Fitness for the face, doing face culture. Alena Rossoshinskaya: fitness for the face

Hearing the word "fitness", many immediately imagine gym filled with girls looking to drop overweight, tighten the flabby body. There are other training options. Face fitness is one of them. Facial exercises also help to tidy up the appearance, eliminate imperfections caused by age, a relaxed lifestyle. The complex of actions is broadcast completely free of charge, it is easy to get the result. To achieve success in this matter, you need to become more familiar with the method of charging.

The approach of Alena Rossoshinskaya

In Russia, when mentioning the combination of the words “face fitness”, women most often recall the methodology of Alena Rossoshinskaya. She developed own program exercises, tightening, modeling the face.

A lawyer by education, Alena became interested in fitness, additionally studied at the Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation.

In the present, Rossoshinskaya is an acting coach, teacher of the program about healthy way life "Fitness for the face" on the online channel, the author of 5 books promoting face fitness, an expert and ardent admirer of the osteopathic principles of exposure.

Alena organized her own studio, where they conduct classes according to her methods, actively promotes the author's methods of influence. Rossoshinskaya conducts training and training in the UAE, where he now lives, in the cities of Europe, America, the Middle East and Russia.

Features of the technique

No matter how careful skin care is, it eventually loses firmness, elasticity, attractive appearance. Regularity, cost of cosmetic procedures does not play a significant role. Modern ladies have long switched to the physiological prolongation of youth (fitness methods for the face).

Regular exercise affects the condition of the muscles that hold the skin. Weakened muscles (lack of proper load, gradual age-related atrophy) comes into tone. Muscles increase in size, stretching, straightening sagging skin. As a result of exercises according to the method, wrinkles disappear, the correct contour is modeled, and a beautiful oval is formed.

The working process affects the restoration of natural tissue nutrition. Many internal processes are normalized (blood supply, lymph outflow, oxygen saturation). Thanks to the technique, normal complexion returns, swelling, bruises disappear, a healthy glow appears.

Attention! Performing face fitness movements does not require a significant amount of time. You will be able to master the technique yourself. Enough basic information about physiology, anatomy, descriptions or detailed video instructions for exercises. Daily 10 minutes of training and the face acquires a fresh, young look.

A set of exercises

Most of the complex exercises do not require special training. You can easily repeat them. Before performing the exercises of the main complex, you need to prepare: cleanse the skin, warm up the muscles.

On initial stage perform light strokes on massage lines, "scratching" with the fingertips of the scalp. Actions help to ensure the necessary blood flow, "wake up" the muscles.

The basic set of exercises is as follows:

  1. Exercise for the forehead area (strengthening muscles, smoothing wrinkles). Hands are placed on the forehead, lightly press the skin. In this position, create resistance with muscles, trying to wrinkle the forehead. Fingers interfere with natural movement. Resistance helps to strengthen muscles. The tense hold is 15 seconds.
  2. Exercise for the eye area (elimination of "crow's feet"). The index and middle fingers are placed at the outer corner, strongly pressed (the sensation of soreness is unacceptable). They try to close their eyes (muscles experience resistance). The voltage is maintained for 15 seconds.
  3. Exercise for the cheeks (elimination of "flews", wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, strengthening the lips). Lips are folded tightly, pulled out, as for a kiss. The cheeks are pressed tightly. Move on to the next action: a wide smile with open teeth. Both movements alternate up to 20 times.
  4. Exercise for lifting the neck (elimination of the second chin). The head is thrown back up, with the chin “to the ceiling”. Perform intensive chewing movements. Be sure to feel tension in the muscles of the neck. lower jaw roll forward, carry out dynamic movements to the right, to the left.

Each exercise of the complex is repeated up to 20 times. Relax after a series of movements. Then move on to the next block. There are many exercises for different groups muscles. Choose those that will be useful to achieve the goals.

The elimination of small wrinkles often occurs after 1-3 weeks of regular training. Deep "furrows", folds decrease after 1-2 months of complex exposure. Improving complexion, minimizing swelling, "bags" occurs in the first week of training.

Video instruction from Alena Rossoshinskaya to strengthen the oval of the face.

Gymnastics for beautiful eyes

The main rule of any training: listen carefully to your body. Any advice, recommendations "pass through yourself." Performance in an organized group is desirable to carry out with an individual approach of the trainer. For achievement effective result you need to read the advice of the author:

Gymnastics is done in front of a mirror. It is advisable to listen to this rule until the moment when the exercise is memorized. Visualization of movements will allow you to better understand the technology of action.

  • Exercises are performed in order, gradually shifting the order. As the action is mastered, the study of new zones is added.
  • An intensive course of training is at least a month. At this time, be sure to practice 1-2 times a day, without interruptions. After completing the basic course, it is permissible to reduce the load (perform exercises 1 time per day), but do not relax by skipping classes.

Attention! It is important to work out the power of influence. Movements should not cause significant pain, but half-hearted actions will not bring the expected result. Overload able to aggravate the situation, weak - unjustifiably disappoint in the methodology.

Face fitness classes will take only 10-20 minutes. Exercise is allowed both in the morning and in the evening. It is recommended to focus on the process, perform actions carefully, without haste. Then it will be possible to achieve the stated result.

Safety regulations

All exercises of the complex are safe, the possibility of injury is minimal. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to gradually get involved in the work, do not exceed the recommended load.

Optimal focus on the result is achieved by detaching from thoughts and deeds. The presence of outside "spectators" is unacceptable. Eliminate any distractions.


Refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • wounds, inflammation on the skin (herpes, eczema, cuts, acne);
  • oncology, problems with the heart, blood vessels, other serious disorders;
  • after plastic, injection interventions.

It is advisable to refuse to perform exercises if you feel worse (fever, infectious diseases, pressure disorders). When health stabilizes, the procedures are resumed.

Face fitness is able to fit perfectly into your lifestyle. Simple and effective technique will definitely please you with positive results, charge you with vivacity, a positive attitude. Upon reaching the result “minus 10 years”, the complex will definitely enter the daily care program. The Miracle Method will become a favorite piece of propaganda.

Useful videos

Fitness for the face "forget old age."

Faceculture. The program "gymnastics without complexes."

Receptions on the face from Natalia Osminina.

Elena Karkukli. How to get yourself in order in the morning - simple and useful tips.

Facial exercises to “not wrinkle” from Katya Energy.

Alena Rossoshinskaya (April 13, 1979, 39 years old) - International face fitness expert, founder of the Smart Face Fitness methodology, inspirer of the development of an adaptive face fitness culture in Russia and countries of Europe and the East.

Physical rehabilitation specialist, graduated from Kiev National University physical education and sports.

  • Advanced training: National Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine.
  • Master of the school of somatic integration of Dr. Chikurov.
  • Diploma of the "University of Paris UNIVERSITE de PARIS FACVLTE de MEDECINEVNIVERSITE de PARIS FACULTE de MEDECINE" in anatomical research (cadaver course)

By first education - a lawyer. He has a certificate of the right to engage in notarial activities. She worked in the State Tax Service in the Department of Legislative Activities. After graduating from the university, in parallel with her main job in the department of justice, she lectured on family law at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

Since 2008, after an unsuccessful injection experience, Alena began to look for other ways to rejuvenate and maintain the beauty of her face. She studied in America with the famous Carol Maggio, the author of the method of American gymnastics for the face.

Since 2008, Alena has been actively researching the topic of natural rejuvenation, building up her expert experience:

  • Studied and tested various techniques;
  • Mastered rejuvenating and energy practices of traditional Chinese medicine;
  • Regularly consults and maintains professional contacts with renowned cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, experts in nutrition, dietetics, specialists in physical recovery through yogic and breathing practices;
  • Annually attends closed professional seminars on aesthetic medicine and cosmetology;
  • Passes professional workshops with recognized authorities in the field of beauty.

In the same 2008, Alena created own methodology facial fitness “Ilovefacefitness”. Soon Alena opened the first face fitness studio - first in Ukraine, where at that time the face fitness culture was completely undeveloped, and then began to conduct trainings in other countries.

For 10 years, the technique has been improved and adapted for women different ages and cultures. Today, Alena Rossoshinskaya's technique is a synthesis of the best practices of European culture and Eastern experience in rejuvenating the body. It includes practices created by Alena as a result of many years of research, practice and observation of the long-term results of numerous students and clients.

Alena passed on her experience to her students for many years and raised real stars - successful face fitness trainers.

In 2014, she wrote her first book on natural facial rejuvenation. In total, Alena published 7 books about facial fitness, anti-aging and beauty:

  • How to get rid of wrinkles and other age-related changes". Edition: 06/01/2015;
  • “Faceculture: home lifting for the face and neck”. Edition: 10/27/2014;
  • “Age of Happiness. How to rejuvenate your face in 20 minutes a day. Edition: 02.12.2014;
  • "How to get rid of the second chin and restore the oval of the face." Edition: 09/28/2015;
  • "Double chin. Express deliverance. Edition: 07/24/2017;
  • “Facefitness. Express course”. Edition: 05.10.2017;
  • “Home face fitness. Exercises for the health of the skin and muscles of the face. Edition: 04/03/2018;
  • Currently, her 8th book on facial expressions is being prepared for publication.

In 2017, Alena teamed up with 2 of her students and founded the International Face Fitness Academy (IFFA), where she is the founder, trainer and ideological inspirer.

In 10 years of practice, she has taught thousands of women around the world how to properly care for their face during individual consultations and group trainings which holds both in Russia and the CIS countries and Europe.

Since 2010, she has hosted the TV program “Facial Fitness” on the LIVE! Recordings are still available on the YouTube channel of the program, she has published dozens of articles on natural methods of rejuvenation in various popular publications, and regularly appears on various TV channels.

Her personal consultations included:

  • Martin Von Den Driesch - famous portrait photographer, worked with Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Bill Gates;
  • Katarina Shpiering - film actress, starred in 48 films: the TV series "Special Forces", "Criminal Department", "Freedom" and others;
  • Tamara Vitalievna Galushka, mother of the famous singer Vera Brezhneva.

Alena also conducts personal consultations for VIP clients and status persons, whose results she does not publish for reasons of professional ethics.

Alena is a successful coach and business woman, a demanding teacher, an attentive mentor and just a charming and wise woman. In her personal blog, she shares her experience and knowledge, talks about how to easily and easily restore youth and beauty to your face, learn how to carefully and take care of yourself and your health.

Various types of facial exercises are now a very popular topic. Millions of women around the world are interested in natural rejuvenation and natural ways to maintain health, beauty and youth. Facial fitness from Alena Rossoshinskaya, founder of the International Academy of Face Fitness and author of 6 books on this technique, helps to achieve these goals.

Alena Rossoshinskaya is an international fitness trainer for the face. Alena does not hide her age and biography: as she herself says, at 39 she looks much better than at 28. She achieved this by developing her own facefitness technique, thanks to which the skin becomes smooth and elastic, acquires tone.

Rossoshinskaya has more than 7,000 clients worldwide and 127 students, new face fitness trainers. Alena hosted the program "Fitness for the face" on the TV channel "LIVE!". Training videos are freely available on YouTube.

About the technique of Alena Rossoshinskaya

On her website, Alena writes that she studied with the famous Carol Maggio, the author of face-building gymnastics, whose exercises can also be found on.

The essence of the Rossoshinskaya technique is the study of all the muscles of the facial zone, stretching, relaxation and toning them. At regular workouts the face is transformed due to the improvement of blood circulation, the normalization of lymphatic drainage and the removal of muscle spasms.

Proper exercise guarantees results within a few weeks after the start of classes, good mood when you see yourself in the mirror and self-confidence, in your attractiveness.

Facial fitness exercises from Alena

Fitness for the face with Alena Rossoshinskaya is divided into exercises for such areas of the face as the forehead, eyes, cheeks, neck, and in general the oval of the face.

Exercise to smooth facial wrinkles on the forehead

  • Place your hands on your forehead so that your fingertips touch in the middle;
  • Gently, with light, stroking movements, massage the skin from the center to the edges;
  • Do 3 repetitions.

For beautiful eyes

Exercise 1:

  • Place your hands on your face so that they cover the skin under the eyebrows, under the eyes and upper part cheeks;
  • Apply some pressure to these areas;
  • Leave this hand position for a few seconds, and then relax your hands;
  • Do these movements three times.

Exercise 2:

  • Focus the index fingers of both hands in the corners of the eyes, at the bridge of the nose;
  • Hold for a few seconds;
  • Do the exercise 3 times.

To create beautiful cheeks

  • Put your fingers on your cheeks;
  • Press firmly, press gently;
  • Keep this position of the fingers for 4 seconds;
  • Relax your fingers;
  • Repeat 3 times.

For plump lips

  • Place your hands in such a way that they cover the lips and the area around them, that is, horizontally;
  • Press lightly, linger in this position of the hands for a few seconds;
  • Do 3 sets, with short breaks. One minute is enough.

For a lifted face

  • Massage your face for a minute, moving your fingers over the entire surface with light “tapping” movements;
  • Press your palms firmly against the skin, closing it;
  • Press, hold for 5 seconds;
  • Spread your palms to the side. But they must not come off the skin;
  • Repeat the exercise three times.

Other exercises from Alena Rossoshinskaya on video

Gymnastics from the second chin:

Exercises to get rid of edema:

By her example, Alena Rossoshinskaya proved that a young and attractive appearance is available at any age. Women give large sums to surgeons and massage therapists, although they can do it on their own, at home, to maintain youth.

The main thing is to start and not stop there, devoting 15 minutes a day to face fitness in the morning and evening. Combining exercise with an active lifestyle proper nutrition and drinking at least one and a half liters of water a day, you can naturally maintain your youth and health.

The first signs of aging begin to appear on the face after 25 years, and by the age of 30 the process is rapidly gaining momentum. The further, the more reasons for excitement appear, and after all, not a single woman wants to lose her beauty! If you want to cross the 40-year milestone with supple and velvety skin, you definitely need a facial fitness. The technique has existed for more than 85 years, it is practiced by fitness instructors around the world, modifying and making their own adjustments. One of the famous instructors, Alena Rossoshinskaya, developed own exercises helping to keep youthful. What is facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya, how to perform these exercises and when to expect the first results, you will learn from the article.

About facial fitness

Fitness for the face, or as it is also called face-building, is a series of exercises aimed at restoring skin elasticity, correcting the oval of the face and combating age-related manifestations. In fact, this is a symbiosis of exercises for “pumping” the muscles of the face and self-massage.

The author of this technique is the German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. He developed the first set of exercises for facial muscles especially for his girlfriend, a ballerina, who, after performing them, looked ten years younger. Well, here, as they say, away we go! The idea was quickly picked up in Europe and America. True, in Russia facial fitness has been known in wide circles for no more than 10 years, and the peak of popularity came in 2011, when Alena Rossoshinskaya demonstrated a miracle technique on one of the popular TV channels “Live”.

About the technique of Alena Rossoshinskaya

There are plenty of photo and video materials on the network that allow you to master the technique of rejuvenation by Alena Rossoshinskaya. However, Alena herself warns that not everyone will be able to learn from YouTube videos. Many women make a lot of mistakes by repeating exercises, thereby only aggravating the skin condition. Unfortunately, it is impossible to convey the force of pressing during a massage via video, but if you wish, you can take Alena's training courses and then boldly “build a face”, because that is how the word “facebuilding” is translated.

Fitness results for the face of Alena Rossishinsky

Facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya will achieve the following results:

  • You will be able to rejuvenate your face without the participation of plastic surgeons, beauty injections or mesotherapy. The technique allows you to remove jowls, double chin, bags under the eyes, “crow's feet” in the corners of the eyes.
  • Exercises are aimed at improving blood circulation in the tissues of the face, which will positively affect its color.
  • Becoming younger and more attractive, you will feel self-confidence.
  • You will acquire a lively, rich and aesthetic facial expression.
  • You will always have a good mood, and your reflection in the mirror will raise it.

Reviews indicate that the first results can be expected after the first week of classes, and after a month, women aged 30-40 will see noticeable improvements. Older women will have to work out longer, about 2-3 months, to achieve the same effect.

Exercises from Alena Rossoshinskaya

We will not describe to you all the exercises included in the “facial fitness minus 10 years” complex from Alena Rossoshinskaya, since the author of the methodology has a lot of them. In addition, no text can convey the details that are visible on the video. That is why we are attaching a video with exercises, and below we will talk about a complex that allows you to remove the second chin. To perform it, it is enough to allocate about 10 minutes a day, but to achieve the desired effect, training should take place no less than 5 times a week:

  1. For this exercise, you will need a regular towel. Wind it into a tight tourniquet and place it under the chin, holding the ends in your hands. We rest our chin on a towel and press, maintaining tension for 5 seconds. Do 5 such approaches.
  2. The next exercise is performed with a ball with a diameter of about 15 cm. Place the ball under the chin and press on it. Perform 10 such pressures. If you don't have a ball, you can put your fists under your chin.
  3. Head tilts in different sides have a strengthening effect on the muscles. Perform tilts without raising your shoulders.
  4. Close your palms on your forehead. Straining the muscles of the neck, overcome the onslaught that has appeared.
  5. Stroke the side and rear surface neck, soft movements.
  6. Close your hands at the back of your head and try to sort of tilt your head back. This will tense your neck muscles. Maintain tension for about 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  7. We carry out circular motions head: 10 turns in one direction, the same in the opposite direction.
  8. Completing the complex next exercise: put your palm to your temple and press. Straining the muscles of the neck, try to resist the onslaught. After that, repeat the same with the other hand.

Regardless of whether you choose fitness for the face minus 10 years or any other author's technique, which abound today, the following recommendations will help you maintain the results you have achieved for as long as possible:

  • Try to smile as often as possible. This has a beneficial effect on facial muscles cheeks
  • Simple conversations also have a beneficial effect on appearance your face. By talking, you train your muscles and help smooth wrinkles.
  • Deep breathing improves the circulation of oxygen in the blood.
  • To improve the contour of the chin, chew gum, in reasonable amounts of course.
  • Do not forget about facial skin care, moisturize it and thoroughly cleanse it.
  • Remember the importance of healthy sleep for female beauty.
  • Try not to eat foods high in salt, as it retains fluid in the body, and this leads to swelling.
  • Keep an eye on the water balance of your body, drink enough fluids and this will make your skin supple and fresh.

Alena Rossoshinskaya says that: “If you take proper care of your body, forgetting about your face, letting everything take its course, is simply unacceptable. No matter how young you are, your desire to change for the better is more important.”

Video: facial fitness with Alena Rossoshinskaya