Emma Tiloh - The Secret of Eternal Youth. Dervish Yoga

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General positive effect

A significant effect can be confirmed by the functioning of the venous, arterial and lymphatic systems, while improving blood circulation in the brain (which leads to improved memory and concentration) and in the limbs (arms, legs and feet), as well as harmonizing blood pressure and stimulation of the heart muscle. There is an improvement in the physical resistance of the body, purification of the lungs and greater saturation of the blood with oxygen as a result of breathing and movement techniques. The mobility of the spine and joints increases (each time the body becomes more mobile, alive and stable), by self-massage of the abdomen, the digestive organs, as well as the kidneys, skin and excretory organs, are stimulated, the male and female endocrine systems are regulated. Sexual function is harmonized, the immune system is strengthened, the psyche calms down and comes into balance, intuition, creativity develop and inspiration arises.

Psychic, emotional and mental harmonization

Breathing exercises very quickly lead to the establishment of balance and strengthening of the nervous system, relieving nervous tension and insomnia.

Starting with the nervous system, the effect of the seven major arcana gradually extends to the musculoskeletal system (muscles, joints and tendons), the endocrine and digestive, respiratory and genitourinary systems.

With the practice of arcana, all functions of the body are stimulated, the psyche calms down and the mind clears up.

Since all the senses function better, the energy centers, or chakras, are better able to absorb the energy coming from outside. The harmonization of internal energies - physical, emotional and intellectual - occurs quite naturally. Men and women who are balanced from the inside can be in harmony with other people and with the external environment.

Dervish Yoga (Samadev's euphony of gestures) - simple, pleasant and very effective method achievement and preservation of health, vitality, harmony and youth.

The Seven Major Arcana: A Guide to Exercises

How to start classes

Practice should be gradual: study one arcanum after another until you reach the seventh arcanum. Gradually increase the duration of the exercises - ten minutes is enough to start and regular daily practice. Thus, you will quickly progress and perform arcana more and more accurately.

The beginning may require some effort, but gradually the movements will become more and more smooth and fluid. So you will become a master of arcana, and their implementation will bring you pleasure. You will reap the benefits of restoring vitality, rejuvenation and healing.

Arcana can be practiced at any time. From a set of arcana, you can simply choose those that seem to you the most suitable for the place and time.

The movements and postures of the arcana are not rigid and fixed. Everyone can modify them depending on their constitution and physical training. The pace at which you perform the exercises may vary depending on your temperament and your goal - whether you want to activate or calm down. Nevertheless, all beginners are advised to attend a typical lesson with a certified instructor from the Samadeva Free University (the list of instructors in different cities of Russia is on the website www.shkolapa.ru. You can always check the information by sending a request to the address: [email protected]).

Arcana should not be performed on a full stomach.

Certain arcana are best performed on a woolen or gymnastic rug. It is preferable to exercise in a well-ventilated area and open windows if necessary, but the temperature should remain comfortable.

In order not to harm yourself, make each movement smoothly, never force. If you get tired doing the arcana, it means that you do them for too long, or perhaps you have poor physical health, you get sick.

For joint pain or any other pain, move even softer. If the pain does not go away, consult a doctor. In general, any discomfort indicates problems that require attention. Constant physical pain is an indicator of a physical problem, although it can also be indicative of incorrect or excessive training.

Practice with the right music

Dervish yoga (Samadev's euphony of gestures) is also dance and music therapy, so the exercises are accompanied by music. Combined with the dynamic effect of the music, they become a kind of therapeutic choreography. During this non-verbal group therapy, which does not seek conscious verbal expression, the healing power of the subconscious is released. The element of awareness begins to be present in the positions and movements "here and now".

The subconscious mind is no longer seen as the Freudian realm of our fears and repressed desires, but rather as a positive mechanism capable of leading to a Milton Erickson-style solution to our problems. 1
Milton Erickson (1901–1980) was an American medical scientist who gained worldwide fame for his developments in the fields of hypnosis and brief psychotherapy.

In the right way and with the right bodily technique. These techniques are not limited to physical exercise, they positively affect our emotions and moods, memory and ability to concentrate.

To fulfill the seven main arcana at home, special CDs and DVDs have been released, applications are accepted at: [email protected].

Seven major arcana

(Emma Tiloch, Ennea Tess Griffith)

Main position

We take the main position before each lasso. This is the basic position for the entire course of exercises.

● Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart;

● slightly bend your knees;

Bottom part the body is slightly bent back (buttocks are protruded);

top part body straight;

● shift the weight of the body slightly to the front of the feet, while the toes are not loaded;

● look straight ahead;

● breathe calmly with your stomach, relax your abs and lower abdomen;

● Don't forget to relax your shoulders.

This straight upright position, with your body weight evenly distributed between your legs, restores balance to your spine. Your head and brain are well supplied with blood, different parts of the brain communicate more effectively. Concentration improves, breathing becomes deep and calm, endocrine glands are stimulated.

This position has a beneficial effect on body stability and balance of movement. Arcana are practiced with great attention and awareness. The movements are smooth and never forced, performed softly and gracefully.

The Importance of Breathing

Breathing is just as important as following the exact instructions for each arcana. At first, while you are learning the movements and positions, it is better to breathe freely and make sure that nothing is holding back the breath - the breath should flow. It should be natural, natural, in a rhythm convenient for you. No specific breathing exercises need to be added.

When we are attentive to inhalation and exhalation, this very quickly leads to a balance and strengthening of the nervous system, relaxes nervous tension and relieves insomnia.

Breathing is of paramount importance: your life began with the first breath and will end with the last breath. Everything begins and everything ends with breathing. Breathing is a very individual action, but at the same time, it connects us with everything that exists. Each of us needs to breathe to sustain life, yet the air we breathe in and out is the same for everyone. Thus, whether we like it or not, we are connected to everyone and everything around us through the air we breathe.

Chakra Harmonization

The science of euphony of gestures by Samadeva (yoga of the dervishes), as well as classical yoga, Taoism or Kabbalah, has an accurate knowledge of how not only the physical body functions, but also the energy body, which consists of energy centers and lines.

Energy centers or chakras are located along the spine and control not only the nervous and endocrine systems, but also all other systems and functions of the body. These centers receive universal energy (ki, or qi, for the Chinese; nafa for the dervishes; ruh for the Sufis; prana for Ayurveda; kundalini for the yogis), after which the energies can circulate throughout the body along various energy lines known as meridians in Chinese medicine, silsila in dervish, nadi in Ayurvedic.

The seven major arcana have a harmonizing effect on the energy body: from the first arcana, the “Spouting Fountain”, which awakens and revitalizes the chakras, preparing the physical and energy body to the following arcana, up to the seventh arcana, Herself, which sets in motion energy through all energy centers and channels.

Arcana 1. Chakra Laleh. gushing fountain

This lasso affects nervous system and helps in energy regulation.

The first lasso, "Beating Fountain", warms up, awakens and activates energy centers (chakras), preparing our physical and energy bodies for the next lasso.

"And my soul is also a gushing fountain."

1. You are in the main position, your arms are relaxed and hang down quietly along the body.

2. Bring the hands together - having joined, the thumbs and forefingers of both hands form a triangle at the bottom of the body.

3. Move it along all the chakras.

5. Reach the seventh chakra at the top of your head.

6–8. Continue lifting, then separate the palms in a semicircle movement, depicting a fountain ...

9–10. Lower your arms to a horizontal line, palms turned to the sky; listen to the sensations of the body.

11. Turn your palms towards the ground…

12–14. Continue lowering your arms as you return to the starting position.

After this initial passage along all the chakras (even and continuous movements), you repeat it, but pause at the level of the first chakra: the palms freeze in a triangle position at the level of the first chakra (hold for 10 seconds).

Then do the next cycle, but pause at the level of the second chakra, and so on. In this way, you continue to the seventh chakra.

To pause on the seventh chakra, at the top of the head, lightly touch this chakra with your fingertips, bringing them together (see photo).

After this seventh pass, you repeat the sequence twice without stopping, moving evenly and continuously along the chakras (as in the first movement above).

The last stage: the lasso ends with the triad "approval - denial - reconciliation." With the "power of affirmation" one hand, the right hand, runs along all the chakras, moving evenly and continuously, the left hand remains along the body. Then you continue with the "power of denial", this time moving along the chakras with your left hand alone. Finish with the "power of reconciliation" by making the movement with both hands, just as in the first movement.

Perform the movements slowly, remaining attentive to the sensations in the body. If thoughts come, let them pass and return to the sensations of the body. After sufficient practice, you will also be able to be aware of your breath.

The total duration of the entire exercise is about three minutes.

Summary. The exercise includes: initial pass + seven consecutive passes with a pause of 10 seconds before the first chakra in the first pass, a pause of 10 seconds before the second chakra in the second and so on up to the seventh chakra + twice initial pass + the triad "affirmation - denial - reconciliation ".

Arcana 2. Nadabrama. Reeds in the wind

This lasso especially helps the digestive system and the spine.

“Movement is the source of everything.

Any movement is a manifestation of the Archetype, the will of the Source.

Ajita Jimash

"Like a reed that bends and always straightens up again."

Idris Laor. "Aran, oh Aran"

1. Stand in the main position. Put your hands on your hips.

2. The upper body leans to the right, the hips move to the left.

3–4. The upper body makes a rotation to the right - forward.

5–6. Continue the rotation forward - to the left, while the hips do not remain in place, but move in the opposite direction.

7–8. Continue rotation, returning to a vertical position.

Repeat the full rotation twice more (do not lean back).

9–16. Pause in a vertical position, then rotate three times in the other direction: tilt to the left, hips deviate to the right ...

The movement is continuous, soft and fluid, like a reed that sways in the wind.

Arcana 3. Nadasama. hip dance

This lasso especially helps the nervous system and energy regulation.

“What we cannot reveal through our body, we cannot reveal anywhere else in the world.”

Idris Laor. "Silence of the Body"

"It's in the dance... what you might call a reflection of higher things."

Friedrich Nietzsche. "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

1. Stand in the main position, feel it steady, and then slightly bend your knees. Fingers interlaced at the back of the head, elbows forward. Head upright, gaze straight ahead.

2–4. The hips shift to the left, the pelvis gently turns to the left - back.

5–8. The hips and pelvis gently rotate from behind - to the right - to the front - to the left. The upper body is straight and relaxed. Make sure that she remains as still as possible while rotating the hips, only the hips are dancing. Do three full rotations of the hips and return to the main position.

9–16. Now do three circles in the opposite direction: hips to the right - back - left - forward ...

This exercise, if done regularly, corrects the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine.

Arcana 4. Ahuramazda. salutation to the sun

This lasso promotes general healing. It affects all the functions and organs of the body, especially the joints, heart and blood circulation.

“The seven major arcana have been built in the process of human evolution over the centuries. They again allow us to find within us the movement of the human soul through time and the evolution of the world.

Idris Laor

“Man is a being who, having reached an upright position, is a bridge between heaven and earth.”

Idris Laor

1. Stand in the main position, arms along the body.

2. Connect the brushes, forming a triangle at the bottom of the body.

3. Move your hands along all the chakras.

4. After passing through the sixth chakra, the hands naturally turn...

5. Reach the top of your head.

6–8. You continue to rise, then open your arms, describing a semicircle, as in lasso 1 “Beating fountain” ...

9-10. Lower your arms to the horizontal, palms turned to the sky.

11. Turn your palms towards the ground…

12–14. Continue lowering your arms, returning them to their original position along the body.

15. Join hands in front solar plexus, thumb left hand in right palm.

16–17. Lean forward in a bow (not lower than the horizontal), return to a vertical position.

18–19. Bending your knees, allow your body to come to its knees.

20. Sit with your buttocks on your heels.

21–22. Lean forward in a bow (not lower than the horizontal), come back.

The movements are calm, fluid and light.

23. Lean forward a third time.

24. Continuing to bend, place your palms on the floor, connecting your fingers in a triangle.

25. Bending down, touch the floor with your forehead, prostrating.

26. Turn your palms up, spreading your arms.

27–28. Keeping your elbows on the floor, raise your arms towards the sky, then return them to a triangle on the ground.

29–30. Straighten up, folding your arms again, taking the thumb of your left hand in your right palm.

31. Return to a sitting position on your heels, upper body straight.

32–34. Lean forward in greeting, straighten up (similar to 21–22).

35. Get on your knees.

36–37. Stand up, leaning on your left foot.

38. Return to the starting position, hands joined, left thumb in right palm.

39–40. Bow again in greeting.

41–42. As you straighten up, let your arms fall freely and smoothly along the body.

Each movement flows smoothly into the next.

Important note. Don't try too hard, do everything gently. People who have joint pain or find it difficult to kneel can do this part of the exercise while standing. Instead of prostrating on the floor, place your hands and forehead on an imaginary horizontal surface at chest level.

Sun Salutation has been practiced since the beginning of the Wisdom Schools in this or a slightly different form. It is the basis for all spiritual practices. It connects the body with the mind, but the heart is also involved, as each movement creates a certain feeling or emotion.

This is a basic exercise for the body, heart and mind, allowing you to achieve peace within yourself.

Salutation to the sun: useful action different positions of the arcana

Straight, vertical position, when the body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, it has a balancing effect on the spine, improving the blood supply to the brain, coordinating the work of the hemispheres. Concentration increases, breathing becomes deeper and calmer; the endocrine glands are stimulated.

As we lean forward the muscles of the lower back, thighs and calf muscles are stretched. Blood rushes to the upper body. The digestive organs (stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines) are toned.

Kneeling position makes all joints of the limbs and back more mobile. The blood flow to the head increases, the activity of the lungs, bronchi, eyes, nose, and ears improves. This is great for hypertension.

"stretch" movement has a special effect on our psychosomatic state. It brings him into balance, harmonizes the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, allowing him to overcome egocentrism.

Salutation to the Sun: An Expression of Gratitude to the Different Kingdoms of Nature

A person who stands upright corresponds to his true nature. He is a being who, having reached an upright position, is the bridge between heaven and earth. When we bend down, we become like a plant, like a reed that bends in the wind. When we are on our knees and our hands are on the ground, we are like an animal. When we prostrate, it is a return to the mineral kingdom. This means that during the Salutation to the Sun, a person again passes through all the stages of his evolution. This reminds that it is connected with the different kingdoms of Nature and is the place of their unification and completion. This lasso is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to the different kingdoms of Nature.

At the same time, the Salutation to the Sun teaches that in Creation each creature is in its own special position in accordance with its position. It is said that even angels have a special posture for worshiping God! The human spirit is capable of assuming any of these postures: it is the freedom of choice to assume the posture of an animal, a plant, or the dust of the earth, and one day recognize the posture of an angel. The legend also says that whoever greets the sun is accompanied by two angels: your guardian angel and the archangel….

Arcana 5. Mazda. Stretching the joy of life

This lasso especially helps the kidneys and bladder, improves the condition of the skin, removes toxins.

Due to the transition from tension to relaxation, the performer of the exercise almost immediately improves his well-being.

“Through stretching, we are freed from our tensions, under which Life, Joy, Love are hidden in the depths - the main qualities of human essence.”

Idris Laor

Start the exercise from the main position.

1. Raise your arms in front of you and stretch, palms facing forward.

2–3. Raise your arms up, stretching in the same way, palms facing up.

4. Now keep your arms horizontal, palms turned to the sides, and stretch again.

5. Lower your arms along your body and stretch a fourth time, palms facing the ground.

There are three main negative emotions in our muscle tension that arise in each of us from birth. These three "poisons" are sadness, anger and fear.

Muscle relaxation allows us to release these negative layers, under which, even deeper, Life, Joy and Love are hidden, the natural and essential qualities of a person. Energy and joy exist beyond all types of tension. Body-oriented practices - relaxation exercises, breathing, stretching - allow you to relieve this tension.

Stretching is done first with tension, then relaxation follows. The tension created has a homeopathic effect: we live with our tensions most of the time without realizing it; during the stretching exercise, we create it a little more and move from tension to relaxation, immediately getting the effect of improving well-being.

The euphony of gestures by Samadev is the science of the art of movement. Its source lies in the thousand-year-old secret brotherhood of dervishes. Over time, practices became available to everyone modern man, which are called Dervish yoga for health and longevity.

Video training "Yoga Dervishes for health and longevity"

What is Samadeva?

Samadeva is a technique applied in practice to improve the physical well-being of a person and his inner development. It combines yoga, zen and qigong - the spiritual practices of the East - with techniques that arose later in the West.

Dervish yoga movements open up new opportunities for a person to return the body to its natural position. Doctors know that this is one of the conditions contributing to the restoration of a healthy rhythm of life: fatigue disappears, sensory perception becomes more acute, conditions for normal circulation of energy in the body and its receipt from the outside through the corresponding human energy centers - chakras and meridians improve.

The complex of yoga exercises of the Dervishes is built at a pace that is convenient for any person.

The exercises are not difficult in terms of technique and are amenable to both experienced and beginners.

At the same time, they help to strengthen the body and at the same time relax, fill it with new energy.

The effectiveness of the Euphonia of Samadev gestures is officially recognized by scientists and is associated with deep knowledge. This is not a random set of meaningless movements. They are successfully used both for prevention and for therapeutic purposes - to prolong life and improve health.

Seven major arcana

The dervishes considered the practice of the seven major arcana to be the secret of eternal life. Without being able to dwell on each of them in detail, we list and indicate the main tasks that they perform.

Arcane number 1 - "Fountain of Delight." It affects the human nervous system, activates the human energy centers and chakras.

Arcane number 2 - "Reed in the wind" affects digestive system human and spine.

Arcane number 3 - "Dance of the hips" affects the human nervous system and regulates the energy of the body.

Arcana #4 - "Salutation to the Sun" affects all functions of the body, especially the heart and blood circulation, as well as the joints.

Arcanum number 5 - "Stretching the joy of life" acts on the skin, kidneys and bladder. It also has the effect of removing toxins from the body, achieved by tension, which is replaced by relaxation.

Arcana No. 6 - "Sparks of Fire" affects the digestive and immune systems, as well as the back and neck, harmonizes a person's thoughts and emotions.

Arcana No. 7 - "Rotation of the planets" harmonizes the nervous and endocrine systems, the soul of a person and restores his good physical health, gives an emotional feeling and clarity of thought.

The technique for performing each lasso is described in detail in the video lesson.

By the way, in general, the session of the seven main arcana does not take so much time as it seems. By devoting 10 minutes a day to them, you can improve your health, clarify thoughts and balance emotions, and quickly feel the expected effect.

According to the dervishes, the ratio of the time spent and the expected effect stimulates one to study.

Worth a try, don't you think?

People rarely pay attention to their movements, how they gesticulate with their hands during a conversation. People usually understand that there is a movement of hands, but they do not pay attention to how they move them and what this means, moreover, what role the movements of our body play in our life, in our spiritual and physical development.

The fact is that movements reflect what is happening inside us, the state of our psyche and our soul. A number of Western religious movements are silent about the energy that is present in the body of each person, uniting the body, psyche, spirit with the outside world. Oriental practices, both medical and spiritual, recognize the existence of this energy, offer methods for maintaining this energy in balance. Some of these techniques are just related to movement: Taijiquan, Qi Gong, yoga and others. Of the modern ones, one can name eurythmy and stretching.

Yoga of the Dervishes or Euphony of Samadev's Gestures is a psycho-corporeal method, consisting of movements and postures performed to specially written music. The movements were developed on the basis of oriental techniques, movements made by dervishes and more modern developments.

It has a positive effect on the work of all internal organs, muscles, helps the development of concentration and memory, as well as psychological and physical balance.

This method was developed Ennea Tess Griffith with the participation of Emma Tiloch and consists of Arcana (special positions of dervishes), which harmonize the work of all muscles, toning up and releasing unnecessary tensions that prevent the free passage of energy through the body, which leads to various diseases at the level of the physical body and psyche. To development this method scientists, doctors, therapists, yoga instructors, masters of dervish dances, specialists from a number of Eastern philosophical schools were involved.

When performing exercises, the tissues are saturated with oxygen, the system of our body begins to function properly. Performing exercises requires focusing on internal sensations, listening to your body and the changes taking place in it. This allows you to find inner harmony, unity, a better understanding of yourself and others. He ceases to feel himself only as a body, but is aware of his spirit and himself as a single whole, consisting of several elements.

The movements themselves combine smooth movements with sharp and dynamic ones. This and allows you to achieve maximum relaxation, smoothness and fluidity.

The effectiveness of Samadev gestures has been scientifically recognized and is a system that can be used for prevention as well as for healing purposes, for longevity and health promotion.

After all, through the movements of the body there is an impact on the mental, emotional and mental state of a person. Smooth movements of yoga dervishes reduce the effects of stress our mental and physical pain. They also make us more sensitive and receptive. Fast movements help us to assert our power of existence, which is revealed just during the execution of slow movements.

The practice of yoga dervishes teaches the management of energy within the body, to save it, to keep it, not wasting it. And not only during exercise, but also in everyday life.

However, the yoga of the dervishes it is not only a philosophy, but also a practical way of life. Education takes place at the Samadeva Free University, which was created by Ennea Tess Griffith.

Euphony of Samadev's gestures designed for people of all ages any level of training and religion. You can start classes from any stage, which is a special advantage of this direction of knowing and healing yourself.

The practice of dervish yoga brings joy and peace to people's lives and helps in the realization of higher goals.

Idris Laor, Ennea Tess Griffith, Emma Tiloch

Secret eternal youth. Dervish Yoga

Idris Lahor, Ennea Tess Griffith, Emma Thyloch

Le Secret de l'eternelle jeunesse des Derviche

© Laor I., Griffith E.T., Tiloh E., 2010

© Design. OOO Svet, 2016


(Annea Tess Griffith)

The Samadeva Free University (France) was founded by me under the influence of Idris Laor. The main task of the university is to offer knowledge and practical techniques both for improving our physical well-being and for further internal development. To achieve this goal, we have combined the spiritual practices of the East (Zen, yoga, qigong) and techniques that have emerged in recent decades in the West (stretching, relaxation, eurythmy). Thus, the wisdom of the East and the science of the West found their harmonious expression in the work of the Samadev Free University.

As the psycho-bodily method of yoga dervishes (original name - "euphony of gestures of Samadeva", which means "harmonization through movements", the first direction of science of Samadeva) is one of the precious results of this work. With the invaluable help of colleagues, especially Emma Tiloch, we have put a lot of effort into improving this method. Communication and consultations with doctors, therapists, yoga teachers, sacred dance specialists and dervishes were a source of constant enrichment of the system and helped to improve the yoga of the dervishes.

Idris Laor, a wonderful person and my teacher, traveled all over the world, from China to Spanish Andalusia, visited Tibet and India, Arabia and Persia, Palestine and Egypt. A wandering dervish among the dervishes, he collected theoretical and practical knowledge from Sufi friends, especially knowledge in the field of medicine, which he then put into practice for many years. In this way he was able to adapt the most effective techniques ancient teachers of wisdom, kept by dervishes, to Western medicine. These great scholars of the past taught in the medieval Islamic universities until, during the decline of Eastern culture, they were replaced by Western-type institutions with their experimental science and systematic research.

Idris Laor, leaving his knowledge of traditional medicine to medical friends, taught me everything from the knowledge that belongs to the field of super-medicine, which in ancient times played an essential role in the art of healing. These super-healing knowledges include music, articulation and singing, the art of gestures, movement and dance, the art of nutrition and aromatherapy.

Dervish yoga in its traditional form originates from the most ancient teachings of the Eastern schools of wisdom, which from antiquity to the present day have given rise to many currents. Drawing on Yogic, Taoist, Sufi and Zen philosophical schools, the euphony of Samadev's gestures allows us to rediscover their common source, from which the most important and significant methods were borrowed.

The effectiveness of dervish yoga is scientifically recognized and associated with deep knowledge, it is a system that can be used both for prevention and for healing purposes, for longevity and health promotion. Dervish yoga is not only a philosophy and a practical method, but also a way of life.

A series of exercises called "The Seven Major Arcana" is the fundamental basis of Samadeva's euphony of gestures, the psycho-corporeal direction of Samadeva along with eight other directions. They can be met at the Samadeva Free University, where the annual congresses are held.

I sincerely hope that the seven major arcana described here will bring you inner peace and joy and help you realize your higher goals.


(Idris Laor)

The Seven Major Arcana of the Dervish Yoga (Euphonies of Samadeva's Gestures) are simple but extremely effective tool restoration of vitality, suitable for any person aged 3 to 99 years. In the past, in the secret brotherhoods, the dervishes called them "rejuvenation exercises." These exercises strengthen the body, relax it and fill it with new energy. In addition, they bring the psyche into a state of balance and support the spirit, giving it vigor, slowing down the aging process. By practicing Dervish Yoga, you will acquire the energy necessary for a full and complete quiet life. The people around you, your spouses, parents, children, friends and colleagues will also be rewarded. You will get good physical form and inner peace, your intellectual abilities will increase, all body functions will be stimulated and harmonized. Similar to yoga, tai chi quan, relaxation, eurythmy and light gymnastics, Samadev's euphony of gestures mobilizes all physical, emotional and mental resources, allowing you to effectively adapt to any situations of daily life.

Each person strives for health and longevity, or rather, longevity with good health! How to stay young? What is the secret of eternal youth, the secret of immortality of alchemists and Taoists - legend or reality? Dervish yoga teaches us techniques to stay healthy and add age without aging, in other words, to stay young in mind, heart and body.

In ancient times, schools of wisdom and masters taught students the techniques and methods of maintaining physical, emotional and spiritual health. Dervish yoga is an adaptation of the most effective of them, primarily the seven major arcana exercises for modern men and women. They are based on the knowledge transmitted in the schools of the Sarman brotherhood, a spiritual brotherhood of dervishes located in Central Asia.

Dervish Yoga

(Idris Laor)

From health to personal development

Dervish Yoga (Samadev's euphony of gestures) is a teaching that extends from simple physical exercises, healing to philosophy and metaphysics. Its impact on our physical and psychological health, as well as the impact in terms of personal development, can be explained through various psycho-body techniques.

Our practice with both sick and healthy (already with signs of impending disorders) people shows that there are two possible pathogenic sources. The first, common to all organic and mineral life on Earth (people, animals, plants, air, water and the Earth itself), is associated with the world around us and all the harmful factors that are somehow inherent in it.

Since humans have acquired consciousness, a second possible pathogenic source has emerged that is unique to humans. We will not consider in detail the origin of consciousness (innate or acquired, conditional or unconditional), but we will pay attention to the fact that this is a very significant aspect of human life, which determines a significant part of human emotions, thoughts and actions. It is the source of all our existential questions, a wide range of fears and disappointments, the psychosomatic consequences of which are no mystery to anyone today.

This brings us to consider two types of influence on a person: external (other people, nature and external events) and internal (the way we respond to our environment: our thoughts, feelings, emotions, moods and behaviors).

Verbal or chemical aggression, psychological pressure or air pollution, food or intellectual poisons - all these factors negatively affect our health and lead to the appearance of specific pathologies, sometimes visible and spontaneous, sometimes more hidden and developing slowly. All systems of our body can be affected: nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive.

As a psycho-bodily method of restoring mental balance and health, dervish yoga helps us counteract external pathogenic influences, making us more adaptive, strong, balanced and stable. In addition, its action is aimed at the internal pathogenic source and allows answering the question: how can I manage and not be influenced by fear, depression, nervousness and psychosomatic problems, starting with indigestion, migraine, asthma, hypertension, etc. and ending with much more serious diseases such as cancer.

Learning to control oneself, to become a "master of oneself" and one's internal mechanisms, and not to remain their slave - this is the offer and effect of dervish yoga.

All kinds of actions to neutralize external harmful influences on our health is the task of ecology and sociology. The struggle with internal influences is connected with the awareness of the mentioned influences and with our personal level of understanding. This inner work is not limited to mere intellectual understanding, but involves physical and emotional understanding, as well as knowing how to do it.

Dervish Yoga is a psychophysical practice based on the teachings of Taijiquan, Qi Gong. It improves the functioning of all internal organs, the ability to human body, grants physical and psychological balance.

The yoga of the dervishes has a second name - the Euphony of the gestures of Samadeva. This is the science of movements, which has ancient origins and has been updated with modern trends in eurythmy and stretching.

The Essence of Dervish Yoga

The essence of the teaching lies in the postulate that all movements and gestures are a manifestation of emotions. Therefore, with the help of certain movements, it is possible to influence the emotional and psychological condition, mood. Thanks to a practice such as yoga according to the teachings of the dervishes, the negative impact of stress is reduced, the mechanism of self-healing of the body is launched, internal reserves and abilities increase, coordination and memory develop.

Yoga according to the teachings of the dervishes unites the body, mind, love and spirituality. This teaching allows a person to reveal his inner "I" and live in harmony with the outside world. A person who regularly practices dervish yoga acquires true knowledge about his inner physical, emotional and intellectual capabilities at any age.

The mechanism of influence of yoga dervishes on the human body

Dervish yoga is based on the performance of seven main asanas - special positions, the positive effect of which is as follows:

  • harmonization of muscle work;
  • stress relief;
  • enrichment of all tissues with oxygen;
  • creation of conditions for the proper functioning of the vital systems of the body;
  • psychological comfort;
  • feeling true emotions;
  • a sense of harmony.

All asanas are performed in the form of alternating slow and fast movements, the sound of music, words and silence. Mastering the yoga exercises of the dervishes is strictly individual, they are performed by everyone at their own pace, in accordance with their abilities and experience. Their truly magical effect helps a person to rediscover himself, understand his essence and purpose, and therefore become happier.

  • loose clothing that does not restrict breathing and movement;
  • lack of accessories on the arms and neck;
  • do not eat before class.

Thus, dervish relaxation techniques are relevant for those people who are prone to stress, chronic diseases, and strive for personal growth. The Euphony of Samadev's gestures is a method that grants his followers health, longevity, calmness and harmony of the body, emotions and thoughts. It brings the psyche into a state of balance and supports the spirit, gives vigor, slows down the aging process. At its core, it is a whole system of knowledge and skills leading to eternal youth, longevity and health. That is why this practice is gaining immense popularity all over the world and has thousands of followers.