Fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya. Alena Rossoshinskaya: fitness for the face

The first time I saw the program "Fitness for the face with Alena Rossoshinskaya" on the TV channel "Live" and literally fell in love with this gymnastics.

Alena Rossoshinskaya- International trainer and fitness instructor. This is a very charming young woman who, for her 35 years, looks very good. Alena has been practicing facial fitness for a long time. And it all started with the fact that one day, seeing her emerging second chin, she went to the beautician. And the doctor advised her to do Facebook building instead of plastic surgery. It took the girl 3 years of constant hard training to put her face in order. And having seen first hand the effectiveness of exercises, she herself became a fitness instructor for the face.

What can be done with facial fitness?

  • remove double chin
  • tighten the oval of the face
  • get rid of wrinkles
  • make your face look fresher and younger

The only thing is if you want to achieve good results, then you need to do the exercises constantly. Since only with a systematic approach the tone of the facial muscles will increase, blood circulation in the skin tissues will improve and thanks to this, wrinkles will gradually smooth out. And yet, the sooner you start exercising, the better the result will be.

A set of exercises which goes on the channel is designed for different groups facial muscles and consists of several lessons that last about 15 minutes. The exercises are very interesting and I like doing them with Alena's group. But since I have Small child, I can’t always find time for a set of exercises that is on TV, so for myself I found several exercises from this facial gymnastics that I do on my own. They are just meant to be worked out. problem areas on the face. I share these exercises with you. But before doing the exercises, you first need to prepare your face:

Let's start with head scratching.

  • We perform scratching of the head with the pads of the index and middle fingers alternately. The direction of movement is towards the crown. Do 10-20 times.

Activation of biological points.

  • Rub your ears, moving from bottom to top 4-5 times. Then you should pull your ears back and forth, up and down the same number of times. Next, squeeze the lobes 5 times.

✦✦✦ Now let's get to the exercises. ✦✦✦

Exercises for the forehead and eyebrows. Eliminates wrinkles and tightens the eyelids.

  • Place your fingers on your forehead. Press them down and at the same time try to wrinkle your forehead with strong resistance with your fingers. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds. Should be repeated 20 times. (But if you are just starting, then do 5-10 times, then gradually increase to 20).

Exercises for the area around the eyes.

  • Press the skin under the eyes with closed pads of 3-4 fingers. In this case, you need to close your eyes tightly. stay in this position for 20 seconds. You shouldn't feel pain!!!

Cheek exercises.

  • It is necessary to arrange the palms so that their base presses the lips to the teeth. Then you need to inflate your cheeks, while resisting with your palms. Make sure that this does not create wrinkles under the eyes. Do 20 times.

Lip exercises.

  • Connect lips like this. as if you want to pronounce the letter "O". In this case, the lips must be strongly pulled forward. Stay in this position for 50 seconds. But if you have wrinkles in this area, then this exercise should not be done.

Double chin exercises.

  • Fold your fingers into a fist and press them on the chin area. In this case, you do not need to stretch your neck or push your head. Do 20 times.

But before doing the exercises, pay attention to the following tips:

  • You need to do gymnastics in front of a mirror
  • Exercise regularly in the morning and evening
  • There should be no pain when pressed on the skin.
  • It is advisable to perform the entire set of exercises regularly, while paying more attention to problem areas.
  • Do not rub, squeeze, or pull on the skin vigorously. This can only aggravate wrinkles. All movements should be pleasant

Do not exercise if:

  • You have a cold, fever or weakness
  • If you have an inflamed trigeminal nerve
  • During the first years after plastic or any other facial surgery

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Thanks for reading my review! I really hope that it was useful for you :).

To look fresh and young, it is necessary not only to keep healthy lifestyle life, but also to train your muscles. Revitonics is a unique direction designed to develop the muscles of the face and neck. At regular performance can quickly prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

What is revitonics?

A set of exercises and manipulations aimed at eliminating the causes of aging and deterioration of the skin condition is called revitonics. Its founder is Natalia Osminina, who has been engaged in the rehabilitation of facial muscles for many years. The revitonics method is based on the knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, and so on. The exercise is based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation.

Revitonics has the following advantages:

  1. Helps tighten sagging skin.
  2. Supports muscle tone relieves spasms and tension.
  3. It helps to restore the oval of the face, reconstruct the muscular frame and reduce the number of existing wrinkles.
  4. Relieves puffiness around the eyes.

Revitonics - the main exercises

Osminina claims that it is possible to engage in the system proposed by her at any age and it is best to start from a young age. The revitonics system divides the full set of exercises into two types:

  1. Vacuum Fitness. Vacuum jars of different sizes are used for training. They help to increase muscle tone, and normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. sculptural fitness . This refers to the usual exercises aimed at working out the muscles.

Revitonics for the back

Many people suffer from back pain and in most cases, it's all to blame. bad posture. Revitonics for the back, spine and shoulder muscles involves the exercise "Active standing":

  1. Stand with your feet directly under your shoulders. Point the tailbone down, slightly tighten the buttocks and tighten the press. The body should form a straight line.
  2. During the entire exercise, you need to stretch the crown up and open the chest. You can stay in this position for 1-5 minutes. Revitonika indicates that you can perform "Active standing" not only at home, but also, for example, in the subway.

Revitonics for the neck

Exercises for this part of the body in most cases are aimed at relieving spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of withers and cervical osteochondrosis. Revitonics offers the “Frame” exercise, which is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Raise your arms above your head, bend them at the elbows and fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  2. Start reaching up, stretching your spine, and then tilt your head down, but the body should continue to push up. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
  3. Place one hand above your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck, thereby stretching the muscles. Change hands. Do everything for 30 seconds.

Revitonics - exercises on the roller

A simple device can increase the effectiveness of training, relieve back pain, improve posture and even reduce the waist. You can use a ready-made juniper roller for revitonics, or you can easily make it yourself. Put a rolling pin or other wooden stick on a towel and twist a tight roller, securing it with rubber bands or threads. The diameter of the roller should be at least 10 cm. Revitonics exercises for posture differ in the location of the roller, but the execution technique is something like this:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the roller just behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and check that the device is under your belly button.
  2. Stretch your legs forward, holding them shoulder-width apart, and connect your thumbs.
  3. Stretch your hands up with your palms down, connecting your little fingers. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
  4. After that, roll over on your side and to the side, and only then get up, avoiding sudden movements.

Revitonics - exercises for the face

The unique system has been designed so that everyone can repeat it on their own at home. Revitonics for the face is based on a number of rules:

  1. To influence the muscles that are in hypertonicity, you need no more than half a minute.
  2. In order to return the muscle to its normal state, stretching is carried out, and this must be done slowly and smoothly.
  3. You need to start training with preparing the muscles for stronger impacts. For this purpose, you can slightly stretch the muscles towards each other or in different sides. You need to hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction appears.
  4. In order for the muscle to get used to the new position, fixation is used in revitonics, which involves static retention of the muscles in the selected position for 3-5 seconds.

Revitonics for the eyes

Common problems are swelling and bruising under the eyes, which can be eliminated using a simple complex. First you need to clean your face and sit on a chair with your back straight. Offers revitonics for the eyes exercises for self-fulfillment:

  1. To warm up the muscles, open and close your eyes sharply. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the cheeks, and release the air, puffing them up.
  2. To perform the first revitonics exercise, fold your index fingers in an arc and place them near the cheekbones. Gradually close your eyes for 5-10 seconds, increasing tension.
  3. Put your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and start blinking frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms and put your face on them at eye level. Hold for a few seconds, and then, spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards the temples.

Revitonics - nasolabial folds

Simple exercises help to reduce nasolabial folds, remove an ugly nasolabial rim, maintain a high position of the cheekbones and tighten sagging skin. Facelift revitonics includes the following exercises:

  1. Place the index and middle fingers together near the wings of the nose, over the cheekbones.
  2. Form an elongated oval with your lips. For eight counts, open your mouth even more, while maintaining an oval. Press your fingers into your cheekbones.

Revitonics for lips

To become the owner of plump lips, many women agree to injections, but this is not the only solution, so you can perform special exercises. Gymnastics revitonics for the face will make it attractive:

  1. Pull your lips forward, and then, grab your bottom lip with your upper lip and vice versa.
  2. Pull in the corners of your mouth as if you want to suck on a candy. After that, due to muscle tension, try to raise them.

Revitonics for the forehead

One of the most problematic areas on the face is the forehead, where many people have wrinkles. Love to draw or raise your eyebrows, then you need to take care that this does not lead to the formation of ugly wrinkles. Offers revitonics exercises that are effective in this situation.

  1. Place your open palm on your forehead a little above the eyebrows and fix the muscles with it. Raise and lower your eyebrows.
  2. Revitonika offers an exercise to get rid of the ugly crease between the eyebrows. With two fingers, fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Try to reduce (as if frowning) and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonika - books

People who are interested in this topic can find specialist literature in bookstores.

  1. « Fitness for the face. Revitonics system". N. Osminina. He tells in detail what revitonics is, a book written by the developer of this direction. Natalia not only describes the exercises, but also talks about the reasons for the appearance of the main shortcomings.
  2. « Resurrection of the Face, or Ordinary Miracle» N. Osminina. The author tells what the revitonics technique is and delves into the true causes of skin deformation and aging.

Complex special exercises for the face (facebuilding) is an effective alternative to plastic surgery methods for tightening the oval and muscle tone, rejuvenating the appearance.

Today, there are numerous author's Facebook building courses sold as courses in the form of video tutorials. One of the most effective is the course called "Revitonika", developed in the 90s by a Russian doctor specializing in helping to restore the musculoskeletal system and facial muscles, Natalia Borisovna Osminina.

Revitonics, first of all, is aimed at a comprehensive tightening of the facial muscles, toning the skin, getting rid of jowls, Bish's lumps, manifestations of signs of aging - deep nasolabial folds, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Over the years, the technique has been improved, supplemented with useful elements and getting rid of the least effective ones. And in 2004, the final version of it was created, incorporating the most effective techniques and methods for different age groups of patients.

Revitonics is based on vacuum massage and sculptural fitness. Each of the techniques solves certain problems and is aimed at toning the facial muscles, correcting the shape and oval of the face.

The technique solves problems such as:

What does revitonics give

Regular classes are able to effectively tighten the oval of the face in a short time, get rid of deep facial wrinkles.

After completing the full course, the following effects are observed:

All of these effects can be achieved to varying degrees. It depends on the age and individual characteristics of the organism. However, the complete absence of results when applying the technique is excluded.

Results: Before and after photos

The photo (below) clearly shows the result after a 3-week course. Decreased general swelling of the face (especially around the nose and eyes). Significantly less bags and dark circles under the eyes began to stand out. The chin and neck were pulled up.

Revitonics, subject to the technique of performing exercises, is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery

Long hours in adulthood help to get rid of such serious problems as flabby, sagging skin of the neck, severe asymmetry of the face. In the presented photographs, the woman looks 10 years younger. There are no deep wrinkles on the forehead, the nasolabial fold is strongly smoothed.

The results of facial fitness classes are amazing, they are indeed, in some cases, an alternative to plastic surgery.

Are there negative reviews

Doctors of various specializations for the most part approve and support Osminina's technique, since her concept is based on carefully developed medical information about the structure and function of the whole body (and mainly the musculoskeletal system).

Negative reviews in the overall percentage are insignificant. These are people who lacked regularity and conscientiousness, they did not get the expected results.

For example, it is forbidden to do exercises for those who:

Complete basic course

The basic course includes 40 different exercises that affect and train all facial muscles and ligaments to varying degrees. The main exercises that are useful to master first are shown in this table.

Table. The main exercises of revitonics

Exercise Information about him
Shoulder abduction (see section exercises for the neck) Elimination of spasms of the trapezius muscle of the back. Prevention of the appearance of cervical withers and osteochondrosis. After exercise, it is important to stretch the muscle.
Abduction of clasped hands and head (see exercise for the neck) Relaxation of the back of the neck. Improving the blood supply to the head (including the face). After the exercise, it is important to pull the back neck muscle hands.
Chin to chest (see section exercises for the neck) Strengthening the front of the neck, reducing horizontal neck wrinkles (so-called rings). Tightening and toning the dermis.

After the exercise, it is worth pulling the neck muscle (raising the head up).

Stretching of the nasolabial triangle (see paragraph nasolabial folds) Reducing the depth of the nasolabial fold, increasing the size of the lips, changing their color to a more natural and natural one.
Clamping the inner ends of the eyebrows (see paragraph exercises for the forehead) Elimination of vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. After the exercise, it is necessary to stretch the working area. To do this, place the index finger of one hand along the nose, place the other finger of the second hand above the first. Pull your fingers in the opposite direction, relaxing the muscle.

Facial massage to reduce wrinkles

Vacuum fitness is a massage with small vacuum jars. It helps to reduce swelling of the face, improve metabolism at the cellular level, as well as complete facial rejuvenation. The most effective massage in combination with sculptural fitness.

Before starting the session, it is necessary to cleanse the face and generously smear it with cosmetic oil. The skin should be warm (for example, after a light manual massage or hot shower).

vacuum massage can be static and dynamic. With static cupping, they are attached to large areas of the skin of the face (cheeks, forehead, chin) for a period of 5 seconds to a minute (no longer recommended).

With dynamic massage, the vacuum should be very small, the static exposure time should be minimal. The diameter of the can is average - 2.5-4 cm. This will help to avoid bruising and unnecessary stretching of the epidermis. Do not vacuum delicate areas of the skin around the eyes.

When massaging the cheeks, it is worth starting from the middle of the nasolabial fold (line of laughter) and slowly leading the jar up to the cheekbone and temple. Do not grab the jar over the cheekbone.

Massage of the jaw line takes place in two approaches. It is necessary to conditionally divide it in half and place a finger in the middle. The movement of the jar should be carried out from the finger to the chin and from the finger to the ear. Thus, by holding the skin, its excessive stretching is prevented.

The chin area is massaged in a circular motion, without capturing the corners of the mouth. In the forehead area, you first need to draw a line from the bridge of the nose up to the hairline. Then from the center of the forehead to the temples. Each manipulation is carried out no more than 5-7 times, until the skin turns red. At the first session up to 3 times.

Massage is performed within 15-35 minutes. After the session, it is important to cleanse the face again by thoroughly washing off the oil. The massage course consists of 8-12 sessions, which are held at intervals of 2-3 days, no more. A second course is possible in a month.

Important! Before starting a vacuum fitness course, it is important to exclude the presence of diseases or factors in which this species massage is prohibited.

Forehead exercises

Revitonika - simple and effective exercises for facial rejuvenation. Video lessons of the course explain how to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, tighten the skin and align the oval.

Exercise 1

Designed to eliminate horizontal wrinkles. It is necessary to take a sitting position (preferably in front of a mirror), the back is straight. Next, place your palm on your forehead, just behind your eyebrows. Press the skin and muscles with your hand for additional fixation.

Alternately, you should perform raising and lowering the eyebrows with effort. At the top point, the position is fixed for 5 seconds. It is carried out from 5 to 15 repetitions (depending on the fitness of the face).

Exercise 2

Designed to eliminate vertical wrinkles.

The starting position is similar to exercise 1. With your thumbs, you need to fix the inner ends of the eyebrows.

In this position, you should reduce and part your eyebrows with effort. Performed 10-20 repetitions.

Exercise 3

Place the thumbs of both hands under the inner ends of the eyebrows. Index fingers placed 2-3 cm above the eyebrows.

Bring your fingers together, slightly pinching the skin and eyebrows. Fix the final position for 30 seconds.

Nasolabial folds

Exercises to reduce nasolabial folds on the face, through revitonics, are no less effective than the previous ones. A lot of video materials help to carefully study the technique and perform it correctly.

Exercise 1

Starting position - sitting straight on a chair. It is necessary to combine the index and middle fingers on each hand. Attach them to the nasolabial folds, press.

Open your mouth a little and make a circle with your lips. Mentally count 10 seconds. Open your mouth wider, forming a large circle with your lips. In this case, do not forget to press down the muscles of the nasolabial triangle (tension should be felt). Fix the final position for 20 seconds. It is performed 5-10 times.

Exercise 2

Index fingers placed on the skin between the nose and upper lip. Very slowly stretch your fingers in opposite directions to the very corners of the lips.

A similar manipulation must be carried out with the skin under the lower lip. The exercise is repeated 5 times for each zone.

Important! Sliding-stretching is carried out only after the natural moisturizing of the skin from the action of the fingers. Otherwise, stretching will be harmful to the epidermis.

Neck exercises

Exercises for relaxation cervical, improving posture, maintaining the skin in good shape.

Exercise 1

  1. It is necessary to sit straight, the back is even. Right hand on the belt.
  2. The right shoulder rises as high as possible, then in the same position it is retracted all the way to the spine.
  3. The head must be turned slightly to the left and the back of the head should be stretched to the allotted shoulder. Lock in position for 30 seconds.
  4. Slowly return to the starting position and slightly stretch the trapezius muscle. To do this, you need to put your left hand behind your head and put it on your neck under your hair. Right bend at the elbow and put on the shoulder. It is easy to pull with your hands in opposite directions until you feel muscle tension.

Exercise 2

It is important to know! If too much tension is felt on the front of the neck, it is allowed to open the mouth.

Exercise 3

  1. Place your palms just above your chest. Press the skin and muscles with your hands. Tilt the chin forward.
  2. At the same time, tilt your head forward, trying to reach your neck with your chin and reach your neck and chin with your hands. Perform 30 seconds, then relax the muscles.

Exercises for the eye area, eyelids

Careful study of the eye area helps to naturally get rid of swelling and dark circles. To do this, it is important to regularly perform a small set of exercises.

Exercise 1. Warm up

You should sit on a chair, do not slouch. Sharply and clearly open and close the eyelids (do not squint). Breathing is important in this exercise. Breathe in through the nose while opening the eyes. In this case, it is necessary to retract the cheeks. Exhale in the same way (closing your eyes) and puffing out your cheeks.

Exercise 2. Squinting

The starting position is classical. Bend the index fingers of both hands slightly and press them on the edges of the bones of the cheekbones (1-1.5 cm from the lower eyelid).

In this position, it is necessary to close your eyes with effort, lingering in the final position for 10 seconds. The interval between blinking is 5-8 seconds. 7-10 repetitions should be performed.

Exercise 3. Blink

The starting position is similar to exercise 2. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. Apply light pressure to the skin and muscles.

Within 10 seconds, blink as fast as possible. Perform 8-12 repetitions with a rest interval of 2-5 seconds.

Exercise 4. Relaxation

Sit straight, tilt your head slightly forward. Elbows should rest on the knees, palms should be kept open. Slowly lower your face into your palms so that the hills of Venus lie on the protrusions of the cheekbones, the rest of the hands on the eyes and forehead. Easy to press on the face (2-3 seconds).

Then expand the arms a few centimeters and repeat the manipulation. Thus move from the nose to the temples, relaxing eye muscles after exercise.

Exercises for lifting the oval of the face

Revitonics are fairly simple and effective facial exercises to perform regularly at home. Video classes show how to tighten the oval of the face and form a clear line mandible.

Exercise "elemental cry"

Open your mouth with the letter "O" with slightly raised corners of the lips. With index and thumb, form the letter "C" or a hook.

With the thumbs of the hooks, “hook” on the jaw angles on both sides of the face. Index fingers pressed to the beginning masseter muscle located under the zygomatic bone. It is necessary to move the index fingers to the thumbs with pressure inside the muscle. Don't forget to keep your mouth open.

Exercises to lift the cheeks, from jowls on the face

One of the frequent problems of the face is sagging cheeks, as a result of which fleas appear. To get rid of "bulldog cheeks" are recommended the following exercises:

Exercise 1

Place your index fingers at the beginning of the zygomatic bone. With your thumbs, grab the skin from the lower line of the jawbone and stretch it up, forming a muscle roller between the fingers.

Pressing fingers with a roller to the bone, you need to slowly roll it to the very bottom of the cheek. In this case, it is necessary to select the skin and muscles with your thumbs. The exercise is performed 6-10 times.

It is important to know! Exercise due to stiffness and tightness of the chewing and zygomatic muscles can be quite painful. Therefore, you should not panic during the first workouts, after a few weeks the muscles will relax and the pain will go away.

Exercise 2

Toning the muscles that lower the lower lip and the triangular muscle also prevents the formation of jowls and normalizes the work of depressors. Index fingers are located in the crease between the chin and lower lip. The thumbs are placed under the chin (in the hollow) at the very edge of the muscle.

Squeeze your fingers tightly, forming a roller. Slowly pull the lower lip up so that the index fingers slide smoothly, but with pressure, towards the thumbs. The exercise is repeated up to 15 times, depending on the fitness of the facial muscles.

Double chin exercises

You can reduce or completely remove the second chin with the help of the “Frame” exercise. It is necessary to raise your arms above your head, cross them, clasping your elbows with your palms. Visually, a frame should form. The head leans forward, resting against the interclavicular cavity.

In this position, you should stretch your spine up as much as possible. The exercise is continued for 30 seconds. It is necessary to get out of the position smoothly and slowly.

Back exercises

Revitonics is useful not only for the face, but also for the back. Exercise videos and testimonials show how simple and effective they are.

Exercise 1. Active standing

Stand up straight, shoulders and feet should be on the same parallel. The body should be aligned: tighten the stomach and buttocks and “squeeze” into yourself, the tailbone tends down. The crown of the head should be pulled up as far as possible. In this case, the chest, with a properly performed technique, should “open up”, straighten out.

It is necessary to perform the exercise within a few minutes. The longer the time of active standing, the less time it will take to restore the spine.

Exercise 2. Stretching on the roller

This exercise favorably affects the entire spine, gently stretching it. At the same time, pain, stiffness in movements go away.

It is necessary to take a supine position. Place a roller under the back (perpendicular to the navel).

Extend the legs and place them at a distance equal to the length of one foot. Connect your big toes (a visual triangle should form with the floor).

Hands must be raised above the head and turn them with palms to the floor. Connect the little fingers together.

In this final position, it is necessary to linger for a period of 2 minutes or more (depending on fitness and the condition of the back). With each subsequent time, you should try to increase the time of the exercise.

Breathing while stretching should be deep and smooth. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Video lessons from Natalia Osminina

Exercises from Anastasia Dubinskaya

For real effective results only purposeful and persistent students can feel the rejuvenation of appearance according to the revitonics method, since a one-time course can only give a short-term effect.

Video clips with a demonstration of the exercises help beginners and prove that in order to rejuvenate the face, it is not necessary to turn to radical plastic surgery and cosmetology.

Video about revitonics

The result of the first week of revitonics:

Open webinar on revitonics:

Revitonics includes exercises, with which you can perfectly work out all groups of facial muscles and neck to increase tone, improve skin condition and tighten the oval of the face. Of course, today dozens of the most different complexes with exercises for facial rejuvenation, elimination of the second chin. However, let's not forget that in order to strengthen the facial muscles (as well as to strengthen any muscle groups) it is useful from time to time to change one exercise to another, vary the intensity of movements and load. In a word, muscles should not get used to monotonous exercises and revitonics will definitely find a place in your list of anti-aging facial procedures.

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Revitonics includes both basic exercises for general strengthening of the muscles of the face and improvement of the skin condition, and the main ones for a more thorough study of problem areas of the face. Such home gymnastics stimulates the work of all facial muscles, many of which are in Everyday life almost no pressure.

But revitonics helps fight not only the signs of aging on the face in adulthood. For example, a woman strictly follows a diet, runs for weight loss, goes to Gym. The desired results are not long in coming and you get rid of extra pounds, the figure has become slim. But after burning excess fat the face often looks haggard, emaciated and the cheeks sag. Even mimic wrinkles are more clearly visible on the skin. Therefore, we highly recommend doing at least at home basic complex exercises to strengthen the muscular frame of the face and so that the skin is smooth, elastic.

The obvious advantages of revitonics can also include a long-term lifting effect, if exercises are performed regularly and correctly. Popular and rather expensive cosmetic procedures (cryomassage, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, Botox injections) give a temporary effect, after which you again need to visit the cosmetologist's office.

The main causes of deterioration in appearance and early aging include muscle spasm, swelling and fascial traction. And with the help of revitonics, you can successfully deal with these causes. A set of exercises helps relieve spasms in facial muscles and completely relax, promotes rapid recovery. Revitonics helps to improve the outflow of accumulated intercellular fluid, which will help get rid of swelling and dark circles, reduce bags under the eyes. Fascia (muscle sheaths) are often tightened in certain areas of the muscle frame, and special exercises remove fascial traction after just a few procedures.


To achieve the maximum lifting effect, in addition to performing a set of exercises for the face, do massage movements. Change technique from month to month. Below are some options:

keep busy facebuilding, doing 12-14 exercises every day within a month. Within this course do honey massage once every two days . After the course, be sure to take a week break.

We do 15-17 exercises daily to lift the face oval and eliminate wrinkles within a month. We alternate massage with spoons And vacuum massage with jars (every other day) .

❷ before doing revitonics, do make-up remover, treat your skin with a moisturizer;

❸ do exercises while sitting in front of a mirror, your back is perfectly straight;

❹ if you want to visually reduce the volume of a wide face, then do exercises for weight loss on the exhale;

❺ wash your face after revitonics cold water and apply a nourishing cream on the skin of the face;

❻ in addition to revitonics, it is important to properly organize skin care using masks made from natural products that are suitable for your skin type, scrubs to cleanse the stratum corneum (

Hi all! Today we will talk about how to do exercises to strengthen the oval of the face.

Our life would be impossible without facial expressions: we laugh when we are happy, wrinkle our forehead when we think, squint when we are angry. Performing these daily and everyday muscle contractions, we do not think about how it will harm our appearance over time.

And over the years, looking at ourselves in the mirror, we complain about wrinkles. How to deal with them? Numerous Botox injections? Antics instead of human laughter? No! enough to do simple exercises to strengthen the oval of the face.

1. Facebook building, revitonics and body flex.

Of course, sagging skin can also occur for other reasons. For example, when dramatic weight loss your chin and neck may sag, and if, on the contrary, you have gained weight, then your cheekbones are under siege of plump cheeks. Also, do not exclude the age factor: with age, any person's skin becomes flabby and sagging.

The author of the Facebook building was the German surgeon Reinhold Benz. In the 30s of the last century, he came up with this technique for his friend ballerina. And Facebook has reached its peak of popularity relatively recently. In fact, this is gymnastics for the muscles of the face and neck, combined with massage.

Along with Facebook building, such fitness areas as revitonics and body flex began to gain momentum.

Revitonics. Before and after.

Revitonika is an ideal sculptural fitness for facial rejuvenation, in particular for a facelift and for getting rid of wrinkles. It was developed in 1994 in Lithuania by Natalya Borisovna Osminina. It took more than 10 years for all sorts of improvements and research to bring it to perfection, to make it as effective and safe as possible.

Bodyflex - a complex consisting of breathing exercises, isotonic and isometric exercises. The author is Greer Childers, an American housewife who managed to lose weight by 5 sizes in 3 months - from 52nd to 42nd.

2. Exercises to strengthen the oval of the face from the arsenal of revitonics

Today I will tell you what set of exercises you need to perform for a particular problem. Let's get to the exercises.

2.1 Restore blood circulation

The first will help improve blood circulation and get rid of problems with the cervical vertebrae, relieve muscle spasm.

Raise your shoulder up and back to the stop. We put our hand on the waist. We turn our head in the opposite direction and lean back as far as possible, pressing the back of the head to the shoulder. We repeat for the other side.

We continue classes. We fasten our hands behind our backs in the castle and raise our shoulders to the stop. Tilt the head back and pinch the neck crease between the raised shoulders and the back of the head. Let's go.

2.2 Draw the mustache of Salvador

Now a wonderful exercise for your smile. It is called "the mustache of Salvador Dali." We press the index finger of one hand to the corner of the mouth, and with the thumb of the other hand we draw a spiral mustache of a famous artist on the face.

2.3 Relaxing the cheekbones

And the last, final, reception. It will make your cheekbones more expressive. It is enough just to “grope” for the place where they should be, pinch the beginning and end with your fingers and support for thirty seconds. It is important to remember that each reception of revitonics is performed within thirty seconds. It is believed that during this time the muscle comes out of the block and relaxes.

2.4 Vessels

To strengthen the vessels on the face, revitonics trainers advise doing self-massage of the face every morning. For example, lead from the nasolabial folds to the corners of the mouth, while stretching the skin as much as possible. We do the same for the lower lip and for the eyebrow area.

And now gymnastics for the face on the video, because it is better to see once than hear ten times:

3. Exercises to strengthen the oval of the face from the bodyflex arsenal

Bodyflex fitness technique is aimed at saturating tissues with oxygen and reducing the volume of the figure with the help of simple exercises. It is used to slim the face and to eliminate mimic wrinkles, it will also be useful for the skin of the face. Want to try?

The most important thing in bodyflex - correct breathing. Rib cage should not walk shaking, as in ordinary life, but should remain motionless. Only our stomach moves. Let's take care of improving the outflow of lymph, removing puffiness.

3.1 Get rid of puffiness

We put our thumbs on the chin, and with our index fingers we rest against the nasolabial folds. We inhale with the nose, inflating the stomach, and then exhale sharply, at the same time leading the index along the cheekbones, and the large ones along the facial contour. We gradually move our fingers, bringing them together on the cervical lymph nodes.

Complex for keeping fit

3.2 Getting rid of junk

In order to get rid of the jars, it is enough to give yourself ten seconds a day. We make the wrong bite: we push the front jaw forward and “impose” it on the upper one. Count to ten and return the jaw to its place. Voila! In just a week you will be able to see the result of magic.

3.3 Cheek exercise

And here is a wonderful complex for the cheeks, which is carried out by tension of the masticatory and medial muscles. Be sure to wash your hands - we will put our hands in your mouth!

We extend the mouth into the letter "o" and put our fingers over the lower teeth. The jaw should not protrude, and the fingers should not bend. Due to the tension of the cheeks, we squeeze the fingers to the center. You need to strain your cheeks, not your lips. In ordinary life, we use our cheeks very little, so at first it can be difficult to perform the exercise. But over time, you will get used to it, and your cheeks will acquire the desired shape.

Funny. In my opinion, the lady "with regards." Didn't you think so? Or are all geniuses like this?

Unfortunately, sagging skin is not only a problem in terms of aesthetics. Their cause may be clamping of the cervical vertebrae, insufficient blood supply, problems with lymph outflow.

Bad appearance and swelling of the face, as it were, signal that not everything in your body is as smooth as we would like. Do not only Facebook building for your own recovery, but also physical education! And be healthy!

Today we talked about exercises to strengthen the oval of the face. How did you like the article? If yes, then be sure to share it on social networks, subscribe to blog updates and wait for the continuation.

See you again in the next article!

4. Postscript with Inspector Warnicke

For those who want to relax, and at the same time activate cerebral circulation, which is no less important for our health than a beautiful appearance, I suggest trying to solve detective mystery stories with Inspector Varnike. Meet.

Of course, the main female weapon is beauty, which, no matter how sad it may be, disappears over the years. The skin becomes flabby, elasticity is lost, folds, wrinkles appear, the contour of the face loses its shape. However, age is not a sentence, since a beautiful, young appearance is available to every woman if you strive for it. One of the secrets, or even a magic key that opens the door to youth, is revitonics, which has been practiced for several decades. This article is devoted to the description of a specific anti-aging event.

Fitness revitonics - what is it?

It is necessary to start with the fact that sooner or later the skin of the face becomes soft, flabby, wrinkles and other signs of aging appear, and for this reason every woman seeks to stop degenerative processes. Some use skincare cosmetics for these purposes, applying creams and tonics to the skin, while others visit salons in order to achieve maximum results using physiotherapy procedures. The most desperate even go under the knife, using plastic surgery as an anti-aging tool.

However, few people know that there are more effective and safer methods, not just to improve the condition of the skin and facial contours in general, but stimulating internal, metabolic processes that are responsible for rejuvenation. Revitonics also belongs to such techniques of eternal beauty. In general terms, revitonics is a facial massage, which is a set of special exercises aimed at correcting appearance.

It should be noted that these are not just exercises that make it possible to look good - such a statement would be a delusion. This is a completely unique rejuvenating, and most importantly, healing program, built on the principle of activating the internal potential of the body, as a result of which metabolic processes are normalized, the synthesis of restorative components is improved and the nutrition of the integument is improved.

Revitonics exercises are carried out independently at home, although you can resort to the help of specialists. As part of the procedure, special points are massaged according to the principle of energy centers, and the load is distributed in a special way on certain muscle groups. Only if the muscles of the face and neck are in good shape, the skin has a pleasant tightened contour and color.

Revitonics system by Natalia Osminina

It is important to note that such an event as facial fitness revitonics is the "brainchild" of Natalia Osminina, who developed it in the first half of the 90s. At that time, the future innovator was looking for a secret eternal youth, being a specialist in the field of hardware cosmetology. And by the will of fate, Natalia opens her own business and begins a practice that spreads throughout Western Europe, and then comes to Eastern Europe.

Revitonics has taken root with us not so long ago, since the method has been undergoing clinical trials for a long time, in which the benefits of the procedure for the face were studied. It is important to note here that the described procedure is actually harmless, and therefore it is very difficult to meet negative feedback relating to revitonics.

The author argues that the true cause of aging is not skin problems at all, everything is the opposite here, skin problems are a consequence. The root cause is a spasm of muscle tissue, as a result of which kinks, wrinkles and sagging appear on the integument of the face. Thus, if you tone your facial muscles, you can forget about age signs that scare every girl so much.

The basic course that Natalia describes consists of ten classic exercises, each of which has a specific meaning and is aimed at combating specific problems. The main types of massage effects will be described in more detail in the following paragraphs, but it is important to understand which levers Natalya Osminina's system affects.

The first problem that can be solved using revitonics as the main cosmetic and therapeutic tool is fluid stagnation in cells. Due to fluid stagnation, the nutrition of the skin, muscles and other tissues in the body is disturbed, as well as swelling of the face increases, bruises appear under the eyes. The described system is used for fascial traction (damage to the soft surface of the muscles that connect them to each other). And of course, a specific method is most relevant in the fight against muscle spasms.

Types of gymnastics for the face of revitonics

Revitonics has several directions that can be implemented simultaneously, and therefore this method physiotherapeutic effects can be divided into two types:

  • sculptural fitness;
  • vacuum fitness.

Sculptural revitonics is a complex gymnastic exercises, which allow you to concentrate the impact on the muscles of the face and neck. A complex of such processes allows you to use each muscle, first toning it, and then relaxing it, relieving spasm, swelling, swelling and inflammation. These manipulations are designed to stimulate blood flow to the skin and improve cellular respiration of the integument.

The vacuum type of revitonics is instrumental, since its implementation requires special devices that allow creating a vacuum. Using these effects, you can significantly improve the subcutaneous circulation, respectively, stimulate the nutrition of the integument. The peculiarity of these targeted cosmetic processes makes it possible to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which is characterized by a significant effect.

The main tools of the described type of revitonics are vacuum jars different sizes which makes it possible to solve various cosmetic problems. Jars of small size are designed to work out small areas, for example, lips, nose, area around the eyes. Medium therapeutic jars make it possible to restore circular muscle mouth, cheekbones, etc. Accordingly, the largest size of special devices allows you to smooth out wrinkles and stimulate the most big muscles faces.

A set of exercises for the cheekbones, lips, skin around the eyes and forehead

There are a number of special exercises that allow you to achieve the desired result. With the help of revitonics, you can raise your cheekbones, lips, eyebrows and how to do it will be discussed Further. The main exercise is stretching the supra- and sublabial folds. To implement it, you will need to put your index fingers above the lip in the center and pull your fingers to the corners of your mouth with pulling movements, stretching the skin. In the same way, the skin under the lower lip is stretched.

Next, use your thumb and forefinger to pull off the skin of the eyebrow, taking it in the center from above and below. The skin should be tightened slightly, holding it in this position for about 30 seconds. The brow is then stretched in reverse and held in the same way for 30 seconds, allowing for a good lift of the skin above the eyes.

Video lesson of revitonics for the muscles of the neck and chin

The specific video is a demonstration material that is dedicated to Facebook building through exercises. After reviewing the video, you can get a visual aid that allows you to properly perform the exercises, which will make it possible to significantly rejuvenate the skin and tighten the oval of the face.

Video: vacuum cupping facial massage

After reviewing this video, you can get all the necessary information regarding facial rejuvenation with the help of procedures using cosmetic jars. The author describes and demonstrates the process of conducting this event, revealing in detail the essence of the method.

What are the contraindications?

A feature of revitonics, as an effective cosmetic measure, is that these processes cannot cause any harm to the body. On the contrary, the described approach allows solving many clinical problems. However, despite a number of beneficial effects, there are some contraindications that should be considered when resorting to facial fitness:

  • acne and purulent rashes on the face;
  • exacerbation of some dermatological chronic ailments;
  • oncological diseases;
  • ailments associated with injury nervous system and blood circulation;
  • it is not advisable to use revitonics for persons under the age of sixteen.

Doctors' opinion

According to doctors, revitonics is an effective physiotherapeutic method that allows you to solve many cosmetic problems that occur with age in all people. It's the only one effective approach, which is absolutely valid, safe and approved by the health authorities of many countries, which really improves the condition of the skin and face in general. It is for this reason that many cosmetology clinics practice revitonics as a rehabilitation and therapeutic method of exposure.

Photos before and after classes at home

Using revitonics exercises at home, you can achieve significant changes in appearance. After just a few sessions, wrinkles begin to smooth out, the oval of the face tightens, and skin color improves. It should also be noted that a specific method makes it possible to get rid of bruises under the eyes, tighten the drooping of the corners of the lips and eyes, and of course improve the condition of the skin.

Face culture without leaving home - best videos lessons in one article.

No matter how they say that they are greeted by clothes, first of all they look at the face of the guest. And no matter how expensive and beautiful things are, you can’t hide your face in them. And therefore, this is the very part of the body that should look perfect until old age.

And while skin structure can be improved with moisturizers and beauty treatments, facial muscles only hold their shape when they are exercised.

When should you start?

Our lifestyle is fast-paced, every day there are a million small and large things, and European women, most often wanting to save at least a little time for rest, put off “for later” just taking care of themselves.

First study, then work, dates, marriage, children, and now 35, and there is no desire to look in the mirror. Common situation? Even if you are 20, you have mothers, relatives and older girlfriends who have missed their time like this.

School of fitness for the face and neck Revitonika

pay attention to Oriental women especially in Japanese. They teach their girls to take care of themselves from infancy. No matter how busy a Japanese woman is, she always finds time for exercise, meditation and self-care.

It is ideal to start face culture at the age of 17-20 years. But again, it's never too late to start! Start today, regardless of age, and in a month you will definitely see results!

Alena Rossoshinskaya: facial fitness - video

Alena has developed an excellent course for tightening facial muscles in a natural way. To do this, you need to leave a quarter of an hour for yourself every day and devote them to facial exercises. It is best to stay alone in the room so as not to be embarrassed and do the exercises correctly.

Alena Rossoshinskaya

A few tips from Rossoshinskaya:

  • You need to start yesterday. There is no deadline, the sooner you start, the better your face will look tomorrow
  • If age-related changes haven’t touched your face yet, it’s enough to start with a warm-up, and move on to performing full complex exercise is necessary after 26-30 years
  • A beautiful face depends on beautiful posture, smooth neck;
  • Everyone ages in their own way, and if at 20 you already have facial wrinkles, don't wait, start exercising immediately! It is better to solve problems as they come, rather than hindsight
  • For those who are a little late and started exercising after 40 years, you need to remember that the result will definitely be, but it will take longer to wait for it than those who started earlier
  • Don't try to beat age. It can neither be deceived nor defeated. But you can adequately accept and at your age have a good skin condition and a taut oval face. We do not promise the face of a teenager at 50 years old, but we promise a great oval face even at 80! No sagging cheeks, bags under the eyes, etc.
  • Proper exercise starts with acceptance of yourself and the fitness you intend to do. Skeptics always have twice as bad results

Video: Alena Rossoshinskaya: facial fitness

Evgenia Baglyk: facial fitness - video

Evgenia Baglyk, the founder of the online Facebook building school and a fitness trainer, has developed her own methodology for facial fitness training. Evgenia strongly advises that the first workouts must be done with a trainer, since quick results can only be achieved with the full implementation of the exercises.

Video: Evgenia Baglyk: fitness for the face

Natalya Osminina: sculptural fitness for the face revitonics system - video

Natalia Osminina, an honored specialist in the field of hardware and manual physiological rehabilitation of facial muscles, has developed more than 20 unique techniques that improve muscle tone of the face, neck and décolleté.

Natalya Osminina - her face, her merit!

Thousands of Slavic women practice her method, but Natalya herself draws attention to the fact that it is impossible to achieve any result without an integrated approach, which includes: gymnastics or as they also call fitness for the face, massage, cosmetic procedures and daily proper care, as well as applying makeup. If you miss at least one of the aspects, the result will be much worse, and sometimes it will not be noticeable at all.

Video: Natalya Osminina: sculptural fitness for the face revitonics system

Please note that neither Natalia herself nor her followers recommend such procedures without an instructor.

Fitness for the face with Galina Dubinina

Another fitness trainer set out to not only strengthen the muscles of the body, but also the face, because you can’t hide it under folds of clothes or under corrective underwear. The original system from Carol Maggio was taken as the basis, but Galina, having analyzed each exercise in detail, modified them and adapted them for our women.

The complex presented by Galina includes:

  • Exercises that work the muscles of the face and neck. Keeping the face in good shape
  • Acupressure and bioenergetic massage of the face and neck
  • Charging for your favorite eyes
  • A set of exercises for the morning and evening
  • Express face preparation before an important event
  • Complexes for different age groups
  • Working out problem areas for men
  • Separate techniques that improve the condition of the face from the world famous Bodyflex

In conclusion, it is worth adding that Galina is always honest with her clients and speaks frankly from whom she learned about the methods, what exactly she changed in them and why. Which adds respect and trust to Galina.

Video: 24 Facelift (facelifting) from Galina Dubinina: after 40

Facial Fitness with Carol Maggio

Carol Maggio is one of the most popular American cosmetologists, who, unlike most people in the Fashion industry, never advised her clients to go under the scalpel to surgeons, but offered to actively work on themselves.

Carol Maggio - Beautiful face without a scalpel!

Carol Maggio has developed a unique technique, thanks to which the face is rejuvenated, tightened. Also, with the help of special exercises, you can open your eyes, round your face, show your cheekbones and remove the heavy bottom of the face.

Video: Facial Fitness with Carol Maggio

Facial fitness minus 10 years

In order to look amazing 10 years younger, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time and effort. Just 10 minutes a day in the morning as soon as you wake up, or in the evening after cleansing your face and before going to bed. Just 10 minutes and the face will change, the blush will play, the oval of the face will be like that of a twenty-year-old!

Video: Facial Fitness Minus 10 years in 10 minutes a day!

Fitness is good, but in combination with Japanese massage, it will generally work wonders. Massage must be performed by thoroughly cleaning the face and disinfecting the hands. It is best to take a moisturizing or oily massage cream, after the massage, remove the remnants.

Video: Japanese facial massage

Bodyflex for the face

And in conclusion, a well-proven breathing exercises improving the face and not only. If you do all the exercises correctly, the next day it will be hard to chew and even smile. But as soon as krepatura the result will pass will delight you!

Video: Bodyflex for face and neck from Greer Childers

Various types of facial exercises are now a very popular topic. Millions of women around the world are interested in natural rejuvenation and natural ways to maintain health, beauty and youth. Facial fitness from Alena Rossoshinskaya, founder of the International Academy of Face Fitness and author of 6 books on this technique, helps to achieve these goals.

Alena Rossoshinskaya is an international fitness trainer for the face. Alena does not hide her age and biography: as she herself says, at 39 she looks much better than at 28. She achieved this by developing her own facefitness technique, thanks to which the skin becomes smooth and elastic, acquires tone.

Rossoshinskaya has more than 7,000 clients worldwide and 127 students, new face fitness trainers. Alena hosted the program "Fitness for the face" on the TV channel "LIVE!". Training videos are freely available on YouTube.

About the technique of Alena Rossoshinskaya

On her website, Alena writes that she studied with the famous Carol Maggio, the author of face-building gymnastics, whose exercises can also be found on.

The essence of the Rossoshinskaya technique is the study of all the muscles of the facial zone, stretching, relaxation and toning them. At regular workouts the face is transformed due to the improvement of blood circulation, the normalization of lymphatic drainage and the removal of muscle spasms.

Proper exercise guarantees results within a few weeks after the start of classes, good mood when you see yourself in the mirror and self-confidence, in your attractiveness.

Facial fitness exercises from Alena

Fitness for the face with Alena Rossoshinskaya is divided into exercises for such areas of the face as the forehead, eyes, cheeks, neck, and in general the oval of the face.

Exercise to smooth facial wrinkles on the forehead

  • Place your hands on your forehead so that your fingertips touch in the middle;
  • Gently, with light, stroking movements, massage the skin from the center to the edges;
  • Do 3 repetitions.

For beautiful eyes

Exercise 1:

  • Place your hands on your face so that they cover the skin under the eyebrows, under the eyes and upper part cheeks;
  • Apply some pressure to these areas;
  • Leave this hand position for a few seconds, and then relax your hands;
  • Do these movements three times.

Exercise 2:

  • Focus the index fingers of both hands in the corners of the eyes, at the bridge of the nose;
  • Hold for a few seconds;
  • Do the exercise 3 times.

To create beautiful cheeks

  • Put your fingers on your cheeks;
  • Press firmly, press gently;
  • Keep this position of the fingers for 4 seconds;
  • Relax your fingers;
  • Repeat 3 times.

For plump lips

  • Place your hands in such a way that they cover the lips and the area around them, that is, horizontally;
  • Press lightly, linger in this position of the hands for a few seconds;
  • Do 3 sets, with short breaks. One minute is enough.

For a lifted face

  • Massage your face for a minute, moving your fingers over the entire surface with light “tapping” movements;
  • Press your palms firmly against the skin, closing it;
  • Press, hold for 5 seconds;
  • Spread your palms to the side. But they must not come off the skin;
  • Repeat the exercise three times.

Other exercises from Alena Rossoshinskaya on video

Gymnastics from the second chin:

Exercises to get rid of edema:

By her example, Alena Rossoshinskaya proved that a young and attractive appearance is available at any age. Women give large sums to surgeons and massage therapists, although they can do it on their own, at home, to maintain youth.

The main thing is to start and not stop there, devoting 15 minutes a day to face fitness in the morning and evening. Combining exercise with an active lifestyle proper nutrition and drinking at least one and a half liters of water a day, you can naturally maintain your youth and health.