Alternate bending of the arms with dumbbells while standing. Lifting dumbbells for biceps: standing and sitting options

Remember: biceps is more of an “endurance” muscle, since slow fibers predominate in its “structure”. This means that it is reasonable to implement a training strategy in the context of this knowledge and key goals: find a compromise between the volume of work and the load.

Do you want to cut relief? Perform alternating dumbbell curls while standing in mode for 15-20 repetitions with a light weight in 3-5 sets. You can gain an additional training advantage by using the tempo factor: do the last sets "forced".

If you are striving to get hold of voluminous and “from afar” noticeable cans, work on weight gain should be a priority for you. Pumping up biceps with dumbbells of 5 kg is an impossible task. Therefore, the working weight will definitely have to be added, but not to the detriment of technology. In addition, with dumbbells, you, whatever one may say, will not master big weight- therefore, the alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps should be preceded by a heavier “barbell” load. In this case, it is optimal to perform alternate bending in 12-15-repeated mode in 2-4 sets.

Nuance: do not chase weight, performing a movement with supination - you risk the "integrity" of the ligaments and joints. This technical "manoeuvre" is more reasonable to apply at the stage of polishing the shape of the biceps muscle, when working with moderate weight.

    Curls with dumbbells - an exercise for the isolated study of the biceps. Athletes perform curls with dumbbells in order to increase the volume of the biceps, as well as develop its peak more strongly. This exercise is one of the isolated ones, there is no point in working with large weights, since the biceps love a large number of repetitions and the maximum feeling of blood filling. The technique of the exercise is quite simple, but look around: every second visitor to the gym performs it incorrectly, and muscle mass their hands do not increase for years.

    In our article today, we will tell you how to pump up your arms with this exercise, how to increase the efficiency of doing curls with dumbbells for biceps, and which variation of curls for biceps is best for your goals.

    What muscles are working?

    Fulfilling this exercise, You load the biceps muscle of the shoulder (biceps) in isolation, and the main part of the load falls on it upper part, which gives the biceps a more peak shape.

    The stabilizers in this exercise are the forearms, front bundles deltoid muscles, brachialis, brachiradilais, and wrist flexors.

    Types of curls with dumbbells

    Bending arms with dumbbells have several options for performing. They can be done standing, sitting, using a special Scott bench, or even lying down. Next, we will talk in more detail about each type of exercise.

    Standing dumbbell curls are the most common variation of this exercise. It is notable for the fact that when it is performed, a slight cheating is acceptable, which makes it possible to work with a little more weight than, for example, with concentrated curls with dumbbells. The exercise can be done in different ways:

    • Alternate (alternate) bending of the arms with dumbbells - we perform one repetition with the left and right hand in turn. The position of the brush does not change, in lowest point we try to stretch the biceps as much as possible;
    • The dumbbell curl while standing with a hammer grip (“hammers”) is a more basic movement that also involves the brachialis and forearm muscles. A well-developed brachialis visually “pushes” the biceps outward, which makes the arm larger, and developed forearms increase grip strength and help us work with large weights in traction movements;
    • Dumbbell curl with supination - the movement affects slightly different muscle fibers due to supination (turning) of the hand while lifting the dumbbell. You can perform both alternately and simultaneously with both hands.

    Standing dumbbell curls are an exercise that requires you to have a strong lower back and maximum concentration on the working muscle. It is recommended to perform it with a small weight and in a large range of repetitions (from 12 and above). Leaning down almost to parallel with the floor, turn the dumbbell slightly and try to lift it to the opposite shoulder, making a short pause at the point of peak contraction.

    Seated Dumbbell Curls – Sit on the edge of a bench and perform alternating or simultaneous dumbbell curls. In this position, it will be easier for you to maintain the correct position of the elbows, and the work will be more productive.

    Incline Dumbbell Curl - By setting the back of the bench at a slight incline (20-30 degrees), you will feel a strong stretch in the lower part of the biceps at the bottom of the amplitude. Curls with dumbbells sitting at an angle should be performed smoothly, with a delay of 2-3 seconds in the lower position, so the biceps will receive maximum stress, which will lead to its growth.

    Incline Dumbbell Curl – Place the back of the bench at about 45 degrees and lie on your stomach on it. At the same time, raise the dumbbells for biceps with both hands towards the head, being careful not to change the position of the elbows during the approach. The negative phase of the movement is no less important - in no case do we drop the weight down, but control it at every centimeter of amplitude. The exercise is perfect for people who have back problems, as there is no axial load on the spine.

    Concentrated curls with dumbbells - isolated exercise to work out the peak of the biceps. In biomechanics, it is similar to bending the arms in an inclination, but here we work even more isolated, since the elbow of the working arm rests on the knee or lower part hips. Perform the exercise cleanly, cheating does not make sense here.

    The Scott Bench Dumbbell Curl is a similar exercise to the Concentrated Curl. However, a strong focus on the negative phase of the amplitude is required here, this will stretch the biceps well and help to achieve a stronger pump. If in your gym there is no Scott bench, this exercise can be performed on a regular bench with an adjustable incline level - just put your back at a right angle and lean on it with your triceps.

    The benefits of exercise and contraindications

    The exercise perfectly helps to work out those parts of the biceps that are difficult to “hook” while working with a barbell or on block simulators. Working with dumbbells does not require such a strong concentration on correct position body, as when lifting a barbell for biceps, and it is easier for us to establish a neuromuscular connection with a working muscle.

    Any variations of arm curls with dumbbells are not recommended for athletes who have suffered injuries to the elbow or shoulder joints and ligaments. During the lifting of the dumbbell, too much load is created on the incompletely healed area, which often leads to a recurrence of the injury.

    Exercise technique

    Regardless of which type of dumbbell curl you perform (standing, sitting, bent over, etc.), the technical principles are always the same. Compliance correct technique will help you better concentrate on the work of the biceps and save you from possible injuries.

  1. In the starting position, the arm is fully extended, the back is straight, and the elbows are located as close to the body as possible or fixed (as with concentrated flexions or lifting for biceps on the Scott bench). The exception is bending the arms with dumbbells in an inclination - here the elbow has no support, and we cannot press it to the body. However, this does not mean that you can move your elbow forward or backward - this is fraught with injury.
  2. Lifting the dumbbell is carried out on the exhale. Many misunderstand the name of the exercise. Bending the arm should represent exactly bending the arm, and not throwing the dumbbell up with the effort of the whole body. It is important for us to properly load the biceps, and not to throw the dumbbell into a vertical position at any cost.
  3. The negative phase of the movement should be accompanied by a breath. The movement should be smooth, it is important to focus on the feeling of stretch in the biceps.

Features and typical mistakes

If this exercise did not lead you to noticeable progress in increasing the volume of hands, then you are doing something wrong. Two options: hire personal trainer and put the technique of performing this exercise under his guidance or carefully read this section of our article and take into account the information received.

Rookie Mistakes

  1. Using heavy dumbbells with the belief that the heavier the projectile, the faster the muscles will pump up. Working with a lot of weight will make the task much more difficult - you will not be able to feel the contraction and stretching of the biceps. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to do a sufficient number of repetitions. The recommended rep range for biceps is 10-15 reps.
  2. Excessive cheating. Helping yourself with the body is permissible only when performing the last 2-3 repetitions, when the muscle has almost reached failure. If you start throwing the dumbbell up from the first repetitions, helping yourself with your shoulders and back, then the working weight is too large.
  3. Incorrect position of the elbows. It is absolutely impossible to bring the elbows forward when alternately lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination - this is traumatic for the elbow joints.
  4. Usage athletic belt without the need. Do not use a special belt if you do not have lower back problems. The axial load here is very small, and you definitely won't get injured. However, the movement requires the correct breathing rate, following the sequence of inhalations and exhalations in the belt is much more difficult.

Technical features

If you have taken into account and corrected all the above errors, now take into account a few simple tips about the technical features of the exercise. They will help you get the most out of it.

  1. Many beginners often wonder which is more effective for arm training: curls with dumbbells or hammers. The answer is simple: both exercises are equally effective if done technically correctly, but hammers also load the forearms and brachialis. Perform both exercises for even muscle development and aesthetic proportions.
  2. Make your arm workouts more varied - this will give a good stress to your biceps. Vary the order and number of exercises with each workout.
  3. Keep the same pace of the exercise throughout the approach - this will make it easier for you to concentrate on contracting the biceps.
  4. The more isolated the movement, the better for bicep growth. Try this trick: In the Concentration Curl or Scott Bench Curl, use an open grip and turn your wrist slightly away from you - this will keep the biceps in constant tension and prevent it from relaxing at the bottom point. Of course, the weight of the dumbbell should be small.
  5. To mentally set yourself up for isolated bicep work, try doing a few sets of strict curls with a barbell or dumbbells. To do this, stand up to a vertical back and lean on it with the back of your head, back and buttocks. Have you noticed how much harder the movement has become? Now imagine that all this load falls not on the hands, but on the lower back and shoulders. Still think that you are pumping biceps, and not something else?
  6. . Only 6 rounds.

This is the best isolation exercise for training the biceps. Many consider it an alternative to barbell curls and put this exercise at the top of their bicep workout. Let's try to figure out if this is so, but one thing is for sure: if you want to pump up your biceps, do alternating curls with dumbbells!

The exercise is performed while standing, while the athlete must be able to feel the biceps well, control weight, coordinate the work of the body and be able to reduce the target muscle group. In other words, this exercise requires experience from the athlete, it is not for beginners, but for those who are “rocking home”. But on the other hand, if you learn how to perform alternating curls with dumbbells, then you will significantly increase the volume of your biceps in a couple of months.

Work of muscles and joints

The biceps consists of two heads: internal and lateral, the first is longer, the second is shorter. It is because of the difference in length that there are various exercises for the biceps. The inner beam is longer and stronger, so it should be pumped in a longer amplitude and with more weight. A short biceps bundle needs a less deep range of motion and, since it is weaker, it needs to be pumped with smaller weights.

Alternate bending of the arms with dumbbells pumps both beams at once, but what's there, the biceps is responsible for bending the arm, as well as for turning right to left. You can turn your wrist in any direction to make sure these words are true, and also notice that when you turn your wrist towards your shoulder, the biceps tenses more. And alternate bending of the arms with dumbbells involves not only lifting the dumbbell up and down, but also performing supination, i.e. turn the brush to the shoulder, which allows you to pump the biceps, performing two movements at once, which, accordingly, loads it more.

Alternate curls with dumbbells - scheme

1) Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your back must be bent, and your legs slightly bent at the knees.
2) Take your shoulders back, and bring your elbows forward so that they are at the level of the press, while the hands with dumbbells should be turned towards you with palms.
3) As you exhale, begin to raise the dumbbell in right hand up, while turning the brush, so at the top point the little finger should look at you.
4) Having fixed the dumbbell for 1-2 seconds in the peak contraction of the biceps, it can be lowered down, while turning the brush to its original position - with the palm towards you.
5) Repeat the same movement with the other hand after you return the dumbbell to its original position.

Alternate curls - notes

1) It is very important not to rush, so as not to reduce the amplitude. You should raise your arm up, as if stretching it as far forward as possible so that it is not short.
2) In no case should the elbows be moved, they must be fixed at one point, otherwise the load will shift to the shoulders.
3) Proper breathing- one of essential rules during alternating curls with dumbbells, as in all exercises for the biceps.
4) In order to better concentrate on the biceps, you should look at it, but at the same time the head should be kept level, so it is best to do the exercise in front of a mirror.
5) It is strictly forbidden to raise your hands at the same time, otherwise it will be almost impossible to perform supination.


The biceps consists of two bundles that are anatomically different from each other, both in length and in strength. Since alternating dumbbell curls are designed to pump both bundles at once, a stronger, longer bundle should first be exhausted on the Scott bench. Pre-fatigue will allow both beams to be brought to failure at the same time, which, in turn, will allow not to overwork the short beam and not underwork the long one.

The joints are in an anatomically comfortable position during alternating curls with dumbbells, so you should not worry about them. At the same time, the spine is also not under load, since the athlete bends the back, in fact, this exercise does not involve the use of large training weights, as a result of which the spine cannot be damaged in any way. In general, to pump up your arms, you don’t need big weights!

There are many options for curling arms for biceps with dumbbells, each of them has its own peculiarity and technique. The options are in position: standing, sitting and even lying down at a 45 degree angle. First of all, we will consider the technique of classical lifts, which are performed both simultaneously with two hands, and alternately.

What muscles work

Standing dumbbell curls for biceps work brachioradial and shoulder muscle at the beginning of the movement when bending the elbows, and after supination, included in the work biceps shoulder (biceps), contracting as much as possible at the top point. Dumbbell lifts for biceps in a sitting position are also performed, while the technique does not change, the only thing is that the body on a vertical bench will be fixed and will not allow the body to sway. Both options can be performed with two hands or alternately.

Technique: lifting dumbbells for biceps

  1. Standing or sitting, legs are shoulder-width apart. We hold dumbbells in our hands, placing them on the sides near the hips.
  2. Exhale: bend one arm at the elbow, working at the expense of the biceps.
  3. Inhale: extend the elbow three times slower than in flexion, smoothly performing the movement.

Do the same number of times for each hand. Optimal to do 3-4 sets, depending on the level physical training and working weight 8-12 reps.

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Great alternative classic lifts, which is performed lying on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees. With this option, the biceps receives an isolated load at the top point during supination of the hands. And also work brachial and brachioradial.

In this option, it is impossible to perform cheating - rocking the body, and perform bending by inertia.

  1. Set the bench at an angle of 45 degrees, hold dumbbells in your hands and sit on the bench, lower yourself onto your back.
  2. Hands in a hanging position under the bench.
  3. Keep your head up while watching the movement of your hands. For pain in shoulder joints, perform a variation on a bench sitting at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. Exhale: first, bend with one hand, in the middle of the movement, turn the hand to the shoulder, contracting the biceps as much as possible in the upper phase.
  5. Inhale: Slowly lower your arm without dropping down, leaving your elbow slightly bent to prevent sprains.
  6. After full extension, repeat the same movement with the other hand.

For each side, do 8-12 times alternately, and also 3-4 approaches.

Concentrated curls with dumbbells

Another great exercise for isolated study of the biceps. In a sitting position, first bending with one hand with dumbbells is performed, then it changes to the other. Its essence is that the elbow is pressed against the inner surface of the shoulder, and it will be impossible to perform a snatch. In this case, a large dumbbell weight is not needed.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps, on the Scott bench

Bending the arms with dumbbells "Hammer"

The hammer grip can be performed both standing and sitting. The technique excludes supination, hands and forearms do not turn, which increases the load on the brachioradialis muscle. Therefore, this technique is also used for working out. "Hammer" can be performed both simultaneously with two hands, and alternately.

Recommendations: how to raise dumbbells for biceps

A huge variety of techniques and options for biceps exercises allows you to choose your own technique for high-quality biceps work without injury, taking into account the individual characteristics of the joints. But don't get hung up on one option, change sets of exercises, changing grips, equipment, adding the number of exercises to eliminate stagnation in progress. Important, movement for effort, when lifting dumbbells, must be performed on exhalation. Moreover, the movement should be quite fast, but not jerky. And the relaxation phase should last three times longer, and must be performed on inspiration. Between sets withstand 1-2 minutes to recover, do not overload your muscles otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

Biceps exercises with dumbbells in video format

For mass building and shaping biceps.

Doing the standard curling arms with dumbbells instead of a barbell, you work with slightly less weight, but your arms get more freedom of movement, and you can achieve even more muscle contraction. As with barbell curls, you can do some cheating during this exercise, but try to keep it to a minimum.

Exercise technique

  1. Sit on the edge of a bench or lean back against a bench incline bench installed in a vertical position. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms along your torso, palms facing your body.
  2. Keeping your elbows still as hinges, lift the dumbbells forward and up, turning your wrists so that your thumbs are facing out and your palms are pointing up as you move. Raise the dumbbells as high as you can and flex your biceps at the top of the movement for maximum contraction.
  3. Lower the dumbbells down in a smooth, wide arc, fully extending your arms and pulling your biceps.
  • Don't sit across the bench. In this case, for fear of touching the edges of the bench with dumbbells, you will involuntarily lean forward. If you work with heavy dumbbells, leaning forward will cause your back to round, which can lead to spinal injury. Therefore, always sit only along the bench (on its short edge).
  • Keep your torso straight and don't sway. All movement takes place in elbow joint. The rest of the body must always remain motionless.
  • Hold your breath while lifting the dumbbells. It helps keep correct posture and allows you to develop a more powerful force of the biceps.
  • Lock your elbows at the sides of your body and do not move them. By pointing your elbows forward while lifting the dumbbells, you relieve the load on the biceps.
  • Simultaneous lifting of dumbbells for biceps is much more effective alternating lifts. Lifting the dumbbells alternately, you involuntarily lean towards the working arm. If at the same time you still round your back, then lower back injury cannot be avoided.
  • Use fairly light dumbbells, otherwise you will have to do jerks to get the weight off the ground. In addition, heavy dumbbells provoke the rise of the elbows.


To whom: Everyone from beginner to master.
When: In the middle of a biceps workout. Before sitting dumbbell curls, perform heavier curls (with a barbell or standing dumbbells).
How many: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.


Strong arm flexors are important in gymnastics, rock climbing, tennis, golf, and baseball. For example, in wrestling and martial arts, when you grab or hold an opponent, the success of your hold is largely determined by the strength of the biceps muscle. IN Everyday life your biceps always work when you carry some kind of load, holding it in front of you.