The frequency of training a muscle group. The science of training frequency: training more often is more effective than splitting

Properly calculating the optimal frequency of training is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to do this depending on whether you are engaged in increasing muscle mass or for weight loss. After all, glycogen is restored in just a few hours after a workout, and muscle structures need several days.

Theoretical information

For a person who trains for the sake of building muscle, it is advisable to carry out each subsequent workout during the supercompensation phase. The moment of its onset depends on the condition of the muscles and the intensity of the training. The stronger and more muscle the longer it takes them to recover. Therefore, the optimal frequency of training should be calculated very responsibly.

The phase of supercompensation, in most cases, occurs 6-7 days after the session. Therefore, theoretically, the frequency strength training should not exceed 1 - 2 per week. It is on this regime that some experts insist.

However, other experienced athletes and coaches urge you to visit the gym literally every day. As evidence, they show their own results, assuring that it is possible to build muscle even if the frequency of training is high.

Having become acquainted with such conflicting information, a novice athlete may become confused. Therefore, it is advisable to consider how strength training and mass training programs are built in practice. It is important to remember that a high frequency of strength training can lead to overtraining.

Optimal frequency to ground

Having studied the theoretical recommendations regarding the construction of a training program, let's go directly to practice. Exercising once a week is ineffective, and exercising every day, you risk harming the body. Consider an option that will be safe and beneficial for a bodybuilder.

According to practitioners, optimal frequency weight training should be 3 to 4 times a week. Moreover, the athlete should train according to the split program, working out specific muscle groups every day. That is, in fact, the same muscles receive a load 1 - 2 times a week - directly in the supercompensation phase.

Optimal drying frequency

If you want not so much to build muscle as to emphasize relief and lose weight, it is permissible to train more often. The best option is 4 or 5 times a week. Some people can exercise every day - the main thing is not to overdo it and prevent overtraining.

A person who is solely interested in getting rid of excess weight, can be engaged almost daily, preferring aerobic exercise. Use cardio exercises, work with high intensity and light weights. The result will not keep you waiting!

If your goal is drying and creating a relief, once a week it is recommended to conduct strength training with a predominance of anaerobic exercises. Devote all other days to cardio loads. Thanks to this approach, you will lose less muscle mass, while getting rid of the fat layer that hides the relief. The frequency of training per week is often chosen individually, based on the capabilities and needs of the athlete.

Novice athletes very often ask themselves how often they need to train in order to achieve the desired result and at the same time not feel exhausted, as well as how much time is needed to devote to effective training in Week? Let's try to answer these questions.

The duration of training for each athlete is determined individually. There are five basic workout length standards: 30, 45, 50, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. The choice of the optimal interval depends on the goal and physical training athlete.

The main determining factor for achieving the result is that you need to train regularly and the duration of one workout should be at least 30 minutes. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result.

It's important to remember:

1) each workout, even the shortest one, should consist of 3 parts: warm-up, main part, hitch.

2) too long workouts cause increased secretion of cortisol, a hormone that breaks down muscles and can also lead to overtraining.

Workout duration

1) Duration of training for mass gain

The average duration of a workout that will give best results 1 - 1.5 hours. The training of a professional athlete should take approximately 40-60 minutes. A beginner bodybuilder's training takes 1.5 - 2 hours.

2) Duration of training for weight loss

The duration of a workout for weight loss should not be less than 30 minutes, since in a shorter period of time it is simply impossible to speed up metabolism and start the mechanism of fat destruction. The optimal training time for weight loss is 60 minutes.

Training frequency

1) Training frequency for mass gain

The frequency of training for gaining muscle mass should not go beyond two sessions per week. in general, the optimal frequency of training is 3-4 days per week, provided that the athlete is doing split training. At the same time, using split training, an athlete trains one muscle group no more than once a week - this frequency of training is considered the most optimal for muscle growth.

2) The frequency of training for weight loss

If the goal of your workout is fat loss and gaining relief, then you can train every day, the main thing is to prevent the development of overtraining syndrome.

With a high frequency of training, to protect muscle tissue from destruction, take anti-catabolics,

Reduce the number of strength training sessions to 1-2 per week, devote the rest of the time to aerobic exercise.

Interesting Facts

Numerous studies show what matters total time spent on physical work, for example, 10 hours a month will be almost 2 times more effective than 5. At the same time, the duration of each workout is not of fundamental importance. So, three thirty-minute sessions a day can give the same effect as one half-hour workout. That is why you cannot count on an increase in muscle mass or a significant weight loss if you devote only 1 hour a week or 10 minutes a day to training.


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The desire to find a beautiful and embossed body encourages a person to engage in strength training, but progress in the classroom is noticeable for everyone in different ways. One is enough to visit the gym twice or thrice a week to achieve excellent results. Others go to the gym with ease every day, looking and feeling great while doing it, even with the fact that most sources say that muscles need to be given time to recover. And if you want to achieve your goals in a short time, the question of the relevance of daily training comes to the fore.

The human body needs to rest. Otherwise, a state of overtraining will set in, when even the most perfectly matched training program will not bring results. The minimum recovery time is 24 hours. Twenty-four hours after a workout, the body becomes fully prepared for the next lesson.

This condition does not apply to everyone, but only affects the following groups of people:

  • beginners, that is, those who have recently started training;
  • age athletes who are already fifty years old or more;
  • amateurs who do not plan to achieve any serious sporting goals.

The day between two workouts is necessary for the body to regenerate, enzymes to be produced, new muscle fibers to appear, and also to gain enough energy.

The maximum allowable time that a person can devote to training on simulators without rest is three days. A similar mode without interruption is only suitable for:

  • actively pumping up the muscles of the arms, legs, back;
  • professional athletes working with heavy weights.

These recommendations should not be taken as absolute truth. The body of each person is individual, so the specific period for recovery is determined along with experienced trainers and mentors, but when it comes to self-study, advice should not be neglected.

To increase the volume and relief of the muscles is a goal that is achieved only with a regular and continuous training cycle. Long breaks minimize effort, so rest breaks should be determined on a case-by-case basis. This does not mean that you can simply choose a specific time yourself, because there are rules that cannot be ignored.

The larger the muscle group, the longer it takes to recover, since it requires much more work and load. Therefore, workouts that combine small and large muscle groups are wrong. It is impossible, for example, to simultaneously pump legs with biceps and shoulders. This is due to the size of the first.

The legs account for about fifty percent of the total muscle mass of the entire body. And if you combine training lower extremities with other groups, this will not bring efficiency, since it will not be possible to work out either small or large muscles, since the load exerted will not be enough to pump in both directions. Such a large muscle group as the legs should be given a separate training day. In addition, it should be noted that they will need much more rest than the muscles of the hands.

Small muscle groups, which include shoulder girdle, biceps, triceps and others recover faster, so they can be trained more often. The shoulders, for example, are involved in pumping the pectoral muscles, which in no way contradicts the principle proper recovery after training.

People who have just started exercising may have less rest than more experienced gym mates. This is due to the curriculum itself. Experienced bodybuilders take heavy weights, perform complicated variations of exercises, and therefore the load that is placed on the muscles is much greater.

Beginners don't use their musculature to such an extent because they simply can't keep up with the pace. Absence maximum loads allows them to take much less time to rest, but only until they become experienced bodybuilders. Those who came to the gym recently after pumping large muscles can be restored from 1.5 to 2 days, and experienced ones - from 48 to 72 hours.

Takes much more time. Athletes with experience train intensively and intensively. They work at a pace that comes with experience, which greatly increases the burden on the body. To enhance the effectiveness of training, bodybuilders work out a certain part of the torso at a time, loading each to the maximum.

This principle of split allows you to select for individual muscles mine certain period and load them to the maximum. In addition, it gives you the opportunity to have a good rest for a whole week. Thus, it turns out that training for each group is repeated once a week, when they are fully restored.

This is another important point that must be taken into account. The optimal duration of the training should vary between 40-50 minutes. The exact time depends on the number of grids performed. For large muscle groups, they usually do 4-6 sets, and for small ones, 1-3 approaches.

Important points to remember

Arnie, one of the most outstanding bodybuilders in the world, never missed an opportunity to train, but devoted absolutely every free minute. Of course, to achieve this high level, he went quite a long way, which allowed him to train up to several times a day. Of course, you can follow in the footsteps of a famous bodybuilder, but do not forget that Arnie did not immediately become strong.

As a novice, he visited gym no more than two or three times a week. When his body got used to the stress, he increased the number of training days. Any other experienced athlete can do the same, but only when the muscles do not ache or hurt. In addition, one should take into account the moment that victories in competitions, fame and money became an excellent incentive for him to maintain his form.

In the world of professional bodybuilding, the competition is quite tough and every athlete strives to become better. This was the main reason that Arnie had to completely revise his training plan, increasing the intensity and frequency of classes. Some bodybuilders take steroids with proteins, which allow you to speed up recovery processes, as well as quickly adapt to increasing loads.

The key to the success of successful bodybuilders is that they are fully able to concentrate on training process and not be distracted. They can bring themselves to exhaustion even when they lift small weights, because they have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe result they want to achieve.

Another important point What absolutely all beginners should take into account is that without rest days they train intermittently, but only three or four weeks before the competition.

Training plan

If you are going to become the owner of a beautiful sculpted body, you must have a clear training scheme and follow this program.

Pumping a specific muscle group every seven days

It might look like this:

  • Monday - chest;
  • tuesday - back;
  • Wednesday - rest;
  • Thursday - legs;
  • Friday - shoulders.

Rest on Saturday and Sunday. Thus, it turns out that only one large muscle is worked out during the week, and then it is restored over the next week. The main thing is that specific muscles are loaded on each day.

The load on the muscle should be maximum. Otherwise, the training day will be wasted, and this will slow down the development of pumping. You can't stress too much. A good balance must be struck in order to next lesson be fully restored and full of strength.

Torso pumping

It is carried out three times a week - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The entire torso is loaded. The rest of the days are dedicated to rest. Such a training scheme creates a good load, but no stress. With a three-time training scheme for the entire torso, from 3 to 4 sets should be done for each muscle group within one session. In other words, the total number of approaches is 9-12.

Two day workout plan per week

On Monday and Thursday they pump the top, and on Tuesday and Friday - lower part torso. Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday are days off.

It turns out that each muscle group has a separate training day. This is an intermediate option between the first and second training scheme, which allows you to avoid both excessive and low loads.

The number of approaches for each category of exercises varies from 5 to 6. The pace is chosen moderate, which allows you to maintain frequency and volume without any extremes. The total number of sets per week is 10-12.

Bodybuilders most often resort to a training scheme in which a large muscle is worked out once a week, but this approach is not the most effective. This is especially true for those who are not used to working with large weight limits.

If it seems to many that such an attitude to this training plan does not reflect reality, you can compare this scheme with the one that involves loading twice a week, then the total number of sessions per year is 54 versus 102, respectively. Conclusions suggest themselves.

In other words, it turns out:

  • workouts with a frequency of once a week are the least effective;
  • classes three times a week are most suitable for beginner bodybuilders;
  • training with a load on a muscle group twice a week can improve strength, get rid of excess body fat, gaining muscle mass.

Therefore, based on the above information, we can conclude that daily training for a specific muscle group will not give a result. Muscles are pumped best when they have time to recover.

What will unsettle you, or you just hit the ceiling. Training should be beneficial to the body, but not harmful, and for this the optimal frequency of training per week, a clear plan and schedule should be chosen. In this article, we will try to determine the optimal frequency of training per week for the best progress.

How often do you need to train for muscle growth?

Most experts say weight training shouldn't be done every day because it creates micro-tears. muscle fibers, and the muscles then need rest within 24-48 hours to repair themselves and become stronger. But in reality, it all depends on many factors, such as: gender, age, what weight you work out with, how you recover, whether you use additional drugs, etc. If we take into account general recommendations subject to all the rules of progress, then train each muscle group can be no more than 2 times a week and at least 1 time in two weeks! And then it all depends on the methodology you choose and on the correctly drawn up plan.

The optimal value here would be a range of 3-5 workouts per week, depending on the split you choose. Beginners are recommended to train 2 times a week (conditionally dividing the whole body in half). And for the more advanced and those who use pharmacology, you can train 6-12 times a week, i.e. do 2 workouts a day (strength + cardio). But again, everything depends not on quantity, but on quality, i.e. you should get bigger and stronger from every workout, but not vice versa, and for this you need to learn yourself and your body in order to (constantly) intelligently grow and achieve the effect of supercompensation.

How often should you exercise to lose weight?

- these are, first of all, questions, i.e. the total calorie content of food eaten per day should be lower than your daily costs. You must burn 300-500 more calories than you eat to lose weight. And the rate of weight loss should not exceed 1 kg per week, otherwise, along with fats, you will lose precious muscles.

Well, as for the question of the frequency of training, then for weight loss it is recommended to carry out them at least 3 times a week, these should be mainly low-intensity cardio workouts lasting about 1 hour. If you are training in gym, then after the power it is recommended to spend 30 minutes. cardio, which will give a significant fat burning effect .

How often can you do cardio workouts?

well suited for strengthening the heart, losing weight and relieving depression. brisk walking, swimming, aerobics, elliptical trainer or moderate pace cycling should not strain the muscles for too long (more than 60 minutes), otherwise it can lead to catabolism processes, i.e. muscle loss.

If you combine cardio and strength training, then for this approach it is recommended to do cardio training 3 times a week, taking into account 3 strength training sessions. If we talk about low-intensity cardio, then you can train up to 6-7 times a week, and for high intensity cardio spend no more than 3 days a week.

How often do stretching / stretching?

The frequency of classes is always determined by the intensity of the loads themselves, i.e. it all depends on what kind of stretching method you use (there are about 11 in total). If you use simple methods like passive and static stretching (the most popular in general), then the optimal frequency of training is daily training, and even more optimal is 2 times a day, but with less volume. For example, if you stretch daily for an hour, then switching to a 2-time one, you need to do a morning workout 30 minutes long and an evening workout 20 minutes or vice versa.

Stretch at least 2-3 times, and ideally train 5-7 times a week.

Day of rest

Give yourself at least one official day off per week from any physical activity and daily routine work. Such a day will only benefit not only your body, but will also allow you to relax mentally and emotionally. But if you want to make the day off more functional and spend it for the benefit of the body and body, then you can just take a walk, which is very useful for a person.

Most people believe that in order to gain muscle mass and increase strength, you need to spend many hours in the gym. It is this erroneous opinion that prevents some from starting to play sports. Short and infrequent physical activity can bring the body more benefit than many hours of training every other day.

Why are they effective?

One of the main causes of controversy in weightlifting is the frequency and duration of training. The fitness industry assures us that we need to work out five times a week. And the reason here lies not in the desire to help us improve our body, but for simple commercial purposes. Fitness centers and clubs, sports shops and magazines are trying to earn more, which means they sell more of their services.

There is another scientifically based opinion: there is no need to train often and do many approaches for maximum effective growth muscle mass. According to Doug McGuff, MD Doug McGuff, M.D. Body By Science., biological indicators strongly suggest that the optimal training frequency for 95% of the population is no more than once a week. This recommendation is based on a number of factors, the main of which is that the rate of recovery and muscle growth after an intense workout is much less than most people think (5-10 days).

Building muscle is actually a slower process than healing a burn wound. Burn healing begins in the ectodermal germline, where the healing rate is comparatively faster because the epithelial cells change rapidly. For example, a scratch on the cornea usually heals in 8-12 hours. Muscle healing occurs in the mesodermal germline, which tends to have a much slower healing rate.

Doug McGuff, MD, Science Body

What's more, Dr. McGuff advises practicing workouts that last only 12 minutes - the optimal time to burn sugar and fat. Such short sessions are designed for a limited energy supply of the body in conditions of high energy needs, the satisfaction of which occurs through the use of only glycogen and fat. With prolonged intense exercise, all glycogen and certain fat reserves are used. As a result, the body begins to burn valuable energy as fuel. muscle tissue, which we, on the contrary, are trying to restore.

Research results

British scientist James Fisher conducted a study that proves the effectiveness sports training with minimal time James Fisher, James Steele, Pat McKinnon. Strength gains as a result of brief, infrequent resistance exercise in older ..

14 men and 19 women aged 55 years (average) were tested. Participants exercised no more than 15 minutes twice a week for 84 days. The training program included exercises on simulators: traction down, bench press, traction on a low block, bench press and leg press. As a result, study participants achieved a significant increase in strength and endurance - 55% more than before the start of classes.

Scientifically substantiated evidence of the inefficiency of long-term training was given by Bond University (Australia) Kelly A. Shaw, Hani C. Gennat, Peter O'Rourke. Exercise for overweight or obesity.. In 43 studies conducted among 3,476 participants, with 45 minutes of exercise four times a week (69 hours of physical activity), the average weight loss was only 1 kilogram.

How to practice?

  1. Training takes place once or twice a week.
  2. The duration of the lessons is 12-15 minutes.
  3. Five exercises for the most basic muscle groups is the optimal amount in one workout.
  4. In each exercise, only one approach is done until muscle failure.
  5. Only super-slow pace of exercise is used: 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down.
  6. The transition between exercises is carried out in less than 30 seconds.
  7. Gradually, as you progress, you need to add weight on the simulators.

Who are these workouts for?

We often don't have enough time to go to the gym, so a quick workout can be the only form of activity that is easy to fit into your daily schedule.

For some people, frequent and prolonged exercise is an overwhelming task that can be more harmful to health than good. At the same time, receive physical activity is definitely necessary. This applies to the elderly, as well as to those with poor sports training and some physical limitations.

For example, such training is well suited for those suffering from osteoporosis. Exercises are performed slowly and for a short time, which leads to their increased safety. At the same time, the work of the muscles occurs at the maximum level with a very gentle load on the joints.


Short and rare workouts allow you to achieve muscle exhaustion within an interval of 40 to 90 seconds with no more than five performed in one session simple exercises on the most basic muscle groups and with a break of 5-10 days between workouts.

Of course, the recovery abilities of a person lie within wide limits, but training with less frequency definitely does not hurt anyone.