Material on the topic: Warm-up games for working with stubborn children. Little dances - etudes

younger age:

Name of the game:"I know five names of girls"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


They mint the ball (palm) on the ground, pronouncing the next word with each blow: “I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, “Sonya - four , Ira - five", "I know 5 ..." If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball goes to another player, when the ball circles and returns to the player, the game for this player resumes from where it left off ( as it is done in the “classics”), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the objects will be called.

Name of the game:"Pace"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


Participants stand in free order. At the command of the leader, they need to touch 4 trees (room corners, yellow objects, wooden objects, etc.) and 6 pairs of knees and 5 elbows within 1 minute. Whoever finishes first - utters the victory cry of the Indians. This game quickly mobilizes the energy of the participants.

Name of the game:"Words "

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


Average age:

Name of the game:"Use an item"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


The counselor chooses an object and shows it to all participants. The task of the participants in turn is to come up with ways to use this item (preferably in unusual ways). For example, a balloon: can be used as a container for water, as a fingertip or as a ball.

Name of the game:"Japanese theater"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


The game is based on the famous rock-paper-scissors game. Players are divided into two teams and each team chooses one of three characters: Dragon, Princess or Samurai. Then, on the count of three, both teams must simultaneously demonstrate the movements of the hero they have chosen. The princess must curtsy, the dragon must roar, and the samurai must draw his sword from its scabbard. Moreover, the Dragon wins over the princess, because. kidnaps her, the princess wins over the samurai, because confuses him, the samurai kills the dragon and thereby wins over him.

Name of the game:"I never…"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


Everyone sits in a circle and puts their hands on their knees. The first player says something he has never done in his life. For example, he says, "I've never flown in an airplane." If one of the players flew, then he bends one finger on his hand. Then the next player speaks, and so on. round. The winner is the one who bends all the fingers the fastest.

Senior age:

Name of the game:"Kangaroo"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


A volunteer is selected and taken away from all participants. The host explains to him that he will have to portray the kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc. (but without uttering a single sound), so that everyone would guess who he portrays. At the same time, the assistant facilitator tells all the other participants that now the player will show a kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal he is trying to portray. It is necessary to name any other animals, but not kangaroos.

Name of the game:"Zoo"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


This game is a hoax, but none of the players should know that it is being played. A minimum of 12 people are required to play. Everyone becomes in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader. All players hold each other under the elbows. The facilitator starts the game with the following words. "Now we will play a game called "Zoo". I will now whisper in the ear of each of you the name of an animal that you should not tell anyone. Then, when everyone gets the name of the animals, I will name them in my story If the name of an animal that someone received suddenly falls out, then this player must immediately sit down and pull two neighboring players behind him, whom he now holds under his elbows. The task of these neighboring players is to keep him in time. The facilitator then goes up to everyone and whispers the same thing in his ear, such as "hippos".

Name of the game:"Crosses-Parallels"

Goals and objectives: Entertainment


This is a puzzle game. The counselor says that there are four positions: cross-parallel, parallel-cross, cross-cross, parallel-parallel. It is necessary to pass in turn to any of the players playing some object and say one such position, guessing their meaning. The facilitator will speak correctly or incorrectly what was said. Solution: the cross indicates the crossing of the leg, and the parallel is nearby standing feet. Accordingly, it is necessary to say the position that would indicate the legs of the speaker and the legs of the one to whom they speak. For example, my legs are crossed, and my neighbor has legs crossed, I tell him: a cross is a cross and I pass the object.

Card file

warm-ups, motor games and exercises







In the learning process, the load is mainly given to the visual and auditory channels of perception, thereby impoverishing the sensory support of the learning process. The additional inclusion of kinesthetic and motor analyzers in the learning process will certainly facilitate the process of assimilation of the material.
The child's need for play motor activity is natural and harmonious. The systematic use of motor games-warm-ups will reduce the emotional and physical stress of children (at the psychological and physical levels), associated with the period of adaptation to new social conditions and requirements.

In addition, it is known that the activation of sensorimotor skills, the actualization and consolidation of any bodily skills suggest the demand from the outside for such mental functions as, for example, emotions, perception, memory, self-regulation processes. Consequently, a basic prerequisite is created for the full participation of these processes in the acquisition of reading, writing, and mathematical knowledge.
Motor games-warm-ups Can be done at the beginning, middle or end of a session. At the beginning of the day or before class, they will help children get ready, tune in to work in the classroom, and in the middle and at the end of class - restore attention and efficiency, activate memory, relieve stress and relax.
Motor warm-ups always begin with an exercise that combines movement with breathing. Then one or two exercises are performed to activate the body and relax (self-massage, exercises to relieve bodily tension). The warm-up ends with a rhythmic exercise. The duration of the warm-up game is 3-4 minutes.
A fairly wide range of motor exercises presented below will allow teachers to be creative in the selection of warm-up games, making the moments of rest not only useful, but also diverse and interesting for children.


At the beginning of the warm-up, it is recommended to pay attention to breathing exercises in combination with various body movements. This contributes to the optimization of gas exchange and blood circulation, ventilation of all parts of the lungs, as well as general health and well-being. Performance breathing exercises soothes and promotes concentration. Smooth "stretching" movements relieve muscle tension, increasing the level of mental activity and performance.
It is necessary to breathe in a slow rhythm, breathing should contain four phases equal in time: "inhale - hold - exhale - hold". Initially, each of them can be 2-3 seconds with a gradual increase to seven seconds. Movements are performed in the phase of inhalation or exhalation, during breath holdings - pauses.

1. "Let's reach for the sun." Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. While inhaling, slowly raise your hands up, gradually “stretching” the whole body: starting with the fingers, then we stretch with the wrists, elbows, shoulders, thoracic region, lower back and legs, but without much tension and without lifting the heels from the floor. Hold your breath - "with your fingertips we reach for the sun." Exhale, drop your hands, relax.

2. Sipping. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists and lowered down. On a slow breath - raise your fists above your shoulders, keeping your elbows slightly bent, and bend in your back, spreading your shoulders and throwing your head back; stretch up, straightening your arms and rising on your toes (imagine that you just woke up and stretch sweetly). Fix this position, hold your breath. As you exhale, lower your hands down, trying to "get" your fingers to the floor.

3. "String". Stand up, feet together, arms raised up. We “stretch” the whole body on a slow breath, stretching simultaneously with both hands and the body; then - only the right side of the body (arm, side, leg), then - only the left side of the body. The back should not strain and arch. Ask the child if his back, arms, legs are extended.

4. "Star". Stand in a “star” position (legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms raised up and slightly spread apart). We perform stretching, similar to the previous ones, but not one-sided, but diagonal. Raise and pull back the right leg, at the same time stretching the left arm up - diagonally, while the left leg and right hand relaxed. Relax. Then the same is done on the other diagonal.

5. Leg extensions. Legs shoulder width apart. While inhaling, raise straight arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms down. On exhalation (four options for performing the exercise are possible - at the command of the teacher):
- slowly lean to the left and touch the toes of the left foot with the left hand; stay in this position for five seconds (pause) and return to i.p. Try not to bend your legs and arms;
- the same - for the right arm and leg;
- slowly lean to the left and touch the toes of the left foot with the right hand; stay in this position for five seconds and return to i.p. Do not bend your legs and arms;
- the same - for the left hand and right leg.


Exercises can be performed in a sitting or standing position.
1. "Washing the head"
a) Fingers slightly apart and slightly bent at the joints. With your fingertips, massage your head in the direction: 1) from the forehead to the crown, 2) from the forehead to the back of the head, and 3) from the ears to the neck.
b) The fingers are slightly bent, the surface of the nails and the first phalanges are in close contact with the surface of the head just behind the ears; massage is performed by the child with both hands towards each other from the ears to the top of the head.

2. "The monkey is combing." The right hand massages the head with fingers from the left temple to the right side of the back of the head and back. Then the left hand - from the right temple to the left side of the back of the head. In a more complex version, the hands are crossed at the base of the hair (thumbs - in the middle line!); in this position, the child intensively massages the head from the forehead to the neck and back.

3. "Ears". The ears are rubbed with the palms as if they were cold; warm up three times from top to bottom - vertically; they are rubbed in a reciprocating motion in a different direction - horizontally (fingers, excluding the thumbs, are connected and directed towards the back of the head, elbows forward).
Then close your ears with your palms, and attach your fingers to the back of the head, bringing them together. With index fingers, lightly tap on the back of the head up to three times. This exercise tones the cerebral cortex, reduces the sensation of tinnitus, headache, dizziness.

4. "The eyes are resting." Close eyes. With the interphalangeal joints of the thumbs, make 3-5 massaging movements along the eyelids from the inner to the outer corners of the eyes, repeat the same movement under the eyes. After that, massage the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
After massaging the eyelids and the area around the eyes, turn the eyeballs 3-5 times to the left, right, up and down, in a circle. Open your eyes wide for a few seconds, then close your eyes tightly. It relieves tension and improves blood circulation in the eye area, improves vision.

5. "Sponge teeth". Biting and “scratching” of lips with teeth; tongue with teeth from the tip to the middle of the tongue. Intense "flapping" of the lips and rubbing each other's lips in different directions.

6. "Fish". The mouth is slightly open. Take the upper lip with the right hand, and the lower lip with the left. Perform simultaneous and multidirectional hand movements, stretching the lips up, down, right, left. Close your mouth, take both lips with your hands and pull them forward, massaging them.

7. "Flexible neck, loose shoulders." Massage the back of the neck (from top to bottom) with both hands: stroking, patting, pinching, rubbing, spiral movements.
Similarly: with the right hand, massage the left shoulder in the direction from the neck to the shoulder joint, then with the left hand - the right shoulder;
with the right hand, grab the left shoulder and do 5-10 rotational movements clockwise and against it, the same - with the left hand, then with both hands at the same time.

8. "Owl". Raise your right shoulder up and turn your head to the right while taking a deep breath; grab the right periosteal muscle with your left hand and lower your shoulder as you exhale. Stretch the trapped muscle by doing deep breathing and looking as far back as possible. The same - with the left shoulder with the right hand.

9. "Warm hands." Raise your right hand up, moving it in different directions. The left hand at the same time holds the shoulder (forearm) of the right hand, resisting its movement and at the same time massaging it. Then the hands change.
Rubbing and warming up the fingers and the entire hand from the fingertips to the base and back; Special attention should be given to the thumbs. Imitation of "power" washing, rubbing and shaking hands.

10. "House". Place your fingers in a “house” in front of your chest and press on each other, first with both hands, then with each pair of fingers.


(optimization of the overall tone of the body)
1. "Tense-relaxed." In a standing or sitting position, the child is invited to strain the whole body as much as possible, after a few seconds, release the tension, relax. Do the same with each part of the body (the teacher calls the parts of the body in turn, stopping at each segment separately - right arm, neck, back, stomach, lower back, right leg, etc.).

2. "Strongman". Perform contrast tension and relaxation shoulder girdle, arms and legs, imagining that you: hold heavy weights in your hands (leg, on your shoulder); lift a heavy basket of apples over your head; press the bar; hold the closing door with your foot; you move your hands apart the closely intertwined branches of trees in the forest thicket.

3. "A blade of grass in the wind." The child depicts a blade of grass with his whole body (sit on a chair or on the floor, on his heels, stretch his arms up, take a breath). The wind starts to blow, and the blade of grass leans to the ground (exhaling, tilt the torso forward until the chest touches the hips; at the same time, the arms are extended forward, palms on the floor; without changing the position of the torso, pull the arms along the floor even further forward). The wind subsides, the blade of grass straightens and reaches for the sun (while inhaling, return to its original position, stretch up).

4. "Swinging tree." It is built on the same principle as the previous exercise (roots - legs, trunk - torso, crown - arms and head). Can be performed both sitting and standing. It is important that each child imagines himself as “his own” tree: after all, spruce, birch and willow react very differently to the breeze, the beginning of a storm and a hurricane.

5. "Dragon". The child depicts a dragon patrolling its possessions: legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, springing in time with wing-arms. Then he lands on the island and begins to "stir" the sea with his tail.

6. "Fire and ice." I.p. - standing in a circle. At the “fire” command, the children begin intensive movements with the whole body. The smoothness and degree of intensity of movements each child chooses arbitrarily. At the command “ice”, the children freeze in the position in which the team caught them, straining the whole body to the limit. The teacher alternates both commands several times, changing the execution time of one and the other.


These exercises, in addition to relieving tension from the shoulders and neck, help to improve blood circulation in the head, the movement of cerebrospinal fluid.

1. "Stubborn neck." Cross your fingers at the back of your head (elbows to the sides), raise your head, look up. Try to tilt your head forward with your hands, the neck resists. Run 3-5 times. Similarly - palms on the forehead.

2. "Knead your shoulders." Feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed. All attention is on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, on the shoulder joints, on the feeling of their stretching and relaxation: 1) perform contrast tension and relaxation of the shoulders; 2) raise and lower the shoulders, take them back, then forward - simultaneously and alternately; 3) rotate your shoulders back and forth (simultaneously and alternately), without bending and bending your back back and forth.

3. Head tilts. Sit or stand up straight. IN slow pace(this is very important!) reach the chin to the chest, the back of the head to the back, put the ear on the right shoulder, then on the left (it is important that the shoulders and spine remain straight). Slowly turn your head to the right, to the left.

4. "Turtle". The child imitates the slow movements of the turtle's head, which then looks out of the shell (shoulders fall, the chin stretches forward and up), then hides in it (shoulders rise, chin to the chest), then turns its head around.


1. Warm up and relax your hands. Shake your hands as if you are trying to shake water off them. Rub your hands from shoulder to hand and back, as if you were cold; stretch your shoulders, forearms and hands in sequence. Perform contrast tension and relaxation of the hands.

2. "Castle". Fold your hands into a "lock" and pull them: 1) up, down, to the sides; bend back and stretch your arms up; pull your hands behind your back in the lock; 2) take the left elbow with the right hand and pull it to the right, the same with the left hand; 3) hook your fingers on each other and pull your hands in different sides, the same - one pair of fingers.
Next exercises performed first separately with each hand, then with both hands at the same time. With two-handed execution, both hands first move in one direction (right, left, forward, backward), and then in opposite directions.

3. "Magic Mill". The child imagines that his hands are the blades of a magic windmill, which can, folding and straightening, rotate in different directions. All attention is on the sensations in the kneaded joints.
1) Rotate the straight right (left) hand in shoulder joint forward, backward, right, left; both hands in the same and opposite directions (right - forward, left - back); put the brushes to the shoulders and make the same circular movements;
2) stretch straight arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows and freely swing the forearms, then rotate them in a circle; similar to the previous one - rotation of the arms in elbow joints(at the same time, the shoulders and hands are motionless);
3) rotate the arms in the wrist joint (arms extended forward, elbows slightly bent, shoulders and forearms motionless).

4. "Snakes". Invite the child to imagine that his fingers are small snakes. They can move-wriggle, rotating to the right, to the left, from bottom to top and from top to bottom. Sequentially, each finger depicts a "snake" (if the desired movement does not work out, help with the other hand).

5. "Sea". Two participants tell the story together and accompany it with the appropriate movements: “Small and large waves are splashing on the sea (first with one hand, and then with the other hand, small waves are drawn in the air; clasp hands in a castle and draw a big wave in the air). Dolphins swim along the waves (synchronous wave-like movements are made with the whole arm forward). They are together, and then take turns diving into the water - one dived, the other dived (alternate wave-like movements of the hands are made). Their dolphins are swimming behind them (the arms are bent at the elbows, pressed to the chest, the hands perform synchronous wave-like movements forward). They dive together and take turns (simultaneous and alternate wave-like movements of the hands). This is how their tails move (each finger alternately makes wave-like movements). Jellyfish swim together with dolphins (hands clenched into fists sharply clench and unclench). They are all dancing and laughing (rotation of the hands in the wrist joints).


1. "Bicycle". Sitting imitate cycling (freely, with effort, with resistance).

2. "Draw circles." Sit on a chair. Raise the right leg and rotate in the knee (then ankle) joint to the right, to the left, imagining that we are drawing large and small circles. Drop to the floor. Similarly - with the left leg; two legs.

3. "Frog". Squat down, leaning on the toes and hands (between the knees) - like a frog. Jump high up and squat back down. Another option for jumping is forward.

4. Development of stability and liberation of the joints. Attention is directed to the sensations in the kneading joint.
- i.p. - stand on one leg. Rotate the other leg from the hip, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Change leg.
- i.p. - Same. The other thigh is raised parallel to the floor, the knee is bent. Rigidly fixing this position, describe with the lower leg (then only with the foot) horizontal circles, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. The lower leg (foot) is completely relaxed. Change leg.
- i.p. - Same. Bend the other at the knee, hands behind the back, grab the left wrist with the right palm. Describe a vertical circle with the foot, as if turning the pedal of a bicycle. After describing 3-5 circles, change direction to the opposite. Change leg.
- i.p. - Same. The other leg is slightly raised off the floor; rotate the foot ankle joint, describing circles and waves in the horizontal (vertical) plane with the toe of the foot. After 3-5 times, change direction to the opposite. Then change legs.

5. Squats. Squat down, the soles of the feet are fully on the floor, hands lie freely on the knees. An easier version of the exercise is to squat until the heels start to come off the floor.


Orientation to the external rhythm not only activates the auditory channel of perception, but also helps children tune in to the general rhythm of the class. To perform these exercises, a variety of means are used. For example, when performing any exercises where you yourself count aloud to children, you can, while clapping your hands, vary the pace of execution, then speeding it up, then slowing it down. You can use the alternation of sounds of different volume and tone within the rhythmic pattern. This also contributes to the development of attention and greater adaptability of children to changing conditions.

1. "Repeat the rhythm." The teacher sets the rhythm by tapping it with one hand, for example, “2–2–3” (at the beginning of mastering, visual reinforcement is given - the child sees the teacher’s hands). Then there is a gradual transition to only auditory perception, with eyes closed):
- the child repeats the rhythmic pattern with his right hand, left hand, two hands at the same time (clapping or hitting the table), combined (for example, "2" - with the right hand, "2" - with the left hand, "3" - with both hands simultaneously);
- the child is invited to reproduce the same rhythmic pattern with his feet: first, a wave with the whole leg, then movements with only the foot; jumping on one or two legs.

2. "Rhythm in a circle." Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher beats out some kind of rhythmic series. Children listen carefully to it and repeat (individually or all together). When the rhythm is mastered, they receive the command: “Let's clap this rhythm like this: everyone in turn beats out one passage from the entire given rhythm. From left to right. When the rhythm ends, the next in the circle waits a short pause and starts over; and so on until my “Stop” command. A latecomer with his clap, unable to pause, making an extra clap - receives a penalty point or is eliminated from the game.

3. Rhythmic movements. First, similarly to the exercises above, the rhythmic pattern is worked out in statics, then it is played in dynamics: the children move in a circle, all together or in turn performing a rhythmic fragment, creating a single melody and moving in a given rhythm.

5. "Think of a rhythm." Exercises with the use of rhythmic musical instruments. Here the child can either repeat the given rhythm, or invent it and reproduce it. This exercise is good to perform in a group, when some in a circle either reproduce the rhythms of others, then set their own, while controlling the correctness of the repetition.

6. Movement to the music. Exercises using specially selected pieces of music with different rhythmic structures. Children are invited to voluntarily (or repeating already learned motor exercises) move to the music in accordance with the sounding rhythmic pattern.

7. Cross and one-way traffic. At the first stage, the child walks slowly, alternately touching either the right or the left hand of the opposite knee (cross movements). The teacher at the stage of mastering the exercise counts 8 (12) times at a slow pace. At the second stage, the child also steps, but already touching the knee of the same name (unilateral movements). Also 8 (12) times. At the third and fifth stages - cross movements, at the fourth - unilateral. Required condition- start and end the exercise with cross movements. After the child has mastered this exercise under an external account, you can offer to perform it yourself - by yourself counting and controlling the sequence and switching from movement to movement, as well as perform cross and one-sided movements to rhythmic music.

8. "Okay". This game is one of the first to appear in the experience of any child. If he is not familiar with it, teach him to play first in the classical version, but not only with his hands, but also sitting with his feet. Then make it harder:
a) clap, clap with two hands with a partner (both hands are crossed, clap, clap with a partner “left-right”, clap, clap with a partner “right-left”. Further, the task becomes more complicated, the number of movements increases due to the combination of the classical and given options.Similarly - with legs.
b) "fist-palm": the child's hands are always turned palms to each other; clapping, clapping fist on palm, clapping, clapping palm on fist (the position changes to the opposite. Playing in pairs, the child, after clapping, “fist-palm” does with you. In an even more complex version, “fist-palm” with a partner done with crossed arms (in front, then the left, then the right hand).
c) “patties” with palm turns: a classic version in which clapping with a partner is carried out so that one palm of the child looks down and the other looks up (they are placed on top of each other with ribs).

Of course, you love your beloved child very much, you want him to grow up smart and harmoniously developed. And for this, you need to deal with the baby every day, preferably from birth. Warm-ups should be very simple, uncomplicated, well-remembered and liked by children. Such fun activities will help you develop many skills in your child.

The classes are very easy to perform, they can be practiced with children of a very early age and with any level of speech development. In the process of classes, you repeat the same sounds many times, thereby encouraging the child to pronounce them clearly after you.

You might think that this is too much simple exercises, they are uninteresting and ineffective for your child, but believe me - this is not at all the case! A little later, after a little work with the child, you will see many changes in his development. He will become more cheerful, mobile, will make more sounds.

1. Clap your hands (done while sitting on a chair)

Let's clap our hands, clap a little
Clap your hands, very good.
(clapping in front of the chest)

And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,
And the little guys' fingers will dance
(rotating with the hands we raise our hands up and gradually lower them to the level of the chest)

Knock knock with a hammer, we'll build a house for the birds.
Knock-knock with a hammer, the birds settle in it.
(knocking with the right fist on the left, raising the right hand high)

Boom-boom drum, what a noise and chatter.
Boom boom drum, wake up in the morning.
(knocking with index fingers like drumsticks)

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - what a tune.
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - self-horned pipe.
(we imitate playing the pipe, fingering)

We will go, we will go to the forest to the fox and the bear.
(like turning the steering wheel of a car)

Let's go slowly, let's go slowly.
(legs softly knock on the floor)

And quickly, and quickly, and quickly, and quickly.
(quickly stomp our feet and knock on our knees with our palms)

All the kids know how to clap
They don't spare their hands.
Like this, like this, like this
They don't spare their hands.
Kids know how to stomp
They do not spare their legs.
Like this, like this, like this
They don't spare their feet!

2. Bunny gray

Bunny gray sits
(squatting, arms at the chest like a hare)
And wiggles his ears.
(you need to raise your palms above your head and wave, depicting ears)
Like this, like this, he moves his ears!

It’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.
(clap hands)
Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws!

It’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump.
(jump like a bunny)
hop-hop, hop-hop, the bunny needs to jump.

A bunny jumps along the path
Jump, jump.
Right foot, left foot,
Jump, jump.
Jump, jump, legs together
Jump, jump.
And clap your hands
Jump, jump.

3. White snowflakes

Spin around, spin around (spin in place)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock (raise your hands up)
Light fluff. (twirl on toes)
The evil blizzard subsided a little (stand up straight and lower the handles down)
Snuggled up everywhere. (sit down, lower your hands to the floor)
They shone like pearls (get up, stretch your arms forward)
Everyone marvels at the miracle. (spread arms out to sides)
Sparkled, sparkled white girlfriends.
(hands perform the "scissors" movement)
Children and old women hurried for a walk.
(walking in place)

Two funny sheep

Two funny sheep
They split up near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
(jump fun)

Up to the sky, down to the grass.
(we get on our feet, stretch up, and then squat, lowering our hands down)

And then we circled (circled)

And they fell into the river. (We fall to the floor)

Hands clap clap-clap-clap.
We stomp our feet top-top-top.
With the whole body we jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk.
Let's have fun jump-jump-jump!

We clap our hands
And we will knock with our teeth.
We blink our eyes
Let's roar like a tiger cub.
Let's walk merrily
Now let's swear.
Let's shake our heads
And we'll get back up.
Raise the handles up.
Well, we circled around.
Let's stand upright again.
And they bowed low.

I really hope that these warm-ups will bring a lot of joy to you and your child. In addition, these funny Games contribute to the development of speech and motor skills of the child.

Have fun doing it!

The following warm-up exercises require a host and several assistants from teenagers working on the program staff to demonstrate the exercise and invite viewers to participate. You may need a microphone. If young workers have not done the exercise before, they need to rehearse several times so that they know well what to do.


This warm-up exercise with singing. Everyone gets up. Melody sounds:

1. Raise your right and then your left hand and open-close them for each syllable: “Ki-vi, apple-lo-ki, ba-na-na” ...

2. Raise and lower your head: “A-pel-sin, a-pel-sin” ...

3. Roll your hands in front of you, as if stirring something: “We will mix everything. Let's mix it all up...

4. Hip rotation: “Eat salad! Be healthy!"


The host informs the audience that the weather forecast foretells a downpour with a hurricane. Then he/she suggests: “Let's try to hear him coming. Repeat after me, please.” The leader with palms and soles begins to make sounds louder and louder, reminiscent of the sound of rain and thunder. The sound intensifies as the storm approaches, and then subsides and disappears altogether. The facilitator should step over the stage from right to left and back with each sound to engage the audience in the action. If the assistants use theatrical props, such as an umbrella (real or imaginary) and a raincoat, the impression will be enhanced.

The first drops are falling: it is raining. Lightly tap your index fingers against each other. Do it slowly at first, then increase the speed. When you reach high speed, move on to the next sound. The sound of the rain becomes more even. Alternately tap the fingers of one hand against the palm of the other. The tapping may speed up. The rain is getting stronger. Rub your palms together, making a whistling rustling sound. At first it can be slow (slow rubbing), then it speeds up. Then start clapping your hands lightly, gradually making it louder and louder. Thunder is heard. Continuing to clap your hands, begin to slowly and quietly tap, slowly moving around the stage. Use the strength and speed of your legs to create the impression of a rolling "thunder" sound. In the heat of the moment, when everyone is stomping, the noise must be deafening! Then begin to gradually muffle the noise, moving in the opposite direction to show that the “storm” is passing. The storm is leaving. Do noise movements 1-3 in reverse order to show that the rain noise is weakening until you can hear how individual rare drops fall. If someone pretends to be wet and wants to hide under an umbrella or raincoat, then he can not hesitate to “play for the public” and show that there is no dry place left on him, maybe even throw away the umbrella, from which water pours in a stream, etc. p. At the end, you can wipe the water off your face, showing with facial expressions and gestures that the sun has come out, a rainbow has appeared, etc. The total length of the warm-up exercise is only 2-3 minutes.


Another warm-up song-show. Everyone gets up.

The melody is very simple, performed in the key of B-flat major. Notes are given under the corresponding letter or word (Ef = E-flat; Bf = B-flat):

Words: W - O - K - O - L - A - D - L - A - D - L - A - D-

Notes: f sol f mi re mi fa do re mi re mi fa

F - G - F - Ef - D - Ef - F - C - D - Ef - D - Ef - F

Words: W - O - K - O - L - A - D - L - A - D-

Notes: fa sol fa mi re mi fa do fa si

F - G - F - Ef - D - Ef - F - C - F - Bf

The purpose of the movements is to depict the letters of the alphabet, which are sung:

Sh - arms are raised at shoulder level, and bent perpendicularly at the elbows.

K - the right hand from the shoulder to the elbow is pressed to the body, from the elbow to the hand it is maximally pushed to the side. The elbow of the left hand is as close as possible to the right hand.

O - both hands are connected above the head, forming the letter "o".

L - both hands are connected above the head, forming the letter "l"

A - stick your head in the middle of the letter “l” - this will be the crossbar of the letter “a”

D - Sit down, knees slightly apart, place the elbows of both hands between them. Hands are turned palms to each other, fingertips touch.

Sh-o-k-o-l-a-d - Move your hands from a position above your head wide roundabout to the waist, describing in the air the shape of a coconut.

The song becomes more energetic the faster it is sung!


This warm-up exercise is nonsense that can be reshaped and supplemented if the facilitator has a rich imagination. The audience is explained to respond to the words “Right?” or “Agree?” opposite word. For example:

Host: "Really?" Hall: “Agree!”

Moderator: Do you agree? Hall: "That's right!"

Then the facilitator begins to lead a story - about anything. But every few words, the facilitator inserts one of the “test words”, asking, “Right?” or “Agree?”. Hall in response shouts the right word. The facilitator may increase the frequency and speed, as well as the order in which the test words appear, to confuse listeners. Having reached the logical end of his story, the leader says: “Well, that's all, right?” To which the audience responds: “Agree!” Next, the facilitator tries to address the audience with a call to end the warm-up exercise, continuing to sprinkle his speech with the words “Agree” and “Correct” and posing as a person who is more and more driving himself into a corner - until everyone laughs. Then the presenter abandons his attempts and leaves the stage.

ATTENTION! The next speaker better not use the same words if he is counting on the audience's response!


The facilitator recites the following poem, beating an even beat. To do this, you can tap your foot, imitating a metronome that maintains rhythm and speed. In the first stanzas, the beat is indicated by "x"s below the words, and the stressed syllables are underlined. This is a warm-up with movement / display - the audience is asked to repeat the movements after the leader, while pronouncing the words with him to the rhythm.

Rhythmically turn an imaginary knob for several measures. Continue acting out each of the following stanzas, following the same rhythm as before. As each new “task” is added, do the same movements.

Hey Max, turn the knob with your right hand. Hey Max, turn the knob with your left hand. Hey Max, turn the knob with your right foot. Hey Max, turn the knob with your left foot. Hey Max, turn your head now (turn your head from side to side). Hey, Max, with your tongue, turn here (move your tongue from side to side). Hey Max, are you busy? Say yes, yes, yes!

On the last verse (7), the words are pronounced with the tongue sticking out, the head dangling, and the movements of the arms and legs. “Hey Max, are you busy?” Say yes, yes, yes! (with an accentuated sigh).


Like a football call, this very short warm-up can be used to quickly build enthusiasm and get the audience involved. She has an additional plus: she affirms the motto about the uniqueness, value and dignity of each individual. The host asks the audience to repeat the words after him. When the audience has learned the words (this will happen very quickly), the warm-up can be varied by changing the volume (from a whisper to a scream), shifting the stress to different words or arranging a competition in volume between the male and female parts, between those sitting on the left and on the right, etc. .

I (audience repeats: “I…”)

SPECIAL (“special…”)

AND A WORTHY MAN (“and a worthy man…”)

AND I DESERVE (“and I deserve…”)

THE BEST BEST WISHES! ("the best best wishes!")

clapping hands

A rhythmic pat that is very popular as a “starter” for a program. The facilitator may want to jump into it with a standard introduction, such as counting down (“8, 7, 6, 5…Okay”) or asking a question (“Are you okay/okay? Fine/okay…).

“Good, good, (fast) good, good, good! Hey!

Clapping to the beat:

(without touching palms) shouting “Program name” 1 (last clap)

Atsim Susam

This warm-up game sounds in Polish and is also accompanied by movements, due to which it is very interesting and entertaining. It is better to play in a circle where the host offers to repeat certain words and the following movements after him.

Markets for pshut (hands are stretched forward with a “great” gesture - four fingers are clenched into a fist, and the big one is stretched up). Uperki to the rear (hands rest against the stop at the elbows back). Persh that before (push the chest forward). Back to back ( lower part push the bodies back). Aköch knees (bend your knees). Yak legs at a pig (turn the feet inward like a pig). Yonzyk on the ford (stick out the tongue on the chin).

After each movement, the following words are pronounced: “Atsim-susam-atsim-susam-atsim-susam-hop” (back and forth-back-to-back-back-to-hop), while the outstretched arms turn to the left, then to the right, and on the last “hop”, in a jump, all participants turn to the right and go in a circle with the words: “La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-hop” I sway from the side to the side. At the word "hop", again in a jump, everyone returns to their original state and repeating the previous words, they move on to the next. For example: “Pshut markets. Atsim-susam-atsim-susam-atsim-susam-hop. La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-hop. Markets for pshut. Uperki to the rear. Atsim-susam… Pshut markets. Uperki to the rear. Persh that before ... "

Zdorovyachok "Motor games-warm-ups".

Motor games-warm-ups can be held in kindergarten and at home during the performance of tasks by children that involve a long stay of the body in one position.

"Tighten-relaxed."In a standing or sitting position, the child is invited to strain the whole body as much as possible, and after a few seconds, release the tension, relax. Do the same with each part of the body (an adult names the parts of the body in turn, stopping at each segment separately - right arm, neck, back, abdomen, lower back, right leg, etc.).

"Stubborn neck". Cross your fingers at the back of your head (elbows to the sides), raise your head, look up. Try to tilt your head forward with your hands, the neck resists. Run 3-5 times. Similarly - palms on the forehead.

"Turtle". The child imitates the slow movements of the turtle's head, which then looks out of the shell (shoulders fall, the chin stretches forward and up), then hides in it (shoulders rise, chin to the chest), then turns its head around.

"Magic Mill".The child imagines that his hands are the blades of a magic windmill, which can, folding and straightening, rotate in different directions. All attention is on the sensations in kneading joints:

  • rotate the straight right (left) arm in the shoulder joint forward, backward, right, left; both hands in the same and opposite directions (right - forward, left - back); put the brushes to the shoulders and make the same circular movements;
  • stretch straight arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows and freely swing the forearms, then rotate them in a circle; similar to the previous one - rotation of the arms in the elbow joints (while the shoulders and hands are motionless);
  • rotate the arms at the wrist joint (arms extended forward, elbows slightly bent, shoulders and forearms motionless).

"Drawing Circles" Sit on a chair. Raise the right leg and rotate in the knee (then ankle) joint to the right, to the left, imagining that we are drawing large and small circles. Drop to the floor. Similarly - with the left leg; two legs.

"Okay". This game is one of the first to appear in the experience of any child. If he is not familiar with it, teach him to play first in the classical version, but not only with his hands, but also sitting with his feet. Then make it harder:

  • clap, clap with both hands with a partner (both hands are crossed, clap, clap with a “left-right” partner, clap, clap with a “right-left” partner. Further, the task becomes more complicated, the number of movements increases due to the combination of classical and given options.Similarly - with your feet.
  • "fist-palm": the child's hands are always turned palms to each other; clapping, clapping fist on palm, clapping, clapping palm on fist (the position changes to the opposite. Playing in pairs, the child, after clapping, “fist-palm” does with you. In an even more complex version, “fist-palm” with a partner done with crossed arms (in front, then the left, then the right hand).
  • “patties” with palm turns: a classic version in which clapping with a partner is carried out so that one palm of the child looks down and the other looks up (they are placed on top of each other with ribs).

Relaxation exercises to relieve muscle tension.

The ability to relax helps some children relieve stress, others - to concentrate, relieve excitement. Relaxation is caused by specially selected game techniques. Children perform relaxing exercises not just imitating the leader, but transforming into a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly, relax well. Relaxation can be judged by appearance child: a calm facial expression, even rhythmic breathing, sluggish obedient hands, some develop a drowsy state. As a result of the proposed exercises, children get better sleep, they become more balanced, calm.

Tension relief exercises are aimed at muscle relaxation, they can be used as physical exercises at any time during the day.

"Cones". You are cubs, and mother bear is playing with you. She throws you cones. You catch them and squeeze them with force in your paws. But now the cubs are tired and drop their paws along the body - the paws are resting. And the mother bear again throws cones to the cubs ...

"Cold - hot."You are playing in a sunny meadow. Suddenly a cold wind blew. You felt cold, you froze, wrapped your arms around yourself, pressed your head to your hands - you are warming yourself. Warmed up, relaxed ... But then the cold wind blew again ...

"Pick the apple." Imagine that there is a big apple tree growing in front of you with wonderful big apples. Apples hang directly overhead, but it is not possible to get them without difficulty. Stretch as high as you can, rise on your tiptoes and take a sharp breath. Now you can pick the apple. Bend down and put the apples in the basket, exhale slowly and relax, shake your hands, shake your palms.

"Jewel".You are holding in your fists something very valuable, dear to you, and someone wants to take it away from you. You clench your fists tighter and tighter… even tighter, the bones have already turned white, your hands begin to tremble… But now the offender is gone, and you open your fists, your fingers become relaxed, your hands lie calmly on your knees… they rest…

"Ant". You are sitting in a clearing, the sun is gently warming. An ant climbed on toes. Pull the socks towards you with force, legs are tense, straight. Let's listen to which finger the ant sits on (holding the breath). Let's throw the ant off its feet (on the exhale). Socks down, feet to the sides, relax the legs: the legs are resting.

"Ice cream". You are ice cream. You just got out of the fridge. Ice cream is hard as a rock. Your arms are tense, your body is "icy". But the sun warmed up, the ice cream began to melt. Your body, arms, legs have become soft, relaxed. Hands hung helplessly along the body ...

"Fakirs". You are fakirs. Sit on the carpet with your legs crossed, hands on your knees, hands hanging down, back and neck relaxed, head down, chin touching your chest, eyes closed... While the music is playing, the fakirs are resting... The music is over, the fakirs are working, all the muscles are tense, the head is raised, the eyes look confidently, straight ahead.

"Sunny Bunny"Imagine that a sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further across the face. Gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke gently, so as not to frighten away, the head, neck, tummy, arms, legs. He climbed up by the collar - stroke him there too. He is not mischievous - he catches and caresses you, and you stroke him and make friends with him.

"Bee". Imagine a warm summer day. Substitute the sun for your face, your chin also tans (open your lips and teeth while inhaling). A bee is flying, going to sit on someone's tongue. Close your mouth tightly (hold your breath). Chasing the bee, you can vigorously move your lips. The bee flew away. Slightly open your mouth, exhale with relief.

"Swing". Imagine a warm summer day. Your face is tanning, the gentle sun is stroking you (the muscles of the face are relaxed). But then a butterfly flies, sits on the eyebrows. She wants to swing like on a swing. Let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. The butterfly has flown away, and the sun is warming (relaxation of the muscles of the face).