension in the muscles of the chin. Hold at maximum tension for five seconds, then relax for three seconds.

To make the face oval correction more effective, first perform each exercise five times and gradually increase the number of repetitions. Ideally, by the third week, their number should be brought to fifteen or twenty.

Under the skin of the face there are 57 muscles that are responsible for our facial expressions, it is their contractions that set the face in motion. The appearance also depends on the state of the muscles: a healthy tone = a clear oval of the face.

Facial gymnastics (facebuilding) has long been praised by cosmetologists all over the world, because it is the most affordable and effective lifting, for which you do not need to go under the surgeon's scalpel. Almost any proper training is aimed at tightening the contours and minimizing mimic wrinkles, there are a great many methods and techniques today. The main advantage of facial gymnastics is that it can be done not only at home, but also in any convenient place in your free time. Facebook building has become a popular alternative to surgery, because with regular performance facial exercises can achieve stunning results. Wrinkles, loss of a clear contour, sagging occur due to an uneven load on the facial muscles. Some of them overstrain daily, and this condition is called muscle hypertonicity, while others, on the contrary, participate in general facial expressions very little, which is why they lose their elasticity. This leads to hypotension. To get rid of muscle imbalance, you need to exercise regularly, giving Special attention problem areas. Gymnastics for the face is the same exercise as training the body, the principles here are the same.

Gymnastics for the face at home: a few basic rules

  • Start training facial muscles from the age of 25, so that at 35 it will not be too late.
  • The regularity of training is important if you want to achieve notable results. Practice every day for 10 minutes. Morning exercises are especially effective: they start the lymphatic system.
  • Correct technique- recipe for success. Start classes at half strength, gradually moving to a more intense load.
  • Before gymnastics, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your face, neck and hands. Gymnastics is best done without makeup, so that creases do not form on the face.
  • In addition to gymnastics, do not forget about complex care: peelings, masks, regular moisturizing and healthy eating indispensable in the pursuit of the perfect oval.
  • Before starting gymnastics, do a little warm-up: massage the cleansed skin of the face and head with your hands, move from the center to the periphery.

Gymnastics for the face: a set of effective exercises

Facial training includes both anti-wrinkle exercises and tightening exercises. For a full-fledged lesson, it is necessary to perform all types of loads in turn.


Gymnastics for the face: exercises for wrinkles at home

Smooth out the forehead.

  1. Gather the brushes in the lock and put them on your forehead (at the border of hair growth).
  2. Pull the skin back a little, stretching the lips in the shape of the letter "O", look down.
  3. Do 2 sets of 30 seconds.

We smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows.

  1. Place your index and middle fingers at the base of your eyebrows.
  2. Move your fingers with force, smoothing the bridge of the nose from the base to the sides.
  3. Do 30-60 seconds.

Smoothen the skin around the eyes.

  1. Open your eyes as wide as possible.
  2. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then close your eyes tightly.
  3. Open your eyes sharply and repeat the exercise 10 times in 2 sets.

Gymnastics for the face: we tighten the contours at home

Lifting gymnastics for the face helps to sculpt clearer lines and achieve a lifting effect with your own hands.

Pull up the upper eyelid.

  1. Place your palms on the base of your eyebrows.
  2. Press with your palms and pull your eyebrows up.
  3. Drop your gaze down.
  4. Blink slowly 20-30 times.
  5. Hold for 30 seconds, looking down.
  6. Do 2-3 sets.

Eliminate nasolabial folds.

  1. Open your mouth slightly and pull your lips inward.
  2. Try to hide both lips behind your teeth.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds, exhale.
  4. Perform the exercise in 2 sets of 30 seconds.

We tighten the cheeks and corners of the lips.

  1. Raise the corners of your mouth as if you are smiling, but don't open your lips.
  2. Prevent the appearance of creases by placing your index fingers on the outer edge of the eye, and hold the nasolabial folds with your thumbs.
  3. Repeat the exercise 5 to 20 times.

Gymnastics for the face: remove the second chin and increase the lips

We remove the second chin.

  1. Stick out your tongue and point it up.
  2. Turn your head slightly to the left.
  3. Raise your chin and hold for 10 seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the same with turning your head to the right.
  5. Perform the exercise in 2 sets on each side.

Enlarge lips.

  1. Take a wine cork, relax your lips.
  2. Grab the cork with your relaxed lips.
  3. Hold the cork, but do not close your lips tightly.
  4. Perform the exercise 2-3 times for 30 seconds.

Gymnastics to strengthen the face and neck

"Old Lady"

  1. Tighten up subcutaneous muscle neck, strongly pulling the lower lip.
  2. At correct execution the neck is tensed.
  3. Hold for 20-30 seconds in a state of tension.
  4. Do 2-3 sets.


  1. Straighten your shoulders, keep your back straight.
  2. Tilt your head back so that the skin stretches from the chin to the collarbones.
  3. Push your lower jaw and stretch your chin up.
  4. Tighten the muscles of the chin and neck for 10 seconds in 3-4 sets.

" Bird"

  1. Keep your shoulders straight, turn your head to the left so that your chin is parallel to your shoulder.
  2. Hold at the peak point, slowly return to the starting position.
  3. Repeat the exercise with the head turned to the right.
  4. Do 2-3 sets on each side.

Facelift exercises are a tool for powerful rejuvenation and beauty. When they are executed:

  • facial muscles regain their elasticity;
  • metabolic tissue processes are restored;
  • better circulation of lymph and blood;
  • old slag deposits are removed;
  • the sagging of the skin stops.

Our skin begins to actively breathe and work. The body improves the production of its own collagen and elastin in the lower basal layer of the dermis, which smoothes wrinkles. As a result, the skin is tightened and the complexion is healthier. A person begins to look young and beautiful to curl around.

Therefore, I bring to your attention a set of exercises, time-tested and many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. We start moving again at 25!

Gymnastics for the face of 7 exercises

Facial exercises, selected by a cosmetologist for a famous person, for many years helped her to do without anti-aging operations and look great.

You can start using these exercises from the age of 35 once a day.

The time complex takes about 15 minutes. Includes 7 very simple exercises.

And you need to repeat each 30 times.

You will see positive changes happening to your appearance after 2 weeks.

This facial gymnastics is shown in the video. Be sure to review it, especially if something in the description of the exercise is not clear.

In the first lessons, it is better, of course, to use a mirror to control your grimaces. Later, when you feel your muscles, you can refuse the mirror.

So, we are very comfortable in front of the mirror and begin.

Exercise 1. We pronounce vowels

The first rejuvenating exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the cheeks and lips, tightens the oval of the face. And most importantly - wrinkles around the lips are removed. Lips become plump, bright and beautiful.

What to do:

  1. In this exercise, we need to pronounce the vowels A-O-U-E-S in turn with a short pause.
  2. At the same time, pull the upper lip down and press it against the upper teeth so that the lip folds are smoothed out.
  3. When pronouncing each vowel, we make sure that the muscles of the face and neck are actively working.

Exercise 2. Pushing the lower jaw forward

The result of the exercise will be the disappearance of the second chin, pumping up the facial muscles, which helps to tighten the skin on them.

We do:

  1. We open our mouth a little.
  2. We don't move our tongue.
  3. We begin to easily push the chin back and forth without frills (about one movement per second).

Tip: Place a ticking alarm clock near you and move your jaw for each tick.

Exercise 3. To rejuvenate and strengthen the lips

Do you use lipstick every day? And rub it evenly, moving your lips? This is the gymnastics for juicy and beautiful lips.

We draw the lips into the mouth, then sharply open the mouth to make a sound like a click.

Exercise 4. Strengthen and smooth the cheeks

The exercise is similar to rinsing your mouth.

  1. We inflate alternately first one cheek, then transfer the air to the other.
  2. We perform the movements slowly.
  3. Muscles strain strongly.
  4. But we try not to twist our mouth from side to side.

Such exercises for facelift fight well with mimic folds. And because of a good rush of blood, a healthy blush appears on the cheeks, regardless of the lady's age.

Exercise 5. Pouting the lips

By puffing up the lips, we smooth out wrinkles on them and around them, relax spasms and clamps.

If the muscles of the face are relaxed, then the skin lies on them smoothly.

When a muscle is contracted or spasmodic, there is excess skin on it. On a tense muscle, the skin constantly fits into folds and wrinkles.

We do the exercise as the previous one, only alternately strongly inflate either the upper or lower lip, gaining more air. We make 15 movements with each lip.

Exercise 6. For the eyes

If you sit at the computer a lot, then you probably have a program in the form of an animal that periodically appears, forcing you to rest your eyes by doing a relaxing exercise.

Then you will already know exactly the following movements: when the animal bulges its eyes, then covers them. Here we are doing the same movements:

  1. First (without raising an eyebrow) we open our eyes very wide, as if in horror.
  2. Then we relax their muscles.
  3. Eyebrows can be held with your fingers so that they do not crawl up.

The result of the exercise upper eyelids stop being in the eye. The skin around will be rejuvenated, wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Exercise 7. Open your mouth and blink

Quite a fun exercise, especially when you see your face in the mirror. But this exercise is complex and very important. It:

  • strengthens the muscles under the eyes so that the bags do not sag;
  • smoothes and removes near the labial creases, from which the face takes on a dull and unhappy look.

How to perform:

  1. We do it with muscle tension.
  2. We open our mouth strongly, pressing the upper lip hard to the teeth.
  3. Tilt your head forward, lowering your chin to your chest.
  4. Blink your eyes quickly 30 times.
  5. We relax the face and give rest.
  6. We repeat the whole complex again.
  7. Make sure that the forehead does not wrinkle.

Facelift exercises, in order to get a lasting result, must be done for 3 months.

And then, to maintain the results achieved, you can use a smaller amount of gymnastics. And train only your personal problem areas.

Here, as in sports, you stop practicing - what you have gained is gradually lost. Therefore, you need to do gymnastics for the face constantly, but it will take a little time to train.