Anatomy of weight loss: why not abruptly. how not to lose weight how not to lose weight

Starting a war with, everyone can come to both victory and defeat. Sometimes a fiasco overtakes those who quit halfway through and did not finish what they started. Why is the weight not reduced to the desired extent? What needs to be done to get long-term results?

Experts studied the trends in this, unfortunately, mass "movement" and came to the conclusion that many losing weight go to extremes and prefer methods from the "series" of the most popular diet of Hollywood stars or blatantly dangerous "get infected" methods, etc. Subsequently such extreme measures can lead to eating disorders, organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system and other disorders.

It is not surprising that mass advertising and the desire to become slim that has reached its climax can cause a desire to apply precisely extreme technique. Such methods usually require less effort, attention, diligence in the daily search for food to prepare the right dishes, categorical refusals of some "goodies" and time spent on scrupulous calorie counting. Read this article about the six most common weight loss mistakes and avoid them on the way to a successful result!

Extremely low calorie diets and fasting

An exhausting diet will lead to a deficiency in the body of the nutrients it needs, which will lead to serious health problems.

A sharp and excessive reduction in calories always leads to the desired loss of extra pounds, but in parallel with this positive moment, it carries the risk of a boomerang, which consists in the return of the lost one in a short time after the completion of the diet. This effect is explained by the fact that during the observance of a special diet, extra pounds do not go away due to the loss of excess adipose tissue. In such cases, muscles and subcutaneous fat can “lose weight” (from the loss of the fluid in it).

How to avoid such an error? Don't cut your calorie intake below 1200 per day. Remember that exhausting diets and, especially, starvation very often lead to health problems.

Exhausting physical activity

Sometimes the desire to become slim makes people rush to the other extreme - frequent, intense and long-term exercises. physical training. This choice may be dictated by advertising or television talk shows, publications in fashion magazines or on questionable Internet resources. Such rushes are especially dangerous when, before starting classes, a person suffering from chronic diseases who is losing weight does not even think about the admissibility of such physical activity. For these careless people, exercising at the gym or at home on a sports mat can lead to dehydration, serious injury, or electrolyte imbalances that have a negative effect on the cardiovascular and other body systems.

The other extreme in weight loss, which is accompanied by breakdowns in the form of a kind of gluttony caused by the stress of being forced to refuse goodies, are “acts of punishing oneself for the sin of overeating” in the form of exhausting workouts. Such shakes often further aggravate the burden on the psyche of a person who is losing weight and can also lead to the development of health complications.

The way out of such a possible trap is simple - to do every day for half an hour on cardio machines. This approach will only bring benefits and save you from possible unpleasant surprises. In addition, conscious motivation to lose weight and the regularity of training will help you get positive emotions during such classes, and not get stressed.

Diet pills and other dubious drugs and dietary supplements prescribed by a non-physician

The expanses of the media - magazines and online publications - have long been full of advertisements for various pills and dietary supplements created specifically for weight loss. However, one should not rush to immediately blindly trust such information.

Unlicensed pills and dietary supplements from dubious companies are almost always ineffective and not always safe for health. Such unscrupulous manufacturers often "forget" to indicate the entire composition of the drug, a list of possible contraindications and interactions with others. medicines. And such a lack of information can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the occurrence of undesirable conditions caused by side effects facilities.

A striking example of such miracle drugs can be tablets containing high doses of caffeine, laxatives or diuretics. Such components always lead to an imbalance between electrolytes and dehydration.

There is only one way out when buying weight loss products - to receive doctor's recommendations when choosing a drug or to purchase only the medicines and dietary supplements prescribed by him. Do not blindly believe advertising and always provide the doctor with complete information about your health status. Only if you follow these rules, you will not make a mistake and save your health.

Detox programs and cleanses

A series of enemas will not help you lose weight, but it will cause you physical discomfort and dehydration.

Conducting a series of cleansing enemas and courses of siphon enemas - such weight loss programs and the detoxification of the body necessary for this effect are offered by many private companies that have nothing to do with the concepts of the right and (most importantly!) healthy weight loss. Such "sweeps" only lead to the loss of stool and fluid in the intestinal walls. And such an effect is far from being beneficial for health and is so short-term that there can be no question of any loss of extra centimeters, for example, at the waist, if we are guided by the real facts of the process of combating obesity.

Eliminating such a mistake is quite simple - do not become like an unthinking crowd and do not believe the false statements of dubious firms. Competent detoxification, which is certainly necessary for weight loss, consists in the natural cleansing of the intestines, easily achieved by the intake of vegetables, fruits, berries and juices from them. And a natural “broom” for the intestinal walls can be natural fiber, which is present in many vegetables, fruits and is sold as a dietary supplement in pharmacies.

More "wild" types of cleansing the body

These ineligible common sense purges consist of taking large doses, provoking vomiting, and the act of chewing and spitting out food. Such pseudo-methods for weight loss can only harm both health and the adequacy of eating behavior.

When chewing, the stomach begins to produce juice containing acid to digest the bolus (food bolus) and absorb the resulting food mass. If the food is spit out or expelled with the help of artificially induced vomiting, does not enter the stomach and does not remain in it for a certain time, then the process of self-digestion of the mucous membrane of the organ begins. In addition, during vomiting, the acid in the food mass provokes the appearance, contributes to the appearance, creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Subsequently developing diseases - inflammation of the esophagus or - can provoke the growth of tumors dangerous to health and life.

The other extreme in slimming cleansing - laxatives - always leads to an imbalance between vital electrolytes and dehydration. In addition, the body does not receive the necessary minerals and vitamins, which also leads to a deficiency of these substances and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of hypovitaminosis and other pathologies.

The only way to eliminate this error when losing weight is to categorically reject these false methods to combat obesity. Do not become a victim of methods invented by people far from medicine!

Smoking "for the good" of a slim figure

Yes, nicotine dulls the feeling of hunger, but the consequences of smoking and nicotine addiction are no less dangerous to health than extra pounds.

The amount of information about the dangers of smoking is difficult to overestimate: the media is trumpeting this, information is provided on the websites of reputable medical organizations, and lessons are held in educational institutions. However, among young people, such a pseudo-method for the struggle for a slim figure as smoking, which suppresses appetite, has still become popular.

Debunk the myth that nicotine can't handle extra pounds, were able to researchers who studied the state of appetite in a group of smokers and non-smokers. It turned out that this substance is really capable of dulling the feeling of hunger for a while. However, it turned out that after this time period, volunteers from both groups still ate approximately the same portions of food.

The "creators" of this strange and dangerous method are trying to get around this inconvenience on the way to the long-awaited harmony in a different way - they smoke often (that is, as soon as a feeling of hunger arises). As a result, the risk of developing diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, digestive tract and they increase significantly.

Avoiding such a dangerous mistake when choosing a way to lose weight is simple - do not start smoking, quit smoking and do not believe the advice of people who allegedly solved the problem of obesity with nicotine addiction.

Develop a safe and effective system nutrition and training for weight loss, which is right for you, can a specialist or you yourself. However, one should not think that finding a way to fight obesity on your own is so simple. In order for it to be correct, you will need to study the principles of strategies with overweight independently and undergo a medical examination to exclude possible contraindications to a particular technique. Only this way will ensure safety during the war with extra pounds.

Many women remember that they need to lose weight a couple of weeks before a birthday, an important meeting or vacation. At the same time, they are looking for effective diet to quickly lose weight and get in shape.
This is a very dangerous path, as rapid weight loss is unhealthy and can have an extremely negative effect on appearance. As a result, you will get not only the desired harmony, but also sagging skin in thinner places, and in addition to this - headaches, nausea, dizziness and an earthy complexion. We'll tell why it is impossible to lose weight sharply and why it is dangerous

Anatomy of weight loss
The body transforms excess carbohydrates and calories derived from them into fat molecules and packs them tightly into fat cells. As a result, fat cells grow in size and tightly packed, closely adjacent to each other.
When losing weight, there is a sharp restriction of calories, and carbohydrates from food are not enough to replenish energy reserves, so the body gets fats from cells. But overstretched cells, consuming fat, fill it with water, which gives swelling. If water is also driven away, the tissues lose their elasticity and the skin sags, normal metabolism is disturbed and health problems arise.
When you stop the diet, the cells store fat again, and if you have not switched to the principles healthy eating, you get larger volumes than you were before losing weight.

What happens to fats
Fats during weight loss break down into their constituent parts - glycerol and fatty acid chains. This occurs as a result of signals from the brain when the level of these same fatty acids in the blood plasma decreases. This happens when fasting, limiting fat.
Fatty acids are insoluble substances, and their transport through the blood is possible only in connection with proteins. Therefore, with protein starvation, weight loss is due to the destruction muscle tissue- Proteins are used to "carry" fat for splitting.
As a result of the fact that proteins with fats form rather large compounds, the blood with them in the composition becomes more viscous. That is why all diets require increased drinking regimen - in order to thin the blood and not lead to complications.
Protein will distribute the fats to the muscles if you exercise in parallel with the diet, or to the liver if you are only on a diet. When fat reaches the liver or muscles, it burns to form carbon dioxide and water.
As fat is burned, fluid volume increases. This fluid is collected from the tissues and enters the bloodstream, and if you lose weight sharply, the volume of blood circulating in the vessels will also increase dramatically. This increases blood pressure and is harmful to the vessels of the brain. Your head will hurt and you may experience dizziness.
Some of the fluid will go back into the tissues to reduce blood pressure. This gives puffiness - people swell from hunger. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to burn extra fat at a rate of no more than 1.5 kilograms per week.

If the muscles are not involved in weight loss, you move a little - only the liver burns fats, and its forces are not endless. Part of the fats will be deposited in the liver itself, creating fatty hepatosis, as well as in the walls of blood vessels, giving cholesterol plaques. With this weight loss, the risk of a heart attack increases five times.
A loaded liver will no longer cope with its duties. A couple of such drastic weight loss - and indigestion will be pronounced. Then even cholecystitis can form, inflammation biliary tract with biliary dysfunction.
In addition, due to a fat deficiency, there is no exchange of fat-soluble vitamins A and E, and they are responsible for your beauty. Therefore, with rapid weight loss, hair and nails become brittle and dull, the skin turns gray, becomes dry and flabby.

Summer is here, and many of us are dieting and actively losing weight to look great on the beach.
However, many people who lose weight very often experience repeated key mistakes, which often reduce this whole process to terrible torture.

Some people spend their entire adult lives on a diet. But it is still not possible to lose weight steadily. Why?

1. Wrong attitude to water. This is one of the simplest mistakes - limiting the use of water. Water is essential for burning calories. If your body is dehydrated, then your metabolism slows down, which leads to slower weight loss.
Nutritionists believe that adults who drink more than eight glasses of water a day (1.5 liters) burn more calories than those who drink fewer.

Elena Nikitina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, an employee of the Department of Clinical Nutrition of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, comments:
“Solid food, for the assimilation of which the body spends up to 10% of the energy received, is processed slowly, lingers in the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. Liquid calories are absorbed instantly, with virtually no energy expenditure. Therefore, a person imperceptibly drinks more than he planned.
And the amount of food eaten, which we “wetted” with a drink, is greater.
You should not quench your thirst with soda and fruit juices, especially packaged ones. The sugar content in them is about the same, and you want to drink even more after them.
There are no less carbohydrates in juices than in confectionery. For example, a glass of grape juice is equal in calories to a serving of chocolate cake.
Lots of calories and sugar in milkshakes and alcoholic drinks.
Pure tea and coffee contain virtually no calories. But they are seriously “weighted” by all kinds of additives. For example, a cup of coffee contains only 2 kcal, coffee with sugar and milk will pull up to 75 kcal, and mocha with cream and chocolate - even 275 kcal (the same as in a full-fledged hot dish).

Caloric content of drinks (kcal per 100 ml)

  • water - 0
  • tea - 1
  • coffee - 1
  • kvass - 27
  • tea with sugar (1 spoon) - 28
  • grapefruit juice - 35
  • sweet soda - 42
  • fruit drink - 46
  • coffee with sugar (1 spoon) and milk - 75
  • grape juice - 75
  • milkshake - 96
  • hot chocolate - 110

Alcoholic drinks

  • beer - 43 (light), 48 (dark)
  • champagne
  • - 64 (dry), 100 (sweet)
  • vodka - 235
  • cognac - 239

2. Starvation and strict diet. Many losing weight believe that it is better to lose weight quickly, and then maintain it with minimal effort.

Elena Tereshina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, gerontologist comments:
“In-red starvation - with complete starvation, the o-organism first of all consumes proteins, therefore, the constant companions of a hunger strike are flabbiness of the skin, the formation of wrinkles, muscle weakness. Against the background of protein deficiency, anemia develops, immunodeficiency develops, blood pressure decreases, heartbeat women go through menopause.

A fast, rigid diet puts the body into "energy-saving mode" by slowing down the metabolism. The body begins to create a reserve, because, unlike you, it does not know how long the hunger strike will continue.
Therefore, it is worth breaking loose in a half-starved existence and allowing yourself even the slightest excess - a bun or a cake - as it is immediately deposited on the hips or waist. And with the transition to the usual nutrition system, the weight lost returns as soon as possible.

It must be remembered: even with the most correct and balanced diet, a return of 10-20% of the weight lost is the norm.

3. Eliminate fats or carbohydrates from the diet

S-vetlana Derbeneva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences comments:
“The essence of a fat-free diet is the consumption of low-calorie foods. Such a diet leads to a violation of fat metabolism, reduces the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.
Weight gains on such a diet faster due to the fact that low-fat foods are not saturating and they are eaten more.

By the way, another common mistake is the misconception that you can lose weight quickly if you limit your carbohydrate intake.

Carbohydrates - the main supplier dietary fiber which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Refusing them, we doom ourselves to constipation and violations of the intestinal microflora. In addition, carbohydrates are actively involved in the process of splitting unnecessary fats, so they are vital for losing weight.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between simple carbohydrates (sweet, flour), which are quickly digested and also burn quickly, and slow carbohydrates (nuts, grains, legumes, plant fibers), which break down slowly and leave a feeling of satiety for a long time. However, a couple of times a week you can even afford cakes. Diet is perceived by many as a painful time, and sweet pleasures defuse the situation.

4. Do not eat after 18.00 - one of the most popular tips, which, in particular, is actively promoted by stellar young mothers, who say that this is how they were able to lose 10-15 kg in a couple of months.

Tatyana Pilat, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. I. M. Sechenov:
“The body perceives a 12-14 hour break in food as a hunger strike. Because of this, the level of glucose in the blood drops sharply, which leads to uncontrolled appetite.
It is especially undesirable to “lose weight” in this way for people who go to bed after midnight. They release specific enzymes and hormones into the blood in the evening.
If the meal necessary for them is missed, a hormonal rebellion begins in the body, which negatively affects well-being, mood, health and appearance.
Of course, it's still not worth overeating at night. The optimal evening foods are low-fat, easily digestible, low-calorie: sour-milk and seafood, fruits, boiled vegetables.

Suitable and dietary poultry meat, low-calorie cottage cheese, fish. You can treat yourself to an apple, pear, orange, but it is better to refuse bananas.
At the same time, remember: the last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime.

5. Exhausting workouts - among those who are losing weight, it is widely believed that if you start playing sports, you can eat whatever you want - long and exhausting workouts will quickly help you lose weight.
Everyone knows that in order to lose weight, you need to have muscles. How more muscle the easier it is to lose weight. Therefore, many well-motivated beauties begin every day to carry out hard workouts without resting for their body. In this way, you will earn constant fatigue, a breakdown nervous system.
And as soon as you leave training, the weight will go up. Do you love strength? Four workouts a week is more than enough.

In pursuit of perfect figure and in dreams of harmony, women are ready to try everything! There are a lot of ways to lose weight: salon procedures, fitness, sports, diets ... and even smoking! So how to lose weight without harming the body and without making typical and dangerous mistakes of losing weight? By choosing the right way to achieve your goal (losing 10 kg of weight, returning to prenatal shape, etc.), you can painlessly get a slim figure, choosing the wrong one, you simply will not lose weight at best.

But for what? What does she want from me?

She has a need to love, probably ... To love something other than herself. Or maybe… she just wants something to eat.

Eat? some nonsense! mothers do not eat their daughters.

Who knows. what if you're delicious?

Coraline in the land of nightmares (Coraline)

How not to lose weight: typical mistakes

There are very few women in the world who are completely satisfied with their bodies. Even the owners slender figures often it seems that they have too full legs, not enough slim stomach and not at all elastic buttocks. What can we say about girls whose weight really exceeds the norm ...

Real or far-fetched shortcomings force the fair sex to wage an eternal battle with excess weight, which does not always end. The process of losing weight has not turned into a real danger to health, and in order not to make the classic mistakes of losing weight on the way to the desired figure, you need to figure out how to get rid of extra pounds not possible under any circumstances.

Fast weight loss

No matter how tempting the prospects fast weight loss, doctors unanimously warn: this is wrong and dangerous. The body will begin to resist weight loss in every possible way, storing fat, that is, the tendency to be overweight will become even greater.

When you suddenly lose weight, half-life products of fat are formed in the body that are dangerous to health, and the higher the rate of weight loss, the more of them. In addition, the body simply does not have time to adapt to weight loss, which can cause disturbances in the work of the most important organs: the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, hormonal disorders and sagging skin.

According to doctors, the daily calorie intake for women ranges from 1500 to 2500 kcal, and the optimal weight loss rate is no more than 5% of the initial weight per month.

Starvation and strict diets

It’s not so easy to follow a strict diet or starve at all: most likely, you won’t be able to stand it and break loose. And the lack of willpower has nothing to do with it. The body craves nourishment, and it is almost impossible to fight physiology.

In addition, giving up food will not give a long-term result. Our body does not know what a “diet” is, so it perceives a sudden restriction in food as a distress signal and begins to save energy by slowing down the process of basic metabolism.

Even when you leave the diet, this process is not restored. That is, the body receives more nutrients, but still saves on their use. Hence the “yo-yo effect”: at first, only the lost kilograms return, then the weight continues to grow. Yes, and you lose weight on starvation diets not at the expense of fat, but at the expense of muscles and water.

Well, don't forget the health risks! On a strict diet, you will definitely not get those essential nutrients that form the cells of the body and ensure the normal functioning of organs. Lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber can seriously and irrevocably undermine health.

artificial vomiting

Another unacceptable way to lose weight, used mainly by young girls. It is based on the idea that after a meal and subsequent vomiting, there is a feeling of satiety, and the consumption of calories does not occur.

If you constantly induce vomiting after eating, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, secretory activity is disturbed, and the signal in the vomiting center becomes constant, and vomiting turns into a conditioned reflex. The body will thus react to each meal.

This threatens with metabolic disorders, gastritis, peptic ulcer and can end tragically. Among fans of weight loss with the help of artificial vomiting, there have been cases of death from exhaustion. Do not make this mistake under any circumstances!

Tablets, dietary supplements, teas, laxatives

Oh, how I want to believe that miraculous pills without any effort will make you feel thinner and prettier! But miracles don't happen. Instead of excess weight With the help of pills, you can get rid of your own health.

Firstly, the doctor should prescribe the medicine, he must also monitor how the body tolerates "weight loss" therapy. It is extremely unreasonable to self-medicate or stuff yourself with drugs of illegal origin.

Pills that reduce appetite contain strong stimulants, the use of which has a bad effect on the body as a whole. Irritability, nervousness, insomnia and drug dependence appear. Yes, and after the end of the course, the weight will definitely return.

Another variety of miracle pills - fat absorbers, which are fraught with no less dangers. They disrupt the absorption of many important food components. As a result, the condition of teeth, skin and hair worsens.

Yes, and using such pills is not very pleasant: they bind fat and remove it from the body naturally. Therefore, as soon as you eat something fatty, be prepared to immediately look for your way to the toilet.

Laxatives and diuretics are also The best way lose weight. Fat cells do not "live" in the intestines, which means that laxatives cannot remove them. That is, weight loss occurs only due to the excreted water, and we all know how dangerous dehydration is. In addition, long-term use of laxatives and diuretics can lead to disruption of the intestines and kidneys.

Weight loss supplements are a myth. You won’t lose weight on dietary supplements alone - you need an integrated approach to the problem and a thorough check of the drug. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, more than 50% of supplements entering the Russian market contain psychotropic substances hazardous to health.

Colon cleansing with an enema

Another way to get rid of excess weight, which appeared against the backdrop of the erroneous opinion that weight is growing due to slagging of the intestines. As with laxatives, it is impossible to lose weight with a bowel cleanse, as fat cells are located in completely different places. In addition, cleansing procedures should only be carried out in a medical facility, and daily enemas at home can lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora.

Exhausting workouts

If you have never played sports and are also overweight, exhausting workouts are not suitable for you. This is fraught with a decrease in bone mass, the appearance of heart problems and suppression of the immune system.

Acquaintance with sports should be unobtrusive and gradual. Start with daily long walks, sign up for a pool. When the weight stops decreasing, but has not yet reached the desired values, you can increase the load.

You need to do this under the strict guidance of a trainer, and choose only those activities that you can do regularly. If you suddenly get carried away with exercise equipment, and then quit going to the gym, the muscles will turn into fat and the efforts will be in vain.

The Ministry of Health has been warning about the dangers of smoking for many years. However, there is a myth in our minds that quitting smoking inevitably leads to weight gain. Cigarettes do not burn fat and do not reduce appetite. So, the amount of smoked does not affect our weight. Yes, nicotine causes an increase in metabolic rate, but this is only a minor one. positive effect against the backdrop of a huge number of negative consequences, which are written in large letters on cigarette packs.

Hello friends!

Of course, you know that there are many ways to lose weight, but which ones allow you to lose weight correctly? To understand this, you first need to understand how not to lose weight using unhealthy methods of rapid weight loss.

First of all, you need to remember that using unhealthy ones, you will quickly gain weight again when you return to your usual life. In the process of losing weight, everything is not so simple. Losing weight takes a lot of time and patience. You can not quickly get rid of the fat accumulated over several years. No, of course you can, but with health consequences.

Effective Weight Loss Methods

No matter how you want, but the right one was and remains connected with the right balanced diet and regular workouts. Without health consequences, you need to lose no more than 1 kg per week. But many people are not ready to wait, but strive by hook or by crook to reduce the time to lose weight and clearly show how it is impossible to lose weight.

Unhealthy Ways to Lose Weight Quickly

Still, the information war exists, and some people firmly believe in many things about the wrong methods of losing weight, which they are told from TV screens, magazines and other sources. A partial weight loss list is as follows:

  • Laxatives and diuretics
  • Wrapping or special suits for weight loss.

For a long time, special (illegal) weight loss pills have been and are being used. Most of them are not certified. It remains only to guess what these funds are, and what consequences will be after taking them. In the past, people even used drugs to lose weight, such as cocaine or amphetamines.

Each organism reacts differently to taking dubious drugs, but there is no doubt that the effect is negative. In addition, the cessation of taking drugs causes a sharp response of the body. One of these reactions may be weight gain.

Another myth about effective reduction weight. Yes, cigarettes speed up metabolism and dull the feeling of hunger, but the negative ones can hardly be overestimated. Imagine that even obesity (depending on the degree) is not as dangerous as smoking.

The list of "advantages" is endless, but I would like to highlight the main ones:

  • Lungs' cancer
  • Stroke
  • heart attack
  • Chronic lung disease

Do you want to lose weight by smoking?

Sometimes fasting is useful for cleansing the body, if used under control for a short time, without limiting the body with vitamins and nutrients.

It is quite another thing - a real hunger for a long time. This is how you damage your health. Your body is deprived of nutritional resources, which does not allow it to function properly. Due to unhealthy fasting, brittle bones, stomach ulcers, swelling, slow metabolism (weight gain), and decreased immunity can occur.

All of you have probably heard about the method of emptying the stomach by inducing vomiting after eating. The idea is that the stomach is first saturated with food, and then the stomach is quickly cleared of it. But what consequences can be expected with a systematic cleansing of the stomach in this way?

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Problems with the esophagus
  • Lack of essential substances
  • bulimia

The laxative is an ancient weight loss remedy, or so it is believed. Laxatives are found in tablets and in the form of tea. In addition to intestinal upset and fluid loss, you get nothing else. Regular use of laxatives can lead to dehydration, hemorrhoids, and even kidney failure.

Regular with wrap or special clothing. Yes, in fact, suits are used by athletes for rapid weight loss (water loss) before the competition, but nothing more. There is fluid loss, not fat burning.

Using the suits on an ongoing basis can lead to dehydration and an uncontrolled increase in body temperature. The temperature rise is the most dangerous consequence the use of special clothing for weight loss. The body can not withstand such a load.

You can write for a long time about how not to lose weight. But the main thing is to think carefully before applying another "working" way to get rid of excess weight.