Gymnastics Anokhin contraindications reviews. Volitional gymnastics Anokhin _ Description of exercises

Instead of sighing sadly, complaining about the awkward figure, you can do the correction of shortcomings. And do it right at the mirror, and without any improvised means. This is what isometric volitional Anokhin , about which and will be discussed in our article.

Alexander Konstantinovich Anokhin (creative pseudonym B. Ross) lived a short but unusually bright life. Born on August 14, 1882 in the village of Druzhkovka, Bakhmut district, Yekaterinoslav province (now Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine). After graduating from the medical faculty of Kyiv University, he studied medical practice and lectured on physical education. Being an ardent supporter of a healthy lifestyle, Anokhin actively promoted sports on the pages of the magazines Beauty and Strength, Hercules, Sportsman, and was also one of the first in the country to start training weightlifters. In addition, he was the founder of the scouting movement in Russia. During the First World War, scouts raised funds for the needs of the army, looked after the wounded and replaced the peasants mobilized for the front.

Alexander Konstantinovich had an excellent athletic build and never ceased to amaze those around him with his incredible physical abilities. Could, for example, without leaving the spot, jump over six chairs with people sitting on them. Not to mention his amazing "magnetic experiments" by suggestion.

The life of Alexander Anokhin was tragically cut short in 1920, when he was only 37 years old. He committed suicide in the dungeons of the Cheka, according to an unofficial version - in order not to reveal, under torture, the secrets of the Masonic Order, of which he was a member.

After himself, this amazing person left a lot of scientific works, but his main legacy is the work that survived sixteen editions. “Volitional gymnastics. Psychophysical movements» . In it, the author describes in detail a set of isometric exercises without sports equipment. Anokhin's gymnastics involves the principle of simulating the load. The athlete strains and then relaxes the required group, imagining that he is working with weights. Let's analyze in detail a number of the most popular exercises from the arsenal. volitional gymnastics Anokhin.

A set of isometric exercises

  1. We stand straight. Hands are spread apart and bent at the elbows. We begin to perform bending, simulating exercises with dumbbells. Do not forget to breathe correctly: bend - inhale, unbend - exhale.
  2. Feet at shoulder level, arms extended forward, fingers clenched into a fist. We spread our arms to the sides, then bring them back, inhaling and exhaling, respectively. At the same time, the muscles of the arms and chest should be as tense as possible, as if you are compressing and stretching a huge spring.
  3. Lie on your back, put your hands under your head. Alternately with effort we raise and lower our legs. We breathe evenly. Turn on the imagination again: imagine that a pood weight is tied to your feet. Hard? And who said it would be easy.
  4. We stand in front of a chair, put our hands on the back. We put the heels together, socks apart. Imagine that we have a heavy bag resting on our shoulders and we begin to squat until we reach our heels with our buttocks. Sit down - exhale, get up - inhale.
  5. Legs apart, arms out to the sides. The palms are clenched into a fist and look up. Keep your back straight, chest slightly forward. We begin to lift the “load” on the inhale, and lower it on the exhale. The muscles remain tense throughout the exercise, that is, we lower our hands also with effort.
  6. We perform push-ups from the floor, keeping the body in constant tension. Bend your arms to inhale, rise to exhale. Can be complicated this exercise, pushing up on the fingers, but this is subject to good fitness.
  7. Starting position as in exercise 3, but this time raise and lower upper part body, imagining that you have a load on your chest. Exhale up, inhale down.
  8. One arm is raised up, the other is bent at the elbow at shoulder level. Alternately change the position of the hands, straining the muscles. We breathe evenly.
  9. Another exercise with a chair, but here we keep our back slightly bent. Standing on the heels, we begin to raise the feet. The calf muscles and the Achilles tendon are effectively strengthened.

Gymnastics Anokhin and her followers

Volitional gymnastics Anokhin remains relevant to this day. Many athletes use this system to form a training base. One of the followers of Anokhin was a famous revolutionary and hero of the civil war Grigory Kotovsky. And the legendary Russian strongman developed on the basis of his isometric complex chain exercises to strengthen bonds.



Athletes-vegetarians today are of little surprise. Many sports stars consciously choose this path and only win. Much more surprising is the fact that this practice existed long before vegetarianism became mainstream. The great athletes of the past basically refused meat, but at the same time they continued to beat record after record. Who are these heroes, and in what ...

At the beginning of the 20th century, the system of physical development of the Russian athlete Dr. A.K. Anokhin (pseudonym B. Ross) gained great fame. Its principles were used in their training by many Russian athletes of the past. As you know, the hero of the Civil War, G. I. Kotovsky, studied according to the Anokhin system. This system is notable for the fact that the exercises did not require special sports equipment and special rooms. The author of many articles on hygiene and physical development, Anokhin took a new approach to the principle of performing exercise. He believed that there are no new movements, you can’t invent them, you can only talk about one or another principle of their execution.

Anokhin called his system "New System", and later it was called "Volitional gymnastics". Its principle is that when performing exercises without weights (that is, without dumbbells, expanders, kettlebells and other equipment), you need to consciously strain the corresponding muscles, simulating overcoming one or another resistance. Anokhin's system has not lost its relevance to this day. His exercises make it possible not only to increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to strain and relax. individual groups muscles, which is very important in sports and in any physical work. The ability to control muscles was given great importance by professional athletes of the past.

Acquaintance with the Anokhin system begins with the author's recommendations. Firstly, he said: “Volitional gymnastics will not make you Poddubny or Gakkenshmidt. It does not give biceps of 45 centimeters or the ability to squeeze 6-7 pounds with one hand, but it significantly improves health. It gives the beauty of forms and outlines and that normal strength for everyone, which is lost by modern man.

Then Anokhin gives 8 basic principles that should be followed when mastering his methodology. These are the principles:

1. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the working muscle or muscle group.

2. Do not rush to increase the number of exercises and their dosage.

3. Performing the exercise, follow the correct breathing.

4. Perform each movement with the greatest muscle tension.

5. Make sure that when performing exercises, only those muscles that are involved in this exercise are tensed.

6. It is advisable to perform the exercise in front of a mirror.

7. After exercising, you need to take a shower, and then vigorously rub the body with a towel.

8. Temperance and simplicity in food is one of the keys to success. Food should be varied (vegetables, fruits, milk), without the predominance of meat. By the way, the prevailing opinion that those who are engaged in athletic exercises should include a large amount of meat in their diet is wrong. Pyotr Krylov, the "King of kettlebells", having an outstanding musculature in terms of volume and relief, preferred plant foods.

Exercises should be performed twice a day, morning and evening. Up to 20 minutes in total. Each exercise lasts 5-6 seconds and is repeated up to 10 times. The first two weeks you need to perform the first five exercises, then every week add one exercise. After three months, you can engage in the program of the entire complex.

1. Main rack. Raise your arms to the sides and clench your fingers into a fist, turn your palms up. Strongly straining biceps shoulder (biceps), bend your elbows. By bending your arms, imitate the attraction of a large weight. Touching your shoulders with your hands, turn your fists with your palms to the sides and begin to unbend your arms as if you are pushing a large weight to the sides. In this case, you should strain triceps shoulders (triceps), and the biceps should be relaxed. Bending your arms, inhale, and unbending - exhale. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

2. Feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands forward, clench your fingers into a fist. Strongly straining the muscles of the arms and back, spread your arms to the sides, then begin to bring them together in front of you, straining mainly pectoral muscles as if you are squeezing something in front of you. When spreading your arms, inhale, when reducing, exhale. Try to keep the muscles not involved in the exercise relaxed.

3. Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Keeping the torso immobile, alternately quickly and with tension raise and lower the legs. Raise your legs to approximately a 50 degree angle. Do not touch the floor with your heels during the exercise. Breathing is even. The abdominal muscles and leg muscles should be tense.

4. Put your hands on the back of a chair, heels together, toes apart, straighten your back, look ahead. Slowly, with tension, sit down until your buttocks touch your heels. Then begin to straighten your legs with such tension in the quadriceps femoris muscles, as if you are lifting a large weight on your shoulders. When squatting, exhale, while lifting - inhale.

5. Put your feet apart. Spread your arms to the sides, clench your fingers into a fist, palms up. Look straight ahead, chest forward. Tightening your muscles, raise your straight arms up as if you were lifting a weight. Then inhale and begin to lower your arms down with tension in the latissimus dorsi - exhale.

6. Do push-ups while lying on the floor, keeping your whole body in tension. Make sure your torso and legs are in a straight line. As you train, do push-ups on your fingers. Bending your arms, inhale and touch the floor with your chest, unbending - exhale.

7. Main rack. Raise your arms to the sides, clench your fingers into a fist, palms down with tension, begin to alternately raise and lower your hands. Breathing is arbitrary.

8. Lie on your back on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest. Leaving the lower body and legs motionless, with strong tension abdominal muscles begin to raise your head and chest as if you are lifting with a weight on your chest. Breathe out when going up, breathe in when going down.

9. Put your legs apart, half-bending them at the knees. Raise your left hand forward, right along the torso. With tension in the pectoral and latissimus dorsi muscles, lower your left hand down, and right hand with tension deltoid muscles lift forward. IN next lesson raise your arms to the sides, and then forward again. Breathing is arbitrary.

10. Put your hands on the back of a chair, put your heels together, make your back a little stooped. With muscle tension, straighten your back, at the same time lift your feet up as high as possible, leaning on your heels. During exercise, the muscles of the thigh and lower leg should be strongly strained. Breathe in as you raise your feet, and breathe out as you lower your feet.

11. Put your feet apart. Alternately bend and unbend your arms in elbow joints keeping your elbows still. When bending the arms, the palms are facing up, and when unbending, towards the body. When bending the arms, all attention and tension should be focused on the biceps, and when unbending, on the triceps. Breathing is even.

12. Put your feet apart. Raise your hands up with tension and connect them into a “lock”. Turn to the right and, tensing your abdominal muscles, tilt your torso down. Then do the exercise on the left side. While tilting, exhale, raising your hands up - inhale.

13. The starting position is the same as in exercise 10. strongly straining the calf muscles, rise on your toes, and then lower yourself to the entire foot. During exercise, do not bend your knees. Rising on your toes, inhale, and lowering - exhale.

14. Place your legs apart and slightly bend them at the knees. Tightening your abdominal muscles, tilt your torso forward, simultaneously bend your elbows and tighten your biceps. Then, with the tension of the triceps, begin to unbend the arms in the elbow joints as far back as possible, simulating the pulling back of gravity. Straighten your torso and lower your arms down. While tilting the torso, exhale, straightening - inhale.

15. Main rack. Raise your right hand up, bend your left to your shoulder. With tension alternately change the position of the hands. Raising your hand up, strain your triceps, and lowering your hand to your shoulder, strain your biceps and latissimus dorsi back. Breathing is even.

Anokhin's volitional gymnastics gained its first admirers more than a hundred years ago, at the beginning of the twentieth century. Due to its simplicity, safety and effectiveness, this exercise system is still in demand. Anokhin's gymnastics is chosen by people who want to quickly put their body in order or keep it in good shape without much effort. It is ideal for those who do not have time for fitness rooms or, for medical reasons, cannot play sports.

athlete doctor

Alexander Konstantinovich Anokhin, born in 1882, was an excellent doctor, but his true passion was sports and a thirst for knowledge of human capabilities. Living and working in Kyiv, Anokhin promoted in every possible way healthy lifestyle life, trained weightlifters, he himself was a role model, surprising those around him with great physical strength and an athletic figure.

But he was not purely practical. Alexander Konstantinovich was interested in the deep nature of things, he tried to create a system of exercises that develops in the first place physical strength and not muscles. At the head of the system, he put the ability of a person to subordinate individual muscle groups by willpower. Anokhin excluded any outside influence from his volitional gymnastics: barbells, dumbbells, exercise equipment. All the work of the muscles was performed due to internal volitional effort. At the same time, the most important role was given to proper breathing and full concentration of attention on the right muscle groups.

After Anokhin, many theoretical and practical materials remained, written by him under the name Ross, but the book “Volitional gymnastics. Psycho-physiological movements". It has been reprinted several times and still remains a complete study guide. It not only describes in detail all the exercises, but also gives a detailed theoretical justification for the effectiveness of this gymnastics.

Briefly about the essence of volitional gymnastics

The Anokhin system is very easy to master even for non-athletic people. The exercises are intuitive and technically easy. A person performs gymnastic movements, while consciously and concentratedly straining certain muscle groups. At its core, Anokhin's system resembles modern isometric exercises, but its main difference from them is the complete absence of third-party influence: simulators, dumbbells, weights, and other shells.

The main gymnastic instruments are the will and nerve impulses that are sent to the muscles. During Anokhin's volitional gymnastics, a person clearly imagines overcoming an imaginary effort. The better the imagination is used, the more the muscles are loaded. With proper concentration, the body works in the same way as when lifting or pushing off real weights.

Anokhin said that without nerves, muscles can be considered dead capital. Huge muscles do not mean huge strength. He liked to cite cases where slender people lifted incredible weights, tore chains, or ran at incredible speeds in dangerous situations. Anokhin believed that each person has a reserve of powerful forces, and the key to this reserve is the nervous system or will.

The Russian volitional gymnastics he created is based on this belief. Willpower is a reliable and always available means with which you can give the muscles a varied load at any time. Anokhin argued that, in addition to a toned, strong and agile body, his gymnastics gives a person invaluable skills: the ability to control and feel one's own body on a completely new level, as well as the ability to use the body's hidden reserves of one's own free will, and not only in borderline situations.


Anokhin considered correct breathing an obligatory and most important element of volitional gymnastics. In his book, he devoted a whole section to breathing, convincing readers that inhalations and exhalations taken at the wrong time, convulsive breathing, and its delay nullify the effect of volitional and physical efforts. To prevent this from happening, at first you need to carefully control each inhalation and exhalation when doing gymnastics, until proper breathing becomes automatic. This may take a few days or a couple of weeks, but such an extremely useful and important skill should not be neglected. It is no coincidence that Anokhin described the breathing pattern for each exercise of volitional gymnastics.

Basic principles of the Anokhin system

Before you start practicing according to the Anokhin system, it is important to learn and master its main principles. This will help you perform exercises more meaningfully, learn to control your movements, understand and analyze sensations in the muscles, and most importantly, improve the final result.

  1. Concentration. Movements are performed with maximum concentration of attention.
  2. Voltage. Muscles must be loaded with maximum tension, this is achieved through the effort of will and imagination, that is, imitation of a certain load.
  3. Localization. One must learn not to dissipate energy, but to concentrate effort on the right muscles And muscle groups. Gradually, this skill improves, over time, a person can easily move volitional effort to different muscles and change the intensity of the load at will.
  4. Impeccable technique. In volitional gymnastics, the quality of the exercises is much more important than their quantity. It is better to do the exercise three times correctly than ten times wrong. Strength will definitely come with time, but getting rid of mistakes in technique or breathing that have become a habit is very troublesome.
  5. Continuity. You can not take breaks in the exercise program. Gymnastics should become an indispensable and desirable part of every day without exception.
  6. Visualization. Anokhin recommended exercising naked or in sports shorts in front of a mirror in order to see how the muscles work.

Advantages of the Anokhin system

In accordance with the opinions of those who have already tried the set of exercises in practice, the set of exercises has the following advantages:

  • Efficiency. Gymnastics takes a total of only 20 - 30 minutes a day, but in a few weeks it can radically change the appearance and well-being of a person.
  • Safety. You need to try very hard to injure yourself by doing Anokhin's volitional gymnastics. All exercises are performed smoothly, without third-party loads, all muscle tensions are created by internal volitional effort.
  • Purposefulness. Volitional effort can be transferred to the desired muscle group. For example, you can pump your biceps or lower legs more if you need to.
  • Simplicity. The exercises are technically simple and the movements are natural. For classes, desire is enough, 20 minutes a day and a small room.
  • Special skills. The system trains not only the body, but also the will, the ability to concentrate and control your body. These skills are useful in various areas of life.
  • Saving time and money. Gymnastics Anokhin takes very little time, it can be done at home or in the office. Therefore, in order to quickly regain muscle tone And fit figure, no need to spend money on the pool, fitness room, personal trainer or home exercise equipment.


There are practically no restrictions for classes on the Anokhin system. The author himself in his book forbade only children to do gymnastics. Otherwise, the exercises are available to everyone who allows momentary health. As evidenced by numerous reviews. Volitional gymnastics is dangerous for injured muscles and tendons that need rest. You should not engage in exacerbations of chronic ailments of the joints and spine, during flu, colds, fever. But these warnings are most likely unnecessary, a reasonable person will not load the body during an illness, when the body needs all the resources to recover.


In total, there are 15 exercises in the Anokhin system. All of them go in strict order, the author categorically forbids changing their places or excluding them from the program. A good reason can be a disease, for example, if the knee hurts, then squats can be excluded.

Exercises are performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Each exercise is done 10 times, but it all depends on the physical capabilities of the person. If there is not enough strength and endurance, then you need to do the maximum amount with the utmost effort and correct technique. Each exercise takes 5-6 seconds, that is, 10 repetitions last about a minute.

The initial program for beginners is designed for 12 weeks. The first two weeks you need to perform the first five exercises. So there is an opportunity in a sparing mode to get used to volitional gymnastics, to master the correct breathing and rhythm of movements. Then, every week, one exercise is added to the complex according to the list. In the 12th week, a person will perform 15 exercises in the morning and evening, which will take him a total of half an hour.

To obtain maximum effect should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Gymnastics is performed twice a day, best before breakfast and before bed. Ideal time: in the morning at least half an hour before meals or an hour after breakfast, and in the evening half an hour before dinner or a couple of hours after it.
  • Before exercising, the room should be ventilated.
  • After gymnastics, you need to take a shower and rub yourself thoroughly with a towel.
  • For the Anokhin system to give best result, it is desirable to sleep enough (on average 8 hours) and observe moderation in food. Of course, lack of sleep is a problem of our time, but for the sake of good health and Have a good mood along with gymnastics, you can instill another useful skill in yourself: go to bed early.


Gymnastics has a beneficial effect on people with different constitutions. For 12 weeks of the program, and a full man, and a thin girl, and old man, and the athlete gets noticeable changes in well-being and appearance. There is strength in the muscles and ease of movement, posture is leveled, overall endurance increases, in addition to muscles, joints and ligaments become stronger. Thanks to the Anokhin system, the work of the heart and lungs improves, the skills of proper breathing and the ability to concentrate are consolidated.

Reviews of those practicing volitional gymnastics Anokhin

Of course, there are people who criticize the Anokhin system, but their claims are most often associated with high expectations. A person sees that his muscles do not grow, and begins to blame exercises that are designed for a completely different effect. Gymnastics is primarily aimed at developing strength, endurance and will, and muscle relief and their slight growth are nice bonuses.

More often, the exercise system receives the most flattering reviews. Anokhin's volitional gymnastics, according to the people who practice it, has a complex positive effect on the body.

Those who took advantage of the complex of exercises noted a significant increase in endurance, strengthening of immunity, the appearance of outlines different groups muscles. People who work at the computer for a long time felt an improvement in posture, the disappearance of back pain and cervical region spine. Former athletes Those who left classes for medical reasons, practicing volitional gymnastics, noted a decrease in weight, an increase in the general tone of the body, an increase in strength and endurance, and the disappearance of flabbiness of previously trained muscles.

A set of exercises

When performing the exercises, it is worth remembering that they must be done in exactly the order recommended by Dr. Anokhin:

  • Feet about shoulder-width apart, both hands apart, fists clenched, palms turned up. Then the arms are bent at the elbow until the fists touch the shoulders, while breathing in through the nose. In the reverse movement, the fists turn 180 °, the arms, with exhalation, unbend to their original position. You need to imagine how the arms, when bending, lift a heavy weight, for example, weights, and when unbending, as if pushing away something massive.

  • The stance does not change, but the body is slightly inclined. The arms are extended in front of you. First, the hands diverge to the sides, as if stretching a speculative expander, at the same moment an even breath is taken through the nose. Then, with an exhalation, the hands are reduced to their original position, as if squeezing an invisible hard ball.

  • Lie on the floor or bed. The body is straight, hands behind the head. Imagine that weights are attached to the legs. Raise one leg, then lower it, but do not touch the floor, and simultaneously raise the other leg. The body must remain motionless. Breathing without delays and jerks, exhale through the mouth, inhale through the nose.

  • Place your hands on the back of a chair or on a high window sill. Straighten your body, rise on your toes. Make a deep squat, with an effort of will, straining the muscles of the legs, as if on the shoulders is big weight, touch the buttocks of the heels, which should remain raised. Inhale air when squatting, exhale when lifting.

  • The back is straight, the legs are slightly apart, the arms are spread apart and bent at the elbow at a right angle. At the first stage of the exercise, the arms are straightened up with effort, as if they were lifting a log above their heads, when the arms return to their original position, one can imagine that they are closing a heavy hatch. Inhale as you raise your arms, exhale as you lower them.

  • Take a prone position, imagine a heavy plate on your back, start doing slow push-ups, but without letting your chest touch the floor. Inhale when moving the body down, exhale when lifting the body.

  • The back is straight, both arms are directed to the sides, during the exercise only fists clenched and turned palms down move, they rise and fall in a mirror, as if trying to lift a weight or press something. Breathing without delays and jerks, exhale through the mouth, inhale through the nose.

  • Lie on the floor, fold your palms on your chest, they can even create additional pressure, imagine a heavy plate on chest and do chest lifts. Legs and Bottom part the torso should remain motionless. Exhale when lifting the chest, inhale when lowering it.

  • The legs are slightly apart and slightly bent at the knees, the body is tilted, the arms are first lowered along the body. Then you need to imagine skiing down the mountain, hands seem to make repulsive movements with sticks, with effort rising to shoulder height and with effort returning to their original position. In addition to the arms, you need to strain the muscles of the press and back. Breathing is even and without jerks, it is desirable that the exhalation coincides with the maximum effort.

  • Stand straight, feet together, put your hands on the back of a chair or other sufficiently high support. With an effort, simultaneously raise on inhalation and lower on exhalation the toes of both legs.

  • Stand up straight, lower your arms along the body, press your elbows to your sides, clench your fists. Imagine how hands alternately lift heavy dumbbells, bending at the elbows, and when unbending they push down something unyielding. Breathing is even and without jerks, you need to try so that the exhalation coincides with the maximum effort.

  • Stand up straight, legs slightly apart, clasp your outstretched arms above your head, turn your body to the side by 90 ° and tilt with an effort, return to the starting position, and then immediately do the same tilt to the other side. Exhale when tilting the body, inhale when lifting it.

  • The body is straight, the feet are parallel, the hands are on the windowsill or the back of the chair. Perform a raise on your toes, imagining a large weight on your shoulders. Exhale when the body rises on the toes, inhale when it falls on the heels.

  • The legs are apart and bent at the knees, the bent arms are located along the body, the elbows are pressed to the body, the body is tilted. The pose resembles the pose of a skier riding down the mountain. With an exhalation, both arms unbend at the elbows, and then, while inhaling, with an effort take their original position, the shoulders and body are motionless, the movement imitates the repulsion of sticks from the snow.

  • Stand up straight and make movements as if the hands alternately lift heavy weights from the shoulder up. Breathing is even and without jerks, it is desirable that the exhalation coincides with the maximum effort.

Regular and correct execution exercises will help to achieve remarkable results.

All 15 exercises are arranged in a well-known strictly defined order, which must not be violated in any way.

Start exercising with 5 numbers, and then add 1 number every week, so that in 3 months you will already be exercising in fifteen numbers.

The first 2 weeks you do only 5 exercises (Nos. 1-5) in the morning and 5 in the evening (the same Nos. 1-5). Each movement lasts 5-6 seconds and is performed up to 10 times each.

Pay attention to breathing, which is often overlooked and extremely important. When describing the exercises, each time it is precisely indicated how in this case it is necessary to breathe. In no case should you make a movement while holding your breath. It cancels out all the work.

Description of movements.

Mandatory and precise execution of movements, their order and number alone can guarantee success. No permutations or changes are allowed. The number of exercises indicated is the highest. Approach them gradually.

1. Bending the arms at the elbows from the side

Become a little hunched over again. Back arch. Feet together and perfectly straight. Hold onto a chair. Then, strongly straining your back and legs, straighten your back, arching your spine as much as possible, at the same time lift your feet high. Heels together. Then return to the original position. All legs should be tense. You should feel your calves and thighs.

Breathing: when lifting - inhale, when lowering - exhale.

  • WEEK 8 - add exercise #11 and do 11 exercises (v1 to 11) throughout the eighth week

11. Flexion and extension of the arms

10 times in the morning. In the evening 5-10 times.

Stand up straight. Legs apart. Body and head straight. Take turns bending your elbows. When, for example, the left arm is bent, at the same time the right arm straightens (falls down). The elbows are motionless, near the sides. When flexed, the palms are turned upwards, while unbending - to the sides. when bending, you strongly attract the hand, and when unbending, you squeeze it, push it down. Hands must be completely straightened when lowering.

Breathing is even and calm.

  • WEEK 9 - add exercise 12 and for the entire ninth week do 12 exercises (#1-12)

12. Turns and tilts of the torso

10 times in the morning. In the evening 5-10 times. 11 Stand straight. Legs together. Chest forward, back straighten. The left arm is bent at the elbow, the right arm rises with force and tension, but does not straighten at all, but remains half-bent. Then, as you lower your right hand, the left hand rises. The impression is that you are pulling something from above and raising your hands in turn. The whole body and head are motionless.

Breathing: even and calm without delay.

At the end of the course of 12 weeks (3 months), if you strictly followed all our rules, you will not recognize yourself.

Your state of health will be fine, you will feel strength, dexterity in movements, strength and lightness of the members.

Here you can download the book by A.G. Anokhin fully.

One phrase

One wise man said:

“The best medicine for a person is love and care.” Someone asked: “And if it doesn’t help?” The sage replied, "Increase the dose!"



Smart Owl

The world starts with me.

Alexander Konstantinovich Anokhin, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, is a famous Kiev doctor and successful athlete. Under the pseudonym B. Ross, he wrote many scientific publications in sports magazines, and also became the head of the Kyiv Olympic Committee and city sports association.

The book "Volitional gymnastics" by Anokhin caused a serious resonance. In it, Alexander Konstantinovich not only outlined his very categorical view of what should be healthy body, and criticized other existing sports systems, arguing that they do not allow a person to develop harmoniously, but also described his own training methodology, innovative for that time.

Volitional gymnastics Anokhin: isometric exercises

From a biomechanical point of view, Anokhin's exercises are very similar to modern isometric training. The difference is that weights, special crossbars and other sources of resistance are not used for classes - only the weight of one's own body and internal tension created by willpower.

influence of the central nervous system on physical development Anokhin paid great attention to the body. He gave dozens of examples of how people who do not have a special sports training and impressive muscles, in extreme situations they showed miracles of strength. And Anokhin sought to curb these hidden power reserves, subjugate to his will and effectively use them.

Breathing exercises

The main skill that needs to be developed at the very beginning of classes is the maximum concentration on muscle tension. To achieve it, you need to be completely distracted from everything else, including breath control. Since the latter, as you know, plays a huge role in exercises, the first thing to do is to bring proper breathing to automatism.

  • Take a deep breath. Hold the air in the lungs for 5-15 seconds, and then exhale slowly. Repeat 6-10 times.
  • Take a deep breath, hold the air for a few seconds. Then exhale a small part of the air and hold your breath again. “Push out” the air in small “portions” until the lungs are free. Repeat 3-8 times.
  • Take a slow, deep and vigorous breath in through one nostril, then exhale. Repeat the same with the other side. Run 6-10 times.
  • Slowly exhale all the air, then hold your breath for as long as possible. When air is needed, take a deep breath through the nose, but inhale only from the chest, keeping the stomach drawn in. Repeat 6-10 times.
  • Do the same as in the previous exercise, but faster and more energetically. Repeat 6-10 times.
  • Inhale deeply, and then exhale, making a long “s” sound, and gradually increasing its intensity.
  • Repeat the same thing, but, on the contrary, reduce the intensity of the sound.
  • Repeat the same thing again, but in the first half of the exhalation, increase the sound, and then again reduce the intensity.
  • Take a deep breath, trying to fill only the upper part of the lungs with air. Repeat 3-8 times.

In his book, Anokhin wrote that you should not start basic training until you master breathing exercises in the longest and most complex variations.

Isometric gymnastics Anokhin: a set of exercises

To perform the exercises, Alexander Konstantinovich gave three main recommendations: focus on the target area of ​​the body, focus on the sensations in the working muscle and coordinate your movements with breathing.

Anokhin advised starting classes with five exercises, gradually adding new movements from the complex. Each movement lasts 5-6 seconds and is performed 10 times. You should train in the morning and in the evening, every other day or every day.

Exercise #1

Stand up straight, stretch your arms out to your sides. Clenching your hands into fists, slowly bend your elbows, imagining that you are overcoming resistance. Create this resistance of your own will - as if the hand were moving against it. Feel the tension in your biceps. Bending your arms until your hands touch your shoulders, begin the reverse movement, with an effort to straighten your arms.

Exercise #2

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Straighten your arms in front of you, clench your fists. Then, while inhaling with effort, spread your arms to the sides, while exhaling, bring them together again.

Exercise #3

Lie on the floor or on a hard couch with your back down. Take your hands behind your head and firmly grasp any suitable support. With effort, lift your leg up to about a 45-50˚ angle with the floor. Lower it in the same way, and at the same time lift the other leg. Perform the exercise, constantly alternating legs.

Exercise #4

Stand up straight, bring your legs together. Press the heels to each other, slightly spread the socks to the sides. Grasp the back of the chair with your hands. Squat slowly with tension, keeping the body straight. IN lowest point buttocks should touch the heels. Get up also with effort.

Exercise #5

Stand up straight, stretch your arms out to your sides. With an effort, raise your arms above your head, then tightly lower them to shoulder level.

Exercise #6

Take an emphasis lying down. Put your hands a little narrower than your shoulders, at face level. As you inhale, bend your elbows and lower yourself down, keeping your entire body straight. As you exhale, straighten your arms and rise. The exercise is similar to push-ups, but the setting of the hands

Exercise number 7

Stand up straight, spread your arms out to the sides, palms down, and clench your fists. With an effort, bend your hand at the wrist, pointing your fist down, and then straighten it, moving your fist up. Perform, constantly alternating arms - one bends, and at the same time the other unbends.

Exercise #8

Lie on the floor or on a couch with your arms crossed over your chest. On exhalation, forcefully lift the upper part of the body, while inhaling, without relieving tension, lower the body.

Exercise #9

Slightly stoop your back, slightly bend your knees. With tension, raise your straightened right hand in front of you with your fingers clenched into a fist. Then, forcefully lower it, while raising your left hand in parallel. Alternate hands throughout the approach.

Exercise #10

Grasp the back of the chair with your hands, slightly hunch your back. Bring your legs together, rest your heels on the floor. With effort, tear off the front of the feet from the floor, leaning only on the heels. Then lower your feet - tensely, as if trying to crush something with them.

Exercise #11

Do the same as in the first exercise - bending and unbending the arms with effort - but keep your hands not outstretched to the sides, but lowered down.

Exercise #12

Stand up straight, raise your hands above your head and clasp them in the lock. Rotate your body to the right and then bend over. Repeat the same on the other side. Perform all movements slowly and tensely.

Exercise #13

Stand up straight with your hands on a chair. With an effort, rise on your toes - as if trying to push the floor with them. Slowly, with tension, lower your heels down.

Exercise #14

Standing straight and keeping your arms bent at your sides, tilt your body forward with an effort, and straighten your arms. Without releasing tension, return to the starting position.

Exercise #15

Standing straight, raise your hands with clenched fists up as if you want to hit the ceiling in very slow motion. Raise your hands one by one without stopping the movement.

Style Outcome

For an experienced athlete, Anokhin's strength gymnastics is unlikely to be enough independent training, but with its help you can diversify the training and gain new skills. This system will help beginners to learn how to feel the work of muscles, experienced athletes to overcome the “stagnation” in strength indicators.