How to speed up metabolism? The best ways. How to speed up metabolism for weight loss at home: pills, products and folk remedies How to speed up metabolism for weight loss

Metabolism or, as it is also called, metabolism is an important aspect when losing weight / gaining muscle mass and fat. Metabolism is the process that determines how quickly our body can convert calories from food into energy. The rate of elimination also depends on the metabolic rate. excess fat, which is why the pressing question " how to speed up metabolism "excites so many girls and guys. To understand how to improve metabolism, you need to know a few secrets that I will share with you today, my dear readers and readers.

Many factors affect metabolic rate, ranging from age and gender to the lifestyle you lead. Genetics also play a very large role: if you have been a complete child since childhood, and your parents also suffer overweight, then most likely you will have a slow metabolism, BUT this is not a SENTENCE! Speed ​​up metabolism CAN! And now we will look at the main methods, despite heredity and bad genetics.


Now I will not open America to anyone if I say that in order to speed up the metabolism, you need to eat right. Yes, I won’t open it, but I’ll say it - I’ll say it! It is the right healthy food that is the guarantee that your body will receive all the micro- and macronutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to build new cells, quickly dispose of decay products and cleanse the internal space of various toxins and toxins that affect on your metabolic rate.

1.1 Avoid processed and refined foods!

1.5 Eat more protein

To speed up metabolism, it is enough to remember that protein foods take longer to digest than carbohydrate foods, and therefore the body spends much more energy on the digestion process itself. It turns out that by eating protein, you can speed up your metabolism by a few percent.

You can consume protein from foods such as: meat (beef, chicken fillet, turkey fillet, rabbit), fish, dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt), egg whites, tofu and legumes. The process of cooking protein dishes: stewing, boiling, baking, steaming and grilling WITHOUT ADDED OIL.

Do not consume protein from foods such as: sausages; hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast food; fried / smoked / dried meat and fish; as well as dairy products, which contain sugar, preservatives and milk fat substitutes (palm oil or margarine).

1.6. Drink enough raw drinking water

Water is a very important component in the processes of intracellular metabolism. As long as a sufficient amount of water circulates in the body, the fat burning process will be started, only the flow of water stops and the process of dehydration starts, then the metabolism slows down immediately, and the fat burning process stops completely.

The norm of water per day is on average 1.5-2.5 liters. This indicator is influenced by age and the level of daily activity. On the day of training, you need to drink 1 liter more water than on a normal day.

1.7. Drink green tea and coffee

This item comes after the item about water, since the main source of fluid in the body should be WATER and only then tea and coffee.

Green tea allows speed up metabolism due to natural antioxidants catechins. These substances cause the body to expend more energy, thereby burning subcutaneous fat. And scientists from the University of Chicago found that epigallocatechin gallate reduces the production of the hunger hormone, thereby reducing appetite. In general, green tea is an additional assistant in accelerating metabolism after water.

Coffee is also one of the ways you can improve your metabolism by 5-7%. And it's all about the same antioxidants, but only in coffee they have their own - chlorogenic acid. These acids slow down the production of glucose in the blood after a meal, which subsequently reduces and normalizes appetite.

But not all coffee is healthy! Only natural coffee (in beans or ground) can be consumed to boost your metabolism. No instant coffee should be!

It is better to drink coffee before training for 15-20 minutes or between main meals (you can have a snack along with a sandwich of rye bread and avocado, for example).

But don't get carried away with coffee! More than 2, maximum 3, cups a day, I do not recommend drinking.

So let's sum it up. The first thing to help you speed up metabolism, This:


So, here we come to the second equally important aspect that will help you speed up metabolism, and as a result of this - to lose weight faster, because, for sure, the desire to speed up metabolism is connected precisely with this goal.

2.1 Strength training with additional weights

Training using moderate to heavy weights is very good for hormonal response in the body. Being engaged in gym or at home with additional weights, you trigger the production of anabolic and fat-burning hormones (testosterone, somatotropin, adrenaline, etc.), which actively act on your subcutaneous fat layer, reducing it in size with each workout more and more. It is due to hormonal changes during the training period and even after it that you have a unique opportunity speed up your metabolism up to 30%!!! This effect cannot be achieved just by drinking coffee or eating spicy food, such an acceleration of metabolism is possible only from regular classes with additional weights (dumbbells, barbells, exercise equipment).

A few tips on how to do it right increase metabolic rate:

- be sure to include in each workout such as: leg presses, lunges, squats, deadlift, pull-ups, dumbbell presses, push-ups, etc.

- Work in the 12-20 rep range.

- choose the right working weight. For how to do this, see this video.

- Follow the technique of performing exercises and do not chase large weights. It is better to do an exercise with less weight, but technically correct, than with a huge one, but with zero technique. This can lead to injury and complications in the future.

2.2 High intensity interval training(HIIT)

HIIT is training with a change in speed and pace of exercise. In this training, it is not necessary to use additional burden, you can even exercise with your own body weight, and get an even greater effect than from lifting a barbell of 30 kg.

Intensive training at the limit of its capabilities puts a lot of stress on the body, both during training and for a long time after it. It is HIIT training that can keep your metabolic rate high for another day after the end of the training itself! So training in this way is beneficial in terms of saving time, since high intensity workouts you need to spend 1.5-2 times less time than regular strength training, and it is also more beneficial in terms of speed and rate of fat burning.

And HIIT is a great solution, how to speed up metabolism, for those who do not have the opportunity to visit the gym and take personal trainer. You can safely practice BY YOURSELF at home, for example, using my videos or other videos on the Internet, BUT, as in a regular workout, there are also rules here:

- be sure to do a warm-up and a hitch before and after training to avoid injury;

- monitor the technique of performing exercises;

- you need to start gradually, making lighter versions of the exercises, and only over time it becomes more difficult to move to the level.

- no need to headlong try to repeat after the coach if your preparation is not yet sufficient to perform the exercises at the same high pace. The main thing is the technique, and the pace will come with time.

With these basic rules in mind, you can gradually master the principle of high-intensity interval training And improve your metabolism several dozen times.

So, the second thing to remember, as soon as there is a wild desire to speed up your metabolism, is:


Another important aspect of how to speed up metabolism, is your way of life. The more active you are in life, the more you move and are in motion, the higher your metabolic rate, and this is an indisputable fact.

If you have sedentary work, then this is not at all a reason to be upset and put a stigma on yourself: slow metabolism = never lose weight. You are the master (ka) of your life and your body in particular, and only you have the right to decide whether you will have a fast metabolism or a slow one.

To improve metabolism, you just need to adhere to the basic principles of an active lifestyle.

3.1 Move more during the day

To move more, it is enough to walk a couple of stops to your work or at least to the next bus stop, and not take the one next to your house.

During the day, try to get up from your workplace as often as possible and walk around the office under the pretext of pouring a glass of water or breathing fresh air. This will help you increase your calorie burn and use more energy than just sitting still. Yes, this is not much, but even this minimum is better than zero.

Also, give preference to walking up the stairs rather than riding the elevator. A couple of times a day, such a simple procedure will help you significantly increase calorie consumption and increase your metabolism accordingly.

And at the end of the working day, do a mini-workout: shake the press, sit down and do a couple of push-ups. Such good habit will not only improve your well-being and mood after a hard day's work, but also make your body speed up metabolism, giving a couple more extra calories, which can play a significant role in your weight loss.

3.2 Get enough sleep

If you do not get enough sleep (less than 7 hours a night), then this will inevitably lead to a slowdown in your metabolism. In addition to all this, if you go to bed after 12 o'clock at night, then you miss the stage of releasing growth hormone, which is responsible for burning fat during sleep.

It is for this reason that I advise going to bed early and not eating 3-4 hours before bedtime. This will help you activate the action of somatotropic hormone from one to three in the morning and thereby increase your metabolism even while you sleep!

3.3. Do not be nervous

If you have a stressful job or any problems in personal life, then try to find for yourself such an activity that could distract you from your problems and completely relax. This is necessary so that you are not constantly stressed day after day, because it is during nervous tension that the stress hormone cortisol is produced, which is not only a catabolic (destructive) hormone for your muscles, but also a hormone that has the ability to slow down all metabolic processes in your body.

And here's what happens:

A lot of people (especially the beautiful half of humanity) often “eat” their bad mood during stress. They are drawn to eat something high-calorie and harmful, and most often it is sweet, since sweet can improve mood. And the fact that under the influence of cortisol the body slows down the metabolism, leads to the fact that a person gains excess weight very quickly. And a few days of such "sweet stress" can stand a couple of extra pounds... That is why, as soon as you feel that your mood is spoiling, and your hand reaches for a delicious cake, then turn on your favorite music, dance, meditate, do yoga or whatever, if only your soul was calm and you stayed in excellent spirits and mood.

So, let's summarize all of the above, or rather what I wrote:

  1. If your goal is to lose weight, then it makes sense to think how to improve your metabolism through proper and balanced nutrition. For this you need:

- switch to fractional nutrition;

Eliminate sugar and processed foods from your diet

- eat more vegetables and fruits;

- drink enough water per day;

- Eat enough protein

- include natural coffee and green tea in your drinking regimen

- use hot spices in cooking.

  1. The next tip to help you speed up metabolism, it's a sport. Strength or high-intensity workouts are great helpers in speeding up your metabolism, and as a result, a speedy transformation. Train regularly 3-4 times a week, and very soon you yourself will be telling your friends about how to improve metabolism through training. But remember that, as in any business, the main thing here is consistency and regularity!
  2. Well, the last piece of advice how to improve metabolism and lose weight is, of course, to avoid any negative emotions and prolonged depression. Hormone cortisol, which is produced for any stress, greatly slows down metabolism and leads to rapid weight gain. So always be in good mood and your dream will come true much faster! =)

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

In simple words, metabolism is the process that turns the food you eat and the liquid you drink into energy. Calories obtained from food give us energy for the normal functioning of the body.

Very often the reason excess weight called slow metabolism. This is not entirely true. Although fat people metabolism is really slow, the main reason for weight gain is a calorie surplus.

Nevertheless, you can and should speed up your metabolism. And today we will talk about ways that will help speed up your metabolism.

1. Eat enough

To weigh less, you need to eat less, right? Not this way! If you will consume too few calories then you start to lose muscle mass which will slow down your metabolism. Plus, with an excessive calorie deficit, your body begins to burn less of them in order to conserve the "fuel for the body" that you received from food. Nutrient deficiencies occur and in the end you will get the exact opposite effect. At the slightest overeating, your dropped kilograms will return, adding new ones. Therefore, you do not need to exhaust yourself with strict diets. Proper regular nutrition and exercise will help you lose weight much faster and safer, as well as boost your metabolism.

2. Drink green tea

Green tea improves metabolism. Study participants who drank 4-5 cups of green tea a day and spent 25 minutes exercising lost more weight than non-tea drinkers. Magic? Not at all. Green tea contains catechins - antioxidants that trigger fat burning processes.

3. Use unrefined olive oil, Extra Virgin.

Our body must receive fats, especially those found in olive oil. The Right Fats help suppress hunger and improve metabolism. The monounsaturated fats found in olive oil will really help you burn calories. Extra virgin olive oil can increase blood levels of serotonin, a hormone that makes you feel full. Olive oil also contains polyphenols and antioxidants that prevent cancer, osteoporosis, and depression of brain function.

4. Eat egg yolks

Many people neglect yolks in favor of egg whites for their low calorie content and high protein content. However, the yolk will be good for your metabolism. It contains many nutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, and choline (vitamin B4), which improves liver function. But what about cholesterol, you ask? Latest Research showed that two eggs eaten a day will not have any negative effect of fat on your body.

5. Don't Skimp on Fatty Milk

Skim milk contains less calcium, which helps the body burn fat more efficiently.

6. Eat enough protein per day

The bigger your muscles, the more calories your body burns to support them, even if you're not exercising. The gym will help you build muscle, and protein will improve this process. Try to include protein in every meal throughout the day.

7. Eat Whole Grains

Our bodies work harder to digest and break down whole grains, such as durum wheat pasta or whole grain bread. You will improve your metabolism by consuming these foods. Brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain bread - all this should be included in the diet.

8. Eat garlic

Garlic maintains blood sugar balance and improves fat metabolism. Add garlic to your meals, especially those rich in fats and carbohydrates. We have known since childhood that garlic boosts immunity.

9. Don't drink soda, even if it contains "zero calories"

Yes, yes, diet cola and other diet sodas can play tricks on you and become a real obstacle to flat stomach. The artificial sweeteners used in soda can mess with the body's normal metabolic response to sugars and increase appetite. Today, diet drinks are already directly linked to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and other diseases.

10. Eat chocolate

Moderate consumption of dark chocolate will lower stress hormones and improve metabolism. All this is achieved thanks to the flavonoids contained in cocoa, which play an important role in regulating metabolism and relieving stress. If you think that this is a green light for uncontrolled consumption of chocolate, we dare to stop you. First, you should eat no more than 40 grams of chocolate per day. Secondly, we are talking about dark bitter chocolate with a high cocoa content (at least 70%).

11. Drink oolong tea

This traditional Chinese tea is rich in antioxidants and not only helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, but also aids in digestion and helps boost metabolism. Like green tea, oolong contains catechins that improve metabolic processes. Thus, oolong is one of the the best views tea for weight loss.

12. Eat lentils

Iron deficiency can be directly linked to being overweight. After all, with a lack of iron, your body cannot run all the resources that help burn calories. A cup of lentils is one-third of your daily iron intake. This also includes other legumes.

13. Eat nuts

Especially almonds, which can be included in any diet. Nuts contain healthy monosaturated fats and make you feel full.

14. Eat salmon

There are many types of marine and river fish, but it is salmon that are the best choice to speed up metabolism. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland, which produces iodine-containing hormones involved in the regulation of metabolism.

15. Eat apples

Eating apples every day can help prevent metabolic syndrome (weight gain) visceral fat). Apples are low in calories and rich in nutrients and fiber.

16. Avoiding alcohol will increase fat burning by 73%.

If you cannot completely give up alcohol, then you should at least reduce its consumption. Drinking alcohol slows down your metabolism. Why? The body begins to spend energy on removing toxins, and not on the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates received from food. Alcohol also dehydrates the body, which stops muscle growth.

17. Snack on yogurt

Probiotics in foods like yogurt improve bowel function. Yogurt is also rich in protein and calcium.

18. Eat oysters

Of course, this is not the most common and by no means the cheapest product. But if you have the opportunity to eat oysters - do not refuse. Oyster is one of the best dietary sources of zinc, which is beneficial for the thyroid gland, which is involved in metabolism.

19. Eat an avocado

Avocados can safely be called the oil that grows on trees. But instead of cholesterol, trans fats and saturated fats, avocados contain monounsaturated fats that improve metabolic processes.

20. Eat cheese

Cheese contains calcium and vitamin D, as well as protein. Calcium, as we have already found out, contributes to weight loss, and protein will help maintain muscle mass, which helps maintain a normal metabolism.

21. Eat beans

Not only is it an excellent source of vegetable protein, but it is also rich in coarse fiber. The process of digesting coarse fiber along with proteins will improve your metabolism.

22. Eat Broccoli

Calcium and vitamin C work together to boost your metabolism. Broccoli also contains many nutrients and coarse fiber.

23. Eat hot peppers

Cayenne pepper, chili, jalapeno and just hot sauce will help increase the metabolic rate.

24. Drink more water

Fluid intake is the cornerstone proper nutrition. Just drink more water. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day. Follow this recommendation and you will see how the extra pounds go.

25. Make a cup of coffee

In addition to green tea, coffee is also one of the the best drinks for weight loss and metabolism. People who regularly drink coffee have a 16% higher metabolic rate than those who neglect this drink. It is enough to drink 2-4 cups a day. No more! A large amount of caffeine will start to strongly suppress your appetite, which slows down your metabolism.

26. Add mustard

Add mustard to your meals. One teaspoon of mustard can boost metabolism by 25% within hours of eating. It's all about the capsaicin and allyl isothiocyanates found in mustard.

27. Eat Lean Meat

Iron deficiency can slow down metabolism. Where is a lot of iron? In lean meat. Plus, you get a high protein content for your muscles.

28. Drink water after waking up

This is one of the best and cheapest ways to get your metabolism going. During sleep, your body's metabolic functions slow down. Drinking a glass of water upon waking up gives your metabolism a boost.

Guide to easy and fast weight loss. The article contains all the ways to speed up the metabolism in the body for weight loss. On the list are the most effective exercises, metabolic products and lifestyle tips.

Have you ever thought about your metabolism? And it would be worth it, since the metabolic rate (metabolism in other words) is the body's ability to burn calories in an unloaded state, in other words, this is the main tool in the fight against fat stores. We will tell you how to start the metabolism to burn extra calories even at home and lose weight.

In order to improve metabolism and make the tool responsible for burning excess fat work, you just need to perform a few simple exercises.

1. Increase High Intensity Interval Training

We've talked about them before, but I'll say it again: High-intensity interval training is the eighth wonder of the world. They are quite simple and require only 15 minutes of time to complete at regular intervals and maximum load which will speed up your metabolism. According to studies from the Baylor College of Medicine, an intense workout boosts your metabolism and burns far more calories in 24 hours than one hour of regular cardio. According to another study from East Tennessee State University, in a day an additional 100 calories are burned, and this is the acceleration of metabolism.

Still in doubt? Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have proven that the complex implementation of several simple movements, each of which lasts for 30 seconds, yes, in total 30 seconds, can significantly improve metabolism.

How to Compose a Fat Burning Workout

What movements? Glad you asked. Each exercise should be performed for half a minute with a ten second break in between. Three approaches for each exercise can significantly improve metabolism.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps with rotation

  • Take a dumbbell in each hand, stretch your arms along the body, palms facing each other.
  • Using the strength of the biceps, alternately raise the dumbbells to shoulder level, while lifting the palms twist towards the chest.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells on each side, repeat the exercise alternately for each arm.

Bodyweight squat

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, feet pointing in different directions.
  • The exercise begins with bending the knees, followed by a squat at the hips.
  • Squat down to a position from which you can quickly return to the starting position.
  • Keep your head up and your back straight.

French dumbbell triceps press with one arm overhead

If there is no bench at home, then you can use the stairs.

  • Sit on a bench and take a dumbbell in your hand.
  • Raise your arm above your head perpendicular to the floor, slightly back from your head. Rotate your wrist so that the dumbbell is facing the floor.
  • Lower the dumbbell slowly behind your head.
  • Return your arm to the starting position by flexing your triceps.

Bridge on one leg for training the gluteal muscles

  • Lie on your back and lift one leg.
  • Try to raise your hips off the floor as high as possible.
  • Then slowly lower yourself to the floor.

2. Snack as often as possible

No, this is not part of exercise, you need to eat as often as possible in order to gain weight. Some will say that if you snack every time you feel hungry, then this will lead to obesity rather than to the appearance sports uniforms, studies show that moderate appetite keeps blood sugar and insulin levels stable, which improves metabolism. That's right, hunger does not work here, as it forces the body to survive and try to accumulate fat.

3. Add spice to products

If you want to feel how calories are burned during the metabolic process, then you should eat burning food. I don't mean the kind of food that fires out of the mouth, I'm talking about spicy food. Eating capsaicin, the ingredient that makes chili peppers hot, uses up a lot more energy in a process called thermogenesis, which raises body temperature, according to research from the University of Copenhagen. This is another reason to reconsider your views on men who prefer spicy food.

4. Do breathing exercises

Sit down and take a few deep breaths. Done? Great, you've slightly improved your metabolism. How? Research by scientists at the University of Toronto showed that if you perform a few minutes a day breathing exercises, the cells receive more oxygen, and, as a result, spend more energy. That's not all, Louisiana University Hospital researchers in Switzerland discovered that a few minutes of deep breaths maximize metabolism, reducing insulin resistance. Guys, breathe easy.

5. Drink green tea

You can increase your metabolism simply by adding milk and sugar to green tea. According to American Journal of Clinical Dietetics, green tea catechins are able to increase overall calorie burning by 4%. What drink suits you best? South African rooibos can not only reduce energy expenditure, but also prevent the formation of fat cells in the first place, results show research published in the journal "Phytomedicine".

6. Add dark chocolate to your diet

Although many men can easily switch from one brand of chocolate to another, for example, from a Snikers bar to a dark chocolate bar, this can take a toll on mental performance. University of California researchers found that eating chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more increased metabolism over a two-week period. How? Dark chocolate contains a large amount of theobromine, a chemical element that stimulates the production of adrenaline, which, in turn, significantly increases metabolism and metabolic processes in the body. A few bars of chocolate a week are enough.

7. Drink cold water

You may know that drinking two cups of water before a meal leads to full satiety, but did you know that drinking ice-cold water promotes fat loss, which means it improves digestion and metabolism? The principle of this method is simple, when you drink chilled water, the body has to burn calories for its own warming, which speeds up the metabolism. If you drink two liters of ice water in a day, then 95 calories are spent, researchers at Humboldt University say. A simple method without any cost.

8. Eat before bed

Remember when mom said not to eat after eight? This is not entirely true. Some possibly slightly hungry Florida State University scientists claim that a light snack before bed can actually boost metabolism at night. Do we know what a “light snack” is? Something that contains less than 150 calories and is preferably high in protein.

9. Thermal management

This method is not ideal, but slightly speeds up the metabolism. According to research from the American Institutes of Health Clinical Center, if you reduce the temperature of the thermostat to 17 degrees Celsius, you can burn 7% more calories than at a temperature of 23 degrees. Combined with televised exercise improves metabolism much more than "Game of Thrones Marathon".

10. Get more sleep

Can't close your eyes at night? According to research from Stanford University and the University of Wisconsin, lack of sleep reduces the level of leptin, a hormone responsible for regulating energy consumption and appetite, which makes it difficult to accelerate the body's metabolism for weight loss. Sleeping less than eight hours reduces leptin levels by 15.5%. If you want to keep your hormone and metabolic levels up, go to bed as early as possible, as required. mental health standards.

We told simple ways how to improve the metabolism in the body for weight loss. Let us remind you once again that in order to burn fat, you must comply with the condition - burn more calories per day than you consume. Therefore, you need to create a meal plan that will allow you to consume as few calories as possible, while remaining full so that the body does not feel hungry and does not store fat for a rainy day. This can be achieved by increasing the intake of green vegetables that are rich in fiber, protein foods and foods containing complex carbohydrates (preferably in the morning to stock up on energy for the day).

The next step is to create an increased level of activity, that is, increase calorie expenditure through training and additional movement, which will greatly help to accelerate and stay on track. high level exchange processes. For example, climb the stairs instead of the elevator, go home on foot, or at least get off the bus 2-3 stops from the house and walk. Probably the easiest and effective method how to speed up metabolism for weight loss is to follow the advice of the Japanese to take 10 thousand steps per day. It is also beneficial for the health of the heart and all body systems.

How to boost metabolism and lose weight fast?

Leave your review if you have tried one of the methods to speed up the metabolism for weight loss described in this article. Or if you can give good advice and also ask your questions.

Thinking about losing weight, many people, in addition to a variety of diets and exercise study the question of metabolism, that is, the metabolism in the body.

What is it and how to speed it up?

If you do not resort to complex scientific terms, but speak in a simple and accessible language, metabolism is all the processes of the body as a whole that ensure its vital activity. In terms of energy metabolism, it is the rate at which food is converted into calories needed to move the body and keep all systems functioning. Many mistakenly believe that the less you eat, the faster the body absorbs what comes with food. There is some truth in this, but only the smallest.

Optimal amount of energy

So, how to speed up the metabolic process and what is needed to maintain it? Firstly, there is the main rule, adhering to which you can already help the body in this matter. This is the optimal amount of energy consumed. That is, food should be supplied exactly as much as is consumed, taking into account physical and mental stress, as well as with other processes occurring in the human body. For example, it is a well-known fact that all foods that a person consumes are broken down into carbohydrates, proteins and fats. All of them are very important for the normal functioning of the body.

In the case when too many carbohydrates are supplied with food, which are easily digested, for example, sugar or dough, their excess is instantly deposited in the form of fat.

Balanced diet

To avoid this, you should balance your diet as much as possible. It is better to give preference to complex carbohydrates, which take more time and energy to break down and assimilate. It is rational to replace sugar with honey, sweets - with fresh fruits and berries, which, among other things, provide valuable fiber for the body. It is optimal to replenish the reserves of healthy fats by eating fish of different varieties, vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, flax, sesame seeds, etc. Also in the diet you need to add nuts in an unroasted form. Here's how to speed up your metabolism at home without limiting yourself to food, but only replacing some foods with more beneficial ones for the body.

Calculation of the amount of energy

For calculation required amount energy, there are many tables by which you can determine your optimal value. They are public. The main criteria for selecting the required value are gender, age and the level of daily load. The calorie content of products is also easy to calculate using the information on the label or also using general tables. By maintaining a balance between consumed and expended energy, without much difficulty and harm to health, you can optimize metabolism and improve general state organism. After all, when the amount of energy consumed and expended is approximately equal, the body does not get extra resources to put off the ill-fated fat.

How to speed up metabolism for weight loss?

The first way is to deal with the amount of energy that a person receives with food. With this, everything seems to be clear. The second way is to determine the optimal amount of energy consumption. How can you speed up your metabolism based on this principle? Actually very easy. If you calculate the calorie content of a person's daily diet, you get a certain value. Then you should subtract from this figure the approximate energy consumption at rest. In fact, these are the forces that the body spends on maintaining a constant body temperature through sweating in the heat or generating heat in the cold, and other processes necessary for normal life. The approximate value of this indicator is from 1200 to 1800 kcal per day. If we subtract the figure of metabolism at rest from the energy value of the diet, then we get some difference. This value also shows how much energy can be spent additionally on physical or mental activity, as well as on simple movement to work and other matters.

We looked at simple ways to speed up the metabolic process in the body. They are based primarily on a balanced diet and regular physical activity. There is no need to follow any specific diet or special exercises. Nutrition should simply be optimized, and walking is considered sufficient exercise in cases where transport can be dispensed with, climbing stairs instead of an elevator, as well as swimming, cycling, jogging and other simple activities. Moreover, in the process of such activity, the body receives another important element for a good metabolism - oxygen. It not only speeds up the metabolism, but also effectively improves blood circulation, which contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat layers. Without doing anything special, you can be in great shape.

Building muscle mass

How to speed up metabolism for weight loss? More specific methods will be discussed next. First of all, you should start building muscle mass. After all, it is the cells of this tissue that expend energy in an enhanced mode. The advantages of this method are many. The main ones are a great way to lose weight and toned body. For comparison, half a kilogram muscle tissue consumes up to 50 calories per day for its own needs, while about 2 units spend so much fat. Convincing result 1:25. It should be remembered that the muscles burn energy even at rest, not to mention the coefficient useful action when performing a load.

So how to speed up metabolism and lose weight? The answer is simple. Regular strength training and predominantly protein nutrition will help you. You need to go to the gym or do weight-bearing exercises at home, and then, after an hour and a half, eat about 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, protein shake, steamed fish or seafood.


Another miracle cure for slimness and a good metabolism is plain pure water. It is the basis of metabolic processes occurring in the body. You must drink at least two liters of water per day. In this case, you should not pour a whole glass into yourself at once. It is necessary to drink fractionally, that is, to take several sips at a time. So the water will be distributed to all the needs of the body, and not immediately excreted, loading the kidneys. no more easy way how to speed up metabolism. Reviews of those who switched to the correct drinking regimen confirm that they had previously confused hunger with thirst. Saturating the body with water, a person feels better. It should be remembered that tea, coffee and soups are liquids. They have nothing to do with water and are not considered part of the two-liter norm. To speed up your metabolism, you should also limit your intake of tea and coffee, and completely abandon the addition of sugar to them. This is immediately noticeable and will positively affect the figure.

Fractional nutrition

How to speed up metabolism and lose weight? An effective remedy is fractional nutrition. The daily food intake should be divided into at least four or even five meals. The interval between meals should not exceed three hours. It is not necessary, as in childhood, to first be content with soup, then the main course with a side dish, and for dessert - something sweet. It is enough to limit yourself to several products on one plate. Meat, fish and seafood are best combined with vegetables, with the exception of potatoes. It is better to reduce the amount of food in one meal, but increase their frequency.

For example, eat up to six times a day, fractionally. If the portions are very small, you can reduce the time to 2-3 hours. Snacks are best arranged like this useful products, as fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, dairy products in the form of whey, kefir, yogurt with a low percentage of fat. Here's how to speed up your metabolism for weight loss. Reviews of those who have tried the fractional nutrition method speak of not so much quick as long-term results in weight loss. That is, the kilograms not only left, but also did not return later. Moreover, adherence to this system is very useful for the digestive tract.

Vitamin D will help!

To replenish the amount of vitamin D in the body, you need to be in the sun more often. Of course, you can not go under open exposure at noon. However, if you are on a sunny day in partial shade or sunbathe under the gentle rays of dawn, it will not only bring health, but also cheer you up. After all, it is the best cure for depression.

Complete rest

How to speed up metabolism for weight loss? The most pleasant way is a good rest. According to statistics, people who regularly sleep at least 7 hours a day do not suffer from excess fat deposits around the waist and in the hips. During deep sleep, tissue regeneration occurs, the release of growth hormone increases, and brain cells are restored. In addition, those who sleep well are less likely to experience overexertion. nervous system. But everyone knows the fact that according to statistics, it is apathy and depression that people try, figuratively speaking, to seize.

Another reason for overeating is fatigue. The body does not have enough energy, and it tries to get it from food. Although it is enough just to restore strength, having a good night's sleep. According to statistics, people who are awake at night eat many times more than others. Therefore, you should go to bed early, at least before midnight, and stick to the same sleep schedule.

Contrast shower in the morning

How to quickly speed up the metabolism? Useful and effective methodology is a contrast shower. It has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body. Normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation throughout the body. How to produce water procedures? Starting the day, the shower should be done first cool, then warm. Finish the procedure cold. In the evening, on the contrary, it is necessary to finish with warm water.

This procedure is not only effective in accelerating metabolism, but also in relieving nervous tension and fatigue that have accumulated during the day. Everyone knows that stress adversely affects the state of the body. At the same time, it promotes the deposition of fat. To avoid such troubles after a hard day's work, you should relieve stress with the help of a contrast shower. It's good if after that someone can give a relaxing massage.

Magnesium and chromium tablets

How to speed up the metabolism with pills? It will be O food additives and vitamin preparations. One of them is magnesium. Often in one preparation you can find a combination of this element with B vitamins. An alternative to taking medications are foods. These vitamins are found in sufficient quantities in buckwheat, bell peppers, milk, eggs, beans, nuts, butter, fermented milk products, and pumpkin seeds. next element, which helps speed up metabolism and promotes weight loss, is chromium.

It comes in the form of drops and is available in pharmacies. Among foods, it is found in broccoli. However, taking chromium has one drawback. It was felt by a smaller part of those who thought about how to speed up the metabolism for weight loss. Reviews of those who took the chromium preparation indicate that over time it stimulates the desire to eat something sweet. And at this moment you need to control yourself, allowing you to eat only healthy desserts.

Calcium and iodine are essential substances for the human body

How to speed up metabolism for weight loss? Take calcium. He is a reliable assistant in this case. According to statistics, taking a prophylactic dose of 1-1.3 g, you can accelerate the rate of weight loss. In this case, there will be no negative consequences for the skin, since its tone largely depends on calcium. The only thing is that before taking it, you should definitely consult a doctor, since this drug has its own contraindications.

The next equally important element is iodine. It stimulates metabolic processes by activating the thyroid gland. And the final significant for metabolism is vitamin C. In addition to increasing immunity, it starts the process of burning fat. It also has an excellent tonic. For example, a glass of water with lemon juice relieves stress and fatigue, activates the digestive tract, and stimulates metabolic processes.

Obviously, there are quite simple, but effective methods on how to speed up the metabolism for weight loss. Tablets are only part of the therapy. You should not rush to advertising and buy drugs that promise instant weight loss by accelerating metabolism. This is not only useless, but also harmful to the body. You just need to monitor nutrition and physical activity, devote enough time to sleep and supplement your diet. vitamin preparations which, when used wisely, can improve the general condition of the body.

A small conclusion

Metabolism largely depends on lifestyle. Balanced diet, sufficient physical activity and simple procedures - this is the key to not only a slender, but also a healthy body.

A high metabolic rate is the dream of all those who follow their figure, just like a white-toothed Hollywood smile is the dream of all beauties. It depends on several factors. Some people inherit a fast metabolism. Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting.

And for most people, metabolism slows down after age 40. And while we can't control our age, gender, or genetics, there are other ways to improve our metabolism. Below are 10 such ways.

1. Build muscle

Our body is constantly burning calories, even when we are not doing anything. But the metabolism is much higher in people with more developed muscles. Each pound of muscle mass uses about 6 calories per day just to support itself, and each pound of fat only uses 4 calories per day. This small difference adds up over time to an impressive result. In addition, after strength training muscles significantly increase the average daily metabolic rate.

2. Aerobics, brisk walking

Both allow you to increase and maintain a high metabolic rate for several hours after training. The intensity of the exercise contributes to this: to reap the benefits, try a more energetic workshop at the gym or include short bursts of running during your regular walk.

3. Water as fuel

The body needs water to process calories. If he's even slightly dehydrated, his metabolism can slow down. To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water or another unsweetened beverage before every meal. Also, try to chew not salty pretzels and chips, but fresh fruits and vegetables full of juice.

4. Drinks with ice

Cold and iced drinks help the body burn more calories during digestion. Studies show that five to six glasses of these drinks can burn up to 10 extra calories a day. This, of course, is not so much, but in total it adds up to a kilogram of weight per year - without any diets.

5. Eat More Often

When we eat infrequently, we actually slow down our metabolism, accustom it to "work at low speeds." If you eat every 3-4 hours, the metabolism has to be more active, as a result of which more calories are burned. Properly organized snacks are also helpful.

6. Spicy food

Spicy foods contain chemicals that are excellent for boosting your metabolism. Dry red and green chili powder added to a meal will increase your metabolism. The effect is temporary, but if you eat spicy food often, the benefits can be summed up. To quickly increase metabolism, nutritionists recommend stew with chili flakes or, which can be added to many dishes.

7. Protein food

The body burns many more calories when it is asked to digest proteins, sometimes 25% more than when fats or carbohydrates are to be digested. This is one reason for the effectiveness. Healthy sources of protein include lean beef, turkey, fish, white chicken, nuts, soy, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.

8. Black coffee

In moderation, this drink activates the metabolism. It is no coincidence that coffee is part of many diets.

9. Green tea

Both individually and in combination, they increase metabolism for several hours. Studies have convincingly shown that 3-4 cups of tea can push the body to burn 17% more calories.

10. Avoid Extreme Diets

Extreme diets are diets that include less than 1000 calories per day, which is detrimental to metabolic rate. While these diets can help you lose weight, weight loss comes from muscle, not fat. By reducing muscle mass, we slow down the metabolism. The end result is that your heavily emaciated figure begins to burn far fewer calories than it should and can, and therefore quickly gains weight, and more than it was before the diet.