Workout for overweight women at home. Fitness for the fat: its own territory, its own rules

Sports for very fat people has its own characteristics, because physical activity is more difficult for overweight people than for everyone else. This is expressed in the fact that during training in fat people, the cardiovascular system, joints and other organs are loaded much more strongly.

However, this is not a reason for refusing to exercise, on the contrary, people with a very large body weight need training, you just have to choose the right sports program and choose the right exercises. One of the best options for solving the problem of this choice is yoga., in which there are many exercises that allow you to lose extra pounds and maintain your health.

yoga for fat people

It is best if the performance of asanas is observed experienced trainer, because fat people have to make a lot of effort for this, and inept movements can lead to damage to the joints.

One of the most effective sports training, positive effect on weight loss is fitness, but in this case, very obese people should start training with caution. Start with light exercises and small loads, such as walking, and only then move on to easy run. This transition can take up to twelve weeks, but it will be painless for the body.

With any type of training, you should not miss classes, because it is in their regularity that the key to success lies. Classes should be held twice a week - this is the optimal amount of training that will benefit your health. Active jumps are not recommended for fat people, as they can harm the bone and ligament apparatus. Experts recommend ladies with overweight choose these types sports exercises like swimming, walking, cycling.

Great benefits will bring such workouts under the supervision of an instructor, such as stretching, Pilates, yoga. Do exercises to develop balance, flexibility, strength that will not harm your health and will be effective in reducing weight, strengthening muscles and raising tone. If it’s hard for you to tune in and start playing sports, find reasons that will become great motivation for training, and then any exercise will bring you not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Exercises for obese people: abdominal vacuum, plank, fukutsuji

Naturally, with such excess weight, a person will not be able to run, and it is difficult for him to walk.

If everything were so simple, then we would not have fat people.

It makes no sense to lose weight if you are undergoing a course of treatment with hormonal drugs. Take the course, do not be upset that hormones have given you a lot of extra pounds.
At the end of taking hormones, everything can be brought into the desired shape.

Very often it happens that by stopping such treatment, the person himself loses weight to its former size.

If you have a large excess weight, you need to do only two things:

In the diary, we note the date, day of the week, time of walk and approximate distance.

And we also note how many times a day you ate today, ideally 5-7 times a day, in small portions. And of course, at least approximately the total number of kilocalories eaten per day.

In a fat person, the problem of being overweight is a slow metabolism.

And, as a rule, rare food 1 - 2 times a day. Eating rarely and little, a person thinks that in this way he will lose weight.

And it turns out the other way around, with a rare diet, metabolism (metabolism) slows down even more.
And the slower it is, the more completeness.

As they say, everything is good in moderation.

A person can be very full from banal overeating.
What happens to the stomach when a person eats a lot?
Very simple: the stomach is stretched. Overeating, all the excess is deposited in fat.
Our liver can absorb in one meal 90 grams of glycogen. The rest "goes" to fat.

A distended stomach is not satisfied with a small amount of food.
And having eaten a little, a person simply feels a feeling of hunger. He didn't eat.

In this case, you can do the following. Dial your usual large portion and remove from it, about one third. This amount will be quite enough to saturate the body.
And the feeling that I didn’t eat enough goes away after 10-20 minutes. It can't be tolerated for long.

The same thing happens when you take a small, not enough food. The body feels the lack of nutrition. And everything you eat is trying to identify as fat.

After all, fat is the energy reserve of the body. And he will spend it last. First of all, he will take energy from the muscles.
And they don't really work for us.

I described this moment in more detail, so that you would understand what happens when you rarely and little eat, and even move a little. It is clear that with a lot of weight, moving is problematic.

This is called a sedentary lifestyle. And in order to complete our task and get effective weight loss of 20 - 40 or even more kilograms, we must (without this, in any way),

First, just on the mobile. And then to high mobility.

This is done very gradually. As they say: slowly but surely.
That's what we need for you to see your progress

And remember one more thing important rule: .

You can lose weight without harm to health by 500 grams per week.

And so the strategy and tactics of our weight loss.

The route has been decided. Now our main task is to lift the ass from the sofa or bed and drag it outside.

When leaving the entrance, you turn on the stopwatch (now it is on the watch and in any cell phone) and

As soon as you feel that fatigue has come, fatigue, or the feeling of a pleasant walk has passed, go home. Do not forget to record the time of the walk.

Arriving home, you need to immediately, before you forget, write down the time of the walk in your diary.
By the way, the diary can be made in the form of a sheet of paper on the wall, then it will be in front of your eyes all the time.

And so we have the first point of reference. It's time for the first walk.

Walks are carried out every day according to the above scheme. No need to speed up the pace of walking and time. The first two weeks we walk exactly as much as it is pleasant. The body should get used to it and not feel the tension. Absolutely none.

Gradually, as you get used to your walking distance, you will feel that you can walk a little more, you will even want to do it, then you need to add walking time. Add just as much as you like.

And of course, write it down in your diary. With such “small checkers” we will approach your global dream - to lose weight to the desired size.

And it doesn’t matter at all: how much you walk on the first walk 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes.
The main progress, when there is a desire to add, you add the penetration time.

The first task we need to achieve is a walk for an hour.

By this time, you will already notice positive changes in the body.

By the same method, we very gradually bring walks up to 2 hours. By the way, it is likely that you will already walk faster. You don't need to do this specifically.
The body itself will feel light and move to a faster step.

Now there are such measuring devices, in the form of a watch or in the same cell phone, that can track distance, time and speed. It is advisable to purchase this device. Then we will see all the positive dynamics of training.

Yes, I did not make a reservation, for you this is already training. I understand that not everyone will be able to carve out 2 hours for walks, but this is your health, so try.

When the 2 hour walk limit is reached. (we already write down the time, speed, distance of the walk in the diary) and do not forget to note the daily calorie content.

So after one 2 hour walk. I need another walk the same day.
The first may be best in the morning, the second after lunch or in the evening.

The system is the same, during the second walk we walk slowly, enjoy it and do not forget to write down the time of the walk. As soon as you feel something is not right (from what was said earlier), we immediately stop, on this day, the second walk.

The task of the second walk: first reach 30 minutes, then up to an hour and the final goal is 2 hours.

Thus, we definitely need to do 2 hour penetrations 2 times a day.

You see how, very carefully, you need to accustom the body to movement.

And those who come to the gym in order to lose weight, and the instructor attacks them and drives them to a sweat, just stop exercising.

The body does not stand up, resists and refuses to train.

This happens in the form of not wanting to go to training, feeling unwell, or even the body can get sick. Because From overloads, he is greatly weakened.

And so, we already have two 2-hour walks in the asset. Which we do, experiencing pleasant sensations and joy from them.

By the way, the phrase “lose weight quickly” in our case is absolutely not suitable, and if I use it somewhere, it is only to attract attention and nothing more. Quickly this means not for a long time, and then to gain even more weight.

And we need for life and stable.

And yet, such training will save you from:


bronchial asthma,

improve digestion,

increase potency,

sleep will improve and will do many more things that are beneficial to health.

We complicate the task. Now, it's time for us to increase the penetration rate.

And increase it better method: "On the contrary." Those.

We increase the speed of penetration at the end of the walk.

In the last 5 - 10 minutes, again, if the body allows and does not resist.
And in the diary we write the acceleration time and preferably the speed and, of course, the distance, because at a higher speed, you will already cover a greater distance in the same 2 hours.
We increase the speed of penetration both on the first walk and on the second.

Warning: you should always remember that you are a living organism and your well-being can change.
One day you are full of energy and calmly pass and accelerate the movement, and on the other day and at low speed it is hard to go.

On difficult days, it is better to reduce the load or stop exercising altogether.

We rest two days a week. Rest from any physical activity. You can lie on the couch all day. This is no longer scary and will not lead to completeness.

Also, it's a bad habit to weigh yourself every day.

It is best to weigh yourself at the same time, in the same clothes. And just no more than once every 3 weeks.

But the scale will not give you an accurate understanding of how much weight you have lost. Since you train muscles, and muscles are much heavier than fat, and at the same weight, you can be thinner.

Therefore, it is best to take photographs.

Take photos at the very beginning of classes in 3 projections.
And take a photo every 3 months. More often it is not necessary, the first visible changes begin no earlier than 3 months. It's the visible ones.

Internal changes occur after 2 weeks of training.

And so, our task is to increase the speed of penetration in the last minutes of the walk.
And gradually start going faster and faster.

next intermediate step.

It is necessary to bring both penetrations for 2 hours at an average pace.

When you did it naturally, without much effort, you need to do it in the same sequence. Starting from the last minutes, go already at a fast pace.
I hope that everything is clear here.

The next and last task is to make 2 hour penetrations,
2 times a day at a fast pace.

Fast walking is approximately at a speed of 5 - 6 km / h.

When you have done this, fix the result. Walk at a fast pace for 3-4 weeks.

Yes, more, walks on fresh air Of course, it is preferable, but you can also train by walking and on a treadmill if this option suits you better.
It will just be more tedious. Walking down the path - there is no variety.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the first stage of the weight loss process.
It will not be in the next stages.

It is important here: regularity, a clear understanding of the goal and your desire.

So don't procrastinate on this matter.
Start right from tomorrow!

The huge load excess weight affects the heart, joints and spine, as well as respiratory system and veins, only at first glance it seems not such a big problem. But in addition to the above, young men and women who are overweight cannot sometimes conceive and bear offspring normally.

Deciding to fight extra pounds, but also using feasible physical activity, a person of impressive size faces difficulties - some of them are simply beyond his power. Elementary twists of the body or exercises for the press with a rise in the upper body are not possible, because body fat in the abdomen are not allowed to move.

What kind of physical activity is suitable for overweight people

  • Swimming. The best option for obese people, because in addition to training all muscle groups, a person receives natural hydromassage, which accelerates lymphatic drainage and guarantees skin tone;
  • Walking. To begin with, then fast or Scandinavian, using sticks, which means that the muscles of the hands also work;
  • Bike. The main condition is a high-quality stable bike that can withstand heavy loads. Plus cycling, like walking - training takes place in the fresh air, away from computers and refrigerators. A good replacement for a bicycle will be - you can pedal while watching your favorite show;
  • Dancing. Large ladies can give any kind, preferences to oriental dances, where exactly the “necessary” muscles are involved, and the load on the joints is quite sparing;
  • Skis. Skiing is available to everyone, they do not require special costs, and the effect of them is amazing;
  • Pilates, yoga. Perfect for overweight people who need stretching and breath control. On initial stage they will teach you to feel your body and breathe correctly, but it is important to understand that not all asanas you can perform.

What you need to know about fitness

Deciding on the need for training is half the path to success, because you always need to determine the goal and motivation. Only medical indications can serve as contraindications to classes in the hall, for example, too rare pulse and too high pressure , everything else allows you to start training. The training program compiled by the trainer should take into account your individual characteristics and exclude exercises that carry a risk to your health.

A few tips to help those who are determined to succeed:

  • For starters - medium pace, light weight and a short time workouts. It's foolish to hope that fat man calmly endure the usual training for the rest. It will be dangerous, a person will simply overstrain himself and drive himself away. The optimal time for the first classes is 20-30 minutes, consisting of 6-8 exercises, the pace is selected individually. Warming up and stretching after a workout is a must!
  • At the slightest opportunity - doing exercises while sitting or lying down, as well as on simulators. The load on the veins, joints of the legs and lower back in overweight people is many times greater than in those whose weight is slightly overweight. Exercises for shoulder girdle it is quite possible to perform sitting, and the leg press is preferable to lunges.
  • Individual approach to the choice of exercises. A competent trainer will definitely tell you how and with what to replace exercises that cannot be performed correctly due to significant body volumes. Instead of lifting and throwing your legs over your head in an exercise for the press, a bicycle or a pendulum is perfect.
  • Working out all muscle groups. You should break the time of classes into sections for the arms and chest, back, press, legs and buttocks. How more muscle will be involved at one time, the higher the effectiveness of training.
  • Regularity of training. After the first titanic efforts and liters of sweat shed in training, it is very difficult to force yourself (especially your body) to go to the second lesson. In fact, for those who overpower themselves the first two, three, or five times, the weight begins to go away very quickly, to the envy of those who cannot part with 5-7 extra pounds. Therefore, choosing the optimal training regimen for yourself, you need to stick to it and, if possible, do not miss classes.
  • Comfortable clothes. Sweat is only water, the amount of which you will replenish as soon as you drink a glass of water. Therefore, you should not warm yourself, loosely sitting on the body is the ideal choice.
  • Listen to yourself. The well-being of a person becomes an indicator for physical activity. Shortness of breath and sweating are a normal reaction of the body, but cold sweat, severe weakness and dizziness, pallor and nausea clearly indicate that the training must be urgently stopped.

Start with a pleasant and slowly get involved. Remember that weight loss is only possible together with fitness training and proper nutrition. Be healthy, take care of yourself!

A diet for very fat people is not very different from diets for those who lack 2-3 kg for complete happiness. Of course, there are nuances that do not allow the process of losing weight of the first and others to occur in the same way.

For example, they often cannot run, as well as perform even the most primitive physical exercise. Therefore, in the early stages of the process of transformation from a pig into a human, they have to limit themselves only to diet.

A sedentary lifestyle is very conducive to weight gain.

To begin with, let's decide who to call very fat. This category includes women tall, weighing over 100 kg, medium or tall, weighing over 120 kg, as well as men whose weight is 140+ kg with the same waist circumference, only in centimeters. In general, if your weight in numbers is not very different from height, congratulations - you are in the favorites category! The super prize for you is a ticket to a normal life. So let's get started.

Hormonal system

Often, in such overweight people who have been carrying this burden for more than a year, a bouquet of small and not very sores looms, associated with pressure on the heart, joints, and blood. Once you lose weight, most of them will go away on their own, but first visit your doctor, get tested and make sure that you do not have diseases that can interfere with weight loss.

When permission to lose weight from a doctor is received, you can proceed to the actual diet. But remember, while your weight is very large, the body is in a state of severe stress, therefore, if you experience ailments during weight loss, immediately consult a doctor. We have warned you.

Diet for very fat people

Rigid diets are forbidden for you, because you may have to diet for 2-3 years (what did you want? You probably didn’t gain fat in a month either) and the diet should have enough nutrients and calories to survive during this time. Be patient and get ready to lose no more than 4 kg per month at first and no more than 2 in the future.

Big overweight creates many problems in everyday life.

This is the only way to lose weight with a very large weight, without harming the body. In addition, too fast weight loss will cause severe sagging of the skin. Of course, to some extent, the skin will sag in any way. But over time, everything will return to normal.

Our weight loss will take place in stages. Each step will get more difficult. Think of it as a quest.

Stage 1

  • Eliminate all sweets from your diet. Sugar in tea and coffee also counts. None "one chocolate a week". Do it "Jerk", removing in one fell swoop all cookies, bars, pastries and sweet soda from the diet. If you really want something sweet, drink it. Infrequently.
  • The second exception is fast food. Hot dogs, shawarma, McDonald's food, crackers, nuts and other rubbish should be forgotten.

For a start, these restrictions are enough. Follow the conditions of the first stage for two months. During this time you will be able to If the weight is large, weight loss at first goes very quickly. Then the process slows down, this is normal.

Stage 2

  • We continue to exclude junk food from the diet. We limit all flour. Bread and pastries should be a thing of the past.
  • Stop eating potatoes.
  • We exclude rich broths, soups and borscht from the diet. Soups - only dietary, without fat.

Everything got a little more complicated. This phase will continue for another two months. How much you lose weight during this time depends on the individual characteristics of the body. At the expiration of this period Let's assume that you are ready for more serious restrictions.

Stage 3

  • Stop eating pasta. We replace them with oatmeal.
  • We exclude milk from the diet. Eat cottage cheese instead of milk. Fat free.
  • Bring your daily diet to mind: before 14:00 any cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.) with something protein (fish, meat, poultry, eggs,), after 14:00 - only protein foods.
  • Vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

It seems to you that there is nowhere to complicate your life? You just seem to. After 3 months, we move on to stage 4.

Stage 4

  • We cook all food without fat.
  • We limit the amount of fruit in the diet.
  • We drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Don't eat 3 hours before bed.

We follow this diet until the weight returns to normal. When that happens, you may find that it's been over a year since you started it, and if you haven't snapped yet, dietary restrictions won't bother you as much anymore.

Physical exercise

When you turn from a very fat person into just a well-fed person, you can add a little physical education to your daily routine for more effective weight loss. For starters, try just walking more.

Then you can go to light exercise from exercise therapy complex: swinging arms, tilting the body, swinging legs lying down. In the future, you can connect a more intense aerobic exercise - a stepper, an exercise bike, possibly running (carefully with your knees!), Swimming.

Don't give up and you will succeed. The time will come and you will not recognize yourself in the mirror!

It so happened that in communication on this resource, as well as on wellvideos and in mail-answers, I constantly come across people weighing 90 kilograms or more, who do not know how to lose weight, and think that with such a weight it is generally impossible. Walk past someone who asks for help, I could never. It is especially pitiful for 12-18-year-old girls who weigh 100 kilograms, fall into depression, give up, spoil their health with starvation diets, or ruin their backs and joints by trying to lift the body for pumping the press or squat. Yesterday I answered one girl who in one fitness club was forced to squat with 3-kilogram dumbbells, which made her back hurt a lot, and in another she was generally told to lose weight first, and then come back, because "pump muscle for fat it makes no sense".

Therefore, I write for people with great overweight this note with tips and links to videos for full- maybe it will be useful for someone.


1. People lose weight from any weight - 100, 120, 130 kg - it doesn't matter! The main thing is patience and faith in success! If this helps you in some way, look at the story of Ekaterina Mirimanova - who became famous for losing 60 kg on her own in 1.5 years, the information is on the Internet.

2. With a lot of weight, it is IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY to play sports, do not listen to those who say that you first need to lose weight (going on a diet), and then take up sports. Muscles help to speed up the metabolism - that is, they help to lose weight faster and wean the body from storing everything in fat. If you lose weight only on a diet without sports, you will slow down the metabolism even more, which is already slowed down in full ones, and at one fine moment, weight loss may stop altogether. The only BUT: you can’t do some exercises very complete - see point 3

3. Overweight it is undesirable to squat, run and jump, as well as lift the body while lying from the floor entirely to pump up the press - this can lead to diseases of the joints, spine and back muscles, because the load on them when big weight too big.

4. Best Views sports to start with very heavy weight - yoga, pilates, yogalates, stretching, dance aerobics, race walking in place (for example, from), as well as standing - without squats and tilts of the body. It is more difficult and dangerous to swing legs with a lot of weight, you can try to just lift them to the sides up to 45 degrees 10-20 times to start, in slow pace. If any specific exercises are given with pain in the lower back or knees - do not do them, replace them with others. It is also necessary to do morning exercises EVERY DAY for 15 minutes - this will help to be in good shape, speed up the metabolism and curb appetite a little. It is better to do exercises on the street or with an open window. After you manage to lose weight to 70-80 kg and improve your physical fitness a little, you can take on more complex and intensive classes - Gym, video complexes from, etc. If you have the opportunity to go to the gym from the first days of losing weight - that is, there is a trainer who is ready to work with you - go boldly. If there is no good trainer-advisor, it is better not to take it on your own, if you don’t know the execution technique, but do yoga and Pilates with a good trainer.

5. It is advisable to visit a competent nutritionist who will tell you what and how much to eat, calculate all the details for your height and weight, for your state of health. If it is not possible to go to a nutritionist, choose a diet, or, as well as the Montignac method or diet for. You can read, Oleg Tern's "The Suit for the Soul" and Filatov's "Theory and Practice of Fat Burning" are especially valuable

6. Be sure to consult a doctor and find out the reasons for such a strong weight gain - most often the reason is in some diseases and hormonal disruptions- these reasons need to be treated, then it will be easier to lose weight, and you won’t harm yourself with diets.

7. In no case should you sit on hungry and mono-diets - this always leads to breakdowns, and even if there were no breakdowns, but you managed to lose weight, the weight can return and become even more than before losing weight! With an initial weight of 90-100 kg, this is already dangerous for health! Therefore, do not reduce calories below 1200 kcal and below 30% of your caloric goal. It can be calculated according to the calorie content. Nutrition should be balanced - that is, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates should be in the diet in an approximate proportion of plus or minus 40-50% (carbohydrates) -35-50% (protein) -10-15% (fats). The basis of nutrition is chicken and turkey breast, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, cereals and fruits with berries and herbs. Nuts, milk, mushrooms, beef - also include 2-3 times a week. 2 tbsp vegetable oils or fish oil per day - necessarily (in a salad or separately). No sugar, mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages and dumplings, store juices and semi-finished products - it is advisable to give up all this for life. And from frying too - bake everything, stew without oil, on the grill, in a double boiler. Add oil only to the finished dish. There is less salt, sometimes you can use soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic and dried herbs with tomatoes instead, tomato paste. Learn to cook in a new way - without chemicals, sugar and monosodium glutamates. If you decide to count calories, don’t go crazy with them and don’t weigh yourself every day, just figure out approximate sets of diet and portions for the day, count calories for a week or two, and then it’s better by eye, otherwise it happens that calorie counting draws in and causes addiction and tantrums after each extra serving of fruit that did not fit into the calorie corridor - this is harmful to the psyche and leads to breakdowns.