Hypodermic neck muscle functions. How to remove the second chin? All the subtleties and secrets

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck: the secret of a young and healthy neck Today I will talk about one amazing muscle in our body - the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platism). It differs in many ways from the usual muscles of the body, is subject to age-related changes and damage.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is interesting to us because it determines appearance neck and part of the chin. And the neck, as you know, is an important manifestation of age. In today's article, I will talk about platism and what to do to strengthen this muscle and keep it proud and beautiful neck up to old age. Anatomy subcutaneous muscle neck. The subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma) is thin, flat, lies directly under the skin. It begins in the thoracic region below the clavicle on the superficial plate of the thoracic fascia, passes upward and medially, occupying almost the entire anterolateral region of the neck. Remains uncovered by the muscle small plot, having the form of a triangle above the jugular notch of the sternum. The bundles of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck, having risen above the base of the lower jaw to the region of the face, are woven into the masticatory fascia. Part of the bundles of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck joins the muscle that lowers the lower lip and the muscle of laughter, weaving into the corner of the mouth. At the edge of the lower jaw, the medial bundles of the muscle are intertwined with the bundles of the muscle of the same name on the opposite side and are attached to the edge of the lower jaw; laterally, the muscle bundles pass to the face, where the fascia of the parotid gland and the chewing gland are woven, reaching the corner of the mouth.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma) is not connected to the bone structure and tends to lose elasticity. It also contains very thin adipose tissue and has fewer sebaceous glands than the face. The lack of sebaceous glands makes this area very prone to dryness and wrinkles. Individual characteristics. In some people, this muscle is so thin that it breaks up into separate thin bundles. In about a quarter of women, most of the platysma bundles are initially absent, so the skin of the neck rests mainly on its own elasticity. And a variety of exercises for training muscles do not help, because you can not pump up something that is not there. Functions of platism. The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is thin and the widest of all facial muscles. This muscle covers the neck from the front and sides, holds and lifts the skin of the neck, largely determining the appearance of the neck from the front. Does not participate in normal neck and head movements; strains only with great physical effort and emotional experiences, with terrible anger, insane horror, very strong pain. By pulling the skin of the neck, the muscle protects the saphenous veins from being squeezed; in addition, she can pull down the corner of her mouth, which is important for facial expressions.

The saphenous muscle pulls back the skin of the neck, protects the saphenous veins from being squeezed and thus facilitates the subcutaneous circulation in the neck. Weaving into the corner of the mouth, the muscle pulls it down together with the triangular “muscle of discontent”, and, therefore, takes part (unfortunately, not very useful) in facial expressions. The platysma is not involved in the normal movements of the neck and head. She tenses up only with great physical effort and emotional experiences, with terrible anger, insane horror and very strong pain. At these moments, the muscle pulls the skin of the lower face and the corner of the mouth to the side and down. On the neck, during contraction, it is noticeable in the form of longitudinal rollers running along the fibers (from bottom to top and from outside to inside) and forms horizontal folds and wrinkles on the skin. Age-related changes in platysma and neck skin. The neck is a cosmetically less vulnerable part of the body. Thin skin and an unexpressed subcutaneous fat layer are a condition for its rapid dehydration. The absence of an abundant network of small vessels and slow blood microcirculation, low activity of the muscles of the anterior surface of the neck contribute to the loss of their tone and tissue atrophy, early skin ptosis, the formation of longitudinal and transverse wrinkles, strands and annular folds that deepen and increase. The ligaments between the skin and the platysma muscle are very tight, so there is no noticeable sliding between these tissues. Indeed, the platysma muscle has the same embryological origin as the skin. They undergo the aging process at the same time, which is why their close interaction is maintained. Gradually, deep transverse folds and wrinkles appear on the front surface of the neck, the skin along the lower edge of the face and chin quickly loses its tone, stretches and begins to sag.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck - platysma - is responsible for the appearance of this area. With age, it loses elasticity, the edges of the muscle along the midline can diverge and then longitudinal strands (“turkey neck”) form on the neck, and the cervico-chin angle also increases. Subcutaneous cervical muscle young man represents a muscular lobe and forms an almost right angle with the horizontal part, it is located at the level of the rhizorius and almost fills the space below the clavicle. With aging, the anterior margins of all platysma muscles move forward towards the margin of the subcutaneous cervical muscle, and their connection in the midline has already been studied by Connell and Gaol. It must be remembered that in young people they are located in front, and their condition depends on the severity of the platysma ligaments, which may be more or less visible, depending on the formation of the angle between the neck and chin. As the skin ages, the destruction of elastin and collagen occurs, it loses its elasticity, which leads to the manifestation of "gravitational ptosis" - soft tissues sag under the influence of gravity. Age-related degenerative changes in muscle tissue primarily manifested by weakness of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck ( muscle fibers which are located in a thin layer under the skin of the entire front surface of the neck). But changes in it are more often manifested not by the formation of a second chin, but by sagging skin of the “turkey neck” type.

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Fatty deformity of the area of ​​platysma. In the skin of the neck, blood circulates more slowly than in the face. The subcutaneous fat layer is very thin. Even a small excess of adipose tissue is unevenly distributed here. The chin-cervical region belongs to the "fat traps". The features of its structure are such that fat accumulates in it in the first place, and when losing weight, it is consumed last. Certainly, overweight and obesity are important factors leading to the appearance of a double chin, but it can also form in the absence of problems with being overweight. With age, there is an accumulation of adipose tissue in the lower parts of the cheeks and chin area. The median (medial) edges of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma) reflexively compensate for age-related changes and, in most cases, thicken, while its lateral sections remain relaxed. As a result, the medial edges of the muscles become pronounced, along which strands appear along the fibers on the neck. What needs to be done to remove fat from the neck

Rings of Venus and Cleopatra's neck. The bifurcated edges of the neck muscles are especially well visible in thin people with tension in the neck muscles and a moderate turn of the head to the side. The gallant French dubbed the transverse groove on the female necks the ring of Venus. (do not confuse with the necklaces of Venus - spots, a sign of syphilis). A variant of a hereditary ringed neck is possible, it is also called the “neck of Cleopatra”, and the skin-fat folds have received the no less romantic name “Venus rings” among the people. In this case, they do not disappear with age, but remain for life, although they are modified in comparison with the infant Shar-Pei stocking. Such folds look more like small rings. Judging by the mummies, women from the Ptolemaic dynasty were about 1.5 m tall and by no means thin.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is the most superficial muscle of the neck of the anterior group, attached to the edge of the lower jaw and subcutaneous fascia of the lower face. This muscle originates not from the bone, but from the fascia of the upper chest and front shoulder girdle. The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is mimic, that is, it is responsible for various facial expressions. All facial muscles are innervated facial nerve, in particular, the subcutaneous muscle of the neck is innervated by the cervical branch.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is flat and long, located directly under the skin of the neck, growing together with it. Hypodermic muscles are present in most animals, which, thanks to them, can move certain areas of the skin to get rid of insects or raise their hair on end to show threat or fear. In humans, the subcutaneous muscles are vestigial because upper limbs human beings have a wide range of mobility - we can reach almost any part of our body.

We do not need the subcutaneous muscle of the neck in order to brush off flies, but in order to demonstrate certain emotions through facial expressions. These muscles pull downward and laterally the corners of the mouth, also creating wrinkles on the skin of the neck and chest. When this movement is combined with the movements of the forehead, eyes and nose, a facial expression is obtained that reflects emotions such as anger or tension. That is why prolonged focus on stressful situations can lead to overstrain and pain in the subcutaneous muscle of the neck.

Muscle tension can be exacerbated by poor mobility of tissues adjacent to the large pectoral muscle and front beam deltoid muscles. This leads to the development of various postural disorders, such as forward head thrust or kyphosis.

Improving posture and normalizing the position of the head, neck and shoulder girdle, together with improving blood circulation and mobility of the tissues of the chest and front of the shoulders, helps relieve pain and tension in the subcutaneous muscle of the neck.

Most often, people who often and intensively use facial expressions in the course of their activities suffer from overstrain of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck and other facial muscles - theater and film actors, sign language interpreters and teachers.

Techniques that include surface friction (stroking) and myofascial release are especially useful when working with this muscle.

In addition, attention should be paid to this muscle when working with various problems with the neck, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, and also if the client complains of headaches.


Position: client lying on his back

1. Sitting at the client's head, palpate the superficial tissues of the front of the neck with your fingertips.

2. Ask the client to frown strongly, lowering the corners of the mouth.

3. Palpate the area between lower jaw and chest, determining the location of the tense superficial neck muscle.

4. Have the client lift their head off the table to make sure you have correctly located the superficial neck muscle.

Chin lift

1. Stand up or sit up straight

2. Keeping your neck straight, lift your chin while looking up.

3. Close your lips and relax, feeling the muscles in the front of your neck stretch.

4. Stretch the muscles even more, clasping the upper lip with the lower lip.

5. Return your head to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is located directly under the skin between chest and chin. It is not involved in the normal movements of the neck and head, but facilitates blood circulation under the neck, pulling the skin in this area.

Due to anatomical features (lack of connection with the bone structure, thin adipose tissue and a small amount of sebaceous glands), this muscle is prone to loss of elasticity and dryness, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. As a result, platysma plays a huge role in the appearance of signs of aging on the neck.

Age-related changes in the subcutaneous muscle and skin of the neck

Due to the thinness of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, the absence of an extensive vascular network and the low activity of the anterior neck muscles the following age-related changes appear:

  • dry skin;
  • loss of tissue tone;
  • tissue atrophy;
  • wrinkles and strands;
  • ring folds.

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is also “guilty” of the appearance of deep transverse folds, wrinkling of the neck, loss of tone and sagging of the skin of the chin, the formation of longitudinal strands and an increase in the neck-chin angle, which is 90 degrees in young people.

In addition, the chin-cervical region is classified as a fat trap, because due to its characteristics, when gaining weight, fat accumulates very quickly in it, but it is reluctant to leave when losing weight. Double chin, however, does not necessarily appear due to the presence of excess weight.

A number of age-related changes in the neck are associated with platysma.

When fatty tissue accumulates in the chin area, the subcutaneous muscle of the neck partially thickens in the middle to compensate for such changes. This leads to the appearance of the so-called strands.

Below site will consider:

  • how to avoid age-related changes caused by the subcutaneous muscle of the neck;
  • exercises for platysma.

How to deal with age-related changes caused by the subcutaneous muscle of the neck?

To correct the condition of the neck without resorting to invasive techniques, it is necessary to pay attention to three main aspects:

  • facial expressions;
  • hormones.

As for the first point, the habit of slouching (and later on, a violation of posture) is one of the main enemies of a young neck, because as a result, blood circulation in the neck worsens, and fat in the chin area accumulates faster. Platyma is already rapidly atrophying, why speed up this process by constantly stooping?

Pay attention to your facial expressions: if you very often express negativity and disgust on your face, i.e. lower the corners of the mouth, this negatively affects the condition of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Try to relax the muscle that lowers the corners of your mouth. And the effect of correction of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck is achieved by relaxing the depressor muscles and activating the levator muscles of the middle third of the face.

Massaging the platysma is not worth it, as this will stretch the skin and only hasten or aggravate the signs of neck aging.

Another important point in keeping the platysma in good condition is to avoid overexerting it during training. Look at yourself in the mirror and if you notice that the muscles in your neck are overly tense, take a break and relax. Try to avoid overexertion whenever possible.

Hormonal imbalance also negatively affects the condition of the neck, namely:

Exercises to help tone the subcutaneous muscle of the neck

Fulfilling correct exercises, You can increase the tone of platysma. Here are some of them:

  1. Tighten the subcutaneous muscle of the neck as much as possible while inhaling, hold the tension for 6 seconds, and completely relax the muscle while exhaling. To reduce platysma, it is necessary to forcefully lower the chin and lower lip (simultaneously). The face will not look very attractive, so try to focus your attention on the muscle you are working with: it goes from the chest to the chin, the corners of the mouth and the lower lip. It is important that no new folds appear on the cheeks, around the mouth and under the lower lip during platysma tension. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  2. Playing wind instruments is a great workout for the saphenous neck muscle, which helps prevent neck flabbiness.
  3. Simple exercises that support platysma tone are:
  • tilting the head forward;
  • tilting the head back;
  • tilting the head to the side;
  • head rotation.

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Pay attention to your facial expressions: if you very often express negativity and disgust on your face, i.e. lower the corners of the mouth, this negatively affects the condition of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Try to relax the muscle that lowers the corners of your mouth. And the effect of correction of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck is achieved by relaxing the depressor muscles and activating the levator muscles of the middle third of the face.

Massaging the platysma is not worth it, as this will stretch the skin and only hasten or aggravate the signs of neck aging.

Another important point in keeping the platysma in good condition is to avoid overexerting it during exercise. Look at yourself in the mirror and if you notice that your neck muscles are overly tense, take a break and relax. Try to avoid overexertion whenever possible.

Hormonal imbalance also negatively affects the condition of the neck, namely:

  • in case of hypothyroidism;
  • with menopause;
  • in case of goiter.

Exercises to help tone the subcutaneous muscle of the neck

By doing the right exercises, you can increase the tone of the platysma. Here are some of them:

  1. Tighten the subcutaneous muscle of the neck as much as possible while inhaling, hold the tension for 6 seconds, and completely relax the muscle while exhaling. To reduce platysma, it is necessary to forcefully lower the chin and lower lip (simultaneously). The face will not look very attractive, so try to focus your attention on the muscle you are working with: it goes from the chest to the chin, the corners of the mouth and the lower lip. It is important that no new folds appear on the cheeks, around the mouth and under the lower lip during platysma tension. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  2. Playing wind instruments is a great exercise for the saphenous neck muscle, which helps prevent neck flabbiness.
  1. Simple exercises that support platysma tone are:
  • tilting the head forward;
  • tilting the head back;
  • tilting the head to the side;
  • head rotation.

Read also: 8 simple exercises for neck lift

  1. Tilt your head forward, fix the skin of your chest with your palms at the level of II-III ribs. While inhaling, slowly raise your head and move it back.
  2. The lion pose is performed as follows: sit on your knees and put your palms on them, spread your fingers; stretch your neck and press your chin to your chest; eyes look askance; inhale and as you exhale, stretch your tongue forward and down as much as possible, tensing your neck and stretching it up.

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