Recreational gymnastics Penzulaeva 3 7 years FGOS.

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Lyudmila Ivanovna Penzulaeva

Recreational gymnastics for children 3-7 years old. complexes recreational gymnastics


Gymnastics is of great health significance, provided that it is systematically performed by children. Physical exercise can be done in the morning, after daytime sleep(subject to the regime), in the afternoon for a walk and indoors. The construction of recreational gymnastics complexes should be based on the basic structural principles and correspond to the generally accepted scheme. As a rule, gymnastics complexes include different kinds walking and running (sometimes simple game tasks); general developmental exercises with objects (cubes, balls, skittles, sticks, etc.) and without them, outdoor games of low and medium activity, relay races.

Walking and running at the beginning of gymnastics is a small warm-up, then the children perform exercises of a general developmental nature for the back muscles, shoulder girdle, abdomen and legs.

Exercises of a general developmental nature are given the main role (in terms of volume and significance). Their versatility contributes to the improvement of the body, develops muscle strength, joint mobility, forms correct posture and the ability to navigate in space.

Proper adherence to the starting positions - required condition when performing any gymnastic exercises. Explanation and demonstration of exercises by the educator should be clear and concise. Long term is especially undesirable. static posture, which negatively affects the posture in general and in the main formation of the arch of the child's foot.

Game tasks, outdoor games of low and medium activity serve as an addition to the motor load health complex, bring variety and bring joy and pleasure to children.

At the end of the complex, as a rule, walking at a moderate pace or a simple game task is carried out to bring all the functions and systems of the children's body into a relatively calm state.

Depending on the physical fitness for each age group of children, conditions and venues for recreational gymnastics (hall, playground, lawn, park), changes and additions can be made to the complexes. The main thing is that children are healthy, cheerful, cheerful and have fun.

The health-improving gymnastics complexes for children aged 3–7 years, offered in the manual, are developed taking into account the specifics of conducting exercises in the autumn, winter, spring and summer periods.

Recreational gymnastics complexes for children 3-4 years old

Children of the fourth year of life quite confidently perform exercises in walking and running, sometimes with good coordination of movements of the arms and legs. However, in most children, while walking, the arms are pressed to the body and the gait is mostly shuffling. The pace of walking is still uneven, with unequal stride length. In running, the coordination of movements of the arms and legs is somewhat better than in walking. This is due to the fact that a fast pace of movement is more characteristic for a child than a slow one, however, even in running, coordination of movements is still imperfect. Toddlers run on the whole foot, the work of the hands is not clearly expressed.

The proposed exercises are aimed at mastering walking and running - in a column one at a time, in a circle, with a stop at the signal of the teacher, with the performance of various tasks, with a change in the direction of movement. All these motor tasks in walking and running develop orientation in space, the ability to respond to the teacher's signal, teach them to work together with other children, etc.

Gymnastic exercises of a general developmental nature are carried out with and without objects. At the beginning of training, it is advisable to build children in a circle, lines, near objects that will serve as a guideline for them to build correctly.

The teacher makes sure that all children occupy the correct starting position: it is this that determines physical activity on various groups muscles. The starting positions are varied - standing, sitting, kneeling, lying on your back and stomach (subject to indoor training). The sequence of transition from one starting position to another is also important. So, to move from the initial standing position to the kneeling position, children should calmly sit down and then slowly lower themselves (without hitting their knees on the floor). To move from a standing position to a lying position, it is suggested that you first put your legs closer, gently lowering to sit down, and then lie down. In a standing position for babies, as a rule, two positions of the legs are used: at the width of the foot and at the width of the shoulders.

In children of 3-4 years old, large muscles in their development prevail over small ones, but at the same time, exercises in raising their arms to the sides, up, tilts, squats are quite accessible to them, which develops the skill of controlling their body.

The teacher must perform the exercises with the children, showing, explaining them and thereby asking right pace. The teacher can do tilts and squats together with the children 2-3 times, and then the kids perform them on their own, following his instructions.

The rhythm of jumps is usually set by musical accompaniment or beats on a tambourine (clapping hands or clearly pronouncing the words “one-two”, etc.). The teacher performs several jumps together with the children, and in the pause he makes certain comments. The child cannot yet consciously regulate breathing, therefore, when performing gymnastic exercises, attention should be paid to the moment of exhalation, and not inhalation. It is important to teach children to breathe through their nose naturally and without delay.

Physical load during gymnastic exercises (walking, running, game tasks) can be adjusted by observing the external signs of children's fatigue. This may be the appearance of shortness of breath, pallor of the face or redness, impaired coordination. The teacher needs to pay attention to any complaints of the child in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

The motor skills and abilities formed in children in the process of mastering walking, running, general developmental exercises are still fragile and require multiple repetitions. The attention of children is still unstable, it is easily disturbed when the environment changes. So, if the exercises are carried out on the site, then it is worth running a cat or a dog, flying by a bird, as the children are immediately distracted. You need to skillfully switch their attention to the task with minimal loss of time and try to use the situation. “Even the birds flew in,” says the teacher, “to see how you are doing!”

After gymnastic exercises, the teacher offers the children a simple game task, a game of low mobility or walking at a calm pace.

autumn period


Complex 1

1. Walking from one side of the site to the opposite behind the teacher - let's look at the autumn leaves.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Bring your hands forward, clap your hands in front of you, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, return to the starting position (5 times).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs in alternation with a short pause (2-3 times).

6. Walking in a column one by one behind the teacher (he has a flag in his hands).

Complex 2

1. Running from one side of the site to the other for the ball (the teacher rolls the ball of large diameter); walking to the other side of the playground behind the teacher (he has a ball in his hands).

Exercises without objects

2. "Show your palms." I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your hands forward - here are our palms, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. Show your knees. I. p. - standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward and put your hands on your knees, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. "Big and small." I. p. - standing legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, grab your knees with your hands, lower your head, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times).

5. I. p. - standing legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Jumping on two legs - like balls (2-3 times).

6. Walking around the site in a flock behind the teacher (he has a flag in his hands).

Complex 3

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Bring the cubes forward, hit them against each other, lower them down, return to the starting position (5 times).

Rice. 1

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes behind the back. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor, stand up, put your hands behind your back. Sit down, take the cubes, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times).

4. I. p. - sitting cross-legged, cubes in hands on their knees. Turn right, put the cube on the floor behind your back, straighten up. The same on the other side. Turn right, take a cube (Fig. 1). The same in the other direction (3 times in each direction).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, cubes on the floor. Jumps on two legs around the blocks, with a short pause between jumps.

6. Game task "Quickly to the house!"

Children are below the line - this is a house. The teacher invites the children to go for a walk - walking in all directions throughout the site. To the words: “Quickly to the house!” children, together with the teacher, run over the line (2 times).

Walking in a flock (crowd) behind the teacher to the other side of the site.

Complex 4

1. Loose walking throughout the site. At the teacher's signal: "Butterflies!" running in all directions, waving his arms like wings.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Mahi with both hands back and forth 4 times in a row, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, stand up, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands behind your back. Tilt forward, touch your toes with your fingers, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times).

5. I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms along the body with support on the floor. Alternate flexion and leg extension - like bugs (a series of movements at the expense of 1-4, repeat 3-4 times).

6. game exercise"Let's find a chicken." The teacher hides the toy in advance and invites the children to find it. Walking at a moderate pace in different directions.

Complex 5

1. The game of low mobility "Silence" (walking).

Children go around the site, then in a circle behind the teacher and together they say:

Silence by the pond
The water does not sway
Do not make noise, reeds,
Sleep, little ones.

At the end of the words, the children stop, squat, tilt their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the teacher says loudly: “Kwa-kva-kva” - and explains that the frogs woke the guys up, and they woke up, got up and stretched. The game exercise is repeated.

Rattle exercises

2. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands below, each with one rattle. Bring your hands forward, rattle with rattles, lower your hands, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - legs on, shoulder width apart, rattles behind the back. Bend over, touch the knees with rattles, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, rattles behind the back. Sit down, put the rattles on the floor, straighten up, put your hands behind your back. Sit down, take rattles, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands at the shoulders. Jumps on two legs, with a short pause, then repeat the jumps.

6. Game task "Let's find a frog." Walking in different directions, then in a column, one after the child who first found the frog.

Complex 6

1. Walking in a column one at a time. To the teacher's signal: "Sparrows!" stop and say: "Chik-chirik" (together with the teacher). Run after each other.

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below Raise the ball up, lower it, return to its original position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, the ball in both hands at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball (Fig. 2), straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Sit down, ball in bent arms, stand up, straighten up, return to starting position.

5. I. p. - sitting on the heels, the ball on the floor in both hands. Rolling the ball around you to the right and left, moving your hands (Fig. 3). The pace of the exercise is average (2-3 times).

6. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball in bent arms on the chest. Jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis to the right and left.

Complex 7

1. Walking and running around the cubes. Building around the cubes, then, at the signal of the teacher, walking and running around the cubes in both directions.

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Take the cubes through the sides forward, hit each other, lower the cubes down, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands behind the back. Bend over, put the cubes on the floor, straighten up, bend over, take the cubes, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Sit down, move the cubes forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, cubes on the floor. Jumping around the cubes in alternation with a short pause.

6. Game task "Cat and birds".

In the center of the site (hall), a cat is sitting on a chair (the role of a cat is played by a child, you can put on a “cat” hat for him), Bird children fly around the cat, waving their wings (the teacher regulates a moderate pace). The teacher gives a signal, the cat wakes up and catches the birds, and they fly away (beyond the line). The game task is carried out once or twice, no more.

7. Walking in a column one at a time bypassing the site.

Complex 8

1. Walking and running on the bridge (along the path) (length 3 m, width 30 cm). On one side of the site, a path is laid out of cords or rails, and the teacher suggests that you first go through and then run along the bridge without touching it.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise through the sides up, clap your hands, lower your hands, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back. Lean forward, clap your hands on your knees, straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Sit down, clap your hands in front of you, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. Game "Bubble".

Children and the teacher join hands, form a circle, becoming close to each other, and say:

Blow up, bubble
Blow up, big one
Stay like this
Don't crash.

Saying the text, the children expand the circle, gradually stepping back, holding hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children put their hands down and clap their hands - the bubble has burst. The game is repeated.

Complex 9

1. Walking and running around chairs placed in a circle.

Chair exercises

2. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs slightly apart, hands below. Raise your arms to the sides, lower, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - sitting on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - standing behind a chair, feet hip-width apart, hands on the back of the chair. Sit down, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing near a chair, legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily. Jumping on two legs around the chair in both directions, alternating with a short pause.

6. The game of low mobility "Silence" (see complex 5).

Complex 10

1. Walking in a column one by one with a stop at the signal of the teacher: “Geese!”, “Sparrows!” Running in a column one at a time, scattered. Building near the hoops, laid in advance in two lines (ranks).

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms on the shoulders, like a collar. Raise the hoop up, arms straight, look into the hoop, lower the hoop, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, take the hoop with both hands (grip from the sides), straightening up, raise the hoop to the level of the belt, sit down, put the hoop on the floor, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, a hoop in both hands to the chest. Lean forward, touch the rim of the floor hoop (arms straight), straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing in a hoop, arms arbitrarily, jumping on two legs in a hoop.

6. Game exercise "Let's find a mouse."

Complex 11

1. Walking in a column one by one with the task; to the signal: “Frogs!” sit down, then normal walking; running like butterflies, waving arms, then regular running.

Checkbox exercises

2. I. p. - standing with feet shoulder-width apart, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up, wave them (Fig. 4), lower the flags, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. Sit down, take the flags forward (Fig. 5). Get up, return to the starting position.

Rice. 4

Rice. 5

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, flags in bent arms at the shoulders. Lean forward, touch the floor with sticks of flags, straighten up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - kneeling, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up and wave them to the right (left), lower, return to their original position.

6. Game exercise "Catch a mosquito".

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites them to catch a mosquito - jumping on two legs and clapping with both hands above their heads.

Complex 12

1. Walking and running around the cubes (cubes according to the number of children are placed in two, tightly one to the other). Walking and running are carried out in both directions at the signal of the teacher.

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - standing with feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Raise the cubes through the sides up and hit them, lower the cubes, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands behind the back. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor; stand up, straighten up, arms arbitrarily; sit down, take the cubes, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - kneeling, cubes in both hands at the shoulders. Lean forward, put the cubes away; straighten up, hands on the belt; bend over, take the cubes, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - standing in front of the cubes, hands arbitrarily. Jumping on two legs around the cubes in both directions, alternating with a short pause.

6. Walking in a column one at a time with cubes in hand. At the signal of the teacher, raise the cube (no more than 3–5 seconds), lower it several times while walking.

winter period

Complex 13

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time between objects ( stuffed balls, cubes) - a snake.

Exercises with a ring (ring throw)

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, ring in right hand at the bottom Straighten the arms forward, shift the ring to the left hand, lower the arms.

3. I. p. - legs slightly apart, a ring in both hands at the chest. Sit down, put the ring on the floor, straighten up, put your hands behind your back; sit down, take the ring, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting on the heels, the ring in both hands below. Straighten up, raise the ring in straight arms above your head, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, ring on the floor. Jumps on two legs around the ring, with a short pause.

6. Game exercise "Sparrows and a cat."

Sparrow children are in the house (beyond the line), and the cat (teacher) is in the center of the hall (sitting on a high chair). Sparrows scatter all over the hall, and at the signal of the teacher: "Cat!" sparrows run away, trying to quickly get to their house.

7. Walking in a column one by one behind a cunning cat.

Complex 14

1. Walking in a column one by one along the bridge (on a board laid on the floor). Scatter run.

Exercises with a large diameter ball

2. I. p. - standing feet width apart, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up over your head, stretch; drop the ball down, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - sitting legs apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball (between the heels of the legs), straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. Bend your knees, pulling them up to your stomach, and touch your knees with the ball, straighten your knees, put your hands behind your head, and return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is on the floor, hands are arbitrarily. Jumping around the ball in both directions in alternation with a short pause.

6. The game of low mobility "Guess who is screaming."

Complex 15

1. Game exercise "Frogs".

A circle is laid out from the cord - this is a swamp. Children become in a circle with their right (or left) side to the swamp - they are frogs. The teacher says:

Here are the frogs along the path
They jump with their legs outstretched.
Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva!
They jump with their legs outstretched.

Children jump on two legs, moving forward in a circle. At the end of the text, the teacher claps his hands - he scares the frogs, and they jump into the swamp and squat down. The game can be repeated.

handkerchief exercises

2. I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. Straighten your arms forward - showed a handkerchief, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing with feet shoulder-width apart, a handkerchief in both hands below. Bend over and wave the handkerchief to the right (left), straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - standing with feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands below. Sit down, bring the handkerchief forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, handkerchief in the right hand. Jumping on two legs, waving a handkerchief over your head, alternating with a short pause.

6. Game exercise "Let's find a frog."

Complex 16

1. Walking and running in a column one by one behind the teacher (he depicts a train).

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, hands below. Raise your arms to the sides, lower, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - standing feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, bring your hands forward, stand up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), perform 2-3 swings.

5. I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs straight, hands in support behind. Bend your knees, pull towards you, straighten your legs, return to the starting position.

6. Game exercise "Frogs" (jumping on two legs, moving in a circle).

7. The game "Let's find a frog."

Recreational gymnastics for children 3-7 years old. Recreational gymnastics complexes Lyudmila Ivanovna Penzulaeva

Recreational gymnastics complexes for children aged 6–7

Senior preschoolers have significant motor experience acquired by them in previous age groups. But at the same time, the tasks of physical development, improvement of walking, running, gymnastic exercises remain the same.

In walking, children 6-7 years old continue to master a uniform step with free natural movements of the arms and legs. In running, they already know how to follow the proposed pace, while the movements are quite rhythmic and easy.

In gymnastic exercises, children are able to correctly occupy the initial and intermediate positions, try to observe the specified range of motion. The complication of motor tasks for children of this age occurs not only due to an increase in the volume of exercises (number of repetitions), but also due to an increase in the requirements for the quality (technique) of the movements performed.

Repeated and variable repetition of walking, running, gymnastic exercises has a beneficial effect on various muscle groups, the formation of correct posture and, in general, to improve the health of children.

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Lyudmila Ivanovna Penzulaeva Health-improving gymnastics for children 3–7 years old. Wellness complexes

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Health-improving gymnastics complexes for children aged 5–6 In children of senior preschool age, the range of motor skills and abilities increases, which is associated with the development physical qualities(endurance, speed of movement, etc.), it becomes possible

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Recreational gymnastics complexes for children aged 6–7 Older preschoolers have significant motor experience acquired by them in previous age groups. But at the same time, the tasks of physical development, improvement of walking, running, gymnastic exercises

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Approximate complexes of massage and gymnastics for children of different ages The first complex (age from 1.5 to 3 months) In children of this age, hypertension of the limb flexor muscles is observed, passive movements are not carried out. Active movements are based on innate

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A complex of health-improving mental gymnastics Exercise 3.1. Breeding hands Stand against the wall so that the sacrum and shoulder blades are in contact with it, that is, two additional points of support are formed. Exercise 3.1. Raising your arms Raise your relaxed arms. Mentally

Recreational gymnastics for children 3-7 years old. Recreational gymnastics complexes Lyudmila Ivanovna Penzulaeva

Recreational gymnastics complexes for children aged 5–6

In children of senior preschool age, the range of motor skills and abilities increases, which is associated with the development of physical qualities (endurance, speed of movement, etc.), it becomes possible to more successfully master both the exercise as a whole and individual elements.

Children continue to master walking and running, learn good coordination of movements of arms and legs, and free control of the body. At this age, children acquire the ability to maintain the direction and uniformity of walking, flight-like running appears.

IN senior group when performing general developmental exercises, children are given more complex tasks: to clearly accept various starting positions, perform exercises with different amplitudes of movements, observe a certain direction of movements, etc.

At the direction of the educator, the children independently take flags, small equipment (flags, cubes, ropes, sticks, balls), and at the end of the exercises they put them in their place.

From the book Children's Yoga author Andrey Ivanovich Bokatov

3.24. Sets of exercises for children 5-8 years old Depending on how you present the exercise to the child, in this state he will perform it, and it will be immediately obvious whether the child is interested in the exercise or not. It all depends on the teacher and his attitude to the exercises.

From the book Daily Gymnastics for Mental Workers author N. V. Korablev

3.25. Yoga complexes for children 8–13 years old After studying animal asanas and pranayamas, you can give yoga complexes for children. Complex 1 PY in Padmasana. Kumbhaka. Yoga mudra. Matsiasana. Bhujangasana. Viparita Karani. Contemplation. Savasana. Complex

From the book Encyclopedia of therapeutic movements for various diseases author Oleg Igorevich Astashenko

III. COMPLEXES OF DAILY GYMNASTICS Below we present four typical daily gymnastics complexes recommended as a minimum of physical training for people of mental labor. The recommended complexes have been tested by us for three years in

From the book Gymnastics for vessels and joints author Oleg Igorevich Astashenko

A complex of health-improving gymnastics that contributes to the improvement of blood vessels We present the simplest set of physical exercises for those whose atherosclerosis is complicated by hypertension. Start small. Patience and confidence in success are necessary conditions

From the book Baby Massage. Step by step guide author Elena Lvovna Isaeva

A complex of health-improving gymnastics that contributes to the improvement of blood vessels We present the simplest set of physical exercises for those whose atherosclerosis is complicated by hypertension. Start small. Patience and confidence in success are the necessary conditions for a successful

From the book Invisible gymnastics for those who follow their figure. Gymnastics in the office, in the elevator, on the beach, on the way to work author Elena Lvovna Isaeva

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Complexes of mimic gymnastics Complex 1 1. Take a calm deep breath through your nose, while straining its wings. Then exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times with breaks of 3-4 seconds.2. Take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath

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Complexes of gymnastics 1 There is a special therapeutic gymnastics for patients with hemorrhoids. It is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, buttocks and perineum, which helps to normalize blood flow in the rectal area. These exercises will be especially useful for those

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Gymnastics complexes for anal varicose veins 1 A set of exercises stimulates the intestines, promotes the release of gases. It is impossible to perform exercises during an exacerbation of the disease. The complex should be performed 10-15 times 2-3 times a day. Exercise 1. Standing with crossed

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Complexes of gymnastics for varicose veins Suffering from varicose veins should also walk more and keep their legs up more often. They reduce the flow of blood into the veins of the legs and correctly (with the help of a doctor) selected elastic stockings. Although they do not cure varicose veins, they eliminate

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Lyudmila Ivanovna Penzulaeva Health-improving gymnastics for children 3–7 years old. Wellness complexes

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Health-improving gymnastics complexes for children aged 3–4 years Children of the fourth year of life quite confidently perform exercises in walking and running, sometimes with good coordination of movements of arms and legs. However, in most children, while walking, the arms are pressed to the body and the gait is

From the author's book

Health-improving gymnastics complexes for children aged 5-6 In children of senior preschool age, the range of motor skills and abilities increases, which is associated with the development of physical qualities (endurance, speed of movement, etc.), it becomes possible

From the author's book

Recreational gymnastics complexes for children aged 6–7 Older preschoolers have significant motor experience acquired by them in previous age groups. But at the same time, the tasks of physical development, improvement of walking, running, gymnastic exercises

From the author's book

Approximate complexes of massage and gymnastics for children of different ages The first complex (age from 1.5 to 3 months) In children of this age, hypertension of the limb flexor muscles is observed, passive movements are not carried out. Active movements are based on innate

From the author's book

A complex of health-improving mental gymnastics Exercise 3.1. Breeding hands Stand against the wall so that the sacrum and shoulder blades are in contact with it, that is, two additional points of support are formed. Exercise 3.1. Raising your arms Raise your relaxed arms. Mentally

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1 L.I. PENZULAEVA Recreational gymnastics for preschool children (3-7 years old) A guide for teachers preschool institutions HUMANITARIAN PUBLISHING CENTER Moscow VLADOS 2001

2 LBC P25 P25 Penzulaeva L.I. Recreational gymnastics for preschool children (3-7 years old). M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, with. ISBN The manual presents complexes of recreational gymnastics for children of preschool age 3 7 years. A variety of game tasks and games of low mobility are given. The complexes are made taking into account the motor abilities of each age group. Designed for kindergarten teachers and parents. BBK Penzulaeva LI, 2001 Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2001 Serial cover design. "Humanitarian publishing ISBN center VLADOS", 2001

3 Introduction Gymnastics is of great health-improving importance, provided that it is systematically performed by children. Physical exercises can be performed in the morning, after daytime sleep (subject to the regimen), in the afternoon for a walk and indoors. The construction of recreational gymnastics complexes should be based on the basic structural principles and correspond to the generally accepted scheme. As a rule, gymnastics complexes include various types of walking and running (sometimes simple game tasks); general developmental exercises with objects (cubes, balls, skittles, sticks, etc.) and without them, outdoor games of low and medium activity, relay races. Walking and running at the beginning of gymnastics is a small warm-up, then the children perform exercises of a general developmental nature for the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, abdomen and legs. Exercises of a general developmental nature are given the main role (in terms of volume and significance), their multifunctionality contributes to the improvement of the body, develops muscle strength, joint mobility, forms the correct posture and the ability to navigate in space. Proper observance of the starting positions is a prerequisite when performing any gymnastic exercises. Explanation and demonstration of exercises by the educator should be clear and concise. A long static posture is especially undesirable, which negatively affects the posture in general and, in general, the formation of the arch of the child's foot. Game tasks, outdoor games of low and medium activity 1 serve as an addition to the motor load of the recreation complex, bring variety and bring joy and pleasure to children. At the end of the complex, as a rule, walking at a moderate pace or a simple game task is carried out to bring all 1 The content of some games is not given. They can be found in the books: Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and exercises for children 3-4 years old. M., 2000; Penzulaeva L.I. Outdoor games and exercises for children 5-7 years old. M.,

4 functions and body systems of children in a relatively calm state. Depending on the physical fitness of each age group of children, the conditions and venue for recreational gymnastics (hall, playground, lawn, park), changes and additions to the complexes can be made. The main thing is that children are healthy, cheerful, cheerful and have fun. The proposed complexes of recreational gymnastics for preschool children are developed taking into account the specifics of conducting exercises in the autumn, winter, spring and summer periods. 4

5 COMPLEXES OF IMPROVING GYMNASTICS FOR CHILDREN 3-4 YEARS OLD Children of the fourth year of life try to confidently perform exercises in walking and running, sometimes with good coordination of movements of arms and legs. However, in most children, while walking, the arms are pressed to the body and the gait is mostly shuffling. The pace of walking is still uneven, with unequal stride length. In running, the coordination of movements of the arms and legs is somewhat better compared to walking. This is due to the fact that a fast pace of movement is more characteristic for a child than a slow one, however, in running, coordination of movements is also still imperfect. Toddlers run on the whole foot, the work of the hands is not clearly expressed. The proposed exercises are aimed at mastering walking and running in a column one at a time, in a circle, with a stop at the signal of the teacher, with the performance of various tasks, with a change in the direction of movement. All these motor tasks in walking and running develop orientation in space, the ability to respond to the teacher's signal, teach them to work together with other children, etc. Gymnastic exercises of a general developmental nature are carried out with and without objects. At the beginning of training, it is advisable to build children in a circle, lines, near objects that will serve as a guideline for children to build correctly. The teacher makes sure that all children occupy the correct starting position, it is this position that determines the physical load on various muscle groups. The starting positions are varied standing, sitting, kneeling, lying on your back and stomach (subject to indoor training). The sequence of transition from one starting position to another is also important. So, to move from the initial standing position to the kneeling position, it is necessary for the children to sit down calmly and then smoothly lower themselves (without hitting their knees on the floor). To move from a standing position to a lying position, it is suggested that you first put your legs closer, gently lowering to sit down, and then lie down. In a standing position for babies, as a rule, two positions of the legs are used: at the width of the foot and at the width of the shoulders. In children 3-4 years old, large muscles in their development predominate over small ones, but at the same time, children of this age are quite accessible to exercises in raising their arms to the sides, up, tilts, squats, which develops the skill of owning their body. 5

6 The teacher must perform the exercises with the children, showing, explaining them and thereby setting the right pace. The teacher can do tilts and squats together with the children 2-3 times, and then the kids perform them on their own, following his instructions. The rhythm of jumps is usually set by musical accompaniment or beats on a tambourine (clapping hands or clearly pronouncing the words “one-two”, etc.). The teacher also performs several jumps with the children, and in the pause he makes certain remarks. The younger preschooler cannot yet consciously regulate breathing, therefore, when performing gymnastic exercises, attention should be paid to the moment of exhalation, and not inhalation. It is important to teach children to breathe through their nose naturally and without delay. Physical load during gymnastic exercises (walking, running, game tasks) can be adjusted by observing the external signs of children's fatigue. This may be the appearance of shortness of breath, pallor of the face or redness, impaired coordination. The teacher needs to pay attention to any complaints of the child in order to avoid undesirable consequences. The motor skills and abilities formed in children in the process of mastering walking, running, general developmental exercises are still fragile and require multiple repetitions. Their attention is still unstable, it is easily disturbed when the environment changes. So, if the exercises are carried out on the site, then it is worth running a cat or a dog, a bird flying by, the children are immediately distracted. Here you need to skillfully switch the attention of children to the task with minimal loss of time and even try to use the situation. “Even the birds have come, says the teacher, to see how you are doing!” After gymnastic exercises, the teacher offers the children a simple game task, a game of low mobility or walking at a calm pace. Autumn period 6 SEPTEMBER Complex 1 1. Walking from one side of the site to the opposite, after the teacher, let's look at the autumn leaves.

7 Exercises without objects 2. I. p. 1 feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Bring your hands forward, clap your hands in front of you, return to the starting position (5 times). 3. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, return to the starting position (5 times). 4. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, return to the starting position (5 times). 5. I. p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs in alternation with a short pause (2-3 times). 6. Walking in a column one by one behind the teacher (he has a flag in his hands). Complex 2 1. Running from one side of the court to the other after the ball (the teacher rolls the ball of large diameter); walking to the other side of the playground behind the teacher (he has a ball in his hands). Exercises without objects 2. "Show your palms." I. p. standing feet width apart, arms along the body. Raise your hands forward, here are our palms, return to the starting position (5 times). 3. Show your knees. I. p. standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward and put your hands on your knees, return to the starting position (5 times). 4. "Big and small." I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, grab your knees with your hands, lower your head, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times). 5. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Jumping on two legs like balls (2 3 times). 6. Walking after the teacher around the site in a flock (he has a flag in his hands). Complex 3 1. Walking and running in a column one by one behind the teacher, he is a train. Exercises with cubes 2. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Bring the cubes forward, hit them against each other, lower them down, return to the starting position (5 times). 1 I. p. starting position. 7

8 3. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, cubes behind the back. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor, stand up, put your hands behind your back. Sit down, take the cubes, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times). 4. I. p. sitting cross-legged, cubes in hands on their knees. Turn right, put the cube on the floor behind your back, straighten up. The same on the other side. Turn right, take a cube (Fig. 1). The same, in the other direction (3 times in each direction). 5. I. p. legs slightly apart, cubes on the floor. Jumps on two legs around the blocks, with a short pause between jumps. 6. Game task "Quickly to the house!". Children are outside this house. The teacher invites the children to go for a walk, walking in all directions throughout the site. To the words "Quickly to the house!" children, together with the teacher, run over the line (2 times). Walking in a flock (crowd) behind the teacher to the other side of the site. 8 Fig. 1 Complex 4 1. Walking in all directions throughout the site, at the signal of the teacher "Butterflies!" running in all directions, waving his arms like wings. Exercises without objects 2. I. p. standing feet width apart, arms along the body. Mahi with both hands back and forth 4 times in a row, return to the starting position. 3. I. p. standing with feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, stand up, return to the starting position (5 times). 4. I. p. sitting legs apart, hands behind the back. Tilt forward, touch your toes with your fingers, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times). 5. I. p. lying on the stomach, arms along the body with support on the floor. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs like bugs (a series of movements at the expense of 1 4, repeat 3 4 times). 6. Game exercise "Let's find a chicken" (the teacher hides the toy in advance and invites the children to find it). Walking at a moderate pace in different directions.

9 OCTOBER Complex 5 1. The game of low mobility "Silence" (walking). Children go around the site, then in a circle behind the teacher and together they say: Silence by the pond, Water does not sway, Do not make noise, reeds, Fall asleep, kids. At the end of the words, the children stop, squat, tilt their heads and close their eyes. After a few seconds, the teacher says loudly: “Kwa-kva-kva” and explains that the frogs woke the guys up, and they woke up, got up and stretched. The game exercise is repeated. Exercise with rattles 2. I. p. legs slightly apart, hands below, each with one rattle. Bring your hands forward, rattle with rattles, lower your hands, return to the starting position. 3. I. p. feet shoulder width apart, rattles behind the back. Bend over, touch the knees with rattles, straighten up, return to the starting position. 4. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, rattles behind the back. Sit down, put the rattles on the floor, straighten up, put your hands behind your back. Sit down, take rattles, straighten up, return to the starting position. 5. I. p. legs slightly apart, rattles in both hands at the shoulders. Jumps on two legs, with a short pause, then repeat the jumps. 6. Game task "Let's find a frog" (walking in different directions, then in a column one by one after the child who first found the frog). Complex 6 1. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher “Sparrows!” stop and say: “Chik-chirik” (together with the teacher); running after each other. Exercises with a ball of large diameter 2. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, lower it, return to its original position. 9

10 3. I. p. feet shoulder width apart, the ball in both hands at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball (Fig. 2), straighten up, return to the starting position. 4. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, the ball in both hands below. Sit down, ball in bent arms, stand up, straighten up, return to starting position. 5. I. p. sitting on his knees, on his heels, the ball on the floor in both hands. Rolling the ball around you to the right and left, moving your hands (Fig. 3). The pace of the exercise is average (2 3 times). 6 I. p. legs slightly apart, the ball in bent arms on the chest. Jumping on two legs with a turn around its axis to the right and left. 10 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Complex 7 1. Walking and running around the cubes. Building around the cubes, then, at the signal of the teacher, walking and running around the cubes in both directions. Exercises with cubes 2. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Take the cubes through the sides forward, hit each other, lower the cubes down, return to the starting position. 3. I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands behind the back. Bend over, put the cubes on the floor, straighten up, bend over, take the cubes, return to the starting position. 4. I. p. feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Sit down, move the cubes forward, stand up, return to the starting position. 5. I. p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, cubes on the floor. Jumping around the cubes in alternation with a short pause. 6. Game task "Cat and birds". In the center of the site (hall) a cat is sitting on a chair (the role of a cat is played by a child, you can put on a “cat” hat). Birds fly around the cat, waving

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FUNNY PHYSMINUTES. Preschoolers quickly get tired with physical and mental stress. They are distracted, their attention is scattered. Physical exercises will help relieve stress. Carrying out physical culture breaks during

Lyudmila Ivanovna Penzulaeva

Recreational gymnastics for children 3-7 years old. Recreational gymnastics complexes


Gymnastics is of great health significance, provided that it is systematically performed by children. Physical exercises can be performed in the morning, after daytime sleep (subject to the regimen), in the afternoon for a walk and indoors. The construction of recreational gymnastics complexes should be based on the basic structural principles and correspond to the generally accepted scheme. As a rule, gymnastics complexes include various types of walking and running (sometimes simple game tasks); general developmental exercises with objects (cubes, balls, skittles, sticks, etc.) and without them, outdoor games of low and medium activity, relay races.

Walking and running at the beginning of gymnastics is a small warm-up, then the children perform exercises of a general developmental nature for the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, abdomen and legs.

Exercises of a general developmental nature are given the main role (in terms of volume and significance). Their versatility contributes to the improvement of the body, develops muscle strength, joint mobility, forms the correct posture and the ability to navigate in space.

Proper observance of the starting positions is a prerequisite when performing any gymnastic exercises. Explanation and demonstration of exercises by the educator should be clear and concise. A long static posture is especially undesirable, which negatively affects the posture in general and, in general, the formation of the arch of the child's foot.

Game tasks, outdoor games of small and medium activity serve as an addition to the motor load of the health complex, bring variety and bring joy and pleasure to children.

At the end of the complex, as a rule, walking at a moderate pace or a simple game task is carried out to bring all the functions and systems of the children's body into a relatively calm state.

Depending on the physical fitness of each age group of children, the conditions and venue for recreational gymnastics (hall, playground, lawn, park), changes and additions can be made to the complexes. The main thing is that children are healthy, cheerful, cheerful and have fun.

The health-improving gymnastics complexes for children aged 3–7 years, offered in the manual, are developed taking into account the specifics of conducting exercises in the autumn, winter, spring and summer periods.

Recreational gymnastics complexes for children 3-4 years old

Children of the fourth year of life quite confidently perform exercises in walking and running, sometimes with good coordination of movements of the arms and legs. However, in most children, while walking, the arms are pressed to the body and the gait is mostly shuffling. The pace of walking is still uneven, with unequal stride length. In running, the coordination of movements of the arms and legs is somewhat better than in walking. This is due to the fact that a fast pace of movement is more characteristic for a child than a slow one, however, even in running, coordination of movements is still imperfect. Toddlers run on the whole foot, the work of the hands is not clearly expressed.

The proposed exercises are aimed at mastering walking and running - in a column one at a time, in a circle, with a stop at the signal of the teacher, with the performance of various tasks, with a change in the direction of movement. All these motor tasks in walking and running develop orientation in space, the ability to respond to the teacher's signal, teach them to work together with other children, etc.

Gymnastic exercises of a general developmental nature are carried out with and without objects. At the beginning of training, it is advisable to build children in a circle, lines, near objects that will serve as a guideline for them to build correctly.

The teacher makes sure that all children occupy the correct starting position: it is this position that determines the physical load on various muscle groups. The starting positions are varied - standing, sitting, kneeling, lying on your back and stomach (subject to indoor training). The sequence of transition from one starting position to another is also important. So, to move from the initial standing position to the kneeling position, children should calmly sit down and then slowly lower themselves (without hitting their knees on the floor). To move from a standing position to a lying position, it is suggested that you first put your legs closer, gently lowering to sit down, and then lie down. In a standing position for babies, as a rule, two positions of the legs are used: at the width of the foot and at the width of the shoulders.

In children of 3-4 years old, large muscles in their development prevail over small ones, but at the same time, exercises in raising their arms to the sides, up, tilts, squats are quite accessible to them, which develops the skill of controlling their body.

The teacher must perform the exercises with the children, showing, explaining them and thereby setting the right pace. The teacher can do tilts and squats together with the children 2-3 times, and then the kids perform them on their own, following his instructions.

The rhythm of jumps is usually set by musical accompaniment or beats on a tambourine (clapping hands or clearly pronouncing the words “one-two”, etc.). The teacher performs several jumps together with the children, and in the pause he makes certain comments. The child cannot yet consciously regulate breathing, therefore, when performing gymnastic exercises, attention should be paid to the moment of exhalation, and not inhalation. It is important to teach children to breathe through their nose naturally and without delay.

Physical load during gymnastic exercises (walking, running, game tasks) can be adjusted by observing the external signs of children's fatigue. This may be the appearance of shortness of breath, pallor of the face or redness, impaired coordination. The teacher needs to pay attention to any complaints of the child in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

The motor skills and abilities formed in children in the process of mastering walking, running, general developmental exercises are still fragile and require multiple repetitions. The attention of children is still unstable, it is easily disturbed when the environment changes. So, if the exercises are carried out on the site, then it is worth running a cat or a dog, flying by a bird, as the children are immediately distracted. You need to skillfully switch their attention to the task with minimal loss of time and try to use the situation. “Even the birds flew in,” says the teacher, “to see how you are doing!”

After gymnastic exercises, the teacher offers the children a simple game task, a game of low mobility or walking at a calm pace.

autumn period


Complex 1

1. Walking from one side of the site to the opposite behind the teacher - let's look at the autumn leaves.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Bring your hands forward, clap your hands in front of you, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, return to the starting position (5 times).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumps on two legs in alternation with a short pause (2-3 times).

6. Walking in a column one by one behind the teacher (he has a flag in his hands).

Complex 2

1. Running from one side of the site to the other for the ball (the teacher rolls the ball of large diameter); walking to the other side of the playground behind the teacher (he has a ball in his hands).

Exercises without objects

2. "Show your palms." I. p. - standing with feet hip-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your hands forward - here are our palms, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. Show your knees. I. p. - standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward and put your hands on your knees, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. "Big and small." I. p. - standing legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Sit down, grab your knees with your hands, lower your head, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times).

5. I. p. - standing legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Jumping on two legs - like balls (2-3 times).

6. Walking around the site in a flock behind the teacher (he has a flag in his hands).

Complex 3

1. Walking and running in a column one by one behind the teacher (he depicts a train).

Exercises with cubes

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes in both hands below. Bring the cubes forward, hit them against each other, lower them down, return to the starting position (5 times).

Rice. 1

3. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, cubes behind the back. Sit down, put the cubes on the floor, stand up, put your hands behind your back. Sit down, take the cubes, straighten up, return to the starting position (4 times).

4. I. p. - sitting cross-legged, cubes in hands on their knees. Turn right, put the cube on the floor behind your back, straighten up. The same on the other side. Turn right, take a cube (Fig. 1). The same in the other direction (3 times in each direction).