What massage is best for weight loss. Can massage help you lose weight?

Is it possible to achieve a slimming effect with massage? What kind of it will help to adjust the shape and how many extra centimeters will it save? How many procedures are required for a visible result? .. To understand the intricacies of massage for weight loss, we talked with a specialist from the Rehab Life beauty studio (Maly Ivanovsky per., 6, p. 2).


It turns out that there are a huge number of types of massage for body shaping. “Thai oil slim massage, manual myoplasty, massage with bamboo sticks, fitness shaping and even hemo-lymphatic drainage massage,” Sergey lists. When choosing, an individual approach is important, the master should focus on specific areas of the body. In addition, a competent specialist will take into account the characteristics of your body (skin quality and body size), daily routine (do you get enough sleep, how much and how often do you eat, what diet do you follow).

“The impact techniques, although they differ, but they have a common goal - to break-knead body fat, thereby removing them from the body and tone the muscles and skin. Thanks to these actions, a slimming effect is achieved, - Sergey explains. – I like to combine Creole massage with bamboo sticks with a fitness shaping program. Plus, I use various devices - jars, mittens, etc. With each new client, a new individual methodology is compiled.”


As a rule, to achieve the effect, you need to complete a course of 15 or 25 procedures. The master calculates the number of sessions individually for each client. “During the first procedures, it is important to notice the trend towards changes and strengthen it,” says Sergey. - And at the end of the course, it is necessary to consolidate the effect obtained (this scheme works not only for slim programs, but also for therapeutic massage). It happens that the result does not appear immediately. For example, you did 10-15 procedures, but did not notice significant changes in the body. You should not despair: subject to the fulfillment of all the recommendations of the massage therapist, the result will appear 10-15 days after the end of the course. The more intense it is, the sharper the effect will “shoot”.


“The larger the client, the more pronounced the effect of the course. The easiest way is to get those extra centimeters off the waist. Then from the feet. Then from the hips to the buttocks. There are no universal calculations, everything is individual - everyone will lose a certain amount of centimeters. But in some cases, in one procedure, you can get rid of 2-3 extra centimeters.

Master's Choice

There are several factors that will help determine if you have a good master. First, feel free to ask if he has a special medical education and how long he has been practicing. In addition, during the procedure, you should not feel discomfort: an experienced massage therapist will do everything to make the client feel comfortable - he will keep up the conversation or, on the contrary, will be laconic, take care of a comfortable location on the couch, subdued light and unobtrusive music. And, most importantly, bruising on the body is not allowed after the massage (this is one of the main signs of the masseur's unprofessionalism).

The interior of the massage room of the Rehab Life beauty studio

After the procedure, there may be a slight deterioration in the condition (dizziness, rise or fall in pressure, exacerbation of pain). But if the procedure was carried out correctly, then the symptoms will soon pass. “Do not regard massage as torture for the body,” Sergey explains. “Yes, some of its types, especially anti-cellulite, can be painful, but in general, there should be more positive sensations from the procedure.”

Special creams

Don't forget to use home care products as well. After showering, apply moisturizing milk or firming body cream. And to fix the slimming effect, use special corrective tools.


Diet will help enhance the effect of massage. “It's simple - limit your carbohydrate intake. At the same time, exclude empty carbohydrates completely (sweet, flour, white bread, potatoes, alcohol). Add high-fiber foods to your diet (grain bread, whole grain pasta, whole grains, beans, etc.). I recommend not to mix carbohydrates and fatty foods and not to eat up at night. And replace black tea and coffee with herbal preparations. To drink a day, the following formula will help: multiply the body weight by two and divide by one hundred.


Sergey states: “Massage and training complement each other - the first one is often done after class to remove toxins and lactic acid residues from the body. A slim massage should be alternated with sports loads, because, in fact, this type of massage is a kind of load for the body. In addition, to maintain the slimming effect in the morning, do not forget to do gymnastics - stretch, do several yoga asanas and do breathing practice. It is important that the body is active during the day. In the evening, also do some exercises, but already relaxing. For example, place a lumbar tension roll under your belly and lie down in this position for 15 minutes before going to bed.”

One of the most sensitive systems of the human body is the lymphatic system. Lymph is a clear fluid that permeates all cells in the body. It is she who neutralizes and helps to bring out all the toxins, toxins and decay products, with which we replenish our body daily, willy-nilly. Over the years, the body “gets tired”, and an unbalanced diet, poor ecology, bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to a slowdown in the movement of lymphatic fluid and impaired lymph flow ─ some of the “waste” still settles in the lymphatic ducts.

Following this, problems begin to multiply exponentially: a simple reluctance to get up in the morning and the usual melancholy are replaced by insomnia, fatigue and a very real deterioration in well-being. Of course, right here excess weight, as well as puffiness, which further contributes to an increase in parameters, flabbiness of the skin, which quickly turns into cellulite, an unhealthy complexion. Doctors advise to deal with lymph stagnation with the help of lymphatic drainage massage, which will tone both the body and spirit.

Why is it needed

In conjunction with indications for massage "for weight loss" together with overweight there are usually swelling and varying degrees of cellulite. Such a massage, among other things, helps to eliminate toxins from the body, that is, it solves existing problems and prevents possible ones, therefore it is considered a powerful classic means of healing the body.

What it is

Lymphatic drainage massage is performed along the lymphatic vessels with smooth hand movements in the direction from bottom to top. What's happening? The pressure gives the lymph acceleration, thanks to which it still overcomes obstacles that it cannot do in calm state, and runs further, freeing cells from toxic rests and saturating them with useful substances. Simply put, lymphatic drainage is a powerful lever that helps restart the metabolism (we remember that it is one of the most important guarantors of well-being and attitude). The massage technique ─ manual or hardware ─ gives a relaxing effect of such strength that you can fall asleep right on the massage table ─ the calming effect is great for nervous system. At the same time, the nature of the massage is quite gentle, and this is explained by the fact that its task is to gently act on the vessels that require a delicate attitude.

After the course, a decrease in headaches (if they were), restoration of immunity, getting a charge of vivacity and strength, and, of course, the final effect of losing weight, for which everything is started in the first place, are likely. The course of lymphatic drainage massage should be repeated every 2-3 months in order to feel great and bloom. appearance became constant companions. Massage is incredibly useful, but still there are cases when it is not recommended to do it ─ these are pregnancy, active infections and tumor processes in the body, damage to the skin.

Where to do it

Doing a do-it-yourself massage for weight loss is quite realistic ─ for example, honey or coffee lymphatic drainage. In the first case, on a clean body you need a thin layer on problem areas apply honey. Start gradually rubbing and massaging the skin towards the heart, rubbing, kneading with medium intensity until all the honey from the body is on your hands. Give each part of the body at least 15-20 minutes. After the massage, wash off the honey with warm water and apply an anti-cellulite cream. Such lymphatic drainage is recommended to be done every other day for two weeks. And, of course, it must be combined with physical activity and proper nutrition. It will take effort from you, but be patient, and the result will definitely be. For coffee lymphatic drainage, collect the grounds from brewed coffee (you can add a few drops of olive oil), apply to problem areas and massage as described above. Such a massage well tightens the skin, improves its tone, helps to remove excess water and toxins into the lymph. Do not forget to apply body cream after the massage!

LPG massage procedure

Home lymphatic drainage will support the work of blood vessels, increase the functioning of the lymphatic system, strengthen skin tone and will be a good help in the fight against extra pounds.

For lymphatic drainage massage, you can go to the salon. Hardware massage (LPG-massage) usually begins with the application of cosmeceuticals to the affected area. At the same time, the nozzle of the device glides over the skin more easily, the muscles relax, the veins and capillaries receive additional protection, the outflow of fluid improves ─ all this contributes to getting rid of cellulite, “melting” local fat deposits, reducing swelling and overall body volume, increasing skin tone.

Pressotherapy device

The massage procedure lasts from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the selected area. The first results will be noticeable immediately, but within a couple of weeks, day after day, the picture in the mirror will gradually change for the better. Pressotherapy is another type of hardware acceleration of the lymph. Its essence lies in the fact that a special suit is put on the patient, after which, with the help of automation, the necessary pressure is provided on problem areas, which pushes the lymph in the right direction, “accelerating” it.

traumatologist-orthopedist, chiropractor, podiatrist

There are many ways to deal with excess weight, but I would like to talk with you, perhaps, about one of the most "lazy" - about massage.

I’ll warn you right away, you won’t be able to lose weight with massage alone! Losing weight is a complex set of measures that includes sports, and appropriate diets, and correct mode sleep (and this problem is much deeper than the level of “I don’t eat and run”), and the elimination of possible endocrine and hormonal disorders. But still, massage is a good help to achieve your goal.

Massage involves a mechanical effect on the surface tissues of our body - the skin, subcutaneous fat, ligaments, muscles. There is an opinion that adipocytes (subcutaneous fat cells) can be destroyed by mechanical action - this is not so!

The option "60 minutes on the massage table - and I will lose weight" will not work. Mechanical impact practically does not contribute to the acceleration of lipolysis processes. Otherwise, overweight people simply would not exist.

The basis of weight loss is a persistent energy deficit, which is achieved through a well-designed nutrition program and sports. However, in this matter, everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems. I'm talking about reducing the numbers on the scales precisely due to the process of decay of adipose tissue (and not the removal of excess water from the body and the breakdown muscle tissue). The main catalysts for lipolysis processes are stress hormones: adrenaline, norepinephrine, glucagon, adrenocorticotropic hormone. Under influence physical activity or with an energy deficit, they begin to be actively synthesized and activate lipase, a special enzyme that provides the fat burning process.

From this we can conclude that if you stimulate blood flow in a certain part of the body, say, in the abdomen, then the fatty tissues there will be utilized faster. In theory, all this looks extremely tempting, but there are no studies confirming this theory.

But massage still remains one of the methods of influencing the elasticity of the skin and its beauty, although this is not associated with the processes of utilization of fatty tissues. First of all, these effects are achieved through:

  • improvement of lymph drainage (adipose tissue is rich in lymphatic capillaries, and with regular lymphatic drainage procedures, the volume of its cells decreases);
  • normalization of blood circulation (body massage gives muscles tone, opens blood capillaries and improves blood flow, thereby positively affecting metabolism);
  • restoration of digestion (impact on the abdomen improves bowel function, stimulating absorption and digestion processes).

It is generally accepted that cellulite is common subcutaneous fat, but it is not so. In addition to fat cells, the cause of weight gain and volume is also water. It should be emphasized that all movements of water in the body are closely related to electrolyte metabolism, which can be disturbed due to malnutrition and age-related changes. Although massage cannot help the body utilize fatty tissues or affect its electrolyte balance, it mechanically expels water in a short time.

Normalization of blood flow, in turn, indirectly affects both the water and electrolyte balance and metabolic processes, ensuring sufficient and timely supply of nutrients to the subcutaneous fat and the skin itself, providing a lifting (tightening) effect, thereby improving the external condition of the skin.

To recap: massage is good auxiliary means for weight loss. But just auxiliary. The lazy option “I want to lie down and press, lie down and press” will not work, you will have to sweat in gym and curb your appetite.

The content of the article:

The standard of beauty changes depending on public opinion and this happens quite often. Then girls with a thin physique are considered the most attractive, and ten years later, women in the body are already held in high esteem. However, in any case overweight does not fit into any canon of beauty. In addition, a large number of subcutaneous adipose tissues adversely affect human health. To combat fat today, various means are used. And we will talk about whether massage works for weight loss.

Does massage for slimming legs and abdomen work?

For most women, it is the legs and abdomen that are the most problematic areas, and it is quite understandable that they want to know if massage works for weight loss. Although there are many methods of dealing with fat, an integrated approach always brings the best results. It should be noted that in last years Massage has become an extremely popular procedure.

There is nothing surprising in this, because beneficial features massage have been known since ancient times. Along with the ancient methods, new types of services have appeared, for example, anti-cellulite massage. If you have already studied this topic, then you have probably heard opinions that massages for weight loss are not so effective tool, as is commonly believed. However, in practice, everything is not so obvious and this topic will be considered by us today.

Massage involves a mechanical effect on the upper tissues of our body - skin, ligaments, muscles, etc. Simply put, all actions when your muscles and skin are stroked, pinched, rubbed, stroked can be called massage. Everyone knows that adipose tissues are located under the skin, and therefore numerous advertisements can be misleading, because it claims that adipose tissues can be destroyed due to mechanical action.

However, mechanical action practically does not contribute to the acceleration of lipolysis processes. Otherwise, fat people simply would not exist. To lose weight, first of all, you need to achieve an energy deficit, which is achieved through a well-designed nutrition program and sports. If you spend more energy throughout the day than you receive, then fat burning processes are activated in the body.

However, in this matter, everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems. It should be said right away that now we are talking about losing weight only due to the utilization of adipose tissues, because body weight can also decrease with the destruction of muscle tissues. The main catalysts for lipolysis are stress hormones, such as cortisol or norepinephrine. Under the influence of physical exertion or with a lack of energy, they begin to be actively synthesized and, once in the bloodstream, travel throughout the body. Once in the adipose tissues, these substances activate the process of fat burning.

From this we can conclude that if you stimulate blood flow in a certain part of the body, say, in the abdomen, then the fatty tissues there will be utilized faster. Surely you already understood that the conversation is now about targeted fat burning. In theory, all this looks extremely tempting, but there are no studies confirming this theory.

Benefits of massage for weight loss

Thanks to massage, you can get certain positive effects, although they are completely unrelated to the processes of utilization of fatty tissues. Speaking about the benefits of massage, it is necessary to note its ability to relieve swelling, eliminate muscle fatigue, and also accelerate blood flow.

Of course, massage has a much larger number of positive effects, but it is the above that are the most valuable. With muscle fatigue, everything is quite clear and after the massage they relax, and this leads to stress relief. But due to increased blood flow, massage can be an excellent tool for treating injuries and even colds.

As you know, the blood carries all the nutrients throughout the body, and if you massage the damaged areas of the body, then the quality of their nutrition increases dramatically. If you are injured, you may be advised to use a contrast shower. First, the damaged part of the body must be heated for a maximum of a minute, and then cooled for a similar time period. It also helps to speed up blood flow, and the injury will heal much faster.

Today, you can often hear that massage after training helps to dispose of lactic acid faster. This substance is a metabolite of energy processes and is synthesized during training. It is because of lactic acid that after a quality workout, athletes experience a burning sensation in the muscles.

However, the statement, which we spoke about a little higher, has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. As soon as you complete the set, the concentration of lactic acid drops sharply and after a maximum of an hour its concentration is minimal.

Edema of the extremities, and especially the legs, is a serious problem for many older women. This is primarily related to age-related changes water-salt balance. If you do not eat right, then these processes are more active and this problem will arise in front of you faster. As a result, cellulite appears on the skin.

For most people, cellulite is simply subcutaneous fat, but this is not always true. Fat, of course, is also “guilty” of this, but there is also a second component of cellulite - water (edema). As we have already said, massage cannot help the body to utilize fatty tissues, but it expels water in a short time.

The most effective types of massage for weight loss

We just found out if massage for weight loss works, and now we should talk about those types of it that can give best results. I would like to warn you right away that you should not trust advertising and there is simply no such thing as “the best massage for weight loss”. There are various types of it that can give excellent results in a particular situation. Thus, you need to choose the type of massage that suits your goals. First, you should decide which part of the body needs to be changed first, for example, to remove cellulite or adjust the size of the waist.

There are several most problematic areas on the female body: sides, inner part legs, thigh, abdomen and upper arms. When choosing the type of massage, you should also take into account the elasticity of your skin. If the turgor is low, then more efforts will have to be made to obtain the desired result. We have already talked about cellulite, but we will repeat once again that with the help of massage you will accelerate the outflow of water from the problem area, which will lead to the elimination of the whole problem.

How to perform a massage on your own?

Massage can be performed independently, but certain rules must be followed. First of all, it concerns the intensity of manipulations. Many people believe that the more intense the massage, the faster you can get rid of fat. However, in doing so, you can only harm yourself.

Massage should be done carefully and avoid strong pressure. In addition, to get good results the procedure should be carried out regularly. We recommend doing massage daily for one month. In most cases, this is enough to get excellent results. After completing the course, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks and after that the cycle can be repeated.

  1. Honey massage. Before starting the procedure, a layer of honey must be evenly applied to the skin. After that, lower your hand to the surface of the body treated with honey and tear it off sharply. Gradually increase the range of motion and as a result you should perform spanking. The duration of the procedure is about a quarter of an hour and is performed until the honey is absorbed into the skin and loses its ability to stick together. This is one of the most effective procedures among those used to combat cellulite.
  2. Vacuum (can) massage. This procedure will help you get rid of cellulite, but you need to approach its implementation with the utmost attention. Among all the massage techniques that are used to combat fat, it is vacuum that is the most traumatic. We recommend not using cupping massage people who have problems with the functioning of blood vessels, as well as with high sensitivity of the skin. This is a very aggressive procedure and after its completion, bruises often remain on the skin. To carry out a vacuum massage, you must take a plastic or silicone jar and lower it onto the skin. In this case, a small effort should be made so that the jar sticks to the skin. After that, move it over the treated area of ​​​​the body, without tearing it off the skin. You can perform various movements - circular, transverse, as well as longitudinal.
  3. Water massage. This procedure is carried out in many beauty salons and sanatoriums. Unlike most types of massage, here the effect on the body is carried out not with hands, but with water. A pressurized water jet is directed to the area of ​​the body and stimulates blood flow.
  4. Manual massage. This is the most affordable type of massage at home. Do not forget to apply a moisturizer to the skin before starting the procedure. With the inner edge of the palm, press on the treated area and make longitudinal movements.
For more on massage, see below:

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


A massage performed by a master of his craft tones the muscles, helps to correct posture and cope with the consequences of some chronic diseases. Judging by the reviews of losing weight, with the right effect on the skin, you can easily get rid of fat. I wonder if massage helps to lose weight if you learn how to perform it using a video on your own with your hands or with a massager at home? People who cannot part with the subcutaneous fat layer for a long time are ready to believe in any method of losing weight.

What is massage

Since ancient times, rubbing the body has been used by many peoples to treat ailments. The essence of therapy is vibration, pressure, stroking and other mechanical techniques, carried out both by human hands and special devices to achieve the desired effect. In other words, massage is a whole complex of therapeutic and prophylactic effects on a person. The name of the word comes from several languages, which means "compress", "crush", "crumple".

Is it possible to lose weight with massage

Any person's dream overweight- Lose weight without putting in the effort. Weight loss with the help of massage is especially desirable, because, in addition to getting rid of extra kilos, a person gets a pleasant relaxation. Nutritionists consider such desires a myth, arguing that in order to lose weight, you need to change the food culture. However, it is possible to lose weight with the help of massage, because it is not in vain that in almost all programs to eliminate body fat, this procedure is a separate item. Properly selected and performed massage technique accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation.

Massage for weight loss

Beauty salons and private massage therapists offer several types of skin treatments for body shaping. Choosing a way to remove body fat, it is difficult for a person not to get confused, because it is not known which technique will be more effective for him. Massages for weight loss are carried out in different ways, but first you should find out what their benefits are:

  1. In the absence of sufficient activity and with sedentary work due to muscle tension, there is a lack of oxygen. Massage movements will lift muscle tone, improve metabolic processes.
  2. During the procedure, the lymph flow and blood flow of the subcutaneous layers improves. Actively incoming oxygen supplies the cells with the necessary nutrients, which speeds up metabolism. This process is ideal for fast weight loss.
  3. The warming effect of massage movements helps cells get rid of harmful substances faster, reduces stagnant processes, as a result of which the body removes toxins faster.

Lymphatic drainage

A large load falls on the human lymphatic system, because it is responsible for the removal of decay products. Lymphatic drainage massage not only gives beauty to the body, but also strengthens health, energizes. With a sedentary lifestyle, lymph stagnation occurs, which contributes to puffiness, cellulite, obesity, and reduced immunity. Lymphatic drainage massage for weight loss helps to reduce body fat, remove excess fluid, increase skin elasticity. The procedure takes place in courses 2-4 times a year, if a person has no contraindications:

  • chronic skin diseases;
  • infectious diseases.


One of the most effective methods of dealing with subcutaneous fat. Cupping massage consists in exposure to vacuum on problem parts of the body. As a result of different pressure inside the apparatus or jar and outside of them, the tissues receive blood flow, due to which the skin is saturated with useful substances. In parallel, the cells also absorb oxygen better, and this process quickly transforms body fat into energy. Under the influence of vacuum, the subcutaneous layer is cleansed of accumulated toxins.


Excellent fat-burning effect gives a massage with honey for weight loss. The best part is that you can do the procedure yourself. The effectiveness of self-massage is no less than from contacting a professional in this case. Procedure technique:

  • at home, you need to massage the skin for at least half an hour;
  • the first 10 minutes you need to warm up the skin (stroke, pat);
  • then rub the mixture (you can add a few drops of citrus essential oil to the heated honey) with harder movements;
  • when the honey mass thickens and rolls, then you need to press your palms to the skin and tear it off sharply for 15 minutes;
  • a whitish mass forms under the palms - this is fat, dirt, toxins;
  • at the end, the mass must be washed off in the shower, the body should be rubbed dry with a towel, then an anti-cellulite cream should be used;
  • For better efficiency it is desirable to carry out the procedure for 15 days.


To make a slim waist and beautiful hips will help acupressure for weight loss. He practices the technique of influencing the human body through active points Chinese medicine for over 5 thousand years. By releasing energy processes, point practice promotes active fat burning, tightens sagging skin, and rejuvenates the whole body. The classical Tuifu technique is an ancient Taoist technique that helps a woman gain a firm, flat, beautiful tummy in a very short time.


Hydrotherapy relaxes muscles, gives a feeling of lightness, helps with many diseases, including sexual disorders. Underwater massage for weight loss has a much softer effect on the skin than the manual technique. The essence of hydromassage is simple: all parts of the body are worked out with jets of water. For each defined zone, the temperature, direction and strength of the flow are adjusted. The technique of the procedure involves different equipment: pools, jacuzzis, shower panels or cabins. The sequence of each step is important:

  • general relaxation in the bath with sea ​​water and essential oils;
  • gradually increasing intense impact of an underwater jet of water on problem areas;
  • a more rigid surface method, which is carried out in fragments from a distance of 20 centimeters.