Horse oriental sign woman girl. Eastern horoscope horse

, Metal Horse , Water Horse .

The Fire Horse is just a hurricane, it is unique. A violent, irrepressible character does not give her a moment's rest. Her life is full of work and social activities. Around her, life is always in full swing, she has enough time and energy for everything. This Horse is a speaker, a tribune. She will not leave anyone indifferent, is able to raise and lead the masses to any cause. The Fire Horse is a clear leader, a leader, and is not ready to cede supremacy to anyone. She perceives advice or wishes with hostility and as an attempt to take her away from business. Many people adore the Fire Horse for its positive energy, sense of humor, but such qualities as irascibility and rudeness, quite often, spoil this impression.

Outrageous, adventurous Horse, endowed with excellent intelligence and great personal magnetism. She tries to change what she wants with willpower and coercion. Being the most daring of all the lunar signs, in her race to the goal, she can forget about caution.

This is a double fire sign (Fire is also the main element of the Horse), and such a person will be excitable and quick-tempered. The Fire Horse is easily confused; she is too fickle to perform repetitive tasks. She is idiosyncratic, witty and charming, but the endless stream of brilliant ideas makes her incredibly changeable. The Fire Horse is multifaceted, it needs sharpness and variety in life. She takes the greatest pleasure in living a double or triple life, or in acquiring several interesting and profitable professions.

He loves to travel and act very much, anticipates new trends, works most effectively if he is included in the share. Rarely recognizes someone's control, even from superior people. Able to insist on her own, constantly trying to surpass herself.

The Fire Horse loves to compete and loves the thrill. She can accurately assess any person and situation at a glance, she knows how to interact with anyone. Able to solve delicate and complex problems, but, alas, likes to argue and behaves recklessly. And with her speed and reaction, she will never give up without a fight - and you can bet that she will win.

Fire Horse Chinese Zodiac

The Fire Horse is impulsive in nature, its initiative and excitability sometimes go beyond all limits. These people are Active, versatile and hot, they need strong emotions to prove to themselves that they are still alive. If something comes into their heads, then all their indestructible will will gather into one fist in order to reach the desired goal. Fortunately, they have the talent to get out of difficult situations.

They are inventive, and have a gift for unraveling intricate problems, and the difficulties they encounter only stimulate their development and growth. However, they often lack constancy and perseverance. People born under the sign of the fiery horse themselves get tired of their own plans very quickly. When their goal is achieved, it immediately loses its appeal.

In love and love life, the pursuit of pleasure often makes them optional and not prone to fidelity. They are constantly attracted by everything new. The Fire Horse spends his energy without hesitation, and when he is in love, he will stop at nothing and achieve the desired result.

Fire Horse Man

A strong-willed, energetic man actively takes on the solution of any problems. Sitting still is an almost impossible task for him. Loves to overcome difficulties and difficulties. The Fire Horse is an impulsive man, so he does not delve into the details, but immediately rushes into battle. Often he is accused of selfishness, indeed, he rarely thinks about the feelings of others. Always in the first place - their own interests and personal gain. Such is the nature of the man of this sign, it is difficult for him to cope with his emotions, he prefers to act rather than think. However, this is a reliable person who will never let down someone who hopes for his help. He is famous for his hard work, in the professional field he achieves great success.

The man of this sign loves thrills, he is not interested in insipid, boring relationships. From the novel, he expects a firework of feelings and emotions, and with a calm woman he will quickly get bored. The Fire Horse man is quick-tempered and unpredictable, his chosen one must be ready for any turn. Today - crazy passion and love, tomorrow - complete indifference. This is a very generous person, ready to shower his partner with all the treasures of the world. But she has to deal with household chores herself. Too energetic and impulsive to get bogged down in trifles. Full of the most ambitious plans, his wife and children should support him in everything, and not interfere or distract him with requests for help with cleaning and preparing for lessons.

Fire Horse Woman

For this impulsive, emotional woman, there are no obstacles and barriers. Acts boldly and decisively, does not pay attention to the opinions of others. For her, there are no, and there can be no really good reasons to abandon her plans. The Fire Horse is an energetic woman, if she sets a goal for herself, then she will definitely achieve victory. She cannot be entrusted with the performance of routine duties; from the need to perform monotonous actions, she instantly becomes depressed. The authorities usually give her creative tasks, because she has a good imagination, a rich imagination. Therefore, he comes up with original ideas that greatly facilitate the workflow.

In a love relationship, he demonstrates a frantic temperament, without hesitation gives vent to feelings. She will not modestly wait for the chosen one to pay attention to her. The Fire Horse is a brave woman, so she will try to interest a man. Although the fans do not give her a pass anyway, she is such a spectacular person. It can be capricious and wayward, does not consider it necessary to adapt to the interests of a man. For all its outward beauty, natural sexuality, it often remains alone. Men get tired of her impulsiveness, eccentricity. But she does not want to change, she is too selfish person, fixated on herself. However, she will try to become a good wife for a truly beloved man.

The defining qualities of people born in the year of the Horse are love of freedom and exceptional honesty. The Horse has many other virtues - it is ambitious, independent, energetic, passionate, imaginative and has a good sense of humor.

People born in the year of the Horse usually get along well with others, easily making new acquaintances. They love sports, theater, concerts, gatherings, parties, parties, clubs, festivities - all places where you can see people and show off. They have good memory. They usually respond quickly when they have an interesting conversation or unusual ideas in their presence. It is easy to find a common language with them, but they do not tolerate passive, disinterested interlocutors.

Often the Horse is a brilliant speaker, giving speeches, leading discussions gives her great pleasure. Her mind catches people's thoughts before they have time to express them, this allows her to get ahead of the interlocutor, refuting or approving. She is able to easily control the crowd and can excel in politics. Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) (April 12, 1870), Boris Yeltsin (February 1, 1931), Helmut Kohl (April 3, 1930), Nelson Mandela (July 18, 1918), Anwar Sadat (December 25, 1918), Helmut Schmidt ( December 23, 1918), Nikita Khrushchev (April 3, 1894) and others.

The horse is characterized by a surprisingly joyful, optimistic perception of life - it is in her blood. Like a child, she enjoys the simplest things and draws strength from this joy. In the works of writers born in the year of the Horse, this immediate, easy joy is fully manifested. Among the Horses, there are surprisingly many children's writers: Korney Chukovsky (March 19, 1882), Alexander Miln (January 18, 1882), Boris Zakhoder (September 9, 1918), Julian Tuvim (September 13, 1894). By the way, the "solar clown" Oleg Popov was born in the year of the Horse (July 31, 1930).

The horse has an optimistic outlook on life

Passion, openness, cheerfulness, reckless optimism Horses are clearly manifested in all types of "horse" art. The music of composers born in the year of the Horse is also unusually light, bright, transparent: Fryderyk Chopin (March 1, 1810), Robert Schumann (June 8, 1810), Ferenc Lehar (April 30, 1870), Andrey Petrov (September 2, 1930), Igor Stravinsky (June 5, 1882), Imre Kalman (October 24, 1882), Alexander Milne (January 18, 1882), Christoph Gluck (July 2, 1714), Giacomo Puccini (December 22, 1858), Antonio Vivaldi (March 4, 1678), Carl Weber (November 19, 1786), as well as Paul McCartney (June 18, 1942), Jimi Hendrix (November 27, 1942).

The contribution of the Horse to world literature and cinema is very interesting. In the year of the Horse, such writers as Alexander Kuprin (August 26, 1870), Ivan Bunin (October 10, 1870), Alexander Solzhenitsyn) were born)