A complex of health-improving gymnastics after sleep in the senior group. Gymnastics after sleep for older children

Gymnastics complex after daytime sleep



Gymnastics in bed.

1. Sipping. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise

right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, lower.

2. "We rest." I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently support your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and unbend the legs at the knees. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. Self-massage of the head (“wash your head”). I.p. - squatting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch ... Oh, hot! Add cold water, wet your hair, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides ... No, they didn’t wash it from behind at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam, again from all sides. Sasha had foam on his temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently pat your hair dry. Take a comb and comb your hair well. Don't press too hard with the comb or you'll scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!"

Prevention of flat feet.

Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”), alternating with normal walking: on toes (“chanterelle”), on heels (“dew on the grass, do not wet your feet”), on the outside of the foot (“bear”), with a high rise knees (“elk”), in a half-squat (“hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“let's walk barefoot and over pebbles, and along twigs, and along bumps”).

Fizkultminutka "My back is straight."

I.p. - a narrow stance, hands behind the back, woven into a castle.

I have a straight back, I'm not afraid of bending (leaning forward):

I straighten up, bend, turn (actions in accordance with the text).

I walk with a proud posture, I keep my head straight (walking in place).

One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two (torso twists)!

I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again (actions according to the text).

I'm leaning back and forth! Oh, straight back (torso)!

One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two (torso twists)!

"Flight to the moon"

"We fly on a rocket." I.p. - on your knees, hands up, palms together above your head. Inhale - i.p.; A long exhale-swaying from side to side, transferring the weight of the body from one leg to another, pronounce lingeringly: "U-oo-oo-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooles." Repeat 4-6 times.

"We put on a helmet from a spacesuit." I.p. - squatting, hands clasped above the head in the castle. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - spread your arms to the sides, say: "Chick." Repeat 4-6 times.


Gymnastics in bed.

1. "Wake up the eyes."

I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Blink your eyes, opening and closing them.

2. "Sipping".

I.p. - lying on your back, arms below, palms in the "lock". Raise your hands up behind your head, stretch and inhale. Return to I.P. -exhalation.

3. "Look at my friend."

I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, head straight. Turn your head to the right, return to I.p. The same to the left.

4. "Strong legs."

I.p. - sitting, legs together, hands on the back. Raise right leg bent at the knee. Return to I.P. The same with the left foot.

Prevention of flat feet

Sitting on chairs are performed the following exercises:

1. To begin with, let the children pull their feet towards themselves several times, then bend their fingers as much as possible into the inside of the foot. Movements are best done slowly, but with a larger amplitude.

2. The next movement is bending the fingers while placing the foot on its outer side. Then have the children bring their feet inward several times, each time returning to the starting position.

3. Another of the exercises included in the complex against flat feet is that the child must alternately perform stroking movements along the lower leg to the knee and back with the foot of each leg.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Fizkultminutka "Get up kids».

Get up, kids! (getting up next to their bed)
Quiet time is overWithThe wind of the day meets us.
We woke up and stretched.
Ppulling, turning. (Perform actions according to the meaning of the poem)
We raised our heads
Towe squeeze the streets deftly.
Legs began to dance
nWe want more sleep.
Let's lean on our feet, let's rise a little.

Everyone caved in, rounded off, the bridges turned out.
Well, now it's time to get up, get up, kids!
All on the floor barefoot, and then easily running.
Take a breath and get up, get up on your toes.
Lower yourself, exhale and repeat again.
Knead your foot -
Xdo the dress.
Now they are completely awake and back to their business.

Respiratory-sound gymnastics.

"Flight to the moon"

When performing exercises, inhalation is done through the nose, the mouth is closed.

"We start the engine." I.p. - stand legs apart, hands in front of the chest, clenched into fists. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - rotate bent arms (one around the other) at chest level; at the same time, on one breath, pronounce: "R-r-r-r." Repeat 4-6 times.

"Let's go to the lunar rover." I.p. - narrow stance, arms along the body. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - full squat, hands forward, say: "Wow!". Repeat 4-6 times.

"Moonies". I.p. - kneeling, arms bent at the elbows and spread apart, fingers apart. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - tilt the torso to the side, say: "Hee-hee." Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

"Let's breathe fresh air on Earth." I.p. - legs apart, arms along the body. Inhale - raise your arms up through the sides; exhale - lower your hands smoothly, say: "Ah!". Repeat 4-6 times.



6. Lower your arms.

12. Bend over.

13. Sat down.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot on health paths.

Prevention of posture disorders.

And brought the shoulder blades together.

We walked on our toes

Breathing exercises.


Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

1. "Puppies frolic."

I.P. - Lying on your back.

Raise your arms and legs - inhale, lower your arms and legs - exhale.

Inhale, raise your right arm and right leg up - exhale; the same with the left foot and hand.

Hands up, rolling to the right side, then to the left.

2. "Kittens frolic."

I. p. - standing on all fours. Arch and arch your back.

On all fours: take the right hand through the side up, the same with the left.

3. "The fish are frolicking."

On the stomach: "swim."

Lying on your stomach, raise your torso, hands behind your head.

4. "Kids frolic."

Lying on your back, inhale, grab your knees with your hands - exhale.

Hands behind the head: "Bicycle".

Lying on your back, take your arms to the sides, bend your legs at the knees.

Hands to the side, turn to the right, put your palm on your palm.

Raise the right leg, bend it, straighten it, the same with the left.

Hands under the head, make a circle with a straight right leg, the same clear.

Repeat each exercise 3-5 times.

Prevention of flat feet.

Exercises are performed standing at the chairs or by the beds:

1. We rise on toes;

2. Rolls from the toe to the outer part of the foot, then back;

3. We rest on the outer parts of the sole, in this position we stand for 40 seconds;

4. Squat down without lifting your heels off the floor;

5. Standing straight, bend one leg at the knee at a right angle, perform rotations with the lower leg, the foot itself.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Fizkultminutka "Our posture".

"Sparrows" I.P. - hands on the shoulders. Circles back 6-8 times with arms bent at the elbows. Pulling your elbows back, pull your shoulder blades together. Repeat back and forth for 10 turns.

"Frog" From I.P. - legs shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest. Bring the hands to the shoulders (palms forward, fingers apart) and, saying “kva”, return to the sp.

"Big circles" Circles back with arms extended to the sides (brushes clenched into fists)

Breathing exercises.

1. "Let's stroke the nose."

index fingers.

2. "Breathe with one nostril."

I.p. - standing, legs together. Close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Inhale and exhale through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the index finger of the left hand. Inhale and exhale right air


I.p. - standing legs apart, feet parallel to each other, hands on the belt. Inhale through your nose, as you exhale, lean forward and stretch your neck, say “shhhh”.



Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

1. Inhale calmly, exhale with a full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Clench your fingers into fists.

4. Bend your arms at the elbows and, raising them above your head, connect them into a lock.

5. Stretch well with your whole body, causing an artificial yawn.

6. Lower your arms.

7. Rub your palms until warm.

8. "Wash" your face, neck with warm palms.

9. Pull the right leg with the heel, toe towards you.

10. Pull the left leg with the heel, the toe towards you.

11. Pull two legs together.

12. Bend over.

13. Sat down.

14. Lock your hands together and stretch with your palms turned up.

15. Mentally wish all relatives, friends, health, kindness and joy, good mood.

Foot massage.

I.p. - sitting in Turkish.

1. Pulling the foot of the left foot towards him, the child kneads his toes, strokes between his fingers, spreads his fingers. Strongly presses on the heel, rubs the foot, pinches, pats on the fingers, heel, convex part of the foot. Makes a foot rotational movements, pulls forward the toe, heel, then pats the whole foot with his palm: “Be healthy, beautiful, strong, dexterous, kind, happy!...” The same with the right leg.

2. Strokes, pinches, strongly rubs the shins and thighs, “puts on” an imaginary stocking, then “takes it off and throws it off”, shaking his hands.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Fizkultminutka "We checked the posture."

I.p. - handstand on the belt or behind the back.

We checked the posture (walking on toes in place)

And brought the shoulder blades together.

We walked on our toes

And then on the heels (walking on the heels).

We walk like all the guys (walking in place)

And like a clubfoot bear (walking on the outer arch of the foot).

Then we'll go faster (running in place)

And then we'll move on to running. (walking in place)

Breathing exercises.

1. "Horse". Remember how the hooves of a horse clatter along the pavement. We click our tongues louder, then quieter. The speed of the horse is either speeding up or slowing down.

2. "Crow". The crow sat on the fence and decided to entertain everyone with her beautiful song. It raises its head up, then turns to the side. And everywhere you can hear her cheerful croaking. Children pronounce “ka-a-a-aar” drawlingly. Repeat 5-6 times.

3. "Snake tongue". We imagine how a long snake tongue tries to stick out as far as possible, trying to reach the chin. Repeat 6 times.


Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

"A rise is announced!"

Rise is announced! The dream is over - get up!

But not at once. At first, the hands woke up, stretched.

The legs are straightened, they danced a little.

Let's roll over on the stomach, bend.

And then on the back again, now the bridges are ready.

Let's go on a bike for a bit.

We raise our head, we do not want to lie sick.

One, two, three, and exactly at the same time we need to hit the mat.

This rug is unique.Pcuddly, cute.

This rug is very important. It is therapeutic, it is massage.

Stomp, walk around and run a little.

Now let's walk on the floor on toes, on heels,

On the outside of the foot, and then squat!

We'll run joggingPwe want to dance a little.

After a slight whirling, we will make the figure surprisingly.

Raise and lower chest

We inhale and exhale.

Finally wake up, get down to business!

(we perform all actions according to the poem)

Prevention of flat feet.

1. Walking on toes in alternation with normal walking.

2.I.p. - sitting on a chair, feet on the floor. Raise your toes and lower them.

3. I.p. - the same. Raise the heels of the feet and lower.

4.I.P.-sitting on a chair, under the foot of a stick (5 cm in diameter). Roll the stick with your foot from toe to heel. The same with the left foot.

5.I.p. - standing. Capturing small objects (cones, pebbles, balls) with the fingers of the foot. Hold and eject.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Physical education "We have a straight back."

"Mill". Alternately bringing the hands behind the back of the head and back. Shoulders are deployed, elbows are laid back, head is straight.

"Rubber". Unbending at the elbows, arms bent in front of the chest, inhale. Return to SP, pronouncing the sound "shhhh" - exhale. When abducting the arms to the sides, bring the shoulder blades together, do not lower the arms below shoulder level.

“Together legs, show your palms.” Rising on your toes, take your shoulders back and turn your palms forward. Return to SP, relaxing the muscles of the hands. Keep your back straight and do not protrude your stomach.

"Sipping". Rise on toes, left hand up, right back. Hold for 1-4 seconds. Return to SP, relax your hands. The shoulders are turned, the knees are straightened, the stomach is tightened.

Breathing exercises.

Wellness exercises for the throat.

1. "Yawning". Sitting, relax; lower your head, open your mouth wide. Say out loud "oh-oh-ho-ho-ho-oh-oh-oh-oh" - yawn. Repeat 5-6 times.

2. "Merry weeper." Imitation of crying, loud sobs, accompanied by sharp, intermittent movements of the shoulders and a noisy sigh without exhalation - 30-40 seconds.

3. "Smeshinka". The chuckle has got into the mouth, and it is impossible to get rid of it. Eyes narrowed, lips parted joyfully, and the sounds of “ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee, gee-gee-gee” were heard.

The game "King of the Winds". Pinwheel or ball. Children blow on a spinner or suspended balloons: air is inhaled through the nose and exhaled sharply through the mouth.



Gymnastics in bed.

"Sipping". I.p. - from the position "lying on your back" in bed.

1. While inhaling, the left leg stretches with the heel forward along the bed, and the left arm stretches up along the body. Breathing is held, legs and arms are stretched as much as possible. On exhalation, relaxing, the child says: “id-d-yes-a-a-a”.

2. The right leg stretches with the heel forward along the bed, and the right hand - up, along the body - inhale. After holding the breath on the exhale, “pin-gal-la-a” is pronounced.

3. Both legs stretch with their heels forward along the bed, both arms up along the torso. Hold your breath and slowly say "su-noise-m-m-on" as you exhale.

Prevention of flat feet.

I.p. - standing next to the bed.

1. "Reduction" stop.

2. Rolling from heel to toe and from toe to heel.

3. Picking up small objects (cloth) from the floor with your toes.

4. Reduction and breeding of the heels, standing on toes.

5. Squat on socks.

Walking barefoot on a ribbed board.

Hand massage.

1. “Wash” the hands, actively rub the palms until a strong sensation of heat is felt.

2. Pull out each finger, press on it.

3. Phalanges of the fingers of one hand are rubbed on the nails of the other hand, as if on a washboard.

4. Rub the whole arm up to the shoulder with a washcloth, press hard on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “wash off the soap with water”, lead with one hand up, then with the palm down and “shake off the water”.

Physical education "Dragonfly".

I.p. - standing between the beds.

Here is such a dragonfly, (stand on toes, arms up through the sides)

Like peas, eyes. (connect index and thumb both hands in a circle

put to the eyes ("glasses"), turns to the sides)

And herself, like a helicopter, (forearm rotations back and forth with a half turn

Left, right, back, forward. left right; side bends)

And on the grass - dew, (squat)

And dew on the bushes. (leaning forward, bending over)

We shook our hands, (claps in front of us, hands alternately up and down)

The dragonfly flew away. (small frequent movements of the hands, arms to the sides)

The jumper got scared, (hands behind her head, tilts left and right)

Only the song remains. fold with a mouthpiece and “sing”: “D-z-z-z, d-z-z-z, z-z”


Gymnastics in bed.

"Let's play"
Guys, wake up! Eyes, open up!
Legs, stretch! Hands up!
We'll go firstOvery small steps.
And then, take a wider step, like this, like this.
Get on your toes, stretch your arms up.
Raise your legs above and walk like a heron.
The planes sat at the airfield, and then they flew.
They flew across the sky for a long, long time, then they landed - they got tired.
The ball bounced high, high...

Rolled far - far ...
He twirled around, now he stopped.
Ah, how butterflies fly and dance and flutter.
Suddenly freeze, do not move,
They sit on a flower.
Finally, we woke up and got back to our business.

(perform movements for each line of the poem)

Prevention of flat feet.

Relay with a stick

Equipment: sticks 20 cm long.

Children stand in one line, shoulder to shoulder. The first child takes a stick with his toes and passes it to the next participant without lowering it to the floor.

Hand massage.

I.P. : Place the hand with straight fingers and palm down and the forearm of the left hand on the knee. Place the pads of the four fingers of the right hand at the base of the fingers of the left hand on the back of the hand. With dotted movements, shifting the skin 1 cm back and forth, move towards wrist joint and back. Do the same for the right hand. Don't forget to say the poem:

big sled,

What are the forces

The cat Vasily is pulling uphill.

Loaded them up

fish, meat,

Butter, cottage cheese and kvass.

From the shop

Cat in a sled

Products for kittens are lucky.

Prevention of posture disorders, breathing exercises.


I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. With the sound "tic" exhale and lean to the left side, with the sound "so" return to ip - inhale. Then tilt to the right

"Large and small".

I.p. - the main stand. As you inhale, rise on your toes, hands up. Fix this position for a few seconds (“How big we are”). On the exhale, go down to the I.P. with the sound "uh-h" Sit down, clasping your shins and pressing your head to your knees ("How small we are").



Gymnastics in bed.

Sipping. ("The Snow Queen spoke the magic words, and the children began to grow

in a dream"). I.p. - lying on your back, raise your hands up and lower them on the bed behind your head,

eyes are closed. Alternately pull the right and left arm, right and left leg away from you

(either with a toe, then with a heel), you can stretch at the same time with your arms, legs, stretching


The game "Winter and Summer" (tension and relaxation of muscles). I.p. - Lying on your back. On

signal "Winter!" children should curl up into a ball, tremble all over, depicting that

they are cold. To the signal "Summer!" children open up, relax body muscles,

showing that they are warm. Repeat several times.

Self-massage of the palms (“it is very cold in winter, so we will get a fire to

get warm"). I.p. - sitting on the bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms quickly

appearance of heat. Then wash your face with warm palms. Repeat 3-4 times.

Prevention of flat feet.

Prevention of posture disorders.

I.p. - standing between the beds.

Competition, guys

It's not a mystery at all

Runs away without looking back

He will not become uneasy (torso turns to the right - to the left)

A real strong man!

(P. Sinyavsky)

Breathing exercises.


Gymnastics in bed.

1 . Winter. Little bear cubs sleep in a den, curled up, hugging their legs with their arms, their foreheads buried in their knees..

(I. p .: lying on your side in a group.)

2. Spring has come. shines bright sun. Snow is melting. The lair becomes damp, not comfortable. Bear cubs roll from side to side, roll on their back from head to tail and back. Damp...

(Rolls in grouping from side to side, rolls on the back 4 times.)

3. You need to wake up. The cubs sat down, rubbed their hands together, and began to wake up their fingers.

(Rubbing the palms 4-6 times, dry "washing" the hands 1-2 times.)

4. They woke up the fingers, began to put in order the front paws. They stroked the hair on the front paws along the back surface up to the shoulder, along the palmar surface - up to the fingers.

(Non-contact massage, palmar planar stroking. All techniques are performed 1-2 times.)

5. Again we rubbed our palms together, we begin to wake our heads. They stroked themselves on the head from the back of the head to the crown of the head, from the ears to the crown of the head, from the forehead to the crown of the head.

(Rake-like stroking of the scalp. Perform 2-4 times.)

6. We begin to wake up the ears. Ears are a very important organ for a bear. Bear cubs carefully wake up their ears. Rub your palms together 4-6 times. They pulled both ears by the upper edges up, by the earlobes down 4-6 times. Stroke the ears with the palms of your hands.

(Self-massage of the ears.)

7. We wake up the neck and shoulder girdle. They rubbed their palms together. They stroked the back of the neck, shoulder girdle from top to bottom with the right and left paws alternately 2 times.

(Palmar planar stroking, rear surface neck, shoulder girdle)

8. The cubs did a great job. They are happy. They intertwined their fingers, pressed their paws with their palms to their chest - inhale, turned their palms outward, pulled their paws forward - exhale. They pressed their palms to their chest - inhale, turned their palms away from themselves, stretched their paws up - exhale. We felt how the back straightens out, the cubs grow.

(Exercises for stretching soft tissues upper limbs, interscapular region.)

9. It's the turn to wake up and the hind legs. Let's start with the fingers. They sat down comfortably, stretched out their legs, moved their fingers, bent, unbent. (Maximum flexion and extension of the toes 1-2 times.

Soft tissue stretching exercises lower extremities.)

10. Continue to wake up the hind legs. Straightened legs. They patted the calves of the legs on the bed, alternately slightly bending the knees, 2-4 times. We strained the muscles of the legs as much as possible, the feet at a right angle, i.e. toes point up. Relaxed legs. They rubbed their palms together. They stroked the knees around the patella 2 times, rubbed them with their palms 2-4 times.

(Exercises for stretching the soft tissues of the lower extremities, palmar planar stroking.)

11. So the paws are ready to run, jump and play

Prevention of flat feet.

Ladybug's dad is coming. (sitting, stroking legs from top to bottom)

Mom follows dad. (break them up)

The kids are following their mother. (clap their hands)

The little ones are following them. (“walk” with fingers)

They wear red skirts. (beat with fists)

Skirts with black dots (tap with fingers)

They look like the sun, (raise your hands up, cross, spread your fingers)

Greet the new day together.

And if it’s hot for them, (stroke your legs with your palms, hide with your hands)

They all hide together in the shadows.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1. "Boat".

I.p. - lying on the stomach. Raise your hands forward - up, bend at the waist(5-6 times).

Do not take your feet off the floor.

2. "Feet higher."

I.p. - the same Alternate lifting of straight legs up; arms bent at the elbows, lie under the chin(6-7 times).

While lifting the legs - take your head back, stretch; do not take your palms off the floor.

3. "Sailed."

I.p. - the same, hands up. Imitation of breaststroke swimming movements. Hands - forward, to the sides, in front of the chest, etc .; bend your legs at the knees, feet outward, spread apart, etc.(40-50 s).

Breathing is arbitrary.

Breathing exercises.

1. "Let's stroke the nose."

I.p. - standing, legs together. Stroke the nose with your hands (sides of the nose) from the tip to the bridge of the nose;

inhale. As you exhale, tap on the wings of the nose

index fingers.

2. "Breathe with one nostril."

I.p. - standing, legs together. Close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Inhale and exhale through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the index finger of the left hand. Inhale and exhale the right air.

3. Distribute a cotton ball to each child. Put it on the palm of your hand and try to blow it off your hand.



Gymnastics in bed.

1. Inhale calmly, exhale with a full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Connect the palms and rub until heated. One palm across the other.

4. Gently pull the tip of your nose.

5. Massage the nostrils with index fingers.

6. Rub behind the ears from top to bottom with index fingers: “lubricate so as not to peel off.”

7. Inhale, while exhaling, make the sound "mmmm", tapping your fingers on the wings of the nose.

8. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the palm - "blow the snowflake from the palm."

Prevention of posture disorders.

Walking with a flat toy lying on the head, hands on the belt, back straight. Pass without dropping the toy.

Head massage.

Massage the scalp with your fingertips, moving the skin.

1. Stretch your arms forward with tension, alternately relax your hands, forearms and completely the muscles of your arms.

2. Extend the arms with tension to the sides, alternately relax the hands, forearms and completely the muscles of the arms.

3. Circular rotation of the head for two counts, inhale, for four, six and eight - exhale.

4. Inhale - turn the head with tension to the right shoulder, while exhaling, slowly move the head to the left shoulder. Repeat 3-4 times and tilt your head down to relax your neck muscles.

5. Inhale - throw your head back with tension, exhale - tilt down, relax. Repeat the exercises, pronouncing alternately vowel sounds (a), (o), (y) while tilting.


Gymnastics in bed.

"Dreams fly out the window"

Dreams flew out the window, ran along the path,

Well, you and I woke up and, waking up, smiled.

Open one eye, open another eye

We will now do "pulls" with you,

Lying on a pillow.

They pulled the blanket, we hide in it first,

We bend slowly, together we are looking for a baby.

We pull the handles, we pull the ears,

They took out the cloud with a handle and steel a little higher!

To wake up the head, you need to twist the neck

To wake up the hands. We will clap to teach them.

Right, left, and above, behind and below.

Hide the tail on the pillows. We will make turntables.

And where are the legs? How will we go along the path?

We lifted the blanket. Legs immediately ran.

One, two. Three! Come on, legs, catch up!

They rolled over on their stomachs and quickly dived into the water.

And swam as best they could! If you can - catch up!

Now we are all dogs.

We get on our knees.

And we all wag our tails.

And now you and I are bunnies: get out of the crib,

Be barefoot and jump lightly.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1 . "Cow" .

I.p. - standing on all fours. Arbitrary advancement around the hall on all fours. Possible with pronunciation "Moo-moo-moo" on exhalation (40-50 s).

Don't lower your head.

2. I.p. - in walking. Walking with a bag of sand on your head (up to 1 min.).

Try not to drop the bag.

3. "Spring".

I.p. - o.s. Springy squats with a pouch on your head (6-8 times).

Keep your back straight and look ahead.

Wellness massage.

In order not to yawn from boredom,

They stood up and rubbed their hands.

And then with a palm to the forehead -

Clap, clap, clap, clap!

Did your cheeks get bored too?

We can slap them too!

Well, together, do not yawn!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

And now, look

We got to the chest!

Let's knock on it for glory:

Top, bottom, left, right!

Let's knock here and there

And a little on the sides.

Don't get bored and don't be lazy!

We moved to the lower back.

Slightly bend down, breathe evenly.

Stretched - higher, higher!


Dynamic breathing exercises.

Bunnies smell flowers, how can you smell:

Inhaled through the nose (we inhale through the nose)

Mouth blew (3-4 times).

We breathe in the sun, we breathe out the dream.

We inhale a smile - we exhale “whims”.

We inhale health - let go of the disease!



Gymnastics in bed.

1. Sipping. I.p. - Lying on your back. The exercise imitates the sipping of a cat: stretch your arms, legs, obliquely arm-leg.

2. "Bicycle". I.p. - Lying on your back. Simulate cycling with your feet in circles. (20 sec.)

3. "Kalachik". I.p. - Lying on your back. Pull the head and hips to the chest (“kalachik”), trying to stay in this position for as long as possible (20 sec.)

Eye charger.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1.I.p. - standing, legs together. One hand up, the other down. At times - connect your hands behind; for two, three, four, five - hold without disengaging; for six - i.p. Same thing with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. I.p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt. One time - raise bent leg, for two - straighten the leg forward, spread the arms to the sides, for three - fold the leg and arms, for four - lower the leg. Repeat 6-8 times. (pause)

3. "Walk around." Walking in place for 1-2 minutes, keeping correct posture.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot on the "combined path".

Breathing exercises.

1. Inflate a balloon 3-4 times. Competition between children "Who has a bigger ball?"

2. Alternate breathing through the left and right nostrils with exhalation through the mouth. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. Deep inhalation with breath holding and slow exhalation.

4. Inhale through the nose and exhale intensely through the mouth. When exhaling, you can invite children to blow a feather or a piece of paper from their palms, arrange competitions.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.


Gymnastics in bed.

1. "Sipping Kittens". I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Stretching with arms and legs, straining muscles (4-5 times).

We woke up,

We woke up.

Our eyes smiled.

The paws stretched.

They, too, woke up.

2. "Let's show our paws." I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Turns to the right, left sides (2 times on each side).

Already you, kitty, kitty,

Turn around - ka, on the barrel!

3. "Kitty". I. p. - standing on all fours. Arch and arch your back (4-5 times).

And then the cat woke up.

All the kittens smiled

And then she frowned.

4. "Beautiful kittens." I. p. Sitting on the bed in Turkish, hands on the belt. Turning the head to the right-left, the back is straight (4-5 times).

We all sat down by the mirror

And they looked at themselves.

Eye charger.

1. "Watch". I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight.

For one - eyes to the right, for two - I.p., for three - eyes to the left, for four - I.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. I.p. Same. For one - eyes up, for two - I.p., for three - eyes down, for four - I.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. I.p. Same. We carry out circular motions eyes from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

4. "Zhmurki". I.p. Same. For one - they closed their eyes, for two - SP, for three - they winked with one eye, for four - with the other eye. Repeat 8-10 times.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1. "The birds have flown."

I.p. - walking arms to the sides. Walking with an active swing of the arms to the sides (30-40 s).

Look straight ahead; don't bend over.

2. "Heron in the swamp."

I.p. - while walking, hands on the belt. Walking on toes with high knees (30-40 s).

Breathing is arbitrary; keep your back straight.

3. "The trees grew big."

I.p. - o.s. Rise on toes, stretch as high as possible; keep balance on toes for 3-5 s.

Gradually increase the balance time.

Prevention of flat feet.

Children sit on the floor, cross their legs. On the right hand, fingers are bent, making a “brush”.

1. The knuckles are vigorously stroked along the foot.

2. Vigorously rub the foot with the palm.

3.Knead fingers with both hands.

4. Fingers knead the heel.

5. Stroke the foot with the palm of your hand.

Repeat everything with the other leg.

Breathing exercises.

The balloon rises up(upper breath)

Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. Place one hand between the collarbones and focus on them and the shoulders.

Performing inhalation and exhalation with a calm and smooth raising and lowering of the clavicles and shoulders.

Repeat 4-8 times.

Wind (cleansing, full breath)

Starting position - lying, sitting, standing. The trunk is relaxed. Make a full exhalation through the nose, drawing in the stomach, chest. Take a full breath, sticking out the stomach and ribs chest. Through compressed lips with force to let out air with several jerky exhalations.

Repeat 3-4 times.



Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

1. Inhale calmly, exhale with a full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Clench your fingers into fists.

4. Bend your arms at the elbows and, raising them above your head, connect them into a lock.

5. Stretch well with your whole body, causing an artificial yawn.

6. Lower your arms.

7. Rub your palms until warm.

8. "Wash" your face, neck with warm palms.

9. Pull the right leg with the heel, toe towards you.

10. Pull the left leg with the heel, the toe towards you.

11. Pull two legs together.

12. Bend over.

13. Sat down.

14. Lock your hands together and stretch with your palms turned up.

15. Mentally wish all relatives, friends, health, kindness and joy, good mood.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot on a "combined path"

Prevention of posture disorders.

Physical education "Merry physical education".

I.p. - standing between the beds.

Competition, guys

We will start now with exercises (walking with sharp movements of the arms to the sides),

Why do you need a charger? (stand on toes, hands up - stretch)

It's not a mystery at all

To develop strength (sit down - stand up, keep your posture)

And don't get tired all day! (tilt back - straighten up)

If someone is not exercising (running with high hips, keep your posture)

Runs away without looking back

He won't become nothing

A real strong man! (turns of the torso to the right - to the left)

(P. Sinyavsky)

Breathing exercises.

1. I.p. - standing. The mouth is closed. Close one half of the nose tightly with your finger, breathe alternately (4-5 times) through each half of the nose.

2. Breathe only through the nose. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands forward and up with your palms inward - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale. Perform slowly 5 times.

3. Standing, inhale through one half of the nose, and exhale through the other up to 5-6 times through each half of the nose.

4. Standing feet together, nose pinched with fingers. Slowly, count loudly to 10 (mouth closed), then take a deep breath and exhale completely through the nose (5-6 times).

5. Inhale through the nose, mouth closed. On an extended exhalation, pronounce the sound “mmm” (slowly up to 8 times).


Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

1. "Hare, cheer up, gray, stretch" I. p .: standing, arms along the body. Rise on your toes, hands through the sides up.
2. "Hare, turn around, gray, turn around" I. p .: standing, hands on the belt. Turns of the torso to the right and left, then to and. P.
3. "Hare, dance, gray, dance" I. p .: the same. Soft spring.
4. "Hare, bow, gray, bow" I. p .: the same. Torso forward.
5. "Hare, walk, gray, walk" I. p .: the same. Walking in place.
6. "The bunny went along the bridge" Walking on a ribbed board.
7. "Yes, over bumps, yes, over bumps" Walking on rubber mats. 3 floods.

Prevention of flat feet.

1. "Ducklings walk to the river"

I.p. - sitting with legs bent, hands in support behind.

Walking in place without lifting your socks off the floor.

2. "Duck walks waddle-stumble"

I.p. - Same

1-2 - lifting the inner arches, lean on the outer edges of the feet

3-4 - i.p.

3. "Ducklings met a caterpillar on the path"

I.p. - Same.

Crawling movements of the feet forward and backward with the help of fingers.

4. "Duck quacks"

I.p. - Same

1-2 - lifting the heels off the floor, spread them apart

("beak opened"), say "quack"

3-4 - i.p.

5. "Ducklings Learn to Swim"

I.p. - sitting hands in support behind, pull socks

1 - bent right foot - forward

2 - unbending the right foot, bent left foot - forward.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1. "Mill".

I.p. - standing, leaning forward; feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides Circular rotations of the arms in the shoulder joints (5-8 times).

Do not bend your arms at the elbows.

2. I.p. - Same. Alternate twists of the body different sides behind the hand as long as possible to the side(5-8 times).

Look straight ahead; do not bend your legs and arms.

3. "Rooks are flying."

I.p. - o.s., arms to the sides. Swing your arms up and down as far as possible(6-8 times).

Perform slowly; keep your arms straight.

Breathing exercises.

1. “Rowing a boat” (sitting, legs apart)

inhale - draw in the stomach (arms forward) ,

exhale - stick out the stomach (hands to the side) . (5-6 times).

2. Give each child a cotton ball on the palm of your hand, blow the ball off your palm.

3. Hedgehog

Turning the head to the right and left at the pace of movement. Simultaneously with each turn, inhale through the nose: short, noisy(like a hedgehog) , with muscle tension of the entire nasopharynx(nostrils move and seem to connect, the neck tenses) . Exhalation is soft, arbitrary, through half-open lips.

Repeat 4-8 times.



Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

1. “The sun is waking up” - I. p .: lying on your back. Raise your head, turn your head left and right. (4 times)

2. "The sun is bathing" - and. p: the same. Wrap your arms around your knees, roll from side to side. (4 times)

3. "Solar charging" - and. p .: the same, arms extended back. Raise your arms and legs up and down at the same time. (4 times)

4. "The sun is rising" - and. p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows. Rise on straight arms, without taking your legs off the bed. (4-5 times)

5. "The sun is high" - and. p .: sitting on your knees, emphasis with your hands in front. Rise up on your hands and straight legs. (4 times)

6. “I am a big sun” - and. p .: standing on your feet near the crib. Raise your arms up through the sides, stretch, stand on your toes. (4 times)

Normal walking barefoot.

Prevention of flat feet.

1. "We are funny nesting dolls, we have boots on our feet"

I.p. - standing feet together, hands on the belt

1 - right forward on the heel

2-3 - swing the toe left and right

4 - adding the right, i.p.

5-8 - the same from the left leg.

2. "Red boots, frisky legs"

I.p. - Same

1 - right forward-side on the heel

2 - right toe

3 - right on the heel

4 - with a tributary attaching the right one, i.p.

5-8 - the same from the left leg.

3. "Dance of heels"

I.p. - Same

1-2 - alternately step right, then left forward on the heel, arms to the sides, palms up

3-4 - alternately step right, then left back on the toe, semi-squat, hands on the belt.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1. "Fish".

I.p. -lying on your back. Slowly raise your head and shoulders, look at your toes for 3-5 s(5-6 times).

Hands can be put in the castle behind the head. Elbows spread wider. Gradually increase the time of static tension of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

2. "Bridge".

I.p. -Same. Bending the body with support on the elbows or forearms. Hold the "bridge" for 3-5 s(4-6 times).

Gradually increase the holding time of the "bridge"; do not bend your knees.

3. "Medusa".

I.p. -lying on your back. Raise your arms and legs at the same time; spread them apart. Hold for 3-5 s.

Gradually increase the holding time; do not bend your arms and legs; don't hold your breath.

Breathing exercises.


Connect your hands in front of your chest, clenching your fists.

Perform forward and downward bends and with each springy bend, take jerky breaths, as sharp and noisy as when inflating tires with a pump (5-7 springy bends and breaths) .

Exhalation is arbitrary.

Repeat 3 times.

Note. When inhaling, strain all the muscles of the nasopharynx.

Complication. Repeat the exercise 3 times, then tilt back and forth (large pendulum) while breathing in and out. When leaning forward, freely pull your hands to the floor, and when leaning back, raise them to your shoulders. With each breath, the muscles of the nasopharynx tighten.

Repeat 3-5 times.


Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

1. “This is how the sun rises” - and. p .: squatting, hands down. Get up slowly hands forward to up on every word.

2. "Higher, higher, higher" - and. p .: standing at the top divorced to the sides. Torso down, hands on knees, return to and. P.

3. “The sun will set by night” - and. p: the same. Squat down, lower your arms.

4. "Lower, lower, lower" - and. p .: squatting, hands down. Head tilts up and down.

5. "Good, good" - and. p.: standing. Clap your hands.

6. “The sun is laughing” - I.p.: standing, hands on the belt. Turns of the body to the right and to the left.

7. “And life is more fun under the sun” - and. p: the same. Circling in place in one direction and then in the other direction. (Repeat 2x)

Prevention of flat feet.

1. "Harmonic"

I.p. - standing heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt

1 - slightly raise the heel of the right and the toe of the left and slide to the right

2 - lowering the heel of the right and the toe of the left to the floor, the toe stand together, the heels apart

3 - slightly raise the toe of the right and the heel of the left and slide to the right

4 - lowering the toe of the right and the heel of the left to the floor, i.p.

5-8 - same as 1-4

1-8 - the same, moving to the left.

2. "Herringbone"

I.p. - Same

1 - slightly lifting the socks, with a sliding motion, move them to the right and lower them to the floor

2 - slightly raising the heels, move them to the right with a sliding movement and lower them to the floor

3-8 - thus continue to move to the right

1-8 - the same to the left.

3. "Squatting"

I.p. - Same

1 - squat on toes, knees to the sides, arms forward-to-side, palms up

2 - i.p.

3 - right to the side on the heel

4 - adding the right, i.p.

5-8 - the same from the other leg.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1. Shoulders dance.

I.p. -o.s. Reduction, breeding of the shoulder blades; raising, lowering the shoulders simultaneously, alternately, etc.(1-1.5 min.).

Better to do it with music.

2. Claps.

I.p. -o.s. Raise your hands up as high as possible - clap your hands; lower down behind the back - clap(6-8 times).

Claps should be performed louder; try not to bend your arms at the elbows.

3. "Lean down."

I.p. -o.s. Tilts forward with simultaneous retraction of straight arms as far as possible(5-6 times).

Look straight ahead; lean as low as possible.

4. "Turn around."

I.p. -o.s. Alternate turns of the body to the right and left sides with cotton(5-6 times).

Do not move your legs. Breathing is arbitrary.

Breathing exercises.

Lips "pipe"

Exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the abdomen and intercostal muscles.

Fold your lips into a “tube”, sharply draw in air, filling all your lungs with it to capacity.

Make a swallowing motion (as if swallowing air) .

Pause for 2-3 seconds, then lift your head up and exhale the air through your nose smoothly and slowly.

Repeat 4-6 times.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 56 "Sun"

Exercising after waking up for older children

Prepared by the teacher Shalagina T.P.


GBOU School No. 1375 TO No. 6 Moscow.

Awakening gymnastics complex



Complex No 1. First, second weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. "Sipping" .!I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise the right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, lower.

Prevention of flat feet.

Corrective walking (“let’s go to the forest”), alternating with normal walking: on toes (“chanterelle”), on heels (“dew on the grass, do not wet your feet”), on the outside of the foot (“bear”), with a high rise knees (“elk”), in a half-squat (“hedgehog”), along corrective paths (“let's walk barefoot and over pebbles, and along twigs, and along bumps”).

Fizkultminutka "My back is straight."

I.p. - narrow stance, hands behind the back, woven into a castle.7
I have a straight back, I'm not afraid of bending (leaning forward):
I straighten up, bend, turn (actions in accordance with the text).

I walk with a proud posture, I keep my head straight (walking in place).
One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two (torso twists)!
I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again (actions according to the text). I'm leaning back and forth! Oh, straight back (torso)!
One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two (torso twists)!

"Flight to the moon"

water procedures.


Complex No 2. Third, fourth weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. "Sipping" I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise the right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, lower.

2. "We rest." I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently support your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and unbend the legs at the knees. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. Self-massage of the head (“wash your head”). I.p. - squatting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch ... Oh, hot! Add cold water, wet your hair, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides ... No, they didn’t wash it from behind at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam, again from all sides. Sasha had foam on his temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently pat your hair dry. Take a comb and comb your hair well. Don't press too hard with the comb or you'll scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!"

Prevention of flat feet.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Physical education "Hands to the sides."

I.p. - standing next to the bed.
Hands to the sides, to the cam (hands to the sides, fingers into a fist, back straight),

Hands up, in a fist (hands up, fingers in a fist, back straight),
Unclench and on the side (hands on the belt).
Get up on your toes (stand on your toes, your back is straight),
Squat and straighten up (sit down and stand up, back straight). To grow faster (arms up, stretch),
Stretched harder (hands relaxed down).

"Flight to the moon"

When performing exercises, inhalation is done through the nose, the mouth is closed.
"We start the engine." I.p. - stand legs apart, hands in front of the chest, clenched into fists. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - rotate bent arms (one around the other) at chest level; at the same time, on one breath, pronounce: "R-r-r-r." Repeat 4-6 times.
"We fly on a rocket." I.p. - on your knees, hands up, palms together above your head. Inhale - i.p.; A long exhale-swaying from side to side, transferring the weight of the body from one leg to another, pronounce lingeringly: "U-oo-oo-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooles." Repeat 4-6 times.
"We put on a helmet from a spacesuit." I.p. - squatting, hands clasped above the head in the castle. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - spread your arms to the sides, say: "Chick." Repeat 4-6 times.
"Let's go to the lunar rover." I.p. - narrow stance, arms along the body. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - full squat, hands forward, say: "Wow!". Repeat 4-6 times.
"Moonies". I.p. - kneeling, arms bent at the elbows and spread apart, fingers apart. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - tilt the torso to the side, say: "Hee-hee." Repeat 3-4 times on each side.
"Let's breathe fresh air on Earth." I.p. - legs apart, arms along the body. Inhale - raise your arms up through the sides; exhale - lower your hands smoothly, say: "Ah!". Repeat 4-6 times.
water procedures.


Complex No 3. First, second weeks.

1. "Autumn Cloud" I.p. - lying on your back. Children frown like an autumn cloud, while the muscles of the face first tense, then relax. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Leaves are falling” I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your hands in front of your chest, take them to the sides, lower them. Raise, connect in front of the chest, lower. Repeat 6 times.

3. "Heat - cold" I.p. - lying on your back, arms to the sides. At the word “cold”, the children raise their legs, bent at the knees, and wrap their arms around them. On the word "warmth" they return to and. n. Repeat 6 times.

4. "Frozen" I.p. - lying on the right side, the right hand is raised up, the left - along the body. Raise your left leg and left arm at the same time. Return to i. n. The same with the right foot and hand. Repeat 5 times.

5. “The sun came out” I.p. - sitting on the bed, legs bent at the knees. Smile like the sun.

6. “Woke up” I.p. - sitting on the bed, legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-3 bends forward. 4-in i.p. Repeat 6 times.

Prevention of flat feet

Walking along the paths of health.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Fizkultminutka "We checked the posture."

I.p. - handstand on the belt or behind the back.
We checked the posture (walking on toes in place)
And brought the shoulder blades together.
We walked on our toes
And then on the heels (walking on the heels).
We walk like all the guys (walking in place)
And like a clubfoot bear (walking on the outer arch of the foot).
Then we'll go faster (running in place)
And then we'll move on to running. (walking in place)

Breathing exercises.

Picking chestnuts with the right, then the left foot.
water procedures.

Complex No 4. Third, fourth weeks.

Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

3. Clench your fingers into fists.
4. Bend your arms at the elbows and, raising them above your head, connect them into a lock.
5. Stretch well with your whole body, causing an artificial yawn.
6. Lower your arms.
7. Rub your palms until warm.
8. "Wash" your face, neck with warm palms.
9. Pull the right leg with the heel, toe towards you.
10. Pull the left leg with the heel, the toe towards you.
11. Pull two legs together.
12. Bend over.
13. Sat down.
14. Lock your hands together and stretch with your palms turned up.
15. Mentally wish all relatives, friends, health, kindness and joy, good mood.

Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Walking behind each other (barefoot)

“We will go to our garden. We'll get some vegetables there."
(Walking on toes)
“The road is short, narrow, we are walking, stepping from the toe! (Added step sideways with a "spring")
“We walk along the curb, we squat on it” (Walking with a roll from heel to toe, keeping the body straight and looking forward)
"Tired legs walked along the path." (Sitting on a chair, raise and lower your toes without lifting your heels off the floor. (6-8 times)
“We sat down on a pebble, sat down, sat down.” (stroke the muscles of the legs and feet) "The legs are resting, the muscles are relaxing"

Prevention of posture disorders.

"Sunflower" - In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head.

I.p. - o.s.1 - raise your arms through the sides up, stand on your toes; 2- return to the starting position.
"Carrot" - For a curly braid I drag her from a mink. I.p. - kneeling. 1- tilt forward, arms forward-down; 2 - return to sp.
"Turnip" - "Round side, yellow side, Sits on the garden bed." I.p. - with straight legs, arms in front, below, 1 - raise your hands through the sides up, 2 - return to I.p.
"Potato" - Both green and thick in the garden grew a bush. Dig a little - potatoes under the bush. I.p. - lying on your back. I - raise arms and legs at an angle of 45 ° upwards; 2- return to sp.
“Cabbage” - Shred to shred - green patch, 1- bend your knees up, put your hands on your back; 2 - return to sp.
"Scarecrow" - Who stands on a stick With a beard from a washcloth The wind blows - it makes noise, Pulls with its legs, creaks "
Jumping on two legs, arms to the sides, down, alternating with walking.

Breathing exercises.

Healing exercises for the throat.

1. "Horse". Remember how the hooves of a horse clatter along the pavement. We click our tongues louder, then quieter. The speed of the horse is either speeding up or slowing down.

2. "Crow". The crow sat on the fence and decided to entertain everyone with her beautiful song. It raises its head up, then turns to the side. And everywhere you can hear her cheerful croaking. Children pronounce “ka-a-a-aar” drawlingly. Repeat 5-6 times.

3. "Smeshinka". The chuckle has got into the mouth, and it is impossible to get rid of it. Eyes narrowed, lips parted joyfully, and the sounds of “ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee, gee-gee-gee” were heard.

water procedures.


Complex No 5. First, second weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your knees, pull your legs up to your chest, clasp your knees with your hands, return to SP.

2. I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Tilt the knees to the left, in I.P., Tilt the knees to the right, in I.P.

3. I.p.: sitting, legs together, hands in support behind. Bend your knees, pull them to your chest, with the sound "f-f" - exhale (through the nose).

4. I.p.: the same, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

5. I.p.: standing, legs apart, hands below. Clap your hands - exhale; spread your palms to the sides - exhale.

6. I.p.: o.s. Sipping: reached the ceiling, returned to the SP.

Prevention of flat feet.

Hand massage.

1. “Wash” the hands, actively rub the palms until a strong sensation of heat is felt.

Prevention of posture disorders, breathing exercises.

Physical education "Dragonfly".

I.p. - standing between the beds.

put on the eyes ("glasses"),
turns to the sides) And she herself, like a helicopter, (rotation of the forearms back and forth with a half turn
Left, right, back, forward. (left-right; tilts to the sides)

Only the song remains. fold with a mouthpiece and “sing”: “D-z-z

water procedures.


Complex No 6. Third, fourth weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

"Sipping". I.p. - from the position "lying on your back" in bed.

1. While inhaling, the left leg stretches with the heel forward along the bed, and the left arm stretches up along the body. Breathing is held, legs and arms are stretched as much as possible. On exhalation, relaxing, the child says: “id-d-yes-a-a-a”.

2. The right leg stretches with the heel forward along the bed, and the right hand - up, along the body - inhale. After holding the breath on the exhale, “pin-gal-la-a” is pronounced.

3. Both legs stretch with their heels forward along the bed, both arms up along the torso. Hold your breath and slowly say "su-noise-m-m-on" as you exhale.

4. Pulling up to the chest bent knees with a girth of their hands.

5. Cross movement of arms and legs raised perpendicular to the body.

6. Swinging bent knees to the right and left side with the opposite movement of the hands.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot on bags with river pebbles, alternating with walking along the cable car..

Hand massage.

2. Pull out each finger, press on it.

3. Phalanges of the fingers of one hand are rubbed on the nails of the other hand, as if on a washboard.

4. Rub the whole arm up to the shoulder with a washcloth, press hard on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; "Wash off the soap with water"
lead with one hand up, then with the palm down and “shake off the water”.

Physical education "Dragonfly". I.p. - standing between the beds.
Here is such a dragonfly, (stand on toes, arms up through the sides)
Like peas, eyes. (connect the index and thumb of both hands in a circle,
put to the eyes (“glasses”), turns to the sides) And she herself, like a helicopter, (rotation of the forearms back and forth with a half turn

And on the grass - dew, (squat)
And dew on the bushes. (leaning forward, bending over)
We shook our hands, (claps in front of us, hands alternately up and down)
The dragonfly flew away. (small frequent movements of the hands, arms to the sides)
The jumper was frightened, (hands behind her head, tilts left and right, palms
Only the song remains.


Complex number 7. First, second week.

Gymnastics in bed.

3. Self-massage of the palms (“it is very cold in winter, so we will get a fire to
get warm"). I.p. - sitting on the bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms quickly
appearance of heat. Then wash your face with warm palms. Repeat 3-4 times.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot on the "combined path". (alternating ropeway, ribbed board, bagged river pebbles, rubber mat with spikes, salt and dry mats)

Prevention of posture disorders.

I.p. - standing between the beds.
Competition, guys

It's not a mystery at all

Runs away without looking back
He will not become uneasy (torso turns to the right - to the left)
A real strong man!
(P. Sinyavsky)

Breathing exercises.

water procedures.


Complex number 8. Third, fourth weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. Sipping. ("The Snow Queen spoke the magic words, and the children began to grow up in their sleep"). I.p. - lying on your back, raise your hands up and lower them on the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull the right and left hands, right and left legs away from you (either with your toe or with your heel), you can stretch your arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

2. The game "Winter and Summer" (muscle tension and relaxation). I.p. - Lying on your back. On the signal "Winter!" children should curl up into a ball, tremble all over, pretending that they are cold. To the signal "Summer!" children open up, relax the muscles of the body, showing that they are warm. Repeat several times.

3. Self-massage of the palms (“it is very cold in winter, so we will get a fire to keep warm”). I.p. - sitting on the bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms quickly until warm. Then wash your face with warm palms. Repeat 3-4 times.

Prevention of flat feet.

A set of exercises carried out in a sitting position on chairs (“let's warm up frozen legs after walking in the snow”): stretch your legs forward, squeeze and unclench your toes; stretch your legs forward, pull your legs with your toes, then with your heels; stretch your legs forward and connect, “draw” various geometric shapes with your feet in the air (circle, square, triangle); put your feet on the floor with your whole foot, raise your legs on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor as much as possible; from the same i.p. lift your toes up without taking your feet off the floor. Repeat each exercise 6-8 times.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Physical education "Merry physical education".

I.p. - standing between the beds.
Competition, guys
We will start now with exercises (walking with sharp movements of the arms to the sides),
Why do you need a charger? (stand on toes, hands up - stretch)
It's not a mystery at all
To develop strength (sit down - stand up, keep your posture)
And don't get tired all day! (tilt back - straighten up)
If someone is not exercising (running with high hips, keep your posture)
Runs away without looking back
He won't become nothing

(P. Sinyavsky)

Respiratory-sound gymnastics.

"New Year". When performing all exercises, the breath is taken through the nose, the mouth is closed.
"The clock strikes 12 times." I.p. - standing, legs apart, hands up, clasped in the castle. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - lean to the side, say: "Bom!". Repeat 12 times.
"Christmas tree elegant." I.p. - standing, arms along the body, hands to the sides. Inhale - rise on your toes, slightly spread your arms to the sides; exhale - turn the torso to the side, half-squat, hands in ip, say: "Ah!". Repeat 3-4 times on each side.
"Clapperboard". I.p. - on your knees, arms along the body. Inhale - spread your arms to the sides, exhale - lower down, clap your hands, say: "Clap!". Repeat 6-8 times.
"Santa Claus is blowing." I.p. - squatting, fold your palms in a “tube” around your mouth. Inhale - i.p.; as you exhale, say lingeringly: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Repeat 6-8 times.

water procedures.


Complex number 9.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. Inhale calmly, exhale with a full breath.
2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.
3. Connect the palms and rub until heated. One palm across the other.
4. Gently pull the tip of your nose.
5. Massage the nostrils with index fingers.
6. Rub behind the ears from top to bottom with index fingers: “lubricate so as not to peel off.”
7. Inhale, while exhaling, make the sound "mmmm", tapping your fingers on the wings of the nose.
8. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into the palm - "blow the snowflake from the palm."

Prevention of flat feet.

Corrective walking on a rubber mat with spikes. I.p. - standing between the beds. Walking in place; rolling from heel to toe and from toe to heel; squatting on socks; "Bicycle" (we press alternately on the pedals). Repeat each exercise 10 times.

Walking with a flat toy lying on the head, hands on the belt, back straight. Pass without dropping the toy.
Head massage.

water procedures.


Complex number 10. The first and second weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your right leg (straight), sp., raise your left leg (straight), sp.

2. I.p.: lying on your back, hands in front of you “hold the steering wheel”, “cycling”, I.p.

3. I.p.: lying on your back, arms up, turning the torso to the right, without taking your feet off the floor, I.p., turning the body to the left, I.p.

4. I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head, bring your elbows in front (elbows touch each other) - exhale, sp., elbows touch the floor - inhale,

5. I.p.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt, hands through the sides up - inhale, exhale.

6. I.p.: o.s., take the correct posture without visual control (eyes closed), repeat 3-4 times.

Eye charger.

1. "Watch". I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight.
For one - eyes to the right, for two - I.p., for three - eyes to the left, for four - I.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. I.p. Same. For one - eyes up, for two - I.p., for three - eyes down, for four - I.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. I.p. Same. We perform circular movements with the eyes from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

4. "Zhmurki". I.p. Same. For one - they closed their eyes, for two - SP, for three - they winked with one eye, for four - with the other eye. Repeat 8-10 times.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1.I.p. - standing, legs together. One hand up, the other down. At times - connect your hands behind; for two, three, four, five - hold without disengaging; for six - i.p. Same thing with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. I.p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt. For one - raise the bent leg, for two - straighten the leg forward, spread the arms to the sides, for three - the leg and arms folded, for four - lower the leg. Repeat 6-8 times. (pause)

3. "Walk around." Walking in place for 1-2 minutes, maintaining the correct posture.
Prevention of flat feet.
Walking barefoot on the "combined path". (alternating ropeway, ribbed board, rubber mat with spikes)

Breathing exercises.

1. Inflate a balloon 3-4 times. Competition between children "Who has a bigger ball?"

2. Alternate breathing through the left and right nostrils with exhalation through the mouth. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. Deep inhalation with breath holding and slow exhalation.

4. Inhale through the nose and exhale intensely through the mouth. When exhaling, you can invite children to blow a feather or a piece of paper from their palms, arrange competitions.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

water procedures.


Complex number 11. Third, fourth weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. "Sipping". I.p. - Lying on your back. The exercise imitates the sipping of a cat: stretch your arms, legs, obliquely arm-leg.

2. "Bicycle". I.p. - Lying on your back. Simulate cycling with your feet in circles. (20 sec.)

3. "Kalachik". I.p. - Lying on your back. Pull the head and hips to the chest (“kalachik”), trying to stay in this position for as long as possible (20 sec.)


1. I.p. standing, legs free, rub palm on palm (5-6 times).

2. I.p. Same. Rub your cheeks with your palms (5-6 times).

3. I.p. Same. Rub the earlobes with your fingers (5-6 times).

4. I.p. Same. Rub with index fingers near the wings of the nose (5-6 times).

5. I.p. Same. With index fingers, rub the brow ridges from the bridge of the nose to the temples (5-6 times).

6. I.p. Same. With your index finger, lightly press the hole on the chin and massage in a circular motion in one direction, then in the other (5-6 times in each direction).

7. I.p. Same. With the index finger of one hand, find a point on the other hand between the thumb and forefinger and massage. Change hand (5-6 times).
Prevention of posture disorders.

Exercise Tree. I.p. standing, put your feet together, feet pressed to the floor, arms down, back straight. Take a calm breath and exhale, gently raise your hands up. Hold them with the palms of each other, fingers together. Stretch up, imagine a strong, strong tree. A tall, slender trunk reaches for the sun. The body, like a tree, is filled with strength, vigor, health. (15-20 seconds are performed.) Lower your arms and relax.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot along corrective paths (“we temper and walk barefoot along snow-covered paths”).
A set of exercises carried out in a sitting position on chairs (“let's warm up frozen legs after walking in the snow”):

Stretch your legs forward, squeeze and unclench your toes;

Stretch your legs forward, pull your legs with your toes, then with your heels;

Stretch your legs forward and connect, “draw” various geometric shapes with your feet in the air (circle, square, triangle);

put your feet on the floor with your whole foot, raise your legs on your toes, lifting your heels off the floor as much as possible; from the same i.p.
lift your toes up without taking your feet off the floor. Repeat each exercise 6-8 times.

Breathing exercises.

1. Inflate a balloon 3-4 times. Competition between children "Who has a larger ball?".

2. Alternate breathing through the left and right nostrils with exhalation through the mouth. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. Deep inhalation with breath holding and slow exhalation.

4. Inhale through the nose and exhale intensely through the mouth. When exhaling, you can invite children to blow a feather or a piece of paper from their palms, arrange competitions.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

water procedures.


Complex number 12. The first and second weeks.

The dream passed and we woke up
They smiled, stretched, (Children stretch, lying on their backs.)
Three paws about each other (They rub one hand against the other.)
And beat our hands loudly. (clapping).
And now let's raise the legs, (Alternately raise the legs).
Like our mother Cat,

They turned on their tummy, (They turn on their stomach.)
Stretched together again
Torn off the pillow (Raise and lower the head.)
Nose, head and ears,
They briskly got on their knees (Move hip joints left)

Arched, arched, (Bend and bend the back).
They turned on their side, (They turn their heads to the right and left.)

They scratched their heels, (scratch their heels).
They knocked on the floor a little, (They knock on the floor with their heels).
Gain strength, legs!
Our legs gained strength,
We galloped along the path, (They walk along the path of health).
The path is not easy
On uneven, on prickly,
Rough - that's what!
We are awake, we are ready
Sing, play and run again.
Together we are not too lazy to say:
"Hello day, Happy day!"
Foot massage.
I.p. - sitting in Turkish.

1. Pulling the foot of the left foot towards him, the child kneads his toes, strokes between his fingers, spreads his fingers. Strongly presses on the heel, rubs the foot, pinches, pats on the fingers, heel, convex part of the foot. He makes rotational movements with his foot, stretches his toe and heel forward, then pats his palm over the entire foot: “Be healthy, beautiful, strong, dexterous, kind, happy! ...” The same with the right leg.

2. Strokes, pinches, strongly rubs the shins and thighs, “puts on” an imaginary stocking, then “takes it off and throws it off”, shaking his hands.
Breathing exercises.

It's time to paint the rooms
The painter was invited
He comes to the old house
With new brush and bucket.

water procedures.


Complex number 13. The third and fourth weeks.

Gymnastics in bed, prevention of posture disorders and flat feet.

Fizkultminutka "Gymnastics for kittens".

The dream passed and we woke up
Smiled, stretched, Children stretch, lying on their backs.
Paws about each other three Rubbing one hand on the other.
And beat our hands loudly. Clap.
And now let's raise the legs, Alternately raise the legs.
Like our mother Cat,
Left and right - we are brave kittens.
Turned on the tummy, Turned over on the stomach.
Stretched together again
Torn from the pillow Raise and lower the head.
Nose, head and ears,
They briskly got up on their knees - Move the hip joints to the left
"Tails" waved, and to the right.
Arched, arched, arched and arched back.
They turned on their side, turn their heads to the right and to the left.
Sat on the crib, Sitting on the bed, legs dangling,
Scratched heels, scratched heels.
They knocked on the floor a little, They knock on the floor with their heels.
Gain strength, legs!
Our legs gained strength,
They galloped along the path, They walk along the path of health.
The path is not easy
On uneven, on prickly,
Rough - that's what!
We are awake, we are ready
Sing, play and run again.
Together we are not too lazy to say:
"Hello day,
A funny day!"

Hand massage.

1. “Wash” the hands, actively rub the palms until a strong sensation of heat is felt.

2. Pull out each finger, press on it.

3. Phalanges of the fingers of one hand are rubbed on the nails of the other hand, as if on a washboard.

4. Rub the whole arm up to the shoulder with a washcloth, press hard on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “wash off the soap with water”, lead with one hand up, then with the palm down and “shake off the water”.
Respiratory-sound gymnastics.

"Flight to the moon" When performing exercises, inhalation is done through the nose, the mouth is closed.
"We start the engine." I.p. - stand legs apart, hands in front of the chest, clenched into fists. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - rotate bent arms (one around the other) at chest level; at the same time, on one breath, pronounce: "R-r-r-r." Repeat 4-6 times.
"We fly on a rocket." I.p. - on your knees, hands up, palms together above your head. Inhale - i.p.; A long exhale-swaying from side to side, transferring the weight of the body from one leg to another, pronounce lingeringly: "U-oo-oo-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooles." Repeat 4-6 times.
"We put on a helmet from a spacesuit." I.p. - squatting, hands clasped above head
to the castle. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - spread your arms to the sides, say: "Chick." Repeat 4-6 times.
"Let's go to the lunar rover." I.p. - narrow stance, arms along the body. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - full squat, hands forward, say: "Wow!". Repeat 4-6 times.
"Moonies". I.p. - kneeling, arms bent at the elbows and spread apart, fingers apart. Inhale - i.p.; exhale - tilt the torso to the side, say: "Hee-hee." Repeat 3-4 times on each side.
"Let's breathe fresh air on Earth." I.p. - legs apart, arms along the body. Inhale - raise your arms up through the sides; exhale - lower your hands smoothly, say: "Ah!". Repeat 4-6 times.

water procedures.


Complex number 14. First, second weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, bend both legs, pull them with your knees to your chest, linger for 4-5 counts; return to i.p. Repeat 5-6 times.

2. "Duck". I.p .: lying on his stomach, hands folded in front, forehead - on his hands. Raise your head upper part chest, arms stretch back; raise straight legs; bend over and stay in this position for 4-5 counts; return to i.p. Repeat 5 times.

3. I.p.: lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs straightened. Raise straight legs and make movements with them in a horizontal plane - “horizontal scissors”, 3 times for 15 seconds.

4. I.p .: lying on the stomach, hands folded in front, head rests on the back surface of the fingers with the forehead. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, hands in “wings”, to the sides, behind the head, in “wings”, return to I.P. Repeat 5 times.

5. I.p.: lying on your back, arms extended up. Sit down with a swing of the hands, hands in “wings”, the back is straight; return to i.p. Repeat 6-7 times.

6. I.p.: sit on your heels, arms down. Tilt the body forward without lifting the pelvis from the heels; stretch forward, sliding your hands along the bed; slowly return to i.p. Repeat 3 times.

7. "Heron". I.p .: stand right next to the bed, legs together, hands on the belt. Raise the leg bent at the knee, stretch the toe, touch it to the knee; thigh parallel to the floor. Stay for about 30 seconds.

Head massage.

Massage the scalp with your fingertips, moving the skin.
Prevention of flat feet.
I.p. - standing next to the bed.

1. "Reduction" stop.

2. Rolling from heel to toe and from toe to heel.

3. Picking up small objects (cloth) from the floor with your toes.

4. Reduction and breeding of the heels, standing on toes.

5. Squat on socks.

Walking barefoot on a ribbed board.
Prevention of posture disorders.

Breathing exercises.

Ball game. Children are sitting. “Inflate balloons”: spreading their arms wide apart and taking a deep breath, they blow air into the “balloon” - “F-F-F”, slowly clap their hands. Air comes out of the balloon. “Sh-Sh-Sh,” the children say, making their lips proboscis and folding their hands on their knees. Repeat 2-3 times.

The game "Let's paint the ceiling." Children after the teacher repeat in chorus:
It's time to paint the rooms
The painter was invited
He comes to the old house
With new brush and bucket.
Further, the teacher says: “Now we will paint the ceiling with you, only our tongue will be a brush.”

water procedures.


Complex number 15. Third and fourth weeks.

Gymnastics in bed.

1. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, socks - on yourself; pull the bent leg to the stomach, clasp it with your hands and touch your knee with your forehead, linger for 2-3 counts; return to ip; repeat with the other leg. Run each leg 4 times.

2. I.p.: lying on your back, hands on the belt, legs straightened. Bend both legs at the knees, straighten up; slowly lower straight legs. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Fish". I.p .: lying on his stomach, arms bent in front, head rests on the back of the fingers with his forehead. Raise your head with your shoulder girdle, perform hand movements imitating breaststroke swimming. 3 times for 20 seconds.

4. I.p.: lying on your side, lower leg half bent lower hand bent and lies under the head, the upper one is in the stop position in front of the chest. 1 - raise your leg up; 2 - sock on yourself; 3 - pull the sock; 4 - lower the leg (4 times). Repeat on the other side.

5. I.p .: main stand near the bed, arms lowered. “We are growing”: join hands into a “lock”, raise them up, twisting the clasped fingers; stretch up with arms and crown; heels off the floor to tear off; return to i.p. Repeat 3 times.

6. "Mill". I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms lowered. 1-8 - alternate rotation of straight arms in the lateral plane; do the same in the opposite direction - pause. Repeat twice.
Prevention of flat feet.


Stay on one leg
If you are a tough soldier
Left leg to chest
Look - don't fall!
Now stay on the left
If you are a brave soldier.

Corrective walking on a rubber mat with spikes. I.p. - standing between the beds. Walking in place; rolling from heel to toe and from toe to heel; squatting on toes (back straight); "Bicycle" (we press alternately on the pedals). Repeat each exercise 10 times.
Prevention of posture disorders.
Walking with a flat toy on the head. Hands on the belt, back straight, look straight. "To pass without dropping the toy." (1-2 min.)

Dynamic breathing exercises.

1. Stretch your arms forward with tension, alternately relax your hands, forearms and completely the muscles of your arms.

2. Extend the arms with tension to the sides, alternately relax the hands, forearms and completely the muscles of the arms.

3. Circular rotation of the head for two counts, inhale, for four, six and eight - exhale.

4. Inhale - turn the head with tension to the right shoulder, while exhaling, slowly move the head to the left shoulder. Repeat 3-4 times and tilt your head down to relax your neck muscles.

5. Inhale - throw your head back with tension, exhale - tilt down, relax. Repeat the exercises, pronouncing alternately vowel sounds (a), (o), (y) while tilting.

water procedures.

Complex No. 16. First, second weeks

Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

"My toys"

1. Vanka-vstanka. I.p. - lying on your back. 1- turn to the right with the whole body. 2- return to I.p. The same on the other side. Repeat 4 times.

2. Crackers. I.p. - lying on your back. 1- raise the bent right leg at the knee up, perform cotton under it. 2- return to sp. The same with the other leg. Repeat 4 times.

3.Machine. I.p. - lying on your back. 1- rotational movements of the arm in front of the chest (motor started). 2-3 rotational movements of the legs. 4- return to sp. Repeat 5 times.

4. Drum. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. 1- hit the fist of the right hand on the bed. 2- hit the fist of the left hand on the bed. 3- stomp the heel of the right foot on the bed. 4- stomp the heel of the left foot on the bed.

5. Pinocchio. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- Raise your arms and legs at the same time. 2- return to sp. Repeat 4 times.

Prevention of flat feet.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Physical education "Merry physical education". I.p. - standing between the beds.
Competition, guys
We will start now with exercises (walking with sharp movements of the arms to the sides),
Why do you need a charger? (stand on toes, hands up - stretch)
It's not a mystery at all
To develop strength (sit down - stand up, keep your posture)
And don't get tired all day! (tilt back - straighten up)
If someone is not exercising (running with high hips, keep your posture)
Runs away without looking back
He won't become nothing
A real strong man! (turns of the torso to the right - to the left)
(P. Sinyavsky)

Breathing exercises.

1. I.p. - standing. The mouth is closed. Close one half of the nose tightly with your finger, breathe alternately (4-5 times) through each half of the nose.

2. Breathe only through the nose. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands forward and up with your palms inward - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale. Perform slowly 5 times.

3. Standing, inhale through one half of the nose, and exhale through the other up to 5-6 times through each half of the nose.

4. Standing feet together, nose pinched with fingers. Slowly, count loudly to 10 (mouth closed), then take a deep breath and exhale completely through the nose (5-6 times).

5. Inhale through the nose, mouth closed. On an extended exhalation, pronounce the sound “mmm” (slowly up to 8 times).
water procedures.

Complex number 17. Third and fourth weeks.

Gymnastics of awakening in bed.

"Heroes of fairy tales".

1. "Pinocchio" I.p. - lying on your back. 1- simultaneously raise your legs and arms in front of you. Touch the fingers of the right hand to the toes of the left foot. 2- in I.p. Do the same with the other arm and leg.

2. "Kolobok" I.p. - lying on your back. 1- bend your knees, press your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them. 2-3 swing back and forth on your back. 4- return to I.p.

3. "Humpbacked Horse" I.p. - lying on the stomach, arms along the body. 1-3 arch your back. 4- return to sp.

4. "Baby" I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1- pull the right leg with the heel forward, stretch the right arm up above the head. 2- do the same with the left foot. 3 - do the same with both hands and feet together. 4- return to sp.

Walking barefoot on the "combined path". (alternation of a ropeway, a ribbed board, a path made of bags with river stones, a rubber mat with spikes)
Prevention of posture disorders, breathing exercises.

Physical education "Dragonfly".

I.p. - standing between the beds.
Here is such a dragonfly, (stand on toes, arms up through the sides)
Like peas, eyes. (connect the index and thumb of both hands in a circle,
put to the eyes ("glasses"), turns to the sides)
And herself, like a helicopter, (forearm rotations back and forth with a half turn
Left, right, back, forward. left right; side bends)
And on the grass - dew, (squat)
And dew on the bushes. (leaning forward, bending over)
We shook our hands, (claps in front of us, hands alternately up and down)
The dragonfly flew away. (small frequent movements of the hands, arms to the sides)
The jumper was frightened, (hands behind her head, tilts left and right, palms
Only the song remains. fold with a mouthpiece and “sing”: “D-z-z-z, d-z-z-z, z-z”)

water procedures.

Gymnastics for older preschoolers

Gymnastics after sleep "The Giant and the Mouse"
(with elements breathing exercises and back massage).

Gadyatskaya Irina Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten in the village of Generalskoe" Engels district, Saratov region.
Material Description: I propose the development of gymnastics after sleep for older children preschool age(5-7 years). This gymnastics aimed at building skills healthy lifestyle life. The development will be useful for both educators and parents.
Target: Formation of healthy lifestyle habits.
- to form a conscious desire to engage in hardening procedures;
- instill healthy lifestyle habits.
- educate the desire to be healthy;
- to develop self-confidence, dexterity and independence in children.
- harden the body;
-increase the overall physical endurance of the body;
-Create a positive emotional state.
Organization method: group.
Duration: 10 min.
Equipment: toys: giant, cat, mouse; massage mats - sponge, button, ribbed, studded, "Rings" and "Pebbles"; musical accompaniment.

Gymnastics progress.

1. Introductory part.
joyful awakening
Gymnastics is carried out in bed. Calm music sounds.
Educator: The rise is announced! The dream is over - we get up, but not immediately, first let's do breathing exercise:
1. Inhale calmly through your nose, hold your breath for a while, then
exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat 3 times.
Educator: Guys, I'm glad that you all woke up!
2. The main part.
The teacher pronounces the words and shows the children the movements, and the children repeat after him.
Gymnastics "The Giant and the Mouse"
Quiet! Quiet! Listen guys!
There once lived a giant. Take a deep breath.
In a dream he sighed with all his strength
And the mouse - alive - swallowed! Perform swallowing movements.
The poor man ran to the doctor: Lying in bed doing the exercise
- I ate a mouse! I am not kidding! "Bike".
There was a smartest doctor, Stroke temples with index fingers
He looked sternly from under his eyelids: fingers.
- Open your mouth, say "A"! They say "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah."
Now feel the sides Feeling their sides.
Gently stroke the belly Make circular motions with the palm of your hand
clockwise across the belly.

Bend your knees and relax Bend and unbend the legs at the knees.
But with a mouse, apparently, we can not cope.
Get up, why are you lying down!
Go invite the cat.
But the cat was smart
And hugged the giant. They wrap their arms around themselves.
Walked the narrow path
In the embrace of a giant and a cat,
They jumped lightly. They bent down. Jumping, bending over.
And looked under the bed They look under the bed.
Sit down, get up, run Perform movements in accordance
And they crossed over the bumps. with text.
They looked everywhere for the mouse.
But they couldn't find it.
We don't want to search anymore!
We need to get on the mat!

Walking along the health path.
Children stand on the rug and move around it, pronouncing the words.
This rug is not ordinary, buttoned, cute.
This rug is very important
It is therapeutic, it is massage.
Stomp, walk around, and fool around a bit.
Now we will walk on the floor, on the toes, on the heels, on the outside of the foot, and then squat.
We'll be jogging.
We want to dance a little.
After a slight whirling, we will make the figure surprisingly.
Children freeze in the chosen position.
And now, guys, let's stand in a circle and give each other a back massage. (Children stand in a circle at arm's length).

Back massage "Rain"
The rain runs on the roof - Pat your hands on the back
Boom, boom, boom!
On a cheerful sonorous roof -
Boom, boom, boom!
Stay at home, sit at home - Tapping fingers on the back
Boom, boom, boom!
Don't go anywhere
Boom, boom, boom!
Children turn 180 degrees and continue the massage.
Play, play - Tapping with fists on the back
Boom, boom, boom!
And I'll leave - then walk:
Boom, boom, boom!
Rain runs on the roof - Stroking palms on the back
Boom, boom, boom!
On a cheerful sonorous roof -
Boom, boom, boom!
3. The final part.
Well done guys, and now let's go caress the neck and wash.
Children take glasses of saline and go to the sinks. Then they wash their faces and gargle their throats.
In autumn, in the middle of winter
We don't want sickness
So that we do not succumb to them
We all need to warm up!

I also want to tell you what our massage mats are made of, affordable, inexpensive and very convenient.
1st rug "Spongy".
Made from ordinary dishwashing sponges sewn onto a thick fabric.
Helps to warm up the feet, as the rough surface of the sponge rubs the soles of the feet.
2- "Button" rug.
It consists of a dense fabric, on which wooden buttons are sewn at the same distance.
3- rug "Ribbed".
Made from ordinary felt-tip pens (out of order), sewn tightly to each other.
4-rug "Rings".
Made from curtain rings sewn onto a piece of thick fabric.
5-rug "Bubble".
Invented and made by us from ordinary film for transporting equipment, it is very pleasant to the touch, and the bubbles burst so funny that the children are very pleased. The only drawback is that you often have to change the film on the mat, as it quickly fails.
6- Cork mat.
Made from regular corks plastic bottles sewn on thick fabric.

Tatyana Moskovkina
complexes recreational gymnastics After sleep. Awakening gymnastics (senior group)

Good afternoon Wake up soon! Smile wider to the sun!

With these words, we, educators, greet waking children. Prepare the child's body for motor activity After sleep, exercising in bed helps to make a smooth, natural transition from rest to wakefulness. It creates a positive emotional mood, gives healing and hardening effect.

Gymnastics after sleep is carried out by the teacher with children of all ages groups daily after nap. It is necessary to ensure that children have a smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness, preparing for vigorous activity; prevention of flat feet; strengthening the skills of conscious behavior, self-massage of the head, face, hands, abdomen, legs, activating biologically active points.

Achieve maximum motor and emotional activity allow complexes, based on a game plot and including elements of improvisation. Preschoolers willingly transform into different animals, depicting their movements and habits, they are happy to perform exercises with and without objects. For example, with a foam ball that turns into a snowball for a while, or with stars cut out of wrapping paper. And if the object is hidden under a pillow or in children's shoes, then the charging will begin from a surprise moment.

The teacher accompanies the demonstration of the exercises with an explanation. The number of repetitions of each movement depends on the desire and physical condition children).

During the sleep of children, the teacher prepares the optimal conditions for gymnastics:Reduces the room temperature by ventilating.

Holding gymnasts It is desirable to accompany smooth, not loud music.

Awakening gymnastics It is aimed at the gradual transition of children from sleep to wakefulness. The teacher may begin to spend it with the awakened children, the rest join as awakening.

Gymnastics in bed may include such elements as sipping, alternately raising and lowering arms and legs, elements of self-massage, finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes.

The main rule is to avoid sudden movements. Which can cause muscle strain, overexcitation and, as a result, dizziness.

Duration gymnastics in bed for about 2-3 minutes.

Then we invite the children to go to a cool room barefoot and in shorts. There they walk (toe, heel, high knee, half squat, full squat, on the outside of the foot, heel to toe roll, corrective paths) or complex exercises aimed at the prevention of flat feet. At the same time, it is important to monitor not only the correctness of the exercises, but also the posture of children.

Recreational gymnastics may include a complex exercises aimed at preventing posture disorders, respiratory gymnastics complex, which is very important for strengthening immunity, preventing colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Total duration health gymnastics after daytime sleep should be 12-15 minutes

Gymnastics in bed.

1. Sipping. I. p. - lying on your back. Exercise mimics sipping cats: stretch your arms, legs, diagonally arm-leg.

2. "Bike". I. p. - lying on your back. Simulate cycling with your feet in circles.

(20 sec.)

3. "Kalachik". I. p. - lying on your back. Pull your head and hips towards your chest "kalachik") trying (20 sec.)

Eye charger

1. "Watch". I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight.

One time - eyes to the right, two - and. p., three - eyes to the left, four - and. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. I. p. the same. One time - eyes up, two - and. p., three - eyes down, four - and. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. I. p. too. We perform circular movements with the eyes from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

4. "Zhmurki". I. p. the same. For once - they closed their eyes, for two - and. p., three - winked with one eye, four - with the other eye. Repeat 8-10 times.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1. I. p. - standing, legs together. One hand up, the other down. At times - connect your hands behind; for two, three, four, five - hold without disengaging; for six - and. n. The same with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times

2. I. p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt. For one - raise the bent leg, for two - straighten the leg forward, spread the arms to the sides, for three - the leg and arms folded, for four - lower the leg. Repeat 6-8 times. (Pause)

3. "Like". Walking in place for 1-2 minutes, maintaining the correct posture.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot on "combined track". (alternating ropeway,

ribbed board, paths from bags with river pebbles, rubber mat with

Respiratory gymnastics.

"Who has the bigger ball?"

"flat feet" on a stationary simulator (massager).

water procedures.

3. "Kalachik". I. p. - lying on your back. Pull your head and hips towards your chest "kalachik") trying stay in this position as long as possible (20sec.)

Eye charger.

1. "Watch". IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight.

One time - eyes to the right, two - and. p., three - eyes to the left, four - and. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. I. p. Too. We perform circular movements with the eyes from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. I. p. Too. We perform circular movements with the eyes from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

4. "Zhmurki". I. p. Too. For once - eyes closed, for two - and. p., three - winked with one eye, four - with the other eye. Repeat 8-10 times.

Prevention of posture disorders.

1. I. p. - standing, legs together. One hand up, the other down. At times - connect your hands behind, for two, three, four, five - hold without disengaging, for six - and. n. The same with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - standing, legs together, hands on the belt. For one - raise the bent leg, for two - straighten the leg forward, spread the arms to the sides, for three - the leg and arms folded, for four - lower the leg. Repeat 6-8 times. (Pause).

3. "Like". Walking in place! -2 minutes, maintaining the correct posture.

Prevention of flat feet.

Walking barefoot on "combined track".(alternation of a ropeway, a ribbed board, a path made of bags with river pebbles, a rubber mat with spikes).

Respiratory gymnastics.

1. Inflate a balloon 3-4 times. Competition between children "Who has the bigger ball?"

2. Alternate breathing through the left and right nostrils with exhalation through the mouth. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. Deep inhalation with breath holding and slow exhalation.

4. Inhale through the nose and exhale intensely through the mouth. When exhaling, you can invite children to blow a feather or a piece of paper from their palms, arrange competitions.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Independent work of children with a diagnosis "flat feet" on a stationary simulator (massager).

water procedures.

Article content

Amazing people - kindergarten teachers. How many tricks you need to know in order to protect and protect, feed and clothe, occupy and develop boys and girls all day long, and even so that they are friendly, cheerful, healthy at the same time! Maintain a healthy mind healthy body Each child is helped by special complexes of gymnastic exercises.

The day of a preschooler is divided in half by daytime sleep, and awakening becomes a transitional moment, on which the mood of the child will depend on the rest of the day. That is why gymnastics after sleep is carried out in kindergarten daily. Short in duration, almost imperceptible to the children themselves, it smoothly and carefully helps them to fill with vigor and strength.

Types of gymnastics after sleep

IN methodological developments proposed by experts, the following types of gymnastics after sleep can be distinguished:

  • exercises in bed with elements of self-massage;
  • game gymnastics;
  • gymnastics with simulators and sports items;
  • walking or jogging on massage mats/paths.
When preparing the exercise, you can use any simulators that are in kindergarten

As can be seen from the list, daily gymnastics is becoming a powerful set of wellness procedures, competently and concisely arranged in time, and most importantly, interesting and enjoyable for the child.

All exercises are carried out in stages, with a gradual increase in load, have a game character. They are aimed at general strengthening of the body, prevention of violations of posture, vision and flat feet. Psychologically, gymnastics unites the guys in the group, helps to get out of the state of internal constraint, into which, like in a capsule, the baby plunges during sleep.

The teacher is free to choose specific exercises. He independently assesses the possibilities and needs of his pupils, observes which exercises are especially loved by children and, if desired, varies tasks so as not to turn the magic of a five-minute sports into a routine.

Elements of gymnastics after sleep

Gymnastics after sleep is like a multi-colored mosaic that can be reassembled every day, making up a new image from its main elements. Daily gymnastics, as an option, may include:

  • sipping;
  • breathing exercises;
  • wave your hands;
  • stroking biologically active zones;
  • jumping;
  • squats;
  • simple elements of yoga;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • visual-acoustic exercises.

Despite the fact that gymnastics after sleep is usually short, the teacher can combine individual elements and fragmentarily use the developments he likes.

Video example of morning exercises:

Exercises for different groups

Gymnastics after sleep in the younger group

Longest daytime sleep junior group kindergarten. Babies have a hard time waking up good mood. If the dream was strong, they may not immediately realize where they are. Children cry, act up, refuse to get up, wash, dress. Therefore, during the exercises, the emphasis is on the emotional component of gymnastics: the correct selection of music, speech accompaniment, harmonization of the general atmosphere of the lesson. The images that the teacher will create during the exercises should be attractive.

A set of exercises "Sunshine"

The sunbeam in the sky woke up, The sunbeam stretched to the window. There, outside the window, twenty guys lie together in cozy beds. (Children stretch lying in bed) Hey, wake up, girls, boys! You have to wear a dress and pants! Where are your pens? (Raise their hands, shake them in turn) Where are your legs? (Raise legs, take turns doing swings) Let's play a little with you! Come on, imagine that summer has come: The city has woken up They rub their eyes with their fists.) And the sun rose. (Raise hands above head, stretch). That is great! So, let's go Far along the path on a bicycle! (Do exercise "Bicycle") We drove, we drove ... - We arrived at the mill! (Do the exercise "Mill") Then we went We drove, we drove ... - We arrived at the river. Let's help our feet, Let's touch some water! (Get out of bed, alternately lowering legs to the floor) Hey, the water is cold! Here is one leg... (Jumping on the right foot) But the leg is different, what a nimble one! (Jumping on the left foot) We stood in the water, We swam, (I make movements with my hands imitating swimming) We dived ... Oh, good! (Do squats with arms outstretched forward) We got up from heel to toe, Together we went out onto the sand. (On tiptoes they leave the bedroom into the common room, where massage mats have already been prepared) They walked along the sand - They stepped on the pebbles. Oh, it's hot! (2 minutes walking in place on rubber mats) And now we're up (Converge in the center of the hall) Together they took hands. (Form a circle) stretched out (stretch) They smiled. (Smiling at each other). We are finally awake!

Gymnastics after sleep in the middle group

Gymnastics for pupils middle group should include more exercises. It is aimed not only at the emotional rallying of the children, but also at the comprehensive improvement of the child's body. Respiratory gymnast elements are obligatory. It is advisable to combine game techniques with a set of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, posture.

A set of exercises "Flowers"

In the meadow the flowers woke up (Children rub their eyes while lying in bed) Everyone was reaching straight for the sun. (They stretch, then stand next to the beds.) They shook their heads in unison. (Turn head clockwise). They need to wake up soon! Now let's raise the right petal, (Raise right hand) Let's say along the chain who is which flower! (Children introduce themselves one by one) Well done boys! And now stretch the leaves together, (Put hands forward) Fresh wind blows (The teacher depicts the wind). Well, take a breath! (Children take a deep breath, then slowly exhale, repeat the exercise 5-10 times) And now show, flowers, How the leaves are bent on the stem! (Perform slopes 5-10 times). As we stand on the hot sand, (Alternately stand on the right, then on the left foot) As we hide our eyes from the sun. (They close the left eye with the palm of their hand, then count to five, close the right eye - and vice versa (repeat 4 times)). And now we close our eyes together, (Close your eyes tightly for 30 seconds, then open your eyes and blink rapidly (repeat 6 times)) Our eyes need a rest! To make the eye sharp and clean, Let's clap cilia quickly. (Clap eyelashes for 30 seconds). Well, flowers, are you awake? (Children answer: - Wake up!)- Have you looked around? - Looked back! - Have you smiled at your friends? - Smiled! - Well, then let's go to wash Fresh-fresh spring rain! (They leave to wash, comb their hair).

Gymnastics after sleep in the senior group

IN senior group the time of the gymnastics can be increased. It is recommended to include exercises with simulators and / or sports items in the complex of exercises. Five-year-olds want to move well, stretch themselves. daytime sleep by this time, for many of them, the procedure is boring and optional, the guys literally force themselves to lie in bed for the prescribed time. So the more movements offered in gymnastics, the more delight it will cause. You can experiment and offer children games with a rope, ribbons, skittles, a hoop, an elastic band.

A set of exercises "We went to the zoo"

Together we get out of bed, We have enough to lie idle! (Children get up). One, two, three, four, five - Let's go to the zoo for a walk! (They march in place, then, after the necessary water procedures, combing and dressing, go to the gym). Look! Who's in the cage? (Lean forward with hand over eyes.) A chimpanzee is hanging on a branch! Smiling at passers-by... Chimpanzees, and we can do it! (In turn, they approach the bars / horizontal bar, hang on outstretched arms for 30 seconds). Well, here ... a big cat importantly walks along the path .... Graceful manner... Oh, aren't you a cat? Panther! (They stand on mats, arch their backs like cats) Well, in this cage there are bunnies - Play with them! Next to the hares it's easy Let's jump high. (They make 10 jumps together, the teacher chooses the one who jumped the highest) Next is the bear, he scratches his paw behind his ear. (Make a movement with the hand behind the ear). Walks from heel to toe, paws obliquely. (Walk in a circle: 1 circle on toes, 2 circle - on heels, 3 circle - on outer sides soles). Here are the old herons, Not a bit tired. We will be able to imitate them: We will stand in the same way. (Stand for a minute on the left foot, then a minute on the right). And the pythons are so long... Well, their heads are visible. (Several times they run around the skittles arranged by the teacher with a “snake”) Now, now, show me what a beast you are! (Each child depicts a selected animal, moves freely around the room, gives an outlet to the accumulated energy) We all went to the zoo: Hands and feet woke up. One, two, three, four, five - We will continue to play!

Gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group

Gymnastics after sleep in the preparatory group should be especially varied and thoughtful. Before us are already almost adults, formed personalities. It is not so easy to captivate them with the creation of a theatrical performance, but they will do play complexes designed for team interaction. Usually, preparatory group– this is already a real team in which children are used to each other, ready to exchange experiences, help each other. Gymnastic exercises can be combined with "exercises for the mind", games for ingenuity, reaction speed, concentration of attention of future schoolchildren.

A set of exercises "Sports alphabet"

Sleepy hour with all the dreams, You were too long! Wake up with us, Letters in our books! Here the letter “A” woke up, Became a tick at first, Bent low, Grabbed the wand. (Children lean forward with straight legs, pick up a stick or pencil from the floor). Here the letter "B" woke up, Played on the pipe. She got on her knees, waved her hand. (Sit down on your knees, stretch your straight arm forward.) Forever pulls the letter "B" His hands to his head. (Sitting in the same position, the hand is applied to the forehead). The letter "G" bent - reached out to the guys. (Standing still, the body and outstretched arms stretch forward)."D" squatted down. (Sit down on your heels, spreading your knees to the sides as much as possible)."K" steps forward boldly. (With a straight back, they walk with a side step, waving their hands). Two letters “K” have grown together - “Zh” looks like a beetle! (They do the same in pairs, standing with their backs to each other). The letter "L" calmly stood up. (Stand in the position "Feet shoulder width apart"). The letter "M" quietly became. (They stand side by side in the same position, breaking into pairs)."N" pulled the rope. (Two guys stand opposite each other and pull the rope between themselves, depicting the crossbar of the letter "H")."O" shook her head. (Shake their heads, round their mouths)."P" lifted the rope. (So, as with the letter "H", only holding the rope above their heads)."R" saluted someone. (Put hand to forehead.)"C" the old woman bent over. (Lower their heads)"T" stretched nicely. (Spread hands to sides). Arching her arms, "F" passed. (Stands up with hands on hips.) X raised her hands. (They put their feet shoulder-width apart, raise their arms above their heads.)"Sh" lay on the back, Stretched her arms and legs. (Lie down belly up, raise arms and legs.)“I” will put aside the leg forward - Like, I got tired a little, - Exhale and stand ... Ah yes, the lively alphabet! (Take a deep breath ten times, then exhale).

That's so fun, friendly and enthusiastic, taking into account age features, you can do gymnastics after sleep in kindergarten. Fantasy with the children - and you will succeed!