Effective exercises to sit down the longitudinal twine. How to quickly sit on the longitudinal twine? - Effective stretching exercises

The ability to sit on a twine for many people is an indicator of a person's flexibility. And what more flexible people, the easier it is for them to move, and with sudden movements there is no pain.

The ability to sit on a split allows you to use the possibilities of the body more fully, there is a feeling that you can go in any direction from any position without fear of pulling the ligaments in your legs.

To achieve this result, there are training methods with photo exercises for twine. They are divided according to the type of muscle stretching into static, ballistic and proprioceptive.

Moreover, to achieve the maximum effect, you should perform exercises for all these types, and to prevent injuries, do a warm-up first.

Any exercises for stretching the twine at home should be divided into 3 stages: first, a warm-up, then a set of movements to load the muscles responsible for cross twine, then train the muscles of the longitudinal twine.

In order not to be bored, turn on the music, it will also help set the rhythm of the exercises. Some movements require a constant load for a certain time, a stopwatch will help here.

Warm-up before twine

All trainees, whether they are experienced athletes or beginners who decide to sit on the twine from scratch, are required to start training with a warm-up.

It is best to use exercises such as:

  • squats with emphasis on one leg, for this, spread your legs wider and, squatting, transfer weight from one leg to another;
  • leg swings: a well-known exercise from childhood, when raising your leg, you need to reach it to your outstretched arm;
  • jumping from a "sitting" or "half-sitting" position.

Exercises for transverse twine

In ordinary life, the muscles responsible for performing the transverse twine are often not used.

There is nothing surprising that when trying to use them for the first time, they do not allow the intended action to be performed, or they do not withstand and are torn.

Therefore, for their development, there are special exercises:

  • in the “lying” position, you need to raise your legs at a right angle to the surface and spread them apart from each other;
  • sitting like a yogi (when the feet rest against each other), press your hands on your knees, trying to press them to the floor. Such an exercise is called a "butterfly";
  • sit on one leg and straighten the other, then bend to the straightened leg, touching her foot, after the legs change.

Exercises for longitudinal twine

It can be harder to sit in a longitudinal twine than in a transverse one. But made for him effective complex twine exercises.

It includes movements in which the load is directed to the muscles of the back of the thighs:

  • we sit on the floor and start tilting, trying to touch the feet. The legs should be extended. If it worked out, we grab our toes and try to “fold” in half;
  • sitting also on the floor, we spread our legs to the maximum angle and make inclinations, first to one and then to the other leg. One hand should be above the head, and the other under it;
  • from the “lotus” position, stretch one leg forward, leaving the other in place, then bend to the outstretched leg, then change the position of the legs.

Exercises for beginners

If you are just thinking about starting, then you will need to know the twine exercises for beginners.

They are described below, just remember that you need to start training gradually, increasing the load every day, and not trying to embrace everything on the first try:

  • stand up, close your legs and from this position do inclinations, trying to touch your toes;
  • it is necessary to sit on the leg, setting the other aside, then reach for the outstretched leg, trying to touch the foot, after replacing the legs;
  • rest your foot on the back of the chair, your knees should be straight, then bend alternately to each leg, after a while the legs change.

Stretching for fast results

The main condition for performing exercises for quick stretching for twine is a preliminary exercise.

Here it is not necessary to do something professionally, ordinary exercises are enough, the most important thing is the habit of your muscles to exercise.

Then, by performing the following exercises, you can achieve results very quickly:

  • stand with your back to the wall and bend over, then raise one leg so that it is parallel to the surface of the wall and behind you at the same time;
  • lie on your stomach and spread your legs to get the frog pose. The longer you can hold out like this, the better the result;
  • standing on one leg, lift the other up, holding the foot with your hands, and then put it behind your head.

We wish you a good result!

Photo exercises for twine

We wondered how to quickly and most importantly sit on the twine correctly and without injury, then this article is for you. Moreover, we will analyze recommendations and exercises that will not only allow you to sit on the twine, but will help you do it at home without resorting to the services of fitness centers, so you can save time and money. However, you need to warn in advance that you will have to work hard on yourself, because learning to sit on a twine is not so easy.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot attend stretching classes, where you will work out under the close supervision of a trainer who at any time will be able to tell you how to perform the exercise correctly and point out possible mistakes. In this case, you need to know how to properly train at home in order to sit on the twine relatively quickly and without injury. Why relatively? Because stretching in itself is quite traumatic and how quickly you sit on the twine depends not only on the correct technique for performing the exercises, but also on individual characteristics. Someone's ligaments are softer and stretch much better, while someone will have to try hard to stretch them and develop tendons in order to eventually sit on the twine. In any case, in order to sit on the twine, you need to know the rules and features of stretching at home.

How to quickly and without injury sit on the twine at home?

  • The first thing to note for home stretching workouts is not to rush and set yourself a hard time frame, for example, sit on the twine in a week or two weeks. Such short-term goals often lead to injuries, moreover, doing home workouts for splits without the supervision of a coach and having no experience in stretching, you can earn a sprain or even a rupture of the ligaments. Therefore, if you decide to sit on the twine on your own at home, there is no need to rush, listen to your body, master the technique of doing the exercises and follow the recommendations for training for stretching at home and you will succeed as quickly as your body allows you, well, perseverance, of course.
  • Before you start stretching exercises, you need to properly warm up the muscles, ligaments and tendons, for this it is necessary to do a warm-up for everyone within 10-15 minutes. muscle groups especially the leg muscles. By warming up at the beginning of a class, not only will it be easier for you to perform the exercises, which will allow you to sit on the twine faster, but also reduce the risk of injury during the stretching process. Also, to help the muscles and ligaments warm up and become more elastic, you can take a hot shower.
  • Stretch for 45-60 minutes (including warm-up) about three times a week. Stretching days can be alternated with strength training, for example, if on Monday you had a heavy strength or aerobic load, then on Tuesday you can safely stretch, this will also help reduce muscle pain after a workout. If desired, stretching can be carried out immediately after power and aerobic exercise, when the muscles and ligaments are more than warmed up. If you want to sit on the twine as quickly as possible, which is at home, I personally do not recommend, as they say, hurry up - you will make people laugh, you can do it more often, allocating only one day for rest. You can use this training regimen when you get comfortable and correctly perform the exercise technique, as well as learn to listen to your body.

  • In order to sit on the twine without injury, the exercises should be performed at a slow pace without sharp jerks, make sure that the load is distributed evenly. A slight pulling pain should be felt. However, as a rule, when a person feels pain, he begins to strain his muscles in order to reduce and avoid this discomfort, because for the body, stretching is essentially not a natural process. Trying to sit on the twine, to some extent, you injure the ligaments. You should learn to relax the muscles at the moment of feeling a slight pain, try not to hold your breath, but rather breathe as evenly as possible, so the pain will be easier to bear. Turn on light relaxing music, this is also a great way to take your mind off the pain. You should not bring the exercise to a sharp and unbearable pain, this will certainly lead to sprain, everything should be in moderation.
  • You should know that there are two types of twine: dynamic, when shock movements are performed (leg swings) and static, exercises performed while sitting on the floor at a slow pace, turning into static. So, these two types of twine complement each other, because it happens that a person can wave his leg to the state of twine, but he cannot sit in the twine on the floor and vice versa. Therefore, in order to effectively conduct training for the twine, you should perform exercises, both in statics and in dynamics. The best option would be to alternate them. For example, if you sat in a static split for 1-1.5 minutes, you should swing your legs for at least 30-40 seconds.
  • When you do static split exercises, do not freeze completely, but continue with small swaying up and down, from side to side. You should not use too large an amplitude with sharp jerks, it should be light swaying, while the ligaments should be stretched like a string, and the muscles should be as relaxed as possible.
  • Concerning static exercises, no matter how much you give yourself indulgence, take a timer (smartphone app) and start doing the exercise for 20-30 seconds, increasing the time with each lesson. It will also allow you to mark your progress towards the coveted twine.

  • In order to develop and stretch the ligaments, especially the popliteal ligaments, pull your socks over yourself during the exercises. Keep your back straight, do not stoop or drop your shoulders. If your back or knees hurt while doing splits, most likely you violate the technique of the exercise and the ligaments of your legs are not loaded enough.
  • Make sure that you have appropriate clothing during your stretching workout that will not hinder your movements and allow your feet to slide on the floor. At home, these can be ordinary socks that can easily slide both on the carpet and on the parquet.
  • If you are seriously thinking about how to sit on the twine, you need to monitor your diet, so when eating meat and meat products, the ligaments will be rougher and more resistant to stretching. Drink plenty of water, this will not only make the muscles and ligaments elastic, but also support high level metabolic processes in the body.
  • The most effective stretching is, of course, in the morning, but at the first stages, you should still do classes in the evening, when the body is already warmed up, so the training will be easier and a little less painful.
  • I want to draw your attention to extraneous "help". Unless, of course, this is a highly qualified coach, then it is better to refuse such interference. By exerting physical pressure on you during the performance of this or that exercise, a person can cause injury, because he does not feel the degree of tension in your ligaments at all. Remember, in order to sit on the twine, you do not need any helpers or additional devices, only you, the floor and your perseverance.

How to quickly and correctly sit on the twine at home (video)

Effective Exercises for stretching, which will help you quickly sit on the twine at home

All the stretching exercises below that will help you sit on the twine at home can be used as a complex, where the exercises go one after the other in the order presented. However, if you wish, you can perform the exercises for the twine in discord, changing them every workout.

Begin to perform all exercises within 20-30 seconds, while it is not necessary to freeze completely, you can perform light springs with a small amplitude. As you stretch and your body begins to get used to the load, gradually increase the time for each exercise. You can also perform a set of exercises at the beginning on the ligaments of one leg, then for the second, or perform each exercise, alternating legs. Certainly, the best option there will be a study at the beginning of one, after which the other leg.

  1. Starting position: stand straight, feet wider than shoulder width, toes pointed in front of you. From this position, slowly lower the body down, while not pulling the pelvis back, but leave it in its original position, perpendicular to the floor. Straighten your arms and rest your palms on the floor. After that, with light springs, move your hands back between your legs. Make sure that the legs do not remain bent at the knees.

  2. This twine exercise can be a continuation of the previous one. Put your feet a little narrower, tilt your body forward, bend your arms at the elbows, and rest your palms on the floor. Slowly pushing the body away, spring back, while the legs do not bend at the knees, they should remain as even as possible, and the muscles and ligaments should be tense.

  3. Derivative from the previous exercise: The execution remains the same, the legs are even, slightly wider than shoulder width, the body is even and tilted forward into a fold as much as possible. From this position, try to lower your hands and elbows to the floor. After standing in this position for a while (from 30 seconds), begin to slowly narrow your legs until you feel a slight pain in the hamstrings, while your legs do not bend at the knees.

  4. The next exercise, which will also prepare your body for the twine, is the well-known fold from a standing position. Feet together, toes pointing forward. Tilt your straight body forward and pull it towards your legs as much as possible. The back should remain flat, and the knees should not be bent, you can slightly help yourself with your hands clasping your legs.
  5. Starting position: stand straight, put one leg behind the other (in front), point your toes in front of you. From this position, rest your palms on the knee of the front leg and, continuing the pressure, tilt the body down into the crease. First, do the exercise on one leg, then on the other.

  6. Stand straight, step forward with one foot and focus on the heel, you can slightly bend the supporting leg at the knee. From this position, tilt the body towards the front leg and with light springs, as it were, try to reach the knee with your chest. Keep your back straight and do not bend your front leg at the knee.

  7. Another effective split exercise is side lunges. Make a lunge (as wide as possible) on one leg, point your socks clearly in front of you, with your palms also focus in front of you. Now alternately bend one or the other knee, making lunges in different sides. Try to lower the pelvis as much as possible and feel how the ligaments of a straight leg stretch. Try not to shift the center of gravity back, the back should remain flat.

  8. Continuing the previous exercise. Turn the leg bent at the knee in such a way that the knee and toe are turned away from you, pull the straight leg like a string, while focusing on the heel, and pull the toe away from you, then towards you, do this in slow pace. Tilt your body forward slightly. To keep the tension in the ligaments as much as possible, the leg bent at the knee can be slightly pushed with the elbow of the bent arm. The exercise is performed first on one leg, then on the other.

  9. Starting position: Make a wide lunge forward, bending the knee of the front leg, leave the back leg as straight as possible with emphasis on the toes. From this position, slowly, using light springs, push the pelvis down, leaving the back leg straight. At the same time, tilt the body forward, stretch your arms down and make a light emphasis with your fingers. To slightly complicate the exercise, align the body, moving the center of gravity strictly in the center. The exercise is performed at the beginning on one leg, then on the other.

  10. The next exercise is a continuation of the previous one, that is, you remain in the forward lunge position, with a straight back leg, but tilt the body well forward, parallel to the front leg bent at the knee. From this exercise, pull your pelvis down and your torso and front knee slightly forward. This twine exercise is performed first on one leg, then on the other.

  11. From the starting position of the previous exercise, leave the front leg bent, and bend the back leg in the same way and focus on the knee and toes. Tilt the body back, with your hands focus on the top of the buttocks. From this position, push the pelvis slightly forward with light springs.

  12. Further, from the position of the previous exercise for the twine, align the body, it should be perpendicular to the floor, keep the front leg bent, but move it forward as far as possible. Try to straighten your back leg and only lightly touch the floor with your knee. Fix the center of gravity in the center.

  13. Bring one leg under you and focus on the knee and half-toes, bring the second straight leg in front and focus on the heel, pull the toe towards you. From this position, grasp the toe of the front leg and tilting the body forward, try to reach the knee with your chest, while keeping your back straight.

  14. One of the classic exercises, in order to quickly sit on the twine, is the “butterfly”. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. From this position, with springy movements, press on your knees, spreading them in different directions, you get, as it were, butterfly wings.

  15. Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs to the sides as wide as possible, then bend one leg at the knee and bring it back so that the heel touches the buttocks, while the second should remain straight with the toe stretched over itself. From this starting position, tilt the body to a flat leg, trying to lie down on it, but do not hunch, at the beginning the stomach should touch, then the chest, and at the end the head. During the exercise, make sure that the buttocks are firmly pressed to the floor and the center of gravity does not shift. After you have reached for the leg, without changing the position of the legs, stretch forward, according to the same principle, touching the floor with the whole body. Also in this position, you can stretch sideways to the straight leg, that is, do not turn the body towards the leg, but try to touch the entire side surface of the body to the leg. Then change legs.

  16. This exercise is similar to the previous one, but you just need to bend one leg in front of you. Again, you need to stretch according to the same principle at the beginning to a straight leg, then forward.

  17. Without changing the position of the legs, it is necessary to stretch not with the body turned to the leg, but sideways. For convenience, you can grab the sock with one hand and pull it towards you, and yourself to the sock.

  18. Another exercise from this series, without changing the position of the legs, we put the opposite hand to the bent leg on the bent knee, and with the other hand we grab the toe of the straight leg and stretch our shoulder to the knee of the straight leg. If this is too easy for you, complicate the exercise and stretch your shoulder not to the leg, but to the floor in front of the leg. Try not to hunch over, but to reach for the top of your head to the side.

  19. Sit on the floor, take one leg back, bend the other at the knee and place it in front of you. Try to keep your back leg straight. Next, leaning on the palms, turn the body so that the knee bent leg was strictly under your chin and between the palms. From this position, stretch the toe of the back leg back, and the chest forward. To complicate the exercise, focus not on the palms, but on the elbows, while touching the hands with your forehead.
  20. Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs as wide as possible, then stretch your chest first to one then to the second leg, after which you need to stretch forward, laying the body on the floor in front of you. The principle remains the same, the stomach should be touched first, then the chest, then the head. By following this rule, it will be easier for you to ensure that your back is even and that the stretch is as effective as possible. Stretch the body after the top of the head, make sure that the legs remain straight and the buttocks are firmly pressed to the floor.

  21. Remaining in the starting position of the previous exercise, stretch your shoulder first to one leg, then to the other, while lower arm can be put on the opposite leg, and top hand grab the toe of the leg you are reaching for. As in the previous exercises, try to stretch as much as possible behind the crown.

  22. Remain sitting on the floor, bring your legs together, pull your socks towards you. From this position, lower the body to your feet, lying in a crease. Try not to bend your knees or hunch your back. You can stretch your arms out in front of you.

During the exercise, try not to hold your breath, breathe as evenly as possible. Also, make sure that during the feeling of mild pain you do not pinch the muscles, try to relax as much as possible and distract yourself from unpleasant sensations. To do this, you can turn on light relaxing music and think about something pleasant. Remember that the pain should not be sharp and sharp, be sure to follow the sensations and listen to your body. This is perhaps all the basic tips and exercises that will help you sit on the twine at home without resorting to the services of a trainer. Remember, you will succeed in order to sit on the splits without injury, just be patient.

Stretching at home for transverse twine (video)

Sit on the twine is the dream of many girls. Remember how many enthusiastic sighs and aahs this simple skill causes? Besides that good stretch develops flexibility, elasticity of the ligaments, it looks feminine and sexy. At regular workouts everyone can sit on the longitudinal twine. You just need to put in some effort. Those who want to master this skill quickly should stretch twice a day: in the morning, after waking up and in the evening. The hardest thing to do is to exercise in the morning. At this time, the muscles are more “hard” and react worse to manipulation. It is much easier to do this in the evening.

Who should not sit on the longitudinal twine

Absolutely everyone can master the longitudinal twine, regardless of age, gender and natural flexibility. The only question is how much time you are willing to spend to achieve your goal. As a rule, the fastest way to achieve results is in children. But, there are some limitations here as well.

It is best to avoid overstretching in the following situations:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the joints and muscles. Especially when the disease is in the acute stage. Additional stretching in such a situation can lead to injury and the development of the disease.
  2. Arterial hypertension (chronic high arterial pressure). We cannot categorically state that in the presence of such a pathology, it is impossible to sit on a longitudinal twine. But, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before starting training. He can give recommendations on how to properly approach the construction of training in this case.
  3. Injuries of the pelvis and spine. Especially dangerous are various cracks and dislocations. In such situations, training should be postponed until full recovery.
  4. Postoperative and rehabilitation periods. Some people who have undergone various surgical interventions or serious illnesses seek to return to an active lifestyle as soon as possible. Slow stretching gives them the illusion of a safe form of exercise. But, remember that even this can harm a fragile body. It is better to postpone the start of training until full recovery.

Remember that while stretching, you should not feel sharp pains in the muscles. You can start training only after warming up. All muscles should be warmed up and ready for an unusual load for them. "Cold" ligaments and tendons are very fragile. Any sudden movement can cause injury. Remember a simple formula that applies to any kind of workout: warm-up - body - cool down. This sequence of actions will help to avoid injuries and discomfort after performing a set of exercises.

In order to make a quality stretch and, it is not necessary to run to gym. This is quite possible to do at home. It is important to choose the right set of exercises and perform it regularly. In addition, home workouts will help save not only the money spent on a fitness club, but also precious time.

To work out at home, you will need a mat or place with a suitable surface, a chair with a back, and a small stack of books. The chair will serve as an additional support when performing some exercises. But, if you are physically fit enough, and do not experience any problems with balance, it may not be necessary.

We do the longitudinal twine correctly

You can’t easily sit on the longitudinal twine if you don’t understand how it looks in the correct execution. The legs should be on the same line. The back always remains straight. You can not take the leg to the side (most often this problem affects the back leg). Wrong posture leads to balance problems. It becomes difficult to hold him without support. The risk of injury increases. Since unprepared muscles are included in the work.

Most people who have just mastered the twine have the following errors:

  1. The knee of the hind leg does not straighten. It is most often associated with a poorly prepared tendon
  2. The body is tilted forward. Many people do not focus on a flat back. Lean forward or take the body back. It not only spoils appearance, but can also cause pain in the lumbar region and spine. When lowering into a longitudinal split, remember that the spine should be directed perpendicular to the floor. Tense abdominal muscles will help keep your back straight.
  3. The thigh of the back leg does not rest on the floor. To fix this, straighten your knee.

It is very important to work out the correct muscles during stretching.

A competent fitness instructor will tell you about two important nuances:

  1. During transverse and longitudinal twine work different muscles and ligaments.
  2. Each type of twine has its own biomechanics.

The type and number of exercises for training, its duration and the final result will depend on this.

We fall on the twine

Before we “part” into a longitudinal split, we will talk about the prerequisites for a successful workout. This will make it more effective and less painful.

  1. Be sure to do a workout. It's best to start with active exercise: running, squats, burpees, jumping, etc. The main task is to warm up all muscle groups.
  2. Carefully stretch the "working" muscles. We repeat: in the longitudinal twine and transverse they are different. It is important to choose the right set of exercises.
  3. The training is done in stages. Make enough time for each exercise. Take your time. Best of all, muscles stretch in static. When you need to stay in one position for 20-30 seconds. If you keep this time in static posture difficult, start with a delay of 10 seconds. Increase this amount of time with each workout.
  4. The most important. If you want to quickly get down on the twine, you need to stretch daily. Ideally, if it will be two workouts a day. In other cases, it is enough to train 2 times a week.

Warm up

It has already been mentioned above that it is better to start the warm-up with exercises such as running or jumping rope. This allows you to warm up the muscles and tune in to the workout. Especially when it comes to morning exercises, when the body has not yet had time to wake up. In addition to the active part, the warm-up should include classic exercises which are used to prepare for work. individual muscles. Here is a list of these exercises:

  1. We turn our heads.
  2. Hand rotation.
  3. Tilts.
  4. Leg rotations.
  5. Foot rotations.
  6. Tilts down.
  7. We bend down to our feet.
  8. Leaning down and back.

Warm-up is done from top to bottom: head, arms, shoulder girdle, torso, legs. At the end warm-up complex muscles become more flexible. Like Soviet plasticine, which was warmed up in the hands. Focus your attention on the working muscles. Now let's look at how to do the exercises correctly.

Head rotation

We start the warm-up with the cervical region. It consists of the following movements:

  1. Head tilts forward and backward.
  2. Tilts of the head alternately to the left and right shoulder.
  3. Head turn left and right.

Each cycle of movements must be repeated 8-10 times. Do not forget about the fragility of the cervical spine. Sudden movements can lead to injury. Especially for those who work a lot at the computer. Perform all movements slowly. Trying to carefully develop the muscles of the neck.

Some discomfort in the form of mild dizziness and nausea may occur in people with sensitive vestibular apparatus. In this case, you can perform movements with your eyes closed. After a few workouts, the body adapts, the discomfort will pass by itself.

Hand rotations

This exercise warms up the joints, upper back, deltoid muscles. We will consider a variant of the classic hand rotation. But, if desired, you can first rotate the shoulders, and then move on to the arms. So the upper back will warm up better. During the arm rotation, you can add high-knee steps to start warming up the lower muscle groups:

  1. We perform rotations with straight arms back, describing a full circle. We perform 10 repetitions with each hand.
  2. We perform rotations with straight arms forward, we describe a full circle. We also do 10 repetitions.

It is important to strain the brushes when performing the movement. They shouldn't hang out. Try to perform each movement with the same amplitude.


First, classic side slopes are performed. This exercise is known to many since kindergarten or schools. With this exercise, the intercostal muscles, oblique muscles of the abdomen, back, lower back are stretched:

  1. We perform 10 tilts to the right.
  2. We perform 10 tilts to the left.

In this, it would seem simple exercise should Special attention pay attention to body position. The arm should reach to the side, not up. With the right direction of the hand, the tension in the oblique muscles of the press is well felt. The chest is deployed, directed upwards. The hips are fixed at one point. The back also remains flat, without deflection in the lower back. This position of the torso should be maintained with each repetition. As you rise to the starting position, do not move your hips. Only the body is movable.

Leg rotations

Smoothly move on to the warm-up of the lower body. First, we stretch the buttocks, pelvis and joints. Beginners can do these movements while leaning on a chair, wall, or other comfortable support. To keep your balance easier, try to fix your eyes on one fixed point. It can be a wardrobe, a vase on a shelf, or any other item:

    1. We stand on one leg. We don't swing. Imagine - embedded in the floor. This prevents you from moving.
  1. Pull the second leg, bent at the knee, to the chest
  2. With a bent leg, we describe the outer circle, then the inner one. Do 8 repetitions in each direction.
  3. We repeat the exercise with the second leg.

As in the warm-up of the hands, the amplitude of the movement is important here. The circle described by the knee should be wide enough. Try to keep the knee in the same trajectory in each movement.

Foot rotation

The purpose of this exercise is to warm up the ankle. The gluteal muscles will also be involved:

  1. We remain standing on one leg.
  2. We pull the knee of the working leg to the chest, hold it with our hand. Try to keep your knee as close to your body as possible.
  3. Perform foot rotations. First we move clockwise, then against it. 8 - 10 repetitions in each direction. After that, repeat the exercise with the second leg.

This simple exercise cannot be ignored. The tendons in the ankle area are very fragile. They are easy to injure when unheated.

Down slopes

Tilts are designed to work out all the main muscles of the back, the back of the thigh, the tendons under the knees. In order to effectively work out all of the listed zones, pay attention to some features of the implementation. The legs remain straight all the time, the knees do not bend. This will allow you to qualitatively work out the tendons and biceps of the thigh. The weight of the body is transferred to the socks. In this case, the heels remain standing on the floor. During the tilt, the maximum possible deflection should form in the lumbar region. Imagine that a heavy stone lies on the lower back, and the butt rests against the wall. Let's move on to the description of the exercise:

  1. We put our feet shoulder-width apart (or slightly wider). In order not to lose balance while tilting.
  2. We lower the body ninety degrees. The hands are on the hips. We make short (spring) slopes. In total, 30 springs need to be made.

It is very important to feel the tension under the knees here. This is how tendons stretch. Try to keep this feeling from the beginning to the end of the exercise. Only the back works. The bottom doesn't wobble.

Leaning towards the legs

The same muscle groups are involved as in other types of slopes. Try to feel the work of each of them. When doing this, try not to round your back. It is best to do this in front of a mirror:

  1. The legs remain in line with the shoulders.
  2. We lower ourselves with a straight back to one leg.
  3. We move the body to the center.
  4. Let's move on to the second.
  5. You need to repeat 8 times.

The weight of the body is concentrated on the toes. Heels do not come off the floor. The back remains straight. Try to relax your shoulder blades and shoulder girdle. Remember - the bottom of the body is motionless. It's like your feet are rooted to the floor. The knees remain straight at all times.

Tilts down and back

This is the last exercise in our warm-up. After it, you can safely move on to stretching for longitudinal twine:

  1. Starting position: put your feet wider than your shoulders.
  2. We lower the body at a right angle.
  3. We go down. Ideally, if you managed to touch your legs with your chest.
  4. We return to the original position (p. 1), bend back.

We remind you that the bottom of the body remains motionless. The backbend should be done smoothly, but not deep. Remember, the main task of the exercise is to prepare the muscles for further loading, and not to make a “bridge”. For those who have not trained their back for a long time, we recommend doing all movements slowly. Bending back is best done on the exhale.

A typical warm-up takes 15 to 25 minutes. For beginners, it may take a little longer, up to 30 minutes. Gradually, when you master correct technique things will move much faster.


Before proceeding with the basic twine exercises, let's talk about the benefits of stretching. Flexible muscles and tendons play an important role in human life. They allow the body to remain mobile for a long time and perform its functions. During training, the formation beautiful posture, strengthening the abdominal muscles. And now the good news for the fair sex. Regular classes help to get rid of fat in problem areas women's places: waist, buttocks, hips.

During regular training, the process of strengthening the walls of blood vessels starts. There is an amazing opportunity to get rid of manifestations varicose veins veins (in the early stages of the disease) and generally improve the appearance of the legs. The exercises described below can be performed as a separate workout, or as the final stage. strength training. This will help to form a beautiful embossed body, without losing functionality.


Lunge - the main position for stretching on the longitudinal twine. It involves almost all the "working" muscles. This and gluteal muscle, hips, legs, etc. During the exercise, pay attention to the back knee. It always stays straight. Body weight should be distributed evenly on both legs.

Now consider the technique for performing the exercise:

  1. We take a "giant" step forward (lunge). Hands after entering the position fall to the floor. If you can't reach it, use a gym block or a stack of books for support.
  2. We try to lower the pelvis to the floor. Attention back. The leg remains straight.
  3. On an inhale, raise your arms high, straighten your back. The pelvis is still going down.

We fix this position for half a minute. For beginners, the duration of the exercise is ten seconds. Do not forget to increase this time with each workout.

Static Lunge

In a static lunge, the work of the same muscles as in the previous exercise is very well felt. Please note that you need to smoothly transition into a static lunge from the previous position:

  1. Remaining in the pose of a runner, we lower our hands.
  2. Lower your back foot to the floor.
  3. We linger in this position for a minute.

This exercise is easy to perform and does not cause trouble even for beginners. You need to focus on the position of the body. The back should remain straight. To maintain balance, you can lean on the back of a chair. Try not to roll over on your side.

After a minute, repeat a bunch of two exercises on the other leg.

Tilt to one leg

When tilted to one leg, the calf muscles and Achilles tendons are additionally involved. During this exercise, many experience discomfort in the tendons. This is due to the fact that the tendons in most of us are stiff, and have never experienced such a load. Therefore, you need to stretch them carefully and carefully.

Otherwise, it will be problematic to go down into the longitudinal twine:

  1. The back leg is bent at the knee at a right angle. The front is pulled forward.
  2. We tilt the body to the outstretched leg. You need to reach for the knee with your chest, but not with your shoulders.
  3. We spring 8 times.

Lunge with elbows on the floor

The main problems when performing this type of lunge arise with the position of the body. It can tumble to one side or the other. This happens to almost everyone, due to the unusual position of the body. Try to stay in the same plane. Tight muscles of the body will help to maintain balance. Do not forget that the back, at all stages of the exercise, should remain flat. Don't drop your shoulders, keep your chest open.

  1. The front leg is bent at the knee, the rear leg is fully extended.
  2. We lower the body to the floor. Elbow support.
  3. We linger in this position for a minute.

Those who are unable to lower their elbows to the floor the first time can use a stack of books or a gymnastic cube for additional support. With each subsequent workout, try to go lower. The groin, as in all types of stretching of such a plan, should be directed strictly down.

Stretch for the quadriceps, or front of the thigh

The name of the exercise speaks for itself. Here we will stretch the quadriceps (front of the thigh). Please note: the groin area, throughout the exercise, should tend down to the floor. If you are afraid to "disperse" - put a gymnastic cube or a book under your back leg. The best way to do this exercise is by moving from an elbow lunge:

  1. After completing the previous exercise, raise the body and remain in the “lunge” position.
  2. One hand rests on the floor, and the second stretches back towards the toe.

It is important not to lean back. Here it is necessary to work out the quadriceps, and not the muscles of the body.

Mahi legs

With the help of leg swings, we finally warm up the working muscles and ligaments. The first type of swing is done lying on your back.

It is very important to press the body and non-working leg firmly to the floor throughout the exercise:

  1. Lie down on your back, arms spread out to the side.
  2. We sharply raise the leg up, trying to press it as close to the chest as possible, and then lower it to the floor.
  3. We do 20 - 30 repetitions.

Mahi on the side

Performing the following exercise, try to bring the leg as far as possible, over the shoulder. The body and non-working leg should be in the same line. To maintain a stable position, you can lean on your forearm. The press and body should be tense, buttocks tightened. This will help to avoid unnecessary vibrations of the body and maintain balance:

  1. We lay down on our side, make a swing with a straight leg up.
  2. We perform 20 swings.

The leg must remain straight. Don't bend your knee.

Lunge straightening

This is the final exercise of the complex, after which you can go to the top position. When performing, control the position of the legs. They should not "spread" in different directions. The heel of the back leg is directed to the floor (in the second part of the exercise). Not everyone can put it there. It's not scary. The main thing is to focus on this effort:

  1. Let's go back to the drop. The front knee is bent, the back leg is straight.
  2. We make 8 springy movements, the groin area (again we focus on it) to go down.
  3. After that (without moving the feet) we straighten the front leg, and repeat 8 springs down.

Gradually, from this position, you will be able to lower yourself into a longitudinal split. After completing the exercise, slowly “gather” your legs, rise from the floor. Those who wish can go out of this pose into the so-called “split with support”.

Twine with support

This kind of longitudinal twine is designed for those who are not yet mentally and physically ready to sink to the end on the floor. Gymnastic cubes or books are used as insurance. The cube is placed under the thigh of the hind leg, forming a support for it. It is very important to get down on the cube completely. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Then carefully rise up. With each subsequent repetition, go down a little lower, and increase the duration by 3-5 seconds.

During the execution of such twine, watch right position legs and body. Recall that the back should be straight, and the legs should be in the same line. Only in this position can you sit on the correct longitudinal twine.

Additional exercises

In the complex described above, at your discretion, you can add additional exercises. This is done if there is a desire to additionally stretch one or another muscle group. When adding additional exercises, you need to take into account their specifics. Training should always be top-down. Stretch First cervical region, shoulder girdle, body muscles, legs. Additional exercises will be inserted in the same way. We will describe several of these options so that you have the opportunity to make your workouts more interesting and varied.

Tilts with hands in the castle

Tilts are performed as follows:

  1. We put our feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. We fix our hands “in the castle” behind the back.
  3. Lower the body down, simultaneously with this movement we raise our hands up.
  4. Go down to your knees with your chest, do not round your back.

Such slopes stretch not only rear surface hips, but also knead the back muscle

Dove Pose Stretch

This pose can be entered from any lunge. But, it would be best to put this exercise before performing leg swings.

  1. We put the knee of the front leg on the floor, hide the heel under the femur of the hind leg.
  2. The lower leg is slowly brought forward. We lower the pelvis to the floor, as far as flexibility allows, the hand rests on the floor.
  3. Bend the back leg at the knee. If necessary, you can help yourself with your hand. The main tension will be felt in the quadriceps area.
  4. Holding the back leg with your hand, lower the body to the floor. We try to stay in this position for 60 seconds.

Straight Leg Stretch

This is the final exercise of the complex. It is best to perform it after swinging the legs.

  1. We remain lying on our backs. Raise the working leg up and grab the foot with your hands.
  2. With smooth springy movements, pull your leg to your chest.
  3. Keep the leg as close to the chest as possible. We remain in this position for 10-20 seconds.

The important thing is the knees. They must be straight.

Downward-facing dog stretch

Everyone who has experienced yoga or Pilates knows this asana. The back, shoulder girdle, tendons stretch well in it. This position can be set both at the beginning of a workout and in the middle, for a smooth “transition” to stretching the lower body:

  1. We become in the “downward-facing dog” position: the body is tilted down, resting on straight arms, the tailbone is directed upwards. From the side it should look like an isosceles triangle. Don't forget your back. It must be even. Avoid rounding or bending.
  2. Without changing the position, we begin to imitate walking. The knees are directed strictly towards the chest.
  3. We lower our heels to the floor. We remain in this position for 10-20 seconds (longer if possible).

Stretching in a standing position

This stretch is suitable for the advanced level. The difficulty lies in the need to pull the leg while maintaining balance. But, having reached a certain level of training, this exercise will help make home stretching more effective:

  1. Starting position: we stand straight, closing the feet.
  2. Transferring the weight to right leg. Bend the left knee and pull it to the chest.
  3. Slowly straighten your leg up.
  4. In this position, we linger for 10 seconds, lowering the leg, we return to the starting position.

In an easier version of this exercise, the leg remains bent. Pull it closer to your chest.

The secret to success at home

In order to sit on the longitudinal twine at home, it is important to exercise regularly. The amount of time it takes to reach the goal will depend on different conditions: physiological features, regularity of training, the presence of injuries, physical training. Someone will be able to achieve their goal in a week, and someone will need a month.

To achieve the fastest results, pay attention to the following rules:

  1. Regularity of training. It can be either daily workouts or several times a week. But required condition- they should be regular, and the breaks between classes should not exceed 5 days. Otherwise, the body will forget about the work done and the next workout will have to start all over again.
  2. It is most effective to do the whole set of exercises first with one leg, then with the second. Try to move smoothly from one position to another. So the muscles will be in a state of tension throughout the workout. This will make your workout more productive. When building a workout according to this principle, do not forget that the time of exposure to each muscle group should be the same.
  3. Feel free to use ancillary equipment: a chair, books, gymnastic bars or platforms. These items help you stretch correctly by working the right muscles.
  4. Many, while stretching, forget about such an important detail as suitable clothing. The uniform for training should be made of durable elastic fabric. It should not hinder movement and cause discomfort during training. It is best to give preference to modern synthetic fabrics.

As for shoes, they are not needed for stretching. Such exercises can be done barefoot, or in special socks with “bare” fingers and rubberized soles.

  1. So that after training, muscle pain does not kill the desire to sit on the longitudinal twine, get a warming ointment in the first aid kit. It will also help in case of injury.
  2. The best time for home workouts is morning and evening. Choose a time when no one and nothing will distract you. Try to relax as much as possible during the exercises and focus on the correctness of the exercises.
  3. Record the time of the exercises by the hour, and not “by eye”. As practice shows, a person cannot objectively evaluate time without a clock. If there are none before your eyes, keep counting the time with your breath. Each exercise should last approximately 5 - 6 full cycles. One cycle of breathing consists of inhalation and exhalation. You need to breathe slowly, at the same pace throughout the workout.

The appearance of pain during stretching for twine is a normal phenomenon. Unpleasant sensations in the stretched muscles and tendons indicate that everything is going according to plan. But the appearance of a sharp pain, accompanied by darkening in the eyes, suggests that you should stop training. This may be a sign of injury. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

As you can see, the secret of the longitudinal twine is simple. It consists in regular training and properly selected exercises.

Twine is the dream of many girls. At all times, gymnasts, ballerinas, or just women with a good stretch have amazed men. Agree that splits, the ability to do various gymnastic pirouettes look very impressive.

Before stretching, be sure to warm up the muscles so as not to get injured.

If you have never done stretching, but really want to develop your flexibility, then read this article to the end, as in it we will give helpful tips on stretching for beginners and tell you which twine exercises are especially effective.

So, if you have firmly decided to sit on the twine, then you need to understand that the main thing in this matter is constancy in classes, as well as the correct execution of exercises. This can be explained by the fact that if you exercise regularly, 3-4 times a week, you will be able to achieve what you want, but if you train from time to time, then it will be extremely difficult for you to stretch and it will take much longer.

The correct execution of twine exercises and general stretching- this is very important point, since during stretching, with incorrect execution exercise or too much stress, it is very easy to damage the ligaments and muscles, which can lead to a lifelong injury.

Therefore, the easiest option for stretching at home is to practice video lessons, fortunately, they can be easily found on the Internet or you can use the video below. So you can see how to properly perform twine lessons for beginners. In the video, you can understand how to hold your back, pull your toe and other subtleties of proper stretching.

Whatever your level of physical fitness, you can sit on the twine at almost any age. Of course, with age, muscles and ligaments become less flexible, "wooden", but this does not mean that it is impossible to stretch them. It just takes more effort and more time.

The twine stretching exercises for beginners and advanced levels are essentially the same, the only difference is that when taking the first steps in stretching, you are unlikely to be able to perform the workout as well as the advanced level.

Do not try immediately, in your first workouts, to achieve great results through severe pain. Of course, stretching muscles is a rather painful process, but you still need to listen to your body and maintain a balance between comfort and pain. If you, in pursuit of quick results, begin to load your body very heavily, then, most likely, it will not do without injuries. And it is important for us, first of all, to take care of our health.

Also, it should be understood that muscle flexibility is partly the result of genetics and the initial data is different for everyone. Someone will need two weeks to sit on the twine, and someone six months. Don't be discouraged if you don't reach your goal in a short amount of time, just keep training. And if you see progress, even if it is small, then you are on the right track, and you will definitely achieve the desired result and sit on the splits.

Sit on the twine for beginners

So, in order to sit on the twine for beginners, you need to know some rules that beginners often forget about.

Firstly, before directly stretching the muscles you need to warm up. This can be done in two ways. The first is to soak in a hot bath. The second is to do any cardio workout, it can be jogging, jumping or something else. In my opinion, the second way is preferable. At home, before stretching, you can jump rope for 10-15 minutes. You should not skip this point, because the heated ligaments and muscles stretch much better and the risk of harming yourself is significantly reduced.

The next moment of proper stretching is uniformity. That is, the muscles should be stretched about the same, for example, on the left leg, and on the right. If you sit on the twine on your right leg lower than on your left, then just on the left you need to work harder to achieve an even stretch.

Also, while stretching, pull not only your legs to sit on the twine, be sure to stretch in general, doing exercises to stretch your back and arms.

After you have warmed up your muscles, let's proceed directly to the twine exercises for beginners.

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. With a straight back, try to reach the floor with your palms, if you can't, try to reach as low as possible. At this exercise stretches the hamstrings and back muscles.

a) a fold; b) twisting

Next, sit on the floor, legs straight in front of you together, make oblique movements towards your legs, trying to lie on them with your stomach. Repeat 10-15 times. Next, at the lowest point, fix the position and linger in it for a minute. This exercise is very effective and is called the "fold".

From the "fold" we do the following exercise. We leave one leg in front of us, bend the second at the knee and also make oblique movements forward, then linger for a minute in lowest point. Then we do the exercise on the second leg.

a) half-twine lunge; b) fold with touch

The next exercise is also done first on one, then on the other leg. We bend one leg in front of us at the knee, the bend angle should be 90 degrees, put the second leg on the knee from behind, rest our hands on the floor and begin to alternately bend and unbend the legs at the knee. This exercise is very effective for longitudinal twine.

Next, we try to sit on the longitudinal twine, on one and the other leg, try to unbend your knees and press with your pelvis to sit as low as possible. It is important to sit for five minutes at the lowest point. At first it will hurt you, but then the muscles will get used to it. Slide carefully from the twine, otherwise you risk injury.

Exercises for transverse twine

So, transverse twine is a more complex type of twine than longitudinal. The standard period for which you can usually sit on the transverse twine "from scratch" is six months.

In fact, there are not so many exercises for the transverse split, and the most important of them is to try to sit on the transverse split. But some workouts can help you, and we will talk about them now.

The first exercise is the "frog". Sit on the floor, keep your back straight, bend your knees and connect your feet with the soles, you can help keep them together with your hands. Now try to reach the floor with your knees, do springy actions with your knees to the floor. Hold at the bottom for a few minutes. You will feel a stretch in your groin and inner thigh muscles. Then try tilting your back down.

Then, proceed to next exercise. Stand on your elbows, and lean on your knees from behind, and try to push your back down so that your legs move apart in different directions. Hold at the bottom for a few minutes.

Then proceed to the transverse twine, try to sit on the twine as low as you can, try to lean not on your palms, but on your elbows. Each time you will get better and better and in the end you will be able to overcome the transverse twine.

In summary, a good stretch is not the result of genetics, as many believe, but an achievement that can be achieved through perseverance and constant training. Remember that stretching is not only beautiful and spectacular, but first of all it is a step towards a healthy musculoskeletal system for many years to come.

Practice regularly, believe in yourself, and you will definitely achieve high results!

Stretching at home for twine is an integral part of the workout, thanks to which you will quickly achieve the desired result

Stretching at home for twine is an integral part of the workout, thanks to which you will quickly achieve the desired result and at the same time maintain your health. In addition, such exercises will improve the condition of the genitourinary system, spine and intestines. Twine is also a good preparation for expectant mothers (including those who are just planning a pregnancy).

Psychological preparation

Everyone wants to achieve the desired result as soon as possible. Therefore, a completely logical question arises: after how long will I sit on the twine?

It depends on several factors:

  • age;
  • gender (girls are genetically more flexible than boys);
  • genetics;
  • muscle coordination;
  • warm-up intensity;
  • initial flexibility;
  • proper stretching exercises.

Another important factor is the mood with which you train. To achieve a similar result in the human body, the structure of muscles, ligaments and joints must change. The duration of this process depends on your age and degree of preparation. For example, children will sit on the twine much faster than adults, since their body is not fully formed.

Advice! The most important thing to achieve the goal is not to try to achieve the desired result in a day or two. Before each workout, tune in to the fact that today you will do all the exercises a little better than yesterday. As a result, you are guaranteed to sit on the twine.

To be successful, be sure to keep a training diary. According to research, this psychological moment, which has nothing to do with physiology, really works. In addition, thanks to the records, you will be able to see your progress, which, in turn, will help you not to give up at a decisive moment.

Physical training

In order not to harm yourself when doing exercises, you need to warm up the body and muscles. One of the best ways to do this is a joint warm-up mixed with push-ups and squats at a fast pace. The fact is that such training improves muscle coordination. At first, the effect is so imperceptible, but as a result it will bring great benefits.

Consider an example. During push-ups from the floor, triceps are involved. However, as you perform, you can feel how the biceps tighten. Such involvement of other muscles just indicates poor muscle coordination. The same thing happens during stretching - often just such “assistants” interfere with the splits.

To perform articular warm-up in all large joints, you need to perform circular motions for the maximum possible amplitude. Movements are made 15-20 times in each direction.

Advice! To achieve the maximum effect, you need to perform an articular warm-up from top to bottom: first, the cervical spine, then the wrist joints, elbow joints, shoulder girdle, lumbar, body, ankle, pelvis and knees.

Muscles can also be warmed up by running on a treadmill, cycling and jumping (with or without a rope). However, these exercises will not improve the muscular coordination required for splits. Therefore, it is best to prepare for exercises with the help of a joint warm-up.

How to get the most out of stretching exercises?

For this you need:

  • breathe correctly;
  • perform the exercises correctly;
  • slowly and smoothly perform each exercise;
  • perform each stretching exercise for more than 30 seconds;
  • choose the right time to exercise;
  • use different exercises
  • stretch evenly.

What does it look like in practice? At the moment of maximum tension during stretching, take a deep breath and hold your breath a little. As a result, you will feel how the muscles give in and relax. When performing exercises, you must strictly adhere to the written instructions. Follow the golden rule of stretching at home: pull where it hurts until it stops.

To achieve the desired result, you need to take at least 30 seconds for each exercise. In this regard, the rule applies: the more - the better. However, each person has a psychological barrier, because of which it is difficult for him to remain in one position (even in the absence of pain). To achieve the desired result, you need to fight it.

Advice! To obtain maximum effect need to exercise in the morning. One hour of morning stretching is equivalent to three hours in the evening.

Stretching exercises should be as varied as possible. Often, beginners cannot do the splits because of a couple of unstretched muscles, while their overall flexibility is above average. Even stretching will help you achieve the desired result faster. If you stretched one muscle group well, it will definitely help with other exercises.

We sit on the twine

There are several types of twine:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • sagging;
  • vertical;
  • on hands.

For each of them you need to perform certain exercises.

Advice!The best way achieve the desired result and improve health - move from simple to complex. In other words, you must first master the longitudinal twine, and then proceed to the study of the transverse, sagging, vertical and on the hands. When jumping from the first step to the third, you can damage the muscles or get injured.

Exercises for longitudinal twine

Since the longitudinal split uses the same muscles that work when walking, it is easiest to sit on it. To do this, perform the following exercises:

Lunge with one foot forward and bend it at the knee so that the foot is perpendicular to the floor. Rest on the floor with your palms on both sides, keep your head straight, look forward and spring for one minute. To do this, use the palms and muscles of the perineum.

While in the pose described above, align the body, arch your back, raise your arms and stretch as high as possible. This exercise stretches the legs and strengthens the muscles of the perineum. Breathing should be even and the face relaxed.

Lower the leg left behind to the knee, while the other should be perpendicular to the floor. Rest your palms (or fists, as you prefer) on the lower back and bend back. When performing this exercise, the head can be thrown back or kept straight.

Return to the original position (exercise number 1). Place your palms on either side of your bent knees with your toes facing each other. Reach out chest to the floor. When doing this exercise top part the torso should be parallel to the floor.

Take the same position as in the previous exercise, only stretch your chest and chin to the floor.

Return to the original pose. Gradually bring the knee of the "back" leg to the floor.

Advice! As you perform each exercise, watch your breathing and technique. Each time you will get better and better, and in the end you will sit on the twine.

We sit on the transverse twine

To master the transverse twine, do the following exercises:

  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and rest your hands on your lower back. Slowly bend back trying to see your heels. If you put your hands on your stomach when doing it, the abdominal muscles will be additionally worked out.

  • Straighten up, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and restore your breath. Then lean forward so that your back is parallel to the floor. Hands should be outstretched (for convenience, they can be closed into a lock). Look ahead.
  • Spread your legs so that your head and elbows fit between them. Next, bend down and rest your palms on the floor. When performing the exercise, you can not strain your back or neck. It is also forbidden to bend your knees. Slowly rock back and forth.
  • Perform the previous exercise, but with support on the forearms.
  • Stretch your arms up, turn your toes out and spread your legs wide.
  • Do a deep squat. In this case, the back should be relaxed and straight, and the knees should be widely spaced to the sides. Start with 8 sets and increase over time.
  • Take the same pose as in the previous exercise. While squatting, hold for 30 seconds and then rise. Please note: beginners are not immediately given this exercise.
  • Perform side lunges. When the exercise is easy, grab your ankles and reach for the floor. Start with 8 sets and increase every 2 weeks.

  • Place your feet as wide as possible and lean forward so that your back is parallel to the floor. In this case, you can lean on your elbows. Watch your breath: on the inlet, the muscles should tighten, and on the exhale, relax.
  • Do the same as in the previous exercise. Slowly lower your perineum and abdomen to the floor. Once you have succeeded, gradually straighten your pelvis, place your feet on your heels and straighten your back.

Advice! Should not be underestimated preparatory exercises- they also have great benefit for the body. You can start mastering the following types of twine only after you have learned how to sit perfectly on the longitudinal and transverse.


Proper nutrition will also help speed up the achievement of the goal and strengthen the stretched muscles. In this regard, one of the best means is fish fat. It is also recommended to add fatty amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 to the diet. Eat flaxseed oil, nuts, and eggs regularly.

Another important factor is the maintenance of water balance in the body. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Add juicy fruits to your diet. To achieve the desired result faster, stop using salt. It can be replaced with sea kale, lemon juice, herbs and natural seasonings.

  • carrot;
  • nuts;
  • spinach;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • citrus fruit ;
  • berries (blueberries, blackberries, cherries and raspberries).

Advice! To prevent inflammatory processes in the joints, add vitamin complexes or foods high in calcium to your diet. At the same time, the recovery of the body should be uniform, so you need to eat protein foods throughout the day.


Proper stretching at home will help you sit on the twine. To do this, follow the basic rules:

  • breathe correctly;
  • perform the exercises technically correctly and smoothly;
  • stretching each muscle group should last at least 30 seconds;
  • diversified stretch;
  • exercise in the morning.

Also an important factor is proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude salt from the diet and add calcium-containing foods, berries, citrus fruits, carrots, nuts and spinach to it.

Before you start training, you need to prepare your body well. To do this, use the same articular gymnastics mixed with push-ups and squats at a fast pace. As a result, you will improve muscle coordination, without which it is impossible to sit on the splits.

Advice! Even with technically competent exercise, it is impossible to achieve the desired result if you are not psychologically prepared for training. The best way to fix this is to keep a diary in which you write down your daily progress and achievements. As a result, you will be able to monitor your progress.

And most importantly, don't compare yourself to others. The time after which you sit on the twine depends on many conditions: initial physical fitness, age, gender, and so on. It will be better if you compare yourself with yesterday's self. Such measures will help to focus on the results achieved, and not on what has not yet been achieved.

Also, do not forget about good sleep, which is the basis of rapid muscle recovery. Another important factor is the maintenance of water balance - every day you need to drink at least two liters of water.